Arcana, meaning. “The Hermit” (tarot) in love, relationships, finances. Interpretation. The meaning of the arcana hermit in the upright and inverted position, in combination with other cards Hermit tarot Tota meaning

There are many card decks for fortune telling in the world. But the deck of the mystifier, esotericist and occultist Aleister Crowley, called the “Tarot of Thoth,” stands out especially among them.

It is filled with very deep symbolism, so it is simply impossible to ignore it. It is worth noting right away that the Thoth Tarot has a slightly different card meaning from the Rider-Waite deck, but at the same time it works no worse in fortune telling.

Main features of the Thoth Tarot

Today, Thoth Tarot cards have many ardent adherents and admirers.

Behind long years Since its existence, this deck of cards has gained trust among those who like to tell fortunes, thanks to its simplicity, understandability and accessibility. It is very easy to work with her and tune in to the same wavelength in order to get the necessary answers to the most necessary questions.

The deck was created by a truly unique tandem - the great esotericist Alex Crowley and artist Frieda Harris, who helped give the cards some mystery and symbolism.

Together they slightly changed the structure of the usual Tarot deck and developed their own method of fortune telling, naming the new deck after the ancient Egyptian deity Thoth, who personified wisdom.

Among key features Thoth decks, the following must be noted:

  • The arcana in the deck are arranged according to the suits, but only 3 of them correspond classic version(Swords, Wands and Cups), and the suit of Pentacles was replaced by Disks, representing the Earth;
  • the beginning of the deck is the zero arcanum called “The Fool”, which occupies the last place among the Major Arcana in the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot;
  • the names of some of the Major Arcana changed: Temperance became Art, Justice was replaced by Regulation, Strength was replaced by Lust, the place of Judgment was taken by Aeon, and the map of the World was replaced by the Universe;
  • The usual structure of court cards also changed: Princes replaced Knights, Princesses replaced Pages, and Knights took the place of Kings;
  • the numbering of the deck starts from zero, on which the lasso with the image of the Jester is located, the eighth place here is occupied by Regulation, and the eleventh by Lust.

It should also be noted that in Crowley's deck Minor Arcana They do not have particularly clear outlines of the plot, but they have no less original appearance and significant significance.

Most of the images in the Thoth deck contain a significant number of symbols from astrology, esotericism and alchemy. The color palette is also of particular importance in the deck.

In connection with it, any images, symbols, signs, colors and figures on absolutely every card have a special symbolism and purpose. Thanks to all of the above, this card deck requires very careful consideration and deep study.

Only in this case will she reveal all her secrets and will “work” in any fortune-telling with full dedication. Below we will take a closer look at the cards included in the Major Arcana category of the Thoth Tarot.


Looking at the image of the Thoth Tarot card called “The Fool”, you can see a tramp literally moving towards the edge of a cliff through the air.

Next to him on the map is a rather large and muscular tiger, which probably accompanies the tramp on his journey. But it also seems that she is biting his leg, as if warning him of some danger.

The main character of the card represents several archetypes at once:

  • the pagan Green Man, personifying spring;
  • Dionysus, god of ecstasy, inspiration and natural forces;
  • Egyptian Harpocrates or god of silence;
  • Parsifal, who set off on a long journey for the Holy Grail.

In addition to all of the above, the tramp on the map is often personified with the Holy Spirit, since two more characters on the map are located in close proximity to him - the Butterfly and the Dove. The solar disk, the Crocodile and the turns of the spiral are clearly visible on the map.

X Wheel of Fortune >>

IX Hermit

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Saturn in Aquarius as the desire for wisdom and independence.

