The most powerful conspiracies for the new year. New Year's conspiracies. New Year's conspiracy for health and youth

New Year's magical conspiracies are especially powerful. It doesn't matter where they are directed. On the New Year, they will be much more effective than on any other day of the year, so people believe that the rituals performed on this night will surely please with their results.

New Year's magic

There are several important features that are important to pay attention to in order to correctly perform any conspiracy on New Year's Eve. These general rules can significantly affect the outcome of such rites.

Any rite that will be performed on the New Year's holiday is necessarily directed only at oneself. You can ask for happiness for relatives, close people, but magical actions will no longer use such power. You can only attract the fulfillment of a desire, luck, love or money to yourself.

Reading a New Year's magical conspiracy can be not only on December 31st. You can start a week earlier and continue reading for another 7 days after the holiday, but only those that were held on the night of January 1 will be the strongest.

There are also texts that are read on the eve of the Old New Year. They are usually read only on one night, neither earlier nor later.

The conspiracy for the New Year should be based on the fact that all the bad things are left behind, in the past, and only the most favorable remains with you. The result of such a rite will depend on the belief in the conspiracy and the mood with which it is performed.

To strengthen the conspiracies, try to mention the symbols inherent in the coming year. You can purchase a talisman of the year and wear it during the festive week, but in order for the talisman to enhance the effect of the rituals, it cannot be thrown away until the end of the year. You can buy a talisman that you do not need to carry with you and put it in the apartment. It will attract positive energy, money, happiness.

For good luck and fulfillment of desires

All people try to attract as much luck as possible, so such conspiracies are the most popular. There are several different versions of such rituals.

  1. Conspiracy during the chiming clock.
  2. Day conspiracy.

The conspiracy, held on New Year's Eve under the chiming clock, is carried out during the last moments. In this case, the chimes will not play any important role. They will be necessary in order not to miss the right time moment.

As soon as the chiming clock begins, it is necessary to say the following words to yourself with a glass of champagne in your hand:

“The glorious New Year is coming, it promises me great luck. I will succeed in everything, I will not know misfortunes and sorrows. For that year, good sweet wine will be given.

As soon as the words are spoken, you need to pour a little drink from the glass onto the surface of the table, and completely drink the remaining liquid. That part of the drink that was spilled on the table is a kind of sacrifice made to the coming year. If everything came true, it is recommended to support the action of the conspiracy. To do this, it is necessary to spill champagne from a glass on the table on any day, and pronounce the text to yourself:

“I don’t forget the good, I give thanks.”

The second version of the New Year's conspiracy aimed at fulfilling the desires is held in the daytime on the last day of the year. You need to start it with solitude in a room where no one can disturb you unexpectedly.

You can read the plot only if you managed to forgive all the ill-wishers, forget the grievances. Then you can thank the Lord for all the pleasant events of the past year. Ask him to help you further. After such an introduction, the text of the conspiracy is read directly.

Use a church candle. While reading, it should be in the hands, lit. Say the words:

“Merciful God, Most High and Almighty, be always with me in the coming year. May all my loved ones be healthy, and may the life of my family be filled with prosperity. And they sent me a lot of gold and silver, and a lot of all kinds of good. Grant me a quiet life, bless for peace and harmony, and I will always glorify you and never part with you in my soul. Do not give me, the Servant (s) of God (s), suffering in the New Year, heavenly powers, protect me my Guardian Angels from trouble, bad luck, illness, from fire and water. All year, my God, be with me! Save me and save me from external evil and the misfortunes of enemies. Amen".

To attract wealth and material wealth

To attract material wealth, there are several other conspiracies:

  • conspiracy for wealth;
  • conspiracy to improve the financial condition.

In the first case, it is necessary to start the conspiracy with a trip to the store on the morning of January 1. Only one point is important here: you can buy anything. It is important to get coins for change. It doesn't matter what they will be, but they will need to be thrown as high as possible. Pre-pronounce the following words:

“Happy coins, fly free, return me a hundredfold for that. So that luck does not pass me by and wealth grows day by day.

There will be no need to catch coins, as well as expect them to fall to the ground. Just say the words, throw a change and go forward without turning around. Think that very soon your financial situation will become much better, there will be an opportunity to get rich.

In the second case, all actions are also carried out in the first half of the first New Year's day. In order to conduct the entire ceremony, in which a conspiracy aimed at wealth is used, one condition must be met: you must become the one who wakes up first in your house that day.

If this condition is met, then you will need any container, but not a metal one, with which you need to approach the spring (a well will do). Please note that if there is neither one nor the other nearby, holy water will be required, which must be purchased in advance from the church shop.

