Simoron for a guy and a date. Simoron rituals for strong love: a working method of attraction. Simoron for love - rituals

Simorons for love and marriage are recommended to be performed on the waxing moon, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ritual. It is useful to complement these humorous rituals with the visualization of desire. This allows you to enhance the sacrament, speed up the wedding or meeting with your chosen one. But you should not keep in mind a certain time frame by which, according to the fortune teller, your wish should come true. This limits the Universe's actions. The Simoron ritual, in addition to its magical effects, helps to gain a positive attitude, which is important for finding happiness in your personal life.

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    Simoron rituals that help you meet love

    The influence of Simoron magic occurs due to the internal positive energy of the magician, which allows you to receive a response from the Universe within a few weeks after the ceremony. Therefore, in order for simoron for love and marriage to be effective, you need to maintain a positive attitude and look into the future with optimism. A fortuneteller can strengthen her own positive energy by communicating with pleasant people, devoting time to hobbies, hobbies, watching good films and comedies.

      Creating a family atmosphere

      This Simoron ritual is suitable for those girls who live alone. At home, you should create such an atmosphere as if your beloved already lives there: put slippers at the threshold, put a second toothbrush in a glass. You can put men's socks or a T-shirt in the closet. For your imaginary “chosen one,” you can also purchase some men’s hygiene products: for example, shaving foam or lotion. After some time, the girl will meet her lover, whose acquaintance will develop into life together.

      100 days to find love

      For this technique that helps you meet your loved one, you need to purchase a beautiful thick notebook. Its cover should be designed in the genre of love themes. It is preferable to choose a red notebook.

      Having counted 100 pages from the beginning, on the hundredth you should make a diary entry about a meeting with a new lover. Example:

      "Monday, March 23, 2023. Finally it happened! Around the corner of the store I met the man of my dreams. He is exactly the same as I saw him in my dreams: (describes the appearance and character of the desired man)."

      Within 100 days from the date of purchase of the diary, preparations for this event begin. You can start with the simplest things: changing your hairstyle, buying a dress, going to the gym. Every day events should occur leading to a cherished acquaintance. A girl should prioritize taking care of herself and those activities that bring her pleasure.

      On the final hundredth day, you need to properly prepare for acquaintance: put on a new dress, apply the best cosmetics. The meeting will definitely happen. This technique helps not only to meet a lover, but also to awaken in a woman love for herself.

      New moon ritual

      On the day of the new moon you need to wait until sunset. At this time, the girl should take soap bubbles and go to the balcony (or stand by the window). First, you can practice a little in blowing bubbles. When you start to get big and beautiful bubbles, you need to imagine yourself and your future lover in one of them. After sunset, the wind and natural forces will do their job, and the love message will be delivered to your future soulmate. The meeting with the new chosen one will happen in the near future. To be safe, you can make not one, but several of these bubbles at once.

      Rituals for marriage

      Before performing Simoron rituals for marriage, you must make sure that the fortuneteller does not have a crown of celibacy or damage to love. The main sign of such damage is that the same unpleasant stories constantly happen to the fortuneteller: when meeting new men, the relationship follows the same negative scenario and ends in a painful breakup. In this case, Simoron magic may not work; the magician should turn to magical rituals of cleansing and removing damage.

      In other cases, simoron for marriage acts quickly: if all the rules are followed and the ritual is repeated periodically, the desired wedding celebration takes place within 6-12 months.

      Wedding invitation

      A girl needs to buy a beautiful wedding invitation. The card is signed as if the person conducting this ritual is both the bride and the inviting person. You can sign the card like this:

      “Dear (my name)! I am happy to invite you to the wedding, which will take place in June 2020! I am happy to inform you that I am marrying the best man in the whole world. He (lists the qualities that the future chosen one should have). I look forward to seeing you at the celebration."

      The card is then placed in a beautiful envelope and sent to your own mailing address. When the invitation is received, it must be re-read again with a feeling of anticipation of the holiday, and then hidden in a secret place. After the ritual is completed, you can safely expect the most joyful event in your life. The fortune teller should definitely be in an optimistic frame of mind.

