The correct wording of employee bonuses: for what can an employee be rewarded? List of reasons for payment. Types of employee incentives

Learn how to reward employees the right way. Our experts shared the secrets of motivating employees. Following the advice, you will learn how to manage the effectiveness of the team without causing discontent. Use the template for the award letter.

From the article you will learn:

Regulations on staff bonuses

What is employee incentives

The law provides for the employer's right to single out the merits of the best specialists, and for employees to receive both moral and material rewards. This is stated in Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

But the law does not fix clear criteria by which merit is assessed. Because of this, a lot of disputes and conflicts arise in practice. The manager sets the parameters independently, based on the performance of the best specialists, industry standards, and other factors.

In fact, the encouragement of employees is the official recognition of the results of impeccable performance. In order to receive remuneration, the employee must perform labor functions in accordance with job description, qualification requirements, other standards.

Industry legislation also provides for a number of requirements for employees of certain professions. Moral and financial incentive employees is possible if the specialist shows initiative, innovation, ensures the safety of the organization's property, works long and flawlessly.

Note! At the legislative level, it is not forbidden to prescribe several types of incentives for one employee - a bonus and gratitude. At the same time, incentive measures for employees can be applied even in relation to persons who have a disciplinary sanction.

The Importance of Rewards and Disciplinary Actions

Various types of rewards and disciplinary actions help maintain discipline. They have a greater psychological impact on a person than the cry of a boss. If you start using the “carrot and stick” wisely, you will notice that employees are more involved in the work process, they are less late and try to be the best among their colleagues.

Use case " ". Experts of the magazine "HR Director" will give practical advice.

note! If the frequency and reasons for encouraging employees are not controlled by the inspection bodies, problems will arise with dishonest application of punishments if the employee turns to the labor inspectorate. The experts of System Kadry told on disciplinary actions , the order in which they are used. By following the advice, you will avoid difficulties with colleagues and the law.

The universal recognition of the merits of one person launches an educational chain. Always say what the employee did, why you decided to single out his merits. Others must clearly understand what to strive for in order to receive an award or diploma. Clearly state the types of incentives for employees for work in Regulations on bonuses or a collective agreement, indicate the parameters under which remuneration is due.

Regulations on bonuses

Types of employee incentives

The law does not divide the types of incentives for employees into moral and material ones, but in practice this is exactly what happens. As a rule, to celebrate the merits of employees, managers:

  • remove penalties ahead of schedule;
  • included in the personnel reserve;
  • assign titles;
  • presented for state awards.

We recommend not only standard forms encouragement, but non-standard . Experts from Sistema Kadra spoke about them in more detail.

Note! Incentives can be both one-time and regular, and the frequency of their payments is reflected in local documents. Most often, one-time bonuses are timed to coincide with specific dates, for example, the day the company was founded, the anniversary of an employee, etc., while periodic bonuses are given for the conscientious work of a specialist in a certain period of time. But do not forget, awards must be appointed deservedly.

Does the CFO only pay bonuses to favorites? ? Experts of the magazine "Director of Personnel" answer.

Cash incentives for employees are not always in the form of bonuses. It can be played by:

  1. Additional rest days:
  2. Wellness vouchers;
  3. Personal allowances;
  4. Interest-free loans;
  5. Seminars, etc.

It is rational to send individual employees for training at the expense of the organization, to provide them with study leave and give bonuses.

Properly apply incentives and disciplinary action. No edition orders, entering information in a personal file or labor is indispensable. But before preparing a document, consider whether merits or faults really need to be noted. Correcting a mistake in the future is difficult, and taking away awards is completely irrational, as this will cause obvious discontent on the part of a person.

An example of filling out an order to encourage an employee

Rule number 2. Don't Forget the Importance of Measures

Think about how much money a particular employee would be happy with. It is inappropriate to give awards that do not meet the expectations and needs of a particular individual. First, you are wasting your money. Secondly, instead of a positive result, you will achieve the exact opposite effect. If in this moment the company is not ready for material costs, get by with the presentation of diplomas and public recognition of merit. Experts of the magazine "Director of Personnel" will prompt


Rule number 3. Use comprehensive measures to encourage employees

A monetary award is quickly forgotten if it is not supported by a letter or a letter. Express your recognition, mark merit. Personally give the employee a written encouragement, and do not entrust this matter to the secretary, otherwise it will lose its significance.

Personal card (fragment). Employee award

Rule number 4. Define the timing of the promotion

The team must know when to expect a bonus. For example, if the plan is exceeded this month, cash bonuses should be in the next. Set reasonable deadlines. Prize after six months motivates less than at the end of the reporting period.

Rule number 5. Celebrate not only strong employees

Employee incentives should be balanced. It is impossible to note the merits of only the strongest specialists of the department. Set several criteria by which you will evaluate the work of employees. If you see that a weak worker is working hard, but falls short of a colleague in terms of the norm, note his successes. In the future, he will work much more actively, he will have a strong incentive to be a leader.

The experts of "System Kadra" will prompt, how to develop reward metrics

Rule number 6. Reward employees in a festive atmosphere

If the material incentives for employees do not always need to be advertised, the presentation of certificates and letters of thanks should be held in public. When it is not possible to organize a corporate party, gather all employees and present certificates the best specialists. For many people, gratitude is the most important thing.

Develop an effective and understandable employee incentive system that is tied to specific indicators. Avoid awarding cash prizes or diplomas for dubious merits, otherwise the organization will incur unreasonable material costs, and the intensity of work will not increase.

You will learn:

  • Which articles of the Labor Code to rely on when encouraging employees.
  • What are the types of employee incentives?
  • How to issue an employee incentive.
  • Examples of reward systems in various companies.

One of the most important factors in the development of the enterprise is the personnel incentive system. Its effective implementation is reflected in the quality of work, on labor productivity and mood of workers. The most common method of stimulating staff is the system employee incentives.

Legal rationale for rewarding employees

Based on Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "Basic concepts and definitions" section "Payment and labor rationing", the concept of "remuneration" includes 2 points: remuneration for work (the main part of the payment), and the motivational part, which is a stimulating factor work of employees (bonus part).

The main part of the payment is made without fail for the fulfillment of the established labor standard. And the incentive (additional) part encourages employees to improve the results of their work, exceeding the established standards.

