What does the Apollo line on the hand mean? The line of the Sun and its full characteristics, marks on it

The line of the Sun on the hand is often called the line of Luck or Apollo. It can tell a lot about a person. This line indicates success, popularity, luck or a penchant for creativity. But not every palm can see the line of the Sun. Some of us are deprived of her protection.

Line of the Sun - what is it?

The line of the Sun is an indicator of a person’s degree of luck and his ability to get out of difficult life situations easily and simply. This line is one of the most mysterious and mysterious in the palm of a person. It helps its owner find the right path in solving problems, protects against dangers, gives confidence and protects against rash acts. The Line of Luck can appear on the hand of any person, regardless of his social status and views on the world. She also helps both honest people and scoundrels. The line of the Sun on the hand of some people is not visible at all. Why is anyone deprived of her grace? The answer to this question must be sought in a person’s past life incarnations or in his heredity.

Good luck sign

Holders of a clear line of the Sun are people who are successful in all endeavors. They have many comrades and admirers, even if they have never tried to be in the spotlight. Such individuals often “get away with it” and easily decide complex problems. If there are any damages or intersections on the line, then this weakens Luck to some extent. People who are lucky in any endeavor in life are marked with a special sign on their palm. This is the line of the Sun on the hand. The meaning of this line can be interpreted ambiguously. To avoid ambiguity, you need to find out a person’s range of interests, understand his hobbies, clarify what he “breathes” and what life programs are decisive for him. Of course, if a palmist with many years of experience in this field looks at a hand, then he will not need to find out such things about a person, since he immediately sees everything himself, analyzing the configuration of the lines on the palm.

The presence of the Sun line is great luck

The Line of Luck cannot be bad. It’s a great joy if it exists at least in some form in the palm of your hand. Even if the line is damaged, it is much better than no line at all. On the path of life, creative impulses and happy moments await a person, even if they are not too long, but they are what bring a feeling of satisfaction to this world. These are bright periods in the gray monotony of existence. With numerous injuries, the line of the Sun on the hand can indicate a loss of reputation.

Right hand

What does the line of the Sun mean? right hand? Availability of this line on right palm a person says that his deeds find excellent external expression. That is, no matter what business an individual does, the results of his actions will be clearly visible to others and will gain universal recognition and approval. The Line of Luck on the right hand is clearly visible in people involved in creative work, for example, artists, writers, architects. The fruits of the labor of precisely such people can become known to the whole world and bring a lot of both good and bad to it.

Left hand

The line of the Sun on the left hand indicates progress in business, but, most likely, the person’s efforts will not find approval from the outside. Because the left palm is a reflection inner essence person, then the line of Luck shows the success of the individual precisely in terms of spiritual development and realization in revealing one’s “I”. However, this success may not affect the material side at all. The obvious presence of the line of the Sun on a person’s left palm speaks more about his spiritual impulses and creative aspirations than about business plans and strategies for the future.

Additional signs on the Sun line

One of the indicators of a person’s success and luck is the line of the Sun on the hand. The meaning of this line may vary slightly, depending on additional signs on or near it.


If it is crossed by many short lines, this means that its owner is overly trusting. He is so used to believing everyone's words that it is almost impossible to convince him to be less naive. Such a person should be more careful about his surroundings, analyze the words and actions of friends and colleagues, and be able to distinguish between friendly relationships and professional affairs.


A star on the line of the Sun means that a person is a great lover of refined art, and in some of its areas he can achieve considerable success. Such a person rarely resists his comrades, often hides his true feelings and suppresses emotions, which can provoke the appearance of mental disorders.


The presence of a square on the Luck line indicates that a person is lucky in any of his endeavors. The owner of this line walks through life hand in hand with luck. If he starts a job, he definitely brings it to the end, and with excellent results. Such a person has an independent and freedom-loving character. He does not like opportunism and is used to being as honest and frank as possible with others.


If the line of the Sun on the hand originates from the island, then this indicates an idealistic person who tries to extol the qualities of all those who are dear to him. He deliberately refuses to acknowledge the shortcomings of his ideal. Often this behavior only brings disappointment and loss of illusions, which mainly leads to an unhappy marriage union or wrong choice of partner.