      Ritual with slippers

      To carry out this technique, you must specifically purchase new slippers. It is not recommended to skimp on their quality - then the ritual may not work.

      When the slippers are at home, they are “introduced” to the future owner:

      • if a girl wants to meet an intelligent man, she must take them with her to the theater or to a symphony music concert;
      • if the main trait for her in men is hard work, then she needs to take slippers with her to work;
      • if she dreams of a businessman spouse, then they should put a large bill in them and place them in a prominent place in the house;
      • if a lady dreams of a chosen one who is fond of sports, she needs to take slippers to the gym for training.

      This ritual can be performed regardless of the lunar phase. Its effect begins immediately after purchasing the slippers. Therefore, a girl needs to be on her guard and take advantage of emerging opportunities to meet and start new relationships.

      Magic cup

      This ritual is ideal for girls who want to get married quickly. To do this, they need to get a cup from a married woman's house. A container borrowed from a friend or sister will work well. It is important that this lady is happy with her family life. In addition to the cup, for the ceremony you will need:

      • a ring that closely resembles an engagement ring;
      • 9 grains of rice;
      • satin ribbon 18 cm long.

      These numbers are not random - from the point of view of numerology, they help attract love. When all the items are collected, first the ring is placed in the cup, and then the rice and ribbon. The cup should be placed at the head of the bed.

      The technique itself is that every night the ring must be taken out of the cup and put on the ring finger. Before going to bed, a girl should visualize a happy family life. After some time, the Universe will react to this message, and the necessary events will occur in the life of the fortuneteller.

      Ritual with the door

      A sign is made on the door (for example, made of cardboard or thick paper). On it they write: “Getting married.” If the simoron is made for a specific man, you can add his first and last name: “Marrying Vasily Vasilyev.”

      On the back of the door there is a sign with the inscription: “Entrance to a happy family life” (if desired, the first and last name of the chosen one is added). Signs are hung on the door, after which all that remains is to enter and exit the premises. Every day a girl enters and exits through the door, thereby sending her positive request to the Universe.

      If a man doubts

      The ritual is well suited in cases where there is a guy or man who has been indecisive for a long time in matters of formalizing the relationship. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a small box or bag (any thing on the surface of which you can write). The phrase is written on it: “Vaska’s (or any other name of his beloved) doubts.” Then various useless things are placed in the bag. Example:

      • granite pebbles (symbolize the stone in the soul);
      • broken lighter (meaning an extinguished fire);
      • a handkerchief soaked with tears.

      When the entire container is filled with “doubts,” they are held in their hands for some time. The fortuneteller must feel that she has power over them. Then the box is thrown somewhere far away: into the river, the sea, or simply from the balcony. You can light a fire and put a box there, admiring how all your troubles burn away in its flame.

      After performing any Simoron ritual for love, you need to move on to active actions that will help happiness be realized in life. The combination of faith in a positive outcome, active actions and the Simoron ritual itself will help you find love or enter into a legal marriage within the shortest possible time.

Simoron is a unique “magic” technique, a fun and simple magic of the absurd, with the help of which you can make any desire come true. The main thing is to approach Simoron rituals with humor, positivity and faith in obtaining an excellent result.

There is a huge number of different rituals. Each of them is funny and interesting in its own way. You can use both ready-made ones and create your own original ritual.

Simoron rituals for love became especially widespread.

Technique of wish fulfillment according to Simoron

The essence of the technique is simple and accessible. It can be conditionally divided into the following points:

  1. Set a goal.
  2. Perform any absurd ritual. You can use ready-made rituals and add something of your own to it, or come up with your own original ritual.
  3. Create a positive, cheerful mood, enter a state of “floating”.
  4. The positive effect of simoron is replaced by a different picture of the world, where dreams and desired things come true.

How to attract love?

Those who dream of meeting their soulmate, who dream of attracting mutual love into their lives, can use Simoron rituals for love to get married.

Ritual for marriage

To carry out this ritual, you need to make a sign (for example, from cardboard) and write on it "Getting Married" or simply "Get Married". Then hang it above the front door or above the room door from the inside. Every day you will, as it were, “get married.”

