Magic runes, their meaning and application. Rune magic for beginners. Runic Magic Training

There are two ways to study runes: Know and Know.
The first method involves theoretical knowledge of runes, the history of their origin, their meaning and properties.

Theoretical study can turn you into intelligent runologists who understand and have perfect command of both terminology and knowledge in their use. Runologists have written a lot of books, conducted and are conducting research, teach and open courses on runes.
The first way to study runes is through external sources of information - books, lectures, notes, runic sites, forums dedicated to runes, etc. You can talk about them endlessly about their strength, their capabilities, admire them and find new details in publications. That is why I will not overload the article by copying well-known sources for theoretical study of the material, providing you with books for personal reference that I advise you to read and links to sites on runes, where you can independently read the extensive material on runes. It would be very easy to compose lectures based on quotes from books written by someone, and such training would lead you to the point that, having received all the necessary knowledge from external sources telling about them, you would only become well versed in theory.
The second way to study runes is more complex. This is the path of direct knowledge of the secrets of the runes, when training is carried out not by external sources in the form of books and teachers, but by the runes themselves. Here is the Sacrament and what the runes will reveal to those entering their world, you will never find in books or hear from the lips of people. Second way - Knowledge will not make you strong theoretically, but you begin to understand the system from the inside, feel it, sense it, come into contact with it, communicate, have a personal secret relationship, have a relationship with a system that, having studied you, just as you have studied it, decides whether to let you into its world or leave you outside the threshold. And if the system lets you in to guide you, then step by step, year after year, it will reveal many of its secrets to you, jealously guarding your union.
It is this second method that this article is devoted to.
Runes are secrets told in whispers. The one who knows their secret becomes silent, because he knows that his speech will not be heard by the ears, and the written words will not be seen by the eyes. This knowledge cannot be conveyed, it can only be passed through.
Most of you will be quite satisfied with the theoretical part, and you will be able to learn many ready-made formulas, techniques for constructing runescripts, and runic writing. In this case, the runes can work, or they can remain silent.
Those who still decide to enter the system must be prepared for the most serious changes in themselves, which will not happen instantly in a month or half a year, but will begin to happen constantly as life moves on. Do you want to change? Do you want to see the world and people with a view that is not your usual and will you be able to stand it? Are you ready to pay for knowledge by endlessly polishing your spirit - for this is exactly what the system will require of you in exchange for the power that the runes will share with you. Runes were originally given to people as a spiritual gift that could lead humanity to knowledge and spiritual enlightenment, to self-improvement and the development of consciousness. But people, having learned that they had received the keys to great powers, began to use them only for their own enrichment and philistine desires. That is why, tormenting formulas, composing manuscripts for money, career, luck - so often the formulas are silent, and when handled ineptly and disrespectfully, they destroy and become uncontrollable.
The system is spiritual, capricious, jealous, strong and wise.

Below I provide that theoretical material regarding the history of the origin of runes, general educational information about them.

History of the runic system.
Runes are a magical and alphabetical system. A system of signs used for both magical and purely informational purposes. The first version of use, of course, preceded the second. For some time, both options coexisted simultaneously.
Scientists attribute the emergence of the runic alphabet to the 5th century. n. e. At the same time, they are content only with the remains of material culture.
Much may not have been preserved, or may not have been applied to a material-resistant medium at all. The transmission of such systems in ancient times was mostly oral. To understand the logic and meaning of the inscriptions, it is necessary to understand the worldview of those people and that time.
The semantic connections of the word “runes” point to some secret oral magical tradition. This is a word with the same root as “whisper”, “secret”, “lot”. In ancient Icelandic, by the way, the word rune existed only
in the plural, that is, the word “rune” itself did not exist in the singular. Cognate words, however, are found not only in Germanic, but also in Celtic languages: Old Kelst, Middle Welsh.
This may indicate some influence of the Celts on the runic system.
The origin of the runic system is highly controversial. It was derived from Phoenician, Greek, Gothic, and Etruscan writing. It is obvious that the runic system has changed and is changing in its development (it does not progress or regress, but simply changes.
This can be seen in the differences between Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon futapk, and in the emergence of the Armanen system. That is, once everything could begin
from a very small number of sacred signs that were also used in magic. “But, unlike many ancient magical systems of knowledge, where concepts were strictly formulated in the distant past, runic
The teaching is still developing.” At least that's how it seems.
The runic is really closer to intuitive magic, to shamanism, to the magic of “seidr” (associated with werewolfism and gender change), and is quite far from the “scientific magic” of the Middle Ages and the New Age.
It should also be noted that distinct runic systems were preserved among the Scandinavians (the northern branch of the ancient Germans) and in Britain, and not on the continent. Moreover, in both cases one can observe the longest preservation of ancient traditions, although in a different way.
So, another version of the origin. Perhaps some signs were used by the ancient inhabitants of Europe, among the Proto-Indo-Europeans. Some signs were forgotten, some, having lost their meaning, remained in the ornaments (which is why you can find the “Gebo rune”, “Inguz rune”, “Algiz rune” in ornaments, etc.) The third signs, while retaining their meaning, were used separately, for example, the swastika. The coincidence of some signs of ancient European rock inscriptions with the letters of the Mediterranean alphabets also speaks of possible, common or close sources.
For one reason or another, the system was clearly formulated among the Germanic peoples. The possible origin of the system from the method of fortune telling described by Tacitus is interesting. They threw sticks and branches from certain trees and
We looked at what shapes we got. It is characteristic that the Germanic tribes did not have a priestly caste. Thus, the system was not the property of only a narrow professional stratum.
In some cases, and a Celtic influence on the runic system is seriously suspected, this influence could also relate to the “continental period” of the Germanic tribes. Usually the Tisa rune, Eiwaz, is mentioned here.
Throughout the history of alphabets, magical and non-magical, individual learned mystics and rulers played an important role in compiling a new order of these alphabets. The implementation of such synthesis is shown
in the myth of Odin's sacrifice. This myth is reminiscent of the rituals of northern shamans; about the archaic magical-religious tradition, which was once an essential part of the culture of many peoples - from Scandinavia and
Central Asia to North America. In the myth of the discovery of the runes, Odin resorts to shamanic practice.” Although, of course, it is naive to imagine all this
literally. “...each rune itself represents a certain concept, contains a certain aspect of existence, expressing the deep nature of the internal structure of reality...”.
According to this view, each individual rune expresses a property that is revealed to the world of our experience through specific objects or processes characterized by the rune.” .
Due to the fact that runes express certain specific principles, using combinations of runes, many aspects of reality can be described and explored. This can even lead to the connection of the objects of one's attention with specific runic combinations.
The phonetic meaning of the rune could change over time: this applies to the runes of the Younger Futak. Also the keyword of the rune could be different. Many runes are still actively debated on this matter or
Having resigned themselves, they secretly agree on pronunciation. At the same time, it makes sense to practice individually finding the name of the rune, a meditative exercise. This name will work quite well on your system.
Then people in Scandinavia began to burn at the stake for runic witchcraft.
Runic series existed among the people until the 19th century, but they were entirely letter, alphabetical, and not semantic - magical. However, it was believed that a spell written in runic letters had greater power, which was used. Also, runes were preserved in the calendar tables of the Scandinavian and even Baltic peoples.

Runes were carved on stones or carved on wood, they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, and various items, and spells were written above the entrance to the house and on the bows of ships. The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to magical symbols Celtic Druid priests.

Over the centuries, the style and meaning of the signs have changed. For a long time they served only for magical purposes and for fortune telling: the ancient Celts, Scandinavians and Goths did not know writing. The runes acquired the meaning of the letters of the alphabet relatively late, after the Celts invaded Italy (IV century BC). Some signs were rethought,
others were added in imitation of Latin or perhaps even Etruscan characters. Still others were never included in the alphabet and were not used for writing: their meaning remained purely magical and was kept secret from the uninitiated.
From the Celts, runic writing passed on to the Germanic and then to the Scandinavian tribes. Different tribes created different modifications of the alphabet: for example, in the British Isles it consisted of 33 letters, in the Germanic lands - of 24, and in distant Iceland of only 16 letters.
Rune experts were magicians and healers; they wore special clothes, taught young people and were respected by everyone. However, to one degree or another, all representatives of the tribe possessed runic literacy.
Each rune had its own name and was associated with one or another deity, object or phenomenon. By laying out a rune from wooden sticks or applying its image on birch bark or stone, on the shaft of a spear or on the surface of a clay vessel, a healer or warrior
or the hunter turned directly to the entity that the rune designated in order to influence it in a certain way.
The healer drove out the disease, the warrior asked for victory in battle, the hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the rune was pronounced or sung in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, to send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. “evil song” or performed zeid - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.
Not only men, but also women possessed magic. Thus, zeid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; Among the ancient Normans, special soothsayers, volures, were engaged in predicting the future. With the help of songs and runes they also conjured spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls.
With the advent of Christianity, the runic alphabet was recognized
“pagan” and was quickly forced out of use.
The attempt of the (Vest-)Gothic bishop Wulfila to use runes to transmit the texts of the Holy Scriptures (IV century AD) did not help: his work was forgotten even before the Visigothic kingdom perished. The Latin alphabet was more convenient.

On average, from the adoption of Christianity to complete oblivion
Runic knowledge took place from three to five centuries. The principles of “pagan” magic and ancient legends were declared harmful witchcraft, devilish instigation and were exterminated by all available means. The knowledge of runes, both alphabetical and magical, was preserved for the longest time in Iceland: Christianity penetrated there
only in the 10th century. However, even there by the end of the 15th century. There is not a single “Runekender” (magician) left. Legend has it that they became elves, spirits, kobolds, occasionally visiting people to help (or, conversely, prevent) them from getting out of difficult life situations.
But the elves do not share their secrets with mortals: with the last living “Runekender” the knowledge was gone.

In the 19th century runic literacy was studied mainly
historians and archaeologists. Only recently, already in the 20th century, when many monuments of vanished cultures were discovered, and interest in ancient knowledge began to revive, the time of “rebirth” also came for runes. Much, of course, turned out to be lost irretrievably;
however, modern researchers, primarily the Americans Ralph Elliott and Ralph Bloom, have managed to largely recreate what was lost.
Ralph Elliott collected and systematized all known information about runes and gave their first description in terms of modern occult science (1959).
Ralph Bloom (1982) unified the writing of runes, proposed
its order of their arrangement, which differs in many respects from the Futhark (ancient alphabet), restored the old ones and developed new methods of layout, similar to those used in other fortune-telling systems.
At the same time, Ralph Bloom used only alphabetic runes, which were obviously incapable, as he writes, of causing harm to anyone, even when used for magical purposes. He did this not because the magical runes were unfamiliar to him (although of all the runes ever used, they suffered the greatest damage from the passing centuries), but so that they would not fall into the wrong hands.
He added a twenty-fifth, empty one to the twenty-four Germanic runes, considering it necessary to take into account the classic “uncertainty factor” or, simply put, the will of God, when the outcome of events does not depend on the person asking (see above). He called it “Odin’s rune” , the supreme god of the ancient Germans.

Runes can be drawn on any item made from
natural materials - wood, clay, metal, stone. In ancient times, they were laid out from smoothly planed wooden sticks on a specially cleared area somewhere in the forest or other sparsely populated place, or they were simply drawn on the ground. They were also carved with a knife on a piece of tree bark or carved on stone. The bark was left in the forest, propped up with a wooden stick stuck into the ground, or placed somewhere in the home. The stone was installed on an elevated place.

Protective runes are drawn above the entrance to the house, on the door frame or on the door itself.
At the same time, they do not have to be cut out with a knife or drawn with charcoal or paint: the rune can be invisible, it is enough to draw it with your finger, you can even just draw it in the air.
However, it should be taken into account that a sign that has a material basis (applied with a knife or paint) lasts longer.

To carry with them, amulets and talismans are made from natural materials, equipping them with one or more runes of suitable meaning. The difference between an amulet and a talisman interests us here only in the sense that on the talisman, in addition to runes, something else can be depicted. If you don’t have a stone, tree bark, a knife or paints on hand, you can draw them with a regular pen on a piece of paper, but such a talisman will also not work for long.

Among the non-alphabetic magical runes, we can mention the signs of the Swastika and the Wheel, which were used as symbols of the winter and summer solstice (December 21 and June 22): the first was drawn, wishing themselves and others a happy new year, the second - a good harvest. Most of the other surviving non-alphabetic symbols are images of various types of weapons, tools, or calendar signs.

Alphabetic runes can also be used to work with names or just words. Try writing your name in runes (“first name”, as the English say).
Most likely, you will find that for some letters (more precisely, sounds) of your name there are no matches in the runic alphabet. You'll have to make do with the existing signs, trying several options or combinations. Don’t be afraid that you will write your name “wrong”: any recording option makes sense.

