How to fill out a time sheet. Algorithm for working with timesheets. Who fills out the report card

It’s not difficult if the team is small. But what if the departments are remote from each other or the employees’ schedule is non-standard? Even a specially hired timekeeper will not help here. It is necessary to establish high-quality collection of information.

Defining goals

Before starting any project, we need to understand what goal we are pursuing, what results we want to get and how to use them. So, the goal: to collect information about the dates of work, vacations, absenteeism of all employees of the organization on precisely defined dates for correct accrual wages and strengthening discipline. To achieve this goal, the involvement of department heads will be required; only they know reliably about the work dates of their subordinates. For this venture to succeed, you need to enlist the support of management and accounting. Of course, getting bosses to do extra work, even simple ones, can be difficult, but if you draw up a Regulation on Time Records and order to oblige everyone to follow it, the chances of success will increase.

We are developing Regulations on Time Records

Like any other local normative act, this Regulation should contain the main sections:

    General provisions. It describes: goals time sheet, the circle of persons to whom it concerns is determined.

    Main part includes a description of the process. Here you must write:

  • Responsibilities of managers in maintaining timesheets
  • Filling procedure,
  • The procedure for submitting to the personnel department or accounting department - in electronic and in paper form
  • Dates for the transfer of the report card (2 times a month - to the advance payment and salary)
  • Procedure in the absence of information about the reasons for absences from work
  • Procedure for recording (if required) working hours

In the main part, you need to take into account the specifics of the enterprise, for example, keeping a log of local business trips, working hours for traveling positions, recording lateness, etc. The filling procedure in these cases should be as clear as possible.

    Responsibility for failure to provide a report card, the procedure for replacing managers on vacation or in case of illness.

    Application- a sample form in the T-13 form for working days, vacations, absenteeism, sick leave, etc.

Of course, in our time, hardly anyone will hand over paper timesheets, and therefore you need to send out an electronic version of the document to everyone. To facilitate the start of work, you can immediately fill it with a list of employees. At the bottom of the electronic document you need to make a “cheat sheet” with letter symbols. For bosses who are far from maintaining personnel records, this will help a lot. Ask to highlight in color all days of deviations from the normal work schedule, this will make processing the tables much easier.

Step-by-step instructions for organizing timekeeping

Theory is great, but practice is usually very different. What steps should be taken to achieve results - timely provision of time sheets from all departments?

    Meeting. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a general meeting of all bosses or just a business conversation with the director - you can’t do without this step. There needs to be a compelling case for why providing working time data is important. Give examples of errors in salary calculations due to lack of information, late reporting of absenteeism or sick leave. The main thing is to enlist the support of management and accounting.

    Regulations on time records. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a document absolutely adapted to your organization; you will have to work hard yourself. Define important points:

    1. who should send you the report card, in what form and on what dates. As a rule, this is 2-3 days before the advance and salary payment dates;

      responsibilities of responsible persons - monitoring attendance at work, lateness, and other deviations from the standard schedule;

      the procedure for informing the HR department about cases of work on holidays, overtime, etc.

    Order of approval Provisions and obligations to comply with it. It, as well as the Regulations, must be familiarized to all persons involved. Sometimes in large branches and separate departments, timesheet maintenance is entrusted to a secretary, assistant, etc. If so, we introduce them too.

    Timesheet samples by department with a list of names. Of course, it is not necessary to make a list, but this way you will help managers and help them not to “lose” anyone. Send samples to e-mail, write about your willingness to answer questions.

    Execution control. In the first months you will have to deal with constant reminders about the report card, but gradually everything will return to normal. Mark your calendar for target dates and send everyone a reminder.

    Influence measures. Often bosses refer to being busy or simply forget to keep time records. If reminders do not help, send a message to everyone who did not submit a message like “I am notifying you that the names of managers who do not comply with the Time Record Regulations will be transferred to CEO in case of failure to provide information on the 1st day of the month.” This, of course, is an extreme measure, since much greater results can be achieved with personal favor and a good attitude than with pressure and intimidation.

