The wife of Mark Zuckerberg is building the largest charitable organization in history (5 photos). Mark Zuckerberg: biography of the founder of Facebook Year of birth m zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg... This name is known to almost every person who has access to the Internet. Who is he? Programmer, businessman, philanthropist, family man and just a good guy who, in his relatively young age achieved what many have been trying to achieve for decades. This article will tell the biography of Mark Zuckerberg, the success story of his offspring called Facebook, as well as Interesting Facts from his personal life.

early years

The future billionaire was born on May 14, 1984 in American city White Plains, in a family of doctors. In his family, Mark was far from the only child. He also has three sisters: Randy, Donna and Ariel.

At the age of 10, young Mark Zuckerberg realized that he wanted to devote his life to programming. It was at this age that his parents bought him his first computer, at which he subsequently spent days on end. At first he wrote rather primitive programs, but over time his skills began to improve.

First successes

In high school, Zuckerberg created his own strategy game called "Risk", and even then Microsoft representatives drew attention to him, offering him a job. Due to the fact that Mark was an underage guy who had not yet graduated from high school, the deal never went through.

The next project of the future co-creator of Facebook was the Synapse program, which he wrote with his friend. This software worked on the basis of the Winamp audio player. It analyzed the musical tastes of listeners and showed a selection of similar compositions.

Studying at Harvard

This may surprise some, but programming was far from Mark's only hobby. At the time of entering a higher educational institution, he was engaged in fencing, studied ancient languages, and also devoted a lot of time to mathematics. Oddly enough, but at Harvard, he decided to enter the Faculty of Psychology. It was at this university that Zuckerberg began his path to success.

Creation of Facebook

While studying at Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg came up with the idea to create a website where students could communicate online. It is clear that it is very problematic to create such a large-scale project alone, so he enlisted the support of his comrades Dustin Moskvits, Andrew McCollum and Chris Hughes. Soon they were joined by who sponsored this project. After some time, a conflict occurred with the latter, which was resolved only in the courtroom.

The main reason for the popularity of Facebook was its convenience. Students could organize themselves into groups and areas that already existed in their schools. They had the opportunity to add their photos and any personal information- from favorite hobbies to love preferences. Mark Zuckerberg's company notes two main differences between Facebook and other popular social networks. First, it's real existing people looking for exactly the same people. Secondly, on this site you can choose which groups of users your data can be accessed - only to the guys from the university or to absolutely all site visitors, only to people from your city or, for example, to all fans of Frank Sinatra, etc.

The social network needed a good promotion, which was taken up by a large entrepreneur Peter Thiel. As a result, such promotion led to the incredible popularity of Facebook. Already in 2006, this site entered the TOP of the most popular US sites.

So who is the real author?

Which was originally created for Harvard students, has gained great popularity outside of this educational institution. But not everything was as smooth as it might seem at first glance. Two brothers who studied with Mark at the same faculty accused him of stealing the idea. This is partly true, since earlier they invited him as a programmer to create a similar site. They dragged Zuckerberg through the courts, but never won a single case. As a result, they were paid compensation in the amount of $45 million.

In addition to the success story of Facebook, many are interested in family life the creator of this site. We could not ignore this, and therefore we present to your attention a few facts about Priscilla Chan, the wife of Mark Zuckerberg.

  1. Priscilla achieves her goals on her own. At Quincy High School's graduation in 2003, it was she who was assigned to deliver the farewell speech. In America, only those students who performed well during the educational process are awarded such an honor. After graduating from high school, she entered Harward in the biology department. Between 2007 and 2008, she worked teaching activities. After these events, Mark's future wife entered the medical college at the department of pediatrics, which she successfully graduated shortly before her marriage.
  2. This may surprise some, but Mark Zuckerberg met his wife even before he created Facebook and became a famous billionaire. Their first meeting took place at a university party, when they... Were standing in line for the toilet.
  3. Mark and Priscilla do not like pathos and glamour. IN free time they prefer to walk in the park, play bocce (a game reminiscent of bowling and petanque), and also spend their evenings board games. In addition, many journalists have repeatedly criticized the Zuckerberg family for the fact that they dress tastelessly and have no style.
  4. Priscilla is the initiator of Facebook's organ donation program and is generally active in charity work with her husband.
  5. Before the wedding, Mark and Priscilla dated for almost 10 years. When they decided to tie the knot in their lives, they tried to make sure that this news did not get into the media. Moreover, they did not even tell their relatives about it. Priscilla invited them to a party, and the reason for the holiday was the receipt of a scientific degree. Only during the celebration did everyone find out that this couple had arranged a wedding.

