What is the most asked question. The most common interview questions. What are your biggest achievements

It is quite understandable that at the interview, surrounded by strangers (your potential employers), you will be very worried. Even the simplest questions can lead you into a complete stupor. Therefore, our useful tips will not hurt you.

What are the most common interview questions?

We conducted a survey among employers and people who successfully passed interviews and compiled a list of the most common questions. In addition, prepared and answers to them! Just adapt them to your specific situation.

What interview questions can lead you to a dead end?

Rather, study the questions at the interview and the answers to them! And be sure that this place is yours!

  1. tell us about yourself

At first glance, it seems that a simpler question cannot be invented! But watch yourself! Psychologists say that people first of all begin to talk about what worries them the most. Don't show your weak sides. First of all, tell us about your education and work experience. This is exactly what employers want to hear. Most likely, they have already read your resume, and they know how old you are (and everything else). So there is no need to retell what is written there. Make an interesting short self-presentation that will prove that you are a worthy candidate for this particular position.

2. Do you have experience in this field?

Of course, the ideal answer is yes! Even if you have little experience, then be able to tell that you have learned a lot during this time. But what to do if you decide to radically change direction. Then tell us what from the acquired baggage of experience will be useful in this position. You may not be tested for professional skills today, but in a serious company you will need them daily.

3. Why did you leave your previous job?

Just don't start talking nasty things about the former director and complaining about the low salary. Better answer that the previous place of work was inconvenient due to the territorial factor (long commute), it was not possible career development, did not suit the work schedule. Just make sure that this institution will not have such problems. For example, at a new place of work, career growth is possible.

4. Name your pros and cons.

It’s clear with the pluses - name what will be useful in this job: the ability to quickly organize, bring things to the end, find contact with people. But disadvantages should also be advantages! Are you too busy working, forgetting about time? This is good! You can also answer that your negative aspects can only manifest themselves at home, and they do not affect the performance of duties in any way.

5. What achievements can you boast of?

At home, be sure to remember the achievements that you can be proud of: compiling successful business plan, sales promotion, writing scientific work, production optimization. Talk about something that might be helpful new job. Of course, tell the truth. Don't talk about what you can't do. It is quite possible that you will be assigned just such a job in a new place. For example, do not brag about your knowledge of computer programming, because you can be trusted, for example, to maintain a company website.

6. Are you going to have a baby in the next 5 years?

This question is asked of women. Of course, you are not required to report on your private life. But going on maternity leave six months after being hired is also not entirely fair. But know that you cannot be fired due to pregnancy and require a certificate from a gynecologist - this is illegal. This question probably needs to be answered honestly. And to add that the productivity of work does not depend on personal life.

7. How do you feel about overtime work?

Specify what kind of overtime load in question. Communicate that you have a habit of getting things done, even if you have to stay late at work. But you try to focus 120 percent on the task in the allotted time in order to complete the work and turn in the reports on time. But if the weekend is free from official duties you will be much more productive the next day!

8. Why do you want to get a job with us?

Of course, employers want to hear great reviews about themselves. And also to understand what you primarily value in their organization. It is necessary to study all the data about the institution, their activities, areas of work, so as not to get into an awkward position. Demonstrate that you want to get a job here, and not just get a job.

9. What do you do in your free time?

So employers want to find out if your hobbies will interfere with work. For example, if you like to hang out in nightclubs with friends, then it is unlikely that you will come to work the next morning with a bright head. Talk about going to theaters, houseplants, learning English. Don't complain that you don't have free time because of childcare. This means that you will not be able to stay an hour after work in order to complete the assignment.

10. What level of salary will suit you?

If the salary was not specified in the ad, then you can study from different sources, including on the Internet, how much approximately they receive in a similar position. If you name a low amount, they may think that you provide low-quality services, and you were paid little for them. Name a high price, you can give the impression of a self-confident person. Definitely, voice the sum, a little higher than in the previous job, otherwise, why do you need such a position? Find something else. Tell me about the salary, which will actually be adequate and will suit you.

What to say at the interview, and what to be silent about?

Sometimes self-confident bosses who decide the fate of future employees can allow themselves to be a little cheeky and headstrong. People who find themselves at the head of a well-known company are so confident in themselves that they feel superior to mere applicants for a vacancy. But remember, not only they choose, but you too. Therefore, it is worth immediately assessing their attitude in order to understand whether you want to work for them. Moreover, now there are a lot of options for smart, determined people. Our experts have published which increase your chances of successfully settling in life and making good money! And now a few important tips from site experts!

