Miracles created by St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in our days: eyewitness accounts

With Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nicholas the Pleasant, also St. Nicholas - Archbishop of Myra in Lycia), one of the most revered saints in Orthodox world. He became famous as the great Pleasant of God. Believers not only of the Orthodox, but also of the Catholic and other churches pray to him.

The whole life of Saint Nicholas is service to God. From the day he was born, he showed people the light of the future glory of the great miracle worker. The saint of God performed many miracles on earth and at sea. He helped people in trouble, saved them from drowning, freed them from captivity and saved them from death. Nicholas the Wonderworker gave many healings for illnesses and bodily ailments. He enriched the needy in extreme poverty, served food to the hungry, and was a ready helper, prompt intercessor and defender to everyone in every need.

And today he also helps those who call on him and delivers them from troubles. It is impossible to count his miracles. This great miracle worker is known to the East and West, and his miracles are known to all ends of the earth. Numerous churches and monasteries are erected in honor of St. Nicholas, and children are named after him at Baptism. IN Orthodox Church numerous miraculous icons the great Saint.

Life of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas was born on August 11 (new style) in the second half of the 3rd century in the city of Patara, region of Lycia in Asia Minor. His parents Theophanes and Nonna were from a noble family and very wealthy, which did not prevent them from being pious Christians, merciful to the poor and zealous towards God.

Before old age they had no children; in constant fervent prayer, they asked the Almighty to give them a son, promising to devote him to the service of God. Their prayer was heard: the Lord gave them a son, who at holy baptism received the name Nicholas, which means in Greek “victorious people.”

Already in the first days of his infancy, the future Wonderworker showed that he was destined for special service to the Lord. A legend has been preserved that during baptism, when the ceremony was very long, he, unsupported by anyone, stood in the font for three hours. From childhood, Nikolai excelled in studying Scripture, praying, fasting and reading divine books. From the very first days, Saint Nicholas began a strict ascetic life, to which he remained faithful until the grave.

“Behold, brothers, I see a new sun rising over the ends of the earth, which will be a consolation to all who are sad. Blessed is the flock that is worthy to have such a shepherd! He will feed well the souls of the lost, feeding them in the pastures of piety; and he will be a warm helper to everyone in trouble!”

His uncle, Bishop Nicholas of Patara, rejoicing at the spiritual success and high piety of his nephew, made him a reader, and then elevated Nicholas to the rank of priest, making him his assistant. While serving the Lord, the young man was burning in spirit, and in his experience in matters of faith he was like an old man, which aroused the surprise and deep respect of the believers. Constantly working, Presbyter Nicholas showed great mercy to people, coming to the aid of those in need.

Once, having learned about the poverty of one resident of the city, Saint Nicholas saved him from a great sin. Having three adult daughters, the desperate father plotted to give them over to fornication in order to obtain the funds needed for their dowry. The saint, grieving for the dying sinner, secretly threw three bags of gold out his window at night and thereby saved the family from fall and spiritual death.

One day Saint Nicholas went to Palestine. While traveling on the ship, he showed the gift of deep miracles: with the power of his prayer he pacified a strong storm. Here on the ship he performed a great miracle, resurrecting a sailor who had fallen from the mast onto the deck and died. On the way, the ship often landed on the shore. Nicholas the Wonderworker took care of the healing of ailments everywhere local residents: He healed some from illnesses, drove out evil spirits from others, and gave consolation to others in their sorrows.

Nicholas the Wonderworker calms the storm

By the will of the Lord, Saint Nicholas was elected Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. This happened after one of the bishops of the Council, which was deciding the issue of electing a new archbishop, was shown in a vision the chosen one of God. It was Nicholas the Wonderworker. Having received the rank of bishop, the saint remained the same great ascetic, presenting an image of meekness, gentleness and love for people.

Despite his meekness, Saint Nicholas was a zealous warrior of the Church of Christ. Once denouncing the heretic Arius, the Wonderworker even struck the false teacher on the cheek, for which he was deprived of his omophorion (note the bishop's vestment) and put into custody. However, it was revealed to several holy fathers in a vision that the Lord Himself and the Mother of God ordained Nicholas as a bishop, giving him the Gospel and the omophorion. Realizing that the saint’s boldness was pleasing to God, the fathers freed and restored the saint to his rank.

During his lifetime, Saint Nicholas performed many virtues. Of these, deliverance from death brought the greatest glory to the saint. three husbands, unjustly condemned by a self-interested mayor. The saint boldly approached the executioner and held his sword, which was already raised above the heads of the condemned. The mayor, convicted by Nicholas the Wonderworker of untruth, repented and asked for forgiveness.

More than once the saint saved those drowning in the sea, and brought them out of captivity and imprisonment in dungeons. Through the prayers of the saint, the city of Myra was saved from severe famine.