If the Apollo line branches, then this indicates the possibility of implementing the most risky undertakings and bold plans that fate will provide to a person. The number of branches that extend from the line will determine the chances of success. This applies to both a person’s personal life and his professional activities.


A person can have two lines of the Sun on his hand. This is a sign that the owner of such a palm is extremely wasteful and does not know how to save. He was used to parting with money easily and quickly, without thinking about his future. This can lead to bankruptcy and ruin. Two lines of the Sun indicate that a person can remain in poverty if he does not learn to properly plan his expenses.

Flat line

The owner of a smooth and clear line of Luck appreciates sophistication, beauty and defenselessness in people. Men with this line are looking for a life partner with a weak character. They want to see a woman next to them who will constantly be in the shadows. Women with a straight Apollo line are domineering and possessive. They are not able to share their loved ones with anyone and will do anything to keep their man.

Short line

Those people who have a short line of the Sun in their palm are prone to exaltation in everything. They are often interested in the world of creativity: painting or music. Their aspirations are always noble and do not relate to the material world. Although such people have a passion for luxury, they treat money with care.

Curvy line

Those with a curved Luck line are elegant and charming by nature. They love nature and have a special feeling for art. But at the same time, they are often susceptible to pessimistic moods and mental anxieties. Such people should try to look at life more optimistically, otherwise they will be considered terrible bores.

A huge plus

The line of the Sun on the hand in palmistry has great importance. People gifted with the Apollo line on their palm are certainly luckier and happier than those whom fate did not reward with this sign of luck.

There are lines in palmistry that are extremely rare on the palms. And one of these lines is the line of the Sun. If you have such a line on your hand, it means you are truly lucky. We will tell you where this line is, what it looks like and what it means in this article.

Line location and meaning

The line of the Sun is one of the transverse lines on the palm and, speaking in general outline, starts from the wrist and goes towards the ring finger.

The sun line is often called the line of success, since it is it that indicates that a person was born under a lucky star, and throughout life path he will be successful. It is often called the Apollo line, which is due to the direction of this line - it stretches to the ring finger, another name for which is the Apollo finger. And the Greek god Apollo, as you know, is identified with the Roman god Helios, the god of the Sun.

The sun line is one of the most favorable in palmistry. In most cases, it manifests itself in a person over the years, because it is in mature age most often a person achieves success, recognition and self-realization.

But it also happens that this line can be distinguished in a child with early age. In this case, this is evidence that a person will show special talents or unusual mental abilities from childhood.

If a person’s success line begins to appear with age, then it will be short and start from the middle of the palm or higher. Well, if she is present with early childhood, it will be longer and start closer to the wrist.

Beginning of the line of the Sun

Depending on the area from which the Apollo line originates, one can judge the characteristics of a person and his destiny that it reveals.

  1. If the sun line originates from the life line, this means that the person has a sense of beauty, he has an exquisite taste, and he has every chance to succeed in the field of creativity.
  2. If the line of success starts from the Mount of the Moon, then this indicates that a person’s success will be greatly influenced by the opinions of others. This sign is enhanced if the line of fate begins with the Mount of the Moon.
  3. The line of the Sun emanating from the region of the plain of Mars guarantees to man happy life, however, on the path to happiness he will have to go through many difficulties.
  4. The beginning of the Apollo line from the line of fate says that from the moment that corresponds to the point of intersection of these lines, a person will experience improvement in all areas of his life.
  5. If the line of success starts from the line of the mind, then this is evidence that it is thanks to one’s own work that a person will achieve prosperity and recognition.
  6. If the Apollo line begins with the line of the heart, then this means that a person will have a passionately beloved business into which he will invest his soul, which, of course, will bring him rich fruits.

Signs on the hill of the sun

No less interesting information is contained in the characteristics not of the line of the Sun itself, but of the hill of the Sun. This is a convex area, a tubercle located under the Apollo (index) finger, and is also called the hill of Apollo.

If it is flat and poorly developed, then this is a sign of a good-natured, sympathetic person. Such people are very sensitive - both in relation to other people (that is, they are able to feel their interlocutor well, they perfectly separate lies from the truth), and in relation to everything that happens. They have good intuition, and, in general, they are very interesting, talented people.


The average size of the hill indicates that the person does not stand out in anything remarkable. Doesn't strive for spiritual development, indifferent to creativity, does not set high goals.

