Problems of virtual communication. Features of virtual communication Do you like virtual or real communication

Dzhantalieva Anel

Scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren - "First steps in science" direction - Psychology (research work)




II. Main part ……… ……………………………………………………………………..3-9

Chapter 1. The concept of communication in psychology. Virtual Reality and Man……………3-5

Chapter 2 8

Chapter 3


IV. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………… 11

I Introduction

“Treat people like they really are.

What they would like to be, and you will help them to become such,

So said the great German poet Goethe.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen. In communication, there is an exchange of spiritual values, the transfer of information from the older generation to the younger, from one nation to another. Communication with an adult is very important for the mental development of a child, especially in the early stages of its development. It is in the process of communication that the child acquires the most important mental and behavioral qualities. A child needs an adult as much as possible. Communication between an adult and a child should be emotionally positive. Thus, the child creates an emotionally positive tone, which is a sign of physical and mental health.

Vygotsky L.S. believed that the relation of the child to the world is a dependent and derived value from the most direct and concrete of his relations to an adult.

Therefore, it is so important to lay the foundation for a trusting relationship between a child and an adult, providing emotionally and psychologically favorable conditions for the harmonious development of the child.

The rapid development of technology has led to the emergence ofvirtual communication. This type of communication is becoming more and more popular, there is no need for a person to go outside to get to the store, there is no need to go to visit, to the theater to the cinema, everything is possible via the Internet. An adult has some experience of communication, since many were born in the era of "not universal computer literacy." Modern children, born with a TV remote control and a computer mouse in their hands, often have low communication skills, as they spend most of their time in virtual communication.

Today, every day, many people suddenly discover the existence of global computer networks that unite computers around the world in a single information space, whose name is the Internet. The Internet is multifaceted and it is impossible to clearly define what it is. At present, almost anyone with access to a computer with a simple modem can use the huge Internet provided in their activities.

II.Main part

Chapter 1. The concept of communication in psychology. Virtual reality and man.

Communication is a deliberate influence and impact on the behavior, state, attitudes of a partner. When communicating, there is an exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual assessment, empathy, the formation of beliefs, views, character, intelligence.

At present, it is impossible to imagine the life of people without communication. Every day, people all over the world solve global issues, argue, make responsible decisions and simply exchange information through the means of communication. Communication covers a special class of relations between subjects, where assistance or opposition, agreement or contradiction, empathy or emotional deafness is found.

Virtual communication is a special world in which a person can be himself or someone else, not being afraid to express his emotions, feelings, doing the most incredible things, not being afraid to regret it.

The word "to the virtual "came from quantum physics, where it is used in the sense of "possible, apparent" and refers to elementary particles in unobservable states. By analogy, "virtual reality" (the concept was first introduced by the American entrepreneur D. Lanier) is an apparent, illusory world, opposite real, in which a person can be transported.

1. Communication on the network is usually divided into two types:

- Synchronous communication, online communication or real-time communication, that is, when participants are at the same time at their computers connected to the network, and it is also necessary that the same software tools be launched on the computers. The most popular types of online communication are the so-called chats - a quick conversation; printed speech, possibly supplemented by multimedia features: sound, video image. Programs for organizing online communication (programs for instant data exchange) are diverse, to name just a few of the most popular, Skype, Googletalk, ICQ, Magent.

- Asynchronous communicationunlike online, it can take place in a delayed mode of sending messages, which does not require a one-time stay in the network of those communicating. These types of resources include forums, blogs, e-mail.

Virtual communication should serve to strengthen or build new relationships in real life, but not to destroy existing ones in pursuit of ghostly mirages.

Virtual friendly communication is based on a commonality of interests, values, worldview and can continue without reinforcement by real-life communication for the longest time and contribute to the development of the personality of both communicating parties. And such communication should not be at the expense of communication in real life.

In virtual communication, the rule is more relevant than ever: the less you expect from the interlocutor, more precisely, the fewer requirements you make, the greater the chance not to be disappointed and get a positive experience and positive emotions from dating, communication and online relationships.