Mark Zuckerberg children

At the time of this writing, Mark and Priscilla are the parents of two daughters - Maxim (or as Max's parents call her) and August. The first was born in 2015, and the second two years later.

Zuckerberg is Rockefeller's grandson?!

In 2017, the famous banker David Rockefeller left our world. Almost immediately after this event, the world community was stirred up by an incredible rumor: Mark Zuckerberg is actually the grandson of David Rockefeller, and his real name is Jacob Michael Greenberg!

According to unofficial news sources, the history of the creation of Facebook is an ordinary fiction, invented as a distraction. In their opinion, this whole story with a working-class student who, together with friends, created a multimillion-dollar social network, was created so that young people would believe that they could succeed from scratch. According to these sources, Mark Zuckerberg is just a pawn in the hands of more powerful people, and Facebook is a global surveillance system created by the CIA. The same media called Zuckerberg the great-grandson of Maurice Greenberg, a well-known American entrepreneur and owner of the largest insurance companies CEO AIG and VC Starr.

On this moment these unofficial sources have not provided any evidence that the above information is true. As we mentioned, Mark Zuckerberg was born into a family of ordinary doctors. His father was a dentist and his mother was a psychiatrist.

"Social network"

Released in 2010 Feature Film about Mark Zuckerberg called The Social Network. The director of the picture was made and the screenwriter - The synopsis of the picture is as follows:

At the center of the story is a 21-year-old student named Mark. He studies at the prestigious Harvard University and is in a relationship with a girl, Erica Albright. Mark belongs to the type of people who feel good only when surrounded by people like themselves. The strangeness of his character and obsession with studies eventually led to the fact that the girl left him. After these events, the protagonist's neighbor invited him to compare photos of university girls online. Mark, wanting revenge on his ex-lover, this idea was approved and successfully implemented. After this success, students from the prestigious Harvard club pay attention to Mark, who offer him interesting project. But the main character already has his own idea and it is much more global.

The opinion of the creator of Facebook about the film "The Social Network"

Despite the fact that Mark Zuckerberg initially stated that he would not watch David Fincher's tape, he nevertheless got acquainted with it. The creator of Facebook praised the film for the accuracy of everyday details (like T-shirts and flip-flops that main character), but criticized it in other aspects. First, he noted that a character named Erica Albright never actually existed. Secondly, he did not like the idea that the main character created a social network just because of his ex girlfriend. According to Zuckerberg, this goes against reality, since he created Facebook only out of interest in what he loves.

Despite claims by the real Mark, story writer Aaron Sorkin, whose screenplay is an adaptation of Ben Metzrich's The Accidental Billionaires: The Making of Facebook, a story about sex, money, genius and betrayal, maintained that the events of the picture were not fictional. , he noted that Erica Albright, played by actress Rooney Mara, is a real-life woman whose real name has been changed.

One of the producers of The Social Network even stated that this picture is nothing more than a metaphor through which director David Fincher showed how people communicate with each other. He also thanked Mark himself for allowing them to use events from his life as the basis for the film.

I would like to complete our article with a few interesting facts about Zuckerberg and his offspring:

Your attention was given a biography of Mark Zuckerberg, a photo of this millionaire, facts from his personal life, as well as the story of his incredible success. We hope that this article was interesting for you and you learned a lot of new things!

Celebrity biographies


13.09.16 10:14

Arranging an "online beauty contest", he did not think what stunning consequences this would lead to. Biography of Mark Zuckerberg young billionaire in history - began with a student prank.

Biography of Mark Zuckerberg

Son of a New York suburban dentist

Mark was born in large family dentist Edward Zuckerberg and his psychiatrist wife Karen Kempner on May 14, 1984. The Zuckerbergs lived in a small Westchester County village 21 miles north of midtown Manhattan. Jews Edward and Karen raised three daughters (Randy, Donna, Ariel) and an only son.

At the age of 13, Mark underwent a Jewish bar mitzvah, but later admitted that he was an atheist and did not support any denominations. Despite this, he believes in karma and believes that the most amazing religion in the world is Buddhism.