The hermit is a card of detachment from the world, a path to oneself. This is a period of introversion, when we “close ourselves off” from external influences in order to find peace away from bustle and people and, most importantly, to find ourselves. Thus, the Hermit symbolizes important events that show us who we are, what we strive for and how to achieve it. It combines two poles: the deepest experiences and the highest knowledge. Many are afraid of this card, but in vain. Only where these qualities of the Hermit are misunderstood does the fear of loneliness and abandonment arise. However, the one who is ready to follow the call of the Hermit does not lose himself, but finds himself, gaining clarity, strength and the ability to get along with himself.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

The ninth card of the MAJOR ARCANA is called THE HERMIT and depicts an old man leaning on a staff and wearing a monastic cloak with a hood. This card is believed to depict Diogenes in search of an honest man. IN right hand HERMIT - a lamp partially hidden by the sleeve of a cloak. THE HERMIT hides ancient wisdom from the profane. The staff in his hand is a symbol of knowledge, which is the only support for a person. Sometimes the mystic staff is divided by knots into seven parts - a subtle analogy with the seven sacred centers of the human spine.
The HERMIT card reminds us of the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, symbolizing the closure of the highest and lower worlds, their similarity and unification. And since the higher and lower, inner and outer worlds are similar, in order to attune oneself to that light that is in heaven, a person is sometimes forced to retire into the depths of his own life. inner world.
On the Tarot card, the HERMIT is depicted with a hood pulled down over his face and holding a lantern in his hand. The sun is shining in the sky, but the HERMIT has turned his back on it: he prefers the flashlight of his inner light, which helps him awaken his personal desire for perfection. The spiritual perfection of the HERMIT leads to the comprehension of the primordial wisdom of the structure of the world. This card corresponds to the humble and selfless sign of Virgo and relates to concrete knowledge. Associated with the HERMIT is also the comprehension of the order of life manifestations and the mind of the will, that mind that prepares each individual individual for the conviction of universal universality and which encourages one to learn to control one’s consciousness and to cognize the sequence and order of the manifestations of the world.
A HERMIT searches for God within himself, he searches during the day with fire for that invisible foundation of his existence, in which lie the sources of life and the future. Knowledge leads to action, and for the time being the face of the HERMIT is hidden: he is silent until his aura has been cleansed and shines with a new light. The HERMIT must first illuminate his own soul with the beauty of order before it becomes a torch for others.
A HERMIT is characterized by a desire to escape from life, to withdraw into himself, but the reason for this is not fear, but a thirst for knowledge and finding oneself.
This is not the Charioteer who is looking for himself in outside world, doing things, but a solitary exploration of the well of your soul.
A HERMIT is characterized by inner depth, seriousness of thoughts and... secret vices, not to mention such manifestations as ossification, rigidity and alienation from people.
The ninth ARCAN is comparable to the sign of Virgo - the sign of organizing the internal resources of the present in order to create favorable soil for the future, with its thirst for service and dedication and - incredibly dirty depravity. Sometimes these properties are combined in one personality.

IN upright position the card symbolizes the search for spiritual values ​​and deepening into one’s inner world, as well as balance, caution and prudence. Sometimes it indicates caution and isolation from life. But circumstances may also develop in such a way that temporary loneliness can lead to a better life.

In the reversed position, the card indicates that light may have descended on you. You have found a teacher and there is no need for you to wander around during the day with fire in search of a Man. Signals independent achievement of a goal and an emotional connection with a spiritual and very wise person. But (depending on neighboring cards) it can also mean refusal to help, stubbornness, suspicion, continuation of an unproductive lifestyle, as well as unnecessary secrecy and caution.

“Prudence is the weapon of a sage. Prudence gives him the opportunity to avoid pitfalls and anticipate betrayal. Always be cautious. Remember that the word is silver, but silence is gold.”

IX. Hermit

Main meaning:

Reflections on the main thing. Determining your position. Privacy. Seriousness. Care. Understanding the essence of things. Life experience.


Mature ideas. Desire for reliability. Realizing your true calling. Choosing a path. Withdrawal from professional activities. Transferring accumulated experience to others.


Knowing yourself and standing up for yourself.