Recently, it has become quite fashionable to talk about all kinds of social networks, dating chats, Internet pagers, about people's dependence on them, as well as about the influence of the latter on the human psyche. Virtual communication, under certain conditions, will sooner or later turn into a social disease for us, which, like the virus will spread and infect one by one.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the formation of psychological dependence on Internet communication in general and on social networks in particular. In psychology, addiction is understood as a special behavior of a person, expressed in the fact that the objective reality that is available ceases to fully satisfy the spiritual needs of the individual (the need for communication, self-respect, the realization of one’s “I”, etc.). ), which in turn makes him look for some kind of alternative reality, where these needs could be satisfied. This is important to understand for the reason that not all virtual communication can be called an addiction. In general, a special scientific discipline makes a great contribution to determining the criteria for psychological dependence, as well as to getting rid of them. addictology. Talking about psychological dependence on communication on the Internet, and indeed on any other virtual communication, is inappropriate in cases where it accompanies human activity, acts as a kind of tool.

Any communication always pursues a certain goal: it can be both the establishment of social contacts and the organization of some kind of activity. In the psychology of communication, there are three main aspects:communicative(information exchange), interactive (organization of interaction) and perceptual (People's knowledge of each other). And that virtual communication is based on a need, it becomes clear that the main reason lies in the fact that a certain part of the population has lost the ability to self-realization in a real society. This is also consistent with the concept of Adler, who claims that the basis of human activity is the desire for self-worth, the desire to be great. He was guided by the idea that the inferiority of one of the organs necessarily leads to its compensation at the expense of others. And if the organ is replaced by a certain component of self-consciousness, then the problem appears in a slightly different form. We come to the conclusion that the desire of a person to dissolve in the virtual space is nothing more than compensation for his own insignificance both in his own eyes and in the eyes of significant people. You should also pay attention to the presence of certain inferiority complexes in a particular person, which he is trying to compensate by creating an avatar for himself on the expanses of the World Wide Web. It is not difficult to verify the correctness of this conclusion, just look through the pages of social network users. We can easily find a lot of screaming nicknames (the name chosen as a business card). What names just do not come up with! But practice shows that loud pseudonyms usually hide unremarkable personalities, who, moreover, often suffer from a bunch of all kinds of inferiority complexes. For people like thisself-presentationis nothing but the realization of an unrealized sense of belonging, a sense of self-worth. But, and this is quite important, this kind of substitution of the real "I" in some fictional way does not bring anything good to a person, on the contrary, this is a direct path to self-destruction of oneself as a person, individuality. The reason is simple: those who have invented some kind of alternative “I” willy-nilly become dependent on this fictitious person, because they are forced to hide their true face behind it. And the longer a person persists in substituting his own "I", the more difficult it becomes for him, this is a kind of vicious circle. Indeed, sooner or later, a person hiding behind an avatar, entering into all sorts of social contacts, will stumble upon someone who will interest him, but that other person will no longer be interested in himself, but in the image that the person hiding behind the "super" - mask, so carefully concocted. And it happens that people first invent an image for themselves, live a fake life, and then become dependent on it. It's easy to be anyone, it's much harder to be someone.

Now there is an active growth of Internet users, and if the adult generation is not particularly in a hurry to the virtual space, then young people, and even more so teenagers, are showing super-increased activity in this direction. Many young people do not pick up books at all and do not read literary works from the monitor, no, they simply improve their virtual life, realize themselves in the vastness of the endless virtual space.

Chapter 2. Real and virtual communication "For" and "Against"

Why is communication between people gradually turning from real to virtual? Communication using a computer is much easier. The virtual world and communication on the Internet has become so popular that many people sometimes forget about real communication. A real meeting puts people in a certain framework, obliges them to direct emotional contact, and the Network is always at hand.

Press a couple of keys - and you are already in the center of communication. If you want to confirm your importance, you open a page in Odnoklassniki, see how many people have visited it, and make sure that you are in demand.

a) Advantages of virtual communication:

1. Voluntary nature of contacts and relationships.

2. The ability to interrupt communication at any time.

3. Virtual communication mistakes are easier to fix, especially until they turn into real-life relationships.

4. A wider circle of communication - the ability to find a soul mate or partner to create a serious relationship. One who is not nearby in real life or it is difficult to start communicating with him.