In this way, a positive request is sent to the Universe. If we are not talking about marriage, but you just want to meet love, then you can write: "Exit to Happy Love", on the other hand - "Entrance". Now you have received the “magic” door leading to love.


An excellent ritual that will require a creative approach and a little DIY skill. You need to make a small heart from any material you like. It is important to add good emotions during the process.

Then attach it with a pin to some clothing, preferably from the wrong side (away from prying eyes). The main thing is to say cheerful words:

“I am the love of my beloved. I will love with my love. The beloved will admire and cling with love!”

Although, if you wish, you can always compose your own magic spell. In any case, Simoron works great.

Ball ritual for finding a husband

You need to buy a red balloon, ideally choose a gel one in the shape of a heart. Then, with a red marker, write an advertisement in which you describe all the main qualities of your future chosen one.

You can also make an application on paper, then simply attach it to the ball. Your entire message is ready. You release it into the sky and forget.

Love-carrot technique

In the Seymore rituals for love there is a very accessible and useful technique using the very famous “love-carrot” rhyme.

You need to prepare and eat all kinds of salads prepared with this vegetable as often as possible. Also drink carrot juice. You can cook anything to your taste, don’t be afraid to experiment. It is advisable to serve the finished dish on a table for two. Carrots have a unique ability to attract love.

Slipper ritual for love

The well-known slipper ritual on the husband is especially popular. He is very funny and cheerful. Before carrying out this technique, a careful and attentive approach to the selection of men's slippers is required.

You are purchasing high-quality beautiful slippers for a man. After all, you want to find a worthy man? Therefore, shoes must be appropriate. Now the purchase needs to be charged with the necessary energy. Let's say you want a rich husband, then take them with you to the bank. Naturally, there is no need to show your slippers to anyone.

You leave the slippers in the hallway for three days. It’s as if you “charge” them with the energy of your home. When the new moon or midnight approaches, you put slippers on your hands, socks pointing inside the house, and open the front door a little. Now you need to knock your slippers on the threshold twenty-seven times and say three times:

“Betrothed, mummer, no bad habits, positive, show up!”

You can also describe the qualities that your prince should have. You just write them down on a piece of paper, fold them up and put them in a slipper. Leaves them in the corridor waiting for a new owner. Use your imagination.

The magical effect of technology is possible only with strong faith. The mother of her daughter can also perform the slipper ritual on her husband, wishing her to meet her loved one.

Shaving foam

Many simoron lovers suggest using men's shaving foam to attract a man. The excellent results of this method are reported by the majority of those who have used it.

The method is extremely easy. Buy men's shaving foam. Naturally, the higher its quality, the more attractive and better your man will be. Apply foam while shaving your legs. While shaving you say:

“Men at my feet!” (27 times).

Some note that applying shaving foam to shoes has no less effect. Just when spreading, don’t forget to say the same phrase.

“Red panties” technique

Of all the Simoron rituals to attract love, the most fun ritual is the one associated with red panties.

  • First, set your intention. That is, concentrate on what kind of chosen one you need.
  • Then you go to the store to choose the item you need. To attract love, it is advised to opt for red thongs.
  • Afterwards, wash the tursels with a special soap – citrus or sea buckthorn, constantly “purring” with them. Squeeze them thoroughly and come up with a ritual dance.
  • Dance to any rhythmic and fiery music, have fun, be happy.
  • The culmination of the ritual is throwing red panties onto the chandelier. Don't be upset if three attempts aren't enough for you. You can simply carefully place them on the chandelier with your hands.

You can repeat as much as you wish. Expect results in 27 days.

Searching for a lover using a computer

This is not about using dating sites, but about using the Simoron technique to attract your betrothed.

You find a photo of a man you really like. Maybe it’s a handsome man on a white horse or driving a luxurious snow-white car. The photo needs to be narrowed and then printed. And then ask her to hide it from you. Your task is to find your lover. Or you can print out a large number of such photos and hide them everywhere, and then find them later. You will develop the habit of finding someone you love.

