Find a new job conspiracy. Conspiracies to take on a highly paid job. Conspiracy to find a good job for the son

Strong conspiracies and rituals for good luck in work + for various necessary ...

1. Pathetic appearance.
2. Know-it-all manners.
3. Inability to speak, uncivilized speech, weak voice, poor diction.
4. Lack of a career plan and a clear goal.
5. Lack of sincerity AND poise ...

6. Lack of interest and enthusiasm.
7. Inability to participate in cases, except for the stipulated schedule.
8. Obsessed with money: only interested in higher pay.
9. Poor academic performance
10. Unwillingness to start from the bottom. Wants too much at once.
11. The desire for self-justification, evasiveness, references to adverse factors
12. Lack of tact.
13. Lack of maturity.
14. Lack of politeness.
15. Contemptuous reviews of previous employers.
16. Inability to navigate in society.
17. Expressed unwillingness to study
18. Insufficient liveliness.
19. Reluctance to look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
20. A sluggish handshake.
21. Indecision.
22. Lounging while on vacation.
23. Unsuccessful family life.
24. Bad relationship with parents.
25. Sloppy handling.
26. Desire to just settle down.
27. Desire to get a job for a while.
28. Lack of sense of humor.
29. Little knowledge in the specialty.

30. Lack of independence.
31. Lack of interest in a firm or industry
32. Emphasizing your acquaintances.
33. Unwillingness to go where needed.
34. Cynicism.
35. Low morale.
36. Laziness.
37. Intolerance with highly developed prejudices.
38. Narrowness of interests.
39. Inability to value time. For example, he watches a lot of TV or plays cards.
40. Poor self-management.
41. Lack of interest in public life.
42. Inability to take criticism.
43. Lack of understanding of the value of experience
44. Radical ideas.
45. Being late for an interview without a good reason.
46. ​​Absence of any information about the company - employer
47. Bad manners (does not thank the interlocutor for the attention paid).
48. Lack of questions about work to a potential employer.
49. Strongly pressing type
50. Uncertainty of answers to questions.


The spell helps during the period of searching and getting a job.
It is best to start on the night of the new moon.
You will need: your astrological candle, two brown candles, one green candle, incense stick (cinnamon), cinnamon scented oil.
Light an incense stick, grease all candles with cinnamon oil. Lubricate from wick to base. Candles should be in a safe place where no one can extinguish them, there are no drafts, jumping animals, etc. They will have to burn out completely, never going out.
Place one of the brown candles in the center, a green candle to the right of it, and an astral candle to the left. Light the astral candle first and say:

I'm asking for the changes I need:
open my way
Open my eyes.

Light a green candle and say:

Great Gods, give me good luck and wealth, come to me with help.

Light the brown candle and say:

I see new opportunities, work, awards and success.
So it is and so it will be.

Let the candles burn out. Every night for a week, light a second brown candle for nine minutes, during which time look at the fire. This will help to achieve harmony and balance. If it is difficult for you to calculate the burning of a candle for exactly seven days (or the size of the candle does not allow), burn it for nine minutes every night, until it burns out completely.
Throughout this period, actively engage in job search.


Allows you to get a specific job you need, or a job in your field of activity.
To do on the first night of the growing moon, immediately after the new moon.
You will need: green candle, Bay leaf(preferably with berries), pine oil or bergamot oil, fine paper bill, sheet of white paper.
Set fire to a few bay leaves in a metal or clay bowl. For better burning, you can mix them with matches and small paper.
On the candle at the top, scratch with a knife the name or type of the work you need, under this, below, scratch the arrow with the point down. Scribe a dollar sign under the arrow. Below this, draw a second arrow point down, then write your name below it. Lubricate the candle with oil, at this time concentrate on the thought of the desired work.

On a piece of paper, write the amount of the desired income, but do not write unrealistic amounts! Put a note under the candle (if the candle is in the candlestick, then not under it, but under the candle). Light a candle, look at the fire for a while, try to imagine in detail how you get this particular job, or a job in your area of ​​interest.
Then say: Money flows from you to me
all my financial troubles will go away,
I'll get this job no later than the full moon.

Let the candle burn completely, burn the note in the bowl where the leaves burned, if it does not light up from the candle. Wrap the remnants of a candle, wick, ashes from leaves and notes in a bill and carry it with you as a talisman. Look for this job on the Wednesday before the full moon. Of course, you can look for this job during the entire period of the growing moon, but do not be surprised if you get it on Wednesday.