Sample Regulations on Timesheets of Working Time

We take into account the nuances of the organization

Each enterprise has its own characteristics and they need to be taken into account. Determine how the processes of transferring information to the HR department will occur in your case:

  • Is a paper document required?
  • Based on the data received, will you create one, general timesheet or will there be several of them?
  • Is factual information needed about hours worked that does not affect salary?
  • How to designate overtime, work on weekends and holidays?
  • On what dates should leave requests be submitted?
  • Do you need information about sick leave immediately after they open?
  • In what time frame do you want to receive closed sick leave?

There can be any number of nuances, sometimes they are revealed during the accounting process.

Timekeeping at an enterprise is a conscious need for any company, and any responsible and patient employee can establish it; you just need to show persistence and consistency.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 91) establishes the employer’s obligation to keep records of the time worked by employees. For this purpose, unified forms of the working time sheet for 2019 (TURV), approved by State Statistics Committee Resolution No. 1 dated January 5, 2004, are provided. The use of these forms is not mandatory, so the employer can develop his own. Form No. T-13 is used most often, as it is used for automated processing of credentials. Below is the form of the 2019 working time sheet.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n approved the OKUD form 0504421 for use by authorities state power (government agencies), organs local government, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions. The same order determines the procedure for its completion and application. We suggest you choose the appropriate one and download the time sheet (simple form).

Form T-12

Form T-13

Form OKUD 0504421

How to record time worked

For any duration working day, regardless of the established modes, working time can be reflected in the accounting table in two ways:

  • method of continuous registration of attendance and absence from work;
  • by recording only deviations (no-shows, overtime, etc.).

If the length of the working day (shift) is unchanged, only deviations can be recorded, since the terms of the employment contract or internal rules labor regulations the number of working hours for each day of work is determined.

In the case where the number of hours worked on different days (shifts) may be different, for example, when recording the total time worked, the continuous registration method should be used. This will allow, after the end of the accounting period, to identify possible overtime work, as well as to adjust the further involvement of the employee in work within the limits of the norm for the length of time worked established for this category.

Notes on the working time sheet about the reasons for absence from work, part-time work or at the initiative of the employee or employer, shortened working hours, etc. are made on the basis of properly executed documents (certificate of incapacity for work, certificate of fulfillment of state or public duties , written warning about downtime, application for part-time work, written consent of the employee in cases established by law, etc.).

How to fill out the working time calendar (sheet) for 2019

When compiling, you must be guided by the Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions). In this case, they are used. So, when reflecting the amount of time worked, an alphabetic (I) or numeric (01) code is entered opposite the employee’s last name, and the duration of work is indicated in the lower lines. If the work according to the schedule falls at night, then it is possible to supplement the form with columns to indicate the necessary details.

Sample of filling out the OKUD form 0504421

Who fills out the time sheet?

The time sheet, the blank form of which you could download above, is filled out by an authorized person. If the TURV for each division of the organization is maintained separately, then it is advisable, when appointing a responsible person, to issue an order indicating the position, surname, first name, patronymic of the employee responsible for drawing up the time sheet for each structural division, and the person replacing him during his absence.

Sample order to appoint a person in charge

Weekends and holidays in the report card for 2019

They are reflected in accordance with, where all established holidays and their transfers in accordance with Government Decrees. Days off for different categories of employees vary depending on the work schedule established for them. The holiday accounting code in the document may be different. It depends on how the organization pays for these days and on what basis they are provided.

A day off in accordance with the employee’s schedule is indicated by a letter (B) or numeric (26) code. It does not affect the established wages.

If, at the initiative of the company, employees receive an additional day off, and the company reduces the monthly work rate for them, then the employees receive a full salary, and these days are not paid by the company. For such days, the timesheet contains an alphabetic (B) or numeric (26) code.

