Tatyana Chubarova personal life husband. Biography. Your favorite feature film

Tatyana Chubarova is a unique singer whose work organically combines high stage and folk song. Unusual cheerfulness, thirst for creativity, constant search herself - this is all Tatyana. Her songs, like a life-giving force, awaken consciousness at the mental level and give an incomparable feeling of joy and happiness.
To develop a new image, Tatyana Chubarova attracted the famous Moscow stylist and fashion designer Sergei Shamaiko, the head of the FAA agency, known for working with Andrey Gubin, Katya Lel, Natalya Vetlitskaya, the Prime Minister group, Kai Metov, Mike Mironenko, Yulia Beretta, the Shpilki group ”, Denis Maidanov, Alexander Yakovlev, Tatiana Chubarova, group “Couple”. He tried to get away from the traditional stage presentation of the image of the Russian song and offered the performer a diametrically opposite vision of the singer on stage.
“At some point, I realized that I was ripe for experiments, changes would occur not only in my image, but also in the repertoire,” admitted Tatyana Chubarova. - A joint work I am more than satisfied with Shamaiko. Sergey managed to feel the spirit of the Russian song in the original modern stylistic arrangement. There will be no multi-layer structures and unambiguous ornaments. Rather, everything will look in the style of Fusion, where retro and minimalism are combined with bright, lively and sensual.
In June 2012 in Ukrainian and Russian TV channels the video “I will give” entered the dense rotation. The shooting took place in Kiev, the director was Alexander Filatovich, known for his work with such artists as: Verka Serdyuchka, Vadim Kazachenko, Alexander Rybak, the Shpilki group, Vitaly Kozlovsky, Irina Bilyk, Taisiya Povaliy, Alyosha, Irina Dubtsova. The video turned out to be sincere: “Typical women's fate, which every woman dreams of: happiness with a loved one or vice versa, life awaits her with an unloved spouse, - says the director of the video, - As everything in this life is banal: you wait, you dream, you believe, you gave all of yourself.
In 2011, Tatyana Chubarova released her fifth solo album "If I...", the video for the same name was successfully rotated on TV channels: "Russong TV", "Russian Music Box", "Music of the First", "Russia 1".
In October 2011, a solo concert by Tatiana Chubarova - "I will give" - ​​took place in the MIR concert hall. The presentation of the fifth album "If I..." new stage into the work of the singer: highly professional musical material, where the secrets of her life were revealed. The concert was presented in four sections: chanson, romance, folk songs and pop music. These styles for Tatyana are intertwined in motives and arrangements so much that any song turns into a melodic little story, under which you can cry and dance. The set designer of the concert hall was Anna Nezhnaya, known for designing concerts and show programs at the State Kremlin Concert Hall, Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, Manege, Gostiny Dvor, Red Square, presents design projects for Mercury, LLADRO, CARTIER, TSUM, GUM, studio London Body School. The stage design was built in accordance with modern views, where Anna put serious ideas into the story of Tatyana Chubarova, and visually looked like a window into the future, the city was a dream, photo portraits spoke about creative way singers.
Tatyana Chubarova was born in Novosibirsk, p. Tolmachevo. In 1992 she graduated from the School of Culture in Novosibirsk as a conductor of a folk choir, in 2006 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art as a teacher of pop-jazz vocals and as a vocalist. Tatyana's love for folk song has developed over the years, merging with modern pop song, where she writes words and music herself. The Russian folk song today is the most interesting for the singer in its processing, the vocalist has found her own style, image and niche.
Tatyana Chubarova's songs are heard on the radio stations "Russian Radio" (Ukraine), "Autoradio" "Dacha", "Road", "Baltika", "Police Wave", "People's Radio", "Chanson", radio "Troika" with the song " Wormwood and nettle.
Many musical compositions the singers were included in the collections: “The Most Russian Hit” - Studio “Soyuz”, “Drinking Songs” - studio “Monolith”, “Troika” - UNITED MUSIC, “Urban Romance” - the company “Mystery of Sound”, “Dances in stagecoach style” - LLC "Sound", "Under beer and barbecue", "Mystery of sound", "Chanson in the car", "Discoteka Kalinka-malinka", "Shuh-Shuh" - Roman Bulgachev and others.
On this moment singer Tatyana Chubarova was looking for her love in the Let's Get Married program, she was hoping to receive a prize from Leonid Yakubovich himself on the Field of Miracles, Ships entered our harbor on Channel 5, showed her vocal abilities, told tragic story accident on Novorizhskoye highway on TV3, helped Gennady Malakhov prepare a “healing drink” on the air.