Ritual "Help of the Lord of Karma"

If you VERY dislike something in your life, but you DO NOT KNOW how to get rid of it, how to change your life, then this ritual will help you.

The ritual should be performed in the phase of the black moon (new moon), for the greatest effect - three nights in a row (28th, 29 (30) - th, 1st lunar days).
For the ritual you need:

black candle in a candlestick

patchouli incense,

black or dark coat


music that helps to immerse yourself,

an altar (table, stool) and an armchair.

Preparation for the ritual.

There are few on this day. After sunset or at night, set up an altar in front of the chair. Take a bath, put on a bathrobe, don't talk to anyone. Turn on music to immerse yourself. Light the incense, go around the room with it counterclockwise. Put on the altar, light a candle, go around the room with it against the clock. Put on the altar. Turn off the light, sit in the chair in front of the altar, put on the hood. Relax, immerse yourself.

Ritual of meditation.

1. Imagine yourself in a narrow tunnel inside the rock, illuminated by lamps on the walls. Singing is heard in the distance, go to the sound.

2. Go out into a large room, in the center of which there is a huge cauldron, two rows of tall candles lead to it. Behind the cauldron there is a throne made of black stone, on it sits a tall figure in a black cloak with a sword in his hands. The figure beckons to come, to stop in front of the cauldron.

3. The figure will ask a question. Clearly articulate why you came here, what you want to change in life, why you are dissatisfied with the current situation. But you can’t say how you want to see the process of change - you just don’t like it. Listen to the answer from the deity.

4. You may be asked to enter the cauldron. If you decide to enter the cauldron, then (item 5)

5. Upon exiting the cauldron, they may show symbols or objects that matter to you. Remember them, even if the meaning is not clear.

6. The deity makes a sign with a sword, and you quickly rush back through the tunnel. Enter normal state think about what you see, about your feelings.

7. At the end of the ritual, go around the room with a candle clockwise, also with incense. Extinguish the candle until the next time (on the second and third night, or leave to burn out if this is the last night), leave the incense to burn out to the end. Write down your visions, think about them until the full moon, when you can already see the changes.


Read in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening three times, facing east, open the window: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May my mother be Holy Mother of God.You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave vitriol to drink, put a wreath of thorns on her head.

He carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and save. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Cover me with your veil.

Jesus Christ, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Wonderworker I beg you… (state your request here in your own words). Amen. Amen. Amen.


Take a green candle, set it in a glass with some orange juice (squeeze one orange) and light it. Put a glass with a candle on the floor. Jump over the burning candle while saying the words:

MORAE, you who weave the fabric of fate,
Give me luck
Remove evil from my destiny.

When the candle burns to the surface of the juice and goes out, collect the remaining wax, wrap it in a white cloth and put it in your pocket. The symbols formed on the surface of the wax (such as the sun, or any other) will help you find good luck or attract it to you.

Spell for good luck and success.

Full moon.
You will need: your astral candle, 1 gray candle, 1 black candle, 1 orange candle.
Light the astral candle and say:

This is me in all my affairs.

Light a black candle and say:

These are all the failures that stand in my way.
Difficulties, disappointments and tears - all this goes away forever.

Light a gray candle and say:

All my failures, everything that was bad, burns out and melts like this candle.

Light the orange candle and say:

It is the energy coming towards me that gives my life movement and accelerates change.

Sit quietly and comfortably, visualize how negative energy one of you is drawn in, enters the gray candle and turns into nothing, neutralizes and disappears. As from an orange candle, the energy of goodness, good luck and new opportunities is “drawn out”, air jets coming from the candle to you.
Let the candles burn out completely.

Ritual for WIN in gambling.

Buy on Monday or Thursday on the growing moon any lottery ticket (not for the game).
Brew the mint herb and cinnamon powder.
Sprinkle the purchased lottery ticket with the resulting infusion, dry it and brush it with “luck” oil, the recipe of which is just below.
Luck oil recipe:
mint - 7 drops,
lemon - 7 drops,
cinnamon - 9 drops,
sandalwood - 5 drops,
pine - 3 drops,
patchouli - 3 drops,
dill - 1 drop.
Carry a lottery ticket with you when you go to the casino or just when you buy lottery tickets to play.
All the components that are needed for the ritual can be bought at any pharmacy. They are quite inexpensive. And buy a lottery ticket in places specially designated for their sale.


Read in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening three times, facing east, open the window: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May my mother be the Most Holy Theotokos. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave vitriol to drink, put a wreath of thorns on her head.
Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands.
He carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and save. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Cover me with your veil.