The incentive part of the salary can significantly increase the amount of the total payment to the employee, based on the individual contribution to the achievement of the goals set by the employer, and, of course, his personal interest.

The legal basis for encouraging employees is not subject to change due to the fact that they are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Labor Code RF, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts federal bodies government and other legal acts. Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Incentives for work” provides for the right of employers to encourage their employees if they adequately fulfill their labor duties. As a rule, an employer can use such types of employee incentives as announcing gratitude, rewarding with a valuable gift, a diploma, and conferring a title. Or give out a prize in cash. There are other types of incentives for employees, which are stipulated in the collective agreement. internal regulations and provisions on labor discipline.

The employer has the right to establish all kinds of incentive systems for employees, issue acts and regulations on incentive payments and bonuses, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees, as well as take into account operating organization labor, the level of office work, established standards, technologies, etc. With regular payments of bonuses at the enterprise, it is advisable to document the conditions and procedure for bonuses to employees in the provision on bonuses. This document, as a rule, provides for all the criteria for encouraging employees, and the procedure for their accrual. However, depriving employees of bonus payments is contrary to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in the provision on bonuses, it is necessary to indicate information about what exactly the bonus can be reduced or not accrued for. The reasons for this can be completely different.

The presence of this document at the enterprise is the key to the knowledge of employees about the openness of accruing bonus payments to them, in which cases they can receive a larger payment or understand the reasons for which they received less. Knowledge of the nuances of the contents of this document by employees will help avoid conflict situations a team. The main requirement is the mandatory familiarization of all employees of the enterprise with the current regulation on bonuses against signature.

Expert opinion

Nikita Kellerman,
CEO of Kellermann, Moscow

Our company has a rule that every manager should mark those employees who are most distinguished by their desire for professional growth. To highlight the exceptional achievements of a particular employee, we give him new powers, thereby allowing him to develop. These may be higher-level customer connections than before; implementation of a new important project, etc.

To all this is added the opportunity to work as a coach - to prepare and conduct their own trainings and give master classes at internal staff training. Thus, this specialist earns his authority in the team, is engaged in self-development, taking on more and more complex projects. As an encouragement, this employee receives a wonderful bonus that allows him to travel the world, because our company has offices in different parts of the world. In other words, we give a person a "fishing rod", and he must catch the "fish" himself. We believe that this method of rewarding employees can save a specialist from " professional burnout”, advances it horizontally career ladder, which is already gaining a vertical angle.

Statistics have already shown the first fruitful results of the implementation of this program: the number of successfully completed projects increased by 20%, and personal KPIs for attracting customers increased by 30%.

5 ideas on how to reward a top manager

About the importance of free medical care or a separate office and personal driver for a top manager, the CEO most likely already knows . The editors of the magazine "General Director" stopped at more rare, but most importantly - effective ways encouragement.

The carrot method in the enterprise: encouraging employees and its significance

Each person has his own personal needs, for which he lives, works, has fun, etc. For some, they are important in the form of recognition and praise, while others prefer material values. It is the incentives that are aimed at satisfying various kinds of needs.

Encouragement is a way of motivation, which is based on the remuneration of employees for a conscientious contribution to the development of the enterprise, and causes them positive emotions. This method is one of several in the group of moral and psychological methods of motivation.

Encouragement is necessary when it is necessary to stabilize the proper attitude of employees to the labor process. The best effect is achieved as a result of the minimum period of time between the actions of employees and their remuneration. The main result of the promotion will be the achievement of the desired emotional state workers. The highest degree of emotional effect is achieved by using the surprise factor. It is great if the manager is familiar with the personal characteristics and characteristics of each employee whom he would like to encourage. Knowing the personal needs of his employees, the manager can choose a convenient situation for rewarding, or act according to a specially designed scenario. In any case, encouragement should be sincere, as other feelings do not motivate to positive attitude to work. It is extremely important to take into account the factor of fairness of rewards within the team, so as not to provoke the appearance of envious and unfriendly opinions.

It should be taken into account that an illiterate promotion of employees in a team can lead to negative consequences, up to the collapse of the community; or vice versa, well-reasoned and fair incentives unite and unite the team into one team.

Reward is a tool for rewards. This is what a person considers most valuable for himself when doing work. But the very concept of value for all people is different. Often, for a successful and financially secure person, rest in the company of friends is more valuable than a large amount of banknotes. In the enterprise, we use two main types of rewards: internal and external. Intrinsic reward comes with the most performed work. The employee experiences such emotions as a sense of accomplishment, increased self-esteem, awareness of the significance of the work done, etc.

In order for employees to receive internal remuneration, the employer must ensure that the necessary working conditions are met, provide everything necessary to achieve the tasks set, prescribe labor duties and the degree of responsibility of each participant in the labor process.

  • Labor efficiency of employees: an innovative method of personnel motivation

Incentive Effectiveness Rules

  1. Incentives should be used in each case of manifestation of labor activity by an employee, which ends with a positive result.
  2. To give significance, prestige to the quality performance of labor duties, it is necessary to use all available incentive measures.
  3. It is necessary to ensure the shortest possible time for employees to receive incentives, for example, in a week. If a person knows about the upcoming promotion in the near future, the efficiency of his activity in the enterprise increases significantly.
  4. Any promotion in the team should receive positive publicity. This raises authority, prestige and respect of employees. Often such incentives are more valuable than material goods.
  5. Employees of any level and any status should be encouraged.

Basic principles of encouragement

  1. legality. The principle of legality implies that any incentive measure is legal. The essence of incentives is stated in the documents of the enterprise, calculated quantitatively and qualitatively. Always defined exact dates motivational payments.
  2. Publicity. The principle of publicity is carried out by notifying employees of the enterprise about the adopted system of incentives. This principle is also called the principle of openness, since the results of the employee incentives are communicated to each employee.
  3. Justice. The principle of justice is an objective analysis of the activities of each employee in general and separately. This determines the balance between the contribution of the staff and the return on the enterprise.
  4. Ratio. This principle helps to distribute incentive measures for moral and material incentives for employees. It gives an understanding of the importance and prioritizes each way of rewards. This is an example of employee incentives that can be used to justify an increase in the degree of responsibility with an increase in encouragement.