A strongly developed Mount of the Sun is a sign of a bright person striving for publicity. Such people are very charismatic, they are always lucky, and all this allows them to achieve considerable success. But they should be wary of overestimating themselves and their capabilities, not looking down on others, that is, not inflating their sense of self-importance.

The Mount of the Sun can gravitate towards both the Mount of Mercury (under the little finger) and the Mount of Saturn (under the middle finger). In the first case, this is a sign that the person will achieve considerable heights in creative activity. In the second case, this location of the Mount of Apollo indicates that the person has a gentle character, he loves children and animals. Such people are excellent friends, they are loyal, will never betray and will always help in a difficult situation.

Sometimes on the Hill of Apollo you can see various signs, each of which has a special meaning. A cross in this place is an unfavorable sign. He says that a person has many desires, he dreams a lot, but these dreams, alas, are unfulfilled. He should set realistic goals and act to achieve them.

A square is a sign of a respectable person who will never violate his moral principles in order to achieve his goal. However, they should be less categorical in their judgments and be more open to new ideas.

The lattice on the hill of the Sun tells that a person is prone to infidelity in love relationships. A flighty and superficial attitude towards one’s partners ultimately leads to the fact that a person is left alone.

The triangle is a sign that a person can not only achieve success, but also maintain this level for quite a long time, even throughout his life. Usually their success is associated with some quiet activity.

Star on the Hill of Apollo - great sign. It is often found among world stars. Such people are rich and successful, look great, and arouse admiration and envy among others.

An island in this place suggests that a person will have to go through a difficult thorny path, but this will definitely reward him. They will always find a way out, even from seemingly hopeless situations, since they view every difficulty as a lesson and as a necessary step to new heights.

A circle on the Mount of Apollo is a sign that a person does not know how to cope with the difficulties that inevitably arise on the way to great goals. Therefore, he prefers to be content with little.

Signs on the line of the Sun

Various signs are also often found on the line of the Sun itself.

The star sign on it is a sign of the refined nature of a person who can find his calling in the field of art and achieve great success in this field. But such people need to learn to show their feelings, and not constantly hide them within themselves.

A square on the Apollo line is a favorable sign, a sign that a person succeeds in everything he undertakes. Due to his straightforwardness and honesty, he has an excellent reputation in society.

An island on the Apollo line indicates that a person is inclined to create illusions about those he loves. He often puts on rose-colored glasses when looking at his partner, and this can lead to bitter disappointment and the collapse of illusions. This, of course, will be a heavy blow for a person.

If there is a line on the line of success that crosses it, this is a sign that a rather serious obstacle will be encountered along the way. How a person copes with it will determine further development events.

If the line of the Sun ends with a trident, this is a sure sign of success in financial matters. People with such a line of success know how to “make money out of nothing,” and a lot of money.

The double line of success warns a person against squandering, since it is the inability to handle money wisely and wastefulness that can lead him to complete collapse.


A straight line of the Sun is evidence that a person is quite powerful and likes to do things his own way. Doesn't tolerate being bossed around.

The curved line of the Sun is characteristic of people with a fine mental organization. They are charming and popular with the opposite sex. But such people need to learn to look at the world more positively, to enjoy the present moment, and not spend all their time worrying about the future.

If the Apollo line is broken, this indicates that there is a lot in a person’s life. unresolved problems, this burden weighs him down and prevents him from moving on.

The branches coming from the line of the Sun favor a person in matters that involve risk. He should not be afraid to take risks, because luck is always on his side.

It is considered a favorable sign if the success line stretches to the ring finger, and at the same time the marriage line is directed to the Mount of the Sun. This is a guarantee of a happy married life.

Thus, we have seen that the line of the Sun carries in most cases favorable predictions for a person. He has enormous potential that should be revealed and developed, and then success in all areas of life is guaranteed.

Line of the Sun, or Good Luck

The line of the Sun tells us about the degree of our success and luck in the most various matters. Sometimes this line contains information about future fame and glory this person. But often the line of the Sun tells how plans and ideas for the future will be translated into reality.

This line protects a person from misfortunes and charges with positive and bright energy. This line helps a person get on the right path and not make a mistake when choosing a road. This line is one of the most mysterious lines on the human palm. Those who have the line of the Sun on their hand are almost always rich and happy. Such people are surrounded by success, fame and fortune everywhere, especially in business and personal life. Moreover, these people may belong to different social strata.