5. There is no virtual pregnancy and the possibility of contracting an STD is excluded.

6. Self-disclosure and development of their strengths in virtual communication.

7. Development of communication skills, greater self-confidence in general.

b) Disadvantages of virtual communication:

1. In the event that communication for the sake of communication to the detriment of relationships in real life.

2. Lack of non-verbal communication - with the help of gestures, intonation, etc., which impoverishes communication and gives grounds for misperceiving the interlocutor, overestimating or underestimating.

3. An opportunity to meet extortionists who gain confidence in order to further enrich themselves.

4. Virtual communication has an increased emotional intensity compared to ordinary social contacts.

How is online communication different from the real one?

The World Wide Web of the virtual world and communication on the Internet is addictive and almost addictive to its users. People have an obsessive desire to enter the Internet, but once in it, a person does not find the strength to leave web pages. There are two main forms of the virtual world and communication on the Internet: chat addiction - from communication in chats, forums, teleconferences, e-mail. And web addiction - from new doses of information (virtual surfing on sites, portals, etc.). And yet, the majority of Internet addicts are hooked on services related to communication. According to statistics, the most tempting characteristics of such contacts are anonymity (86%), accessibility (63%), and ease of use (37%). Such a network is needed to receive social support, sexual satisfaction, the possibility of creating a virtual hero (creating a new self).

An adult person seems to be likened to a seven-year-old child who wants to get what he wants right now. Another popular mental disorder isMunchausen's syndrome. It is based on the simulation of the disease in order to attract attention and sympathy. Since no one will demand a medical card from you on the Internet, it's easy to pretend to be a patient.

CHAPTER 3. How does the virtual world affect children's health and psyche?

A child under 7-10 years old should develop physically - in the game, movement. After a ten-year milestone, the body's forces are concentrated on the development of metabolism, the heart, lungs, and other important organs. And only after 14 years the acceptance shifts to spirituality. Small children chained to a monitor are static. Instead of the physical progress expected at this age, there is an intellectual load - as a result, modern children grow old early. At 13-14 years old, vascular sclerosis, atherosclerosis and early cancers already appear today. At ten years old, a child can speak three languages ​​and the basics of computer programming, but does not pass a banal test for physical development: exactly walk one floorboard and hit the ball on target.

The virtual world and communication on the Internet is credited with a lot of merit as a means of learning and broadening one's horizons. Perhaps, with the right dosage, it will help raise children with superpowers?

Parents are touched by watching how their three-year-old child manages a laptop. In fact, all these skills are formed at a superficial level and will not be useful in adulthood. It is easier for adults to put a child at a computer and occupy it for a while than to form other values ​​in it. The idea that the computer develops and is necessary for the school is nothing more than self-justification.

The United States conducted an experiment: children from the age of 5 were taught externally, and by the age of 12 they completed a full course of secondary education. Their lives have been followed for many years. It turned out that none of them had a fate: they were intellectually brilliant, but the strong-willed and emotional components were absent. They didn't know who they were or what they wanted. After all, talent is 99% labor and the ability to organize oneself, and only 1% depends on abilities.

A) What gaps in life do we compensate for by going into virtuality?

To feel the fullness of being, a person must manifest himself in several areas of life. INcreation, work- some constructive activity for the benefit of others, in caring for the body, which is being improved and pays handsomely for the fact that it is healthy and is being taken care of. IN spirituality - the personality that we acquire, the meanings we create, the biography. In communication with other people, which enriches and gives feedback: you live, you are recognized. And if we didn’t make this communication real, didn’t invest our emotions, our care in someone, we are left alone with our fears, troubles ...

B) How to get rid of the virtual dependency?

Life is arranged on the energy balance "take-give". On the Internet, we give our energy to no one knows where and why. The net sucks it up like a sponge. Life force is given to us by emotions, but not superficial, but aimed at acting. And emotions depend on the mood: "there are three of us." The mindset child needs to come together, put our emotions together, come up with some idea and get a fountain of energy to implement it. A person is able to throw himself into other areas of life, where there will be a lot of emotions, and he simply will not remember the computer. Energy is buried in real deeds, real actions and real connections. And the Internet can become an assistant in their search. Use the virtual world as a tool to expand your interests in real life (get acquainted - met). Nothing can replace the luxury of communication, but not virtual, but real.