Deliver me, a servant of God (name), From all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases. From a creeping snake, from a running beast. From a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood.
From all the enemies visible and invisible. From the bag, from prison, from the courts. Here came Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Carried a saving bow, To save me, a servant of God (name), From all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases,
From a creeping snake, from a running beast, From a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From a scrip, from prison, from courts.
Jesus Christ, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you ... (state your request here in your own words). Amen. Amen. Amen.

Many people in modern world, in an unstable economic environment, are concerned about how to make work both pleasant for the soul and bring money. Help can be obtained from where you do not expect - from conspiracies.

There are several directions of employment-related conspiracies: help in obtaining the desired vacancy, in order to be accepted to a higher position, to find a job for a son, to accompany good luck in career growth.

Belief in the result and the power of the word is one of the most important conditions when working with magical texts, otherwise the goal will not be achieved, since with your uncertainty you can “devalue” all the work done, and the consequences can be unpredictable.

For conspiracies new job need the moon in the growth phase. Wednesday is a strong day for monetary energy, Saturday is suitable for reading conspiracies for good luck in work.

Another condition for working with magical texts is the observance of secrecy. Even having received the desired, one should not talk about the methods used to achieve the goal.

Finding a good job or returning to your old job

A person can help not only himself in finding a good job, but also close people, for example, a husband. 7 times you need to read the words for food:

“Sharing my strength and my light. Let the dear heart find what he is looking for. Let him find what he wants and attract happiness. His soul will rejoice, and my soul will rejoice. My plot is strong, like my love "

After reading the plot, serve the dish to someone who needs help. These same words will help you get back to your old job.

You can help yourself with employment by using the text below:

I whisper-whisper: God's servant (name) will have good luck on the road, success in work. Wherever I go, I will find a job there. I can’t see failures, I can’t hear the word “no”. Amen!

It is recited seven times on a white handkerchief bought. The ritual is performed during the New Moon period or when the moon is growing. Carry a scarf with you, it will play the role of a talisman and help you solve problems with finding a job in the coming days.

Conspiracy to work with a high salary

If a person sets the goal of getting a highly paid job without taking into account getting satisfaction from doing what they love, a conspiracy that is read once per reading will do):

“Belun-father, scatter coins from your bag in front of me. Serve and earn. I ask not for gifts, I ask for a well-deserved one, help me find a job on the shoulder and moshne "

Spell for a successful interview

If options for a new job already exist and a person was invited for an interview, in order for a person to be hired, one must say immediately before the interview three times:

“I go to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to get hired and show myself to the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile and be touched by my words. He will not be able to drive away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus, our God, have mercy on us all at any hour. Amen"

Conspiracy for a successful career

In order for things to work out in the workplace, the beginning of a career was successful, they read a conspiracy for good luck at work:

“I go like a successful hunter, I will enter like a brave merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, I have stairs everywhere. Who, maybe others, is lower, but I am everywhere and always above everyone. Let me be loved and revered, they invite me to a high position. All the words I said, be strong and sculpt. Amen".

It is read for several days in a row, but not at the workplace, but on the way to work or at home. This conspiracy can also be used for trouble at work.

Conspiracy for a picky boss

If the chief finds fault, the following words are uttered to him once in the back:

“I have lips, I have teeth. With my lips - I eat away, with my teeth - I gnaw out all kinds of evil and all sorts of nit-picking. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Conspiracy from envious people at work

It rarely happens when the team is quiet and peaceful. There will always be an envious or evil-minded colleague. From enemies at work, the following actions apply:

  • Honey is bought on Wednesday. When buying with the seller, do not bargain;
  • On the day of the New Moon, dissolve honey in water and read the text in the process of dissolution:
  • “People fall for him. Let everyone love me the same way, feed me with bread and salt. They let them into the house, they put them at the table, they pour sweet wine and serve magnificent pies. They kiss on the lips and cheeks, pamper with caress. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"
  • Received honey water wash the face for 12 days without a break

Conspiracy to increase salary or receive a bonus

There are situations when a person likes his work, but the management is not going to raise wages. In this case, the magic words for a pay increase are read.


Job that promises good earnings and promotion career ladder, desired by almost everyone, but finding it can be considered a real gift of fate, which is given into the hands of far from everyone. For some, both a career and decent pay remain an unrealizable dream, and all their lives they have to adapt to the whims of employers and listen to unjustified attacks.

