Seven of wands tarot meaning in love relationships. Minor Arcana Tarot Seven of Wands: meaning and combination with other cards. In the realm of consciousness

There are Major and Minor Arcana in the Tarot deck. Each of them carries its own load in the layouts. One cannot be considered more important than the other. They're just different. For example, consider the 7 of Wands. The meaning of the Tarot in a global sense is that each lasso describes a certain state of a person. Their combinations and variations reflect almost all possible situations in life. When you decide to take cards seriously, you need to get acquainted in detail with each lasso. Our theme is the Seven of Wands. Let's take a look at her general meaning, behavior in layouts and combinations.

7 of Wands - Meaning (Tarot)

Cards of this suit describe the state and development of the physical world, that is, the situation in which the fortuneteller is. After certain achievements (six), a period of setting new goals began. It is described by the 7 of Wands. The meaning of Tarot cannot be determined strictly, without variations. Both the major and minor arcana describe tendencies that affect a person or situation. Our map is connected with the air, its unpredictable movement. secrets and temptations. A person is under the influence of past victories and achievements, he wants more. He peers thoughtfully into the alluring lights of the city, glowing in the distance, promising a lot of pleasures and immense happiness. He does not look under his feet, where the turbulent, deep, destructive river flows. This is the image that the 7 of Wands gives us. It is desirable to consider the meaning of Tarot in volume, taking into account all aspects of the situation. The fact is that the arcana describes its entirety, revealing facts and trends unknown to the fortuneteller. You need to try to identify them by a combination of cards. Our lasso speaks of prospects and danger at the same time. This is a symbol of the upcoming exam, which will not be noticed by those who have prepared well, learned previous lessons, and gained wisdom.

Meaning of the Reversed Seven of Wands

Like any lasso, in this position the subject shows a negative side. It lies in deception, a mass of mutually exclusive ephemeral chances that suddenly open up before a person. They are incomprehensible, fantastic and absurd. A person stands on shaky ground, trying to rely on accumulated experience. And that's exactly what you shouldn't do. Only the brave can fly. The inverted 7 of Wands portends the chance to conquer everything that a person dreamed of. But it must be chosen from others, defined. To do this, it is impossible to use logic, you should listen to intuition, succumb to impulse. If you fail to choose the right direction, you will fail. The meaning of the inverted lasso is a test of the spirit. This is a situation in which you can win or lose everything that is important. In addition, our lasso indicates that the fortuneteller has little time. It is necessary to react quickly to changing circumstances, to act swiftly. The risk of error is very high. It will be impossible to fix it. That is, the situation can be called critical.

7 of Wands Tarot: Meaning in Relationships

If the alignment concerns love, then our lasso predicts not entirely pleasant events. Relationships are on the decline. What previously captivated, excited the imagination, gave pleasure, will now appear in a different light. The fortuneteller will have to go through sobering. The veil will fall from the eyes. He will see the real state of affairs, he will understand that his partner is not perfect. The criticality of the moment is that parting, the fading of feelings is quite likely. Will a person be able to keep love under the pressure of boring routine? Answer this for himself. Arkan portends a change not in better side. Lonely, he speaks of a certain period of emptiness, lack of strength. It is too early for them to think about a new relationship. There is no readiness to accept a partner with all his shortcomings. The fate of these people is to watch someone else's happiness. See the situation as a necessary experience. If the Ace of Wands is next to our lasso, the situation changes radically. This combination will predict a new, probably short-lived, but stormy romance for lonely people.

Influence on the relationship of the inverted lasso

In this position, the card indicates that the fortuneteller does not understand what is happening. The meaning of events is hidden from his inner view. A person doubts a partner or his attitude towards him. Tarot of the 7 of Wands upside down is almost always negative. If the Moon is near, you are being deceived. Most likely, the beloved person has a different object of interest. When both arcana are turned upside down, expect treason. In any case, change is coming. Their meaning should be sought in the accompanying cards. If they are positive, then doubts will be resolved in an incredible way and happiness awaits you. For lonely people, the inverted seven promises a period of worries. In the near future, progress in personal life should not be expected. Man is not yet ripe for deep feeling. All his aspirations are selfish, feelings are superficial.

The meaning of the lasso in the layout of business relations (direct position)

It is necessary to clearly follow the plans, check the information, not take the word of the partners. The situation is rapidly changing. You can't use the old methods, they don't work anymore. This is what the direct Tarot card of the 7 of Wands tells us. The value in combination with other arcana - specifies the situation. If the Moon or the Tower is nearby, get ready for the collapse of plans, the betrayal of partners or colleagues. When the World, Star, Death are present in combination, everything is not so bad. The changes will be favorable. But you should rely on intuition. In the current situation, you should not trust anyone. Everyone, as they say, is for himself. When we are talking about receiving income, it is advisable to be extremely attentive to the documents. Seven portends fatal mistake which can be avoided. If the King of Wands falls nearby, then some influential man will come to the rescue. In some cases, this combination speaks of a promising offer that should not be refused.

The Influence of the Reversed Seven of Wands on Business

The fortuneteller will have a chance to change the situation for the better. It will most likely seem strange or absurd. You need to be attentive to your premonitions, not be afraid to seem like a fool. Take a chance, our lasso advises. If the Moon is near, stop deceiving yourself. This combination denotes illusions. When divining to receive funds, she predicts losses due to deceit or stupid negligence. Another thing is when the Knight of Wands (straight) lies nearby. This combination is good for business sphere. The fortuneteller has the strength to overcome the period of uncertainty. Tip: persevere in the chosen direction, regardless of critics and adverse circumstances.

Value in the layout of health

You should not attach special importance to minor ailments, our lasso recommends. Remember that diseases are formed in the head. If you think a lot about problems in the body, you will get an unwanted reaction from the organs. In the upright position, the seven indicates that nothing threatens health. Fears are made up. If the question was about surgery - it should be postponed. So far, the outcome is unclear. In an inverted form, the card also does not portend problems, but hints at the fortuneteller's bad habits. They must be fought.


Of course, the alignment should be considered in its entirety. For example, the combination of Wands in it speaks of the development of the situation physical world, bowls - about the influence of feelings, pentacles - about the financial situation, swords reveal the emotional component. Which suit has more cards, that sphere is more important in this case. Our lasso means that instability is present in this particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Good luck!

A man on the edge of a cliff with the help of a rod defends himself from six enemies approaching from below.
You see that a person stands on a hill - this means that he has risen above his problems and he is revived and invigorated by the current conflict.

This guy is safe from peer pressure and minds his own business.
The Seven of Wands teaches us to understand the importance of strategy or planning.
If a person tries to attack all six at once, he will inevitably lose.

To overcome the opposition, he needs to solve at a time only one, the most pressing problem (for example, to deal with the most threatening attack).

Questions to ask yourself after drawing the Seven of Wands
  • What do you feel superior to?
  • Are you on top of the world?
  • Are you doing it alone or do you need help?
  • Have you encountered resistance and resist it?
  • Do you stand up for your beliefs?
Key Ideas
Set a clear course of action for yourself, and then you will overcome all the anxieties and difficulties that you may encounter.

Change your vocabulary, let it be positive and confident - this will be reflected in your thoughts and actions.
Instead of "problem" say "challenge", meet him face to face and rejoice if the enemy is not easy, so more interesting fight and its result is more valuable.