Another case of a company establishing an additional day off is when employees go on a day off, and the company pays for these days according to the average. It turns out that workers receive a salary for days worked, and an average salary for additional paid days off. For such a case, the report card provides an alphabetic (OB) or numeric (27) code.

Storage period for time sheets

Such an accounting table is a personnel document relating to the organization of labor, for which Art. 22.1 of the Law on Archival Affairs establishes a special storage period, namely:

  • five years from the end of the year in which it was compiled, if the timesheet took into account the work only of those employees who work in normal conditions labor;
  • 50 years from the date of drawing up the TURV, if it took into account the work of employees engaged in harmful or dangerous work.

Accounting and taxes

Based on the data indicated in the table, the accounting department calculates wages and various benefits. This data also affects the payment of taxes. Let's pay attention to the main risks.

When passing tax audits, including income tax, the company must provide reliable data on the number of days and hours worked by each employee in order to confirm the correctness of the accruals. If violations are detected, the amount of income tax indicated in the reports will be considered incorrect, which will entail the imposition of penalties.

Based on the employee’s earnings, the organization, as a tax agent, must find out whether this person is a tax resident of the Russian Federation in order to use the correct tax rate in the calculation. It is the report card that will be able to confirm the actual presence of the employee in the country. Must especially take into account this feature those employers who send employees on business trips to Belarus or Kazakhstan, because when crossing these borders, no marks are made in the citizen’s passport. In the event of a dispute, the company will be able to prove that it applied the correct rate, withheld and accrued personal income tax in full.

Correctly filling out the time sheet guarantees the company the ability of the FSS to count the costs of the sick leave, because it will not be possible to officially confirm the number of days worked, which are extremely important when calculating these amounts.

Time sheet– serves as the basis for calculating employee salaries. This document contains information about the presence of employees at their workplaces or about their absence, indicating the reason. To fill out, you can use the unified form T-13 or the form T-12. Within the framework of this article, we will consider in detail the features of filling out the time sheet of form T-13, we will give an example of filling out a time sheet using the example of form T-13. You can also download both forms below.

The time sheet is a table in which for each employee of the enterprise, attendance and absence from work are taken into account. Output total days and hours worked per month. In addition, codes for the reasons for absence from work are indicated.

Time sheet form T-13 - sample filling

First of all, it is worth noting that filling out the form can be done in two ways:

  • All attendances and absences from work are recorded daily;
  • only absenteeism, lateness and other deviations from the normal working day are noted.

Our sample timesheet uses the first time tracking method.

First of all, you need to enter data on the employee's going to work during the month in the time sheet. Form T-13 for this has a table in which a separate line is filled in for each employee.

Columns 2 and 3 include the full name, position of the employee, and his personnel number.

Column 4 records attendance and absence from work. For each calendar day of the month - a separate cell, the code designation is indicated above, below the number of hours worked for that day. It is possible that the bottom cell is not filled in, while the accounting of working time is kept in days.

Code designations can be found at title page report card form T-12.

In the sample form T-13 below, the following letter codes were used to record working hours:

  • I – the day has been fully worked;
  • B – day off;
  • K – the employee is on a business trip;
  • B – on sick leave;
  • OT - on vacation.

At the end of the month, you should calculate the number of days and hours worked in the first and second half of the month, for this the time sheet has columns 5, 6. In the fifth - in the upper cell the number of days worked for the first and second half of the month is reflected, in the lower cell - the number of hours worked for each half of the month. In the sixth, the number of days worked (upper cell) and hours (lower cell) for the entire month is indicated. The figure below shows an example of filling out columns 1-6 of a time sheet.

An example of filling out columns 1-6 of a timesheet (form T-13)

Columns 7-9 of the T-13 form contain information that will be useful for.

For each type of remuneration there is a separate code designation, for example:

  • 2000 is a code for wages and travel allowances;
  • 2012 – code of the timesheet for payment of vacation pay;
  • 2300 – code when paying for sick leave, etc.

Our example of filling out a time sheet contains the three codes indicated above.