Business and department managers should understand that employees should be encouraged not only in order to look like a positive hero in their eyes, but also in order to maximally motivate each employee individually or the whole team as a whole to improve labor performance.

Most people, when they see that their colleague has been presented with an award of any kind (material, moral encouragement, both at the same time), begin to work with more dedication so as not to go unnoticed by management and continue to receive a bonus or any kind of encouragement.

Let's not forget that the award for merit in the company arouses in employees a commitment to work at this enterprise, in their team, devoting their time and energy to development.

Commitment is the projection of the interests of the company on your personal ego.

Identifying your personal goals with those of the company and working with total dedication is commitment.

Adherents of work in their company perceive work interests as their own. Each achievement, expansion of the enterprise is for such employees the personification of a personal victory. And every time he takes on new assignments or the current work process with great enthusiasm to bring the maximum result to the common cause.

It will take more than a day to cultivate commitment in a team. For this, the method of excessive rewards is not suitable, which can only relax employees, discourage interest in performing their tasks. The victory awaits those leaders who promptly encouraged their employees, awarded for individual achievements, for activity and initiative for the good of the company.

Expert opinion

Yuri Antonov,
CEO, Ochakovo, Moscow

Our company owns the Gorny sanatorium, which is located in Krasnodar Territory. Our current and retired employees take their families there to improve their health by paying a discounted rate. Every year more than 10% of the company's employees rest in the sanatorium. All interested persons during the working period can submit a written application to the Human Resources Department. Particularly distinguished employees are awarded free vouchers for 2 weeks. Employees who have already retired can receive the same free voucher every three years. Other employees can purchase vouchers for themselves, their relatives, friends and acquaintances at a discount of 15% to 30%. The remaining amount can be divided into equal parts and paid within six months. Members of our trade union receive an additional 15% discount on the same tour.

We conducted a survey among the employees of our company, as a result of which we found out that the opportunity to relax in the company's own sanatorium is one of the important factors in the social package, ranking fifth out of sixteen. For the enterprise, the presence of this factor is the basis for reducing staff turnover contributes to the preservation of the team.

Types, forms and methods of encouraging employees

The employer can determine the types and forms of employee incentives for conscientious work personally, or by resorting to agreement with the trade union body or other representative bodies of employees.

Types of employee incentives:

  • regular (incentives that are paid monthly in the form of bonuses to employees);
  • one-time (awarding the team for breakthrough in the industry, or individually for some employees for their contribution to development).

In the law, the wording of the concept of "Encouragement" implies a public recognition of the successes achieved, in which the employer officially expresses his positive assessment of the merits of the team or employee, with the obligatory issuance of a corresponding order on encouragement. Usually a solemn event is dedicated to such an action.

Based on the wording of the law, incentives can be:

  • material. In most cases, they have a monetary value, sometimes they can be valuable gifts. In any case, in addition to moral satisfaction, the employee receives additional material benefits.
  • moral encouragement of employees inspire to improve the quality of their work and morally satisfy.

Material forms of staff incentives:

  • cash bonus for high-quality actions of an employee that entailed positive result For the company;
  • a valuable gift as a reward for similar actions of an employee;
  • various compensations, bonuses and benefits that complement the employee's social package;
  • accumulative system of bonuses for employees - for their labor achievements, the employee accumulates bonuses, which at the end of the year, for example, can be converted into a significant cash reward or a significant valuable gift (a ticket to exotic country, large household appliances, a certificate for furniture, etc.) An employee can independently determine the amount of bonuses that he wants to spend. The rest continues to be on the employee's account and replenished with new bonuses in the new working year. In case of dismissal, all accumulated bonuses burn out.

Non-material forms of staff incentives:

  • gratitude - the official moral encouragement of the employee, with the entry in the order, which the head publicly declares to the entire team;
  • praise - an informal form of rewarding an employee, which is announced by the head personally or in the presence of the team for the successful completion of the assignment;
  • approval - as well as praise - informal moral encouragement of an employee during the work process, when the manager sees the efforts and proximity to the desired result;
  • support - another type of informal non-material encouragement of an employee in the process of performing a task, in case of doubts, difficulties in choosing methods and ways of carrying out actions;
  • as an official non-material incentive, one can consider the removal of a penalty previously imposed on an employee, for example, by drawing up an appropriate order.

Encouragement of employees should be based on fairness, the facts of the implementation of plans and goals, and adequacy. Instances of non-compliance by management with regard to incentives undermine trust and demotivate the team .

What should employees be rewarded for?

  • the main reason for encouragement is the manifestation of initiative, creativity, diligence in the course of fulfilling the tasks assigned to the employee;
  • highly professional and high-quality performance of employees;
  • innovative, rational proposals of specialists introduced into the workflow, thanks to which the efficiency of work has increased, the profit of the company has increased;
  • personal contribution to achieve high results in the course of professional competitions or competitions.
  • the desire of specialists for professional growth, personal training and advanced training courses;
  • prudence and efficiency in the economic part of the enterprise by a specific employee, in order to save the company's funds for the benefit of its development;
  • cases when employees take care of the company's tangible property (office equipment, furniture);
  • active and fruitful mentoring of experienced employees for the training of young professionals;
  • attracting highly qualified specialists to solve the problems of the company.
  • attracting new corporate clients to cooperate with the company;
  • conscientious attitude to compliance with corporate standards;
  • lack of employees bad habits and healthy lifestyle. On the one hand, rewarding your employees for the absence of bad habits allows you to productively use working time, and on the other hand, it affects the absence of sick leave. After all, heavy smokers spend more than an hour of working time on their "smoke breaks", while catching a cold. Encouragement for maintaining a healthy lifestyle most often represents additional days provided for vacation.

Other ideas for encouraging employees will be shared with you by experts from the School of Commercial Director within.

How CEOs of various companies encourage their employees

Additional day off

AT Consulting has come up with an unusual way to encourage employees: if they do a voluminous job, a difficult task that takes a lot of time and effort from them, then they can ask the manager after the completion of the project for a few days (a week, a month) to recuperate. As an example, for a 4-day event organized by one of the employees, he received a legal paid day off.