Albums: “Necklace of Love” (2000), “Velvet Night” (2005), “Do Not Pain the Soul” (2007), “Wormwood and Nettle” (2010), “If I ...” (2011).
Tatyana Chubarova - Diploma winner All-Russian festival"Songs Battle Brotherhood". Awarded with a State Diploma Federal Service Russian Federation for high professionalism and performing skills, in addition, Laureate of the International Festival of Arts "Farvater". He has a personal gratitude from the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel-General of Militia R. Nurgaliyev. Thanks from former minister Ministry of Internal Affairs B. Gryzlov. She was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the Badge of Combat Action. The singer has repeatedly visited the Chechen Republic, performed with concerts for those who perform tasks in "hot spots". Has letters of thanks from cultural center Ministry of Internal Affairs and an endless number of diplomas, as well as memorable gifts.

Official website of Tatyana Chubarova:

Tatyana Chubarova was born in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Tolmachevo village, which is now called the airport. In 1992 graduated from the School of Culture in Novosibirsk on the faculty of "folk choir conductor", and in 2006 from the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow as a teacher of "pop-jazz vocals" and as a vocalist. From the early childhood sang folk songs. He writes music for his songs. Tatyana's love for folk songs has developed over the years, merging with her love for modern pop songs. That is, the Russian folk song today is most interesting for the singer in its processing, and it was in the stylization that Tatyana Chubarova found her own style, image and niche. Tatyana's creative experience is more than 20 years, the last 10 years of which she sings in Moscow, where her songs are heard on the radio stations "Dacha", "Police Wave", "People's Radio", "Chanson", radio "Troika" with the song "wormwood and nettle" and many others. Also, her songs are released in collections: "The most Russian hit" by the "Soyuz" studio, "Drinking songs" by the "Monolith" studio, "Troika" - UNITED MUSIC, "Urban romance" by the company "Mystery of sound", "Dances in stagecoach style" LLC "Sound", "To the Beer and Barbecue", "The Mystery of Sound", "Chanson in the Car", "Discoteka Kalinka-Malinka", "Shuh-Shuh" - by Roman Bulgachev and in many other collections. Tatyana Chubarova Diploma winner of the All-Russian Festival "Songs of the Combat Brotherhood". She was awarded a diploma of the State Federal Service of the Russian Federation for high professionalism and performing skills, in addition, she is the Laureate of the International Festival of Arts "Farvater". He has a personal gratitude from the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel-General of Militia R. Nurgaliev. Gratitude from the former Interior Minister B. Gryzlov. She was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the Badge of Combat Action. The singer has repeatedly visited the Chechen Republic, performed with concerts for those who perform tasks in "hot spots". He has letters of thanks from the cultural center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and an endless number of diplomas, as well as memorable gifts: for patriotism, cultural support to the personnel of the VOGO and P Ministry of Internal Affairs on the territory of the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region, 46 06r ONSKO military unit 3025; behind Active participation V public life Temporary operational grouping of internal affairs bodies of Khankala. For the contribution to the moral aesthetic education of military personnel, for the provision charitable assistance in organizing concerts. For concerts for the soldiers of the famous ceremonial regiment of the ODON of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the military art studio of writers in the year of the 60th anniversary Great Victory etc. Tatyana Chubarova always sings live and captivates connoisseurs with her acting performance, artistry, energy, strength and beautiful timbre of her voice. She interestingly "dialogs" the song, changes her voice, intonation, i.e. she experiments in search of her own special style, trying different ways construction of pop-folk songs. And her search is based on the principles of diversity, contrast, surprise. The singer successfully released three solo albums "Necklace of Love" in 2000; "Velvet Night" 2005; "No pain, soul" 2007 The fourth solo album will be released by the end of 2009. Tatyana Chubarova successfully performs in the cities of Russia and the CIS. Her manner of performance, behavior on stage are completely different from the performance of other artists of our show business. They always write about her, they talk about her as a bright, extraordinary singer of the pop-folk genre.