Pour or draw some water into a container, take it to the house. Baptize with a cross, after which say the following words in a row:

“I will get up, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), early in the morning, I will bless everything created by God, the whole earth and sky, water and air, stars and the sun, and a clear month. I will bless the year that has come and all the days to come, I will pray to the Almighty and the One. I will turn to the Lord God with a request, I will ask the Creator of everything that exists and earthly, our Lord, to bless this year for me. Give, Lord, to spend this year to me and my loved ones in peace, peace and harmony, strengthen the one Holy Church on earth, the one that you yourself gave to all mankind. Grant peace and longevity to me and my loved ones, grant us health and abundance of the fruits of the earth. Let us breathe clean air and enjoy clear skies. Save me, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), from human evil and the intrigues of all evil spirits, show me the righteous path and be my True Shepherd. Grant, O God, prosperity and prosperity, wealth, daily bread and peace to my house. Amen".

Next, you need to sprinkle yourself and all the rooms of your house or apartment with water from the bowl. Leave some water to sprinkle on the doorstep to attract wealth. If there is a little more water left, you can simply pour it out the door.

love rituals

All people want to be lucky enough to meet true love or keep it for the rest of their lives. For this, too, there are New Year's rituals and conspiracies. The most common and strong of them - during the interval from 11:00 to 12:00 at night, go outside on December 31 and, looking at the sky, say the following text:

“Spirits of love and warmth! I ask you to be in my house so that love does not leave! To be covered with waves of delight! So that there was sense from the beloved! In bed and in action! In joy and in trouble! To be with him always and everywhere! Amen!".

Flip a coin without catching it. Return to the house with the thought that everything will be great in your life with love.

This plot can be performed a little differently if you are still single and want to attract love into your life. There is only one minus - the celebration will have to be held all alone. You will need to retire to your own house, no one should disturb you so that the whole ritual with the conspiracy is not violated. Some attributes will be required with the help of which the ceremony will be carried out. It's not complicated at all. The main thing is to clearly perform all the actions as indicated.

To conduct such a ceremony you will need:

  • a glass of wine (preferably red);
  • candles (2 is enough, it is recommended to choose yellow candles, you can church ones);
  • mirror.

Wait for the moment when people usually start clinking glasses. You will need to do the same, only with your own reflection. It will be best if it is in full growth. This detail is worth considering in advance.

Drink all the wine from the glass and then break it. You need to say these words:

“To be said! I broke loneliness, I got happiness!

Go to bed immediately after this New Year's conspiracy. Please note that this ritual can also be performed by those who want to break off the current relationship, but for some reason are afraid to do so. After the ritual, life with this person may improve or a person will appear soon who will become your true love.

The fragments from the glass are carefully collected and thrown away the morning after the conspiracy.

Rituals for the Old New Year

New Year's rituals and conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires can also be performed on the night of the old New Year. To attract good luck and wealth on this night, you will need small spruce branches, on which you will definitely need to tie a red bow. They are recommended to be made independently from a satin ribbon. These branches are first taken to the church, consecrated there, and only after that they are used for the ritual for the fulfillment of desires.

For the fulfillment of desires

The words of the conspiracy are best pronounced at the moment when the process of consecrating the branches is in progress:

“As the spruce aroma triumphs in the walls of the temple, interrupts other aromas, so luck would triumph in my house, I would not let any troubles into the house! Amen".

You can also read words at home. To do this, it is important to retire in a room and be sure that no one will interfere during the ceremony. The branches are laid out around the house. They can be left like this until the next year, so that they attract the energy of good luck all year round and contribute to the fulfillment of all desires.

To attract love

“A wreath for a girl is like a ring for marriage! Round like the sun, beautiful like life, desirable like love! As soon as a young wreath is put on her head, so the heavenly forces will take her under the arms, they will bring her to the side of her beloved, and on the other side they have long been waiting for her to marry! Let my words be strong, for love, let the words be tenacious.”

Before pronouncing the words, place a wreath made on the basis of wild flowers on the table. Put a candle inside and read the text without taking your eyes off it.

Then the wreath is put on the head of the girl who reads the plot. The candle is taken in hand. Again read the same words 2 more times. The wreath is kept until meeting with a loved one, and then thrown away, but only into a stream or river.

New Year's conspiracies really have an amazing power to fulfill desires. If you believe in a miracle and want luck not to leave you, wealth not to pass by, and love to last a lifetime, try to perform such rituals with conspiracies. If you believe in them, they will definitely change your life for the better.