According to Saint Andrew of Crete, Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to people burdened with various disasters, gave them help and saved them from death: “With his deeds and virtuous life, Saint Nicholas shone in the World, like a morning star among the clouds, like a beautiful moon in its full moon. For the Church of Christ he was a brightly shining sun, he adorned Her like a lily at a spring, and was for Her a fragrant world!”

The Lord allowed His great Saint to live to a ripe old age. But the time came when he, too, had to repay the common debt of human nature. Nicholas the Wonderworker peacefully reposed in the Lord on December 6 (December 19 according to the present day) 342 and was buried in the cathedral church of the city of Myra.

During his lifetime, Saint Nicholas was a benefactor of the human race; He did not cease to be one even after his death. The Lord granted his honest body incorruptibility and special miraculous power. His relics began - and continue to this day - to exude fragrant myrrh, which has the gift of working miracles.


We were planning to go to the countryside for the summer: our hypertensive husband needed to be taken out of the city to nature as soon as possible. It’s a long journey for us, with several transfers... With difficulty I got tickets, and suddenly three days before departure my husband fell ill. In desperation, I ran to return the tickets. It was already the end of May, it was time to plant vegetables, the locals had planted everything a long time ago, but here the planting was being disrupted. I’m going to our St. Nicholas Cathedral for help from St. Nicholas. I’m standing at a prayer service, praying fervently, my condition is terrible. And suddenly, after the prayer service, an amazing calmness, peace and joy descends on me... In my entire life, I have never experienced such a feeling. Soon my husband recovered, I took the tickets again, and we hit the road. And only when approaching the village did I understand why God sent us this delay: to get to us, we need to cross the river, but during the flood the bridge broke. It had been repaired all spring and had only just been repaired when we arrived: our car was the first car to cross the new bridge.
Marina DENISYUK, Arkhangelsk region.


This happened in the summer of 1997. to my youngest son was 12 years old, and he went on a sailing trip around Estonia as part of a boat crew. In Pärnu Bay, a squall hit them and capsized the boat. Everyone was saved, although not immediately. Our son was the youngest in the crew. Thank God that my wife and I gave our son a small icon of the Saint with us!

The second case of miraculous help from the Saint occurred in the same year. It was a very difficult period financially for our family. I couldn’t find a job for a long time, my pension wasn’t enough, my wife didn’t work either. At that time I was a parishioner of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tallinn. During confession, I told the priest about the difficulties. He says to me: “You come up to this icon of the Saint and ask him for help, he will help.” He said this simply and casually, as if he were talking about something already decided and everyday. I prayed to Saint Nicholas as best I could, venerated the image and went home. I didn’t even light a candle - there was no money. It was on Sunday. On Monday, an acquaintance called me and offered me a job, and on Wednesday, my friends offered me another one.

And the third case happened here, in St. Petersburg. On St. Nicholas Winter Day in 1998, I was in Vyritsa, in the Church of the Icon Mother of God"Kazanskaya". After the Liturgy and prayer service, the pilgrims went out into the street and began a religious procession around the temple. A cloudy, rainy day with clouds that, it seemed, nothing would ever break through, lit up in a few minutes bright sun. Light was everywhere. Raindrops played with millions of rainbow crystals on the pine needles around. People's faces shone, tears sparkled in their eyes. While the choir and parishioners were singing, the soul prayed: “Father Nikolai, because you are here, next to me, touch me, let me feel you!” When they entered the temple again, people passed under the icon of the Saint. I passed under the icon at the beginning of the stream of people. The female servant turned to me: “Young man, hold the icon while the procession of the Cross passes under it.” And I stood with the icon of the Wonderworker until everyone passed under it. And only when I was already on the train home, it dawned on me that the Saint had heard my prayer and immediately fulfilled it, handing me his image.

I described only three cases of the Saint’s help that I was able to see in my life. And how many of them passed by my eyes due to spiritual blindness! Sainted Father Nicholas, pray to God for us!
r.B. Alexiy, Estonia


A few years ago, my daughter and her little nephew went to my mother's house, where no one had lived for a long time, to pick up some things. I got there a little later, called, my daughter went to open it, but the door wouldn’t budge. They started pushing her hard - no result. The situation was desperate: my daughter and nephew were locked in a cold house, it was starting to get dark, there were no neighbors nearby... Again and again we tried to open the stubborn door: my daughter pushed it with her shoulder, I pulled the handle - all in vain. Having lost last hope, I prayed: “Help us open the door, Nicholas the Wonderworker!” And at that same second the door opened softly and smoothly, completely easily. With tears we gave thanks to the Lord and the Saint.
Irina YURYATINA, Tbilisi


Doctors prescribed me heart surgery, which cost 40 thousand rubles. I, a disabled person of the second group, did not have that kind of money. Not long before this, I read the book “Nicholas the Merciful” and decided to ask the Saint for help. Every morning I read him an akathist and begged him to help in my grief. On the third day, a woman was admitted to my room; I told her about my misfortune, and she gave me the address of a person who helps financially everyone she sees fit. I perked up. Two months later, that person responded to my request, and two months later the operation took place.
Nina PUSHKARSKAYA, Voronezh region.