III. Conclusion

For me, communication is one of the most important moments in life. Of course, I devote some honor of my time to the Internet. The Internet is a very convenient thing, with its help we can get a lot of useful information. But sometimes this worldwide network interferes with people, and especially teenagers. Nowadays, almost everyone has a computer, and, accordingly, the Internet too. For adults, this is not only games and virtual communication, for the majority, the need to use this network arises because of work. Older people are able to carefully filter information on the Internet, unlike teenagers. Those who do not understand the essence of a particular web page visit it without even thinking about the possibility of falling into a trap. Those who fall into it will have to pay in the future, and from their own pocket. Unfortunately, in modern times, these cases have become more frequent, and it is a pity that we are not able to protect ourselves from this.

But this is not the most negative side of the Internet. In my understanding, the most terrible thing is obscene expressions. Walking down the street, we now and then hear various obscene words. Yes, adults have the right to express themselves the way they want, but not in front of children. After all, children carefully listen to the speech of their parents and relatives, they remember every word, and later use it in their speech. Sometimes adults, without listening to what they say, can say something obscene, and then wonder how their children know it! But in most cases, children learn this negative information from the Internet. If you now take and read the correspondence between two friends, you can see how illiterate and cultureless the language is. Children began to forget the Russian language, began to express themselves the way they want, not realizing that this is not beautiful.

Unfortunately, in the future our speech will change, and I doubt that for the better. For communication, people will not even have to leave their homes, because they will have the Internet.

All this is very sad, because communication implies a correct and cultural speech, and most importantly, contact between interlocutors, and without all this, the understanding of “communication” can completely disappear from our speech, which, from my point of view, should never be allowed.

Those who believe that social networks are replacing the real with virtual communication are not entirely right. Still, do not forget that a computer, as well as a telephone or the same telegraph, is just a tool that provides communication between people. There is always a person sitting on the other side of the monitor - never forget this simple truth.

IV. Bibliography:

1. Lisina M.I. Problems of the ontogeny of communication. M., Pedagogy, 1986.

M., “CPP”, 1997

2. Nemov R. S. Psychology. M., 1998, 1 vol.

3. Meshcheryakova B.G., Zinchenko V.P. Modern psychological dictionary S-P "Prime - EUROZNAK" 2007

4. Petrovskaya L. A. Competence in communication: Social and psychological training. M., 1989

5. Journal - School psychologist No. 6, 8 - 2009; No. 2 -2011

About ten years ago, communication via the Internet was mainly used for entertainment purposes: chats, social networks, ICQ and the like. But today, Internet communication is also a full-fledged work tool: webinars and Skype consultations, solving group problems in a general conversation, parents discussing school problems, clarifying information when working remotely, and even online training courses. Is it good or bad? Let's figure it out.

Online communication is a special type of communication in which people interact through gadgets and the Internet. It is worth defining what exactly is meant by communication via the Internet: email, social networks, Skype and video chats, chat rooms, online games, comments under videos or articles, forums - in general, almost everything that the Internet gives.

Features of Internet communication include:

  • Lack of information (everywhere where communication is not conducted through the camera).
  • Delay in time (the answer can be given much later than the received message).
  • Elimination of any barriers (local, temporal, language).
  • A familiar and comfortable place to communicate, which gives a person confidence and peace of mind.
  • High risk of misinformation and false representations, deceptions (Read about online security).
  • The ability to talk on any topic and talk about yourself everything. It is strange, but true: it is easier for people to tell something especially shameful and tormenting their soul (and thereby free themselves) to a stranger in the network than to a close friend.
  • The ability to be yourself or vice versa to be in some other role, image.
  • Practicing writing, if you consciously follow your speech. Internet communication can help improve literacy and improve the presentation of thoughts. And, for example, keeping a diary is a popular method of psychotherapy.
  • Deterioration of oral speech. It is easier to express your thoughts on paper (keyboard, virtual sheet). And if you do not follow the letter, then abbreviations and slang will gradually enter into speech.