New Year is associated with renewal - people look to the future with hope. A well-known fact: magical rites on New Year's Eve are especially strong, because they are supported by people's belief in miracles. Veduns advise asking higher powers for health, longevity and good luck. Also on New Year's Eve, love and money magic works well.

You can also conjure on the Old New Year, because no one has canceled the old style. There are rituals associated with the Chinese New Year festivities - they also work well. Now we will reveal the secrets of holiday magic - get your notebooks ready.

Those who are tired of loneliness should conduct a love ceremony associated with an appeal to the Spirit of the holiday. The plot is whispered about an hour before the New Year. Around 23.00 get dressed, leave the entrance and raise your eyes to the night sky. Say a prayer:

“Spirits of warmth, come to my house and bring love with you. Let delight absorb me, let the universe be useful. Bring the betrothed to me so that the bed is not empty. We will be in sorrows and joys together. From now on and forever. Spirit of the holiday, vouch for me before the Almighty. Amen".

Reconciliation with a loved one

There is a ritual that will help reconcile those who are in a quarrel. You will need two yellow candles and red wine. The complexity of the ritual is that the holiday will have to be celebrated in splendid isolation. Procedure:

  1. Open the window in the room - let the sounds of the holiday reach you.
  2. Wait for the chiming clock.
  3. Pour wine into a glass.
  4. Stand in front of a mirror.
  5. Light two candles, set them on either side of you.
  6. Say the incantation words and clink glasses with your own reflection.
  7. Drain the glass and whisper the phrase: "To be said to be."
  8. Go to bed.

Spell text: “I turn to the Lord, open my thoughts, open my spiritual aspirations. She opened the window wide open, drove the cunning away, surrendered to the darkness. Breathe, heavenly powers, love into a yearning heart, reward me with a strong relationship. Send me a sweetheart, for whom I will become a clear sun. Love conquers obstacles, rewards the patient. Amen".

Ritual for health

It is necessary to carry out a ceremony for health three days before the onset of the festive night. The ideal time is the day of St. Philemon (December 27). Early in the morning, go to the ice hole, collect a bucket of water there and return home. In the apartment, wash yourself with this water and whisper a plot:

“Clear Dawn woke up in the morning, smiled at the earth together with the sun. So did I, God's servant (your name). She collected holy water, strengthened her body. It washes the banks (the name of the river), Father Frost cools this water. Diseases are removed from people, heaven smiles at them. Heal me, heavenly intercessors. Amen".

Old New Year and money magic

Wheat has long been considered the patroness of the hearth, so we will turn to it. Siberian sorcerers believe that it is necessary to tie ritual actions to the old style. The ideal solution would be wheat taken from the first sheaf, but not everyone will be able to get this. Procedure:

  1. Look forward to the festive night.
  2. Take a wooden tub (any wooden container will do).
  3. Throw a handful of coins at the bottom.
  4. Dial more wheat in the palm of your hand (the grains should fit in your fist).
  5. Water the wheat.
  6. Say a money spell.

The text is: “Mother wheat, help me get rich. You feed the poor and the rich, young and old, feed God's servant (your name). The grains will sprout, they will bring me money. Amen".

After New Year's Eve, continue to germinate wheat in a tub, water the grains regularly. Divide the sprouted grain into two parts. Eat the first half, dry the second and hide in a bag. This bag will be your money talisman, always carry it with you.

Calling New Year's Luck

For this ceremony, you will need a Chinese lantern - these things are sold in souvenir shops everywhere. The ritual is performed on the night of January 1, but it can also be tied to the Eastern New Year. After midnight, start a flashlight from the balcony and read the magic spell:

“A terrible serpent goes into the sky, finds its death in distant lands. Fly away, kite. May the lost luck return to me, and the purse be filled with hard cash. From now on, I will be lucky in business, love will not bypass my house. Let it be so".

Chinese rite with a pot

The Chinese New Year is tied to the winter solstice. The Chinese celebrate this event on a grand scale - the fun lasts about 15 days. In 2018, the New Year holidays for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will start on February 16. You can perform a ritual for well-being and prosperity in the second half of February or in March.

The ritual activity of the Chinese is based on the distribution of money or their analogues to friends. Often, souvenirs donated by acquaintances are used as monetary amulets. The rite with the use of a clay pot is indicative. Procedure:

  1. Gather the family around the holiday table.
  2. Let everyone write a note wishing wealth and good luck to loved ones.
  3. All notes are thrown into a clay pot.
  4. In the pot it is necessary to place a figurine of an animal that patronizes the coming year.
  5. Money (small bills and coins) falls from above.
  6. The pot is covered with a green cloth and tied with natural linen thread.
  7. The artifact must be hidden from prying eyes.