Usually the line of the Sun appears at birth and accompanies the person chosen by it until death.

The line of the Sun should be on the hand without damage, marks, dashes, intersections, crosses, islands under the ring finger area. Such damage will only bring negativity, weakening the effect of luck. If there is a cross or an island on the line of the Sun, this means that on the path to fame and success this person will encounter difficulties, trials that may not be passing, but permanent. It is important that after such damage the line of the Sun continues to be clear and bright.

If under ring finger a star-shaped sign is found on the line of the Sun, this means that fame, success and financial independence await this person. If the line is double or triple, then such a sign will significantly enhance the effect of the line of the Sun, and will also endow its owner with talents in the field of art.

But you shouldn’t be too happy, since sometimes this sign indicates a weakening of the Luck line. Looking at the beginning of the line of the Sun, you can determine how soon the most cherished wish of this person. This line can become the line of Art and thereby determine the beginning of the most successful period for the activities of people closely associated with creativity, for example, such a forecast for the future will be very important for artists and actors.

If there is no such line, it means that such a person, although he has talents, will face many failures and disappointments in life. If such a line is present, but unclear and blurry, this means that such a person lacks concentration and is wasting his energy in vain.

If the line is clear and straight, this means that its owner is a person with a light character who confidently walks through life without creating problems for himself or others.

If the line of Luck begins on the line of Life or the line of Fate, it means that the success that accompanies a person is the result of his own talent and expended energy.

If the line of the Sun begins between the Mounts of Venus and the Moon and ends on the Mount of the Sun, this means that the person is very purposeful.

If the Sun line begins on the Head line, this means that the person will achieve success in adulthood due to his hard work.

If the line begins on the line of the Heart, this means that material well-being awaits the person in old age.

The hands of “villains” are only at first glance no different from the hands of “normal” people. It turns out that 84.7% of them (well-known criminals, financial scammers, rapists and maniacs) have palms that have a beautiful oval shape, and their surface is literally dotted with various signs and symbols.

If the line begins on the Mount of Venus, this means that the person has a talent for painting.

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The line of the Sun (also called the line of Success) normally needs to be interpreted in a similar way, taking into account the type of hand on which it lies. In this article we will provide basic information about the line of the Sun, as well as its distinctive features and their correct interpretation.

Palmists Ancient Greece gave this line the name “Apollo line”, since Apollo was identified with Helios, who acted as the god of the Sun.

In situations where the line on the palm is very well manifested, it ensures its owner the successful achievement of various goals and the realization of desires. In addition, the line will enhance the onset of success if it is promised by a good line of Fate: it will add brightness to such a personality, sometimes it will make him a famous person.

Like the Sun, which brings fertility with all sorts of earthly blessings, the line of the Sun helps a person strengthen his position in the world.

The line of the Sun contributes to the progression of success, ensured by the presence of an excellent line of Fate, and is responsible for a person’s achievement of fame, obvious merit and distinction in life in situations where it corresponds to the work and profession shown by other lines of the hand. That is, to explain it differently, the Apollo line correlates with the temperament of a person who has a keen sense of art. But if this is not confirmed in any way on other parts of the hand, it means that a person will be able to appreciate art, but will not be able to express himself in it.

Features of interpretation of the line of the Sun

Absolutely everything in the world is known by comparison, and this line is no exception. Its study must take place with obligatory consideration of the working conditions and career of the person being studied.

This means that if this line appears on the palm in a particular age period, for example, when a person opens his own restaurant, this will not mean that he will suddenly become a multi-millionaire, but will indicate a successful period in business when he will be able to rise above his competitors, but how long this period will last will be shown by additional signs and others lines.

The Apollo line may appear on the hand in at different ages and different people social groups, qualifications, religion and so on. Regardless of all this, she talks about significant improvement in her career. The line is very interesting, but it is quite difficult to read, especially for novice palmists.

What does the different beginning of the Sun line tell us?

It is possible that the line of the Sun begins from the line of Life, from the hill of the Moon or from the plain of Mars, the lines of the head or the Heart.