An interesting fact: on the Internet, people tend to exaggerate reality, embellish their lives and their image, and also show their best side. Communicating on the Internet, we learn only 3% of information about a person.

Skype communication is close to real interaction, but still inferior to it. You can schedule the connection time, prepare for it and, if you wish, embody some kind of image.

Advantages of Internet communication

The very fact of communicating with different people, removing any barriers is a plus, especially when it comes to work. It is virtual communication that allows many people to work without leaving home. And for those who are energetically depleted by real contacts (more often people) this is a real find.

Everything related to work and connected to the Internet is a plus. Apart from the remaining nuance in the form of a lack of non-verbal elements. This can sometimes provoke misunderstandings or misconceptions about a person. But this is solvable. Let's stop there and talk about leisure pastime on the Internet.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • the ability of people suffering from complexes or to make acquaintances, find friends and partners in life;
  • voluntariness of interaction;
  • the ability to control the semantic, content, grammatical and other aspects of information;
  • the ability to immediately find additional material and clarifying facts;
  • the ability to interrupt communication and send a person to the black list (a plus, but controversial);
  • stimulating one's own motivation, increasing and giving self-confidence (for example, keeping a diary and communicating with "brothers in mind" when losing weight);
  • development of fine motor skills.

Disadvantages of Internet communication

Chatting on the Internet for entertainment seems to me a flawed form of communication. Yes, sometimes this is the only possibility (they are separated by kilometers), but in other cases I am for real contacts. And that's why:

  • In real communication, we see all the reactions of the interlocutor on the principle of "here and now": the tone and speed of speech, gestures, facial expressions, and so on. This reduces the risk of misinterpretation of information or deception.
  • Real communication is live. It does not allow you to remove the first thought. On the Internet, a person clearly filters what he writes.
  • On the Internet, we receive and see what they want to show us. While in life it is possible to discern much more, the secrets of the subconscious. You can store gigabytes of correspondence and, in fact, learn nothing about a person (and this is a waste of time and effort), or you can get a complete picture of the person in a half-hour meeting.
  • No matter how you decorate online communication with emoticons, it remains dry and unemotional. This, as I said, is good for business relationships (although not 100% either), but bad for informal relationships.
  • As a rule, on the Internet, speech undergoes changes: abbreviations, mistakes, slang. Gradually, this is assimilated and goes into real life (one virtual “SPS”, which is also pronounced by some people in life, which is worth it). The quality of speech is an important element of personality. The Internet does not develop communicative-oratory.
  • Illusory perception, the imaginary similarity of interests and views of the world, as a result - disappointment and a sense of lost time. This is especially true for online dating. What do we see if we are talking about the printed version of communication? Photos, pictures, emoticons, signs and symbols - information that they want to tell us.
  • Interaction via the Internet leaves only communication as such, although in life it is often an element of other activities (work, study, play), and deeds and actions are valued more than words.
  • Accidental sending of a letter to the wrong addressee, screenshots, records and other "compromising evidence".
  • As long as virtual communication remains virtual, you can create and maintain any of your image. This is what makes some people addicted to the Internet. Escape from reality into a fictional world is an inadequate strategy of behavior, not a solution to problems. What tricks do not people go to, they even came up with virtual sex. How can this process be virtual? Yes, there is no chance of getting pregnant or getting sick, but what is the real problem? Fear of intimacy, self-doubt, complexes, failure in life - these are the real problems.
  • Communication in virtual space, speech and ways of interacting with the world. Excessively "hothouse" conditions are harmful to the individual in the same way as chronic stress. If on the Internet a person creates his own ideal and comfortable world, then gradually he completely unlearns how to adequately respond to external stimuli (and in the real world there are always enough of them). The more often the irritation, the higher the desire to finally get bogged down in virtual communication.

Let's not forget about the possibility of anonymous communication. Unfortunately, this often results in a sense of impunity and permissiveness. Although sometimes it is easier to speak anonymously, to feel more confident, but this can exaggerate your capabilities.