Direct map: You had disagreements with friends, but you successfully resolved them.
Reversed card: The problems of your friends begin to take hold of you as well.
Remember that you are not responsible for your friends and cannot live their lives for them.
Direct map: You are ready to stand up for what you believe in and thereby earn the respect of your comrades and teachers; you are also ready for respect.
Reversed card: Academic problems threaten to completely overwhelm you.

Ask for help now, then it will be too late.

Direct map: Just because everyone is running out on dates doesn't mean you need to start dating someone right away.

You will only go on a date when you feel that this "someone" is right for you.
Reversed card: Perhaps you feel that your partner or someone you like is trying to subtly destroy you.

Do you need it?

Direct map: Perhaps in your family a difficult situation but together you can solve it.
Reversed card: Problems in the family due to the fact that the interests of family members are contradictory.

Don't let yourself be dragged into this mess.
Find a way to rise above family tensions.

Direct map: You have a good tongue.
You can become an excellent salesman, politician or lawyer.

Reversed card: You don't seek to experience new things.
Think about why you went into such a deaf defense.

Health / Appearance
Direct map: You like to develop and improve your own style.

You are truly original.
Reversed card: Don't let anyone tell you how to dress, how to look, or how to feel.
Decide for yourself.

Direct map: You are good at both planning earnings and acting according to a plan.

Reversed card: Too many words, but few actions, which means there will be no money.

Divination in half a minute
Elsa felt bad.
Everything went from bad to worse - both at school and at home, and in a relationship with a guy too.

She wanted to know what could be done about it.
The card told her that it is better not to chase two (or more) hares - first you need to catch one, then focus on the other.
It would also be nice if Elsa stopped thinking about her life as a continuous series of problems.

Instead, it is better to perceive life as an all-around competition.
"Problem" sounds like it can't be fixed anymore; and the "challenge", on the contrary, tunes in to the search for a solution.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The young man brandishing the wand represents courage in dangerous situation.
The Seven of Wands contains a call to fight for your place in life and defend your faith and beliefs.

The heights of success predicted by the Six of Wands may be in jeopardy, and we need to try to keep them behind us.
This card often depicts six wands directed against a young man who bravely repels an attack with the seventh wand.

In the Royal Tarot of Moroccan Fes, he needs to be on the alert and look ahead all the time, as he is dangerously close to the edge of the abyss, which he can fall into if he is not careful.

The Seven of Wands portends a period of hard work, and sometimes a struggle for one's interests.
After the major conquests anticipated by the Six of Wands, we realize what will happen if we fail to hold them and find a way to protect and strengthen our current position.

We may feel the inevitability of battle, but this card lets us know that we have enough forces to repel the blow and secure our positions.
The Seven of Wands can serve as an impetus for our further growth, as healthy competition encourages us to achieve our goals and develop our talents.

This card indicates that it will be very difficult to win success, but in the end we will be able to reach new heights.

When this card appears in a spread, it means that you have to fight for your beliefs and defend your values.

The initiatives you have taken have provoked fierce competition, and you will need to prove that it will not be difficult for you to cope with this.
You will need to use all your skill and flexibility to overcome the opposition of your rivals, but the Seven of Wands predicts that you will be able to solve this problem.

You have everything to achieve success: willpower, courage, and perseverance, in addition, you know that you have already proven your worth.
The chosen path led to this situation, and now you must deal with the consequences of your choice.

It won't be easy, but you can do it.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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Value for divination
Overcoming obstacles and doubts.
Overcome Weirdness: Advantage.
Reversed value

Fluctuations that cause losses.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Seven of Wands predicts success achieved by courage and determination, as well as profit and profit.

inner meaning
The Seven of Wands predicts success achieved by courage and determination.
There are indications of profit and benefit.

In some interpretations, this card is called the "symbol of treasure."
You will stop the competition and emerge victorious.
If this card is the answer to a question, then it may indicate the right time for a risky game, a game for money.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: financial gain.
One important part of your enterprise is done.
There will be competition and struggle, but if you stand firmly on your feet, you can crush the enemy.

Even if it looks like a superior force is attacking, you have an advantage.
Reversed or Negative: Consider this as a warning to drop your hesitation.
Make a decision and take action.

You are at a loss, you do not know what action to take, but the situation is such that even the wrong actions with due determination are better than their absence.
This is not the time for uncertainty and indecision.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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This is the King of the Hill card.
It is the defense of one's territory and the victory over disagreements.
When a person reaches the top, as in the Six of Wands, there are a bunch of others ready to challenge or overthrow him, as shown by the Seven.

The test of character will be the ability and ability to overcome such obstacles.
When you dare to become a leader, you will have to show courage and perseverance both in the face of real adversity and in simple negotiations.

You may have to hold your position or defend your ideas and ideals.
Possible competition or clashes with the opposite point of view in public speaking, discussions or on the Internet.

You may encounter rejection from others.
On the Waite-Smith deck card, a person stands on top of a cliff or mountain.
He has a good vantage point, but the legs are shod with two different boots, which may hint at an unstable position or shaky support.

You can develop self-confidence and self-esteem by dealing with challenges, rivalries, and confrontations with perseverance and self-control.
Although one of my acquaintances tarot reader emphasized that confrontations of any kind always take a lot of time and effort, which could be spent with much greater benefit on other, more worthy and interesting things.

On the other hand, it can be considered that the figure on the map sticks sticks into the ground, or, in other words, focuses on the correct location and combination of various elements of the project among themselves.
Traditional meanings: Discussion, negotiations, speeches.

Trade, commerce.
Conferences, meetings, symposia.
Success, advantage, profit, benefit.
Victory after long competition and effort.
High productivity.
Good exam results.

Reversed Seven of Wands
This map is reminiscent of the Berlin Wall, built specifically to prevent people from communicating with each other.
It can be paranoia or, on the contrary, overcoming it and destroying the wall.

Also, the card may indicate that too many cases and problems have accumulated that threaten to bury you under them.
Perhaps family or friends object to your new job or a partner and you are trying to somehow resolve the contradiction that has arisen.

You can actively build defensive structures and build barricades to keep those around you at bay.
At best, these barricades will give you time and opportunity to think carefully before making a decision, or work through all the difficulties on your own and calmly correct the situation.

However, this card can also represent the excitement and anxiety that you use to excuse your reluctance to take the next step.
Traditionally, the Seven of Wands is called "hindrance" or "confusion", which speaks either of objective troubles, or of excess and immoderation, creating certain difficulties.

You can become too cautious or cowardly, especially if you are in a disadvantageous or subservient position that forces you to retreat or adopt a passive-aggressive line of behavior.
Instead of defending your positions, you are looking for a compromise in negotiations and strive to gain popularity and someone's favor.

On the other hand, you may show excessive rigidity, anger and aggressiveness, most likely as compensation for your own vulnerability and fear of being a victim.
Indecisiveness can lead to hesitation or loss of courage.

When projecting this card onto other people, they seem to you either sick and obsequious, or, on the contrary, suddenly act as persecutors who do not want to leave you alone.
An inverted card can also talk about the elimination of protective mechanisms, walls and barriers between people.

In terms of health, this can be nervous anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, or an excess production of a particular substance in the body, as in diabetes.
From a shamanic and magical point of view, these are the grounding and centering techniques you need when you are too open physically or deliberately working with fears and repressed childhood traumas.