You can also post an image of your beloved on the Internet, and then search for it using search engines, Yandex, Google and others.

Paper ritual

You will need a piece of pink paper, which is a symbol of love. Write on it all the character virtues that your life partner should have. And on the reverse side of the sheet, all its shortcomings that you admit and are ready to accept. Then you fold the leaf and say the following words 3 times:

“My betrothed mummer, I love you with all your advantages and disadvantages.”

Find a pretty box and a red ribbon. Place the finished list in a box and tie it beautifully with a ribbon. You put your dream away in a box and try to forget that it exists. You have sent a request to the Universe and now expect a wonderful result.

The variety of Simoron rituals for love is impressive. Choose, create, fantasize, experiment, and most importantly, don’t be serious when using Simoron techniques.

Simoron for love is an opportunity to solve any personal problem. Whether you dream of meeting your lover, want to strengthen your relationship, get married successfully, or win back the love of a man, simoron can be used for a variety of purposes. The rituals to attract happiness and love are quite simple; even those who are far from magic can perform them.

Not each of us quickly, and most importantly successfully, manages to meet a lover or beloved.

A person with whom you can share joys and sorrows and live happily throughout your life is an essential component of a harmonious life.

Very often, in order to meet the right person, you need to let go of old relationships and tune in to new love.

After all, it usually comes unexpectedly and unexpectedly, when a person least expects it.

Simoron– a school of psychotraining, the exercises and rituals of which help attract the desired events into life.

You can do rituals for any area of ​​life:

personal happiness
Mutual love, family happiness, meeting a lover, returning a loved one home - various techniques allow you to achieve excellent results and make your desire come true. Very effective in this case is simoron for love.

financial sector
If you dream of improving your financial situation and perform rituals to attract money, good luck and fortune, then soon everything will change in your life. In this case it is considered quite effective simoron for money.

sphere of desires
You can quickly and effectively fulfill your cherished desire using the simoron technique in any area of ​​life. It is enough to clearly formulate your desire and confidently move towards getting what you want. Very effective in this case is simoron for desire.

health sector
The simoron technique is also effective in combating various diseases and can be used for disease prevention. Very effective and efficient in this case is simoron for health.


Taking simoron self-overtaking is a very relevant method of achieving your goal. Having made a wish, you need to think through in detail the route for fulfilling your plan with various excesses and in increased detail.

You need to think through the implementation in detail so that at the end of the ritual your imagination runs out. And at the very end, somoobgon involves focusing on an image, which will then need to be depicted on paper.

The resulting masterpiece can be either a few squiggles or a completely understandable object. This drawing will guide a person on the path to his goal. This technique is popular for making wishes come true. However, self-overtaking can also be used in the fight against uncertainty, problems and bad thoughts.

In order to get rid of bad thoughts regarding some event or incident, you need to develop the thought to a grandiose scale until the tension evaporates. Let's say, if you are very afraid of not meeting your love and being left alone throughout your life, then this idea needs to be developed by imagining the girl as old and lonely.

The principle of self-overtaking in simoron involves hyperbolization, the transformation of an idea into absurdity. To do this, you can finally imagine a lot of older girls who eat a lot of chocolate and choose admirers from the window. You need to complete the self-overtaking technique by turning the scary into the funny.

As you can see, self-overtaking helps to cope with any problem, helps to attract the necessary benefits into a person’s life and relieves him of fears.

If your goal is to attract love into your life, then the simoron ritual for love is the right decision.

Regardless of whether you have a lover whose affection you dream of, or whether you simply want to attract this bright feeling, this ritual will suit you.

You need to eat carrot dishes every day: it can be raw carrots, carrot juice or pies, and so on.

When eating something containing carrots, you need to say the following phrase:

“Love is a carrot!”

Such simple words will make attracting love quick and effective.

Simoron rituals are very popular to get what you want and attract love when a girl dreams of getting married. To perform the simoron ritual for marriage, you will need one wedding invitation.

You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. Immediately after making or purchasing it, you need to sign it, having thought through the entire marriage process.

Imagine yourself in a wedding dress, happy and with your loved one, feel the slight excitement and languor of anticipation.