Perhaps one of the most common uses of runes is to protect the magician from attacks by various extradimensional entities, usually called by us: “demons,” or to prevent demons from entering certain places. Each rune is individual and has a set of properties unique to it. As a result, some runes are suitable for use as protective ones, while others are not. But even the most powerful protective rune does not protect against everything in the world, as a result of which they often use not one rune, but a combination of several runes, which is essentially an analogue of a regular spell.
If you look at a rune spell with ordinary vision, we will see only a strange and incomprehensible pattern, but if you look at them with magical vision, the same runes are already seen burning with some kind of fire of their own. And this fire is a warning to you that the protection is activated. IN normal conditions The protection is in a passive state and is activated only when the protected zone is violated.

Conventional magical protection in most cases is not capable of sufficient protection from other-dimensional entities, because... it cannot cover all possible dimensions. (More precisely, of course you can do this with its help, it’s just more difficult than with the help of runes). And such entities are called other-dimensional not only because they live in a different system of dimensions, but also because they are able to move across different dimensions. This is where runes come to our aid, they retain their effect in all dimensions at once, and, therefore, protect the magician or block the path from all sides at once. In addition, it is very convenient with runes - I drew them once, either in the air or on the ground, and as long as the energy supply exists, they will not go anywhere, continuing to do their job. The runes of protection themselves may not kill the other-dimensional entity, but most often this is not required. After all, their task is to protect, not to attack. The main thing is that they are dangerous for the enemy and this is enough to discourage him from attacking.

But magicians use protection runes not only against enemy creatures, but also against their colleagues, and, as a rule, in combination with quite material objects, for example, shackles. Of course, ordinary shackles will not hold back any magician. Therefore, shackles for magicians are made of antimagic material, i.e. one who is not only not affected by magic, but whose very presence blocks the magician’s magical abilities. And so that the shackles cannot be destroyed by physical means (breaking, sawing), protective runes are applied to their insides, which are triggered when the runic pattern is damaged. Since the imprisoned magician is not able to see the exact location and order of the runes either by ordinary or magical means, he will be afraid to destroy the material of the shackles, fearing at the same time damaging the runes and thereby triggering the initiation of their protective mechanism, leading to the death of the magician. One way out of this situation is to destroy the shackles in the place between the runes. Moreover, in a place that will not be affected or destroyed by the rune spell.

The process of inscribing runes itself consists of two stages: the first is the actual inscription, and the second is the creation and maintenance of a connection between the inscription of a rune and the investment of a specific task in it. It's the same as with regular spells. The same word can be present in different spells, but in each of them it will have its own meaning. It's the same with runes. The rune itself has many properties, but why do you need them all when you only need one? It is precisely this very property that occurs when drawing a rune. Establishing a connection between you and the rune can be done in different ways. Someone draws runes with their blood, which, as you know, is the strongest link. And someone uses magic, becoming one with the whole world and draws a rune as if drawing along the very fabric of reality. Not everyone succeeds in the latter method right away, sometimes the line between what is possible and what is not is too thin, but that’s why a magician is a magician to walk this line. And if you still managed to put meaning into every line, then the rune “comes to life” and gives the very effect that you expected from it.

The only requirement for the runes you create to exist effectively for a long time is the need for their periodic energy replenishment, that is, the runes need to be updated occasionally. If you don’t do this, then the rune over time wastes all the energy that was invested in it during creation, and also weakens and, in the end, the connection between the rune and you is broken and the rune remains only an empty icon, the same as many of those what you are looking at now. Updating a rune is not about re-drawing the icon, but about recreating the image of the rune and imprinting into it what you want to get from creating the rune. Drawing the rune itself only helps to recreate the required image, and if drawing makes it easier for you to concentrate, then draw for your health.

Runes exist due to energy, and a rather small amount. This is their weakness. Imagine that the runes are a light bulb that is designed for a certain voltage and when this voltage increases, it burns brighter, even brighter, and finally, at some point, the spiral in the light bulb melts and the light bulb burns out. About the same thing happens with runes. If you pump even someone else’s rune with energy, then in one wonderful moment the rune is overflowing with energy, explodes or burns. You can burn a rune using a spell. The nature of fire is the same regardless of whether it is born by a rune or a spell, and whoever gives it more energy will win the fiery confrontation.

Another option is to contrast some runes with others, which was once quite successfully demonstrated by masters of rune magic. Various options are possible here: mutual neutralization of runes by confrontation (those who bring cold are extinguished by those who bring flame), the destruction of the enemy’s runes, protection with one’s own runes from the influence of the enemy’s runes (by protecting yourself from the influence of fire, you can safely pass where the entrance is guarded by runes that create fire, or vice versa, you can surround the runes the enemy with a protective cap, thereby protecting yourself from their influence), etc.

If you can’t cope with a rune spell, then you can try to destroy it “from the inside.” To do this, it is necessary to destroy the surface on which the runes are applied. The power of the rune lies in its form, and if the form is destroyed or damaged, the rune loses its functionality. For example, we have a rune spell applied to the door of a room and consisting of several component runes. In this case, destroying the door and violating the order of the runes negates the effectiveness of the spell and frees the passage. Magicians who use runes are aware of this weak point in a rune spell and therefore usually create it in such a way that when the spell is broken, a protective mechanism is triggered, destroying all living things around.

There is another unconventional way to deal with a rune spell. It lies in changing the runes themselves. Let's say we have the same runes applied to the door. Each rune, no matter whether it is simple or composite, has a certain shape that affects the properties of the rune. And this very shape can be changed, even in someone else’s rune. Here you can trace the analogy with a spell. A spell is a certain sequence, a program that is executed and produces a result. Like any program, a spell takes time to compose and to execute. At these moments, it can be intercepted, decrypted (understand the principle of operation) and changed. Do the same with runes. In this case, the body of the program is the image of the rune, without destroying which you can change the meaning of the rune. (In this case, by the image of the rune, I do not mean the drawing itself, but the entire totality of what makes up the rune). Let's take, for example, a laughing face and change the position of its mouth, turning it 180 degrees. From the same objects we received another, now distressed, face. In the case of runes, they do the same. The image of the rune is taken and divided into objects that are manipulated. From the available objects, an image of a completely different rune or not a rune at all is created. As a rule, you do not have to redo the entire rune and it is often enough to change only some part of it, for example, rearrange some lines, change the order of others, or disassemble one figure to build another from the existing parts. Change the curve of the lips of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa a little, and she will no longer have such a mysterious smile, and the whole picture will be different, but you only changed a small piece. So don't underestimate the power of insignificance.
In the latter case, the integrity of the rune is preserved and its destruction does not occur, which means that the protective mechanisms do not work. To understand why this happens, try swapping the outer and inner sides of the cabinet door. The closet will still be a closet, but it will look different, and if before inside There was a mirror in the closet door, but now it will no longer be there. Has it become a little clearer?

To preserve the integrity of the rune, you need to change it, using only those components that make up the rune, without bringing anything in or taking anything out of it. Imagine that the image of the rune is a rubber ball. We can squeeze the ball in any way we can, we can put it in a cubic box, but even if it takes the shape of a cube, the ball still remains a rubber ball. Same with the rune. By changing its image, we thereby change, rather than destroy, the rune. The transformation of the rune itself is carried out using ordinary magic using the same technology as the execution of spells, i.e. the image of the rune first changes in your imagination and then is projected onto reality. In the end, after our changes, the rune loses some properties and acquires others, therefore, initially having the fire rune as an enemy, we can end up getting a rune that gives us good luck. It's magic.

Rune magic, like any other, has its pros and cons, and is not a panacea. It can make weak magicians stronger, and give strong ones even more strength and wisdom, but you must remember that using runes makes you dependent on them. Runes are universal, and with various questions you can find support from them. It is this feeling of omnipotence of runes that one should be afraid of. There are times when runes let you down, and if you rely only on them, it will not lead to anything good. At the same time, sometimes only rune magic can save. So the truth, as always, is in the middle. And who will even say that it is better to know a little or little of everything, but to know very well those things that may be useful to you? Personally, I prefer the first method, because... it is more suitable for one person. The second method is preferable for those who work in a team, where each person is the best in some area. Which method do you like? It's time to make a choice.

Working with runes.
In order to truly prepare to work effectively with runes, a magician must devote considerable time to making the runes his own.
What this means is that although the runes have different transpersonal realities and meanings, you must discover these realities and activate them within yourself. Only then is a real magical process possible.

Living in society, man has surrounded himself with artificially created conditions, almost completely isolating his soul and body from what he himself is a part of.
We walk with our feet on the asphalt, which separates our shoe-covered feet from the ground with a durable layer, we protect ourselves from the wind and umbrellas from the rain, we feel lonely being in brick walls or sometimes in the company of people, despite the outward fun. The soul remains lonely, trying to escape from the imprisonment of conventions created by social life. Recycled wood turned into paper - called banknotes - has become of paramount importance for all earthlings and the equivalent of happiness. The brain, having accepted this equivalent as the only source of life, obediently agrees, justifying the need for the existence of such an equivalent, and all human life spirals in an hour only around it.
Separated from the primary source of life, having closed their souls from development and contact with the great natural energy sources of life, man, living his short life, spends it in the fight against illnesses, stress, the pursuit of artificially created equivalents, falling into traps set with his own hands and dies, never having known the taste of his birth and life, chained in chains of conventions, chains of marriage, chains of debts, chains of situations that sometimes lead to death. Unresolved problems, which are like mushrooms after rain, multiply in a society that has renounced eternal values ​​in favor of the golden calf.
Those people who understand the importance of the inseparability of their nature from the original source, from the elements, since they themselves are it or part of it - they have saved themselves from many social problems by keeping in touch with vital sources. They get sick less, recover faster, are more harmonious in their inner world and are less dependent on the obstacles that life in society is filled with.

We are talking about the four great elements of the Earth - Earth, Water, Fire, Air.
You can read scientific books about them endlessly, but the Element itself will tell a person who comes into direct contact with it much more. All these great energy sources are capable of giving information, transferring it, helping a person, as well as punishing him. Their power is great, but a person cut off from these forces is forced to defend himself from them, seeing in the raging elemental forces more of his enemy than his friend.
Information, power and help from the elements does not come through words and thoughts, since these forces have a completely different type of consciousness - elemental. They are overflowing with energies, and a person must open himself so much, sharpen his perception from the basic to the more subtle, that he begins to read this information literally with his skin, catching the subtlest energy flows around him and transforming them into thought forms that he already understands.
Even the wind blowing in your face can have different energetic colors, based on which you can read the information it carries from afar. Subtle anxiety, a sudden wave of joy, fear, something exciting - this is the first thing that a person beginning to enter can feel. Further, by gradually merging your consciousness with natural sources, you can become more protected than a safe or an apartment equipped with an alarm system. All this is not achieved in a day, and it is not enough to say the word “I want” to read and receive the keys without effort. Day after day, step by step, the approach to long-forgotten storerooms will begin, and consciousness, awakening, begins to torment a person, forcing him to see something that he had never noticed before. All this will change him and raise him a step above the standard level in which the whole society lives almost mechanically.

The following material about the elements was partially used from the site -
WATER - Water is the coldest of all the Elements.
Water can move or remain motionless and, accordingly, stimulate or, conversely, lead to stagnation. Water is constantly in motion and symbolizes energy that has the qualities of reflection and instinctiveness. Water is directly connected to the source of all things, whether we are talking about our feelings, emotions or life itself in general. Water is closely associated with infinity and with symbols that reflect our feelings. In addition, water corresponds to everything magical and practical, but more importantly it corresponds to the “shadow” part of ourselves, the part that lies deeper than the unconscious and remains hidden from us.
If you lack the element of Water in your life, you can compensate for this by everyday routine by bathing, showering or drinking mineral water.
People were one of the first to discover the Element of Water. If they used Air without thinking about it, and tamed Fire much later, then they quenched their thirst with Water, washed themselves with it, worshiped and feared it from their very appearance on Earth. According to various sources, you can live no more than three to four days without water. The human body is 80% water, and our planet is 70% water, represented in the form of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, icebergs and groundwater.
Almost everything can be considered as a source of Water Magic. water resources planets untouched by humans. However, they naturally differ in their strength.
Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and springs are stationary sources. However, reservoirs are still more powerful in principle than watercourses, and spring water always brings more energy than river water.
Temporary sources include rain, hail, snowfall and any precipitation in general. How it's raining harder, the more magical power he carries with him. However, again, the rain must be clean, and not acidic, otherwise from swimming under its streams you can not only develop a severe energy deficit, but also all sorts of unpleasant consequences of exposure to acid. Recently, unfortunately, this method of replenishing energy is rarely used, because clean rain is almost impossible to find.
Cold water and ice, as well as a combination of steam and ice, release energy best. The bravest magicians enjoy swimming in an ice hole or taking a steam bath, and then run out into the snow. This method of replenishing energy cannot be classified as stationary, but it is quite prolonged in time, so it is used quite often.
All living things tend to be located closer to water. This is a necessary factor for a healthy existence, we cannot live without access to a water source
The way water brings life, abundance and prosperity can be seen in the abundance and diversity of life within lakes and seas. Even one touch of the pulpy water of Baikal gives a surge of vital energy to a person, and admiring the surface of the lake harmonizes it so that people remember their meeting with Baikal all their lives. Water allows life to originate, grow, nourishes and sustains it. Water allows living things to develop in their environment and at the same time gives life to those who drink it. It is a necessary natural element whose power can bring benefits and harmony into our lives, in addition to making it possible

Fire is one of the most powerful elements; it has enormous power and can always get out of control. The Element of Fire is one of the main - and therefore one of the most powerful - Elements. It was perhaps the first to be mastered by people. It was with the help of Fire that people warmed themselves, prepared food... This Element helped them survive in the harsh conditions of our planet, helped scare away animals and insects, warned of danger, but it also caused them a lot of trouble, the most important and global of which were forest fires. Fire symbolizes action. It rises, trembles, glows, giving us light and awareness. The difficulty of the element of Fire is that its excess can scorch us or even burn us. Wood allows us to start a fire and keep it burning (in the cycle of transformations, Wood creates Fire). Although the element of Fire is stimulating, it can cause the flames to spread too quickly, resulting in an uncontrollable forest fire that destroys everything in its path. However, Fire is not only destruction, but also warmth, sunlight, heat of passion. This element has long been associated with the sun and summer.