If only one type of remuneration is used for all employees, then the following data should be filled in:

  • wage type code - column 7-9 at the top, the same for all employees;
  • correspondent account – an account to which costs for a given type of remuneration are attributed;
  • Columns 7 and 8 remain empty;
  • 9 – number of days (hours) worked per month for each employee.

If several types of remuneration are used, then all three columns must be filled in: 7, 8, 9.

The seventh contains the labor remuneration code, the eighth the account for allocating costs for this type of payment, the ninth the number of days or hours corresponding to this type of payment. This data is filled in for each employee indicated in the time sheet.

The remaining columns of the table contain information about the reasons for absences and lateness of employees.

It also has its own codes for the reasons for absences, for example:

  • K – business trip;
  • B – sick leave;
  • OT – vacation, etc.

Next to the reason code, the number of hours or days of absence of the employee for this reason is indicated. Filling out time sheets is usually the responsibility of heads of departments or divisions or HR employees.

Filling out a time sheet according to form T-13 (columns 7-13)

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

Download the time sheet (form T-13). Sample and form in Excel

Below you can download a time sheet form on one sheet, and as an example below you can see a completed sample document.

Video lesson “Timesheets. Form T-13”

This video tutorial shows detailed example filling out a time sheet according to form T-13.

1.1. This Regulation is being introduced to systematize the process of collecting and processing information on working time spent by employees of the enterprise.

1.2. To maintain timesheets of working hours in the divisions of the enterprise, directors are appointed by order responsible persons from among the employees of these departments.

1.3. IN job responsibilities employees responsible for timekeeping are introduced with the following functions: monitoring the actual time spent by department employees at work and maintaining timesheets with responsibility for the correct reflection of employees’ working time in the timesheet and the timely submission of the timesheet for calculation.

1.4. To perform the duties, the employee responsible for timekeeping:

1.4.1. maintains records of the staff of the department;

1.4.2. based on documents (orders for personnel and general issues) makes changes to the list related to hiring, dismissal, relocation, changing work schedules, grades, granting vacations, etc.;

1.4.3. monitors the timeliness of attendance and departure from work, the presence of employees at the workplace with a notice to the head of the unit about absences, lateness, premature departures and the reasons that caused them;

1.4.4. controls the timeliness of the provision and correctness of the execution of documents confirming the right of employees to be absent from the workplace: sheets of temporary disability, certificates for caring for patients signed by the head of the dismissal and others;

1.4.5. prepares lists of employees for issuing orders to work on weekends and non-working holidays.

1.5. If it is impossible for a designated employee to temporarily perform the duties of maintaining time sheets, the head of the unit, by his order for this period, appoints a responsible executor and notifies the Department of Personnel Management and Regime.

1.6. All employees whose duties are responsible for maintaining time records are required to familiarize themselves with these Regulations upon signature.

2. Definitions

2.1. Category A workers– employees who, due to the nature of their work, need to travel outside the enterprise more than once a day. Category A workers have the right to freely exit (enter) outside the enterprise during working hours. The list of positions belonging to category A is determined by Appendix 1 to these Regulations (developed by the Department of Personnel Management and Regime and approved by the director of the enterprise in agreement with the Board of Directors).

2.2. Category B workers– employees who have the right to leave the territory of the enterprise during a work shift only by providing supporting documents (dismissal letter, summons, statement signed by the manager, etc.). Employees' applications for administrative leave and dismissals are endorsed by the heads of departments, workshops, and services.

2.3. Absenteeism register– a document reflecting the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, his position, division, affiliation with the LLC, date, current (from ___ to ___) and total (in hours) time, reason for absence from the workplace. Personal information about the employee, as well as the date and time of the employee’s absence, are recorded by security staff at the checkpoint. Every month, information from the journal is checked by employees of departments responsible for time records, who check the data from the journal with available documents and, if necessary, find out real reasons absence of employees from the workplace. In case of failure to provide supporting documents in the prescribed manner, the reason for absence is considered to be unauthorized departure from the workplace (lateness - at the beginning of the shift). If an employee has been absent for more than 4 hours in a row, and documents confirming his right to absence have not been provided in the prescribed manner, the employee will be given absenteeism and will not be paid for the working day. Absenteeism is issued in the manner established labor legislation. The rules for keeping a log of absent employees are developed by the Human Resources Department together with the security service and approved by the director of the enterprise.