When the visualizations are completed and the card is signed, it needs to be put in an envelope and hidden in a book about love with a good ending. You need to put it at the very end of the book and put the book in a secret place in your house.

If you lack the love of a man, you are lonely, you want to meet your lover, strengthen your relationship or return the one who left you - simoron love will help solve any personal problem. Quite simple rituals aimed at attracting reciprocal feelings and personal happiness will help improve the love sphere.

Simoron - forge of love

Simoron rituals are a kind of teaching aimed at psychotraining, which involves attracting reality that originated in our consciousness. For example, success, happiness, love are attracted. Initially, Simoron’s school was equated with cheerful actions with a dose of humor and absurdity, however, it turned thoughts into reality.

The goals of the rituals are quite diverse, their execution is also different - somewhat strange, but unique and original. There is little routine in such trainings, although this is not particularly important. The main thing is the result, which is proof of effectiveness.

Love: magic or reality?

Practice involves the use of a power that already exists in a person, with proper management of which one can operate with real events. In rare cases, a person does not have strength, then there will be no effect, or it will be minimal - weak. However, most often the magic comes true!

Letting go of unnecessary feelings

All actions will be in vain if you do not get rid of past relationships not only physically, but also mentally. You should let go of the remnants of past love - outdated emotions, feelings and worries.

By the way, I remember the succinct saying of the wise Chinese - “Would you like some hot tea? First, empty the cup of cold things!” It's hard to argue with that, right? Only pure feelings, not “stained” by anything else, especially negative ones, can bring true pleasure.

Before the ritual, you need to get rid of thoughts about a specific person, you should focus on your own thoughts about the object that you want to see near you. You can’t wait for a specific person!

It is important to know! There is one common and serious mistake - expecting a specific object from the matrix. You need to understand that this is not the goal. The result of the ritual should be a feeling of happiness: loving and being loved is the goal.

Attracting love: rituals

In fact, the universe knows what a person needs, it has already prepared a “scenario”, but the human brain is not able to understand what the owner wants. The mind knows how to build a chain from already familiar materials.

The theory is to connect what the universe has prepared with the mind, that is, to put the puzzles together correctly. Let's try to achieve this with ease and joy of thoughts?

Note! Material for performing rituals will be directed towards female persons. However, men can also use these tips by choosing appropriate methods - slightly “paraphrasing” the actions to suit themselves.

Action 1

  • Buy slippers for your future loved one, preferably high-quality ones, because whatever kind of house shoes you prefer, so will the man.
  • Place this item in the dressing room (hallway) for three days, but no one should wear them.
  • At the end of the third day at 24:00 at midnight, stand at the threshold of the front door with your back.
  • Slippers should be put on your hands, knock on the threshold 27 times, and call your loved one to appear 3 times.
  • Take a piece of paper, write down on it all the qualities that you would like to see in your betrothed, then place the piece of paper in the slippers.
  • The item will soon wait for its owner. Until this moment, you can take slippers for a walk, ride in a luxury car, etc.

Act 2

  • Surely, every girl has a couple of red panties in her arsenal. Take one of them (the item should be clean, but you have once worn it), wet the thing in water.
  • Give yourself some guidance about what kind of lover you want to see next to you.
  • Next, you have 3 attempts to throw a red object onto a chandelier mounted in the ceiling for 3 days, so to speak, to dry.
  • For a more effective action, shout out a wish, stomp your foot, click your finger - perform all actions three times. This ritual can be performed as many times as you like.

Act 3

  • There should be some kind of preparation on your part for meeting love. When communicating with any men (in this case, age does not matter) - for the first week, prepare yourself for the fact that you love them, say similar words to yourself.
  • The second week you need to say that they all love you, every one of them!
  • The result of such actions will certainly be heard by your betrothed, and you will set yourself up for carrot love.

Act 4

  • Take out a pink piece of paper and concentrate carefully. Think, then draw on paper the positive qualities of the man of your dreams.
  • On the back of the sheet are its shortcomings that you are willing to accept.
  • Fold the piece of paper, say 3 times that you love your chosen one with all the pros/cons.
  • Place the paper in a box and tie it with a red ribbon.
  • Hide the box in a secret place until the same mummer appears. You will definitely feel that the right one has appeared.