Make sure that money symbols are attached to the linen thread. Bandaging is entrusted to the eldest member of the family (grandfather or grandmother). The pot is stored throughout the year - this is your financial talisman.

Finding a high paying job

New Year's Eve is great for magically attracting profitable work. The air element plays an important role in attracting prosperity, so open all the windows. A cold draft, symbolizing change, should walk around the apartment. Next, nodular magic is connected, the process looks like this:

  1. We take out a strong woolen thread.
  2. We tie three knots (they should be tight).
  3. We pronounce the same type of spell over each knot.
  4. We make a bracelet from a thread and wear it on our hands.
  5. We are waiting for offers from employers.

Spell text: "Buyan Island is separated from me by a deep ocean. The island beyond the sea lies like a white stone, it is impossible to move it. This is how my wealth will grow, money will stick to my wallet. A generous boss will find me, he will want to hire a faithful assistant. Everywhere they will call me, offer good sums. I will choose what is really worthy. I was a fine fellow without a penny, I will become a noble merchant with a long ruble. As I say, it will happen. Amen".

You need to knit knots in the center of the room, go there in advance. The ritual is performed in complete solitude. In this case, the desire must be visualized. If you want to get a job as a programmer, think about computers.

Christmas tree with banknotes

The ritual takes place between 23.00 and 01.00 - it all comes down to hanging banknotes on the New Year tree. An artificial Christmas tree is not suitable for magical purposes, take the trouble to get a live one. Collect as many small bills as possible and decorate a felled tree with them (for two hours). While decorating the Christmas tree, read the plot:

“Robbers and pests, merchant merchants will not see money. Let money flow to God's servant (your name) in your wallet. Income and success will accompany me, my family will live in prosperity and luxury. Let my income not end, let a continuous stream pour into my pockets. As I say, it will happen. Amen".

Once a year, all your spells and prayers can have much more power - on the eve of the upcoming new year. At the turn of the year, all conspiracies for the new year will require a minimum of effort from you, but will provide results for a long period. Rituals for money and wealth, luck and youth, as well as for mutual love are especially effective and popular.

If you prepare in advance not only for the New Year's holiday, but also for a powerful ritual, you can provide yourself with the required benefits for the next twelve months.

Ritual for health

This simple ritual will provide you with health and youth for the whole next year. It is quite simple to carry out and does not require you to prepare for a long time. Just prepare for New Year's Eve the following items:

  • Large mirror, best full length.
  • Three red wax candles.
  • Some natural bee honey.
  • A glass of warm clean water.
  • Tablespoon.

It is necessary to conduct the rite itself almost before the onset of the new year, that is, from eleven at night until the first strike of the chimes. In this case, the old year will take with it all the problems and troubles that have accompanied you all year.

Stand at the indicated time in front of the mirror and light the candles. There should be no other lighting. Take a tablespoon of honey in your hand and say the following spell:

“On three sides of the day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the earth. Run away, sickness, run away sickness. Heal Mother Earth, water. I will drop a sweet drop in my mouth and walk the earth like a swan. I will find a young one for a century, I will seal it with sweet honey. Amen".

Immediately after this, eat honey and drink it with a sip of warm water.

A simple wish fulfillment ritual

Almost every one of us performed at least once in a lifetime a simple ritual for the fulfillment of a wish to the sound of chiming clocks on New Year's Eve. But not everyone did it right: some write their dream on a napkin and then burn it, others just mentally pronounce what they want.

All these ways have a place to be, but they are far from the maximum effectiveness of magic. If you need to make sure that what you are thinking is fulfilled for sure, then follow the recommendations below:

  • You should make your innermost desire directly in the last seconds of the outgoing year, then it will surely come true.
  • In the process of mentally speaking your dream, touch the ring of precious gold on your finger to the lobe of your left ear. In this case, your energy will be directed to the fulfillment of the required.
  • The main rule will be the formulation of the phrase that is being thought of in the present tense, as if your dream has already come true. You should not doubt that New Year's magic will help you find what you want.

Follow these simple rules, and your wish will come true in the new year.

ritual for love

If you want to leave all your personal problems in the past year and strengthen mutual love, then perform this simple ritual, which, backed up by the power of the outgoing year, will provide you with everything you need for family happiness.