Title "Devil's Advocate"

Corporate events unite the team and raise the team spirit. The reason for such an event could be, for example, the presentation of the title of "Devil's Advocate", awarded to the best lawyer of the company Genesis, who won the largest number of lawsuits. The name of the award was borrowed from the famous film. That is why the figurine is a figure of the hero Al Pacino from that movie. For employees, the award itself seems like a joke, but for the sake of the award process itself, everyone wants to excel.

Black box prize

A great example of rewarding employees for the work done was invented by Planet Real Estate. They organize competitions for the best employees of the week, for example, “who will conclude the most contracts”, “Who will call the most clients”, etc. There is a special box in the office where employees drop notes with desired prizes. These can be cinema tickets, theater tickets, a certificate to a beauty salon, a sushi set, etc. At the end of the working week, the top three are determined and one note is pulled out of the drawer. The winners receive their prize.

Movie tickets or dolphinarium

Creative encouragement of their employees was introduced in their company "Pronto-Media" by specialists of the HR department. Every month they come up with all sorts of nominations for the staff, such as "Darling", "Intellectual", "Humorist" and even "Nerd of the Month". At the end of the month, personnel officers discuss the nominations with top managers and start voting. Each employee who wishes puts a piece of paper with the name of the nominee in a special box in the office. The names of the winners will be sent to e-mail. When the general director appears in the office, he gathers all the employees and solemnly presents the winner with a prize, for example, movie tickets, or tickets to the dolphinarium. The cost of the prize is compensated from the budget of the HR marketing department.

Three days without leaders

The leaders of the QUAD publishing house came up with the idea of ​​not appearing at the workplace for 24 hours once a year. By doing this, they showed their employees that they completely trust them. Over time, the authorities increased this period to three days.

Money for entertainment

The leaders of the company bright city» decided to encourage employees who have worked in the company for a year or more. They are given a certificate in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, which can only be spent on entertainment and recreation. Most often, employees spend this money on trips to the theater, cinema, concerts, SPA-salon, trips on snowmobiles and skiing.

Lottery tickets

At General Electric, a cash bonus is given to every employee who has never violated the work schedule for six months. And the staff of the Marcus chain restaurant, which has not had a single accident or work injury in a month, receive tickets to the most popular national lottery.

Pleasant little things for the office

In the office of the Logomachine company, monthly voting is held on the page in social network"In contact", as a result of which the most productive employee of the month is determined. Prizes are also given to the winner's department - usually game console, and the winner himself - a huge can of NUTELLA chocolate paste. Often the reward of the department is a useful thing for the office: a microwave oven, soft pouffes for a recreation area, a horizontal bar. Once the whole team went to the entertainment center instead of a working day, and they found out about it only in the morning, having conscientiously arrived at the office to work. The budget for such gifts, not counting collective trips, is 10-20 thousand rubles. But thanks to such motivation, the productivity of the staff increased by 1.5 times, and the number of dissatisfied employees decreased and tends to zero.

Title "Leader"

At Nordstorm, Inc. an employee who has exceeded the plan is awarded annually, receives the title of "Leader", a T-shirt with the corresponding inscription, a certificate and a paid dinner in a restaurant for two persons. In addition, for the whole next year, he receives a 33% discount on all company products (this is more than the standard employee discount by 13%).

Education and personal growth

Time Warner executives pay up to 100% of the cost of workflow-related training courses for their employees, as well as 75% of the cost of other courses. And at Pitney Bowes, employees are offered a choice of courses in drawing and photography, sewing and cooking, golf and architecture.

Celebration of anniversaries and special occasions

The world-famous company The Walt Disney Company holds grandiose banquets in honor of the company's round dates.

Pitney Bowes rewards its employees with an extra month of paid vacation for every 5 years they've been with the company.

Physio-Control Corporation rewards its employees with compensation for commuting home from work on Fridays and night shifts on weekends.

  • Reducing staff costs: more than 10 ways that will not cause tension in the team

Expert opinion

Georgy Letunov,
President, X-Fit Group, Moscow

Our managers receive bonuses in the form of a fixed amount for achieving the set goal, as well as in the form of a percentage of the company's income. The advantages of the second type of encouragement are obvious, since you earned more - you got more. This scheme works great in sales departments. And such a fixed bonus as a premium, on the contrary, insures our company against unnecessary payments: after all, income can increase not only due to the efforts of a particular manager, but also due to changes in the market in general. For example, increasing the price of our products or services. There are tasks that are not related to the achievement of financial indicators, but they are set and fulfilled. Accordingly, we pay remuneration for such merits after summing up the results in the reporting periods. For example, the financial director has a bonus for implementing a software product that organizes the work of the treasury; the HR director has the task of creating and implementing a personnel assessment system, the franchising director has a bonus for creating and bringing to the market a franchise product under a new brand. For the marketing director, we came up with a different scheme for calculating bonuses. We divide the bonuses into two parts. The first part is charged for the fulfillment of sales plans in the company, the second part is paid based on the brand's popularity in the market. This indicator is measured on the basis of studies developed by TNS Russia.

How to issue employee incentives: the procedure in practice

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a procedure for issuing employee incentives. That is why this issue is considered by the administration of companies and is fixed in internal acts. As a rule, the concept of encouraging employees includes several stages:

  1. The employee’s immediate supervisor prepares the employee’s reward idea. In it, he evaluates the labor and professional activity employee, characterizes his personal and business qualities. Justifies the feasibility of the promotion.
  2. Further, the head of the company, on the basis of the idea of ​​encouraging employees, issues an order to encourage employees in the form No. T-11 (or No. T-11a, if several employees are encouraged). If the promotion does not include a payment Money, then the monetary details are removed from the form No. T-11. This option is provided in the Guidelines for the application and filling out the forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.
  3. On the basis of the issued order, the personnel department employee makes an appropriate entry in work book in the section "Information on awards" and in the personal card of the employee of the form No. T-2. Unified forms No. T-11 (T-11a) and No. T-2 were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

When indicating the reasons for encouraging an employee, it is recommended to use a clear and concise wording in order to simplify the procedure for entering a work book. We offer some examples for wording: “for long and excellent work in the company”, “for the fast and successful implementation of the project”, “for the proper performance of labor duties and in connection with retirement”.