Ancient thinkers tried to enter fire into science under different names: ether, phlogiston. Benjamin Franklin called it an electrical substance, composed of extremely small particles, and therefore “capable of penetrating into common matter, even into the densest metals, with great ease and freedom.”
Fire is the fourth element of the sevenfold table of the scale of materiality of the ancient sages. Geometrically, it can be depicted as the central point of the triangle of the lower material triad: earth, water and air. Referring to this symbol, the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus pointed to fire as the primary substance of nature, the most capable of change and mobility. “From fire came the world as a whole,” he argued, “individual things and even souls.” Chemical, electrical and magnetic interactions, as well as the sensations of light and heat, we add, exist due to the same element. Fire has been a cult element since ancient times. Fire gave life, warming and feeding ancient man. Different peoples had a cult of the god of fire, and in most cases, these were simultaneously gods of the Sun. The Egyptians have Amon-Ra, the Greeks have Hephaestus, the Romans have Vulcan, and the Japanese have Amaterasu. As they say, Fire, along with Water, is a life-giving element.
Fire is an integral element, unshakable and stable Air - Air - interaction, conductivity, contacts. Air is an unsteady, changing element.
Air is one of the most powerful elements (it’s not for nothing that it is one of the main ones). A person can live without fire, especially in hot countries. Didn't people live before without knowing fire? People also managed somehow without land; they learned to cultivate it much later than they learned about fire. But its fruits were used long before that... But, in particular, a person can last quite a long time without food. You can also live without water for several days. We can't live even five minutes without air. Well, the most trained, with a large lung capacity, will be able to last about ten minutes. But then oxygen starvation invariably sets in, the brain, and indeed the entire body, completely fails... the process is irreversible and very fast. From all of the above, we can conclude that air is the most important element for humans. If it’s not there, then it doesn’t matter whether you’re a magician or a Muggle, in such conditions everyone is equal.
However, Air is also the most mysterious of the main elements. We can see and feel Water, Fire, Earth, but Air cannot. By itself, without impurities, it is absolutely transparent, tasteless, odorless and colorless.
Air: The Unifying Force of the Universe. Air is sound. Air is oxygen. With every breath we take, we inhale air that has been in every nook and cranny of the world, from the dry Sahara desert and the peaks of the Himalayan mountains to the covered lush vegetation rain forests of the Amazon.

That breath you just took contains at least 400 thousand of the same atoms that Gandhi breathed throughout his life. Shakespeare also inhaled some of those atoms that you inhale with air, and Plato and Eric the Red also inhaled the same atoms. The air that you are inhaling at this moment has already been in me, and the air that I breathe has been in you. Thus, the movement of air in the atmosphere is powerful force the element of Air, which connects everything that exists in this world.
One of the simplest and most effective ways to communicate with the element of Air is through the winds that constantly blow across our planet. When you leave the house outside, pay attention to how the air begins to blow on the skin of your body. And whether this air current is the lightest breeze, or the most powerful wind, or even a storm, the air currents always bring with them freshness and a feeling of vitality.
Earth - Earth is associated, first of all, with the base, with something solid and unshakable. Ancient people believed that God created the Earth from Chaos, and the Earth is one of three components Universe. The uppermost part is the Sky, the lower is the Underworld, and between them is the Firmament.
The origin of earthquakes has often been correlated with another idea among people: that the Earth is supported by three whales, elephants or turtles. There were many such versions. According to them, earthquakes occurred as a result of the fact that some animal holding the earth's firmament woke up, scratched itself, sneezed, or simply moved its paws.
The earth has always been considered a symbol of the feminine principle due to its fertility. The expressions “Mother Earth” or “Our Lady Earth” are based precisely on the fact that the Earth feeds people, it is on it that plants grow that feed people and animals. Without the Earth and plants, life on the planet would disappear...
The earth is traditionally associated with practical, material problems and a step-by-step approach, with a return to one's own real, deep essence. This element is located in the north and is associated with winter. Salt on a plate or a small vessel with salt is ideal for magic with the symbol of the earth.
The earth is invisibly present in all the boundaries we create for ourselves and for others. The Earth always strives to find practical application for the abstract, to realize ideas and feelings on the material plane. It is definitely connected with nature and reality physical world. Other associations of the Earth are calm and peace, for the Earth tries to avoid conflict, no matter how much Fire provokes it.

In runic magic - where we find ourselves in the world of energies and elemental forces, contact with the elements of Water, Earth, Fire and Air - is an integral part of any practice. Before you begin to directly study and come into contact with runic energies, it is necessary to establish a stable connection with the main elements.

Personal contact and work with the elements - in order to come into direct contact with any of the elements, a person does not necessarily need to know any rituals, although there are some, or special techniques and wisdom. It is all nearby and you just need to open your consciousness and accept what will accompany us from birth to death. It is enough just to stretch out your hand and touch the surface of the mirror-like surface of the water, feeling its cool, pliable energy, turn your face to the wind and let it pass through you, becoming for a moment one with this swift flying stream, hear how it plays with the foliage of the trees. walk barefoot on the warm earth, feeling how its power permeates the whole body from bottom to top, giving it its power. Play with your palm with a small flame from a candle or a lit fire, feeling how it licks your palms and feels you in its own way. Your personal contact
Meditation with the element of water. “Merger”Tune in for meditation. Visualize the mountains and feel the snowy peaks and coolness of the mountains. Imagine that you are a small hand winding high in the mountains. Feel how you, being a stream, move along the slopes of the mountain, avoiding all obstacles, finally forming a small mountain river. Feel the connection process. Feel how this river that has become you flows through the valley, so its flow flows, bending around obstacles. The river flows into a large mountain river. And now the rushing stream of the mountain river rushes in a stormy stream down the gorge. Feel your growing strength and power, which crushes stones, washes away everything in its path and destroys rocks. The stream has completely descended from the mountains and flows into a calm river that moves across the plain. You are a great, calm river that carries millions of tons of water. You are calm, but there is a powerful force within you that can sweep everything out of its way. And now you fall into a huge endless ocean. Feel like this living organism. The secret of the universe and powerful power are hidden in you. Under influence sun - water evaporates and turns into steam - and this steam is also you. You rise higher and higher and turn into a cloud that moves towards the mountains and then you fall in the form of rain and penetrate deep into the earth, seeping through its thickness and again coming out in the form of a stream on the surface of the mountains and everything repeats again.
The benefit of working with an element is that if you work with multiple elements, you are constantly changing. No one can harm you. Since you are constantly in different guises. But those sorcerers who work with voodoo or other techniques that influence a person (wax pouring, dolls) base their work on complete identification with you, and if you change, then no one can harm you, since in you it will be impossible to infiltrate.

Meditation with the element of Fire.
Imagine yourself locked in the bowels of the earth by a volcano that is inflating it and is about to burst out to its surface. What strength and power is growing in you. And so, you, hot lava, are thrown out of the volcano’s nozzle and flow down from the crater, rushing down, sweeping away and burning everything in its path. Enormous fiery power rushes in an uncontrollable stream and nothing can resist it. And so you approach the ocean and flow into it, connecting with it, changing the shape of the shores, forming islands. Feel the power that is inside you. Feel it with your whole being. Any object lights up from you, melting and disappearing in you.

Similarly, compose meditations on incarnation into air and earth. Feel your unity with these elements, their energy in you.

This ritual allows you to feel the emergence of strength in yourself and the merging of yourself with the forces of the elements and various energies can be carried out in an easy interpretation, without changing the essence - to become part of what fills the forces of nature. Do it in solitude.
Form a circle, in four parts of which place a burning candle, a bowl of water, lighted incense and salt and earth. Sit in the center. Free your consciousness from everything that fills it in everyday life. As you pronounce the following phrases slowly, feel each one as if you yourself are embodied in what you are talking about, smoothly moving from one image to another.
"I am the wind on the sea
I am a sea wave
I am the sound of the sea
I am a seven-horned deer
I'm the hawk on the cliff top
I am a ray of sunshine
I am the most beautiful among flowers
I am the valiant fierce boar
I am the salmon in the pond
I am a lake on the plain
I am the hill of poetry
I am the spear in battle
I am the god who ignites minds!
Let go of your consciousness and continue your entries into other sources of strength, naming them. Connect and feel like each of those you call.

Opening elemental portals and contacting them.
In any magical work that involves the forces of the elements, and in our case, even the most insignificant ritual is accompanied by at least one burning candle, the skill of opening the portal of the elements is required. This skill will become a habit over time and will become an integral part of any contact, be it even the usual fire of a fire in the country or on a hike, with whom you decide to communicate. Through the opening of the portal, you open yourself up to this energy and come into direct contact with it. Compare the difference - contact with a person (greeting) with a simple nod of the head, or through a handshake. So, contact through an open portal is what a handshake is, when you come into direct contact and are open.
Before starting work, in order to attract the help of the Higher Powers and establish personal protection and also gain energy, you should perform the RITUAL OF THREE RAYS (it can also be replaced with the Ritual of the Pentagram)
“THREE RAYS” is the same as the Three Illuminations of Aven. The functions of this once well-known ritual are largely similar to those of the PENTAGRAM RITUALS, called RITUALS OF EXILES, which are now widely used by those who practice black magic, or in magical systems originating from the Order of the Golden Dawn, namely, in rituals of protection cleansing.
This Ritual must be performed purposefully with full concentration until you achieve complete automaticity, and be used in any (magical) situation where the need arises to attract strength, protection, inspiration or higher powers - or when it is desired to free the body/mind/spirit / from unwanted forces or eliminate external negative factors.

1. Stand in a bright place, preferably with direct sunlight falling on your head from above
2. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and calm down.
3. When you reach a state of complete self-control, take a deep breath again, AT THE SAME TIME raising your arms above your head.
4. Slowly lower your arms down to your sides, while reciting the first of the structured sounds: “I” (pronounced like a long “IIIIIIIII”). Carefully monitor your exhalation so that the supply of air in your lungs runs out JUST at the moment when your hands reach your hips.
5. Repeat the same steps, this time pronouncing the second sound ' as you exhale. "A" (pronounced long Ahhhhhhhhhh).
6. Repeat a third time, making the “O” sound (pronounced “OOOOOOOO”).
7. Without pausing, repeat all steps, combining all three sounds into one continuous sound: IIIIII-Ahhhhh-OOOOOO. Then open your eyes.

Over the years there have been different versions of this Ritual, even each branch of Druidry (namely Irish, British and Gaulish) had its own ritual. But the symbolism inherent in them was always the same. In each of the rituals, the Right Ray represents the masculine attributes of the Sun, while the Left represents the feminine energies of Pune; The middle or Crystal Ray represents both or neither: it is the Ray of Balance and Separation. If you actively practice the exercises that will be given in the following appendices to the chapters, you can come to unexpected fruitful results.
The sound "I" supports the feminine, contractive, watery qualities (left ray of the Goddess) and is used as an isolated sound to attract these forces. The sound “A” is the middle ray of balance (crystal ray), the “air principle”, it is used when it is necessary to achieve stability. The sound “O”, open and capable of expanding - the fiery right ray of God - is called upon when male strength is needed. These sounds are also used in various combinations, depending on the circumstances and the desired result. Each of the sounds calls upon its own special type of energy, and the student, by experimenting with the sounds, will be able to discover countless magical applications for them. If you do this, you will receive a powerful Ritual.
Finally, there are two types of the THREE RAYS symbol: male and female. Here they are:
These types are again similar to the "summoning/banishing" ritual performances commonly known in modern Western magic. The above Ritual, consisting of 7 stages, is the “active form” by which the desired forces are ATTRACTED. In order to expel unwanted forces from yourself or from a specific space, do the Ritual in exactly the reverse order: start with the sound “O” and, as you exhale, slowly raise your hands from bottom to top, then move on to the sound “A”, to the sound “I”, and so on Further.
Having completed this ritual, you can begin to open portals and work with them. This can be done either in a small circle - sitting at the table, placing all the symbols of the elements on the table, or in a large circle - directly being in the center of the circle. When you need to impart power to a specific artifact you have made, a small circle is enough, but when you directly perform a ritual in which you call on powers, spirits, etc. then for these purposes you will need a large circle. Place 4 elemental symbols on the 4 cardinal directions:
Fire (candle) - in the south, earth (salt) - in the north, Air (smoke) - east, Water (water in a bowl) - west.