Traditional inverted meanings: confusion, interference.
Anxiety, fear, numbness.
Indecision, doubt, hesitation, inconstancy.
Uncertainty, confusion.
Loss, loss.
Diversity, heterogeneity.

The position of the victim, sacrifice, torment.
Slander, slander.
Excess, surplus.
This idea belongs to Julia Cuccia-Watts, artist and author of the Ancestral Path Tarot deck.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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Key phrase
Any of my actions will bring only good now.
Maybe try your luck at gambling?
Description of the card and its inner meaning
This card depicts a man who is on a hill and boldly repulses the onslaught of enemies left below.

The symbolism of the Seven of Staves boils down to the fact that the Questioner will find the strength to emerge from the struggle as a winner.
This Arkan predicts success achieved by courage and determination.
On the other hand, this card can be perceived as a call for a serious fight.

She tells the Questioner that on this life stage his will is being tested.
And only such qualities as courage and perseverance will lead to success.
Believe in victory and it will come, but only after a fierce struggle.

Remember that there are obstacles in everyone's path, especially if we are striving for truth and enlightenment.
You should be persistent and openly fight with opponents.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - F, number - 7, Ruled by the planet - Saturn, zodiac sign- Sagittarius, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 38 hexagram ("Discord"), Weather- clear, Corresponding color - blue, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the Sephira Netzach.
Card meaning
Direct position
In predictions, the Seven Staffs promises profit and success, especially if you show determination and perseverance, predicts material assistance, says that the hard struggle will soon stop and victory will be on the side of the Questioner.

If this card is the answer to the question posed, then it may indicate a time suitable for risk, including gambling.
The Seven of Wands reminds you that an important part of the planned enterprise will be completed by you and, despite fierce competition, victory awaits you.

Reversed position
Seven of Staffs in reverse position can be seen as a call to cast aside all hesitation and act.
Even if you don't know what to do next, you can't sit back: the situation is developing in such a way that the wrong actions with due determination are better than their absence.

Remember that there is no way back.
Try to understand the situation and realistically assess your strengths.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Seven of Wands - confrontation.
The card portends disputes, rivalry, struggle.
You will have to face a difficult situation.
But you selflessly defend your position, idea, goal.
You must tune in to the fact that many of your plans in the form you have created are not feasible, they need to be either changed or "thrown out" altogether.

However, not everything is so bad: the upcoming changes will bring a lot of positive and interesting things into your life.
Inverted - you are in difficult circumstances, but the conflict will not flare up, and the expected disputes and disagreements will not spill out.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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VII. Seven - a young man on a steep hill, brandishing a stick, six other sticks rise towards him from below.

Direct position: this card symbolizes valor.

After all, you can interpret the image as follows: six attack one, which, however, has a predominant position (on a hill).
On the intellectual plane, this symbolizes debate, verbal struggle; in business - negotiations, trade war, barter, competition.

This card promotes success for a fighter who is on high ground, and his opponents may not be able to reach him.

Reverse position: confusion, confusion, fear.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Mercury / Mars in aspect with Saturn as the personification of dexterity, conquering strength.
SEVEN OF WANDS The Seven of Wands means that we have been attacked, that we are opposed by competitors, envious or other opponents, and they are stronger than us or there are more of them.

However, this card shows that we have a good chance of winning because we are in a better position.
Therefore, it should be taken as a warning: be agile and vigilant so as not to lose your positional advantage.

It goes without saying that a real, physical attack is rarely discussed here; most often it is someone's interference in our private or even personal affairs, an attempt to deprive us of something or prevent us from achieving something.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Valor The third decade of Leo from August 13 to 23.
Astrological equivalents: Sun in Tenth House, Sun in Libra.
The third decade of Leo symbolizes courage, responsibility and the ability to work hard for the chosen goal.

Achievement energy balance gives the necessary amount of strength so that any, the most complex individual goal of a person, is embodied.
The ruler of this decade - the planet Mars (or, according to new interpretations, Pluto) speaks of the internal leadership qualities of a person and the ability to mobilize others to work for the sake of common goals, which prompted him to go to the virgin lands.

The negative quality of Pluto is exactingness.
The leader, whose task is not easy, sometimes tends to make excessive demands on people, on the "mass", which he considers as part of himself.

The ability to manage oneself and others - is achieved based on the knowledge of natural laws - an understanding of life as it is, and the ability to coordinate one's activities with the simple requirements of comfort and beauty of being, ensures the victory of a reasonable design.

The Seven of Staves is a fight against the dominance of lower aspirations (spirit with matter), which are so great that there is no time to study the textbook of tactics - you just need quick action and courage.
And the person boldly turns to face the challenge thrown to him.

He seeks to transcend the perfection of the Six of Staves.
He has the courage to follow his impulse and act with his best.
A little hesitation, a little betrayal of oneself and one's beliefs is a sure defeat.

Sometimes the Six of Swords is also interpreted as a transition of consciousness to new level: where the child is a symbol of his potential.
Direct position: In the upright position, the Seven of Scepters symbolizes creativity, inspiration, art, attractiveness, the achievement of personal goals.

This is a victory card, symbolizing moving forward.
This card is like a green traffic light.
It has a strong influence of Libra.
Energy, enterprise are directed to all kinds of projects related to creativity, to the organization of spectacles, show business.

At the same time, this card can signal the development of professional skills in a particular art form, for example, music; may serve as an indication of the evaluation to which your skill and your art may be subjected.

The card can also mean success, moreover, social - the vocation of others, income (but limited, because the influence of Venus affects, it never gives large incomes).
In addition, this map of overcoming obstacles, challenge, all in a very limited local scale.

In general, the Seven of Scepters is not the strongest card, but, in general, it symbolizes forward movement, victory, achievement.
Reversed position: In an inverted position, the card symbolizes carelessness, unwillingness to focus too much on a particular problem, avoiding everything gloomy, dull, excessive (Libra).

The appearance of a card in a layout can mean for you "the unbearable lightness of being."
Or it will be a period of hesitation, reflection, or, on the contrary, "over-enhanced" commercial activity.
Everything will depend on the accompanying cards and on how expressed in your horoscope, directly or indirectly, the sign of Libra.

You should also look at the position of Venus in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets.
The card can also symbolize a lack of inspiration, wasted energy, talents that are misused, or simply failure.

Anxiety, embarrassment, indecision, hesitation, leading to monetary losses.

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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A man holds a rod, as if defending himself; he stands on the edge of the pit, from which six more Wands rise towards him - it seems that they are held by enemies, ready to attack him.
But the hole is deep and they can't get out of it.

In the Tarot of Aquarius, this man plays the violin, thereby subduing the wrath of his alleged enemies.
Either way, they can't hurt him.
Where you see danger, there really isn't any, this card says.

There are no monsters in the dark room, it is empty.
Feel free to enter it - and you will see for yourself.
That is, in principle, there is a danger, and it is quite real, this card says.
However, in this particular case, nothing threatens you, so act more boldly.

Inverted: The prognosis is rather negative (enemies will crawl out of the pit and beat you).
Note: if they are asking not about an individual person, but about a group or community, then the direct Seven of Wands can also mean injuries and victims, although there will not be many of them compared to the total number of people included in this community.