The basis for issuing an order on encouragement is a memorandum or presentation by the head. In this submission to the promotion, the type of promotion must be indicated. The representation itself is written in an arbitrary form, there is no standard form. But there are generally accepted rules for a well-composed presentation for promotion. In order for the submission to become a real basis for issuing an order to encourage. It must contain the following details:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the promoted person;
  • year of birth;
  • education;
  • job title;
  • structural subdivision;
  • work experience in this organization;
  • assessment of production activities;
  • incentive motive;
  • base;
  • kind of encouragement.

Incentives of the presented employees are displayed in the Order and brought to the attention of the team. The draft order is prepared by a HR specialist and signed by the immediate supervisor of the listed employees. If the order indicates a material incentive, then he must put his visa. The last order is signed by the head of the entire organization. The first copy of the Order on encouragement is given for review to the employee against signature. It is recommended to make several copies of the order signed by the employee. The first copy is the original and is filed with orders on personnel, the second copy is attached to the employee's personal file, the third is transferred to the accounting department for bonus calculation, the fourth is given to the employee.

  • Gratitude to the employee: 8 unusual ways to reward good work

Expert opinion

Alexey Savostin,
General Director and co-owner of Biosfera, Moscow

On personal experience, I checked and made sure which methods of rewards cause the greatest emotional response from the staff. For example, this is the third time that we annually give gift certificates to the best employees for the services of a beauty salon or for the purchase of cosmetics. The certificate is presented along with a new task: you need to observe your impressions during the cosmetic procedure and give a professional assessment. Since 2015, I plan to use a more modern form of employee morale - video recognition. It can be sent by e-mail and posted on the corporate portal of the company. Let's say the team overfulfilled the plan. In this case, I record my video message with thanks to especially distinguished employees. Top managers and leaders in the same video will talk about the work done, share their opinions, what problems they had to face in the process of achieving their goals, useful experience. Thus, colleagues will be able to learn from their experience, and leaders will feel their importance in the team.

5 unusual ideas for non-financial incentives for employees

Commemorative gift for an employee

What does the head of an organization usually do when it is necessary to praise an employee for a minor reason? Two options: either does nothing, or encourages with a few words: “Thank you, well done”, “Excellent”. And that's all. Congratulations are considered complete. And what remains to confirm the praise? Nothing. After all, the words will be forgotten. How to avoid this and earn additional authority and advantages thanks to such a small non-material motivation as praise?

Everything is very simple. At the same time as giving words of praise or thanks, give the employee a small card (for example, a regular postcard) that may contain the words “Great!” or “Thank you for a job well done!” Place for the name of the employee and for the signature of the head. You can come up with absolutely any text, and postcards can symbolize various reasons for rewards and different categories of events. The cost of such a postcard is extremely low, ranging from 0.3 rubles to 1 ruble. But the effect is very significant. You will be able to strengthen relationships in the team and increase the level of motivation at work.

Give an employee a public thank you

For many employees, recognition in the team is important. Therefore, knowing the characteristics of your employees, do not skimp on their praise in the presence of colleagues. If he deserves it, why not praise the employee at a general meeting or some corporate event where most of the other employees are present? You can go further and express gratitude to this employee in the presence of as many people as possible. For example, post a short article in a newspaper, or give an interview for radio or TV. Subsequently, this employee can be presented with a framed newspaper clipping or a disk with the broadcast of the program, in which his name was mentioned in a positive way.

Let employees decide who is the best

Among your employees, you will need to conduct some surveys to identify the best of them. At the beginning of each month, give out 15-20 sheets of paper to each person in the team, no more than A6 format, on which 5 fields will be lined: date, full name, place for signature and 2 more fields. In one of them, the employee enters his colleague, to whom he expresses gratitude with this "certificate", and in the second field - the reason for the award.

Every time, as soon as an employee wants to thank or praise his colleague for any action, he takes a piece of paper and makes notes on it: to whom, when and for what he gives it. And once a month, according to the results of the calculations, the winner is solemnly awarded. For example, for one mention, you can get a couple of movie tickets. And for 50 - a ticket to Egypt for the weekend. You need to focus on the fact that 1 certificate is approximately equal to 1% of the average salary (about 20 certificates are issued per month). If the value is less, then, accordingly, the interest of employees will be minimal. The higher the value, the more there is a desire to deceive by entering your name.

Encouragement of employees for work and effective performance of functions serves excellent remedy helping to educate a conscious increase in the effectiveness of production processes and ensure discipline in the team.

Importance of incentive measures

For every employee important award for his work becomes worthy and timely paid wages. However, material and moral incentives for success in work are considered no less significant. Their correct use allows you to ensure and maintain it at the proper level. These techniques have a powerful stimulating effect, pushing the employees of the organization to further production success, and also become a positive example for other members of the team.

Encouragement for work is often used in cases of exemplary behavior (labor merit). The subject can be both individual employees and teams.

Incentive measures: definition and essence

Encouragement is called this or that form of positive assessment of the behavior or results of the employee's work by the employer, the labor collective or the state. Incentive measures are classified based on who receives them and for what merits.

In fact, rewards for labor achievements can be rewards, benefits, benefits, or public displays of gratitude and honor. As a result of the application of such measures, the prestige of an employee or team increases. This is the realization of the need for recognition, which is inherent in every person. The awarded employee is grateful to the management, and also realizes his value to the team and the enterprise.

The reward for work inspires people to conscientiously perform their duties, charges them with the desire to reach new heights in the profession, to be more useful for the company.

Motivated employees are extremely important for a company. Due to their strong, bright motives, they work more efficiently and efficiently, actively and with full dedication of strength overcome the difficulties and problems that arise, and achieve their goals faster.

Types of incentives for work: material reward

Among the most effective incentive measures, material and non-material ones are distinguished.

Financial incentives include a system of measures aimed at ensuring the financial interest of company employees in certain labor results.

It could be:

  • Award payment.
  • Presentation of a valuable gift.

The bonus is awarded to employees, in addition to wages, for the fact that they have achieved a specific result in labor.

Bonuses as a reward for work are used according to the system adopted at the enterprise. The conditions for receiving and the amount of payments are indicated in the collective or labor contract, agreement, organization.