3. Rules for filling out the timesheet

3.1. Time sheets are kept in electronic and paper versions.

3.2. The electronic version of the timesheet is entered into the 1C database by employees responsible for timesheets, taking into account the following requirements:

3.2.1. In the time sheet, data is entered broken down by day.

3.2.2. All types of working time (total hours worked, night hours worked, overtime hours) are indicated in a single time sheet for each department.

3.2.3. The name of the department in the time sheet is indicated in the “comment” column.

3.2.4. The “date” column of the time sheet indicates the last day of the reporting month.

3.2.5. The time sheet entered into the 1C electronic database is processed directly by the employee who entered the data.

3.3. In addition, employees responsible for timesheets fill out the timesheet in Excel format according to Appendix 2 and print it on paper. The signed time sheet is transferred to the accounting department for storage.

3.4. The time sheet contains the signature of the employee responsible for maintaining it (in the lower left corner), the visa of the immediate supervisor of this employee (in the lower right corner) and the visa of the head of the relevant Department, service, workshop (below the signature of the employee responsible for maintaining the time sheet). The signature of the responsible employee and the visas of the managers contain: job title, full name, signature, date of signing, phone number and E-mail of the signatory.

3.5.1. Data on employees are entered in the time sheet in strict accordance with the execution of the unit's staffing table.

3.5.2. If the actual place of work of the employee is in another unit, the entry in the time sheet is made responsible for maintaining the time sheet of the unit in which this employee is included, but on the proposal of the head in whose direct subordination he works. In this case, the immediate supervisor with his signature (below the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the time sheet with a transcript and date) certifies the correctness of filling out the time sheet for his subordinates. For example:

The place of work of the Quality Control Inspector is Shop No. 1. The time sheet for it is drawn up by the DCC Timekeeper on the proposal of the foreman of the shift in which this controller works. The foreman shall sign the timesheet below the DCC timekeeper's signature.

The actual place of work of the housekeeping department cleaner is the supply warehouse. The report card is submitted by the economic department in agreement with the head of the picking warehouse.

3.5.3. If an employee is transferred (moved) to another department during a calendar month (later than the first day), a separate time sheet for hours worked is issued for him, which is submitted simultaneously with the application for transfer. The time sheet shows hours of work up to and including the last working day in this department, and from the date of transfer (relocation) an “X” is entered. In the final report card of the month for the department this employee does not turn on. In the new unit, the report card is issued from the day of the actual transfer, but after the order is issued. In previous days, "X" is affixed.

3.5.4. In case of dismissal, a separate report card is submitted to the employee, simultaneously with the application for dismissal (with a memo - in case of dismissal at the initiative of the employer). Hours of work up to and including the last working day are entered on the timesheet, and an “X” is entered after the day of dismissal. This employee is not included in the final report card for the month for the department.

3.5.5. Employees on parental leave to care for a child under 1.5 or 3 years of age are not included in the timesheet.

3.5.6. The list of employees is compiled in alphabetical order(according to the first letters of the last name).

3.5.7. In the upper right corner of the timesheet, the monthly standard of working time is indicated according to the production calendar.

3.5.8. Serial numbering in column 1 is carried out according to the rates of the employees included in the timesheet (and not by last name). If an employee in a given department works at different rates, he is allocated as many serial numbers as the number of rates he occupies.

3.5.9. In column 2, Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) indicate the employee’s disability group. For healthy workers, a dash is indicated.

3.5.10. Last name, first name, patronymic are written down in column 3 in full. At the same time, the spelling of the last name, first name and patronymic is carefully checked in case of discrepancy between the accepted name of the employee and his documents. In the event of a change in last name, first name, patronymic, new data is entered into the timesheet only after the HR department issues a corresponding order for the personnel of the enterprise.