  • when the line of the Sun begins from the line of Life with an artistic type of hand, it means that such a person will serve the beautiful throughout his life;
  • if there are other good lines - success in the artistic field;
  • if the Apollo line begins with the Life line, and in front of you is an artistic type of hand, this indicates that such a person is destined to serve art all his life and he will be able to achieve significant success in it;
  • in the case of starting from the Mount of the Moon, fame will mainly depend on how the person is assessed by others, especially when the line of Fate begins from the same place. This mark is very often found on famous artists who have many fans;
  • beginning from the central part of the palm from the plain of Mars - will tell about sunlight, which will, however, be preceded by tears, about the struggle that will end in success;
  • in the case of the beginning of the line of the Sun from the line of Fate, regardless of the place, it will further enhance the success foreshadowed by the line of Fate. From this point, the person being studied will begin to have luck at work;
  • when the line starts from the Head line, the success of such a person cannot be influenced by other people or others external factors. He will be provided with powerful talent and strength of mind, but at the same time a person will be able to achieve success no earlier than in the middle of his life;
  • when the beginning of the line falls on the line of the Heart, we can talk about great love and talent for art, and the line, from the moment of its beginning, foreshadows an improvement in the individual’s life, happiness and finances. In the same case, when the line of Fate is directed relative to the Mount of Jupiter, we can talk about the unusual success or authority of a person from this time until death.

What do the different signs on the Sun line mean?

  • A large number of lines on the Mount of the Sun indicates the presence of an artistic type of nature and achievement of success in adulthood. Also, multiple lines indicate that a person has so many different activities with ideas that they are already beginning to interfere with him. Therefore, it is better when there is one or two lines.
  • The presence of a star on the Mount of the Sun is very good sign. When located at the end of the line of the Sun, on its hill, it will tell about great glory and fame.

Note! The better the line of the Sun is shown on the hand, the more significant success a person can achieve in his life. On the palms of criminals or people suffering from various bad tendencies, the line of the Sun will tell about excessive fame and notoriety.

  • A square located on the line of the Sun is a sign that protects from any adverse effects.
  • The appearance of an island on the Apollo line indicates that a person will temporarily lose his position or reputation (exactly as long as the island lasts). In a situation where the line has the same thickness, both before and after the island, it means you will be able to fully recover and make up for lost time as if there were no scandals or misfortunes.
  • The presence of lines that cross the Apollo line will indicate that someone will try to harm the person, namely his reputation.
  • The presence of lines crossing the palm from the Mount of Mars and cutting or breaking the line of Apollo characterizes the subject's competitors who are of the same gender and will seek to destroy his position and reputation.
  • The starting point of the line comes from the Venusian or Martian hills, which will come close to the line of the Sun and cut it in the palm of the hand - for the stronger sex, it will tell about other men who can harm him in the specified period of time. Additional confirmation of this will be the presence of an island. As for the fair sex, the appearance of these lines on their delicate hands from the Mount of Venus or Mars will tell about other women who can shake their reputation or position in society. And with the additional presence of an island, we can safely talk about some kind of scandalous situation during the period when the island appears on the palm.
  • In the case of a strong designation of the line of Fate, but in the absence of the line of Apollo as a whole, a person will be able to achieve power and make a successful career, but at the same time there will be too few positive moments in his life. Such individuals are characterized by a focus on their own person, as well as an avoidance of fame in any form and a reluctance to enter into contact with people.

  • In situations where the Apollo line is thicker than the Fate line, this means that the shadow of the celebrity of his descendants always hangs over such a person. This is often found on the palms of sons whose fathers were very famous in life.
  • It is important that the line of the Sun looks harmonious with the line of Fate. If it is too pronounced in the palm of your hand, it means that in the career field such a person will be accompanied by brilliance and glory, which, however, will lack any basis. In this case, the line loses its strength on the sunken palm.
  • If there is no Apollo line on the hand in principle, even if we have a talented and artistic hand, this indicates that a person can work very efficiently, make efforts, but at the same time be convinced that he will not be able to achieve recognition from others , which is subsequently carried out. And no matter what such a person does, no matter what area of ​​life he tries himself in, he is only very in rare cases achieves fame.