The bonus system allows the employee to receive a larger amount of money than that provided by the salary. However, he will have to work harder, because the bonus is paid for achieving indicators that are higher than the average values.

Features of the use of the premium system

The bonus is the most common material incentive for success in work. It acts as a powerful incentive for company employees and often has a positive impact on productivity and

For the employer, the development of a bonus system primarily means the possibility of attracting and retaining highly qualified specialists.

Each company has its own system of accrual and payment of bonuses, which meets the individual characteristics of economic activity. Its development and installation is carried out by the relevant department of the organization.

Bonuses are carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  • The bonus must be assigned to a specific employee for a certain personal contribution to the company's activities.
  • Incentive for work (bonus) should not be included in wages. It is important that the employee of the organization knows how to distinguish between these payments.
  • Determining the amount of incentive payments must have an economic justification.
  • Bonuses should be paid for the fulfillment of certain conditions or the achievement of specific indicators.

Terms and types of bonuses

There are premiums that can be attributed to the payment system, and those that are not included in it.

The former are defined in the provision on bonuses, collective or labor agreement or other local normative act companies. This type of incentive is paid to employees who have achieved a result predetermined by bonus indicators. The very fact of achieving these indicators entitles the employee to receive an award, otherwise (the result is not received) there is no right to a bonus.

Types of bonus indicators:

  1. Quantitative (fulfilled and exceeded the production plan, achieved a technically justified, mastered progressive production rate, and others).
  2. Qualitative (labor costs are reduced, materials, raw materials or fuel are saved, the proportion of top quality products is increased, high level in customer service).

In addition to indicators, the company's management may set several conditions (additional requirements), the fulfillment of which is necessary for the payment of bonuses. In case of their violation, the incentive may not be accrued to the employee or its size may be reduced.

The second type of premiums that are not related to is paid a lump sum. At the same time, the procedure for rewarding work consists in a general assessment of the work of a particular employee of the enterprise, and not in an analysis of the results achieved. That is, the basis for accruing such a bonus is the unilateral decision of the employer.

In addition to the above classification, there is also a division of premiums into several groups:

  • Periodic (monthly, quarterly, annual).
  • One-time accruals for achievements related to production process(for high labor productivity, for the successful completion of urgent or important tasks, for conscientious performance of labor duties for many years).
  • Timed to coincide with any events not related to the production process ( holidays, anniversaries of employees or the company, retirement of an employee).

Non-material incentives for employees

Along with material types of rewards, many enterprises actively use the moral encouragement of labor. This type of stimulation includes various measures of public approval or censure aimed at increasing or decreasing the prestige of a particular employee.

For such activities to be effective, the leader must comply with the following conditions:

  • Bring to the knowledge of employees information about the provisions and statuses of moral incentives.
  • Take care of the wide use of various forms of such incentives, as this contributes to the development of creative initiative in the team.
  • Combine methods of moral encouragement with material incentives, provide for their interaction and continuous improvement, taking into account new tasks, changes in content, organization or working conditions.
  • Take care of the wide dissemination of information in the team in each case of moral encouragement.
  • Organize a festive atmosphere in which awards and acknowledgments will be presented.

  • Provide timely moral encouragement. It should be done immediately after reaching.
  • Develop improved types of incentives, as well as provide for the establishment of a strict moral responsibility of each employee for the business in which he is engaged.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the application of incentives.
  • Ensure that moral incentives for work are applied systematically and the rules for maintaining relevant records in the work books of employees are observed.

The procedure for applying incentives and awards

It should be noted that the use of financial incentives is justified when the employees of the enterprise feel the need to meet basic needs (they are forced to eat unhealthy food, live in a room with a minimum level of comfort, they are not sure about “tomorrow”).

If these needs are met, they seek other incentives other than material ones. Such workers become interested in moral types of reward for work, as they are able to activate powerful internal incentives for further activity.

The employer's interest in conscientious and motivated employees is obvious: the results of their work are so increased that it more than justifies the funds spent on their stimulation.

Extremely in an efficient way to increase the interest of the company's employees in the labor process and ensure their loyalty to this organization becomes a combined system, which combines bonus pay and non-material incentives. This is possible when replacing part of the salary with a social package or providing additional benefits(corporate gym, swimming pool, language courses).

What determines the effectiveness of non-material incentives

There are such types of non-material incentives that can significantly increase the "fighting spirit" of employees and provide them with a powerful motivational charge:

  • Corporate training system. This is relevant for ambitious beginners, since new, more complex tasks that the leader sets for him are presented from the position of gaining new experience and replenishing the list of personal achievements.
  • Presentation of merits to the public: praise, certificates, honor rolls, articles about employees in the media, installation of a table flag.

Reward as an extension of personal space (allocation of an office, a large table).

  • A new degree of trust, manifested in the invitation to meetings, seminars, conferences and negotiations.
  • Additional comfort (provision of a more expensive computer, stationery, installation of air conditioning in the department).
  • Expansion of the list of benefits. Many employers enter into agreements with partners that provide for the exchange of services and goods. In this case, they cost all participants quite cheaply.

This is just a small list of possible ways to motivate. It can be supplemented by a manager who has studied the needs and desires of his subordinates.

How to use the reward system

Any award, bonus or non-material incentive must be applied after each labor achievement of the employee to be awarded.

The leader should not allow the cancellation or delay of the promotion. Nor should it be reduced in size or scale. Often, employees, being aware of the motivation system in place in the company, make sure that high labor discipline is maintained. Incentives that are delayed, cut or canceled can lead to loss of desire to work, frustration and, as a result, a decrease in the quality and quantity of results.

The same effect has too a complex system incentives that provide for the achievement of inflated performance. The amount of incentives for work and the procedure for their application should be calculated not only for strong and average employees. Under such conditions, workers with weaker abilities lose their desire to work, feeling like representatives of the lower social stratum. The solution could be the development of a differentiated reward system that provides for various types and types of rewards.


The criterion for a truly effective promotion can be considered its significance and universality. Thus, each of the employees clearly understands the benefits and benefits of conscientious work.

Perhaps the main condition for effective material incentives is its size. The minimum bonus, which does not become a means of increasing the prestige of the employee, is not regarded by him as a worthy reward for additional efforts. The accrual and payment of a bonus allows employees to be motivated for future achievements only if receiving it significantly increases their income level.