After divorcing my drinking husband, I raised my son alone. Now he has graduated from university and has three beautiful children. It occurred to me that now I have the right to my share family happiness. I began to constantly pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that he would send me a husband - smart and teetotal, albeit of ordinary appearance. And the Saint sent me exactly the kind of person I asked for. We got married, got married, go to church together, and I am grateful to the Lord and Nicholas the Wonderworker for the happiness that befell me at the end of my life.
r.B. Valentina, Moscow


As a child, I received a miraculous healing at the spring of St. Nicholas. I had streptoderma - a nasty skin disease. I was treated for a month - nothing helped, but at the source, despite the prohibitions to treat the sore, I washed my face, and a day later there was no trace of streptoderma.

Since then, I often turn to the Saint, and he always helps me, but one day I managed to greatly anger God's Pleasant, and he punished me greatly for it. I was on a pilgrimage to the Sanaksar monastery. It was 1994 - there were constant problems with gasoline, money, etc. In a word, we got to Sanaksar, but back - no gasoline, no passing transport... The civilians were advancing New Year, and I certainly wanted to meet him with relatives in Belarus. At first I simply prayed to St. Nicholas to send us a passing car, and then go ahead and say: “Well, that’s it, St. Nicholas, because you don’t send me a car, I won’t pray to you anymore and light candles. That’s it!” She said it and forgot. We got home, sometimes on foot, sometimes by hitchhiking... And at home, the Lord revealed to me the worthlessness of this New Year, and I realized with horror that I had lost the intercession of Nicholas the Pleasant. This was manifested in the fact that I could not read the akathist to the Saint - I felt with my whole being that he was not listening to me - and when I lit candles for him, they either went out or fell... I realized the disgustingness of my act and really regretted what I had done. . Finally, I confessed and received a scolding and penance from my confessor: read an akathist to the Wonderworker every Thursday. How hard this reading was for me! But before, I knew the akathist almost by heart. But gradually, gradually, my prayer began to reach the Pleasant, and everything fell into place.
Lyubov DEMENTYEVA, Barnaul


In our village, a woman named Anna fell ill with cancer. One day she was lying on the stove at home, when suddenly some old man came in and said to her: “If you, servant of God, pray, you will live!” She began to pray, and soon felt better, and even began to work. But work distracted her from prayer, and she stopped praying. Then that old man, in whom she had already recognized Nicholas the Wonderworker, appeared to her again, and said to her: “Why don’t you, servant of God, pray?..”
Anna KORCHAGINA, Altai region


My great-grandmother told me that during the Great Patriotic War she had an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. My great-grandmother lived in one of the villages in the Mogilev region. When the Germans set fire to this village, my great-grandmother’s house was the only one that survived the fire. Fellow villagers, watching the fire go around the hut, were surprised, but the great-grandmother remained calm: she firmly believed that St. Nicholas, through prayers at his icon, would save her home. As a child, I saw this icon and remember well how the wonderful light emanating from it was refracted through window glass and reflected on the evening snow. Great-grandmother also said that the icon of the Wonderworker always glows.

After the death of my great-grandmother, the wonderful image was given not to me, but to my relatives, but St. Nicholas is still close to me. Recently in the village. Oredezh, near where I live, they built a chapel in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. When it was consecrated, a lot of people gathered. It is interesting that most of those gathered were drivers, who see the Saint as their heavenly patron.
N.I. Vasilyeva, Leningrad region


I have long suffered from severe allergies - intolerance to the smell of oil paint. This summer I was relaxing at the dacha. Suddenly the neighbors started painting their house; smelled of paint. I began to pray to Saint Nicholas, asking for help. And help came. The neighbors continued painting, and then, after a short break, resumed it, but there was no longer any smell. This was felt not only by me, but also by my dacha owner, who was very surprised at the lack of smell.

And quite recently such an incident occurred. Suddenly my phone stopped working. It was Friday, which meant that the master would not come to me until Monday. I am not a young person and live alone. The silence of my phone could cause a commotion among my relatives and friends. And I prayed: “Father Nikolai! Please fix my phone.” And after 20 minutes the phone started working.


It so happened that my husband did not work in his specialty after graduation. The need to return to my acquired profession arose 10 years after graduation. But enterprises that needed such specialists did not want to hire a person without work experience and offered a salary that was impossible for a family with a small child to live on. Then we turned to St. Nicholas: together we prayed to him for help every day with bows. About two weeks later, by luck, we called a company that did not advertise at all that it needed a specialist, but was simply located not far from our house. It turned out that they just needed an employee, and the husband was hired, and his salary was 2-3 times higher than what was offered in other places, and moreover, he was given the opportunity to improve his skills. And this case of the Saint’s help, of course, is not the only one.
Evgenia ANTONOVA, Moscow region.