If you can’t find a worthy place in life, a conspiracy that attracts good luck when looking for work or already in employment can serve as a good help. Such a ceremony will allow you to achieve both a good salary and a proper assessment of your merits. You can find a new job or win over a previously strict boss, as well as quickly earn the trust of the team and enjoy authority from subordinates and colleagues.

Recommendations for conducting rituals to find a good job

To maximize the effect of ongoing conspiracies, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

The time of the ceremony. Since the ritual is expected to increase income, promotion and increase the authority of a person, then all conspiracies for good luck when applying for a job should be carried out only on the growing moon. So the night luminary itself should have an impact on the course of the process, and if you want a speedy career growth and occupy a high position, the ritual is held on Saturday. It is this day that can have the strongest influence on the fate of a person and set its course in the right direction. If a person wants a stable or growing income, then the plan can be achieved after the rite held on Wednesday. This day of the week is responsible for the material condition, so everything money rituals committed on Wednesday can give the most significant result.

Persistent faith of a person in the strength of the ceremony. Whatever is done in order to get a good meta job, whatever prayers are said before an interview in a company or when submitting documents, they must be accompanied by a sincere belief in the positive consequences of rituals. If there are any fears or doubts about the correctness of actions, then it is better to immediately abandon the conspiracy, with such an attitude it will still be of little use. All doubts and groundless fears only create an emotional and psychological block on the path to success and do not allow all the desires of a person to come true.

Complete privacy. The conspiracy should be carried out, adhering to all the rules, among which there is a requirement not to disclose the details of the ceremony. If strangers find out about the rite, this will not only reduce or stop its effect, but it can also turn against the person conducting it, becoming not a help in a career, but the cause of its collapse.

If you follow all the rules and believe in yourself, then magical rituals will become a good assistant on the way to a good salary, to a career and respect from colleagues and management.

A ritual for good luck in your job search

Conspiracies that attract good luck in employment can turn out to be not only a means to help you get a stable profitable job, but also an elixir that will change a person’s life, saving him from excessive self-doubt, from doubts about the correctness of decisions made and from haunting failures.

Both prayer and conspiracy give a good emotional charge and inspire confidence that success is just around the corner. Therefore, if you can’t find a job or get a promotion in any way, you should not wait for the weather by the sea. Need to apply for magical help to conspiracies designed to bring good luck.

A conspiracy for a handkerchief

To be hired for the desired job, you can conduct a fairly simple ceremony with a handkerchief. When the month outside the window begins to grow, you need to purchase a handkerchief exclusively white color and on the same day to speak it:

“I whisper, I whisper, the servant of God (name) will have good luck on the road, success in work. Wherever I go, there I will find a job. Do not see me failures, do not hear the word "no". Amen!"

The plot is read three times, and then they always carry a scarf with them. In order for the amulet resulting from the conspiracy to begin to act, a month is enough. Sometimes what you want can be achieved even earlier.

Ritual for Success

Siberian healers use their ritual to speed up the fulfillment of desires, including when applying for a job. The value of this rite is that many generations have already tested its effectiveness and found their calling.

Every day, at sunrise, the following plot is read:

“God help, Jesus save! Help solve my problem, Find a job, get money! Fix my life, get success! Amen!"

The ceremony should be carried out daily until the plan comes true, and the person does not get the desired job to work. We can say with confidence that within the next month everything will turn out as well as possible.

Ceremony for the choice of an employee

If all interesting vacancies are sent

resume and it remains only to wait for employers to respond to a person’s offer of their services, you can conduct a ritual that contributes to obtaining new position. This conspiracy is designed to facilitate a conversation with the future leader. Therefore, you should read it on the way to the interview:

"I'm walking along the road, new life I'm coming! The owner liked me, he liked my face, I liked my character, I was surprised by my performance. So that everyone is touched, surprised and not overjoyed! God help me, give me strength, confidence and good luck! Amen!"

They read the plot seven times, and after that it will become a reliable defense at the interview, give strength and inspire confidence in a positive decision.

Magic ritual for water

This strong conspiracy work is prescribed by Vanga herself and acts extremely quickly, helping to get hired as soon as possible desired position. To conduct the ceremony, you need to take a glass filled with holy water, on which the plot of the legendary Vanga is read:

“Power of water, help me! So that gold merchants take me to their work, So that they don’t offend me with gold, but don’t deprive me of attention. I will show myself as the best master of all masters, the best connoisseur of all connoisseurs. Everyone will rejoice and marvel at me, Bestow gold and honors! Amen!"