“Signs of the Portal”: Four main symbols that are used during druidic rituals of summoning the forces of the elements - in order to open doors to the worlds of the elements. Below are these symbols and the method of “drawing” them. The origin of the symbols is clear from their description.
1) TRILITHO is a drawing familiar to us from the arches of Stonehenge; this is a Celtic Dolmen, or simply the entrance to a mine or cave. It symbolizes the concept of "Cradle and Grave" of Mother Earth, who gave birth to us - and whose dark flesh will embrace us again after death. This is an entirely female symbol, the very form of which represents a mystical gateway from the past to the future. This is a symbol of EARTH.
2) THE CONCAVE SURFACE depicts the base of the “bowl”, symbolizing the ability to perceive... hold or intervene. Again, this is a feminine symbol of absorption and can often be recognized in the form of the "Mother of Pearls" - the oyster shell, or in the figure of the swimming sacred Salmon. This is a symbol of WATER.
3) The cross in the form of the letter TAU, or equal-armed cross, depicts equality: the concept of simultaneous uniform movement in all directions... an intermediate substance between the forces of fire and water. This sign can be seen in the form of a windmill, which captures the light breeze from wherever it blows; in a falling snowflake or in the moving spokes of a wheel. This is a male symbol of justice - a symbol of AIR.
4) PIC, or Dragon Horn, depicts a tongue of flame. It can be seen in the light of a candle, in the flame of a fire... or in a mountain peak - in the pitchforks of a Christian devil or in the horns of a Dragon. All these are male symbols of FIRE.
When using these symbols, you must be sure to incorporate them into your work through visualization. Together with strong mental images, these 4 Signs can be a powerful tool for opening the door of any element. In order to expel the energy of a particular element, you simply need to draw this symbol in the opposite direction. Traditionally, to draw a sign for invoking/embodiing an element, a weapon of Power (stone, rod, disk) corresponding to this symbol was used - this greatly enhances the effect.

So - select the portal that you are going to open and move your finger or an instrument of power over it, you can use a burning match over the elemental portal, the corresponding element of the portal sign given above.
The next switching mechanism is the drawing of a summoning form over the same portal, when drawing which the fulfillment spell is simultaneously pronounced:
calling form for opening a portal with the right hand, -
banishing form for closing the portal with the left hand.
By drawing this shape over the portal (I draw it with fire, a burning match), you can use your finger to pronounce the Accomplishment spell out loud:
Next, hold the Shambul Activation sign over the portal with your hand, so that the energy of the portal spreads and opens completely, and is open for working with it.

At the moment of activation, consciousness reaches a state of entry and unity with each of the portals. What to do next comes personally from each caller. Then, when the portals are opened, the main part of the ritual or work with the artifact begins, after which the portal should be closed, as indicated above, and the elements should be thanked for their help.
All these rituals and actions are necessary for further work with runes, as well as in carrying out any magical actions in which elemental forces are involved.

Making Runes.
You can make your own runes from any natural material. Wood, stones, leather, precious metal, clay, bone.
Your runes must be made from start to finish by you, and not be bought or made by another person - these are the runes that feel you stronger and work better, or the runes can be made by a rune master and activated by him, in which case such runes also have magical properties. Souvenir runes purchased in a store are silent, so they are not a magical product, but more of a souvenir or decorative item, so such runes give false information.

How to make your own runes and what are they for?
Your own runes, which are subsequently stored in a bag, are not used for magical purposes and, as a rule, are needed for questioning and prediction, or for receiving advice. Your first set of runes can also be used to get acquainted with runic energies, while endowing each rune with the corresponding energies - which will subsequently make them very accurate in predictive work.

You can make runes using your own method.
1) Search for a tree branch. It must be a living, growing tree. A twig that is suitable in thickness is carefully cut from the tree, and the wound can be covered with earth.
2) Sand it at home and cut into 25 identical rounds. Choose the size yourself.
3) Grind each round piece, shape it as needed so that they are even and smooth
4) Then painting, external design. One side is the front side, where the rune itself will be inscribed, the second is the back side, where you can simply decorate it beautifully in any color, whatever your imagination allows.
5) The rune itself is applied to the front side. While applying the rune, light a candle, open the portal and do not be distracted while performing this sacrament. You can draw with red paint, blue paint, green paint, you can add incense and a drop of your blood to the paint. Upon completion of application, secure the dried drawn runes with varnish. I applied the runes with ink, and after drying, I covered the top with a layer of glossy varnish.
6) When the set is ready, it must be ritually consecrated.

Ritual Activation of a set of runes.
Place 4 portals - fire, water, air and earth on the 4 cardinal directions, as described in the previous lecture. Place your made runes in the center - all 25. Activation can be carried out both at once for the entire set, and for each rune separately. I advise you to consecrate each rune separately. Open all 4 portals using the formulas for revealing the elements and gestures that were provided in lecture 2. When all 4 elemental portals are activated, proceed to consecrate the runes.
1) Take the first rune and bring it to the fire, passing it along the surface of the flame 3 times, say: “With the power of fire, I illuminate this sign, this rune, may the power of fire touch and sanctify it, may it be endowed with its strength and power,” then bring it rune to water - and say similar words, sprinkling the rune with water, then earth - sprinkling the rune with earth or salt, and bring it to the smoke, saying the same words, hold it over the smoke, watching how it envelops the rune on all sides. Bring the rune to your mouth and say: “By the power of my Spirit, I give strength and power to this sign, this rune, and I consecrate it, so that the power of the sign will be revealed” - blow strongly on the rune three times.
2) You must do this ceremony with all 25 runes.
3) When all the runes are activated, collect with your hands above them, from fire, water, smoke, and earth, the energies from these portals, forming an invisible ball from these elements above the runes, and also direct your exhalation there, exhaling the air, saying: “Yes the elements and my spirit will gather in one place, let this force enter these signs.” After this, take the energy ball with your right hand and forcefully throw it into the set. Perform the portal opening symbols over the set - the opening formula (three rays, and the Shambul activation sign, pronouncing the formula Anail, Nasrok, Iswas, Bessud, Dakhiel, Dainde.
After this, the ritual is completed, you can close the portals and put the set in the bag where the runes will be stored.

Further work with runic energies.
After your set is prepared, you will have a fairly long acquaintance with runic energies, or part of them
I will say about myself that in this way I became acquainted with only part of the runes, less than half - when the runes themselves revealed their essence to me. After receiving information from several energies, their understanding will improve significantly, and then gradually they will begin to reveal themselves to you. It may be enough to work with even 3-10 runes. But it is quite possible to do this work with each of the 24 runes. 25 – Rune of Odin, is not used in magic and symbolizes the energy of the Absolute, so it is used only for predictive purposes.
Your runes are active and ready to help you and introduce you to themselves.

You should keep a notebook where you will write down incoming information, observations and events related to the manifestation of this or that energy.

You do not have to choose a rune to study; one of them will choose you to be the first to tell you about itself. Put your hand into the bag and pull out any rune by touch. Having taken it out, write it down in your notebook with the name. It is this rune that will first introduce you to itself. Do not part with her even for a minute for at least 3 days, observing events and your dreams. The energy of this rune is around you and it will attract appropriate situations and moods. For three days you must write down events, the color of the energy around you and remember this energy. It may come in dreams
historical information about this energy and it will tell you something that you will never read in books, where it is located, how it can help, where it originates, and what it is connected with. In this notebook, you yourself will identify the characteristics of each rune and will then be able to recognize it by its energy coloring, since you will be familiar with the energies firsthand through sensations.

Today, many people are discovering the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - the Scythians, Lyutichs, Drevlyans and other peoples. The genuine interest in the traditions and beliefs of our ancestors is not accidental. The connection of the people of that time with nature and the energies of the Earth was too strong, which allowed them to live in harmony with the world around them, which is so lacking in modern man.

Old Slavic runes are part of that culture. At one time, they were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also for protection.

The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

Historians have not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs, but they agree that it is as ancient as Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

For example, the famous German chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentions idols with incomprehensible signs on them when describing a Slavic temple in the lands of the Lyutichs. Surely he would recognize Germanic or Scandinavian runes.

Similar images were described by Ibn El Nedim, an Arab writer who lived during the same period. He mentions ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he discovered on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Thus, we can safely say that the most ancient alphabet of our distant ancestors were Old Slavic runes. If you look at archaeological finds, you can find out that ancient craftsmen placed runic signs on household utensils. For example, a clay pot found near the village of Voiskovoe, on the Dnieper, contains an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 symbols were used. The fact that 3 of them were similar to Scandinavian runes suggests that the cultures of these peoples overlapped.

The same symbols were found on religious objects from the ancient temple of Radegast, destroyed in the 11th century, belonging to the Polabian (Baltic) Slavs.

Old Slavic runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) cannot be perceived solely as writing signs. Their influence on the life of ancient pagans was enormous: these symbols were applied to the body, runic stones, dishes, livestock, idols and other objects important to life and beliefs.

Runic alphabet

This writing has Etruscan and Celtic roots, since these peoples lived next door to the Slavs. In addition to the fact that runes were used for writing, there was a cult according to which these signs were considered sacred, since they were given to people by the gods. Tablets with runes, for example, were placed in burials, and pebbles with signs applied to them served as amulets.

They were used not only during pagan times, but also after the Slavic peoples adopted Christianity. For example, the Algiz rune was depicted in the temple rings, as it was considered a strong protection against other people’s witchcraft and the evil eye. To increase its power, multiple images of this symbol could be applied.

To date, 18 runes are known: Peace, Chernobog, Rainbow, Alatyr, Krada, Need, Wind, Strength, Yes, Treba, Bereginya, Lelya, Ud, Rock, Opora, Dazhdbog, Perun and Istok.

Old Slavic runes and amulets with symbols printed on them carried a certain meaning and had power.

Runes are symbols of good

As is customary among almost all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that the world was ruled by good and evil forces. Among their gods and goddesses there are those who help and care for people, and those who inspire horror.

Old Slavic runes did not escape the same fate. Among them there are signs of goodness and protection, which include:

Old Slavic amulets, runes and their meaning in the life of ancient pagans are an extremely interesting topic. These symbols played a very important role. Belief in the external control of the destinies of people by gods gave these signs magical power, which helped our ancestors withstand the threat of evil and chaos.

Runes are symbols of death

Regardless of the level of development of civilization and people's beliefs, they have always been afraid of death. The unknown that lies behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlife, and some of the runes are associated with death or fate, from which even the gods cannot hide.

Old Slavic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

The ancient Slavs conventionally divided runes into strong and weak and, depending on the situation, could enhance their effect through repeated repetition.

The most powerful amulets runes

Modern rune experts do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as was typical for Old Slavic shamans and wise men. In those days, faith in their power was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, runic symbols were embroidered on shirts, and women wove ribbons with them into their braids. The most popular were amulets that depicted Old Slavic runes (photos of some of them are presented in the article), associated with wealth, well-being, health and keeping the family hearth.

Among them the strongest were:

To some extent, modern descendants of the ancient Slavs have adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect against problems or to attract wealth, love or success into their lives. Some of them use amulets, and some get tattoos. Old Slavic runes are not a tribute to fashion, but a deep connection with the Family of those who were able to reveal it in themselves.

Protecting your home, family and property

Knowledge of one's family, honoring the memory of ancestors and family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well where their family came from and from whom, and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations. Rituals associated with burial and human birth were largely associated with natural energies that people used to repose the dead or protect newborns.

The ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance correct flow and distribution of qi energy. Old Slavic runes, correctly charged, had the magical property of harmonizing external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the hearth, to protect family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, and the possibility of procreation. These include:

They are so interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavic amulets, runes and their meaning. Tattoos with them are one of the most popular among modern people, since the well-being of the family is as important to them as it was to their ancient ancestors.

Runes from the evil eye and damage

Ancient Slavic magicians knew how not only to use runes to create protective amulets, but also to create spells from them. Superstitious people are always afraid of other people's envy, damage and the evil eye. A properly made amulet can not only have protective functions, but also neutralize the negativity sent to a person.

For example, for protection the witches used:

The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their deceased ancestors could protect them and help them in difficult times. The combination of powerful symbols in one drawing increased its charge many times over. You can do the same in our time by studying Old Slavic runes and their meaning. A tattoo of several symbols will not only create powerful protection, but will also attract good luck or wealth.