By the way, the influence of anonymity and its use depends on the individual personality characteristics of a person. For example, those with an unstable psyche due to age and individual psychological problems (uncertainty, fears) are prone to the development of permissiveness, promiscuity on the Internet, which later turns into real life.

Internet communication as a way of self-expression

Of course, the entire Internet is a field for self-expression. This is what bloggers and video bloggers, magazine editors, authors of pages and groups on social networks use. All of these are forms of online communication. The opportunity for self-expression is wonderful in itself. The question is how exactly a person decides to express himself, what he wants to convey to people and what he takes himself. The main thing is that “loneliness in the network” does not arise: when there are a lot of viewers, and there are admirers, and virtual friends, and there are enough comments, but there is no happiness in life, and there is no one to turn to for help.


Summing up, I would like to say that I am for the combination of real and virtual communication. Technological progress must be used, but done wisely. For example, you can discuss something with a friend in the evening and agree that everything will be finally clarified during a personal meeting.

As is often the case, the problem of Internet communication has two sides. You can not evaluate it according to the criteria of "good / bad". It is not the fact of virtual communication that is important, but the essence of this communication and the parties involved. You can communicate with interesting people and fulfill yourself, or you can just “kill time”, run away from yourself, creating the illusion of life and communication.

Therefore, it is impossible to judge risks without knowing the specific context. In the article, I conditionally divided the facts about Internet communication into pros and cons, but, as you probably noticed, each of them has two extremes: an advantage and a disadvantage of communication within the World Wide Web.

Will virtual communication replace the real one? Maybe. Is it good? No. Man is a social being, communication is an independent activity and an integral element of many activities. Without real emotionally colored communication, we cannot develop as a person as an individual.

Virtual communication - to a certain extent. On the web, we communicate not with people, but with their images (composed by them or by us), a repeatedly processed surrogate of personality. Real communication is more complicated, the risks of resentment are higher, and there is not always a chance for a mistake and the opportunity to be imperfect, by yourself, but it is much more interesting and useful.

virtual communication is an integral part of our pastime. For many, a computer is not just a kind of technology, but rather an interlocutor. Virtual communication itself has a number of positive aspects: the ability to exchange information with people who are thousands of kilometers away from us, the search for like-minded people, a way to find remote work, and become financially independent.

True, virtual communication can also cause some problems, namely:

The problem of self-identification and identification. In real life, each of us plays a certain role, which affects the appearance, communication, behavior. In virtual communication, the appearance factor does not matter, because you can write any information about yourself. In the online world, age, gender, sexual orientation, social status are chosen by us. For example, a 15-year-old guy can write about himself that he is a 25-year-old girl. Trying to communicate in such a way that no one suspects a discrepancy, such a guy will involuntarily develop in himself not quite adequate skills, instead of developing a behavior pattern characteristic of his gender and age. As a result, he is unlikely to be successful in the real world. In addition, with virtual communication, in most cases you do not know with whom you are communicating, thereby making it difficult to build adequate relationships. In the real world, there is a model of communication between a subordinate and a boss, a teacher and a student, parents and children. In the virtual world, this line is erased, respect and self-respect are lost.

The problem of developing dependence on virtual communication. A successful and popular person is unlikely to look for virtual interlocutors when he already has enough friends and buddies. If in the real world there are difficulties in communication, then many people begin to compensate for this lack in the network, spending time on all kinds of forums, in chats. Stuttering in life, you can type quickly, thereby hiding your flaw. Gradually, the desire to communicate more and more online develops, developing into addiction, a need.

The problem of addiction to lies. Many people, communicating virtually, "decorate" their biography in order to seem more significant. Gradually, the lie becomes a habit, spreading even to real life.

The problem of irresponsibility. This problem may be a consequence of the previous problem. When a virtual interlocutor does not see you, is thousands of kilometers away from you, the responsibility to him disappears. You can promise anything, take on any job and not fulfill it, because the promise was given to the keyboard and monitor, and not to a living person, and in many cases it is not so easy to punish for not doing something on the Internet.