In 1999, on May 27, I closed the church, put the keys in my purse, and had only walked about a hundred meters away from the church when someone snatched the purse from my hands. At first I didn’t understand anything, but then I saw that there were three attackers. I noticed them a long time ago: they followed me for an hour, circling near the Church of St. Nicholas, where I work, but not together, but at a distance from each other. It was strange to me that they still didn’t leave. Sometimes they even came up to me, bought candles and - just think! - they were placed near the icon of the Saint. And so they robbed me. I immediately called the police, a police car arrived, and we drove together in the direction where the robbers had fled. How I cried in this car! - Only the Lord and Saint Nicholas know how I felt. She cried bitterly and begged the Saint for help at the top of her voice. The policemen looked sideways at me as if I was crazy, but did not laugh, but consoled me. And the Saint heard me, a sinner. Imagine: in just an hour we caught one of the bandits. But in such big city, like Odessa, finding a person is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!
r.B. Tamara, Odessa


At our plant, expensive equipment was stolen in one of the workshops. Suspicion fell on a worker named Anatoly. The rumor about this quickly spread throughout the enterprise and began to acquire various speculations. Anatoly was even offered to give a bribe to anyone in order to hush up the matter. But to give a bribe means to admit guilt, and Anatoly rejected the slander that was leveled against him. His case was supposed to be dealt with just on the eve of St. Nicholas the Winter. There was little hope that it would end favorably for Anatoly. It was then that he was advised to go to St. Seraphim Pokrovsky convent, who is in our city to pray before the miraculous image of St. Nicholas and ask for help in trouble. Anatoly was not a church person at all, but he listened to the advice and went to the image.

A day or two later, his case was resolved, all charges against him were dropped, and from then on, Anatoly, feeling grateful to God, began, albeit not often, to visit the temple, to the joy of all of us - the Orthodox residents of our city.
Mikhail KAZANIN, Kemerovo region.


In the summer of 2002, I came to my daughter in Tambov to spend the night with her, and the next morning go to Zadonsk to venerate the relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsky. My daughter was having her apartment renovated, and I decided to help her by painting the balcony. My daughter tried to dissuade me, but I continued to paint and worked until I inhaled this poisonous paint to the point of nausea. Then I felt very bad, and every minute I felt worse and worse. The daughter called an ambulance, but the doctor arrived and said that they could not treat paint poisoning. Then my daughter ran to the pharmacy, and I, left alone, began to pray to the Mother of God, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and St. Nicholas, so that they would help me get to the monastery the next day. 5-7 minutes passed, I got up from my knees and immediately felt a significant improvement. For a long time I could not believe it, but it soon became clear that the malaise had completely passed. I managed to go to the monastery quite safely.

Another time, my granddaughter developed a very painful, itchy rash. The girl was worried that summer was approaching, and she would not be able to sunbathe or swim. No matter what ointments they prescribed for her, it was all to no avail. Then I gave her the book “Miracles of St. Nicholas in our days” to read and said: “Pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant, he will help!” The granddaughter did so, and soon the rash disappeared.
Galina LIKHACHEVA, Tambov region.


Once, while reading the book “Nicholas the Merciful,” I thought: after all, Saint Nicholas helped me more than once. How many times, when I was late for a train, I prayed to the Wonderworker for help, and the train was delayed at the station just long enough for me to catch it! How many times did the Saint send me rides on those roads where cars go once a month!.. And so, remembering all these cases of miraculous help, I decided to bother the Saint again with my requests. Due to the nature of my work, I have to deal with construction mixtures, various aggressive liquids, and as a result, right hand I developed severe irritation that did not go away for more than six months. My hand itched painfully all the time, and it looked simply terrible. I asked Saint Nicholas to heal my sore hand and promised that I would write about his help in the newspaper “Rule of Faith.” Exactly a week passed, and there was no trace of irritation, although I did not use any medications. Now I'm still working in the same unfavorable conditions, however, my illness does not return by the grace of God.
r.B. Evgeniy, St. Petersburg


Saint Nicholas is the heavenly patron of my father. When one day dad became seriously ill with pneumonia, the doctors in our hospital could not cure him. Our whole family - there are nine of us children - prayed for our dad to St. Nicholas, and then my father was sent to Moscow. There a professor examined him and found that dad was intolerant to penicillin. He was treated with other medications and soon recovered. So the Lord, through the prayers of St. Nicholas, gave our father another 13 years of life.