Personal relationships:

Serious perception, mature attitude. Honesty with yourself. Reluctance to make cheap compromises. Temporary care in order to sort out your feelings or a conscious desire to be alone.


Let it mature, take yourself seriously.


Bitterness, bitterness, unjustified loneliness, detachment from the “not of this world” series.

General value:

The images of this card speak of the need to retire for a while and determine your position. It is time for your ego to adapt to the changing demands of life. That is why you need to step away from the hustle and bustle and understand what connects you with life and what your goals and desires are. During this period, you learn humility and acceptance of your own ephemerality. This is a time of reflection and turning to oneself.

Atu IX – The Hermit - Lon Milo Duquette

From the book by L.M. Duquette "Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot"

Prophet of Eternity
Mage of the Voice of the Force
Virgo Zodiac Arcana
Ruler - Mercury, exalted planet - Mercury
Initial composition: an old man in a cloak with a hood, walking with a staff and a lantern. The Royal Serpent Uraeus, rising on its tail, moves in front of him

Path of the Tree of Life: 20th, connecting Hesed (Mercy) with Tiphareth (Beauty)
Colors: green (yellowish); bluish-gray; greenish-gray; plum.

“Wander alone; bring the Light
and your Staff! And let your Light be so bright that no man can see you.
Don’t give in to anything, either from the outside or from the inside:
always keep Silence!

“Why didn’t you like my question about the egg? Is it because you don’t know the answer?”- from a letter from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley, November 30, 1939.

You are probably already tired of listening to my enthusiasm about the special virtues inherent in the element of earth. You probably think that you have already heard enough about the unique way in which the humble earth is connected with the spirit and how it contributes to the revival of the highest of the highest, due to the simple fact that it itself is the lowest of the low.

But even so, get ready to hear some more, because we're not really done yet. Moreover, I intend to pill you again and again with this dogma, which Crowley calls the rule of the “ultimate degree of Descent into Matter.” . Why do I think that I can’t do without this medicine? Well, firstly, because it will help you understand the living essence of the Tarot. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that you personally and there is that very extreme degree of descent into matter.

In this book I have tried to organize the material in such a way that by the time you encounter the last card of the Tarot, the Ten of Disks, you will have already mastered all the occult knowledge necessary to comprehend the great magical work taking place in it - a process that Crowley calls “the way of completing the Great Work.” .

I'm sure you won't do this, but if you did look at the end of the book and read the section on the Ten of Disks, you would learn (albeit prematurely) that the three main cosmic characters responsible for this "completion of the Great Work" - Earth, Mercury and the Sun. And, in essence, there is nothing to be surprised here. In the end, the Earth is that special element, the lowest of the low, about which you are already a little tired of hearing; Tarot is the realm of Thoth/Mercury; and the Sun is the secret seed of universal life, which we suspected important role even from the moment they noticed that it was shining on the loins of the Fool. And the first strategically important meeting of the Earth, Mercury and the Sun takes place precisely in Atu IX, “The Hermit”.

Look how gracefully these three came together in The Hermit characters: the card itself corresponds to the sign of Virgo; Virgo is a mutable Earth sign; it is also the abode and sign of the exaltation of Mercury; and finally, the Hermit carries a lantern with the Sun, illuminating the world with its radiance. It's that simple.

We have already met the Hermit once: it was he who was depicted as the hooded figure who officiates the royal wedding in Atu VI, “The Lovers.” The Hermit's gender is ambiguous, but at the same time, he is definitely a “he” and he personifies an important aspect of male creative energy. The Hebrew letter corresponding to the sign of Virgo and the Hermit is Yod, the tenth letter of the alphabet and the first and main letter of the Tetragrammaton. Yod, this tiny flame, actually represents the basis of the entire Hebrew alphabet. This is the starting element from which all other letters are created. As the hidden seed of the alphabet, Yod also symbolizes the mystery of the male seed, main secret fertilization. (See how the Hermit looks at the Orphic Egg? If I were that egg, I would be nervous!) “This arcana shows the whole mystery of Life in its most secret processes,” says Crowley .