The words are repeated three times, and then the water that has just been spoken is drunk. If everything is done correctly, you will not have to wait long for the accomplishment of everything planned.

Ritual for career advancement

If there is work, but you want to achieve more and move up the career ladder, then you can conduct a ceremony for success. It's a shame when a talented employee does not receive the attention of his superiors for a long time, performing routine work that has long been mastered. It is for this situation that a simple but effective ritual is suitable, which is performed on a waning month, at midnight on Sunday.

Several not the smallest coins are poured into a pre-purchased handkerchief, while saying the following words:

“I don’t put coins, but I give ransom!”

Now you can wrap the coins, tying a scarf in a knot, and go into the forest. Here a man has to find a birch. If this is not possible, then a birch can be found in the park next door or in a forest park outside the city. The main thing is that there are no people in the vicinity, and all further actions were carried out without unnecessary witnesses. When you are convinced of this, you need to bury the coins wrapped in a scarf at the roots of the tree, saying:

“As animals work in the forests and in the meadows, So I work as a servant of God (name), I don’t see white light, I don’t unbend my back. Send, God, grace to me, a well-deserved reward For my efforts, for my merits. Glory to you! Amen!"

The cherished words are spoken seven times, and having fulfilled all the requirements of the ceremony, they return home.

The effect of the ritual career can be expected in the first weeks of the month. The merits will be appreciated by the management, and the desired promotion will soon be offered.

I whisper a conspiracy, I pull a good job for myself

How to find a job you like

Collect coins of the smallest 30 pieces, buy a red fabric, and on the night after Monday to Tuesday, sew a red bag for money from this fabric. When the moon goes up, throw all the coins one at a time into this bag at dawn, put it on your right palm, and cover it with your left, after which repeat the magic words seven times:

A conspiracy so that the desired work is not denied

Before you go to get settled, take a red woolen thread and, while saying, tie a thick knot on it:

Conspiracy for an interview

Another conspiracy affects the boss who makes the decision. So that he has a good mood, and that he likes you, say the following words:

Cream conspiracy for work

We make a conspiracy for delicious cream Fatty cream will help you find a highly paid job. Only you will need not those that are in the store, but real homemade ones. And the fatter the cream, the best job there, those more money you will bring home.

How to find a high paying job

Such a conspiracy will be more difficult, but it will also help you faster. As the new moon approaches on Friday, go into the forest without looking back, and without talking to anyone along the way.

How to grow at work?

A conspiracy for career growth. What kind of work is it if you sit in one place? To make a career, there are also special conspiracies. It must be carried out on the waning moon and on Sunday.

Conspiracy for a big salary

If you don’t need a career, but you want to get more, then you need another conspiracy:

So the throne stands in the golden chamber.

The Holy Spirit will descend on the one who comes close to the throne.

Whoever takes his trail, puts it in his bosom, rises high, high above the world.

And my face is like an Easter egg, like a clean mirror during the holidays,

So that they love me alone from all, look favorably, behold,

Magnified by name and patronymic, they gave a high place above people,

Angels opened doors for me

My words are sculpted and strong. Amen!

Prayers for job search

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Powerful spells to get a good job

A good business must necessarily not only bring a solid cash income, but also be “to your liking”. Monetary, but not morally satisfying specialty will very soon lead to spending a huge amount of time on an unloved business. The only acceptable way out in this case is to renew the harmony between the benefit and the opportunity to realize one's personal potential. Many people are in the process of finding their dream specialty all their lives, but often never get a "life's work" as a result. At this time, they are forced to spend years, or even decades, continuously earning money that does not bring any personal satisfaction. A strong conspiracy "Find a Job Quickly" will help you get the right attitude to achieve success soon. If this approach is close to you, then it's time to call on additional opportunities for help.

Conspiracy to quickly find Good work: tune in for good luck

Using a conspiracy to quickly find a job will “awaken” the personal potential of each person. It will very well help to overcome indecision, and get a huge boost of strength for cardinal changes in life. The most common cause"Ostosification" in an unloved place is a fear of changing something in one's destiny.