Now I’ll tell you about what I heard from my friend, Mother Nina. One day she found out that in the Tambov region, in the Michurinsky district, the village of Dubovo, there is miraculous spring St. Nicholas, who has very great healing powers. Mother Nina is a sick person; for almost two years she could not sleep in bed and slept sitting in a chair. The first time she came to the spring with several women. They settled down for the night in an empty house. Mother Nina slept in her chair, which she made with her own hands, and in a subtle dream she saw how a gray-haired old man came into the house and said: “To receive grace, you need to come here three times.” She came to the source for the second time. Now their group included two guys who took a bottle of vodka with them and wanted to drink it at the source. They were told that they could not drink in the holy place, but they did not listen. At the source they put the bottle on the ground, and for no reason it broke into pieces. The guys came to their senses, asked St. Nicholas for forgiveness, and prayed. The third time, Nina took with her to the spring a patient who was already preparing for death and did not even want to go, because she did not feel strong enough. They begged her, put her in a car, and at the source, along with everyone else, they poured water on her - 12 buckets were poured for each person. When we returned to Tambov, this patient was healed and went home herself. Mother Nina was also healed and now sleeps not in a chair, but on a bed. This is what a powerful source St. Nicholas gave us!
Nina KOLOSOVA, Tambov


Last summer, my uncle, in whose apartment I lived after divorcing my husband, asked me to leave. I had to move in with my parents, and their place is already cramped. I was very worried and was sure that now I would have to hang around other people’s houses all my life. But then the icon of St. Nicholas arrived in our city, consecrated in the city of Bari on the relics of the Wonderworker. My mother and I prayed at this icon, read akathists, and - what a miracle! My believing friend told me how to properly apply for a loan from Sberbank to purchase a home. Soon I bought myself a good apartment - but just recently I could not even dream about it. But the miracles are not over yet. In the new apartment, the balcony was in disrepair, and the neighbors were selling “burnt” vodka, and streams of drunkards flowed to our site day and night. But the Saint of Christ Nicholas did not leave here without his help. They built a balcony for me two months later, free of charge, and the neighbors moved in six months later, and now quite decent people live in this apartment.

Nikolai Ugodnik also helped me in the service. I worked in a very prestigious, well-paid place, but my boss suddenly began to outlive me. It seemed that there would be no end to the bullying, I went to work as if I was going to execution, and did not stop praying to the Lord, the Mother of God and especially St. Nicholas for help. And so on December 19, on his feast day, the Saint showed a miracle: my boss was kicked out in disgrace, and I was offered new position- by specialty. Truly, nothing is impossible for God!
r.B. Natalia, Volgograd


I was going to go to the village, but I missed the last bus. The driver did not stop and drove past me. I stood, upset, and prayed to St. Nicholas. I wanted to catch a ride, but they didn’t want to take me. Suddenly another flight is announced. I heard about him for the first time. However, there are no tickets for it. I go to the driver and ask him to take me without a ticket, but it’s no use, all the seats are taken. I completely despaired, cried, but continued to pray to the Saint. Five minutes passed. Suddenly the driver comes up to me and says that one passenger didn’t show up and there is now room for me. It is difficult to convey my feelings, but I gave my word to St. Nicholas that I would write about this incident in the newspaper “Rule of Faith.”
Natalya MALYASOVA, Cheboksary


Two years ago I was at the dacha, and there my ear hurt. I treated him with everything possible, but the pain did not subside. I went to the doctor and it turned out that I had an infection in my ear. I used the medications that the doctor prescribed for me, but it only felt better for a while, and then my other ear also started to hurt. I started to despair. But then something happened that seemed completely incredible to me at that time: I bought the blessed oil of St. Nicholas in the church, prayerfully anointed my ear with it, and soon the illness completely disappeared. Then this amazed me extremely, and now I understand that our intercessor, Saint Nicholas, is generous with such miracles.
Galina STEPANOVA, St. Petersburg


I am 51 years old. About five years ago I was visiting, where I was treated to barbecue. After this treat, my gallbladder and pancreas began to hurt; started severe pain, which lasted six months - I couldn’t even drink an extra sip of water, everything was burning inside. The doctors, not particularly concerned about my problems, prescribed some medications, but they were of very little use. A friend took me to some healer who supposedly heals with the blessing of the priests, but she not only did not cure me, but also did not find the cause of the pain. On Nikola’s next day, December 19, I went to church and asked the Wonderworker there to save me from pain. I decided: even if I feel really bad in the church, even if I fall, I will not leave until the end of the service, I will pray to St. Nicholas for help. After the service, I drank some water and went home. Everything about me still hurt, but I went shopping, forgot myself, got hungry, ate at home, and then I realized that nothing hurt me anymore. Since then, my pain has completely disappeared, I don’t take pills, I just take care of myself so as not to eat something extra. So Saint Nicholas helped me for the sake of his holiday.
Lyudmila ZHUKOVA, Nizhny Novgorod region.