Fortune telling with runes

Today you will find few people who could interpret runes as well as the sorcerers and magicians of ancient times did. One of the ways to find out your destiny or simply get advice on what to do in a given situation was fortune telling using Old Slavic runes.

Depending on how they fell out and which side the sign lay on, its meaning changed, and a good rune could turn out to be bad. Knowledgeable sorcerers of those times helped people avoid problems or warned them about possible danger. Modern magicians know only the basic meanings of runes in fortune telling, for example:

  • The Alatyr rune could mean the beginning of a new business or the upcoming road.
  • The Rainbow symbol meant a successful outcome for something.
  • If a Need arose during fortune telling, then the person would face obstacles in business, ruin, or even death.
  • The Krada rune foreshadowed that a person would have to bring something to life, but for this he needed to clear his consciousness.
  • When the Force fell out, it meant that the person would find the right solution for his situation.
  • The Wind rune personified the creative essence of a person and indicated that time should be taken to unlock one’s potential.

These are not all interpretations of Old Slavic runes, since even the sequence of their fall could give new options for the development of events in a person’s fate. Sometimes they used Old Church Slavonic (runes) to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that hidden treasures were protected by spells, they created conspiracies and special combinations of runes that were supposed to not only lead the treasure hunter to the right place, but also save his life.

Runes in tattoos

Today it is becoming fashionable to use Old Slavic runes and their meaning in tattoos. Those who decide to use their protective power should be very careful, since without knowledge and faith in their power, this - at best - will be just a drawing on the skin, and at worst, it is possible to obtain an effect opposite to what was expected.

It was the faith of people that endowed the runes with power, because each of them was associated with a specific god, for example:

  • The Wind rune symbolized Veles, who transferred the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Madder.
  • The Beregini sign was associated with Makosha, the goddess of the earth and harvest.
  • Rune Oud is Yarilo.

It was faith in these gods and goddesses that endowed the runes with powerful energy. The ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection from dark forces or to attract good luck. In the same way, today people should use Old Slavic runes. A tattoo, supported by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real amulet for its wearer.

How to make a rune-amulet

There is no point in buying a ready-made amulet, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least charge the purchase correctly. To do this, you need to rinse it in running clean water, then hold a candle over the fire, put it in salt for a day, and then fumigate it with incense. So all 4 elements will give the amulet their strength.

The next stage is transferring your energy to the amulet with a prayer to the god or goddess symbolized by the rune. Asking for help or protection gives him powerful strength.

Meanings of runic symbols. Interpretation of runes

The very word “runes” is associated among people with something mysterious and enigmatic. These strange signs are used in fortune telling, making talismans and various stavs - formulas designed to change any life situation. At first, runes were widespread among the Scandinavian peoples, and the Germanic tribes used them especially actively. The meanings of runic symbols were known to both men and women, because initially they formed the basis of the alphabet, and therefore of writing. In the modern world, not everyone can interpret these symbols. But if you really want to join this ancient magic, then we are ready to reveal some of the secrets of our ancestors.

What are runes?

It is quite difficult to explain to an ordinary person what mysterious ancient symbols represent. On the one hand, they were the first alphabet Northern Europe, which was forced out of use by Latin letters after the adoption of Christianity. And if we look at the runes from the other side, we can understand that they represent a kind of energy that can become a bridge between a person and higher powers. This energy is the oldest in the Universe; it itself is capable of changing a person’s life, protecting him from something or provoking him to take active actions. But if necessary, this same power will connect a person with any generic egregor and help attract what he wants into life.

An uninitiated person believes that runic symbols are the same and have absolutely no differences. In fact, today's historians know more than ten runic alphabets. The most famous is the Old Norse futhark, we will talk about it in more detail a little later. It is this one that is now used by fortune tellers and magicians, but, in addition to these well-known symbols, there are Scandinavian, Irish, Manx and troll runes. The meanings of the runic symbols of these groups are slightly different from the futhark, so they are usually not used in fortune telling and magical rituals.

Archaeologists quite often found household items, jewelry and weapons with writing on them in burial mounds in Russia. This served as an impetus for the study of Slavic runes, as well as comparing them with the symbols of the Germanic runic alphabet. Scientists have found that almost all runes known today have something in common, but each people interpreted them in their own way. This fact allows us to come to the version that all these signs originated from one ancient alphabet and only over time the meanings of the runic symbols changed.

Interestingly, even today there are several types of modern runic symbols. They were invented between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but are never used in fortune telling or betting. They are considered "dead" and have no magical powers. Only ancient runes, which, according to legend, came to us from the Universe, can have these qualities. Do you know how this happened?

The legend of the origin of runes

Scandinavian myths tell that Odin received runes as the highest gift as a result of long torment. He hung for nine days, nailed to a tree, exhausted from hunger and thirst. After his release, he drank honey and heard a light whisper in which runes were barely discernible. Odin instantly inscribed them on the tree with his blood. These twenty-four runes became the basis of the Scandinavian futhark.

Of course, many perceive this legend as fiction. But scientists are surprised by the meaning of the word “runes”, which in translation from many Scandinavian dialects is translated as “secret” or “whisper”. Historians are also perplexed by the fact that runes were initially attributed magical properties. Usually this process takes some time and is associated with various religious processes, but in the case of runic symbols everything happened contrary to historical rules. The ancients said that magic always lived in the runes, because it was she who gave birth to them.

When were runes used?

The runic alphabet was most actively used by the Germanic tribes from the first to the twelfth centuries. It is interesting that this literacy was owned not only by shamans, but also by ordinary people. The meanings of runic symbols were known even to children, but, naturally, only sorcerers, who occupied a particularly honorable place in each tribe, could fully reveal the interpretation of these signs. At the moment, more than five thousand different runic symbols are known.

Archaeologists have found inscribed objects in Denmark, Norway and Iceland up to the thirteenth century. Ancient symbols were used for the longest time in Sweden, where they were actively used until the mid-nineteenth century.

The first written mentions of runes

The meanings of runic symbols and their use in magic were first mentioned in the manuscript of a Danish physician of the early fourteenth century. He tried to describe the most popular runes and their properties. After all, it is known that shamans were even able to cure many diseases by applying one or more runes to the human body.

The meaning of runic symbols in magic, as it is commonly perceived today, was introduced into use by a German occultist at the end of the nineteenth century. He took the Scandinavian runic alphabet as a basis and slightly modified it. As a result, new symbols were obtained, and their interpretation acquired a completely different meaning than in classical futhark.

How to use runes?

The use of runic symbols is varied. Most often, novice occultists are concerned about the meaning of runic symbols in fortune telling. It is worth noting that understanding runes requires some experience, because in layouts you need to know not only the meaning of the rune, but also correctly read it in combination with other symbols.

If you skillfully combine several runes, you can create powerful talisman, capable of working for his master ad infinitum. Statues or formulas made up of runes also work to change life. They are applied to the body and work for a certain period of time. After it has worked, it must be deactivated. Otherwise, a person’s life will become looped around the indicated energies.

Futhark: Scandinavian runes

Since the most common symbols are Scandinavian runes, we decided to look at the classic futhark in more detail. The secrets and meanings of the futhark runic symbols lie in three attas - groups in which eight runes are collected. In modern layouts, the twenty-fifth rune of Odin is also used. It is an empty symbol, meaning a pure destiny - the beginning of a new stage of life.

Keep in mind that the meaning of Scandinavian runic symbols in fortune telling differs significantly from the original meaning of the rune and its interpretation in formulas and staves. So it's quite difficult to give full description such an alphabet, but we will try to consider all the attas in as much detail as possible and characterize the symbols included in them. Do not forget that the meaning of runic symbols during fortune telling should be perceived as a certain image, a direction for movement or action.

Att Freyr: runes of creation

These eight symbols are the very first in the runic alphabet; it is from these six names that the name “futhark” was formed. Freyr's att includes the following runes:

  • Fehu is a symbol of wealth and well-being in general. The rune is capable of increasing knowledge, money and any items that can streamline a person’s life. It energetically feeds a person and inspires him to take action to achieve his goal.
  • Uruz is the rune of strength. She is associated with a powerful masculine principle, which is capable of giving shape to everything invisible. We can say that this symbol is a kind of creative power, guiding and forcing us to act a lot and actively.
  • Turisaz - associated with the god Thor, who was both a creator and a destroyer. This rune is power in its pure manifestation; people and objects cannot resist such pressure.
  • Ansuz is the rune of communication with higher powers. Thanks to it, you can receive messages in the form of ephemeral signs and very real objects.
  • Raido is the energy of directed action. It can be used in absolutely any activity. Magic should only be used when a real end goal is in sight.
  • Kenaz has creative and sexual energy, she is always the beginning of the birth of something new. Mages consider this rune to be extremely powerful; its use can lead to serious changes in fate.
  • Gebo is the rune of unification and reconciliation. She has a powerful force of balance and harmony, thanks to her creative and loving unions are created.
  • Vunyo - has the power of realization. In some interpretations, it means the realization of desires, their final embodiment.

Att Heimdal: the meaning of the runes

The following eight symbols make up their own group:

  • Hagalaz is a rune that destroys the old to gain the new. She is often associated with dark witchcraft powers that only women possess. The rune aggravates all problems, contradictions and illnesses, so that in the future a person will find peace and well-being.
  • Nautiz - has the power of binding and restriction. This rune forces one to act in extremely cramped circumstances and can turn a person into an instrument for performing any actions against his will.
  • Isa is the rune of ice and cold, slowing down any action. It can give density to any matter and slow down the action.
  • Yer - personifies time in its general understanding, characterizes the change of seasons and helps to evaluate the intermediate result of any actions.
  • Eyvaz - connects all worlds with each other. Its strength is at the same time a powerful impetus to action or making a difficult decision. It helps you reassess the situation and look at it from a new angle.
  • Perth is closely connected with the feminine energy of the birth of new life. In ancient times it was used during obstetrics. In another sense, it is interpreted as realization in a new role, helps to open up and give birth to something new.
  • Algiz is the most powerful protective rune. It not only protects you from harm and troubles, but gives incredible intuition, caution and wisdom in order to preserve yourself and do the right thing.
  • Soul is the rune of the Sun and cleansing fire. He destroys everything in his path so that something new can be formed from the ashes. Soul is closely related to the creative energy and talents given to a person from above.

Att Tyura: interpretation of runic symbols

The eight runes of atta Tyr complete the futhark. They look like this:

  • Teyvaz is the rune of victories, war and battles. She is often associated with the bloodthirsty god Mars, but Teyvaz carries within herself the strength of a noble warrior who fights only for good and high ideals. The rune revives courage in the soul and gives every chance of victory.
  • Berkana is a female rune, it is entirely associated with motherhood and caring for those in need. The power of this rune has a powerful protective effect for families and young children. It helps a woman to reveal herself as a hostess and gives serenity.
  • Evaz - the power of this rune lies in the ability to get any business off the ground. Thanks to this symbol, you can achieve long-awaited changes, and in case of a serious illness, speed up recovery.
  • Mannaz - has the power of self-knowledge. The rune can help you find a goal and focus on what is most important.
  • Laguz - this rune relates to feminine forces. It symbolizes a stream that can carry everyone along with it and spin it in a whirlpool of events. We can say that this is a magical rune that can awaken secret abilities and incredible intuition.
  • Inguz - symbolizes fertility. The rune allows you to accumulate strength and energy in order to begin to implement your plans in the future.
  • Odal is a rune of connection with ancestors, family, helps to protect your home. In addition, the symbol helps to better understand and evaluate what is happening. This rune does not allow the stupefying of consciousness.
  • Dagaz is very often associated with the summer solstice or the period when the luminary is at its highest point in the sky. The power of the rune allows you to discard the entire past, which binds and inhibits development.

The Odin rune has no meaning in itself, but in fortune telling it is combined with other symbols and complements them.

Runic symbols of the Slavs and their meanings

Slavic runes have been known to our ancestors since time immemorial. They were used as an alphabet and only with the invention of the alphabet by Cyril and Methodius gradually faded into the background. But the Slavs continued to use them as amulets, because our entire culture is based on achieving harmony between Light and Darkness. Therefore, not a single one of our ancestors could do without a runic symbol applied to the amulet.

Historians believe that initially there were several thousand runes, but, unfortunately, the knowledge to understand the meaning of Slavic runic symbols was lost. Only eighteen signs have survived to this day, which must be interpreted taking into account Slavic mythology and culture. There are very few such specialists in the country, but they still exist.