Arcana 7 of Wands - meaning (Tarot). Description of the card, interpretation in divination

Seven Staves (Wands) Tarot: meaning in relationships, love, work

First of all, attention is drawn to the fact that the character of the 7 Staves has different shoes on his feet. Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin speculate that the card design is based on a scene from Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew when Petruchio arrives at his own wedding dressed in the strangest fashion.

“Well, how! Petruchio rides in a new hat and an old jacket, in old thrice-faced trousers; his boots served as candle boxes - one fastened with a buckle, the other tied with a cord; old rusty sword from the city

arsenal with a broken handle, a broken point and no scabbard.

Mysteriously, Goodwin and Katz connect the battle scene with Petruccio's monologue, where he shows his wife her place. But I think it's too much of a stretch.

Studying the history of military costume, at one time I came across a fact that surprised me: in the Middle Ages, the Irish, Welsh, Scots were often portrayed in one stocking and in one shoe.

I have not found any reasonable explanation for this fact. However, there are many such miniatures.

The character of the 7 Staves stands in a very characteristic stance for a swordsman with a long pole. Pole fencing was very popular in England. A description of such a duel can be found in Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe. I found an image of a soldier armed with a polearm, whose pose is virtually identical to the pose of the card character.

In one of the books on Tarot, I read the interpretation of the 7 Wands that shocked me. According to the authors, the hero of the card cultivates the field and thinks about helping other people. Okay, cultivation of the field. But how they could read his mind is a mystery to me.


  • Battle
  • Call
  • Confrontation
  • clash
  • Discussion
  • Surrounded by enemies

Key Ideas

  • One against all
  • with maximum tension
  • Not so much to win as not to lose
  • Overcoming oneself, overcoming difficulties

Basic meaning

Describing the meaning of the Tarot card 7 (Seven) of Wands (Staves), Arthur Waite gives different options for confrontation and battle. Pointing out that since the character is at the top, the chances of winning are very high. I don’t know if Arthur fought as a child, but with a ratio of forces of one to six, winning is a very difficult task.

7 Staves indicates an upcoming or ongoing battle. Moreover, the forces are extremely unequal. The battle can go on at any level - physical, intellectual, emotional ... It can be a trade war or an ideological clash.

Or even a banal fight in a restaurant. And the main task in this map is not so much to win as not to lose, to resist, not to break, not to be knocked down. 7 Staves warns: it won't be easy.

Enemies choose the place and time to attack.

Meaning in relationships

The meaning of Tarot 7 (Seven) Staves (Wands) in a relationship is a difficult, unpleasant conflict situation. The scenario "flock against one" is being played out. Example: a husband with his brother's mother and a new mistress are trying to get their wife out of a house built at her expense.

An important aspect of the 7 of Wands is that a person has the power to crush his enemies. The truth is on his side.

Open - closed card

Seven of staffs - open card, but this is just the case when a person covered it with pleasure. Enemies invade the territory without demand, and expelling them back home is worth a lot of work.

Relationship Intensity

The card indicates a very intense relationship. Intensity can manifest itself in two ways. As an internal process, when a person is maximally concentrated on confrontation, expectation of trouble, maximum control of the surrounding space. And as an external process, when he fights with enemies or circumstances without sparing himself and not sparing his strength.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

The card plays out the scenario "One warrior in the field" and its mirror image "Flock against one". Almost always, it indicates a conflict, the need to defend oneself. It is important that the card emphasizes: the truth is not on the side of the pack, but on the side of one. The character has every right to crush all enemies by any means available to him.

Patience has reached the limit. The pressure, which lasted for years, has reached a critical level, and a person who has patiently endured ridicule and blows suddenly begins to act without thinking about the consequences.

Consider the meaning of the Tarot card 7 (Seven) Staves (Wands) in love and love relationships.

It doesn't matter if it's a love or work relationship. The sluggish conflict suddenly develops into a bloody massacre.

Combined with the Major Arcana

7 of Wands combined with the Major Arcana

  • with the Devil: Battle rage, adrenaline junkie.
  • with Moderation: A conflict that drags on for a very long time.
  • co Last Judgment: Fighting won't accomplish anything. The issue must be resolved in court.

Psychological condition

The first option is an adrenaline rush. A person breaks the limiters, and he beats the right and the guilty with a stick.

The second option is prudent and cold-blooded behavior in battle. When a person sets the task not only to win, which is extremely difficult because of the large number of enemies, but not to lose. 7 Staffs focuses on the second model. But "battle rage" should also be considered.

Emphasis on external or internal is reflected in emotional state. Either a person goes into a fighting rage, experiences an adrenaline storm, turns into a berserk. He grabs a club and beats everyone indiscriminately, not paying attention to who is in front of him, his own or others.

Or a person demonstrates cold rage, prudent and cold-blooded behavior in battle. But at the same time, he aims not so much for his victory, in the seven staffs it is extremely difficult to win, but for causing the enemy the maximum possible damage.

And their own survival and salvation in this situation is not seen as a priority.

This may be associated with revenge, with maintaining a sense of dignity in the battle with superior enemy forces. But sometimes the card also indicates a desperate struggle with windmills.

In combination with the suit of Staves

Combination of 7 of Wands with the suit of Staves

  • with 2 Staves card: In order to stop fighting, you need to climb higher.
  • with a card of 9 Staffs: The combination of cards indicates great internal tension, self-isolation and paranoia.
  • with the card Queen of Wands: Intensification of the conflict.

Significance in matters of health

The card may indicate injuries, including gunshot and stab wounds. Extreme physical and mental stress. A difficult physical condition, the hope that the strongest drugs can help. The desire to defeat the disease at any cost.

Combined with the suit of Cups

Combination of 7 of Wands with the suit of Cups

  • with a card of 3 Cups: Conflict between relatives, intra-family conflict. But at the same time, the possibility of reconciliation.
  • with the Page of Cups card: Increased suspiciousness, the desire to see threats where they are not.
  • with the card Knight of Cups: Friendly brawl.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Hard, incomprehensible, unpleasant work. Extra effort to achieve the goal. Tough competition. Very economical use of a limited supply of resources.

7 Posokhov emphasizes that in this situation a person must resolutely defend his rights, not being afraid to go into confrontation with anyone: competitors, bandits, representatives of the law.

Stability, manageability, controllability

A card of struggle, a card of battle, when one against all. Such a situation can hardly be called stable, stable, but it can be controlled and managed. Through incredible efforts, it is possible to keep the situation in balance, preventing it from worsening. There is no talk of improvement at all.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The only way to stay afloat is to resist external conditions on the verge of the possible, through "I can't." The card requires maximum concentration. You need to set a goal and achieve it despite any obstacles. It is necessary to step over oneself, to do work that one does not like, that is uninteresting or unpleasant.

Moreover, it is required to gather all your strength in order to withstand prolonged loads.

General state of finances and trends

In matters of work, the meaning of the Tarot 7 (Seven) Wands (Staves) card indicates a very difficult situation. Finances are limited. There are no reserves and never will be.

In the future, a person will have to spend more than a modest reserve of funds very economically, evaluating every step, counting every penny. And this despite the fact that the forecast is disappointing: it will hardly be possible to maintain the minimum that is, and making a profit is not even considered.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The positive impact of the card on income is very conditional: if you tune in to a decisive struggle, to a long confrontation, then it is quite possible to prevent the situation from worsening. Negative influence more obvious: fatigue, physical and mental exhaustion, loss of faith in yourself, your strength.