The school biography of Mark Zuckerberg is full of bright pages. He excelled at Ardsley High School and was transferred to Phillips Exeter Academy in Hampshire where he won prizes in mathematics, physics, astronomy and classical studies. When Mark entered college, he stated on his application that he could read and write French, Ancient Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. In addition, he was the captain of the fencing team.

Programming prodigy

By the time he started studying at Harvard (in 2002), Zuckerberg had already earned a reputation as a programming prodigy. Despite the fact that Mark entered the psychology department, the newly minted student studied computer science and joined the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. In his second year, he wrote the computer program CourseMatch, which helped form study groups.

And soon Mark created another program, originally called "Facemash", which allowed students to choose the best photos. It was just an entertainment site where pictures of two guys or two girls were posted, and visitors had to vote which one was “hot”. This is how the rating of one or another participant was formed. Over a couple of weekends, the site was visited by a record number of students. But by Monday morning, the college had shut it down because Harvard's computer network had simply collapsed under the pressure. The college leadership did not know that this was the beginning of the Facebook era.

youngest billionaire

Mark left Harvard in his second year to finish his project. Together with several friends (including Dustin Moskowitz), Zuckerberg moved to Palo Alto. There they rented a small house, which became their "headquarters". During the summer, Mark found a sponsor (Peter Thiel became it), he invested money in new company. On initial stage The work was financially helped by a Harvard student from Brazil, Eduardo Saverin, who later sued Zuckerberg and received a 5 percent stake in Facebook.

The first office of the company appeared in the middle of 2004, and soon Mark, who owns 24% of the shares of the company he invented, became the youngest billionaire on the planet.

Released in October 2010, Fincher's biopic The Social Network is a detailed account of the start, development of Facebook and litigation ah around the company. Zuckerberg did not welcome the idea of ​​making such a movie: "I did not want someone to film the biography of Mark Zuckerberg while I was alive." However, he later appreciated the drama (which received two Oscars and four Golden Globes) at its true worth. The role of Mark in the film was played by Jesse Eisenberg.

The actor and his character first shook hands on the show "Saturday Night at live in January 2011.

Generosity is his middle name

On December 9, 2010, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett signed a pledge they called The Giving Pledge. This agreement stipulates that each millionaire (billionaire) who signed it must donate 50% or more of his wealth to charity. Later, other billionaires joined the "oath".

Mark not only traveled the world, promoted his social network widely, contributed to the creation of numerous applications, but also remained one of the most famous philanthropists.

So, on December 19, 2013, Zuckerberg gave part of Facebook shares to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (donations amounted to approximately $ 990 million). On December 31, 2013, this gift was recognized as the largest charitable contribution. Every year, Mark is included in the top 50 most generous Americans, his total contribution to a good cause has already exceeded $ 1 billion.

In the fall of 2012, Mark visited Moscow, and his lecture at Moscow State University. Lomonosov caused a huge stir.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

Together with Priscilla

With my future wife Mark met Priscilla Chan at a fraternity party when he was a sophomore at Harvard. In 2003, they started dating. Priscilla is the daughter of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees who came to the United States after the fall of Saigon in 1975. She was born in Braintree, a suburb of Boston (Massachusetts). Chang studied at the University of California School of Medicine.

In September 2010, Zuckerberg invited his girlfriend to move in, and they began to live in Palo Alto. In December of the same year, the couple traveled to China. Prior to this, Mark managed to master the basics of Mandarin.

On May 19, 2012, Zuckerberg and Chan got married in the backyard of the groom's house, combining the celebration of the wedding and the graduation of Priscilla from medical school.

Gratitude for the birth of Max

One thing overshadowed the personal life of Mark Zuckerberg and his wife - they could not become parents in any way. Priscilla suffered three miscarriages. But on July 31, 2015, Mark announced that his wife was pregnant again, and this time the risk of losing a child is minimized.

On December 1, 2015, the first-born of a billionaire, the daughter of Maxim ("Max") Chan Zuckerberg, was born. IN open letter to Max Mark and Priscilla promised to donate 99% of their Facebook shares - this is how they expressed their gratitude to fate for the birth of their daughter.

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg(b. 1984) - American programmer of Jewish origin, entrepreneur in the field of Internet technologies, dollar billionaire, one of the developers and founders social network Facebook.

Zuckerberg's biography is of great interest to many people, because at such an early age he became one of the richest people peace. He donates every year large sums for charity.