    • No one is interested in hearing a dull story about your boring life. The administration is only interested in the prosperity of the company (respectively, its own). Therefore, tell about yourself in terms of why you will be useful for the institution, how your skills will help lead the team to success.
  • Do not under any pretext speak badly about the former management and employees. There may be an opinion that you will also talk about the future team. In addition, they may know each other and discuss your opinion for telephone conversation. And this is not good for you.
  • If you are already tired of thinking about how to pass a job interview the right way - prepare yourself in these questions! If you are unsure of yourself, you can even say your self-presentation out loud. This will help you look good at the meeting!

We gave you the answers in the interview, but it also matters how you say it: confident, modest, haughty or confused. Give answers at the interview calmly, confidently, speak competently. We plan to publish new article about how to behave in an interview. It matters how you dress for the meeting. Of course, it allows some liberties to women, but at such an important meeting it is necessary to give preference to the classics.

Tricky interview questions

But if you are sure that you want to get this place, then be prepared for tricky questions. Each boss has his own character. But, surprisingly, they ask the same thing at the interview.

    • Sell ​​me this pen just now.
  • Sell ​​me a comb.
  • How much were you paid at your previous job?
  • What would you do if you won a million today?
  • What did you do yesterday evening?
  • What are you doing tonight?

This is how you test your ability to think outside the box, it is interesting to think. You can show your sense of humor (but without frills). In any case, do not be afraid of such questions. Take a ten-second pause, collect your thoughts and surprise your future bosses! To increase your chances of getting the job you want, read ours to those around you. Simple Secrets authoritative psychologists will help you in life! As you can see, the interview questions are quite standard! And if you are ready to answer them, then success is guaranteed to you!

Deciding in one fell swoop to solve a whole series psychological problems who torment modern people, we decided to conduct a study of psychological forums, identify the most frequently asked questions and compile this F.A.Q. for the benefit of all people who seek approval for their stupid and unseemly deeds under the guise of asking for help.
“I slept with my boyfriend best friend. Now my conscience is tormenting me, and I want to repent before her in order to maintain a good relationship with her. How to do it?"
Conscience is another name for self-respect. If in order to respect yourself, you need to humiliate another person, show your “beloved friend” that you are cooler than her and can seduce her boyfriend, these are exclusively your problems. It is impossible to earn the trust and respect of another person by making him pay with tears for your attempts to assert yourself. So, by relieving your conscience, you will not get a good attitude from a friend in return. In gratitude for the sincerity, she will simply kill you on the spot. Because, frankly, you don't have any girlfriend. And no conscience either.
“I have a wife whom I love very much, but I am going to leave her and leave her for a mistress, whom I also love very much. Any advice on how to tell your wife about this without offending her?”
Don't worry, you're already insulting her when you cheat on her. She won't get any worse. You will only do her a favor by saving her from the bastard who shamelessly deceives her. It will be worse only for you, and you fully deserve all those unpleasant things that she will tell you, her tears, her reproaches and the feeling of self-loathing that you will have after your conversation.
“I have two boyfriends. They both love me very much and want to marry me. One is handsome, smart, master of sports and studying to be a banker. The other one is also handsome, smart, makes good money and takes good care of me. Any advice on which one to choose?"
When choosing a husband, like a head of cabbage in a bazaar, do not forget to ask the candidates for a certificate from the ZhEK, from the police and from the psychiatric dispensary. The last thing is the most important, because if a man is ready to start a family under such conditions, his brains are clearly not all right.
"I have a boyfriend. He wants us to get married, and I want to wait a year and see how his business goes. He gets angry and says that I don’t love him, and it’s very insulting to me, because I just want to check what potential he has ... How can I convince him that I love him too?
It is best to go to a notary and conclude an agreement stating that you undertake to love him if he provides you with a maintenance of not less than ... dollars a month. Three copies: one for you, one for him and a third for the notary in the safe - should completely convince him of the sincerity of your tender feelings and give strength in the struggle for a place in the sun.
“He said he loves me, but he does not call and avoids meeting with me. Why is he doing this?”
I think he's training willpower.
“I love one man and he loves me too. But, unfortunately, he has a wife and two children. How to solve this problem?"
If you perceive the existence of some people as a problem, you should simply hire a hitman to kill his entire family with a machine gun. Then you need to properly wash the floor from traces of blood - and you can celebrate the wedding.
I broke up with my boyfriend, whom I met for 1.5 years.
Meeting with him, I twirled them as I wanted, and he ran after me like a dog. Now he left me, and I'm just dying of longing, I don't need anyone but him, I want him back, all my pride has disappeared, but he does not believe me, and categorically insists on ending our relationship. I will die without it!
You won't die, only vampires die when they are denied access to human blood. The whole problem is that you only know the master-slave play, and now, since your partner no longer wants to play the role of a slave, you have decided that this role has passed to you. And you consider it your duty to suffer and suffer, replacing him as a sick actor. You're trying to get him to come back, you think he's resisting, trying to get a raise. But in fact - everything, the circus left. The clowns ran away. And you're acting alone on an empty stage in front of an empty hall. There will be no applause.
“I have a fiancé, we are going to get married soon. The problem is that he is a newcomer and does not have his own apartment in our city.
Advise me how to check him: will he marry me for love or because of a residence permit?”
The safest thing is to show him this message. If after that he spits in your face and leaves forever, it means that he wanted to marry you out of love, and if he smiles affectionately and starts to comfort, then it’s definitely because of the registration!
“What should I do so that all people love me, respect and trust me?” Answer:
Didn't you just try to be a decent person? ..