Such a conspiracy is performed if you celebrate the New Year together, and there are apples in the form of treats on the festive table. You should take care of compliance with all conditions in advance.

Right at the very end of the outgoing year, ask your loved one to bring one apple from the table for you, which then discreetly hide under the Christmas tree.

The next morning, already in the new year that has come, when you are left all alone, carefully cut the seeds from the apple along with the middle, while cutting the fruit in half.

Now you should write the full name of your loved one on a large piece of white paper and, folding it, carefully place it in the middle of the fetus. The halves of the apple should be connected and tied with a red woolen thread. Such a charmed fruit must be placed in a warm place where it will slowly dry out. Together with the apple, your man will also dry up to you, his love will become stronger.

No one should find such an apple in order to avoid violating the secrecy of the rite.

New Year's rite for profit

To secure wealth and money for the next twelve months, perform this simple ceremony. To do it correctly, you will need to purchase a new pot of baked clay. It is best to do this already in the coming year, as the first purchase.

In such a pot you should put the first change that the sellers will give you in the coming new year. Such change must consist of only coins.

It is put into a pot for storage not immediately, but on the night of the first new moon, which will come on the fourth day of the new year. They will stay there until the first full moon of the year, which will occur on the twentieth of January, so the pot should be hidden in a secluded hiding place where it cannot be found.

Every evening you need to get coins all alone, sort them out, and put them back in the pot, accompanying your actions with these words:

“Just as a month grows and arrives in the sky, so my money grows and arrives.”

The more respect you give to coins, the better they will thank you with their growth and increase next year.

When the full moon comes, the pot should be hidden so that no one will find it for the next year: as long as it remains intact, your house will be full of money and wealth.

Purse conspiracy

Also, the new year brings you the opportunity to update your financial situation through the creation of a money talisman that will guard and increase all your money all year round.

To do this, you should wait until the sixth of January and purchase two completely identical wallets. You should not skimp on the purchase, the items you choose must be of good quality, and preferably made of genuine leather.

Pay for the purchase with a bill that significantly exceeds the purchase amount. Do not take the change yourself, but ask the seller to put it in one of the wallets: you will leave it for yourself.

It is very important that a five-ruble coin remains among the change, since it will become your “irreplaceable nickel”, a talisman that is designed to increase your money in a new wallet.

The second of a pair of wallets bought should be presented the next day as a gift to a relative or friend who is superior to you in terms of material support, so that the connection established between the two wallets pulls you for more wealth. In a donated purse, put any bill or coin from the change from the purchase, just do not use your fiat nickel as this.

At the time of donation, do not forget to mentally consolidate the plot with these words:

“No matter how much I give, I receive more. How much comes to you, so much comes to me!”

Now the New Year's conspiracy is considered complete and you can spend the remaining change at your discretion: the most important thing is not to give anyone the fiat nickel, since it is he who will bring you wealth in the coming year.

In order for you to be lucky in all your endeavors over the next twelve months, you should simply perform a ritual on the last day of the outgoing year and beg for luck.

For the correct performance of the ceremony, you only need a church candle and your correct emotional state. It is necessary to mentally let go of all the grievances of your enemies and friends, tune in only to the good. Believe that all adversity remains in the past year, and the next year will be much better for you and your family.

When you are at the right emotional background, light a candle and take it into your hands. Look carefully at the flame and ask God to bring you good luck in everything. Then read these words:

“My merciful God, be in the year that comes with me. Send me health and well-being to me, me and my family. Send me gold and silver, and more good things. Bless me to rest, bless the world so that I never part with You. Holy archangels, yes good angels, all the heavenly army, do not let me, the servant of God (name), and my family suffer in the new year. Protect us from trouble, protect anyone from ailments, from fire, and from water. Throughout the new year, be my God with me. Save me, save me, and protect me from evil and adversity. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, put the candle on the table and let it burn down on its own.

A conspiracy for the New Year helps to fulfill cherished desires. It can be read for health, beauty, love, financial well-being, luck, etc.

What is the power of New Year and Christmas?

The period from early December to mid-January is a unique time for making wishes. During this period, a sufficient amount of energy accumulates, which is formed due to thoughts, emotions and faith in the fulfillment of the desired large number of people. This is a good time to recharge protective amulets and amulets.

On New Year's Eve, all positive thoughts meet and unite into a single stream that goes to the center of the Universe. Therefore, things spoken on January 1 must be stored throughout the year, they bring good luck and prosperity to their owner.