Zuckerberg's thesis work was the Synapse program, which allowed the computer to independently determine the order musical compositions. Microsoft would later buy it from Mark for $2 million.

In 2002, Zuckerberg entered the faculty of Harvard University. In parallel with this, the student attended IT courses. In the future, he will say more than once that hacking was his main life credo.

After 2 years, he wrote the program "CourseMatch", which allowed students to communicate with each other.

After that, Mark developed the "Facemash" project, thanks to which users could rate each other's photos. An interesting fact is that in order to create the project, he had to hack the database of the educational institution.

For this, Zuckerberg was almost expelled from the university, as users began to complain that their photos were being used without permission.

As a result, Facemash was closed, but this did not stop the talented programmer. After correcting his previous mistakes, he immediately creates a new project.


Initially, Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates created the Facebook social network so that Harvard students could actively communicate with each other.

Many other universities soon joined this network. On Facebook, people could view photos of friends, find out useful information about a person, as well as find interest groups.

However, this required considerable funds. As a result, Mark took an example from, namely, he left Harvard, and invested in his project all the money set aside for education.

In 2004, important events took place in Zuckerberg's biography: he moved to Palo Alto, and registered Facebook in his name. Later, he began to cooperate with wealthy investors, whose money made his project even more famous.

Mark Zuckerberg with Ivan Urgant

In 2015, Zuckerberg made a sensational announcement that he was ready to donate 99% of Facebook shares to charity.

Today, he continues to be one of the richest and most popular people in the world. Mark often appears in various TV shows as a guest.

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Even people who are not registered on Facebook and have a vague idea about this social network are familiar with the name of Mark Zuckerberg today. Having started its growth from a modest student association, Facebook has gradually grown to the scale, one might say, of an all-planetary means of communication.

No matter what language you speak, no matter where you are in the world, no matter what your range of interests is, with the help of Facebook you can easily find friends, like-minded people and helpers.

The creator of this universal virtual portal is a seemingly ordinary guy Mark Zuckerberg. Meeting him by chance on the street, you are unlikely to be very interested or surprised: a young man in a simple gray T-shirt and comfortable sneakers does not make any special impression.

But appearances are deceiving and Mark seems like an ordinary guy only until you decide to "dig" a little deeper.

In 2019, Mark will be only 35. By this age, he managed to achieve everything that fortune can give a person.

Beginnings: childhood

Mark was born on May 14, 1984 in Wyatt Plains (territorially it is part of New York). He became the second child of Edward and Karen Zuckerberg. Daughter Randy was born first. After Mark, two more girls were born: Donna and Ariel.

The older Zuckerbergs worked in healthcare: Edward is a dentist (he still does not leave his job today), Karen is a psychiatrist. Children with early age we saw how parents can organize their working day with maximum efficiency: the treatment room was located in the same house where they lived.

Karen helped her husband keep a record of patients, took over administrative functions. There was no need to travel to work, thanks to which the couple managed to devote time to earning money and raising four heirs.

Often, children came to their father in an office equipped with last word technology. There has always been perfect order. By personal example, the parents gave the children a lesson on the competent organization of the workspace.

Edward and Karen Zuckerberg adhered to parenting enough strict rules, while always encouraging the craving for knowledge and independence. Measures of physical influence in the family were never used, but the children had certain limits beyond which they could not go in pranks.

Edward Zuckerberg said in an interview that there were always computers in his office equipped with modern programs, and children were taught to communicate with this technology on “you” almost from infancy. Having once noticed Mark's increased interest in everything related to IT technologies, his parents gave him a Quantex 486DX.

At that time the boy was 10 years old. This was the starting point at the beginning future career and, one might say, the deeds of Mark's entire life. He began to study Atari BASIC, one of the then popular programming languages. Soon the first attempts to create their own software product began: boy friends brought their drawings to Mark, and the young programmer invented and created computer games based on them.

The next fruit of the labors of young Mark is the ZuckNet program. It allowed to communicate with people who are far enough away from each other. Mark's father installed this application on his computer and used his son's work for its intended purpose: discussing various matters with his assistant.


At school, Mark studied with pleasure. He was distinguished by curiosity and the ability to easily assimilate the material of any subject. Natural science disciplines (mathematics, chemistry, physics) were especially easy for the future programmer, as well as foreign languages. By the time he entered college, Mark was fluent in an impressive list of languages ​​that included:

  • French;
  • Hebrew;
  • ancient Greek.