So, in this section, we will look at the most FAQ at the interview and the answers to them. The number depends on the position, field of activity, the status of the organization and the seriousness of the approach to personnel search.

Linear positions mean that it is enough to ask standard questions.

Standard interview questions

The most common

The words "Specify, please ..." will sound from the recruiter more than once. They ask a question to clarify whether the candidate has embellished when describing his achievements, whether he will not be confused in his answers.

If a person really did the described work, he will be able to answer any question about it.

Professional terminology when describing your experience will give the candidate a few extra points.

Why do you want to work with us?

Probably because, tired of looking for a job, they don’t take it anywhere else - you can’t answer like that for sure, even if your thoughts are consonant.

It is important for the employer to see the motivation of the applicant. Feel that he chose the company consciously, and not out of desperation.

It is worthwhile to first study what the organization does in order to be able to operate with facts. Perhaps the employer is famous for its corporate spirit, attracts with achievements in its field, and provides unprecedented prospects.

Why should they take you?

I'm the most perfect, I want to shout from the heart. But having a reputation for self-confidence, you will not get a job. The employer is looking for an employee with real judgments about his abilities, professional qualities. At the same time, he knows how to advertise himself. When ten people apply for one position, you will have to fight for it.

It is necessary to single out one or two of the most strengths, which other applicants usually do not specify. But they are the most suitable for the requirements of the employer. Long-term experience, specialized courses, even a hobby that resonates with work may be of interest to a recruiter.

Read more about how to answer such questions.

How did you communicate with colleagues?

The recruiter seeks to find out the identity of the person sitting in front of him.

For certain positions, leadership qualities are needed, somewhere an inconspicuous, quiet, lonely person is more ideal.

By analyzing communication habits, it is easy to understand how quickly new employee fit into the team.

Tell us about your successes.

It is on this question that candidates begin a spatial story and recall everything that happened in their lives. Although the answer had to be on the merits.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this part of the article, we will consider the most common interview questions and the answers to them.

Are there any other suggestions?

There are two possible answers:

There are no offers. Since I am looking for a job only in your company, I do not consider other vacancies.

There are a couple of suggestions in mind. If the employer is very interested in the candidate, perhaps this answer will speed up the selection in his favor.

How do you fill your free time?

These types of questions are also fairly common interview questions. Even if the candidate does not get out of bed on the weekend, you should not dedicate the employer to this.

A few words about my hobby, outdoor activities, family gatherings are enough.

What salary do you plan to receive.

Responding to the vacancy, the candidate sees the proposed salary. Wishing more is not rational, they are unlikely to offer. Learn more about salary issues.

It is more difficult when there is no specific amount in the ads. In this case, it is worth monitoring the labor market and finding out what salary other employers offer in similar positions.

How to answer correctly?

The candidate must understand: the employer is not his enemy. The applicant is interested in a good position, and the company is looking for a worthy employee.

Interview questions are asked deliberately. No one aims to mock applicants, to torment them. It is important for the employer to comprehensively study the candidates in order to choose the most suitable one.