Tatyana Chubarova was born in Novosibirsk, p. Tolmachevo. In 1992 she graduated from the School of Culture in Novosibirsk as a conductor of a folk choir, in 2006 she graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow as a teacher of pop-jazz vocals and as a vocalist. Tatyana's love for folk song has developed over the years, merging with modern pop song, where she writes words and music herself. The Russian folk song today is the most interesting for the singer in its processing, the vocalist has found her own style, image and niche. Tatyana Chubarova's songs are heard on the radio stations "Russian Radio" (Ukraine), "Autoradio" "Dacha", "Road", "Baltika", "Police Wave", "People's Radio", "Chanson", radio "Troika" with the song " Wormwood and nettle. Many of the singer's musical compositions were included in the collections: "The Most Russian Hit" - Studio "Soyuz", "Drinking Songs" - studio "Monolith", "Troika" - UNITED MUSIC, "Urban Romance" - the company "Mystery of Sound", "Dancing in stagecoach style" - LLC "Sound", "Under beer and barbecue", "Mystery of sound", "Chanson in the car", "Discoteka Kalinka-Malinka", "Shuh-Shuh" - Roman Bulgachev and others.

Tatyana Chubarova is a unique singer, whose work organically combines high stage and folk song. Unusual cheerfulness, a thirst for creativity, a constant search for oneself - this is the whole Tatyana. Her songs, like a life-giving force, awaken consciousness at the mental level and give an incomparable feeling of joy and happiness. To develop a new image, Tatyana Chubarova attracted the famous Moscow stylist and fashion designer Sergei Shamaiko, head of the FAA agency, known for working with Andrey Gubin, Katya Lel, Natalya Vetlitskaya, the Prime Minister group, Kai Metov, Mike Mironenko, Yulia Beretta, the Shpilki group , Denis Maidanov, Alexander Yakovlev, Tatyana Chubarova, group "Couple". He tried to get away from the traditional stage presentation of the image of the Russian song and offered the performer a diametrically opposite vision of the singer on stage.

“At some point, I realized that I was ripe for experiments, changes would occur not only in my image, but also in the repertoire,” admitted Tatyana Chubarova. And I am more than satisfied with the joint work with Shamaiko. Sergey managed to feel the spirit of the Russian song in the original modern stylistic arrangement. There will be no multi-layer structures and unambiguous ornaments. Rather, everything will look in the style of Fusion, where retro and minimalism are combined with bright, lively and sensual.

In June 2012, the clip “I will give” entered into heavy rotation on Ukrainian and Russian TV channels. The shooting took place in Kiev, the director was Alexander Filatovich, known for his work with such artists as: Verka Serdyuchka, Vadim Kazachenko, Alexander Rybak, the Shpilki group, Vitaly Kozlovsky, Irina Bilyk, Taisiya Povaliy, Alyosha, Irina Dubtsova. The video turned out to be sincere: “A typical female fate that every woman dreams of: happiness with a loved one, or vice versa, life awaits her with an unloved spouse,” says the director of the video, “How banal everything in this life is: you wait, dream, believe, give all of myself."

In 2011, Tatyana Chubarova released her fifth solo album "If only I", the video for the title of the same name was successfully rotated on TV channels: "Russong TV", "Russian Music Box", "Music of the First", "Russia 1". In October 2011, a solo concert by Tatiana Chubarova "I will give" took place in the MIR concert hall. The presentation of the fifth album "If I" introduced a completely new stage in the singer's work: highly professional musical material, where the secrets of her life were revealed. The concert was presented in four parts: chanson, romance, folk songs and pop music. These styles for Tatyana are intertwined in motives and arrangements so much that any song turns into a melodic little story, under which you can cry and dance. The set designer of the concert hall was Anna Nezhnaya, known for designing concerts and show programs at the State Kremlin Concert Hall, Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, Manege, Gostiny Dvor, Red Square, presents design projects for Mercury, LLADRO, CARTIER, TSUM, GUM, studio London Body School. The design of the stage was built in accordance with modern views, where Anna put serious ideas into the story of Tatyana Chubarova, and visually looked like a window into the future, a dream city, photo portraits spoke about the creative path of the singer.

Tatyana Chubarova - Diploma winner of the All-Russian Festival "Songs of the Combat Brotherhood". Awarded with a diploma of the State Federal Service of the Russian Federation for high professionalism and performing skills, in addition, the Laureate of the International Festival of Arts "Farvater". He has a personal gratitude from the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel-General of Militia R. Nurgaliyev. Gratitude from the former Interior Minister B. Gryzlov. She was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the Badge of Combat Action. The singer has repeatedly visited the Chechen Republic, performed with concerts for those who perform tasks in "hot spots".

Singer Tatyana Chubarova self-confident and knows exactly how to look great and keep positive attitude after a series of exhausting concerts. We caught up with her at the Balance Youth Clinic to peek into the heroine's makeup bag and learn how to always stay in shape.