A successful ceremony in many ways gives self-confidence, allowing you to take a good place. Many women have become successful bosses thanks to him. If you have a responsible interview ahead of you, one of these slanders will give you confidence:

  • « I'm going to be a catcher, I'll be a good fellow, I'll become a merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, everywhere a ladder spreads for me. Around others will be lower, and I will be higher than everyone on Earth. People will love me, they will honor me, they will respect me, and they will offer me the desired position before anyone else”;
  • “I’m going to the boyars so as not to plow for nothing. I will go to a good place to contract, so that all the owners will fall in love, achieve universal respect, and always eat well. Strong, wise, powerful - help and tell me how not to go astray, to achieve your goal. Help a good cause and get money, take an honorable place for yourself ”;
  • "An entertaining squirrel was running, and I - a noble bird, a master of all trades, a great craftswoman. Accept as a dear guest, meet with bread and salt, take you to a place of honor. I won’t take much for work, but I won’t let go of mine forever either ”

They are a great help when you need to get a promising place in a short time. But what to do when the search is relevant for one of your relatives or friends? The spiritual support of loved ones is very important for a person who is in a long but unsuccessful search for a job. A variety of ritual texts are very effective here, helping your relative gain confidence in his abilities. You can read:

  • “I share my luck, nourish with light, nourish with wisdom. Your path is clear, your day is bright, my hardships are behind, victory is ahead. So that my dear heart finds what he has been looking for for a long time. Not to lose what you want, to acquire happiness in a new place, to receive a well-deserved payment for your work. He will rejoice, and so will I. My confidence is great, my slander is strong, so be it!”

If you are 100% sure that you will get what you want, but you want to attract good luck, there are special texts for this:

  • “Father bright, pour me a handful of coins from your bag. I can work and serve, earn good. I don’t ask someone else’s, I won’t take too much, but I won’t miss my well-deserved. I don’t like undeserved gifts, I want to take what I earned with my own hands. Tell me where to find an occupation of interest, earn a tight money.

A variety of conspiracies to quickly find a good and well-paid job will help you choose the option to your liking. Not only the text itself matters, but also the circumstances under which it is read.

Prayer to find a good job quickly

Rituals that help each person to fully realize himself as a professional are not an obligatory, but rather powerful component of success. Even if you do not believe in various superstitions at all, spiritual support will certainly not interfere with such a responsible step in your life. Correct prayer to find a good job quickly designed to enlist the support of higher powers. In the conditions of the economic crisis and professional competition that is growing every day, it is quite difficult to take a place that helps you realize a highly paid specialty. In this case strong help will be words that help rapid career growth.

The obligatory components of a successful prayer in order to find a good and well-paid job quickly should be:

  • confidentiality of execution (recourse to the highest patrons for help should be kept secret);
  • sincere belief in success (only such an attitude can bring luck in business);
  • correctly chosen time and place (such rituals are best performed on the growing moon, since it is she who symbolizes a successful start for any business).

Before an important interview, be sure to repeat:

  • "I whisper, I whisper, please higher power to help the servant of God (the name of the person) to illuminate the bright path, it is easy to pass the road, to gain success in your favorite business. Where can I not go - there to find success, not to know the refusal, not to hear the word “no”. What do you believe - all come true. Amen!".

If it didn’t work out the first time, the prayer designed to find a good job quickly needs to be repeated every day until the desired result is obtained. You need to read the text every time at the same time, namely at dawn.

How to quickly find a good job with the help of a conspiracy

A job that promises good earnings and career advancement is desired by almost everyone, but finding it can be considered a real gift of fate, which is not given to everyone. For some, both a career and decent pay remain an unrealizable dream, and all their lives they have to adapt to the whims of employers and listen to unjustified attacks.

If you can’t find a worthy place in life, a conspiracy that attracts good luck when looking for work or already in employment can serve as a good help. Such a ceremony will allow you to achieve both a good salary and a proper assessment of your merits. You can find a new job or win over a previously strict boss, as well as quickly earn the trust of the team and enjoy authority from subordinates and colleagues.

To maximize the effect of ongoing conspiracies, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

The time of the ceremony. Since the ritual is expected to increase income, promotion and increase the authority of a person, then all conspiracies for good luck when applying for a job should be carried out only on the growing moon.

So the night luminary itself should have an impact on the course of the process, and if you want a speedy career growth and occupy a high position, the ritual is held on Saturday. It is this day that can have the strongest influence on the fate of a person and set its course in the right direction. If a person wants a stable or growing income, then the plan can be achieved after the rite held on Wednesday. This day of the week is responsible for the material condition, so all money rituals performed on Wednesday can give the most significant result.

Persistent faith of a person in the strength of the ceremony. Whatever is done in order to get a good meta job, whatever prayers are said before an interview in a company or when submitting documents, they must be accompanied by a sincere belief in the positive consequences of rituals. If there are any fears or doubts about the correctness of actions, then it is better to immediately abandon the conspiracy, with such an attitude it will still be of little use. All doubts and groundless fears only create an emotional and psychological block on the path to success and do not allow all the desires of a person to come true.