Friends claim that he freely recited by heart huge passages from Homer's Iliad.

There were two secondary schools where Mark studied: first - the Ardsley school, then - Phillips Exeter Academy. After that there was a college, and the final step was Harvard University, where, by the way, by the time Mark entered, she was already studying his science. elder sister Randy.

All the time while Mark accumulated knowledge, he was fond of programming. Although higher education he got in the field of psychology (probably influenced by his mother), his favorite "horse" was the creation of computer programs.

IN student years he created the CourseMatch program. With its help, students chose those disciplines that are interesting to them and that they would like to study in depth.

All this was an excellent preparation for the project, which once “shot”, so much so that it conquered the whole world with one shot, - Facebook.

Personal life

In school and student years, Mark was not particularly popular with girls. Perhaps he could be attributed to the category of guys who are called "nerds": he devoted all his free time to study, he was not fond of student feasts. However, such a complete immersion in creativity still did not prevent him from getting to know his future life partner - Priscilla Chan.

The girl turned out to be a match for Mark - the same gifted, passionate about her studies, striving to achieve success in the business field. She studied medicine.

Young people met for a long time, and the marriage was registered only in 2012. Friends and relatives were invited to the celebration, to whom it was first announced that the celebration was being held on the occasion of Priscilla receiving her doctorate in medicine. And only when they got to the house, the friends realized that they were at a wedding.

The couple has two children: daughter Max was born in 2015, and daughter August was born in 2017. Mark was very caring father: he willingly helps his wife bathe and entertain the little ones. For the sake of the children, he even for a while abandoned active participation business while on maternity leave.

Mark and Priscilla lead a fairly modest lifestyle, do not try to "shine" at various events, their names do not appear in the scandalous chronicle. It looks like the couple is happy.

Of Mark's three sisters, the eldest, Randa, was the most closely related to him, and not only through family ties: she for a long time worked for Facebook doing advertising.

Randa even wrote a book about this period. It's interesting that family ties did not give Randa any advantages: her brother treated her the same way as other employees, and once tore up a report he did not like.


How did Facebook start? Mark Zuckerberg was a Harvard sophomore in 2003. It was then that he came up with the idea of ​​a large-scale network that both students and other people could use, primarily to solve some professional problems.

In the process of “training”, a promising student hacked into the university server and “stole” the photos and other data stored there. He was accused of copyright infringement.

The incident brought the novice programmer notoriety. He continued to work on the project and in 2004 revealed to the world a new social network - Thefacebook.


For the development of the project, substantial sums of money were needed. Starting capital the creator did not have the required amount, so he began to look for those who wanted to invest their money. It was assumed that in the future all this would pay off and the social network would bring good profits.

Another Harvard student, Eduardo Saverin, acted as an investor. He was rich and well versed in business - at least, such assumptions were made by Zuckerberg. In one of the messages to a friend, Mark writes: "Eduardo will pay for my servers... He thinks he will make money... I don't know about the business."

In fact, Zuckerberg admitted that he was unsure of the return on investment. His intention was different: “I will be satisfied if I do something cool.”

The social network expanded rapidly and more and more money was needed. Well-known businessmen in the States saw interesting prospects for the project and began to willingly invest considerable sums. Here are their names: Peter Thiel, Ride Hoffman, Mark Pincus. The developer felt that it was time to get out of the role of a schoolboy and seriously get involved in the Big Deal.


At this stage, difficulties began with the first investor of the company. Eduardo Saverin didn't play by the rules that Zuckerberg had set at his (now simply Facebook) company. Eduardo tried to convince the head of the company that it is necessary to use the possibilities of Internet advertising to the maximum.

In addition, he creates the Joboozle project to help potential employers and job seekers meet. All this causes Mark's dissatisfaction: firstly, he does not want to turn his social network into a space for advertising, and secondly, he reproaches Eduardo for unworthy rivalry: they say, Facebook should also soon develop a platform to help job seekers. It turns out that Saverin "crosses the road."

When it became clear that the paths of the founders had finally diverged, the question arose of eliminating a competitor. And Mark does the following: he sells the company and acquires a new one so that the number of shares owned by Eduardo is sharply reduced. His stake in the case is simply eroded.

After the lawsuit, Saverin was actually removed from the management of the company and signed an agreement to transfer all intellectual property and voting rights to Mark Zuckerberg.