Action 5

  • On Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14, take out your eau de toilette and place it in front of you.
  • Look at the bottle with sincere love, stroke it - fill the bottle of “love potion” with positive energy.
  • For greater effect, say it three times - love/happiness is always nearby.
  • Use perfume constantly - soon there will be an unearthly attraction for the betrothed.

Action 6

If after the above rituals the betrothed has not appeared in your destiny, do not despair - there is another proven method in stock!

  • Take a thick piece of paper and write “Getting Married.” Attach this to the front door, on the inside of it, in the form of a sign.
  • This way you will be getting married several times a day.

Is it too early to get married? Then another option:

  • Make an inscription above the door: “Entrance into mutual love.”
  • On the other side of the sign is “Exit...”

Soon you will achieve the long-awaited changes in your life!

Action 7

  • Buy a red balloon and inflate it.
  • Write a kind of letter-announcement, like – a beautiful, young, sexy woman needs a husband urgently, list his positive qualities.
  • Sign the addressee below (heavenly office). Release to heaven. The letter will definitely reach the recipient, thus the wish will come true.

Action 8

  • Ask spring for love! Go to a park/square with lots of trees.
  • Pick a leaf you like from any tree, thank spring for the gift, ask to endow the plucked leaf with positive love emotions.
  • Press it to your heart, merge with it, close your eyes - feel it.
  • Then bring the piece of paper home, put it in any book containing lines about love. Put the love manual on the shelf and wait...

Simoron rituals are not magic. They include psychological techniques that release the energy of intention and direct it towards achieving a specific goal. Their use differs from other esoteric practices by some humor in their actions. They not only help you get what you want, but also fill the practitioner with a huge charge of positive energy.

What is simoron

Simoron rituals can be aimed at achieving a wide variety of goals. They have one thing in common - non-standard actions that force the practitioner to leave his comfort zone. But Simoron, like any other energy management techniques, has one important nuance - the effectiveness of the ritual depends on a person’s inner strength. To be more precise - his intentions.

For the ritual to work, you must sincerely believe in the actions being performed. Even if they seem ridiculous. Skepticism must be carefully suppressed and try to discard rational thinking at least once. This will be enough to verify the effectiveness of the method.

The main directions of influence of Simoron rituals:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Attracting love.
  • Opening of financial flow.
  • To find a job.
  • Rituals that attract like-minded people and friends.

Men are usually more skeptical about various psychological techniques, which is why most practitioners are women. Because of this, there are significantly more Simoron rituals for the love of men in Simoron’s collection than any others, and they are constantly replenished.

When choosing a practice, you need to remember that the funniest and most ridiculous rituals are the most effective.

Rules for attracting love

Simoron rituals for the love of a specific man will never give the desired effect. You need to understand that the Universe knows better about human needs. Therefore, when using practices, you should not visualize a specific person, but concentrate on the character qualities and external data of the man of your dreams. Trying to go against the laws of the Universe can only make the situation worse, causing even more disappointment.

Attracting a specific person is violence against his personality. Therefore, such rituals should be avoided. Even if success can be achieved, it will not bring happiness to the practice.

Before you begin practice, you need to free your heart and mind from disappointments caused by your past chosen one. Chinese sages said that in order to enjoy hot tea, you must first throw the cold one out of the cup. You should do the same with your feelings. Before you look for new love, you should let go of past experiences.

Slippers of marriage

The most famous ritual of Simoron is slippers for marriage. It must be performed on the waxing moon. To practice, you will need to buy new men's slippers. The size doesn't matter, you can buy whatever you like. After purchase, they are placed next to other shoes near the front door so that the socks point into the house. They must remain there for three days and no one must wear them during this time.

After three days, you need to stand with your back to the front door at night, take the slippers in your hands and knock them on the floor 27 times, asking your desired chosen one to appear quickly. Further actions are aimed at clarifying the search coordinates.