This is true, although let's not forget that Crowley did not live to see the discovery of DNA, so his ideas about biology were imperfect and based on outdated theories and hypotheses. And, nevertheless, on this map there are many images that are perfectly consistent with the latest scientific discoveries. It's a no brainer that the Hermit is full of deep ideas. But let's see how Frieda Harris implements these ideas technically.

Firstly, the figure of the Hermit itself is a huge stylized Yod. The Hermit has the head of an ibis - like Thoth/Mercury. Besides his head, only one part of his body is visible - his hand (in Hebrew - Yod). It stands in the middle of a fertile wheat field. Ears filled with grain are again associated with male seed. In the Hermit's hand is a lantern in which the Sun shines. Following on his heels is the three-headed dog Cerberus, the gatekeeper underworld. Hermes/Mercury fed this dog honey cakes when he descended into Hades to rescue Persephone.

But the most mysterious image of this card is the “stem” in the lower left corner, resembling a sperm. In fact, this is nothing more than a depiction of a homunculus, dating back to a drawing by Nicholas Hartsucker (1694), a famous proponent of the long-debunked theory of animalculism . If you look carefully at this “stem”, you will see that at the top of it there is a large-headed child curled up in the fetal position. Although incorrect from a biological point of view, this theory is nevertheless consistent with the more universal magical principle: as above, so below.

The Hermit card is useful to consider in combination with Atu XV “Devil”.


Crowley, 777 and Other Qabalistic Writngs, Column CLXXXI, p. 34. - Note L.M. Duquette.
. The Book of Thoth, p. 257. - Note L.M. Duquette.
. The Book of Thoth, p. 89. - Note L.M. Duquette.
. The Book of Thoth, p. 89. - Note L.M. Duquette.
. The Book of Thoth, p. 89. - Note L.M. Duquette.
. Hartsoeker Nicholas (1656-1725) - Dutch physicist; improved the microscope with which he discovered spermatozoa. - Note translation.
. A variation on the outdated theory of preformation, according to which adults develop from fully formed microscopic prototypes (animalcules) contained in male reproductive cells. - Note L.M. Duquette.

Lon Milo Duquette. Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot. Weiser Books, 2003.
Translation: Anna Blaze, 2007.

Aleister Crowley "BOOK OF THOTH"


This card corresponds, therefore, to the hand, which is primarily a tool or tool, visible in the very center of the picture. The letter Yod is the basis of all other letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are only combinations of its various forms.

Yod is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, symbolizing the Father, who is Wisdom; he is the highest form of Mercury, the Logos, the Creator of all worlds. Accordingly, his representative in physical life- sperm; that's why the card is called "The Hermit".

The Hermit's figure itself resembles the letter Yod, and the color of his clothing is the color of Binah in which he is gestated. In his hand he holds a Lamp, in the center of which is the Sun, depicted as similar to the Sigil of the great King of Fire (Yod is the secret Fire). He appears to be contemplating an Orphic egg of a greenish color - perhaps even worshiping it, since it signifies the Universe. The snake coiled around the egg is multicolored; this is an indication of the iridescence of Mercury. For he not only creates, but is also the fluid essence of Light, that is, the life of the Universe.

Thus the highest symbolic meaning of this card is Fertility in the most sublime sense, and this is reflected in the card's association with the sign Virgo, representing another aspect of the same quality. Virgo is an earthly sign and is associated with Grain, so the background of the card is a wheat field.

Virgo represents the lowest, most receptive, most feminine form of the Earth and forms the crust above Hades. The sign of Virgo is not only ruled by Mercury - Mercury is also exalted in it. Compare with the Ten of Disks and remember the general doctrine that the culmination of the Descent into Matter is the signal for rebirth in Spirit. This is the Princess Formula, and this is how the Great Work is accomplished.