This foggy story was not the last for Facebook, "highlighted" the name of its owner in court.

For real loud scandal flared up when it was revealed that between 2014 and 2017, the social network transferred data of its users to Cambridge Analytica. Of course, this was done without obtaining the consent of users.

Cambridge Analytica analyzed the data and used it to create portraits of American voters, that is, illegally used in the process of preparing for presidential elections. According to some data, these were the personal data of 50 million, according to others - 86 million people.

The precedent turned out to be so egregious that not only the Massachusetts Attorney's Office, but even the European Parliament became interested in the process.

After litigation, Facebook was fined $238,000.

How did the head of the social network react to the incident? Facebook is satisfied with the court's decision, a spokesman for Gauthier said. Zuckerberg held several meetings with people in high positions and announced that from now on Facebook is at war.

And this means that it is necessary to develop a methodology that will reliably protect the personal data of users. More such leakage of information should not be allowed.

Second important task"wartime" Zuckerberg announced the search for opportunities to expand the user base. No wonder: after all, some people, fearing a possible leakage of personal data, will move to some other platforms.

How Facebook Makes Money

For most of us, Facebook is a means of communication and communication. But no company will last long if it does not bring money to its founder. Interesting data: the social network earns $ 5.45 per user. This is on average. If we take into account the Europeans, for them this figure will be equal to about 8 dollars, and in Canada and the USA it is 23.59 dollars.

The scheme of earning capital is simple - by selling advertising. Advertising placement is used widely and actively:

  • ads;
  • video;
  • advertising posts.

A very interesting thing is targeted advertising. It is worth the user to "walk" through the pages of travel agencies and look after themselves, for example, ski tour- offers of excellent ski equipment, conveniently located hotels, courses and instructors teaching the art of dashing skiing from the mountains will immediately begin to unobtrusively pop up.

The social network in cinema

Facebook has become so famous that a movie has already been made about it. The name is simple: "Social network". The film tells about the beginning of the path of Mark Zuckerberg, the first steps and the development of his grandiose project. In general, the facts coincide with reality, although there is fiction - the filmmakers themselves admit that they do not claim to be one hundred percent truthful.

So, probably, to create intrigue, director David Fincher makes the cinematic Mark meet a certain girl and go through a difficult breakup with her. Allegedly, this was the starting point for the emergence of the idea of ​​​​Facebook - a network that would make it easy to make acquaintances and without the barriers that sometimes appear in real life, communicate.

The film goes on to tell how a grieving Mark hacks into the university server and creates a page where you can vote for the most beautiful Harvard student. And all this happens in one night.

Subsequent events develop according to a scenario similar to reality.

The real Mark Zuckerberg reacted coolly to the film. On the one hand, he admired how the creators accurately reproduced it external image- eternal unpretentious gray T-shirts and light sneakers.

On the other hand, he pointed to the fact that no girl left him on the eve of the creation of Facebook. Moreover, then he already knew Priscilla - his only love.

Mark Zuckerberg today

In the book "Durov's Code" by Nikolai Kononov, which tells about the life and work of the author of the Russian major social network VKontakte, Mark Zuckerberg is presented as a cold and unemotional person, whose soul is truly dark for others.

Let's try to slightly open the veil of secrecy: what is the young billionaire really like?


Perhaps a lot can be said about a person's decision to give part of their income to charity. One day (it was in 2015), Mark and Priscilla announced that they would give 99% of their Facebook shares over the course of their lives to help those in need.

The couple keeps their word: Today, Mark is the creator and curator of dozens of charitable foundations.

Visiting Russia

In 2012, apparently as part of a project to expand the Facebook network, the young billionaire came to Russia. He met with Medvedev and twice "lit up" on the air of the programs of the first channel. Then Zuckerberg gave a lecture for students of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

There were rumors that all this was undertaken to create a development center for the Facebook project in Russia, taking into account the local "color". They also feared the active recruitment of young ambitious guys and the subsequent "brain drain".

Nothing happened: Mark just talked about the features of his social network, drew attention to its advantages and encouraged everyone to register their own page.


Mark Zuckerberg is an honorary doctor of jurisprudence from Harvard University.

He is Time magazine's 2010 Person of the Year. And he is recognized as the youngest billionaire in the world. And to this day it remains so.