People thank each other, give gifts, and an atmosphere of happiness and a sense of celebration reigns around, all this accumulates into one big New Year's egregore, from which you can draw strength to make your desires come true. Each person performs a magical ritual, due to which a whole energy field is formed, where thoughts move in one direction.

Conspiracies for Christmas or New Year

There are several rituals that can be performed on New Year's holidays. For example, a ritual for health and youth, beauty, mutual love, wealth, luck, study, attractiveness, etc.

For health and youth

To read a conspiracy in the New Year and Christmas for health and youth, you need to prepare some honey and 3 red candles. On December 31, when there is 1 minute left before the next year, you need to go to the mirror, light all the candles near it, take a teaspoon of honey in your right hand and read the spell:

“Day comes on three sides of the world, and night leaves on the fourth. As water flows down and runs away, so all diseases will perish away. Like water, they will flow from the body and soul, through all the thorns, into the reeds. I taste sacred honey, I prolong my youth. I will forever bloom, bring beauty to this world. Like a white swan I float on water, I will bring to life what has been said. Magic will help this night, no one can stop him. Let it be as ordered. Amen".

After reading, you need to eat a spoonful of honey and drink it with consecrated water, and then put out all the candles and look at yourself in the mirror, saying loudly: "Amen." All this must be done while the chimes are striking.

Conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness

Conspiracies and amulets for Christmas and New Year will help restore its former attractiveness and beauty. For such a magical rite, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Before the onset of New Year's Eve, you need to collect a glass of spring water.
  2. On the night of December 31 to January 1, you need to put a cup at the head of the bed and say the magic words:

    “I wake up in the morning, I smile at the white light. I will pray to God, I will wash myself with spring water. I will become a beauty, everyone will like me. No one can pass by, water will increase my beauty. For a whole year to walk like a beauty, everyone will worship the servant of God (name).

  3. On the morning of January 1, you need to wash yourself with charmed water.

In order to increase the level of attractiveness, you can make a special amulet. To make it, you need a small stone or shell. On New Year's Eve or the night before Christmas, when the clock strikes midnight, you need to take this item in your right hand and mentally say:

“Just as everyone is happy with the red sun, so everyone will rejoice at the servant of God (name). Its beauty will enchant everyone. No one can resist her charms. What is said cannot be avoided. Amen".

Conspiracy for reciprocity in love

To read the plot for reciprocity in love affairs, you will need to go outside on New Year's Eve. Raising his eyes to the sky, a person should shout three times:

“Angels and archangels live in heaven, they can see everything from there, they know everything, they hear everything. So let them help the slave (the name of the performer of the ritual) find mutual love, find a groom for themselves. Help the beautiful Moon, show your beloved the way, do not let him turn off the right path. Let him find me among all the rest, I conjure with the power of all the saints. Let the beloved follow the ball, he will bring him to the house. Let's live together, love each other and be faithful. I'll lock the words, I'll bury the key in the ground. May it be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

After that, you should return home, take a ball of red woolen threads and hide it at the head of the bed. Every night before going to bed, you need to take it in both hands and say:

“Come soon, you will find me. We will live soul to soul, raise children together. Amen".

Conspiracy to desire

There are several options. In such a magical ritual, champagne, a white sheet of paper, church candles, rings, etc. are used.

In order for the dream to come true, it is forbidden to train in advance. The only thing you can do before the holiday is to clearly articulate your desire down to the smallest detail. You can not tell anyone about it or write it down somewhere. All plots are read at the last minute on December 31 under the chimes.

Conspiracy for wealth

If a person celebrates a holiday at home, then you can make the following conspiracy for wealth:

  1. At 23.50, you need to take a bath and add a few drops of tea tree, tangerine or orange aromatic oil.
  2. You need to lie in the bathroom for 10 minutes, and after midnight, say the magic words 12 times.
  3. After that, you can not wipe yourself with a towel, you should allow the body to dry naturally.

Conspiracy text:

“With New Year’s forces, with kind words, I speak myself for prosperity and wealth. So that money flows all year round and the servant of God does not know the troubles and worries. Poverty will bypass this house, it will take all misfortunes with it. As weeds grow in a wide field, so this desire is fulfilled. Goodness and wealth in this house do not end, money multiply and multiply. The jingle of coins and the rustle of banknotes, all the clothes are haute couture. Yes, let it be so, and not otherwise. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

big money conspiracy

Conspiracies for money, luck and wealth should be read on the eve of the holiday. To carry out the New Year's ritual, you will need a small amount of rye and wheat grains. Grains should be scattered on the festive table exactly at midnight, and a handful of little things should be placed next to it (it is recommended to use coins with a face value of 5 or 10 rubles). After that, you should read the spell three times:

“As coins ring, so big money is flying into this house. As the old year wanes, so does wealth come to this house. The servant of God will enjoy life, he will not have to need anything. Whatever he wants, he will buy. Whatever it touches, everything turns into gold, (name) bathes in luxury. On New Year's Eve I conjure, I command what has been said to be fulfilled. I lock these words, I throw the key under the Christmas tree. The spell is strong, the spell is strong. Amen".