My daughter was spinning in the chair and, losing her balance, fell to the floor and hit her head hard. I immediately realized that the blow was serious. She immediately sank, cried, moaned, refused to eat or drink... Then she began to feel sick. The face showed all the signs of a concussion. We need to go to the hospital, but the hospital is far away. The husband insisted: we need to go urgently! But I knew from my own experience that if a child is brought to the hospital overnight, they will begin to treat her only after 12 o’clock the next day. And I made a decision: not to treat the child, let her lie quietly, and tomorrow, depending on the state of her health, decide what to do.

She fell asleep well, and I went to pray. I asked St. Nicholas for his constant help and did not even doubt that this help would follow. In the morning I woke up and a healthy child came out to meet me.
r.B. Nina


We were undergoing renovations - long, seemingly endless. And he didn’t even walk, but stood, because the housing office was dragging its feet on replacing the pipes. We were already starting to get seriously worried and nervous. And then the newspaper “Rule of Faith” fell into our hands. I read how the Saint helps people through their prayers, and I say: “This is how people pray, but I ask and don’t believe that I will receive.” Mom echoes: “And I pray, but I myself think that I pray badly.” And yet both of us, as it turned out later, prayed separately as best we could. And so, when we had already agreed that pipes would be installed for us for a fee, they called from the veins. offices: tomorrow they will do everything for us for free! Moreover, they called at 7 pm, and their working day ends at six!

And the next time we had a problem with a housing office, I prayed to the Saint with more hope. I came to the appointment, and they told me that everything would be ready tomorrow. "Is it really tomorrow? It doesn't happen like that!" - I said, but according to the prayers of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, everything turned out that way.
r.B. Maria


My soul was very heavy - too many troubles had piled up: my disabled son was beaten on the street, at my daughter-in-law’s - trial, which could in no way be resolved in her favor... I prayed intensely, with tears, to the Lord, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas, asked for their help and promised to write in the “Rule of Faith” if the outcome was favorable. And suddenly the court is decided in favor of the daughter-in-law, and on the same day my son and I receive an invitation to come to the St. Nicholas Monastery for half the price (this is very significant for us). In the monastery we were able to confess and receive communion, and also venerate myrrh-streaming icons Mother of God and Saint Nicholas. We both received great spiritual comfort.
r.B. Larisa, St. Petersburg

On May 22, believers remember the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, which took place in 1087. A selection of real stories about the testimony of the miraculous help of a beloved saint.

Intercession of the saint

Our family keeps an ancient icon of St. Nicholas, the Pleasant of God, who was especially revered by my great-grandmother Daria Pavlovna. Why? - a family legend tells about this.

Once my great-grandmother, then still a young woman, went to early service at the Iversky Vyksa Convent. She lived 15 kilometers from the monastery in the village. Veletma, and the road went through the forest. About halfway, a dirty, shaggy man suddenly jumped out of the forest and blocked Daria’s path. What was a lonely, defenseless woman to do? She began to pray fervently: “Father Nicholas, help!” And then a short, gray-haired old man came out of the forest with a stick in his hand. He waved his stick towards the villain, and said to his great-grandmother: “Do not be afraid of anything, servant of God.” The man looked at the old man, recoiled, then said, turning to Daria: “Well, woman, pray to God and your holy intercessor, otherwise…”, and he disappeared into the forest. And the old man also disappeared, just as he had never been... So miraculously the mercy of the Pleasant of God Nicholas appeared visibly. Talking about the miracle that happened to her, the great-grandmother always cried and prayed fervently in front of the icon of the Saint.

Stepan Fomenkov

"As God willing"

My husband and I were picking mushrooms, but the rain drove us out of the forest. We discovered missing documents in the car: license, registration certificate, which were dropped in the forest. We looked for them for a long time, asked God, but we didn’t find them. A week later, I advised my husband to pray on his knees before the image of St. Nicholas, to ask him for help. The husband agreed, only asked: “What should we do after prayer, go to the forest again?” I answered: “As God willing.” A minute later they called us and said that they had found our documents safe and sound, despite the fact that it had been pouring rain for a week. Returned free of charge.

John and Photinia

Freedom pass

From our area during the Patriotic War, one young man named Nikolai ended up in a concentration camp. And there was such an order: all the weakened were gathered into one group and sent to the “bathhouse”. Everyone knew what was meant by this word - death! As if exhausted, our Nikolai ended up in such a group. I walked and walked last: I have no strength...

But suddenly he had a burning desire to live. He prayed to Saint Nicholas as best he could: “To Saint Father Nicholas! I'm sorry! I did not honor you well, I prayed little. But now I am in great trouble. I have a wife and two small children at home. How I want to go home! I don't want to die so young! Help me!"

Suddenly the thought appeared: “Fall!” It was autumn, the leaves lay like a carpet on the ground. Fell. The guard could have finished him off, shot him. But he didn’t touch it. Nikolai lay there until the steps died down. He got up and wandered towards the light: it was late in the evening. I got to the village, went into the first yard I came across and collapsed in the barn on the hay.