Complete privacy. The conspiracy should be carried out, adhering to all the rules, among which there is a requirement not to disclose the details of the ceremony. If strangers find out about the rite, this will not only reduce or stop its effect, but it can also turn against the person conducting it, becoming not a help in a career, but the cause of its collapse.

If you follow all the rules and believe in yourself, then magical rituals will become a good assistant on the way to a good salary, to a career and respect from colleagues and management.

A ritual for good luck in your job search

Conspiracies that attract good luck in employment can turn out to be not only a means to help you get a stable profitable job, but also an elixir that will change a person’s life, saving him from excessive self-doubt, from doubts about the correctness of decisions made and from haunting failures.

Both prayer and conspiracy give a good emotional charge and inspire confidence that success is just around the corner. Therefore, if you can’t find a job or get a promotion in any way, you should not wait for the weather by the sea. You need to seek magical help from conspiracies designed to bring good luck.

A conspiracy for a handkerchief

To be hired for the desired job, you can conduct a fairly simple ceremony with a handkerchief. When the month begins to grow outside the window, you need to purchase an exclusively white handkerchief and speak it on the same day:

“I whisper, I whisper, the servant of God (name) will have good luck on the road, success in work. Wherever I go, there I will find a job. Do not see me failures, do not hear the word "no". Amen!"

The plot is read three times, and then they always carry a scarf with them. In order for the amulet resulting from the conspiracy to begin to act, a month is enough. Sometimes what you want can be achieved even earlier.

Ritual for Success

Siberian healers use their ritual to speed up the fulfillment of desires, including when applying for a job. The value of this rite is that many generations have already tested its effectiveness and found their calling.

Every day, at sunrise, the following plot is read:

“God help, Jesus save! Help solve my problem, Find a job, get money! Fix my life, get success! Amen!"

The ceremony should be carried out daily until the plan comes true, and the person does not get the desired job to work. We can say with confidence that within the next month everything will turn out as well as possible.

Ceremony for the choice of an employee

If all interesting vacancies are sent

resume and it remains only to wait for employers to respond to a person’s offer of their services, you can conduct a ritual that contributes to obtaining a new position. This conspiracy is designed to facilitate a conversation with the future leader. Therefore, you should read it on the way to the interview:

“I’m walking along the road, I’m going to a new life! The owner liked me, he liked my face, I liked my character, I was surprised by my performance. So that everyone is touched, surprised and not overjoyed! God help me, give me strength, confidence and good luck! Amen!"

They read the plot seven times, and after that it will become a reliable defense at the interview, give strength and inspire confidence in a positive decision.

Magic ritual for water

This strong conspiracy to work is prescribed by Vanga herself and acts extremely quickly, helping to get her hired as soon as possible. To conduct the ceremony, you need to take a glass filled with holy water, on which the plot of the legendary Vanga is read:

“Power of water, help me! So that gold merchants take me to their work, So that they don’t offend me with gold, but don’t deprive me of attention. I will show myself as the best master of all masters, the best connoisseur of all connoisseurs. Everyone will rejoice and marvel at me, Bestow gold and honors! Amen!"

The words are repeated three times, and then the water that has just been spoken is drunk. If everything is done correctly, you will not have to wait long for the accomplishment of everything planned.

Ritual for career advancement

If there is work, but you want to achieve more and move up the career ladder, then you can conduct a ceremony for success. It's a shame when a talented employee does not receive the attention of his superiors for a long time, performing routine work that has long been mastered. It is for this situation that a simple but effective ritual is suitable, which is performed on a waning month, at midnight on Sunday.

Several not the smallest coins are poured into a pre-purchased handkerchief, while saying the following words:

“I don’t put coins, but I give ransom!”

Now you can wrap the coins, tying a scarf in a knot, and go into the forest. Here a man has to find a birch. If this is not possible, then a birch can be found in the park next door or in a forest park outside the city. The main thing is that there are no people nearby, and all further actions are carried out without unnecessary witnesses. When you are convinced of this, you need to bury the coins wrapped in a scarf at the roots of the tree, saying:

“As animals work in the forests and in the meadows, So I work as a servant of God (name), I don’t see white light, I don’t unbend my back. Send, God, grace to me, a well-deserved reward For my efforts, for my merits. Glory to you! Amen!"

The cherished words are spoken seven times, and having fulfilled all the requirements of the ceremony, they return home.