My approach to nutrition is intuitive: I eat what I want at the moment. I always make sure that my daily diet includes protein - fish, meat and poultry. I treat them with all my heart: in search of perfect softness and juiciness, I bake them in different ways, but always, without exception, avoid frying - a few years ago I completely abandoned fatty foods. Every morning I start with porridge, occasionally I can afford pancakes. Although I try to eat right and balanced, there is still a need to reduce weight from time to time: in this case, I have a reliable, long-proven option - the Dukan diet. It is a serious program, so before you follow it, you should always consult with your doctor. By the way, it helps me a lot that I don’t like sweets at all - one less temptation!


I always have to be in good shape, so I do sports regularly. However, I think that exercise stress should bring pleasure, you can not force yourself to do what you absolutely do not like. For example, I love yoga. She helps me recuperate after the concert and sort out all my thoughts.

During tours, I always ask if there is a gym in the hotel or nearby: it is very important for me to go in for sports at least twice a week. In the morning, I definitely do exercises: inclinations, exercises for the press and arms. I am not chasing muscle relief, I think that spiritual beauty is much more important, but I am sure that taking care of yourself is a matter of self-respect.


Music has always been in my life. I grew up in a family of artists: my father was an accordion player, and my mother sang beautifully. They performed as a duet at various events and often took me with them. When I was five years old, my father first took me on stage to sing in front of the audience. And I really liked it. Since then, the stage has attracted me, I get great pleasure from my profession. I am sure that I have found my purpose, this is a great happiness.


During concerts, of course, I have stage makeup on my face, so cleansing is the most important procedure. My Golden Rule- wash off makeup with Gigi milk so that the last cotton pad remains clean. Followed by a moisturizer from La Mer. Naturally, I regularly make various nourishing masks. An effective option for hastily- freshly prepared honey, sour cream or cucumber care. I trust professional procedures only to my cosmetologist, who, based on my rhythm of life and individual characteristics, selects ideal program: injection hyaluronic acid and Botox, as well as peels. I am very glad that now women have so many opportunities to shine every day: facial massages, hardware technologies, contour plastic. Previously, this could only be dreamed of. But each must study herself in order to acquire her own unique beauty secrets. For example, contrasting washing with hot and cold water always helps me. cold water alternately - this simple procedure instantly improves the condition of my skin and restores a healthy complexion. Then I apply the Valmont Prime Renewing Pack mask and do eye exercises to invigorate my eyes, and you're done.


In whatever country I find myself, I always go for a massage. My favorite is tonic. In Bali, I was given acupressure. It's unforgettable! It relieves puffiness, and there is no trace of fatigue. For me, this procedure is a real salvation during the tour. Somehow the concerts went on one after another, tension and fatigue accumulated, and at some point I realized that I simply could not go on stage. Then the organizers invited a good massage therapist, and he literally saved me.


Fortunately, nature has rewarded me with good hair. By virtue of the profession, they often have to be straightened, laid and painted, but this does not affect them in any way. Perhaps that is why I am too lazy to regularly take care of my hair in a special way, but still I try to protect it from damage and use masks and various oils. IN Lately I choose Frizz Ease products from John Frida and Japanese shampoos, balms and MoltoBene masks. My hair is long, so I go to the master regularly, but mostly to cut the ends and slightly refresh the shape. I don’t radically change my hairstyle, because I found my own style.


In makeup, I focus on the eyes, so I always have mascara, eyeliner and eyebrow pencil in my cosmetic bag. Lately, I've been loving Yves Saint Laurent Beauty products. Be sure to apply powder and blush - they give the face a fresh and rested look. But lipsticks and glosses in Everyday life I almost never use it, because I “eat” them from my lips instantly. Before concerts, I like to make up myself, but if there is a serious shooting on television or a particularly important performance, I trust myself to a professional makeup artist.


I live in the world of fragrances! At the same time, I don’t understand commercial perfumes at all, they are too common and recognizable, but I appreciate individuality. Whenever I fly somewhere, I always include the search for a new fragrance in the program. Often I mix them myself in order to get even more unique. And now, perhaps, I can’t do a day without Blanche from Byredo.


My small homeland is Siberia. And although I haven’t lived there for 18 years, when I come, I always rent a car and drive around familiar places to discover something new… True, you can only completely relax in the Maldives. My husband and I had a romantic weekend there. Yes, it's heaven, and not just for lovers.