The problem of information distortion. With the help of words, a person conveys about 7% information, sound and intonation - 38% , for the transfer of the remaining 55% information is answered by facial expressions, posture, gestures, that is, non-verbal communication means. With virtual communication, to make up for the missing 93% transmitted information, all kinds of emoticons, punctuation marks, abbreviations began to be used in text messages. Are they able to convey the full range of emotions? You can feel tenderness, rage, fear, hatred, while typing the same words on the keyboard. Sometimes just a smile completely changes the meaning of what we say. How, then, to perceive what is displayed on the monitor screen? Like a cold text or the way we want it?

The problem of the use of specific vocabulary. In order to print some information faster, to convey it to the interlocutor, they use all kinds of abbreviations. It will be difficult for an uninitiated person to understand the meaning of such a message. And in real communication, all kinds of abbreviations and other features characteristic of virtual correspondence give the impression of illiteracy.

The problem of hostility towards "strangers" who do not belong to any communities. People who spend a lot of time on certain forums, in chats, gradually get to know each other, unite in communities, unspoken rules appear. When an uninitiated newcomer gets on such a forum and tries to start a conversation, he can be rudely ridiculed, offended by the permanent "inhabitants" of the forum. Minor mistakes, blunders of the uninitiated are inflated to universal proportions. Such a newcomer will either try to earn the favor of the old-timers and will himself be rude to new users in the future, or he will leave this forum forever.

The problem of the emergence of online diaries. Paper diaries are started in order to express their thoughts, share their emotions, problems with paper, knowing that the diary is unlikely to be read by anyone else. An online diary is the exact opposite of a paper diary. Starting an online diary, its owner understands that everything printed on its pages will be available to any Internet user. Unstructured snatches of thoughts, all kinds of phrases "for show", lies, vulgarities - the result of such virtual diaries.

According to the site

More and more people in our country, especially young and middle-aged, are becoming part of this invaluable blessing of civilization.

Less and less we began to go to the good old post office, buy postal envelopes, send telegrams ... Even money can be sent through the postal services of the Net.

What is not in virtual?

Now let's compare real communication and what we have in the virtual, that is, on the Internet. When talking with a person, we, either on a subconscious level or with the help of the acquired knowledge, catch and interpret non-verbal signs coming from the interlocutor.

Of great importance is the expression of his face, look, intonation. For example, the phrase "I want to give you this" can be pronounced with a logical emphasis on the first word: "I want to give you this", on the second: "I WANT to give you this", on the third: "I want to GIVE you this", and on the fourth, and on the fifth. Depending on this, the information will carry a different meaning.

When talking on the phone, we cannot see the interlocutor, therefore, we do not perceive his posture, gestures, and eye expression. But in most cases, we “see” a smile and take note of intonation, which is a big plus.

But what about the Internet? If we don't talk about Skype, we are not only unable to hear a live voice with all its modulations and shades of intonations, but we don't even know with whom we are communicating. That is, we do not even have that minimum of information that the phone gives. Well, except that we can have an idea about the degree of knowledge of the Russian language - and nothing more!

Then why is it that about half of the population of our country prefers to click on the keyboard, instead of taking an ordinary pen and a sheet of paper?

Reasons for virtual communication

One of the most important reasons is insufficient social circle in real life, that is, in ordinary life. A person, for example, works at home, goes out a little and suffers from loneliness. We will not talk about those who, due to their physical condition, find it difficult to speak or are confined to a wheelchair - it is clear that for them this is practically the only window into the big world.

... Emma Fedorovna, a former cultural worker, suffered a severe stroke several years ago. Through the efforts of doctors, it was possible to restore her gift of speech and clarity of thought, but, alas, she cannot leave the apartment to this day. Here is her story: “It was as if the whole world had turned upside down for me. There are no children, my husband left me a long time ago, my friends are busy with their own affairs ... I simply lost the meaning of life - who needs me, old and sick? Meanwhile, my head works fine, I feel young mentally, but decrepit physically. The only outlet I saw was the acquisition of a computer, since my fingers and eyesight were normal. I thought and thought where to get money for such an expensive pleasure and found a way out! I exchanged my two-room apartment for a one-room apartment with an additional payment - and now I can communicate with anyone, about anything and as much as my heart desires! I was reborn to life, I made many friends, and not only among Russians, I received a lot of advice about my health and I am happy to talk with new acquaintances “for life”.