The meanings of ancient Slavic runic symbols can be studied in the following list. Of course, we have presented it in a simplified version that will be understandable to absolutely anyone:

  • Rune World - it has protective power and is closely connected with the genus. In layouts it means successful completion of affairs.
  • Chernobog is the rune of Chaos. The power of the symbol lies in the destruction of the old and outdated, but what can withstand this hurricane will begin to flourish.
  • Alatyr - the rune protects children. In magic, its power means the end and beginning of all things; a person must act according to his conscience and the laws of the world.
  • Rainbow is a rune that connects Chaos and Light. As a talisman it is ideal for travelers and means a simple and pleasant solution to any problem.
  • Need is the power of this rune in rebirth, which is given only through pain, suffering and long research. In layouts, such a rune should serve as a warning and provoke the abandonment of any plans.
  • Krada is the power of fire, revealing a person’s true feelings, intentions and plans. The rune will help you achieve what you want, but at the same time it will open your thoughts to everyone.
  • Treba is the rune of sacrifice. It means forces that can reward you for any loss. But the sacrifice must be taken in any case.
  • Strength - this rune can lead to victory, it has powerful energy that propels a person to victory.
  • Wind - this rune indicates the need to trust the gods and act at their command. Often associated with unexpected good fortune.
  • Bereginya is a female rune. She protects women and children, her strength can lead to an unexpected gift of fate.
  • Oud - many people associate this rune with a strong sexual flow of energy. As a talisman for a woman, the power of the symbol can attract men to her, but Oud gives incredible strength and courage to representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
  • Lelya is the rune of love and attraction. The power of the symbol can become a talisman for lovers.
  • Rock is the power of mystery and the unknown. It brings into life those events that defy logical explanation.
  • Support is the rune of connection with ancestors. With such a talisman, a person is not afraid of damage and the evil eye, he will always be under the reliable protection of all his ancestors.
  • Dazhdbog is the rune of goodness, success and fulfillment of desires. She brings peace to the family and long-awaited pregnancy for women.
  • Perun is the rune of strength and protection from Chaos. It allows you to maintain balance even through struggle and terrible trials.
  • Yes - this is the rune of Light. It helps to discover your talents and properly use your creative potential.
  • The source is the braking force. It prevents the situation from developing or allows you to accumulate energy for some accomplishments. This rune was often used in lapels.

Interpretation of runes is a rather difficult task; it requires experience and abilities that can suddenly reveal themselves when in contact with runic symbols.

Creating formulas: how to use runes?

The meaning of runic symbols in formulas seems to be the most difficult for beginners to understand. And this is not surprising, because it is necessary to combine different runes with great precision in order to receive additional energy from higher powers.

Of course, beginners in rune magic need to be very careful with formulas so as not to harm themselves. You need to know that formulas can consist of an arbitrary number of characters. The simplest one consists of two runes, where the first accumulates the power of the second and directs it to fulfill its plans. For example, if you combine Fehu and Uruz, you will get a formula that will give strength to a person or process.

Three runes are taken based on the following rule:

  • 1 - action to enhance;
  • 2 - basis of action;
  • 3 - direction of force into the surrounding world.

For example, if you are missing vitality for everyday activities, you quickly get tired and are in constant stress, then your formula should be the sequence of Dagaz, Uruz and Fehu.

Any complex formulas are created according to the same principle. The first and last runes indicate the direction of action, and all the symbols in the center mean the base, which works to fulfill the request. Experienced occultists skillfully combine up to ten to fifteen runes, which make up a very strong and powerful formula.

Runes are a very complex and at the same time simple way to feel a connection with higher powers and spirits of ancestors, which can radically change a person’s life. Therefore, do not be afraid to use the knowledge of your ancestors, which is contained in these ancient magical symbols.


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Magic amulets and talismans part 3-3
part 3.3
Starting from this part, we, dear reader, finally begin to study magical properties, attributed to RUNES.
But, even here, we cannot do without basic data, which in the future will help you correctly interpret this or that meaning of RUN, especially if you learn them in a general form at the initial stage of training.
And, if you continue to be interested in this knowledge, then all its magical and mystical SECRET will come to you itself, with the accumulation of your personal experience.
It should also be noted that in various occult literature, where RUNES are described, all information about them magical meaning presented in this order: the rune itself and its meaning in MAGIC, the ELEMENT and PLANET to which it is dedicated.
But this information is not enough to understand all the magical and mystical properties of a particular RUNES, because two additional important circumstances are not taken into account.
After all, each RUNE also has: TOTEM ANIMAL and TOTEM PLANT.
(Totems are images of sacred animals or plants. The word totem can be directly (in one word) translated into Russian as “patron.”)
And, by the way, this is clearly visible from those RUNES that are mass-produced as souvenirs!
After all, one of the big secrets of the RUNES is precisely that a drawing of the Totem animal should be applied on the back of the RUNES.
And if the RUNE is made of wood (plant), then the tree itself from which the RUNE is made must coincide with its Totem plant. If this plant is not a tree and is, say, a lotus or marigold flower, then a particle of this plant should be brought into the neutral background of the RUNES!
Also on the back of each rune its planetary symbol should have been applied.
1. FEU

Rune of property. In the first, most common consideration, property is purely material.
However, working with this rune allows you to reveal its deeper properties and consider it as a rune of well-being, not spoiled by self-satisfaction.
Feu is the favorite rune of the Scandinavian deity Loki.
The Feu rune is considered the rune of nobility, control and responsibility.
But the magical use of the rune itself is very wide and is associated mainly with material values.
Inscribed on a ring or bracelet, it can help you get out of poverty by pushing you towards certain situations and pointing out opportunities.
Protects against mistakes when purchasing real estate and helps to preserve and improve it.
The same talisman can protect against troubles when transporting valuable cargo.
It is necessary to take into account that, although this rune helps to maintain well-being, including financial well-being, it is not directly connected with money and is unlikely to help in speculation and usury.
Planet Mercury

Totem animal – The Dragon

The most complex symbol that is a force of destruction and evil
Totem plant Vine

The vine as a symbol of peace and prosperity in combination with the FEU rune significantly complements and expands its vibrational field of positive influence

Rune of Strength. The area of ​​action is the physical and subtle worlds, the causal (event) plane.
Strengthens potency. The power of the rune is based on the formation of shape.
The rune and its vibrations help to curb the uncontrollable force, the primitive force of the wild.
Rune of perseverance, endurance, adaptability. Helps to “get” anything. Helps in any competitions and competitions, as it keeps in shape.
But this rune should not be understood as a rune of overwhelming power, but as a Force that is all-encompassing and unites everything.
It inextricably merges, like “yin” and “yang,” male and female components, and this rune gives men masculinity, women – femininity, and confidence – to both.
On the other hand, any connections can arise only where energy is present - a component of the Force; A powerless person is unable to love or be a friend.
The second magical use of the Uruz rune is connected with this - it can help the creation and strengthening of love and friendship, marriage or a partnership agreement.
Element – ​​EARTH

Totem animal Bull. The bull is a symbol of endurance and balance. It is considered a conservative animal. The Ox is stubborn, methodical and independent, tenacious, demanding, ambitious, unsentimental, domineering
In connection with this totemic symbol, the Uruz rune is considered an energy rune and is used in magic to strengthen male strength, potency, and adds attractiveness to women, awakening their best feelings.
totem plant OAK

Oak "king of the forest", a symbol of endurance, strength and glory.
In this regard, the URUZ rune itself is considered a rune for overcoming various kinds of obstacles on the way to the goal, strengthening the spirit of warriors, the source of their vital energy.

A powerful but very heavy rune. Energy of Saturn; color – black, sometimes crimson or deep purple.
Gives strength and ability to think, concentrate and make important decisions.
Carved on a large obsidian ball, plate, etc., it is an ideal talisman for meditation.
Protects against thieves, scammers, and crooks. Strengthens in the right decision. Protects against force majeure and spontaneous decisions...
Restores strength after persistent struggle and natural disasters of any level.
The mystical secret of this rune is rebirth and fertility.
The rune itself can be used as an amulet for those involved in agriculture(farmers, agronomists, summer residents, etc.)
Element Fire
Totem animal: Centaur.

According to Greek myths, this is a creature with the body of a horse and the head of a man. It is considered a symbol of the eternal struggle between good and evil.
It symbolizes maturity, manhood.
In connection with this symbol, the Thurisaz rune is the rune of comprehension, reflection; it is its vibrations that are indicative in matters of the struggle between good and evil.
The Centaur symbol helps to overcome doubts, get rid of erroneous misconceptions, prejudiced attitudes towards a particular person or event.
And the most famous of the centaurs - the wise Chiron - the teacher of gods and heroes - can serve as an example of this kind.

Totem plant: Cedar represents integrity and strength. In the Bible, Cedar is often used as a symbol of the MESSIAH.

In this regard, the TURISAZ rune promotes making the right decisions that do not depend on random factors, helps to maintain in all circumstances a single, but true point of view, independent of momentary weaknesses.

One of the most sacred runes. Energy of Mercury. The scope is not limited.
The rune is associated with Odin, as well as with his reverse side - with Loki, the insidious ace, dark and light at the same time.
The magical use of the Ansuz rune is a complex matter, requiring experience and a certain amount of personal strength.
It is also believed that this RUNE is intended for persons who can be classified as “GURUS” or “TEACHERS”, who, when used as an amulet, endow with the gift of eloquence.
This rune also helps in any mediation activity, and also promotes adaptation in society. Allows you to find friends and like-minded people.
When worn as an amulet, it imparts inspiration to its wearers.
The rune is useful creative people because it helps to acquire knowledge.
Element AIR
Totem animal Pelican.

A symbol of self-sacrifice and parental love.
totem plant Pomegranate- a symbol of selective collective intelligence, since it has many seeds.
It is also believed that pomegranate is a symbol of immortality and resurrection.
And pomegranate seeds enclosed in a hard shell mean the unity of all genera and devotion to the idea.
By turning to the vibrations of the ANSUZ rune through the pomegranate, we ask for wisdom, mercy, kindness, and the right path.


Rune of the path. The scope of action is wide, mainly the causal (event) plan. Bears the imprint of the energy of Mercury. Working with it is extremely effective for people who feel the beauty behind it and live by the principle “the road is life.”
For these people, the Raido rune itself can serve as an excellent talisman.
And if you travel by water, then you will really need a paired talisman using the RAIDO and LAGUZ runes
In addition, it is a rune of unification and harmonization, a rune of final synthesis - but not completion as such.
The use of this rune for the purposes of practical magic can be described absolutely clearly - this is, as already said, the rune of the path.
If you have a journey ahead, a talisman with the Raido rune depicted will straighten and shorten your path, make it pleasant and protect you from unnecessary troubles.
If you are embarking on the path of some other plane, the Raido rune will also support your strength. Including the path to yourself.
Element: Fire
Planet Venus

Totem animal: Dolphin.

Symbol of love, diligence, speed. This animal is considered man's friend in the sea.
Raido is the rune of pilgrims, so the dolphin is used as a symbol of the safety of the path and support in difficult moments.
And if the Dolphin is depicted entwining the trunk of an anchor, then this symbol meant “Hurry slowly!” - the motto of any traveler, wanderer and pilgrim.
Totem plant Lotus it is a symbol of purity.


A very powerful rune; is capable of not only directing human activity (at any level) in the desired direction, but also giving it the necessary strength.
Runologist Ralph Blum characterizes the Kano rune as “the rune of renewed clarity and in this opinion the Kano rune is considered the rune of EMBODIMENT.
It is also believed that this rune is a symbol of sacrament and transformation.
She seems to personify the union between passion and the thirst for quenched love, between dream and creation. It is recommended for privy councilors and diplomats to wear this rune as an amulet.
Helps creative individuals and people of art and bohemia.
So artists, writers, poets and other people of art can use this rune for the clearest and highest quality embodiment of their plans.
It also helps geologists, hunters and gold miners if they have an Amulet with this rune.
Women use amulets with the Kano rune inscribed on them during conception and pregnancy to give the child the desired qualities.
The magical application of this rune is extremely wide, but with proper analysis it can be reduced to one thing - the Kano rune helps to concentrate the will and realize what is planned.
It should also be noted that this rune has a second aspect - it is also a rune of revelation.
It is obvious that both aspects are interconnected - it is impossible to realize a plan without revealing yourself to the world.
This is very important point, which should be remembered when working with this rune.
Element: FIRE
Planet Moon

Totem animal: Pegasus - winged horse.

It is considered the horse of the Greek Muses and symbolizes eloquence, inspiration and contemplation.
Kanyo rune of creativity, unlocking potential, inspiration.
Totem plant: Rosemary – the plant of memory.

And since the Kenyo rune is the rune of unlocking potential, rosemary is often chosen to improve creative potential.

Rune of Unity. Together with some other runes (for example, Ansuz), the Gebo rune is one of the most difficult Futhark signs to process.
It is believed that in order to understand it, it is necessary to clearly sense the world law of unity and struggle of opposites, which in this case are freedom and partnership. And this, as the reader himself understands, is a very difficult task!
But there are other descriptions of this rune. Thus, it is believed that a sincere and fruitful union is impossible where its members do not have complete freedom.
Thus, the bonds of true brotherhood always prove stronger than the forces that maintain the integrity of tyranny.
But freedom, in the deepest sense of the word, is impossible where “everyone pulls the blanket over himself.”
Associated with this “theoretical content” of the Gebo rune is its magical application, which consists in helping to establish partnerships, be it a marriage or a business venture.
The rune will also help in making the right choice partner and in maintaining good relationships.
It is also believed that the GEBO rune means “gift”, “gift”. And since ancient times, giving has been considered a symbol of an oath and connection.
The magical concept of the rune is the unity of the giver and recipient of the gift.
All agreements, arrangements, contracts are influenced by this RUNE.
Element: Air
Planet Sun

Totem animal: The robin signifies trust in its highest form.