The concept of "beautiful - ugly" is laid in us in childhood. We look at pictures in magazines, study what stars and recognized style icons are wearing. And of course, we watch how mom dresses. Looking stylish is a real job that requires not so much money as taste: even combining incongruous, you can look stylish and harmonious.


The best relaxation after a concert is sleep. But I am so impressionable person that sometimes after a performance I can stay up all night long, analyzing and re-living every moment on stage. I care about everything: how I sang, how I moved, how my team worked, and what impression the whole show made on the audience. In general, after tours I like to relax outside the city. I, like a real Siberian, have a particularly tender attitude towards nature. I feel that it is she who gives me strength when I need it so much. Therefore, for full recovery I go to some good country hotel with excellent service and enjoy the comfort and nature. One of the main rules is to turn off your phone and laptop and arrange detox therapy from all gadgets. Only the closest people and what inspires can be nearby: photographs, films, books and ... delicacies.


I live by the rule: "Beautiful and happy woman makes love." To her man, to her profession and to her family. I can say with confidence that I Strong woman: I raised two wonderful children, I am building a career, but at the same time I am sure that without love - nothing, for true harmony with myself, you need to feel it all the time. It helps me to glow from within, to feel warmth and give it to everyone around me.

Expert opinion

H atalya AND vanova , cosmetologist at the center of non-surgical rejuvenation Balance

We have chosen for Tatiana the procedure "Cubic Currents". It is performed on the Japanese machine Blanc Lisse. When exposed to it, the muscles of the face twist and contract - this original technology is patented. Its use allows you to keep the muscles of the face taut. After the session, the skin is tightened due to the muscular frame, which leads to tone, due to the normalization of the lymph flow, swelling disappears. To achieve a stable result, the procedure is recommended to be carried out once or twice a week.

The alginate mask consists of components that have a beneficial effect on the skin: diatomide (diatomaceous earth) and sodium alginate, in combination with water, acquire a consistency that allows the substances to fill all the folds and wrinkles, moisturizing the skin. The procedure is aimed at regenerating the skin, restoring its protective function and normalizing its mineral balance. The formula has an active anti-inflammatory effect, produces a detox effect, and also stimulates the vasoconstrictive process. Depending on the problem and the season, the mask can be supplemented with a variety of topical ingredients, these can be: amino sugars that moisturize, collagen that strengthens, and vitamin C that brightens the skin.

“I will give you heavenly flowers. I will give you cherished dreams. I will carry the whole wide world in my hands and give you the dawn ”- lines from a romantic and promising song by Tatyana Chubarova. And truly, she is a singer who is able to give through her songs her love for life, for music, for creativity. At the end of the meeting, she presented our editorial staff with her CD and a good mood.

Tatyana Chubarova is a pop-folk singer. She devoted more than twenty years to art, thirteen years of which the singer sings in Moscow. Arriving to conquer the capital, behind Tatyana's back was the formation of the State School of Culture of the city of Novosibirsk, the singer received an education in her specialty: the conductor of a folk choir. Already in Moscow, Tatyana Chubarova receives a second education and graduates from the Institute of Contemporary Art, as a teacher of "pop-jazz vocals" and as a vocalist.

We met her in a cafe where she came with her husband and son. Tatyana turned out to be a very open and cheerful person, a beautiful woman with wonderful blue eyes. We talked to her about inspiration, self-love, never being afraid to start from scratch, and much more.

- Tell us about your family, please?

Everything is fine. I am married and have a wonderful husband and son. My husband works in Yakutsk and, one might say, I practically moved here for permanent residence. The son went to the tenth grade in Yakutsk. And so I will be forced to stay here more and more often. Except for the tour. The daughter works in Novosibirsk.

What do you think is the best way to raise children?

I will tell you by the example of how I raised my children myself. Most importantly, children should respect their elders. So that they listen to the advice of their parents. They didn’t steal, they didn’t do any nasty things. They were not vindictive. I spoil my children very much. Which, in fact, is probably a bit wrong. If you look now, I raised my children with a stick and a carrot. My daughter says that she has received a lot of love from me, she is so grateful for her upbringing that I am happy. Mom is an idol for her, she copies everything from me: how I dress, how I make up, how I go somewhere and so on.

- Does your family sing?

My mother sang very well, my father was an accordion player. That's why they always performed. Dad always dragged me to his concerts, I sang all the adult songs. And, of course, I can’t live without a stage.

- Probably, now you will arrange your concerts in Yakutsk more often?

Of course, I would like to hold some concerts with you. It depends on attendance. If the attendance is the same as, say, June 3, then of course it is not interesting to be at a loss and you want to see a full house.