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The human palm contains a lot interesting information. We can learn about character traits, professional suitability, personal life, the present, the past and the future. But there is such a line in palmistry that speaks of our aspirations, success; it indicates the strength of a person’s desire for fame and glory. It is called the line of the sun, the line of success or the line of Apollo.

The Apollo line, the line of luck, is also called the line of the sun in palmistry. The presence of it on the hand indicates that a person has a reliable angel who protects him from dangerous situations, troubles in fate and other bad luck.

The sun line in palmistry is one of the most mysterious and mysterious lines on the hand. It provides its owner with reliable protection and serves as a kind of protective amulet. The Apollo line is able to guide a person in the right direction and pushes him away from a rash act.

The Apollo line helps every person who has it. Its presence in the palm of your hand is not a sign of wealth and luxury. The line of success can be for both a rich and a poor person; it speaks of his fate. Not everyone can find it in the palm of their hand. And if there is no line of wealth in your palm, you need to look for the answer in your past life. The answer to this question lies in your actions and attitude towards others.

How to find and solve the Apollo line on your hand

The sun line on the hand is located at the base of the palm. The Apollo line runs parallel to the line of fate and ends under the ring finger of the hand. This is how the Apollo line (sun line) should ideally be. But most often it is not so long and has a smaller size.

Most often, this trait appears on the palm in adulthood, and not from a young age. But there are exceptions - talented children and child prodigies. From an early age they prove that they are talented and successful in life. You can discern a trait of wealth and good fortune in them from an early age.

A wealth line starting from the heart line indicates late recognition. Such people at a young age were unrecognized geniuses, carried out all sorts of projects, implemented plans. And by the age of fifty they find themselves in life, become happier and more successful.

    • A clear, even line of the sun, without islands, dots or interruptions, speaks of the success of its owner. These people are darlings of fate. They are very successful, there are no defeats or failures in his life. But this happens very rarely. But most often there are various defects on the wealth line.
    • If your Apollo line (sun line) is short, it is interrupted and comes from the line of the mind, and ends under the ring finger - you successful man. Your success in your career was quite rapid and your fall will be just as rapid. But don't despair. In palmistry, this sign on the palm only warns you of a possible fall. You must listen to him and do everything in your power to stay afloat and not test your fate to the limit. Sometimes it is enough to change your place of work, change your field of activity, or simply complete your project to the end in order to be appreciated.

  • The Apollo line with islands in palmistry speaks of a scandalous personality and lack of a positive reputation. Criminal personalities may also have such a trait. They can also be quite successful in their field. But most often it is found in positive people, not negative ones, who have a kind heart.
  • If the line of the sun is darkened by a cross, it speaks of disappointments in life and financial losses. A cross in the middle of the wealth line speaks of overcoming obstacles, the incompleteness of a work project, and at the end of the wealth line - the end of a career, loss of business, and so on.
  • Numerous gaps in the wealth line may be a consequence of lack of recognition and lack of appreciation. Such people are not recommended to be scattered around. They need to collect their thoughts and not lose interest in their business or project. Only in this way will real success await him. It is very important to wait out this period.
  • The square in palmistry has always been a sure sign of amulet and protection. The Apollo line and the square on it speaks of a person’s protection from gossip, intrigue and envious people.
  • If the success line intersects with a star, it will bring to its owner big success. They are famous, rich and easily complete projects they have already started.
  • If there is more than one line of the sun (it is triple or double), its effect on a person increases significantly. Such people are very famous, talented in the fields of art and more, and also very rich. But to achieve this fame, such people need to gain experience, go through difficulties, failures and falls. To achieve popularity, they will need to do more than one working project, but the result will not be long in coming.

What does a star on the line of the sun mean?

The Apollo line (line of success) and the star on it in palmistry speaks of a charismatic and extraordinary personality. These people live in harmony with themselves. The star is capable of attracting spiritual energy to its owner and influencing his destiny. The star illuminates people to realize all their dreams, plans, projects and ideas. A star in palmistry is capable of giving people good intuition. Such people make famous personalities: artists, poets, musicians, politicians, and so on.

It is very difficult to find a star among untalented people or those who have achieved popularity through money and influential acquaintances. These are unique people, capable of independently realizing their talents, projects and plans. Most often, a star on the hand speaks of the presence of a divine patron in fate. The star protects and protects its owner in difficult life situations. It has a positive impact on the fate of people who have it.

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