Grains and coins should lie on the table all the festive night. In the morning they need to be collected in a red velvet bag and hidden in a secluded place until next year.

Also try the plot from the video below:

Purse conspiracy

For this ritual, a week before the holiday, you will need to purchase a new wallet, preferably red. The accessory must be placed under the pillow so that it is saturated with the energy of the person who will conduct this ceremony.

The plot itself is read at midnight on the night of December 31 to January 1. You need to take the wallet in your right hand and confidently say three times:

“The cash flow is rushing and running into this new wallet. All incomes are multiplied, all coins flock here. Monetary energy appears here, everything turns into a luxury. It will never be empty, and the servant of God (name) will be poor. Poverty escapes from this purse, as it burns from holy fire. What is said will come true. Yes, it will be just like that and nothing else. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

After that, the wallet must be placed on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. And on top of it you need to put a handful of coins. In the morning, coins should be given to those in need, and a few bills should be put in the accessory itself.

Conspiracy for good luck

Conspiracies and prayers for the New Year for good luck can be read from midnight to dawn. In order to enhance the magical effect, you need to buy a Chinese lantern, launch it into the sky and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“The serpent of misfortune and anxiety flew away and disappeared, took all the troubles with it. Happiness and luck came to this house, they brought good luck. All difficulties are solved simply and easily, nothing is required in return. Love and luck go side by side, they only bring joy. Let this year be happy, without problems and without hassle. This desire will be fulfilled, the cup of luck will be replenished. Help will come in unknown ways, roundabout paths. Together with fortune, I will reach next year. So be it. I lock my desire, I throw the key into the blue ocean. No one will find it at the bottom, the spell will not fall. Amen".

Spell for good luck in studies

For a magical New Year's ritual for good luck in your studies, you need to prepare a small green button. This charmed item will need to be carried with you throughout the next year. When the clock strikes midnight on a festive night, you should take a button in your right hand, close your eyes and say a conspiracy:

“The button is a talisman that brings good luck, helps in learning. Consecrated by festive fire, tempered with pure water. Gain mighty strength, protect the slave (name) from failures in your studies. So that all exams are easy to pass, all knowledge is memorized without problems. I will always carry you with me, take you to exams, you will help. I send my desire to heaven, through high mountains, blue seas, dense forests. Let it be so. The New Year's flame flares up, the desire to study wakes up. Key, tongue, lock. The words are strong, the will is strong, it will be so from now on and forever.

Then you need to take 3 sips of consecrated water and hide the button in your right pocket.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

There are several options for New Year's rituals that Natalya Stepanova came up with. For example, you can make a charm that will protect a person from all misfortunes over the next year. To prepare it, you will need some kind of medallion that you can buy or make yourself.

On New Year's Eve, you need to take a prepared pendant, stand in front of an open window and say:

“Glory to our Father Almighty. I adore him, I ask for his help. I'll stand before the moon, alone with myself. I ask for heavenly blessings. I'll take 12 luminaries, 12 months and 12 friends. Everyone will become God's shield, will protect (name) secretly. All troubles will go away, misfortunes will bypass this house. Good luck will accompany you everywhere. All things will get better, all difficulties will be solved. I conjure with good words, I endow the amulet with protective power. From now on, it will only be this way and nothing else. Amen".

The medallion should always be carried with you or put under the pillow.

Prayers for the Old New Year and Christmas

Prayers for the New Year and Christmas can be aimed at improving health, helping in love affairs, etc.

Christmas Prayer:

“With joy and gratitude I turn to God, I ask for help. Give love mutual and pure, happy children, great health. On this holiday of Christmas, may all that is envisioned be fulfilled. Amen".

Just do not be afraid at the word conspiracy. Conspiracies for the New Year 2019 do not carry anything negative, on the contrary, they are aimed at ensuring that all the bad things remain in the outgoing year, and you enter the new year 2019 only with positive baggage.

Be sure to take with you good luck and love, prosperity and health. And how to do all this, you will learn by reading this material.