It is impossible to live in constant nervous tension, waiting for tricks and attacks from those around you, without sometimes noticing that the “war” has already ended. The situation is exhausting, already "not to fat, to be alive."

Combined with the suit of Swords

Combination of 7 of Wands with the suit of Swords

  • with 8 of Swords: There is little chance of winning in this fight.
  • with the Page of Swords: Avoid continuing the fight with all your might.
  • with the King of Swords: Act hard and decisively.

Consider the meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot as a Card of the Day and a Warning.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Combination of 7 Staffs with the suit of Pentacles

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • Who are you fighting with?
  • What are you fighting for?
  • Who or what are you fighting against?
  • What will you consider your victory?


Tarot 7 of Wands: meaning in various layouts

The Tarot meaning of the 7 of Wands is struggle, competition, competition with specific person, the situation or the whole world. This card, depending on the context, can carry both positive and negative meaning. In most cases, this card becomes a warning to a person.


The main meaning of the card is a warning about possible obstacles and troubles. that can be overcome with courage and determination.


In general, this card can be called favorable - it says that the fortuneteller will have a fight with enemies who are not destined to defeat him, but for this you need to show courage and courage. The Seven of Wands, as it were, is trying to push the fortuneteller to decisive action, guaranteeing him success in business.

In the Tarot of Thoth, the seven indicates some kind of threat, a risk, a struggle with difficulties. But in another 78 Doors deck, this card has a slightly different meaning - it is will, courage, physical strength.

The card calls to defend your interests, to protect what is dear and loved.. The presence of envious people and rivals calls for fighting them, because they are attracted by the fortuneteller's success, his potential.

Seven of Wands speaks of a creative upsurge, inspiration, obtaining the necessary knowledge. Also, this card can talk about a small financial profit.

upside down

In the opposite position, the card speaks of uncertainty, excessive carelessness of a fortuneteller, that he cannot withstand difficulties and solve his problems. The person is in turmoil, everything falls out of his hands, and the losses will continue.

Seven indicates that the fortuneteller simply spends his strength, money and talents, and also - that he is everywhere pursued by failures. The card speaks of vain confrontations, conflicts of interest, quarrels.

Another interpretation of the reversed card is unpleasant meeting, awkward situation, the inability to protect oneself from the slander and attacks of others.


Health is seriously tested, but life is not in danger. Most likely, the disease is associated with reduced immunity, malfunctions in endocrine system, hormonal disorders. Also, the card can talk about psychological disorders, nervous and emotional exhaustion.

Love and relationships

The Seven of Wands indicates that in a love relationship comes difficult period. The card warns a person that his ambitions and possessive impulses can negatively affect relationships.

The fortuneteller will have to solve problems and seek compromises with his partner. Perhaps he will have to fight for his love with rivals and envious people. The card can also mean that the beloved of the fortuneteller could be carried away by another person or even decide to cheat.

In order to save a relationship, you need to decide on a bold, unexpected act.. In this case, you should not resort to deception or cunning, but be as honest and straightforward as possible.

For lonely people, the dropped Seven of Wands suggests that they isolate themselves by deliberately not getting close to other people.

How good the chosen position can be shown by other cards in the layout, but it clearly indicates that the fortuneteller is a loner who does not need the company of others and is not looking for love.

He deliberately repels potential partners, considering them either unworthy or dangerous.

In an inverted position, the card indicates the possibility of a break in relations., divorce (when it comes to marriage), betrayal of a partner, loss of a "spark" in a relationship.


The card speaks of a threat to the success of the business, difficulties that will be difficult to overcome. Most often, this indicates that close people - friends, family, lovers - are trying to manipulate a person, and thereby impose their will on him.

The fortuneteller loses not because the circumstances were unsuccessful, but because he falls under the influence of others and cannot show the firmness of his character. There is a serious danger of turning off your true path and taking on a dubious business.


The card patronizes freelancers, creative people and entrepreneurs - all those people who are their own employers. But for people working in a work team, it portends problems at work or an unpleasant showdown with colleagues.

The card speaks of competition, the ability to overcome difficulties on your own, non-trivial ways to solve problems. As a professional orientation, it points to the creative professions (especially the artistic and literary arts), show business, journalists, event organizers, and adventurous professions (travelers, explorers, and so on).

If the fortuneteller is looking for a job, then the card warns that it will not be easy to find him.. To do this, you need to improve your skills or go to additional courses. Arkan can also warn that a person is not engaged in his mission and it is time for him to change his profession.

Combination with other Tarot

A card can change its meaning in combination with other cards.

With Major Arcana:

  • Jester- a collision with an unexpected incident, the revival of an old love.
  • Mage– search for the optimal solution.
  • High Priestess- a truce with enemies.
  • empress- victory, dominance.
  • Emperor- leader, master of the situation.
  • Hierophant- fighting for other people's dreams.
  • lovers- the battle for your love, "the third wheel."
  • Chariotcareer, using other people for their own purposes.
  • Force- strength of will and character, a winning position.
  • Hermit– Lack of support and perspective.
  • Fortune- catch luck by the tail.
  • Justice- an honest answer, an official statement.
  • Hanged- an awkward situation, to expose yourself to ridicule.
  • Death- health problems, an unpleasant solution to the problem.
  • Moderation- the ability to compromise.
  • Devil- vulnerable, dependent position.
  • Tower- disappointment in their ideals.
  • Star- victory, fame, achievement of goals.
  • Moon- doubts, irreconcilable contradictions.
  • Sun– open, honest intentions, joy from work.
  • Court- construction of tactics, the answer to people.
  • World- fight for justice, the righteous path.

With wands:

  • Ace of Wands– the peaceful solution of the case is postponed indefinitely.
  • deuce- uncertainty.
  • Troika- decisiveness, a bold step.
  • Four- financial benefit.
  • Five- a major quarrel, a tense psychological state.
  • Six- recognition of rightness, revenge.
  • Eight- change of tactics.
  • Nine- distrust, fear of difficulties.
  • Teninternal struggle, subordination to circumstances.
  • Page of Wands- an adventure, an interesting adventure.
  • Knight of Wands- danger, unfulfilled desires.
  • Queen of Wands- composure, a certain position.
  • King of Wands- Confident position, leadership.

With cups:

  • Ace of Cups– many options, deep feelings.
  • deuce- the establishment of peace.
  • Troika- celebration of victory, company of friends.
  • Four- inability to make a decision.
  • Five- resentment, the matter cannot move forward.
  • Six- protection of their principles, the help of an old friend.
  • Seven- the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.
  • Eight- withdrawing into oneself, retreat.
  • Nine- prospects, competition.
  • Ten- pleasure, family happiness.
  • Page of Cups- frivolity, the beginning of the path.
  • Knight of Cups- the position of the sage and adviser.
  • Queen of Cups- understanding, intuitive perception.
  • King of Cups- Take matters into your own hands.

With swords:

  • Ace of swords- the search for truth, the struggle for justice, a duel.
  • deuce- non-disclosure of secrets, a hopeless situation.
  • Troika- broken dreams, betrayal.
  • Four- destruction, a respite before a new step.
  • Five- open confrontation, intransigence with reality, psychological personality disorders.
  • Six- forced change of plans.
  • Seven- cunning, indefinite position.
  • Eight- injustice, imprisonment.
  • Nine grief, the loss of a loved one.
  • Ten- loss serious problems with health (up to death).
  • Page of swords- the dominance of feelings over the mind.
  • Knight of Swords- noble risk, emotional instability.
  • queen of swords- a strong single woman, a widow or a domineering mother.
  • King of swords- bloody losses, a strong opponent.