No need to be afraid of questions. No matter how they seem at first glance, in fact there is nothing supernatural in them. It is unlikely that a psychologist will be asked to quote labor law, the accountant will not be required to describe his experience in a different field than he worked.

Everyone will be able to tell about personal life, work experience, character traits.

It's just important to do it right:

  • answer confidently, hit the spot;
  • do not mumble;
  • be persuasive, having come up with arguments in advance for each question;
  • not be unfounded;
  • rest on their uniqueness, template phrases do not inspire the employer.

Short, logical answers are best accepted. A spatial story about your personal life is best reserved for meetings with friends.

The employer is waiting for an answer on the merits. He has many more interviews ahead of him, and each applicant is given approximately 15-20 minutes, during which you need to understand whether the person is suitable for the company or not.

What can't you ask?

At interviews, questions about nationality, details of personal life are not appropriate.

Although all around they sound:

  1. When are you going to get married?
  2. Why still no kids?
  3. What religion are you?
  4. Are there debts, loans?

These are some of the frequently asked questions in job interviews.

With a sense of humor, any incorrect question can be turned into a joke. Or take these questions not as personal and calmly treat the indefatigable curiosity of the employer.

Any interview is stressful for the applicant. A simple question about past experience or future plans can confuse him. Knowing which questions are the most popular among employers, you can prepare in advance, and be ready for even the most tricky of them. Now you know what are the most common interview questions and how to answer them.

The thoughts of women are a rainbow of all colors of the spectrum, this is the logic of all stripes of flirting, these are the secrets and secrets of the world, this is what we call: "Divo"

Question answer:

  • How to keep youthful and silky skin?

Buy a cream that contains lactic acid. Use it and enjoy the splendor of your skin.

  • Why do men love virtual sex?

This is a great opportunity to change, you can not leave the house. And there is an illusion that a man remains honest with a woman.

  • Is there the most effective diet in the world?

For any person - everything is individual. But, judging by the statistics, the three most effective diets are: Japanese, fruit, kefir.

  • How can a woman become strong?

Believe in yourself, don’t be complex, don’t belittle your merits, go through life with a smile, don’t waste your life on trifles! Easy, right?

  • Are extended nails harmful?

Everything that is not natural is harmful. However, no one, as a rule, pays attention to harmfulness.

  • How to really increase breasts at home?

Wear a special bra, or don't be lazy to do special exercises. For example, the exercise is:

  1. Place your hands on your shoulders.
  2. Raise your shoulders.
  3. Take your shoulders back.
  4. Drop your shoulders.
  5. Repeat the exercise in reverse order.
  • How to get rid of wrinkles?

The best of all remedies are methacrylamide and acrylamide preparations. They are highly resistant to the formation of skin elasticity and thus protect against wrinkles.

  • How to lose weight very, very quickly?

You need to do gymnastics! And without laziness, and with regularity. Then everything will be wonderful for you, no doubt!

  • What to do when it gets boring?

Do something you love that will not let you get bored even for a single moment. Think about what you like best.

  • How to get pregnant quickly?

It is not always possible to get pregnant quickly, and not everyone will succeed. Believe that conception will happen! And make love with passion, not for pleasure.

  • How to get rid of depression?

You need to know the reason in order to give excellent advice. In general, walks relieve depression, and communication with friends or relatives. You don't have to be alone!

  • How to completely - completely stop being afraid of the dentist?

Think of your dentist not as an enemy, but as someone who wants to help you get rid of your toothache.

  • How to become beautiful and attractive?

Take a closer look in the mirror! Perhaps you looked in the wrong mirror, because there are no ugly women at all.

  • What is the fastest to cook (which dish, which food)?

Fried eggs, sandwiches, salads, cereals, Rollton, croutons, cocoa and sour cream pudding, dumplings.

What do they think of men?

Question answer:

Start your answer with this phrase: "I would really like you to ...". Believe me, your frankness will not spoil the attitude towards you!

  • Where to look for the man of your dreams?

Fate will lead to him! Learn to wait so that there is less torment. The important thing is not to despair!

  • Why does a man fall asleep almost instantly after sex?

Sex is incredibly relaxing for a man. So much so that he can't even move.

  • Should a man forgive infidelity?

This is a personal matter for every woman. If you want to forgive, forgive! If you are not afraid of betrayal "double two" ....

  • How to live if you broke up with your sweetheart?

Look for another! Or trying to get back a loved one. Preferably - not by "witchcraft" methods.