How to indicate the desired characteristics of a man to slippers:

  • In order for the future chosen one to be a good conversationalist and interested in art, shoes need to be taken with you to the theater, to exhibitions, and to visit restaurants or training courses with them.
  • If the target is a wealthy man, then you need to put a large banknote in the slippers.
  • To attract a hardworking life partner, people take shoes with them to work. But you don't have to carry it with you every day. 2-3 times is enough.

Until the desired man appears, the slippers should continue to be at the entrance and should not be given to anyone to put on. During this time, they need to be periodically cleaned and talked to.

Simoron’s very effective technique for love is red panties on a chandelier. Although it causes mixed reactions among many, this does not reduce the effectiveness of the method. Manipulations can be carried out on the 11th of any month. To practice, you will need to buy beautiful red panties and wash them with sea buckthorn soap.

Now you need to throw the magic panties on the chandelier. There are only three attempts to do this. If the result could not be achieved, the practice should be postponed until next month. During casting, you need to mentally imagine the desired man and imagine a future together with him. Afterwards you need to stamp your foot three times, snap your fingers and say: “Cowards on the chandelier, love in the house.” The linen should hang for three days.

Every time you look at hanging laundry, you need to imagine the man of your dreams, try to imagine his habits, character, appearance, and hobbies as clearly as possible. Visualization is very important for this technique. To enhance the effect of the ritual, you need to do things every day that people usually do in a couple. For example, prepare a special dish for him, buy a toothbrush, etc. If the desired person should have a specific hobby, it is recommended to purchase an attribute for this activity and put it in a visible place.

Husband materializer

Simoron is characterized by increased gaiety for marriage. It requires not only performing certain manipulations, but also high spirits. To perform the practice you will need: a large container with a lid, batteries that will power the materializer (for this they need to be secured inside the container), and components that characterize a man.

Characterizing components:

After placing all the components inside the container, you need to close it tightly and dance with it the most incendiary dance that a practitioner is capable of. Then you need to shout the spell: “I want to meet a man (you need to indicate the desired characteristics): rich, smart, sexy, etc.” You need to shout as many times as the age of the desired man.

Popular rituals

There are a large number of rituals to attract a man or to get married. But they all have a limitation - with their help it will not be possible to materialize the return of a loved one. This requires spending a lot of vital energy, and even if the Universe allows this to happen against the will of the man, such a union will not bring happiness to the practitioner.

Effective rituals to attract love into your life:

Horse for the PrinceIn the southwestern part of the house there is an attribute symbolizing a horse. Posters with an image of an animal, books, a toy, or a figurine are suitable for this. Now an appeal is written and posted on bulletin boards, social networks, and one might say on the radio. It can be humorous and should sound something like this: “A white horse was found. Prince - respond!” At the end you need to write your phone number.
Peony magicPeony is considered. To perform the ritual, it is bought or cut from someone else’s flowerbed. A plant grown in your own garden will not work. After purchase, the flower is poured with boiling water and left to brew. Rinse your hair with the cooled broth.
Toy weddingTo perform the ritual, a pair of teddy bears are purchased and wedding costumes are sewn for them. While working, you need to imagine all the details of your own wedding. After this, the decorated toys need to be “married” according to all the rules: write a seating list for guests, conduct a wedding ceremony, ransom the bride, etc. After the ceremony, the toys should be planted in the shade near a flowerpot with a flower bearing a woman’s name.
Request to the UniverseYou need to print out a lot of photographs of a celebrity whose appearance is close to the idea of ​​an ideal man, and place them in all visible places: in the kitchen cabinet, under the pillow, on the desktop, in the organizer. This is a hint from the Universe that it’s time for the man you love to be found.
Releasing the energy of loveFlower delivery is ordered for this ritual. To release the maximum amount of energy, you need to ask to make a delivery in a crowded place, for example, at work. You cannot answer questions about who the bouquet is from, and you should also remain silent about the ritual.

All these rituals seem absurd, but this is precisely the secret of their effectiveness. Non-standard actions release a huge amount of energy of intention and allow you to receive a response from the Universe in the shortest possible time.

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