The effect of the ritual on career growth can be expected in the first weeks of the month. The merits will be appreciated by the management, and the desired promotion will soon be offered.

But whichever strong ritual no matter how it was applied, it can bring benefit only when they believe in its effect and understand that the magical effect can give strength and self-confidence. Using conspiracies and performing rituals for good luck is not at all difficult. A job will definitely be found, a career is just around the corner, and a decent salary is completely simple task, there would be faith in oneself.

I tried all the rituals, I take a conspiracy. I'm doing a ritual. everything is going great, they invite me for interviews, I go through all the stages, the employer is happy, but at the last moment everything breaks down. sometimes unexpected reasons, but the result - I'm looking again, new ritual, new proposals, and again a sad result. And so six months. Moreover, it is not good for all branches, and also unexpectedly turn into a minus.

Katyushka, and what should we do now, dear

Hi, and you try a coin of one penny, put it in your left shoe and go to the interview 100% I guarantee it helps

How can you harm yourself? You just do not think that I want to do this just to know what not to do for such consequences. And I also want to ask this question: is it possible to use several conspiracies for one job or should I use only 1? Thank you in advance!

Today it is very difficult to find a well-paid job even for a qualified specialist with experience. If you do not have influential friends or relatives who could help with employment, then you are left to make your way in life on your own. So that efforts are not in vain, we recommend that you back up your job search actions with appropriate conspiracies.

You can read a conspiracy to work both for yourself and for your husband, son or daughter - the power of white magic is the same for everyone. When performing a rite, additional items are sometimes required ( church candles, images of saints, amulets suitable for the Zodiac, a handkerchief). Finding them for sale is easy, so get the paraphernalia in advance.

How quickly do the consequences appear after reading the conspiracy to work? As practice shows, the activation of positive energy occurs within the next month. However, one should not just rely on magic and not take independent steps. Search for vacancies, study the offer of employers, declare yourself, prepare a resume - and along the way read proven conspiracies. A complex approach and faith in a higher power will help you achieve the desired place much faster.

Conspiracy to attract money work

If you have been looking for a job for quite a long time, and you can’t find it in any way - either they refuse directly, then the vacancy is already occupied, then “we will call you back”, etc., use the following tool. On the growing moon, buy a white handkerchief without patterns, on the day of purchase, read a conspiracy to work on it:

The handkerchief should be spoken 7 times at home, alone. After that, put it in the purse that you always take with you when you leave the house, and never part with it (until you find a job). When you are hired, the handkerchief should be put in a secret place in the closet, in the farthest corner. It is desirable that none of the household members touch or see him. It is not necessary to use a handkerchief for its intended purpose.

Prayer for a job

You should read a prayer on Sunday, in the church, placing three candles at the icon of Jesus Christ. First, read "Our Father", repent of all the sins you have committed, ask the Lord for all forgiveness, and then turn to Him with a request.

you can copy the text of the prayer

As soon as you find a job and get your first salary, be sure to go to church and leave a donation.

Spell to make the interview go smoothly

On the way to the employer, you should say the following conspiracy to yourself:

to copy the plot, go

At the hour appointed by the employer, before entering the office for the upcoming interview, read the following to yourself (the plot should be memorized):

text copy of the spell

Reading this slander will help you get the coveted vacancy. This has been verified by many people over and over again! Follow the recommendations and you will certainly get a good job.

How to help your husband get a job

If a man does not have a job, this reflects badly on the well-being of the whole family, and often leads to divorce. You should not gnaw and nag your spouse for inactive or unsuccessful job searches, it is better to help him using magical rituals. So you will not only contribute to the employment of your husband, but also save your family.

We are offering to you effective conspiracy to work for a husband to read at home:

Prayer to the Holy Matrona for the quick and successful employment of a husband, son or other relative.

Read this plot daily until the person in need finds a job.

text copy of the prayer is

The Holy Matrona will certainly assist you and the person for whom you are praying.

A conspiracy to work so that the boss does not scold

From the nitpicking of management there is one very good method. Every housewife has a recipe for some delicious cookies. Prepare the dough, light two wax candles. When kneading, read 40 times on the dough:

spell can be copied

Candles do not need to be extinguished, let them burn out to the end. Roll out the dough and cut out various figures from it (buy a set of molds in the form of various animals in advance so that a bull figure is among them). Bake cookies and treat your colleagues and picky boss to them the next day. At the same time, try to ensure that the bull (calf) will certainly be with the leader. As soon as the cookie is eaten by him (her), so expect an early change of anger to mercy.

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