With pentacles:

  • Ace of Pentacles– new opportunities and perspectives.
  • deuce- unstable position, walking on the edge.
  • Troika- business negotiations, the struggle for a profitable position.
  • Four- well-deserved rest.
  • Five- loss of everything, bankruptcy, serious illness.
  • Six- the help of a high-ranking person, a generous gift.
  • Seven- search for a solution, long reflections.
  • Eight- following the rules, doing your job.
  • Nine- prosperity, woman of dreams.
  • Tenunsolved mystery, happy marriage.
  • Page of Pentacles- a good position, sudden enrichment.
  • Knight of Pentacles- stable business progress.
  • Queen of Pentacles- preservation of traditions.
  • King of Pentacles- high position.

There is a high probability of failure, embarrassing, unpleasant situations. A lot of problems will suddenly fall on the fortuneteller's head, enemies and envious people will try to set up as many steps as possible. The card calls not to sit back, but to act, take the initiative, take matters into your own hands.

There is also a chance of getting into an accident, so on this day it is better to be careful on the road. and not take any long trips.

It must be remembered that the Seven of Wands card is, first of all, a warning of trouble which can be avoided with active actions. The card calls not to wait, but to act, because luck favors brave, valiant people.


7 (Seven) of Wands (Staffs) Tarot: meaning in relationships, health

Today our conversation will be built around the 7 of Tarot Wands card, the meaning of which is not always clear to beginner tarologists. On the one hand, in this numerical Arcana there is a clear component of the battle, but on the other hand, there are many moments in its image that suggest how it will end. So, let's move on to the details.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

The meaning of the 7 Tarot Staves is beautifully illustrated with a picture of the Rider-Waite deck. If in decks with undrawn Minor Arcana (for example, in the Tarot of Thoth), it is very difficult for a beginner to figure it out, then here we have a specific and clear plot.

What do we see on the map? And we observe a young man who deftly and skillfully fences with a rod. But he fences for a reason: other wands are visible in the foreground, so it would be logical to assume that the battle is depicted on the map.

From the pose of a young man, one can deduce the first meaning of the Seven of Tarot Wands - dexterity, courage, lack of fear of ill-wishers.

And if we pay attention to the fact that the hero of the card stands on a hill, since the wands of his enemies are only visible below him, we can confidently say that Arkan clearly promises this clever young man success, victory in battle - this will be the main interpretation of the card.

Key Words and Ideas of the Seven of Wands in Divination

Based on the image of the Arcana just analyzed, let's write key concepts, which can be included in the symbolic field of this numerical map. Here's what we'll get:

  • A conflict situation in which you have to protect your interests
  • Courage, audacity, dexterity, determination
  • Inner resource of strength to help win the battle
  • Advantageous position in relation to opponents
  • Deserved victory, luck, success

Upright 7 of Wands Card Meaning

And now let's try to describe the main meaning of the Seven of the Staves of the Tarot, based on the just selected keywords. In any case, the card will report a situation when a person will have to interact with people who are unkind to him.

These can be conflicts, interference from others in the affairs of the asker, a series of difficulties that you have to go through, danger. But despite all this, a person has all the necessary skills and abilities to emerge victorious, to repulse enemies.

You can call this Arcana a card of great inner strength, thanks to which luck comes.

Meaning of 7 Staffs Reversed

Now consider how the value of the 7 Tarot Wands changes if the card comes to us in an inverted layout.

If on direct Arcana Since we saw obvious advantages on the side of the questioner, it would be logical to assume that on the reverse map, the ill-wishers will nevertheless crawl out of their hole and give the hero a powerful rebuff. Those. the card will no longer portend victory, but defeat.

The position of a person will no longer be profitable, but rather dangerous. Often Arkan will report that the hero did not have enough determination, dexterity and skills to defeat enemies, circumstances, difficulties - he will be "littered" under their onslaught.

The meaning of the card in the layouts for relationships and love

Now let's analyze the meaning of the 7 Tarot Staves in relationships, because, as practice shows, it is for love layouts people turn to tarologists most often. So this topic is one of the most popular.

Direct position

The meaning of the Seven of Tarot Wands in a love relationship, if the Arcana comes straight, is an indication of a period of desperate struggle, but what exactly this struggle will be for, the surrounding cards will tell.

Perhaps the questioner will fight for the love and attention of a particular person, or maybe for the preservation of relationships that have cracked.

But in any case, a direct card will portend victory if a person correctly applies his internal resources.

Sometimes the 7 Staff shows that the relationship itself is attacked by others, envious people, unfriendly relatives, rivals. In some cases, the meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot in a relationship will be the pressure of one partner on the other.

inverted position

What can you tell about the meaning of the 7 Tarot Wands in a relationship if the Arcana came upside down? Everything is quite simple here: success will go out from under a person’s nose, and he himself will be to blame for this.

Perhaps the questioner took a disadvantageous position, was afraid to show the activity that the situation required, was confused at the last moment, did not believe in himself or concentrated on the wrong task, set priorities incorrectly.

The meaning of the Seven Staves when divining health issues

Now we need to analyze what the Seven Wands of Tarot mean when we ask the magic deck a question about well-being, illnesses.

Direct position

A direct card reports that the human body is undergoing some kind of strength test, but successfully resists negative factors. The immunity of the questioner is strong, so you can not be afraid of serious health problems.

inverted position

If the card came back, this is an indication that the immune system is unable to cope with pathogenic factors. Also, Arkan can report hormonal or endocrine disorders.

What does the Seven of Wands mean in the layouts for the psychological state and personality analysis?

This numerical Arcana manifests itself interesting when we work with a magic deck, asking about the character of a person and his internal state.

Direct position

In this case, the meaning of the 7 Tarot Staves describes to us a bold, courageous, self-confident person who is always ready to face any difficulties. He is confident in the correctness of his views and bravely defends what is dear to him.

Often Arkan points to a person who feels superior to others.

If we ask a question about the state of mind, then the card will show a person’s desire to prove to someone that he is right at all costs, as well as a willingness to fight for any reason.

inverted position

The inverted Seven of Wands Tarot has the exact opposite meaning. It can describe two types of people.

The first is the one who absolutely does not know how to smooth out conflicts, is afraid of any confrontation, is lost when any difficulties occur.

The second type is a person who himself provokes conflicts, and then he himself deals with their solution. You can say about him - "dexterously extinguishes fires, which he himself arranges."

The value of the card in the layouts for finance, work, professional activities

Now consider the meaning of the Seven of Tarot Wands for work, career, money, profession.

Direct position

A straight card will always mean a spirit of rivalry and confrontation, or solving problems alone, without the help of others.

It can be a tense atmosphere in the team, negotiations taking place in the form of a debate, an exam or a speech in front of a group of people asking questions, as well as any project or case, working on which you have to prove your case. But at the same time, a direct Arkan always promises success.

In professional terms, the meaning of the Seven of Tarot Staves can be a sports career. If we are interested in finance, then the card promises material success, provided that certain efforts are made to achieve it.

inverted position

The reverse card essentially says the same thing as the direct one, but success for a person in this case will not be guaranteed: either the opponents will be stronger, or the questioner will not have enough professional qualities to achieve what you want. If we are talking about finances, then this is profit flying out of hands at the last moment, because a person did not try hard enough.