In the morning the housewife came to feed the cattle. When she saw him, she got scared and called her husband. He asks: “Who are you and where are you from, how did you get here? Tell the truth! If you lie, I’ll shoot you!” Nicholas told the whole truth: how he prayed to St. Nicholas, how he asked him.

The owner ordered his wife to heat the bathhouse, evaporate him, change him, give him sweet tea and put him to sleep on the stove. Two or three hours later they woke him up and gave him a glass of tea. Then, after about the same time, they woke me up again and gave me tea with milk. Then after some time - a glass of milk. Then they added a piece of bread. So, gradually, for three days he was nursed after hunger.

One day the owner comes up to him and says: “You can’t even imagine how lucky you are. I am the commander of the prisoners of all Germany. And I will give you a pass by which neither ours nor yours will detain you.”

Having provided him with everything he needed, they released him. On the German border, a patrol, looking at the document, said: “Oh, gut! Gut! Wonderful!" Our people, when checking, were all surprised and said: “What a document! What a document!” This is the kind of pass St. Nicholas made!

M., Assumption Church, Helsinki


I'm leaving the church after the evening service. I’m in a hurry to get home, because I’m from work and straight to church. Two old women walk quietly ahead of me. They walk and hold on to each other. Slippery. I tried to overtake them, and at this time one grandmother said to another: “Well, this is just a miracle.” I slowed down and listened. Grandma tells it. “I got ready from home, got dressed already. I grabbed it, but there were no keys on the nightstand. Well, I think they fell. No, not on the floor. I searched and searched. I can not find. I've already undressed. I searched in my pockets and in my bag. Nowhere. At least go away, but leave the door hollow. I went up to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and let’s ask him to help me find the keys. I bowed. I get up. I looked up, and my keys were hanging on a nail by the window. I never hung it there, I always left it on the nightstand in the hallway.” I overtook the old women and almost ran again. At home, my mother is sick, and my son has to come home from work. I came home and went straight to the kitchen to prepare dinner. The son came. While he was undressing, she told him what she heard on the way from the temple. My son went into the room, and I went back to the kitchen. About ten minutes later I hear a cry: “Mom!” I run into the room. My son is confused. His eyesight is poor, but he wears contacts rather than glasses. And then one lens somehow fell out. A lens is a small, completely transparent petal. We have a carpet on the floor and a fluffy blanket on the sofa. Will you find it here? And with my eyes there is nothing to even try to look for. And he can't find it. Suddenly my son fell to his knees in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and began to ask him. And I didn’t bother to interfere, I went back to the kitchen. I think it is impossible to find this lens. We need to buy new ones. Yes, and to work tomorrow. What will he do? Suddenly my son comes into my kitchen and shows me his finger: “Look, mom. I prayed, began to get up, leaned my hand on the sofa, and it was glued to my finger.”

Pavlova Z.S.

Warm the orphans

At Christmas I visited my native Mogilev and visited my beloved St. Nicholas Convent. I learned that this winter the monastery, whose nuns are elderly women, owed a huge amount for heating. The fact is that the monastery is classified as industrial enterprises and the pay is prohibitively high. The authorities promised to resolve this misunderstanding, but they never did. At that time, one servant of God unexpectedly received an inheritance. While thinking about how best to manage her money, she had a dream in which an “old man with a stick” appeared to her and said: “Warm my orphans.” It should be noted that this servant of God was not yet sufficiently churched. But for an explanation of the dream, the woman turned to the priest, who recognized St. Nicholas in the “old man.” On the advice of the priest, this servant of God visited the St. Nicholas Monastery and donated her mite, wanting to “warm the orphans.” She was very surprised to recognize that “old man with a stick” on one of the monastery icons. It was Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Elena Labeza

“Mom, I didn’t drown!”

It was a long time ago. I was ten years old then, and now I’m seventy-four. We arrived at Ozerki. I went for a swim, but I didn’t know how to swim. She walked a few steps and fell into a hole. She immediately went deep into the water, darkness overhead. I swallow water, I feel like I’m dying. Thank God, I prayed to Nicholas the Wonderworker to save me.

We had a wooden icon of him at home. There were other icons, but for some reason I remembered St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And then I hear, as if in a dream: “Try with all your might to jump.” I jumped - there was a woman above me. She grabbed my finger and pulled me out. And I went to my crying mother. This icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is always with us, and it survived the blockade.

Stories taken from open access in the Internet.

At that time I myself was not a churchgoer and not even baptized. And he confused Nicholas the Wonderworker with Stephen of Great Perm. But even so, I and many of my friends, far from the Church, noted that this saint saved people.