  • What if I have a very, very jealous man?

Talk or reconcile if talking doesn't help. You can combine both if you want.

  • How to draw attention to yourself?

Do you want your loved one to pay attention to you? Watch your looks! This is first of all.

  • What to do if a man has an Internet addiction?

Disconnect him from the Internet! So disable it so that it cannot connect to it on its own.

  • Is it worth it to forgive a man if he beat (beat)?

Never! He raised his hand once - he will raise it again. Then it will hurt even more than the first time.

  • Where to find your soul mate?

Let her (the second half) find you herself! And it will happen, look! All good things happen when you do not expect this good ....

  • How to forget an ex?

It is practically impossible to forget people who were in the past forever and for good. Try not to think about it.

  • Is there friendship between a woman and a man?

In general, it is, if there is sympathy from at least one side. Friends, if possible! Men can be very interesting to be friends with.

  • What to do if a loved one does not call?


  1. Call first.
  2. Wait until you get a call.
  3. Think: "does not call - let him do what he wants," and go about your business!
  4. Turn off the phone and make your loved one nervous, a little ...
  5. Talk to him in calm tones about his behavior.

Do you know?

Question: How is the work going? Is personal presence required?

Answer: We use high tech so your personal presence is not required.
All work is done remotely.
Your photo will be required for work, preferably in full height.

QUESTION: Hi, how is mental recording made?
Well, I mean via Skype or just need a photo?

ANSWER: For work, your full-length photo is enough.
During the week, the record is built into the energy.
You can write down the mental from any specialist of modernity or antiquity. You can choose any you are interested in.

QUESTION: At what age can a personality card be made?
I would like to see my baby's card.
ANSWER: It is possible from a year, but better from 3

QUESTION: I am interested in DIAGNOSIS.
I would like to know more about this process.

ANSWER: For diagnostics, you need your full-length photo.
Diagnostics is carried out remotely, according to your photo.
You place an order, send your photo
and in a week you will be sent a detailed diagnostic report on several pages.
If you wish, you can ask questions on the topics of the report.


ANSWER: To clean the energy, you need a full-length photograph of a person.
Energy cleansing is usually carried out within three to seven days.
During this time, several cleaning cycles are carried out.
energy damage, current magical strikes, damage, curses
power cuts as a result of conflicts, etc., if any.

After cleaning, the state of energy levels out, the balance of vitality is usually restored.
Cleaning can be done for yourself, loved ones or business.

Cleansing ancient mental traumas that are several thousand years old,
carried out as part of the Mental Restoration service.

We will notify you after the Cleansing of Energy, and you can track your condition. More information - .

QUESTION: And work is underway in cleaning runic magic or sephirotic or?

ANSWER - in cleaning, we usually do not use the channels of runes and sephiroth.
In the work, the correction of mental bodies is carried out through the removal of damage to the human mentality.


  • For more information on how we clean, read -.
  • For more information on how you can clean it yourself, read -.

QUESTION: How does the REMOVAL OF COMPLEXES service work?

ANSWER: Work is carried out remotely. To work, you need your photo in full growth.

It is advisable to first go through the Psychological Personality Map,
to determine the main complexes that are visible at the moment.
Any of these complexes can be cleaned.
After that, it will be possible to clean up any signals that are relevant to you, stress, embarrassment, etc.
Before work, you choose a clear formulation of the complex with which you need to work,
indicate the current level of stress on this issue you have (from 0 to 10 points), 10 maximum.

Cleaning of the complex is carried out during the week. We will notify you when the work is completed.
After cleansing, you track how much your attitude to this stress/issue has changed.
If necessary, an additional correction cycle can be carried out.

A number of stresses / complexes are removed quickly enough. For some, cleaning the complexes takes a little longer.
We work until the state is sufficient. Usually, after cleaning the complexes, the attitude towards the factors that strain a person becomes even, calm.

QUESTION: How to increase sensitivity to energies?

ANSWER: Sensitivity to energies is connected with the mobility of the Assemblage Point. Don Juan gave special substances to liberate her,

or manipulated with the assemblage point - clicked on it. You can spend several cycles of clearing the assemblage point to increase its mobility. But it must be taken into account that the development of sensitivity is a rather long process and involves the development personal experience diagnostics. Details - .

QUESTION: I want to ask about magical initiations. in the same Sephiroth. here people spend them at the Place of Power, ritual magic .. and here just from the photo ... how much is it different from what is offered in the center, and will there be a connection with the egregore all the time? those. there may be a possibility that the initiation will fly off?