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

By tradition, we will analyze the possible meanings of the 7 Tarot Wands, if the Trumps of the deck lie next to it.

  • Jester: Surprises
  • Mage: Successful Maneuvering
  • High Priestess: Maintain Neutrality
  • Empress: Be the mistress of the situation
  • Emperor: Manage the situation
  • Hierophant: Protecting Your Own Interests
  • The Lovers: The Meaning of the 7 Tarot Staffs with the Lovers - Fighting for Your Love Life
  • Chariot: Go "over the heads"
  • Hermit: Lack of support, fighting hard alone
  • Wheel of Fortune: Take a position at the helm
  • Justice: By all means to defend your innocence
  • Hanged Man: An awkward situation, to be in the position of a subordinate
  • Death: Weakness
  • Moderation: Don't provoke opponents, don't go on the rampage
  • Devil: The position of a slave, dependence on circumstances or others
  • Tower: Inflict a crushing blow, inode - an attempt that ended in failure
  • Star: Being the "star" of the situation
  • Moon: Actions on the sly, on the sly
  • The Sun: The Battle for a Place in the Sun
  • Court: Act without regard to the opinions of others
  • Peace: Peacemaker Position

Meaning of the Seven of Tarot Staves when combined with the Minor Arcana

Now consider how the card behaves if there are numerical or court Arcana nearby. Remember that the interpretations below are just one of a huge number of possible ones!

With a suit of staves

  • Ace: See the light at the end of the tunnel
  • Two: Unknown if anything will happen or not
  • Troika: A decisive step
  • Four: A good position that promises a win
  • Five: Stress, controversy, bone of contention
  • Six: Successfully defend your point of view, rights
  • Eight: Change of position
  • Nine: Meaning of 7 Tarot Wands with Nine of the same suit - to show vigilance, distrust
  • Ten: Being a subordinate
  • Page: Find your own adventure
  • Knight: The risk of "broken wood"
  • Queen: Conflict Smoothing
  • King: Leadership, bypass rivals

With the suit of cups

  • Ace: Protect your feelings
  • Two: Truce, agreement
  • Three: Love Triangle
  • Four: Being dissatisfied with one's position
  • Five: Get offended or play the role of offended
  • Six: Defense of a position taken long ago
  • Seven: Delusions
  • Eight: Retreat, turn back, succumb to weakness
  • Nine: Play the role of a hospitable host
  • Ten: A position that suits everyone
  • Page: Infancy, the very beginning of the confrontation
  • Knight: Meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot with the Knight of Cups - take the position of a peacemaker
  • Queen: Show understanding
  • King: The state of affairs is not completely clear

With the suit of swords

  • Ace: To achieve justice, clarity
  • Two: Idle state
  • Three: Get stabbed in the back
  • Four: Respite, take a break, retire
  • Five: Confrontation in the open
  • Six: Forced Trip
  • Seven: Desire to go over to the side of the enemy or get away from the conflict
  • 8: You are cornered
  • Nine: Losses
  • Ten: Lose
  • Page: A decision taken too hastily
  • Knight: Risk, total confusion
  • Queen: Divorced woman, widow
  • King: A situation that hurts feelings

With the suit of pentacles

  • Ace: New Business Perspectives
  • Two: Instability
  • The Three: Meaning of the 7 Tarot Staves with the Three of Pentacles - money negotiations
  • Four: Take a stand
  • Five: Unsteady position
  • Six: Get rewarded or punished according to merit
  • Seven: Waiting
  • Eight: Fulfill your duties
  • Nine: Struggle for material stability
  • Ten: The struggle for family well-being
  • Page: Get a gift for your efforts
  • Knight: Progress in Solving Difficulties
  • Queen: Proper Investing
  • King: Secure, secure position

Do not run away from troubles, protect your interests, show strength, determination, courage and dexterity - then luck will be on your side.

Card Warning

Do not hide your head in the sand: unresolved difficulties tend to come back again. And who knows if they will become even more serious in the future?

Questions answered by 7 Staffs

  • Are you sure what you are fighting for?
  • Are you putting in all your effort to win?
  • Are you able to adequately assess the whole situation and your chances in it?

It is very interesting to consider the meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot as a card of the day. If this numerical Arcana came to you in the morning, see how it manifests itself during the day - and then you will better understand exactly how it should be interpreted

Meaning of the Seven of Wands in the Upright Position

Struggle, recognition, achievement of great goals. You will triumph over the vicissitudes of fate.

Problems, quarrels, petty squabbles. Need to find mutual language and come to an understanding. Problems, in fact, are not so serious.

  • meeting with a difficult situation, disputes
  • confrontation, conflict, rivalry, opposition to be fought
  • testing time, courage, long-term success

The Seven of Wands of the Tarot warns of major conflicts and trials, either directly as an element, or as a serious personal clash with co-workers or relatives. The Seven of Wands tarot also speaks of courage, honesty, and perseverance. Problem resolution will probably not come soon, but if the Client stands firm in the face of trials, he has a good chance of success.

The Seven of Wands tarot card promises financial gain, success. One important part of your enterprise is done. There will be competition and struggle, but if you stand firmly on your feet, you can crush the enemy. Even if it looks like a superior force is attacking, you have an advantage.

Interpretation of the Seven of Wands Reversed

The value of the card is almost the same as in the upright position. It also describes the struggle from which you will emerge victorious. But if there you are already set up for battle, your will is strong and adamant, then in an inverted position, the card describes a complete breakdown and apathy. You absolutely do not want to do anything. But this is a fundamentally wrong position. You have all the strength to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. It's time to act, you will succeed!

  • confrontation goes away, the conflict gradually fades away
  • unclear circumstances, anxiety, lack of courage

Meaning of the Tarot Seven Reversed: When faced with trials, misadventures and attacks on his position, the Client lacks courage and walks away from confrontation. This is an unfortunate way out, because. his position is stronger than he thinks, and lack of self-confidence leads to the loss of favorable opportunities.

Consider the seven of wands reversed tarot card as a call to cast aside hesitation. Make a decision and take action. You are at a loss, you do not know what action to take, but the situation is such that even the wrong actions with due determination are better than their absence. This is not the time for uncertainty and indecision.

inner meaning. Provided for understanding direct position cards

The Seven of Wands Tarot predicts success achieved by courage and determination. There are indications of profit and benefit. In some interpretations, this card is called the "symbol of treasure." You will stop the competition and emerge victorious. If the tarot card seven of wands is the answer to a question, then it may indicate the right time for a risky game, a game for money.

is a struggle, competition, competition with a specific person, situation or the whole world. This card, depending on the context, can carry both positive and negative meanings. In most cases, this card becomes a warning to a person.


The main meaning of the card is a warning about possible obstacles and troubles. that can be overcome with courage and determination.


In general, this card can be called favorable - it says that the fortuneteller will have a fight with enemies who are not destined to defeat him, but for this you need to show courage and courage. The Seven of Wands, as it were, is trying to push the fortuneteller to decisive action, guaranteeing him success in business.

In the Tarot of Thoth, the seven indicates some kind of threat, a risk, a struggle with difficulties. But in another 78 Doors deck, this card has a slightly different meaning - it is will, courage, physical strength.