And since the Gebo rune is the rune of gifts, receiving, it helps to choose a friend, partner, loved one, and therefore trust is the paramount quality here.

Totem plant Myrtle symbolizes eternal love and marriage. Rune GEBO is the rune of marriage, wonderful partnership and marriage.
Myrtle will help the GEBO rune to fulfill its duties if it is addressed with a question, if appropriate.

The rune of generosity, reality, health, bliss, the rune of positive, harmonious actions.
But at the same time, this is a Rune of reflection on the path traveled, since Glory and Bliss are only an illusion.
A bright, joyful rune.
It bears the imprint of the energy of Jupiter and Venus, the scope of action is too wide for a clear definition.
The magical purpose is to cause joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood, which is much more important than many tend to think.
For some people, it can cause beneficial cleansing of the astral body, removal of energy blocks and improvement of well-being.
Totem animal: Martin. Symbol of spring, renewal and happiness.

Rune Vigno is joy, but sometimes joy also needs a new quality - renewal, and even consolation in grief.
Totem plant: Palm.

She is the main symbol of victory and triumph. Also in Ancient Rome victorious athletes, soldiers and gladiators received palm branches as a reward.
Vunyo is a rune that brings joy, rewards with joy, gives new hopes.

Rune of great destructive energy. The scope of action is wide, mainly the Subtle World and the causal (event) plane.
Represents mental and physical trauma, foreshadows disasters, failures, crises. Often symbolizes the forces of primordial chaos.
Energy of Uranus and Mars; the color is pure scarlet, crimson, sometimes black. Associated with the natural forces of destruction, destruction, and the energies of the elements.
During mass disasters, as well as during floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, sharp and significant bursts of energy occur, similar to the energy of this rune.
The main magical use of this rune is to help break out of the “vicious circle.”
The simplest example is the painfully pleasant feeling of self-pity, familiar to almost everyone. Often a person spends hours and days savoring his own troubles, causing the latter to grow and obscure the light. The state is energetically stable and therefore even more pathological.
To realize that you have found yourself in such a “vicious circle” and are in captivity of endless internal reflections of your own negative energy– that’s a good three-quarters of liberation.
And then, if you are not able to go out on your own, draw the Hagalaz rune - it will produce the necessary “explosion” and open the circle.
By the way, if you see that another person is in a similar position, draw a rune for him: it will help him both realize the situation and get out of it.
Element: Water
Planet Saturn

Totem animal: Raven is a symbol of sin.

Serves as a harbinger of failure and misfortune. Raven is dedicated to Odin, the Scandinavian god of war. In religious art, the raven symbolizes hope.
Hagalaz is a negative rune; a person under its auspices often finds himself in a dead end of fate, but he should never be abandoned by hope, personified by the Raven.
T thistle plant - symbol of sin, sorrow, curse and grief. (in Ukrainian - budyak!)

Thistle's motto" No one will touch me without getting hurt"The Hagalaz rune is used in black magic as a rune of destruction, grief, damage and curse.

Complex rune. Energy of Saturn.
It supports a person in difficult times - this is its main purpose, but at the same time it requires a certain restraint in emotions and actions and contributes to the manifestation of this restraint.
The rune saves a person from poverty from spiritual hunger
Like most runes, it can be applied not only to any amulet specially created for it, but also to any suitable object (for example, a fountain pen) or even to a hand or nail.
Element: Fire
planet Mercury

Totem animal: Chimera.

An animal with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a snake. Feeds on fire.
Nautiz is one of the negative Futhark runes, but a person must learn to overcome difficulties, poverty, illness, in a word, the chimera of all his adversities.
Totem plant Yew.

One of the few evergreen plants. Often planted in church yards as a symbol of death and resurrection.
Nautiz is the rune of impoverishment of flesh and spirit. It symbolizes difficult periods of life; as a symbol of resurrection, it does not allow a person to lose hope under any circumstances.
11. ISA

The rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The scope of action is wide and covers all human bodies from the physical to the mental, and also extends to the causal (event) plane.
The main magical purpose of the Isa rune is to “freeze” anything.
With its help, you can stop (but not eliminate!) the negative process of illness (physical or mental), an outburst of anger (not only your own), some phenomenon in public life, etc.... In some situations, it allows you to get the necessary respite.
Helps to cool the most blind, irrepressible passion, and can “freeze” a negative situation.
A talisman with that rune is worn at special times and with great care so as not to freeze yourself and others!
Element: ICE
The planet Mars

Totem animal: Bat.

From one point of view, it is a symbol of blindness, an attribute of the night, a bird of the devil, associated with black magic.
However, there is an opposite analogy - it is a symbol of vision in the dark, hope, and good luck.
Isa as we know is the rune of the element of Ice. And the freezing, cold, brakes, but it also helps restore balance. After all, the night will pass and the morning will definitely come.
Totem plant: Edenflower.

The Isa rune helps a person survive periods of stagnation, stagnation, destruction and degradation.
12. YER

A rune that controls processes over time.
She also personifies the idea of ​​resurrection and the “law of the harvest” - what is sown must be reaped!
It is recommended to be used as an amulet by farmers and other people involved in agriculture
YER – rune of completion.
The rune contributes to the successful completion of any important matter; you can draw it before starting this business, cut it on an amulet or on an object directly involved in the business.
In addition, this rune can also help if, already in the middle of the matter, unexpected obstacles appear that interfere with its favorable outcome.
It is necessary, however, to mention that the use of the Yer rune requires a person to apply personal strength and a certain expenditure of energy.
Element: TIME
Planet Uranus

Totem animal: Elephant.

This is the largest animal on planet Earth, the personification of memory, wisdom, longevity, fidelity, patience and power.
Yera, as we know, is the rune of the element of Time and personifies the course and outcome of long affairs, the implementation of which requires wisdom, patience and strength. And long-suffering is one of the symbols of the Elephant.
Totem plant: Marigold.

They symbolize constancy, eternal love, friendship, affection, i.e. feelings that have stood the test of time.
For a rune related to the element of Time, a flower is very characteristic.
(end of part 3.3)

Series of messages "interesting sites": interesting sites
Part 1 - Congratulations site
Part 2 - Thank you cards for your comments!+ code!
Part 20 - Magic amulets and talismans part 3
Part 21 - Magic amulets and talismans part 3-2
Part 22 - Magic amulets and talismans part 3-3
Part 23 - Magic amulets and talismans parts 3-4
Part 24 - SLAVIC GODS part 1
Part 45 - Humorists - all in one
Part 46 - Original styles for VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Series of messages "Runes":
Part 2 - runes
Part 3 - SINGLE RUNES application
Part 44 - Monetary gift. Becoming
Part 45 - money tree knot
Part 46 - Slavic runes: meaning and scope...

Runes are an ancient system of knowing the world. When using them, not only what is in the Universe is affected, but also the inner world of a person. They are a magical tool with which you can see your past life, as well as look into the future in order to prepare for what may happen from the actions of the runes. Their meaning and application in different combinations is always different.

general characteristics

There is no need to perceive runes only as ancient writing. This is an effective system, capable of predicting, with its help the gates to knowledge are opened, which can significantly influence fate. For this reason, it is important to know how to use runes without harming yourself.

It is a powerful and ruthless force that always reveals the truth. If you learn to read runes correctly, you can use their practical advice. It is important to treat predictions with respect, humbly carrying out everything recommended.

It is necessary to realize that runes predict only the general meaning of the situation, their energy can be comprehended directly by communicating with symbols. Runes and their meaning may seem too complicated for beginners; their enormous energy will begin to unfold as they understand the immediate and deep meaning of the symbols. For this to happen, you need to experience their prediction.

Magic symbols have access to a world hidden from human eyes. They represent a different layer of the universe, capable of telling about what will happen in reality. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the runes to open up a world of different energies.

The meaning of runic symbols

As described above, runes were used not only for writing. They served in rituals and were used to predict the future. And today in some alphabets you can see what a set of runic symbols looks like. Previously, there were 24 runes, but later one more, empty, was added, which began to mean a pure destiny. The meaning of the symbols should be considered:

Communication with symbols should be approached responsibly and seriously. Frivolity and lack of confidence in their strength are unacceptable. If a person does not believe in magical runes, then he should not undergo training, as this may bring a number of misfortunes. Understanding how to use runes to make them work is not difficult. To do this, you must believe in them.

Runes on the body

In ancient times, such symbols were believed to be a powerful occult tool. They were used as amulets. Our ancestors made talismans or pendants, which were always in close proximity to the owner. Over time, people began to apply symbols to their skin. Tattoos are still relevant today.

To understand how to use runes correctly, you first need to apply them in accordance with the necessary requirements. If even a small mistake is made, it will cause problems along the way. It is unacceptable to apply symbols without an accurate understanding of what they mean, as well as what consequences this may bring.

To get one-time help in resolving a difficult situation, you should use those products that can be easily washed off the skin. The use of a tattoo is permissible only when a person decides to completely and irrevocably change his own life. Magic runes, their meaning and application should be studied before drawing.

Creating a talisman

It’s not difficult to make a talisman that will protect you. The main thing is to have an accurate idea of ​​what to expect from the rune. If there is no clear understanding of the meaning of the symbols, then the amulet will not give the effect that should be expected.

If the amulet is made correctly, it will become a powerful ally, will help you make changes in your own life, and will reliably protect you from evil people and their envy. Thanks to the talisman, even the most daring plans can be realized.

It should be remembered that the amulet rune is of great importance and should not be played with. The talisman contains powerful energy that comes from a higher power. You shouldn't make a defender just to see what happens. Such actions will not only not bring any results, but will also cause harm, because you cannot play with karmic objects: the turn may be unexpected, and the consequences unpredictable.

If a balanced decision has been made, then you can safely begin creating a runic talisman. The material used is a substance of natural origin that is suitable for applying an image. For example, you can use:

  • wood;
  • stone;
  • thick paper.

When choosing the last item, you should make sure that the paper really has sufficient density, since when the rune is applied, the material will need to be placed in wax, which will help preserve the information. Next, the paper will need to be wrapped in polyethylene or thick fabric made from natural fibers.

The bank should be kept in a safe place so that no one else can see it. You can put it in your clothing pocket or in a secret place in your purse. Having made a talisman once, a person will receive a reliable assistant for many years. If the talisman was created in order to protect someone close to you, then you should know that periodically it needs to be replaced with a new one. The previous amulets follow:

  • expose to fire;
  • throw into water;
  • bury in the ground.

A rune that a person draws above the entrance to a home or on the door can protect a house. This does not mean that you will need to draw them with chalk or carve them on wood. It is enough to simply draw lines in the air using your finger or the edge of your palm.

Seeking full contact with the elements

To successfully use the miraculous powers of such symbols, it is necessary to establish full contact with them. You need to be attentive to the meaning of each sign and develop your own associations with it. Only then will the runes be able to more accurately describe what is actually happening and what to expect in the near future.

For faster finding common language With symbols, you must follow some rules for their storage. You need to sew a bag (only natural material is suitable for this), which is decorated with embroidery or applique. You need to put the runes in the bag and put it away from prying eyes. If a person is just beginning to learn the basics of fortune telling with runes, then he should not let strangers know about his successes in this direction.

You cannot give runes to anyone for use; they must be charged only with the energy of their owner. It is unknown whether they will tell the truth if they feel the charge of someone else. Only by observing these conditions can you quickly establish contact with magical runes.

Attention, TODAY only!

A novice sorcerer at the beginning of his journey does not have great strength and abilities; everything comes with practice and, accordingly, over time. This applies to everyone, not just a certain subspecies. What does it represent rune magic for beginners and how strong is she? Is she capable of punishing the offender, causing damage, or giving the feelings of a loved one?

Runic influence is considered one of the most ancient. The mysterious symbols depicted on the runes carry enormous power and can change reality, and are also able to control a person’s life. It is not for nothing that this segment has been used for several thousand years.

By studying this direction, you can get the opportunity to solve pressing problems that are related to both your personal life and your financial situation. Correct use of runes will protect a person from troubles, diseases and other negativity.

Runes are often used to carry out. So, you can easily receive love, which is filled with sincere feelings and desires, passion and intrigue.

But do not forget that rune magic can cause consequences. Most often this happens because a person begins to abuse it or performs rituals only to frolic and have fun. With the right approach, the magician will not cause kickbacks from influence and will be able to use magical signs for a long time, thereby solving his problems and getting what he wants.