ANSWER: When we make any initiation, we specially strengthen it - we reinforce it with the energies of the 15th lasso so that it stands for a long time.
Usually these Initiations are kept for a long period of time. We hope for a few hundred years will suffice.

In places of Power, work is carried out to strengthen the energy of the magician.
We use our own amplification and power systems, which are also tied to places of power. But we prefer to work remotely, which allows us to work with Global Places of Power, rather than places that are closer.
For experienced specialists, it does not matter whether the person is nearby or at a distance.

We do not know how different our Initiation is from the Initiations of other magicians, since we have not seen a description of all the details of the rituals of other magicians. We do not believe that remote initiation is a problem. It is more spectacular when performed at the Place of Power. It will take a lot of time and resources to gather in the Place of Power. The quality at the Places of Power is growing, but this is not essential.

You can work remotely no worse than with in-person setup.
We believe that our products are of good quality.
We consider it unethical to comment on the work of other specialists.


Magic laboratory - a group of magicians, the composition of which changes periodically.
The group is engaged in the development and implementation of development technologies.
Most of these technologies are developed for themselves, to solve certain problems. The best technologies turn out to be useful to many other people.
The magic group is looking for references to the technologies of the Ancients and are being developed. Examples of developments: Initiation through Death, Experience of the Monad.

QUESTION: Are the services of the Laboratory based on the technologies of ShMA, Monosov or Reiki Yggdrasil, Zhuravlev?

ANSWER: This is not the technology of ShMA or Reiki Yggdrasil.
We try not to overlap in technology with other magical schools.

Magical laboratory - explores and uses the development of extraterrestrial civilizations, the Lemurian civilization, the Aces Civilization, the Aryans.
We believe that it is almost impossible to create something new in magic. And all the developments that we have are based on existing technologies.

These technologies were developed by ancient magicians, so the group does not take credit for the discovery of these techniques and do not advertise themselves.

QUESTION: Does your group of magicians belong to any particular order or school?

ANSWER: We are a separate formation. There are no Schools and Orders on Earth to which we officially belong. We represent the Forces of evolution, healing. Plus, we are formally priests of those cults whose Initiations we place.

But we have learned and collaborated with many.
terminology and methodological base we use the general one, which is accepted in esotericism in different cultures.
We try to take on those tasks that are complex and unresolved in other systems. And we try. so that our technologies do not interfere with any services provided by other schools.
If we somehow intersect in interests with other systems, we apologize in advance.

PS. We are bright representatives of the forces of good. But this has one inconvenience. An active glow around the head prevents us and others from sleeping,))))

QUESTION: How is the diagnosis of a pendulum or reading from the field by clairvoyance carried out?

ANSWER: In the case of compiling Express Cards, the diagnosis is carried out by the Vision (through the Assemblage Point).
Are being considered subtle bodies.
Psychological complexes are tested as a chain of thought forms at the level of Vishuddhi's body. We examine the body of Vishudha and write down the available signals in the Personality Card.

To test energy damage, we consider different subtle bodies, the presence of external magical influences.

QUESTION: Do you do work on a situation to order with payment for the result?

ANSWER: We try to do only standard procedures, because then we guarantee the quality and are responsible for the result.
We work on a prepaid basis - this allows us to avoid debts that destroy the money egregore for us and for our clients.

QUESTION: In all cases, do the Masters undertake diagnostics and work?

ANSWER: Like any teacher, coach, esoteric Master can refuse to work with clients without giving reasons.
But most often such reasons are: for some reason it is not possible to view the energy of a person,
the incompatibility of the forces that stand behind the Man and the Master. In the ordinary world, behind every person there are forces (country, egregors, etc.), which can be in a tense state. Then working with such a person can cause tension and negative events, conflicts will inevitably arise.
To prevent this, to avoid it, we regret and refuse. And many other reasons. We cannot declare most of the reasons, since the statement about the existence of such reasons can also aggravate the situation and change the karmic course of events.
We apologize again, but by refusing, we are trying to maintain your health and stability at the expense of our reputation.


  • Customer reviews, description of the results of the Services - read:
  • You can also read customer testimonials.
    here: vk.com/MindMagic, http://vk.com/audios-44926527.
  • Examples of successful reviews can be found on the website.
    Unsuccessful reviews are mercilessly removed. :-)


For all services of the center presented on the website
There is a 100% result guarantee.