Of course, there is simply no better time to fulfill wishes than the New Year. Tune in to the festive wave and prepare the most cherished desires. They will definitely come true.

What is the difference between the New Year's time and all the others and why conspiracies at this time of the year bring results. It's all about the accumulation of powerful, bright energy, thanks to a single spirit and people's faith in magic.

A series of various holidays takes place during this period and covers all countries and continents, all religions and denominations. On New Year's Eve, all of humanity demonstrates amazing unanimity. Naturally, the main hopes of people are connected with the future, this is the health of their own and loved ones, and financial well-being, and, of course, love. Do not miss the chance to seize the moment, this happens only once a year, use New Year's conspiracies!

New Year's conspiracy for health and youth

Everyone dreams of eternal youth and health. Perform all actions strictly, as described in the instructions for this health conspiracy.

On December 31, after the hands of the clock start counting the last hour of the year, go to the mirror with three lit candles. It is better if they are consecrated, right in the church. Take a spoonful of honey in your right hand and repeat the magic spell for health and youth:

From three sides day comes, and from the fourth only night, the water runs away and slips away. Let illnesses and ailments also take root and flow away, like water away from my body and soul. Mother earth to help me, and damp water. I will quench my thirst with fresh water and float above the earth like a swan. I will be young for a century.

After the end of the spell, you must immediately eat honey and drink it with water. Try it, perhaps this rite will help you maintain health and youth.

Good luck spell for the new year

This conspiracy must also be done on the very eve of the New Year. Try to collect your thoughts properly, remember all those who were not so kind to you in the past year, maybe even you have enemies or enemies. Forgive them all, leave all grievances in the past, say thank you to God for a great year and ask him for support in the coming year. And most importantly, ask him to support all the people who need it.

Pick up a lit candle and read the plot for good luck:

Dear God, do not leave me in the New Year, I ask the well-being of all my relatives, the needy, and a little me. Gold, silver, miscellaneous goods, I ask for your blessings and your God's patience. Heavenly angels, please give the servant of God (here you need to indicate your own name) silushki in the coming year. To my relatives, to all those in need, well, to me a little. Almighty Lord, I ask for your protection from ailments, ailments, from cold water and burning fire. Be with me God, the whole New Year, and with all people too. Protect from misfortunes and torments, from evil and dashing eyes. Let it be so, all your will.

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

As everyone who has passed this rite says, it works flawlessly! To do this, you need to do the simplest manipulations. Hold a gold or silver ring in one hand. On the very New Year, say a conspiracy to fulfill wishes, when the chimes begin the report of the new 2019, touch the ring to the edge of your left ear and try to imagine what you would like to receive in the future. For the best effect, imagine that you already have it, believe it as a fact. Do not hesitate, when the New Year comes, so it will be.

Conspiracy for mutual love for the New Year

It often happens that we celebrate the New Year in the company of a person for whom we have feelings. But, as a dramatic plot requires, he does not pay any attention to you. Sitting at the table, as if by chance, ask this very person to simply pass you an apple. Just take your time, do not bite him right away. Hide it somewhere, just do it discreetly, and then put it right under the Christmas tree. Waking up in the morning, take this apple, cut the core out of it and stick a note into the wasteland that has formed, on which the name of your loved one will be written.

And then tie the fruit with a dense red thread, hide it in a secluded place. And then watch carefully. The magic will begin to act, and the same person will definitely pay attention to you, or, for sure, call you. Just don't talk about what you're going to do, otherwise the magic will lose its power.

New Year's conspiracy for wealth

Russian people, for the most part, all, like Emelya, lie on the stove and wait until wealth comes into their hands. Let's also turn into New Year's Emelya for a second, and try to earn money without getting up from the stove. Moreover, in the New Year, the power of magic doubles. The second most popular conspiracy for the New Year after love is money. It seems very unfair to many that yachts, mansions and cars belong to some other people, therefore, on New Year's Eve they are urgently asked, and someone even demands that higher powers apply for life.

So, let's say you went to the store on the first of January to restock your groceries. Although, probably, on the table and in the refrigerator is still full of salads. We went, in general, to the store, bought what we wanted, they gave you change. These very small money will be useful to us for our financial ritual. Throw a penny into a clay pot, hide it in a secluded place and cast magic spells over it every night:

The moon has grown in the night sky, which means that my money will grow up. The moon in the night sky calls, stuffs money into my pocket. This method works especially effectively when the future oligarch stamps his right foot on the word "month" and at the same time pours some more trifles into the pot. After the ceremony, bury the money where no one will definitely find it. And wait, soon the money will flow like a river.

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