Also important reasons include the opportunity to realize dormant acting abilities. It seems that many users of the “world wide web” are familiar with the feeling of some euphoria when, as if by magic, they turn into either a young coquette, or a daring macho, or a “young man thinking about life”, or a bored lady ... In real life, it’s just it is impossible to play so many roles in a few hours or even days, except to buy a bunch of wigs and hire a make-up artist. But on the Internet, such miracles are commonplace! Putting on a virtual mask, a person changes internally, and sometimes externally, he is full of self-confidence: of course - he is both a director and an actor himself!

On the Web, there are often ads for free legal, medical and other types of assistance. To you no need, embarrassed and nervous, to contact a specialist: after all, a virtual consultation is usually anonymous, and you can talk about your problems openly, without hiding. To be honest, it is unlikely that the most exhaustive, qualified help will come to you in a virtual order, but still, at least talk about the problems and get the most general recommendations and advice on who to contact - and that's not bad! Do not be offended if the answer seems to you only a formal reply: when it comes to health, then indeed, correspondence consultation is impossible in most cases. Treat this with understanding and take note of what the specialist advises.

If you are interested in any question, for example, “who is Leonardo da Vinci?”, you can, without leaving your home, without scouring libraries and reference books, just turn to a search engine. And that's it! You will receive not only comprehensive information about this Renaissance genius, but also, by reading a lot of articles, and get acquainted with his life and work.

Not everyone has the desire and ability to adapt to external conditions, but it is possible to fully manage them, where? Of course, on the web!

Who is on this side of the screen?

Well, frequent guests on the Internet - lonely or "unloved" individuals of both sexes. However, don't be too hopeful: these may just be seekers of easy, non-committal virtual flirting.

A certain Alexander, a design engineer, could not find support in his team, moreover, almost no one was interested in his invention at all. But he could not leave the idea: too much effort and skill was invested in it. “Maybe I did something wrong? Where can I find a more qualified specialist? – the man was tormented by questions. The decision to look for colleagues on the Internet was crowned with success: a long and interesting, and most importantly, useful discussion for Alexander unfolded!

So, there are benefits in the virtual! However, live communication is much more constructive. You should not think that only beautiful, smart, professional, honest, kind, accomplished and happy people are sitting in the network and waiting for you.

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. It can be said that communication is typical for any living beings, but only at the human level the process of communication becomes conscious. In communication, a number of points can be distinguished: content, purpose and means. Let's consider them in more detail.

The purpose of communication is what a person has this type of activity for. In animals, the purpose of communication may be to incite another living being to certain actions, a warning that it is necessary to refrain from any action. A person has an increasing number of goals.

Means of communication - ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information that is transmitted in the process of communication from one being to another.

Encoding information is a way of transmitting it. Information between people can be transmitted using the senses, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means of recording and storing information.

From the definition of communication, we can say that this is a complex process, which includes three components:

  • 1. Exchange of information between people;
  • 2. Organization of interaction between individuals;
  • 3. The process of perception of each other by communication partners and the establishment of mutual understanding.

Studying the material on the topic of communication in the modern world, I came across a problem raised by parents, psychologists, and teachers. Modern children and teenagers spend more and more time sitting at a computer, phone on the Internet.

There is less and less time left for real communication. I was very interested in this problem, I decided to find out how much the virtual world displaces reality. Most people run away from real problems in the virtual world. Time passes and, without realizing it, a person begins to understand the virtual world as an integral part of the real one.

On the Internet it is possible to find close people with the same interests and outlook on life. Internet - acquaintances do not know you personally, and you can open up to them, tell your thoughts, experiences and dreams. This is what we can allow in the virtual world. Here it is easy to forget about the problems. Users of social networks are in the illusion of proximity, communication.

Virtual communication is filled with deceit, like any other form of addiction. Someone is addicted to alcohol, drugs, smoking, someone is addicted to social networks.

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