This card brings to mind the legend of Persephone, and it contains a teaching. In Mercury is hidden a light that equally penetrates all parts of the Universe; one of the titles of Mercury is Psychopomp, a guide of souls through the lower spheres. These qualities are indicated by his serpentine rod, which actually grows from the Abyss; it is a spermatozoon that has developed as a poison and manifests the embryo. Mercury is followed by Cerberus, the three-headed Hellish Dog, pacified by him. This Trump shows the whole mystery of Life in its most secret works. Iodine = Phallus = Spermatozoon = Hand = Logos = Virgo. It is not mere Equivalence, but a perfect Identity of Limits, Manifestation and Method.


Virgo, finding your own light, moving inward, completion, harvesting, being in your own center, wise leader.

The hermit went out in search of inner fulfillment and found the light within. He is so filled with the richness of the inner world that the outer world seems colorless and insignificant. When you rest within yourself, you have come home. There is no point in chasing the deceptive light of what is external and transitory.

However, the journey within also has difficult and troubling aspects. You need courage and self-confidence to undertake such a journey, for before you reach the light you seek, you are led through the apparently dangerous worlds of your own shadow. They are presented on the map poisonous snake and the three-headed dog of hell, Cerberus. Two heads of Cerberus look forward, one - back. His attention is partially directed back to make sure that all important details are brought to completion. All unfinished business must be taken care of before existing energies can be applied to new ones. The integration of the animal into us is also a precondition for the emergence of a full-fledged, integral Being.

The transformative light of inner clarity fills little by little all levels of his being. The sheaves ripen, the fruits of his submission to the inner “I” become visible. The grain can be harvested and shared with others. One who has found the inner reality can share the experience of transformation with other seekers.

Others do not really respect the Hermit, he is rarely understood. This is an individual who hears a different drum, but is satisfied only with relationships that offer a union of deep levels. If this is not possible, the Hermit prefers to remain alone.

This card encourages you to cultivate your inner wisdom and gather with others who will support you on your chosen path. The goal of this path is to find your inner voice and learn to listen to it. Discover your inner leader and get to know your inner healer well.


Accept your loneliness. Don't worry about people who don't understand you, who would rather try to make you part of the herd. If you meet a wise leader or teacher, join her or him.


Are there any unresolved situations or relationships in your life?


Make a list of all the situations that you now want to resolve or somehow bring to completion. Anyone who goes in search of inner light should not be burdened with unresolved conflicts. Scores must be settled.


I enjoy my solitude. I can stop being alone whenever I want.

Arcana Hermit

Compliance with "Liber 777":

The letter is iodine.

The meaning of the letter is hand.

The ruler is Virgo.

Position on the tree – Chesed – Tiphareth.

Colors are green-yellowish and slate gray.

Egyptian gods are Isis (in the aspect of a virgin) and Heru-pa-kraat.

Indian gods - the shepherdess Gopi and the lord of yoga.

Meditation is a bloated corpse.

Greek gods - Atys.

Roman gods - Ceres, Adonis.

Animals - any lonely animal ( see steppenwolf).

Plants – snowdrop, lily, daffodil.

Precious stones – peridot, olivine.

Magic weapons - lamp and wand.

Aromas - narcissus.

Magical powers - invisibility, virgin birth.

The human body is the back.

Mythical creatures - mermaids.

Diseases in case of improper operation - weakness of the spine, paralysis.

Wander alone, carrying the Light and your Staff.

And let the Light be so bright that not a single person will see you.

Let nothing outside or inside touch you, keep Silence always.

Enlightenment from within, a secret inner impulse;

practical plans arising from it.

Disqualification from current events.

Possible meanings for divination: “Enlightenment from within, a secret internal impulse, practical plans arising from it. Suspension from active participation in current events" (Aleister Crowley, "The Book of Thoth").