Types of runes and their strength

It consists of getting to know the basics and basics that carry its entire essence, as well as studying the signs that are depicted on the runes. The decoding of some basic meanings is as follows:

· Odin's rune, which does not contain any image. Used to change reality. Builds the necessary chain of events for the magician, which will help him get what he wants;

· Inguz – fertility. The symbol is used in conspiracies or rituals that are aimed at bringing good luck or material enrichment. In some cases, it is used to enable a woman to conceive a child after many unsuccessful attempts;

· Eyvaz – allows the magician to establish protection around himself from the evil eye and damage. Often used during influences that are aimed at punishing the offender;

· Gebo – rune of help. Used to help or heal a specific person. Sometimes it is used during rituals for good luck, which are aimed not at the performer, but at the customer.

After you have studied the meaning of all the runes, or at least a few that you need to begin with, you can begin to learn runic magic in practice. As a magical influence, which will mark the beginning of acquaintance with this direction, a ritual for good luck is used, its action is somewhat similar to a simple one.

Due to the fact that the ritual is intended for beginners, to perform it you will need a minimum of paraphernalia, namely:

· Runa Inguz;

· Wax candle;

· Any jewelry that will become your amulet.

Wait until the sun disappears below the horizon and begin. Light a candle and place a magical object next to it, which depicts the Inguz symbol. Take the jewelry in your right hand and read the following words loudly and clearly:

« Inguz! Inguz! Inguz! Give me good luck! Take away all the troubles. Make me happy. From now on and forever!».

Say three times in a row. While reading, drip wax from the candle onto the rune. Along with pronunciation last word spells, put on a piece of jewelry that will become your amulet and amulet. From now on, all your affairs and endeavors will be successful.

But remember, I would advise you to find out in more detail before you try to influence a human life, your own, or a person close to you - this is a whole science that needs to be studied for a long time, and not just by performing one simple ritual.

Beginner esotericists and runes in their hands

At the beginning of your long journey, you will need to perform a familiarization ritual that contains in your arsenal rune magic for beginners. This is another example of how it can be used by an inexperienced, novice magician.

This action will be aimed at receiving funds. It is worth noting that with the help of this ritual you will not become a rich man, but you will be able to get at your disposal the amount that you need at the moment.

For magical effects, use the Gebo rune, several coins of any denomination and a green candle. The ritual is for informational purposes and therefore does not depend on the time of day. Select the optimal period for carrying out and perform the ritual.

Arrange the coins in a circle and place the Gebo rune in the center. Place a candle nearby and light it. Read the plot and drip wax onto each of the coins clockwise:

« Oh, Gebo, this is the first time I’m addressing you. Give me some gold to solve pressing problems. For this I will submit to you!».

After completion, try to start new things, try to get new position at work or insist on a promotion wages. In any case, you are guaranteed success. If you are interested in this topic, then you will be interested. In general, rune magic for beginners is available to almost everyone who has chosen this path for themselves.

Black influence using runes

Do you have any enemies? Do you want to repay them for what they did to you? Black runic magic is what you need. Initially, it is worth noting that you need to use the influence given in the example below only in cases where you have carefully analyzed your action and do not see any other way out of the situation.

The ritual is used to punish your offender. The degree of punishment depends on your intentions. If you set yourself the goal of bringing failure to your enemy, he may lose his job or family, but if your anger towards this person is excessively great, then the outcome of the ritual may look like the death of your opponent. A similar or even stronger influence can only come from, but it is very dangerous and the sacraments will be much more difficult.

Before proceeding, the magician must prepare the following items:

· Runu Eyvaz;

· White chalk;

· Three black candles;

· Photo of your abuser.

So that the ritual manifests strongest effect, give preference to night time. Seclude yourself in a spacious room and draw a white circle with chalk. Stand in its center and pick up the Eyvaz rune. Then say the words:

« Eyvaz, protect me from troubles, evil eyes and failures. Recreate protection around me, indestructible!».

This will allow you to establish protection around you that will protect you from the consequences and retaliatory actions of your opponent. After this, we proceed to the second stage of the ritual.

Light the candles and arrange them in a triangle shape. Place a photo of your offender in the center. Look into his eyes for a while and take the rune in your left hand. Remember everything that this person caused to you and read the plot:

« You will perish for what you did! You will lose everything you had! No one will help you in difficult times! You will pay for everything!».

After this, tear the picture into two parts and burn them with a candle flame. Then remove all paraphernalia and throw it away as close to your opponent’s home as possible. Now all you have to do is wait until black magic runes will not begin to show effect. Remember that the effect of the ritual is irreversible and before performing it, think carefully about everything.

How to get love using runes

Runes of magic can not only give money, good luck or punish the offender, but also improve your personal life. The main advantage of using the sacrament is that the performer will receive true love, when your other half is next to you not only because the influence of the Higher Powers is sent to her, but on her own initiative, in other words, the intervention of the spell will be almost unnoticeable.

To complete this you will need: Odin's rune, a red candle, a thread, your own photo and a photo of your loved one.

The time at which magical actions will be performed does not matter. As soon as you are ready, start doing it. Light a candle, looking at its flame, squeeze the rune in your hands, giving it your warmth and energy.

Imagine all the moments that were spent with your loved one, and if there haven’t been any yet, then how they will appear and how happy you will be together when the ritual you performed to attract love comes into effect. Take your photos and attach them with string. Try to do this securely so that the pictures do not fall apart later. It is necessary to fasten with the front sides. Find a secluded place and put the photos there. Place the Odin rune on the top of the pictures and do not touch them until the love spell begins to take effect.

The Odin rune causes a chain of certain events that will help you get what he wants. Therefore, try to be near your loved one as often as possible; perhaps he will need your help or protection, which will become the foundation for the beginning of your relationship.

They are effective, so you can expect results within a few weeks. After this time, you will receive love that will be of a natural nature, due to which your relationship will last for a long time, and in some cases, your entire life.

Why you should give preference to the power of runes

Runes and runic magic are one of the most powerful areas of witchcraft. With the help of these magical items, a person will have the opportunity to receive wealth, luck, love and happiness. But do not forget that runes can be used to achieve “black” goals, such as punishing the offender, causing damage or even death.

In addition, the impact of runes can be directed at your loved ones. You can solve their problems yourself by performing the necessary magical intervention.

Also, an experienced magician is able to establish protection around himself from damage, evil eyes, death conspiracies and similar influences. This can also be done using .

One of the advantages of using this segment is that anyone can learn to use it, not necessarily with a magical pedigree. The conspiracies, love spells, ceremonies and rituals that can be found are not particularly complex, so a person will not have any major difficulties when performing them, but what the effectiveness is is a completely different matter.

Studying runes and runic magic in more detail, each person will discover the secrets of witchcraft and learn many secrets. Information on where you can find descriptions and meanings of runes will also be very useful. If you still have any questions, ask them through the “contact the magician” form and you will receive an answer to them as soon as possible.

Runes are very ancient symbols, used from the 1st to the 13th centuries in the writing of the peoples living in the territories of Germany and Scandinavia. In the Swedish provinces, runes were used until the 19th century. The word "runes" comes from the ancient German "run", which means "secret". Since ancient times, as evidenced historical sources, runes were used in secret magical rituals. The ancient Germans and Scandinavians believed that the engraved runic sign on ships and tools served as reliable protection against the forces of the elements and provided a barrier to magical negativity.

Runic amulets have a deep meaning; making them is not so easy

Man also sought protection with the help of these signs. Runic amulets endowed people with the ability to successfully resolve any life situation. However, making a runic amulet is not as easy as it seems. You need to know the meanings of all runic signs and how to apply them to solve a specific problem.

The meaning of runes and amulets with their images

As already mentioned, runes were not only elements of writing, but were largely used in various rituals and predictions. In the Middle Ages, rune magic spread almost everywhere in northern Europe. Viking shamans revered these symbols as a sacred alphabet.

In the modern world, several alphabets are known, consisting of a different set of rune signs, however, they were formed from the main alphabet containing 24 runes. In the Middle Ages, the Icelanders added a 25th character to the alphabet - an empty symbol or “pure fate” in a magical interpretation.

The signs of the main alphabet are discussed in detail below:

  1. . This rune is a symbol of the transition to the next round of life. The symbol is used in situations where serious changes in life are expected and they strive to speed up their approach. The same sign can be used by people in crisis situation and those who want to overcome this period without major upheavals.
  2. - a sign of financial well-being. Symbolizes the energy of creation that permeates human life. Use the sign when necessary to achieve a significant life goal and gain material well-being.
  3. - a sign of positive communication between people. This is a symbol of travelers, but it can also be used by those who seek to establish a strong contact with the person they like.
  4. has a very powerful potential for protection against negative external influences. Increases the likelihood of a positive outcome in controversial situations. The symbol is very useful for timid and indecisive people to gain confidence in their own abilities.
  5. will help you see and understand the secret, hidden and mysterious. An excellent symbol for those who must discover the truth in the professional sphere.
  6. - love rune. A very powerful sign for all lovers and spouses. It will eliminate all misunderstandings, establish harmony in relationships, and lead to a happy marriage. But using Gebo requires great caution.
  7. ― a powerful incentive for the development of talent in creative people. This sign will help those who are in a creative or emotional crisis. Another meaning of Kenats is enhancing the potential of other runes, if the amulet bears a combination of other symbols.
  8. symbolizes life changes. It can provide serious assistance to people who expect significant changes, but are not sure of their results. This same sign is very strong in repelling magical attacks - it is capable of returning magical negativity to the one who sent it.
  9. brings success in any endeavor, helps in the happy resolution of difficult situations. In case of injuries and illnesses, Vunyo promotes a speedy recovery.
  10. - a very complex sign. It symbolizes calmness and patience in order to overcome various difficulties. Helps you gain perseverance in achieving your goals and survive crisis situations without serious consequences.
  11. represents the slowing down or cessation of certain periods. Will provide assistance in cases where a time-out is needed to make the right decision.
  12. symbolizes a warning. The sign is very powerful, but its use requires great knowledge of runic science and the greatest caution. This rune is very capricious, but its help is invaluable - with new beginnings, it will warn about possible risks and difficulties.
  13. carries the meaning of well-being in many aspects human life: finances, health, love, family relationships. Brings success in planned affairs.
  14. - this symbol is depicted on objects that protect the owner from possible dangers and warn about them.
  15. - sign of the winners. A powerful rune that promotes the fulfillment of plans. This rune was held in special esteem by kings. For people whose character is weak, this symbol will also be very useful.
  16. ― the most complex rune, personifying the karmic course of events and capable of correcting them. It is not recommended to use this symbol for people who are only superficially familiar with rune science. Involving karmic situations is very dangerous and the slightest mistake can lead to such life turns, the consequences of which are completely impossible to predict.
  17. - a symbol of vital energy. Also a very powerful sign that promotes the development of intuitive understanding. An excellent symbol for restoring lost vital energy due to experienced karmic blows.
  18. symbolizes movement forward. The amulet with the Evaz rune is necessary for those who lack faith in their own strength when making important decisions.
  19. recommended for those who are overly modest and cannot be the first to start a relationship with a possible future marriage partner.
  20. symbolizes personal growth in all aspects - spiritual, social and professional. Will provide invaluable assistance when making decisions that require balance and wisdom.
  21. represents complete readiness to perform an action. The Dagaz symbol will give you strength and confidence in achieving your goals.
  22. - a symbol of the water elements. A protective item with the Laguz sign will save a person from internal unreasonable fears and emotional barriers to the fulfillment of his plans.
  23. represents the beginning of any situation. Work, acquaintance, travel - in all cases Inguz will ensure the right start and successful progress.
  24. - a symbol of refusal and retreat. This rune is useful in cases when the time comes to free yourself from everything that burdens life.

Creating a runic amulet

There is no practical difficulty in making a rune amulet. The difficulty in this case is different - you must clearly understand what exactly you expect from the amulet and know the meanings and features of all runic symbols.

A correctly made rune amulet is a powerful magical ally that can radically change your life in better side, protect from enemies and envious people and make your cherished desires and dreams come true.

The rune is the center of great power

Remember, a magic amulet with a rune is of great importance - this is not a toy for adults, but a very serious object that is created with the involvement of higher powers. If you decide to make yourself a defender “as a test”, without sufficient grounds or to “see what will happen,” then just don’t start this business, you won’t succeed. Moreover, a frivolous attitude towards cult objects can introduce such distortions into your karmic line, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

Never distort the outline of the symbols, you will disrupt the harmony of the sign, and the amulet will have no power - this is at best.

Only natural materials are used to make the amulet.

If your decision is balanced and your intentions are serious, then you can begin making a runic amulet. The material can be any natural substance on which runic signs can be depicted (engraved, cut, etched, etc.). It could be wood, stone or even thick paper. However, if you decide to try to make a talisman out of paper, then it must be really thick, since after applying the image it will need to be dipped in melted wax for a few seconds to preserve the applied information. After this procedure, the paper is wrapped in polyethylene or thick natural fabric.

Keep the amulet in a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes, or in secret pockets of a handbag or clothing.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

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