If you are dissatisfied with the work - we will fully refund the amount of payment received.
We accept claims within three months after the provision of services.
It should be noted if you submit several orders - each new order implies that you are satisfied with the previous work and have no complaints. Details - .

We are grateful for YOUR interest in the center's offerings
and we will be happy to receive your feedback and recommendations.

The presented technologies are quite curious, but we will always try to make our work even better, more valuable and interesting for you.

QUESTION: When do you deny services? I'm concerned.

It's not worth worrying. When the Masters consider that working with you and any services
can harm you, they refuse to work, caring about your well-being.
We try to carefully check with whom we can work, so as not to harm anyone.

We respect confidentiality and try not to discuss your orders with other people,
Even if they are your family and friends. We change names in reviews.

QUESTION: Why do you talk so little about technology?

ANSWER: The description of many technologies is a direct instruction for applying black magic strikes, so you have to withhold about 60% of the information. First, we write articles, and then we have to correct them and delete the information, leaving only general information, without describing the exact processes.

QUESTION: How do you check the quality of the Masters you work with?

ANSWER: First, according to the principle of karma. If a person commits bad deeds, he encounters the Forces of Karma, the Forces of Law, the Forces of Luck. We look at the impact parameter with these forces.

When we start cooperation, we try to check whether a person has committed unseemly acts from the point of view of these forces, whether there are traces of a collision with Karma, the Law, the forces of Luck on his energy structure, whether they have Supreme Power any claims whether a person belongs to forces that are antagonistic to the forces of Development.

In the process of work, we also check how much a person reacts to situations.

Clients often offer us money so that we do not quite right, good deeds. We deliberately skip such sentences in order to check how the Master himself reacts, how stable he is in his convictions.

If we have doubts or suspicions, we carefully check and decide whether to continue to cooperate with such a specialist.

There are technologies developed by specialists. At Ezohat, we make sure the customer is satisfied or gets their money back.

Before working with Masters, we carefully check their work and collect feedback.

We build our work on purpose so that it is not the brand or the name of the specialist that plays, but the quality of the work performed by him.

We make sure that the order is processed, explaining the nuances of the technology to the customer as carefully as possible: so that the Master performs the work efficiently and on time, clarifying the customer's feedback and, if necessary, finalizing the desired order.

The client has the right to make a new order only after confirming the execution of the previous order.

Since we are working with the systems of Karma, the Law, we are in high demand for our words and promises. Accordingly, we try to strictly monitor the quality of work and what we offer to customers.

QUESTION: Do you have any other accelerated development technologies that you do not disclose but will appear soon? Are you controlled by some force?

ANSWER: We are constantly studying technologies in the field of development, in the field of social adaptation. And, when they are ready and formed (when we understand the answers to the main questions), we publish them.

Since we are working with Initiations, we are in the zone of action of the Laws of these Deities, whose initiations we make, and we are also under the Laws of Fate, Karma, the Power of the Law.

Everything that we declare that we are working with it automatically increases the control in our direction from the Higher Plans.

This is similar to the fact that when a person applies for the position of a judge, they begin to actively check him and monitor his every step.

QUESTION: Please advise which dedicated channel to choose?

ANSWER: If you ask a question, we will try to advise based on our understanding.

But we will not be able to advise what to choose, because it is contrary to the principles of the Development Channel.

THE NOTE. We do not treat, but we are responsible and guarantee for the things we do.

In treatment, when we try to correct a symptom, we never know in advance what might be causing the sensation.

And you can go only by the method of selection, as healers and doctors do. Try one technology, then another technology, then a third, until we get better.

Health and the body are constantly subject to external stresses, therefore, if we fix something, it is difficult to say that a person will be constantly healthy. Every doctor and healer knows that the disease can recur - for other reasons.

Therefore, we try not to engage in healing, but to do specific blocks of services that we know for sure that they improve health.

For example, we remove initiations that influence, we remove mental traumas. But we know that there are other causes that affect this disease and over time, other factors may appear.

A person can fall under the influence of a geopathic zone or magical blows that can cause this disease. Therefore, no healer gives a guarantee that the disease will not return.

When we work, we guarantee that we remove the negative impact that we undertook. But there may be other factors, other influences of egregors, which also affect the situation, etc.

We are very sorry, but have not yet found a way to solve all the problems with one service.

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