Loneliness, alienation, solitude, isolation, strangeness. Each of these words has its own connotation, but at the same time they belong to the same archetype, just as madness and genius are so close that they sometimes turn into each other. The madman and the genius are always misunderstood and lonely; the two extreme poles turn out to be equally cold.

The experience of loneliness, isolation (negative) or solitude, chosenness, otherness (positive) equally correspond to the archetype of the ninth arcana - the Hermit or the path of yod.

Let's look closely at the image - a flash of light coming from the center fills the map with its rays in all directions. The sperm is directed from the bottom of the card to its center. In the background we see an old man in a red robe with his back turned, towards whom small ears of wheat are directed from all sides. On the left half of the card there is a small egg entwined with a serpent, which, like the sperm, symbolizes the embryo of a new life. Just above the flash in the very center of the card there is a hand holding a lantern, light emanates from it in all directions.

The correspondence to the Hermit, which Crowley insistently points out, is sperm, seed. Let's try to understand what this means in this context. We know that the loneliest people are geniuses, because they carry new ideas, knowledge, and worldviews. Genius is alien to this world because, like a seed thrown from the world of spirit into the world of matter, it already carries within itself the germ of the future. And, like a seed that fell into the ground (see the Death lasso), he must die, giving up himself, so that the seed can germinate - as one magician said, “what is the use if the seeds, falling into the ground, do not die, but remain the same” . This sentiment was best expressed by the poet Dmitry Merezhkovsky:

We sense the unknown.

Our speeches are bold,

But they are doomed to death,

Too early forerunners

Too slow spring.

Try to imagine how painful the loneliness of Leonardo Da Vinci, who was unable to explain even a hundredth part of his knowledge even to his closest students. What a terrible abyss of loneliness opens up under the feet of anyone who is ahead of his time and carries the future within himself!

That is why modern life perceives a genius as a threat to itself, as a potential murderer, and seeks to neutralize it, even to the point of physical destruction. Socrates, Jan Hus and many poets and philosophers who perished in prisons and concentration camps - shining example this pattern. The stronger the potential of the new, the more the present fears this new as its killer. New life- it is always a revolution against the life of the past.

The time when the new is in a latent state is the time of the Hermit. The pregnant maiden of the apocalypse, who fled into the desert from the dragon, Rhea, nursing the infant Zeus, Mary, who went to Egypt to escape Herod - these archetypal figures are directly related to the lasso of the Hermit. The basic correspondence of the lasso is the constellation Virgo. The logic of this correspondence is obvious: the maid, virginity, loneliness, pathogenesis, the virgin birth - an archetypal symbol that exists in all cultures, but is still interpreted in an extremely primitive way. The Immaculate Conception is, in essence, similar to bhadi yoga: the practitioner is identified with feminine qualities (passivity, receptivity) and conceives from the spiritual sun-phallus the embryo of a new being, an idea, a symbol.

Associated with the Virgo archetype is the idea of ​​hermeticity. Magical hermeticity - that is, isolation from all influences of the outside world - is prerequisite for the great work of alchemy. This is how it sounds translated into psychological language in the work of Carl Gustav Jung: “Take the unconscious in the most suitable form (say, in the form of a spontaneous fantasy, a dream, a strong emotion) and operate on it. Give it special attention, focus on it and objectively monitor the changes taking place. Dedicate all your energy to solving this problem, carefully observe the process of transformation of spontaneous fantasy. The most important thing is: don’t let anything from the outside world get into her, because she already has everything she needs.” (K. G. Jung “The Mystery of Unification”) It is the virgin who is a symbol of energy directed deep into oneself, introspection, solitude and introversion in general.

Therefore, the Hermit’s cloak can be correlated with a hermetic vessel, a crucible, in which great work takes place.