With this approach, all members of the team understand that if you work well, you can earn decent money, and if you fulfill the necessary minimum, then the income will be appropriate.

It is no secret that labor discipline contains two hypostases: a stick and a carrot - methods of punishment and encouragement. Employee incentives are an important part of the company's personnel policy. We will tell you how you can thank your employee for a decent job and whether you need to draw up any documents for this.

How to reward an employee

The availability of benefits, bonuses, incentives depends only on how well the employer is doing. But even if you can barely make ends meet, try to reward your employees for their work. Even if not in terms of money: even public praise can be a nice bonus to the salary.

From a legislative point of view, the promotion of an employee is a form of public recognition of the high performance of a person's work. Usually an employee is encouraged publicly: at a general meeting, planning meeting or during a corporate party. Thank an employee for Good work it can be both material, with the help of a bonus or a box of chocolates, and intangible, expressing gratitude for the work or telling the rest of the team about a person’s contribution to the development of the company. But moral forms of encouragement are practically not used, since they are considered ineffective.

From a legislative point of view, the promotion of an employee is a form of public recognition of the high performance of a person's work.

Reward types:

  1. Gratitude.
  2. Certificate of honor.
  3. "Diploma of the best specialist."
  4. Prize.
  5. Gift or present.

According to Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective labor agreement also defines other types of incentives for employees. Some employees may also receive a state award.

Features of employee incentives

However, there are some nuances regarding the mechanism for encouraging staff.

First you need to create an order to encourage an employee in the form T-11, where the type of gratitude must be indicated. In order for the order to have legal force, you need to enter the details of the company and employee. Also, the position of the employee, the length of his work in the company, the assessment of production activities, as well as the motive, basis and type of encouragement are entered in the order.

The order must be signed by the director and chief accountant. Based on this document, the accountant draws up a statement in which the amount of monetary compensation is indicated. The employee must be familiarized with the order, he must also sign it. Encouragement of an employee must be entered in his personal file and work book.

The order must be signed by the director and chief accountant.

Proper use of the carrot and stick method, and in our case, just the carrot, will allow you to significantly increase the performance of your staff. Those entrepreneurs who take into account the contribution of each employee to the common cause become successful.

Add your price to the database

A comment

In a number of companies, a system of penalties for late or poor-quality execution of tasks is widely used. The effectiveness of such measures is questionable. According to scientific data, only 11% of people respond adequately to punishment. This is due to the fact that the normal healthy person tend to push out of consciousness all unpleasant thoughts and memories. In addition, punishments are often perceived as unfair. As for incentives, they achieve their goal in 89% of cases. So, it’s better to just fire a completely negligent employee (20% of people are incorrigible lazy people by nature) and actively reward the best. Anyone who has not shown himself to be anything outstanding will simply be left without a reward.

Types of employee incentives

All types of staff incentives can be divided into two types:

  • regular - periodic bonuses to the entire staff of employees, gratitude to the employee for the implementation of plans, etc .;
  • one-time - a reward given to the entire team in honor of a significant date for the company, a gift to any employee for achievements in a professional competition, etc.

Information on permanent types of staff incentives and the conditions for their receipt should be indicated in the contracts. labor relations and in the internal regulations of the company. A one-time incentive is documented by a submission for remuneration or a memorandum, information about the award is entered in the employee's work book (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Incentive measures applied to employees may be different. Rewards are divided into material, legal and moral. Which method is more effective depends on the circumstances. Financial incentives are more often a cash bonus or a valuable gift. If you pay attention to the actual needs of the employee, the effect of the prize will be significant. A gift is better correlated with the direct activity of a person. For example, the most active manager of the month can be rewarded with a comfortable chair. Methods of legal incentives are basically mitigations to the requirements of the labor schedule.

So, a distinguished employee is given the right to an extra day for the next vacation or a reduction in the length of the working day on a certain day of the week, etc. Moral incentives include the presentation of diplomas, letters of thanks, the establishment of information about the activist on the honor roll, etc. Possible ways motivation of employees with rewards differ from each other in companies of different directions.

Ways to reward employees

Earn bonuses

Financial incentive for best job has always been the most efficient. However, it has its drawbacks. If bonuses are paid monthly, they are treated as part of the salary. If annually, an almost mathematical law applies: “the effectiveness of the reward is inversely proportional to the square of the waiting time.” That is, a long wait for a reward can negate its effectiveness. To smooth the effect of this law, the annual bonus should be very large - four to five times the salary.

In Western companies, a different solution is increasingly being used - the base salary is paid weekly, and bonuses and bonuses are paid at the end of the month. Under Russian law, wages can be paid no more than twice a month, which means that it is optimal to accrue bonuses once every two months or quarterly.

Praise the employee publicly during meetings

Thanks to this, the employee will get the feeling that he is recognized not only by the company's management, but also by other people whose opinion is important to him (closest colleagues, employees of related departments, subordinates, if he has any). But pay attention: the team will join the recognition only if it is sure that the employee really deserves it. Therefore, when encouraging an employee, be sure to announce what exactly he distinguished himself (overfulfilled the plan by 25%, successfully worked as a mentor for a beginner). Thus, you motivate other team members to follow the example of a colleague.

If you do not have the opportunity to publicly thank the employee orally, publish a congratulation in the corporate newspaper (and you can do this with the signature of the CEO to give recognition more weight) or post it on the corporate website. Or put on the Hall of Fame photos of the best employees, along with brief information about their work achievements. Why recognition inspires. The desire of a person to earn respect, to receive approval from other people is included in the "pyramid of needs" of the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, occupying the fourth step in it (after physiological needs, the desire for security and the desire to be accepted by society, to be loved). In other words, when an employee receives recognition, he is fulfilling one of his most important needs.

Ask a specialist to sometimes participate in important meetings

Let him represent his unit instead of the chief. The goal is the same - to give him the opportunity to feel that he has a special account with the leadership, enjoys confidence. And so that the employee does not have complexes due to the fact that he will have to act on a par with top managers, ask his boss to go to the first meeting with his subordinate and help him get comfortable.