- How do you like the Yakut public?

In Yakutsk, the audience is wonderful. I have been performing here for many years. I not only held concerts, but also performed at various parties - and I am satisfied with the audience. They meet very well, warmly, always with warm applause. It is evident that they are soulful. I say this sincerely. Most likely, it depends on the message that I carry from the stage.

- Would you like to work with the Yakut organizers?

Of course, I would love to work with the republican organizers, any organizations. I don't care who I work with. That is, neither the city, nor the nation, nor the country where I perform makes any difference to me. I am very mobile, respectable, pliable, and in general, I love my job very much. There are such artists who will deny - I either won’t, or I don’t want to. No, I'm happy to go and sing.

- What is the difference between Moscow artists and provincial ones?

Most likely, the difference is that in Moscow, in arranging and presenting a performance, everyone tends to follow the example of the West. But show business, no matter what city, whether it be Yakutsk or Novosibirsk, cannot be compared with Moscow. In Moscow, there are more requirements, a person strives for this and adapts. You become such a professional that you are not ashamed to show yourself in the future. There is no complexity. In the provinces, artists have tightness, lack of vocal professionalism. This speaks volumes. And, of course, the behavior on stage.

- With which of the Yakut performers would you like to sing?

When I held a concert here in the summer, I really wanted to sing with Evgeny Prokopiev. But the schedules did not match, and we did not manage to perform with him. Then I invited another family team, but again, the schedules did not match. I listened to their songs, I liked them. I wanted to make such a surprise - they sing in Yakut, then I in Russian. The idea was such an interesting one. But in the end it didn't work out.

Where do you get inspiration for writing your songs?

You know, I listen to my songs, and whenever I listen to my albums, I have some new dreams, new ideas. And I begin to draw some kind of picture in the image - what would I like to do next, where would I want to move, what do I need. For example, it is to walk along the red carpet, record a new song, shoot some kind of video, or give a big solo concert. For every artist, the higher the bar you set for yourself, the sooner it is realized.

What qualities do you need to have to be successful?

You just have to love what you do. Finance now plays a huge role in show business. Without finance, one person in a million breaks through. If a person does not have finances, then there are good connections.

- Heard you write books?

Yes, I have one book already finished, but it has not been released yet. This is a fictional story - a biographical book about me, mystical story, a story about show business. Most likely, this year it is necessary to implement this idea, it's time to release it. Another book is a novel called "My Half". It hasn't been released yet either. All the time family affairs, flights, show business. So far, the hands do not reach. A novel takes a long time to work on.

What do you think is more important for a woman - career or family?

I can never separate - family or career, everything is important to me. Career is important for me, children, family, husband are important for me. I love my job, because without it it is impossible to simply live. You can not put such a question for yourself - family or career. I make it all come together.

- I heard that you are friends with Prokhor Chaliapin and Dima Bilan.

With Dima Bilan, we performed several times on the same site. And with Prokhor Chaliapin, yes, we are friends, a wonderful person with an amazing smile. I generally like to be friends with men. Because men are kinder, they don't envy. And women are flattering, they can look into your eyes and think about something completely different.

- Do you like to cook?

Yes I love cooking. My husband loves pea soup and chicken wings in the oven with potatoes, garlic and sauce. In food I prefer everything that is forbidden, but tasty. I love pancakes for breakfast. I love to cook for my husband - when you love a person, everything turns out easily, and it's very interesting to cook for a loved one. Of the Yakut dishes, I really like indigirka and stroganina.

- Do you believe in predictions?

Sometimes, when there are some questions in terms of creativity, I turn to one of my very good friends.

- Now it has become fashionable to get involved in Feng Shui. What do you think of this teaching?

I will not say that I am a fan of feng shui, but yes, of course, I use something.

- What do you think about our current youth?

The current generation, of course, leaves much to be desired. He has a lot to learn.

- What are your impressions of Yakutsk?

It's very good photographers, stylists, I like to go to one salon in the Old Town. There are very good fur coats, diamonds. Naturally, every city has its pros and cons. I miss Moscow here, I miss work, no movement. Without movement, I begin to recover, without movement, I lack an outburst of my energy and emotions.

- Please tell us about your future creative plans.

I dream of opening my own vocal school in Yakutsk. Now I'm thinking about this project. I have a production center LLC Chubarova Production. I really want people to sing professionally. Both adults and children. I am also going to arrange a concert in the city of Lugansk, in Ukraine. Then there will be a duet with Nikolai Baskov.

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