3.5.11. Column 4 (position) indicates the position of the employee in strict accordance with the staffing table. The same column indicates the number of bets (1, 0.5, 0.25, etc.).

3.5.12. Column 6 indicates the KTU (labor participation rate), determined by the manager in accordance with the rules adopted at the enterprise.

3.5.13. Appearances (no-appearances) are indicated in columns 7-22. In columns 7-22 there are 4 lines - two for each half of the month. The first and third lines are used to mark symbols(codes) of working time costs, and the second and fourth - for recording the duration of worked or unworked time (in hours, accurate to tenths of an hour) according to the corresponding codes of working time costs for each date.

3.5.14. Columns 23 and 24 indicate, respectively, the total number of days and hours worked by the employee in the first and second half of the month. To do this, two lines are highlighted in the indicated columns. The top line indicates the number of days (column 23) and hours (column 24) worked by the employee from the 1st to the 15th of the month inclusive. The bottom line indicates the number of days and hours worked by the employee from the 16th to the last day of the month inclusive.

3.5.15. Column 25 indicates the total number of days (shifts) worked by the employee during the month. The number of days entered in column 25 must be equal to the sum of the values ​​in the top and bottom lines of column 23.

3.5.16. Column 26 indicates the total number of hours worked by the employee during the month. The number of hours in column 26 should be equal to the sum of the values ​​in the top and bottom lines of column 24.

3.5.17. Columns 27 and 28 indicate the overtime hours worked by the employee, respectively, paid at one and a half and double rates. If an employee does not work the monthly standard of working time without good reason, overtime hours are not assigned to him.

3.5.18. Column 29 indicates the number of hours worked by the employee at night. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, night time is considered to be the time worked from 22:00 to 6:00.

3.5.19. Column 30 indicates the number of hours worked per month by the employee on weekends and non-working holidays according to the orders of the director.

3.5.20. Column 31 indicates the number of night shifts worked by the employee during the month.

3.5.21. Columns 32-40 indicate the number of days of absence from work by type.

3.5.22. Column 41 indicates the total number of days the employee was absent. The value of column 41 must be equal to the sum of the values ​​of columns 32-40.

3.5.23. Working hours for employees who are paid are set in strict accordance with the work schedule (8 hours, 4, 2, 24, 12, 1.5, etc.). Employees who have an hourly wage rate are given the actual hours worked with an accuracy of tenths of an hour.

3.5.24. On pre-holiday days, the duration of the work shift for full-time employees is reduced by 1 hour. For employees who have a shortened working day (7 hours per shift or less), the duration of the shift on a pre-holiday day is not reduced. For employees who have a shortened working day of more than seven hours, the duration of the work shift on a pre-holiday day is reduced to 7 hours.

3.5.25. If it is necessary to work a full work shift (8 hours) on a pre-holiday day, an order is issued to organize work overtime. In this case, employees are marked on the time sheet with the time worked according to the order. An order on the organization of work during overtime is prepared by the department of organization and remuneration on the instructions of the director of the enterprise and sent to the relevant departments no later than one working day before the shift specified in the order.

3.5.26. If it is necessary to organize work on a day off or a non-working holiday, a corresponding order is issued. The time worked on a non-working holiday or day off is indicated on the time sheet in strict accordance with the order. The order on the organization of work on weekends (non-working holidays) is prepared by the department of organization and remuneration on the instructions of the director of the enterprise.

3.5.27. Work on a day off (non-working holiday) is carried out in accordance with the regulations on remuneration of employees of XXXXX LLC at double the rate. At the request of an employee who worked on a day off or a non-working holiday, he may be given another day of rest. In this case, work on a non-working day is paid in a single amount, and a day of rest is not subject to payment.

3.5.28. If a holiday and a day off coincide, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday in accordance with Labor Code RF.