Move front-line workers to “flexible hours” of work

Whenever possible, let people manage their time. For example, not all employees by the nature of their activities should be present in the office "from call to call". If the employee has already earned your trust, determine for him only the deadlines for completing the task, and let him choose the time and place. Many specialists "ceteris paribus" prefer those jobs where there is the possibility of a flexible schedule.

Enter Free Lunches

This is not only about taking care of employees and their health, but also saving time. Also, joint dinners provide an opportunity to exchange a joke or two or discuss a problem.

Create a cozy office environment

Give each employee the opportunity to equip their own workplace at will. Let them honor themselves comfortably. This applies to workplaces as well as to other premises.

Provide extra days off

Nothing pleases a workhorse like extra free time: a paid day off in the middle of the week or an extended vacation for a couple of days. Returning, the employee with redoubled energy will get down to business. In addition, working “for wear and tear” is not economically profitable - quality suffers, the risk of illness increases ...

Give gifts, having previously found out the preferences of employees.

A membership to a fitness club, tickets to the theater, or even a “company-sponsored” tourist trip will clearly show the best employees how much you appreciate them. True, if we are talking about a sports subscription, you should ask in advance how a person prefers to improve his health. Perhaps instead of a fitness club, a pool or even skydiving would be more suitable for him?

Cancel the dress code

If your company does not work directly with customers, the issue of clothing should not even arise.

Allocate a budget for the purchase of useful little things

Give employees small amounts of money to spend as they see fit on something related to work. It can be books or a cool gadget for your desktop or a package of exotic tea. 50 bucks spent in this way will do more good than a salary increase of the same amount.

Provide your employees with the fastest computers and the best software

It costs money, you say. Worth, but much less than the salary of a programmer. Even a 10-15% performance increase will pay off within a few months.

Organize corporate events

The efforts of lone geniuses are often ineffective without a well-coordinated team. Encourage not only individual workers, but entire departments (or the entire team of the company). There are many ways: corporate holidays, field trips (to country rest houses), football matches between departments, ski trips or just feasts in the office for various occasions - it all depends on the imagination and financial opportunities. If your company develops a friendly campaign of people united not only by work, this will only help the cause.

Expand the social package, introduce additional benefits

For example, as an exception, you can allow a specialist to work on a flexible schedule or add services to his social package that are not available to the rest of the staff: agree with a partner bank on a preferential mortgage loan, allow you to use your own products for free.

5 interesting ways to encourage with examples

1. The title of "Devil's Advocate"

At Genesis, this award is given at the end of the quarter to the lawyer who won the largest number of court cases or successfully defended the client's interests in a complex process. The idea for the name of the award was taken from the film of the same name. Therefore, the statuette that the best lawyer receives is cast in platinum in the form of the figure of the hero Al Pacino, yelling at his lawyer son (Keanu Reeves character) and telling him what to do. Employees perceive the award as a joke, but everyone is pleased to excel.

2. Black box prize

Planet Real Estate organizes week-long competitions to cheer up or support employees during stressful periods, such as the competition for the most calls or contracts concluded, for finding the smallest apartment or the most expensive house. There is a basket in the office where employees throw notes with wishes for prizes (theater tickets, shaving kit, spa visit, etc.). After determining two or three laureates of the next competition, the notes are pulled out of the basket, and the winners receive the dropped award.

3. Movie tickets or dolphinarium

In the Pronto-Media company, the HR department monthly comes up with unusual nominations for the staff, such as "Darling", "Intellectual", "Humorist" and even "Nerd of the Month". After discussion with top managers, personnel officers announce the start of voting by e-mail. Everyone who wants to drop a piece of paper with the names of the nominees in a special box at the reception. The names of the winners are announced on the last Friday of the month also via e-mail. Then the general director of the company comes to the workplace of the laureate and gives him a prize - for example, tickets to the cinema (or to the theater, or to the dolphinarium). At the same time, the employee himself chooses which cinema and which movie to go to. The company compensates the cost of tickets from the HR or marketing budget.

4. Title "Leader"

Chain stores Nordstrom, Inc. awards the title of "Leader" to an employee who has exceeded the plan. He receives a diploma, a new business card with the inscription "Leader" and a paid dinner in a restaurant for two. In addition, for the entire following year, the winner receives a 33 percent discount on all company products (that's 13 percent more than the standard employee discount). A sales competition that will increase motivation and attract new customers.

5. Education and personal growth

Time Warner covers 100% of work-related courses plus 75% of other courses. But Pitney Bowes offers employees a choice of courses in architecture, golf, sewing, cooking, drawing or photography.

Errors due to which recognition will not work

Here are the main errors and suggest how to fix them.

  • Wrong form of promotion. When deciding how to express recognition to an employee, management did not take into account his temperament or vital interests.

Example: At the petrochemical enterprise, it was decided to sum up the results of the "Employee of the Year" competition at the Palace of Culture at the celebration of Chemist's Day. The winner, being an extremely shy person, did not want to go on stage, and when she did go out, she blushed, answered the questions of the presenter inconsistently, and went backstage, burst into tears. The incentive event turned into a real torture for her.

How to fix: before encouraging any employee, find out from your immediate supervisor what the person is like, what fascinates him.

  • Awards are given too often or to too many people. This neutralizes their value in the eyes of employees, who begin to perceive them as something on duty.

How to fix: to tighten the criteria, to award awards only to the best of the best. If you need to encourage many members of the team at the same time, then it is better to use not individual, but collective forms of recognition.

  • Events that honor the best are poorly organized. Employees are not satisfied with the time of the event or the format, so they miss it.

How to fix: conduct a survey and find out what exactly people do not like in public forms of encouragement.

  • The merits of employees who are encouraged are not reported to anyone. Their actions are not promoted in the company as an example of correct behavior.

How to fix: ask all line managers to inform their subordinates of actions that deserve to be emulated. This can be done through the corporate media, at trade union events, meetings with management.


All incentives for employees for work must be properly executed. Only in this case, they will achieve the planned effect - increasing employee motivation to further improve their work. Not last role plays and bringing information about the awards to general information. Encouraging employees is an element of educating them in responsibility and striving for healthy competition with colleagues. By combining measures of material and moral rewards, it is possible to achieve an increase in labor productivity, and, consequently, an increase in the profits brought by employees.

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