Forbes magazine, which loves to follow the lives of the world's top billionaires, has steadily ranked Mark Zuckerberg among the very first for several years now.

But this year, after a major scandal involving the leakage of user data and a lawsuit, Zuckerberg's fortune was in jeopardy: if in January 2018 it was $ 75 billion, then by December 2018 it was "only" $ 56 billion. During the year, the businessman lost more than $19 billion.

However, now the situation has somewhat stabilized. Most likely, the head of the company will be able to cope with the problem - it was not for nothing that he declared “martial law” to his employees.


Mark Zuckerberg is accused of spending hours on social media for young people virtual communication seems to many simpler than the real thing. He himself says the following about it:

What does a person need to be able to fully realize himself in life? Let's listen to Mark: "A person can be a genius ... but if he does not believe in himself, he will not give all his best." This means that he will not reach the heights that, in principle, were available to him. So, the beginning of the beginning of any business is faith in yourself and your strength!


Mark Zuckerberg leads a normal life without "billionaire manners". He gets up in the morning at 8 o'clock and goes for a run. Sometimes he takes his beloved dog with him, which is more fun to run with. Then he eats breakfast, not really paying attention to what exactly appears on his table - Mark is not a fan healthy eating. Then he gets behind the wheel of his Volkswagen Golf GTI and goes on business.

Working on improving Facebook takes him, by his own admission, 50-60 hours a week. He successfully solves many problems without leaving home. By the way, the house in the city of Palo Alto, where Mark lives with his family, is managed by a virtual assistant. Zuckerberg created it himself.

Most of interesting ideas visits Mark, ironically, just when he is distracted from work.

Does the billionaire have free time? When such moments fall, Mark devotes them to reading, learning Mandarin Chinese and, of course, raising daughters.


Mark checks the news every morning by checking WhatsApp, Facebook and Facebook Messenger. Therefore, if you want to chat with him, the easiest way to catch him at the beginning of the day is there.

Mark Zuckerberg is a legend for his generation. He is not yet 40, and his name is known in every corner the globe. How did he achieve worldwide recognition? Talent? Undoubtedly. And also great hard work, perseverance and the desire to go to the goal by any means (albeit not always flawless - remember the story of the first investor Eduardo Saverin).

Be that as it may, today Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire who has achieved his goal of “doing something cool.” And we have Facebook, thanks to which we can make friends living in the most remote parts of the planet.

One of the richest men on the planet - Mark Zuckerberg - frankly ugly wife.

She has an expressionless face with a nose smeared over it, like semolina, and a figure - shit.

Short massive legs, stooped shoulders swollen with fat, wide rib cage, on which the downcast pancakes of boobs were lost.


I look at this and do not understand what the billionaire is doing next to this disgusting torso.

Maybe he's gay? Impotent? Maybe he has fecal incontinence? There must definitely be something wrong with him. Question: what exactly?

I tried to find the answer by looking at the photos of the couple. Look at them too.






What do you see - a billionaire with ugly wife or love? I am the second. It's pretty obvious to me that Zuckerberg loves his Priscilla.

Something else is also obvious to me: alas, like many of you born in the “scoop”, I have the mentality of a citizen of a third world country.

I'm trying to exterminate this rogue shit out of myself and quite, I think, successfully.

For example, I wear gray T-shirts that are comfortable, and I don’t go out into the street in a “hook me, man” look. Moreover, I don't like it when a man pays for me. Not because I'm unfeminine, but because money is too easy.

If a comrade wants me to look at him with admiration, respect him, love him, let him do something really worthwhile, and not bear the costs that I, without straining, can incur without his participation.

As you can see, I didn’t get stuck in the nineties or zero, but went further. And yet, when I saw a pair of Zuckerbergs, my first reaction was incomprehension: “How is it?”

It speaks to me the mentality of a resident of third world countries.

In these countries, the main opportunity for a woman to get out into the people is to cling to a richer man with her pussy, like a sucker. And when an ugly pussy manages to stick to this, a resident of a third world country is surprised: “How is it? Around - full of beautiful pussy. Why did he choose an ugly one? Not new? Not the one that is located between the long podium legs? What's wrong with him?"

Actually, that's how it is with him. He loved. Loved the personality, not the sexual organ. And this is wonderful.

I am worried about something else, this rogue mentality, in principle, can be completely eliminated, or will it, like a chronic disease, always live in our bodies?

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