The card calls to defend your interests, to protect what is dear and loved.. The presence of envious people and rivals calls for fighting them, because they are attracted by the fortuneteller, his potential.

Seven of Wands speaks of a creative upsurge, inspiration, obtaining the necessary knowledge. Also, this card can talk about a small financial profit.

upside down

In the opposite position, the card speaks of uncertainty, excessive carelessness of a fortuneteller, that he cannot withstand difficulties and solve his problems. The person is in turmoil, everything falls out of his hands, and the losses will continue.

Seven indicates that the fortuneteller simply spends his strength and talents, and also - that he is everywhere pursued by failures. The card speaks of vain confrontations, conflicts of interest, quarrels.

Another interpretation of the reversed card is unpleasant meeting, awkward situation, the inability to protect oneself from the slander and attacks of others.

Value in layouts


Health is seriously tested, but life is not in danger. Most likely, the disease is associated with reduced immunity, malfunctions in the endocrine system, hormonal disorders. Also, the card can talk about psychological disorders, nervous and emotional exhaustion.

Love and relationships

The Seven of Wands indicates that a difficult period is coming in a love relationship. The card warns a person that his ambitions and possessive impulses can negatively affect relationships.

The fortuneteller will have to solve problems and seek compromises with his partner. Perhaps he will have to fight for his love with rivals and envious people. The card can also mean that the beloved of the fortuneteller could be carried away by another person or even decide on.

In order to save a relationship, you need to decide on a bold, unexpected act.. In this case, you should not resort to deception or cunning, but be as honest and straightforward as possible.

For lonely people, the dropped Seven of Wands suggests that they isolate themselves by deliberately not getting close to other people. How good the chosen position can be shown by other cards in the layout, but it clearly indicates that the fortuneteller is a loner who does not need the company of others and is not looking for love. He deliberately repels potential partners, considering them either unworthy or dangerous.

In an inverted position, the card indicates the possibility of a break in relations., divorce (when it comes to marriage), betrayal of a partner, loss of a "spark" in a relationship.


The card speaks of a threat to the success of the business, difficulties that will be difficult to overcome. Most often, this indicates that close people - friends, family, lovers - are trying to manipulate a person, and thereby impose their will on him.

The fortuneteller loses not because the circumstances were unsuccessful, but because he falls under the influence of others and cannot show the firmness of his character. There is a serious danger of turning off your true path and taking on a dubious business.


The card patronizes freelancers, creative people and entrepreneurs - all those people who are their own employers. But for people working in a work team, portends problems or an unpleasant showdown with colleagues.

The card speaks of competition, the ability to overcome difficulties on your own, non-trivial ways to solve problems. As a professional orientation, it points to the creative professions (especially the artistic and literary arts), show business, journalists, event organizers, and adventurous professions (travelers, explorers, and so on).

If the fortuneteller is looking for a job, then the card warns that it will not be easy to find him.. To do this, you need to improve your skills or go to additional courses. Arkan can also warn that a person is not engaged in his mission and it is time for him to change his profession.

Combination with other Tarot

A card can change its meaning in combination with other cards.

With Major Arcana:

  • Jester- a collision with an unexpected incident, the revival of an old love.
  • Mage– search for the optimal solution.
  • High Priestess- a truce with enemies.
  • empress- victory, dominance.
  • Emperor- leader, master of the situation.
  • Hierophant- fighting for other people's dreams.
  • lovers- a battle for one's own, "the third extra."
  • Chariot- career growth, the use of other people for their own purposes.
  • Force- strength of will and character, a winning position.
  • Hermit– Lack of support and perspective.
  • Fortune- catch luck by the tail.
  • Justice- an honest answer, an official statement.
  • Hanged- an awkward situation, to expose yourself to ridicule.
  • Death- health problems, an unpleasant solution to the problem.
  • Moderation- the ability to compromise.
  • Devil- vulnerable, dependent position.
  • Tower- disappointment in their ideals.
  • Star- victory, fame, achievement of goals.
  • Moon- doubts, irreconcilable contradictions.
  • Sun– open, honest intentions, joy from work.
  • Court- construction of tactics, the answer to people.
  • World- fight for justice, the righteous path.

With wands:

  • Ace of Wands– the peaceful solution of the case is postponed indefinitely.
  • deuce- uncertainty.
  • Troika- decisiveness, a bold step.
  • Four- financial benefit.
  • Five- a major quarrel, a tense psychological state.
  • Six- recognition of rightness, revenge.
  • Eight- change of tactics.
  • Nine- distrust, fear of difficulties.
  • Ten- internal struggle, subordination to circumstances.
  • Page of Wands- an adventure, an interesting adventure.
  • Knight of Wands- danger, unfulfilled desires.
  • Queen of Wands- composure, a certain position.
  • King of Wands- Confident position, leadership.

With cups:

  • Ace of Cups– many options, deep feelings.
  • deuce- the establishment of peace.
  • Troika- victory celebration, a group of friends.
  • Four- inability to make a decision.
  • Five- resentment, the matter cannot move forward.
  • Six- protection of their principles, the help of an old friend.
  • Seven- the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.
  • Eight- withdrawing into oneself, retreat.
  • Nine- prospects, competition.
  • Ten- pleasure, family happiness.
  • Page of Cups- frivolity, the beginning of the path.
  • Knight of Cups- the position of the sage and adviser.
  • Queen of Cups- understanding, intuitive perception.
  • King of Cups- Take matters into your own hands.

With swords:

  • Ace of swords- the search for truth, the struggle for justice, a duel.
  • deuce- non-disclosure of secrets, a hopeless situation.
  • Troika- broken dreams, betrayal.
  • Four- destruction, a respite before a new step.
  • Five- open confrontation, intransigence with reality, psychological personality disorders.
  • Six- forced change of plans.
  • Seven- cunning, indefinite position.
  • Eight- injustice, imprisonment.
  • Nine grief, the loss of a loved one.
  • Ten- loss, serious health problems (up to death).
  • Page of swords- the dominance of feelings over the mind.
  • Knight of Swords- noble risk, emotional instability.
  • queen of swords- a strong single woman, a widow or a domineering mother.
  • King of swords- bloody losses, a strong opponent.

With pentacles:

  • Ace of Pentacles– new opportunities and perspectives.
  • deuce- unstable position, walking on the edge.
  • Troika- business negotiations, the struggle for a profitable position.
  • Four- well-deserved rest.
  • Five- loss of everything, bankruptcy, serious illness.
  • Six- the help of a high-ranking person, a generous gift.
  • Seven- search for a solution, long reflections.
  • Eight- following the rules, doing your job.
  • Nine- prosperity, woman of dreams.
  • Ten- an unsolved mystery, happy.
  • Page of Pentacles- a good position, sudden enrichment.
  • Knight of Pentacles- stable business progress.
  • Queen of Pentacles- preservation of traditions.
  • King of Pentacles- high position.

There is a high probability of failure, embarrassing, unpleasant situations. A lot of problems will suddenly fall on the fortuneteller's head, enemies and envious people will try to set up as many steps as possible. The card calls not to sit back, but to act, take the initiative, take matters into your own hands.

There is also a chance of getting into an accident, so on this day it is better to be careful on the road. and not take any long trips.

It must be remembered that the Seven of Wands card is, first of all, a warning of trouble which can be avoided with active actions. The card calls not to wait, but to act, because luck favors brave, valiant people.

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