3.5.29. Attracting employees to overtime work, as well as work on a day off (non-working holiday) is allowed only with the written consent of the employee in the cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and is drawn up by order. Works that are not properly executed are not reflected in the time sheet and are not subject to payment.

3.5.30. The reporting period for accounting in the time sheet is one calendar month (from the first to the last day inclusive).

3.5.31. If an employee performs labor functions on the territory of the enterprise (regardless of the production site), the time sheet shall indicate the number of hours worked in accordance with this Regulation for each day worked.

3.5.32. If the employee is not on the territory of the enterprise’s production sites, or does not perform his labor functions, the time sheet is marked letter designation use of time in accordance with Annex 3.

3.5.33. If several types of time are used on one day (for example, 6 hours of work and 2 hours of idle time), the time sheet is kept for one employee in two lines.

3.5.34. Vacations (annual and administrative), sick leave are issued for all calendar days, including weekends (except holidays).

3.6. Employees' wages are calculated by the enterprise's accounting department on the basis of timesheets entered into the 1C electronic database by employees of departments responsible for timesheets.

3.7. Data on working hours entered into the 1C electronic database must correspond to the data on the timesheets filled out in accordance with Appendix 2.

3.8. No corrections or additional notes are allowed on the report card.

4. The procedure for generating and submitting timesheets

4.1. At least once a week, the employee responsible for timekeeping collects data on the use of working time for his department

4.2. When employees leave during the work shift, the security service records the time of exit and return. If the employee left for other than work reasons (there is no leave, and the employee does not belong to category A), the time of absence is deducted from the balance of hours worked.

4.3. All late arrivals and early departures from work are recorded by the security service and deducted from the working time balance. An exception is made for employees who come to work later or leave earlier due to dismissal, as well as employees belonging to category A.

4.4. As an exception individual employees coming to work for public transport suburban or intercity traffic, at the request of the employee and the petition of the immediate supervisor, the start time of the work shift may be shifted. In this case, the employee’s application, endorsed by the head of the relevant unit (Department, service, workshop), is sent to the Deputy Head of the Department for Personnel Management, Regime and Internal Control, and a copy is sent to the security service.

4.5. Data on cases of lateness, unauthorized departures from work are sent by the security service to the Deputy Head of the Department for Personnel Management, Regime and Internal Control no later than the 1st day of the month following the reporting month. The Deputy Head of the Department for Personnel Management, Regime and Internal Control draws up analytical notes on violations of the work and rest regime by employees and, by the fifth day of the month following the reporting month, sends them to the heads of the relevant departments, workshops, and services.

4.6. Data on the use of working time is entered by employees of departments responsible for time records into the 1C electronic database before 17:00 on the third day of the month following the reporting month.

4.7. Employees of departments responsible for time sheets, before 17:00 on the first day of the month following the reporting month, fill out the time sheet form in accordance with Appendix 2, print them out and after checking and signing with the appropriate officials transferred to the accounting department for storage.

Question: The law obliges the employer to keep track of working time - a time sheet. Please tell us about the practice of organizing this work at large enterprises. Which department typically performs this work—HR or Labor and Payroll? And why? We think that the HR department, since they prepare primary documents and therefore adjustments to them. And this is the basis for the formation of the report card. Thank you.


Answer to the question:

Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges employer keep records of working hours actually worked by each employee.

In turn, the head of the organization has the right to determine which structural unit or specific employee will be involved in filling out the forms for recording working hours. This obligation should be enshrined in an order (instruction) or other local act (for example, in the Regulations on a structural unit) and included in job descriptions or employment contracts of employees who will directly keep track of working hours and fill out time sheets.

Thus, the responsibility for filling out the time sheet can be assigned both to employees of the personnel service or accounting department, and to employees of other departments.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1. Answer:Who should keep employee time sheets?

Nina Kovyazina,

Deputy Director of the Department medical education And personnel policy in health care of the Ministry of Health of Russia

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Alla Khripushina,

HR System expert

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