If in his youth, before the crisis, Jung considered introversion of the libido to be a neurotic phenomenon, then, having gone through a mid-life crisis, he completely changed his mind, and by the end of his life, in the eyes of those around him, he himself was the archetype of the Hermit - the “wise old man from Xanth”, who had retired to his own place. the tower he built.

In this regard, it is especially interesting to analyze the image of a lamp or in other, more ancient Tarots, candles. The candlelight path is a very important archetype of individuation, indicating that this person is the Chosen One and is involved in the hermit archetype. Please pay attention to Jung's dream, which, in his own words, became his “epiphany”:

“Then I saw an unforgettable dream, which both frightened me and encouraged me. In it, I found myself in an unfamiliar place and slowly walked forward in thick fog towards a strong, almost hurricane-force wind. In my hands I held a small light that could go out at any moment. And everything depended on whether I would save his life. Suddenly I felt that someone was following me and, looking back, I saw a huge black figure. She followed on my heels. And at that very moment, despite the horror that gripped me, I realized that I had to go and, despite all the dangers, carry through and save my little light. When I woke up, I realized that this “Broken ghost” was just my own shadow on the cloud, created by the play of light from that light. I also realized that this light - the only light I possessed - was my consciousness, my only treasure. And even though fire is small and weak in comparison with the forces of darkness, it is still light, my only light.”

We can find the same motive in Andrei Tarkovsky’s film “Nostalgia”. The hero must cross a dry pool with strange fumes, carrying a lit candle.

This symbol essentially answers our question about the meaning human life, and, what is especially important, the answer is given not at the level of another philosophical dogma, but at a deep symbolic level that penetrates to the very center. I think that meditation on the Hermit should be built based on these symbols.

The hermit is an introverted model of a creator, artist, poet, who has a source of inspiration within himself. However, this source can also be located in the outside world, which will correspond to the 11th lasso.

Yod corresponds to fire and the begetting father in all magical formulas. “Yod is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, symbolizing the Father who is Wisdom; he is the highest form of Mercury, Logos, Creator of all worlds” (A. Crowley “The Book of Thoth”). As has already been said, this correspondence is not accidental and falls completely within Crowley’s system. In one of Alistair’s Gnostic hymns to the secret father, the following lines sound: “The hidden source of existence, unknown, alienated and lonely. You are the flame of truth in the reed, the one who conceives and gives birth.” In many myths, a single god (first principle) creates other gods and the world from himself in order to overcome his loneliness (brahman). In fact, if we assume for a moment the possibility of the existence of some kind of superintelligence, the only thing that can be said about it objectively is that it will in fact be alone.

The idea associated with the yod path is the idea of ​​uniqueness, uniqueness, and even chosenness. The one who is chosen is always alone. I think there is no point in explaining this axiom.

Plants corresponding to the Hermit are lily, snowdrop and daffodil. The logic of the correspondence is obvious: the lily symbolizes virginity, the snowdrop, being the first flower, is like the seed from which spring is born, and the name “narcissus” has become a common noun - narcissistic in psychoanalysis refers to any autoerotic and autistic tendencies in the psyche. The correspondences from the animal world are no less remarkable, for according to the tables, any single animal can correspond to the yod path. Hermann Hesse, calling his novel, which became a symbol of loners, nonconformist seekers, “Steppenwolf,” fully confirmed this thesis.

The shadow side of the Hermit archetype is neurotic alienation in its illusions, which do not allow one to enter into full contact with life. The candle should be carried through the storm, and not hidden under the table and burned out in safe conditions. If the genius is lonely because he transcends the world and already belongs to the future, then the neurotic is lonely because he belongs to the past. The neurotic is a “monkey of genius,” copying the tragedy of a genius, but in his performance the tragedy turns into a farce. False foolishness and pretentious speeches about loneliness are generated by the shadow aspect of the Hermit, which is in many ways related to the path of the meme. Remember Grebenshchikov: “Each of them will kill if you touch his melancholy with a finger”? This aspect will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on the Hanged Man.

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