TV report from local TV "Rifey":

r.B. Christina
“I, an ordinary girl, dreamed of simple female happiness”

I am an ordinary girl, I dreamed of simple female happiness, but my personal life did not work out. I waited, asked in prayers, but, as they say, everything has its time. Years passed, but there was still no happiness. I would like to note that I am a pretty girl, I had a lot of fans, but I couldn’t imagine a relationship without love. I met a lot of good guys, but “not my thing,” and that’s all.

I started building a career, traveling, seeing the world. And this geographical “gourmetism” became for me a kind of substitute for personal life.

One day I came to the temple and began to ask: help, Saint Nicholas... A few weeks later I met a man with whom I had never even thought of becoming acquainted, he was too “mine” in terms of worldview and type. We really liked each other, started dating... And then the difficulties began. I won’t describe the details, but the relationship was stuck at one stage, the candy-bouquet period was over, and it was necessary to decide where to go next. Even though I am a believer, I was tired of loneliness and made concessions: we began to live together. I can’t describe the feeling, I was brought up in strict traditions, plus the Lord did not leave me without admonition: health problems began. And then I again turned to Saint Nicholas with a fervent prayer: I asked for a blessing, if this is my man, to unite us in marriage, and if not mine, then let him leave my life. I prayed almost every day while my beloved was away. And, you won’t believe it, my beloved comes and proposes to me! That same evening we go shopping for rings. Nikola helped us so much that we bypassed the queues at the registry office, we got the day of registration on the great Orthodox holiday Faith, Hope and Love, everything went like clockwork (those who got married know how troublesome a wedding is).

Many miracles were connected in my life with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. For example, when I lost my job, I always turned to St. with prayers. Nikolai. And soon I found new job, which always not only corresponded to my specialty, brought good income, but also helped me gain interesting experience.

I could go on and on about the help I received in different time through prayers to Saint Nicholas. But I want to say the main thing - we must remember that we must help our loved ones and those in need in difficult moments of life. This is precisely what my experience of prayerful communication with the great saint of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and this is exactly what the Lord expects from us...

Eduard Kichigin
“I asked St. Nicholas for help in finding a job”

Six months ago I was going through an extremely difficult period in my life, and one day I was standing at an evening service in St. Nicholas Cathedral, praying, my soul was painful and heavy, but by the end of the service I felt some kind of consolation and even joy. I won’t say anything about what I prayed for, but in addition to the main thing, I asked St. Nicholas for help in finding a job. After the service I walked home in the rain, and there was such joy in my soul, flying - “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice!” I sang to myself and aloud a little.

I came home and immediately called old friend with an offer of a very good job, extremely interesting, useful and promising for me. In order to discuss everything and get my consent, he, despite being extremely busy and worried, came to me that same evening. I got the job, it was difficult, but extremely interesting and useful. I promised Saint Nicholas that from my first salary I would light candles for all the icons in St. Nicholas Cathedral.

But in the end, everything got so twisted, both with this work and in general, that he fulfilled his promise only halfway and not on time - he only placed candles in one of the churches of the cathedral, and there were two of them, on both floors. Now I don’t understand what was stopping me. And frankly speaking, I didn’t live in the most correct way at that time. Things went badly, in general, in the end, I made the second part of my promise to St. Nicholas from my last salary six months later, after my dismissal. Here's the story.

Suzanna Farizova
"I was waiting for you with this finger"

I went to Bari, working at the Kommersant newspaper, in the then presidential pool. She left in a hurry, having spent Maslenitsa visiting on a grand scale the day before.

I was constantly in the way of my bag, the keys in my hands, the door.

This one front door, unable to handle my keys and bag, I ended up hitting my finger. Hit hard.

I had no time. I flew away. In Bari, the finger became swollen, blackened and began to hurt. At first - barely. Then stronger and stronger. But I had to work, and I tried not to think that it hurt.

The program included a visit to the Basilica. The same one where the relics of St. Nicholas lie. They rest behind bars - heavy ones - which are opened on major holidays. I kissed the bars and asked for some global things for myself and my family. And at the end she asked for the finger to go through.

Real person of the 3rd century AD. This saint became famous for his determination in serving the Almighty Lord and sincere kindness to others. For his great work he was canonized by the church as a saint. They knew about the incredible achievements of the monk even during his lifetime.

Help from St. Nicholas

The modern miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are distinguished by their colossal power and are intended to save people who find themselves in difficult or deadly situations. There is a lot of information from laymen and church ministers who saw with their own eyes divine accomplishments on behalf of this great monk.

During the Soviet period, famous for its anti-religious persecution of Christians, people were afraid to share stories about incredible incidents of divine nature. Soviet citizens saw how monasteries were closed and bells were removed and then melted down for the needs of the metallurgical industry. Communist authorities prohibited conversations about God and canceled all church holidays.

Currently, the laity have a wonderful opportunity to share with each other the stories of the miraculous deeds of St. Nicholas (the Wonderworker).

Worship of believers to the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Appearance of the Angel of the Lord

This incident happened to one woman in 1991. Walking along the shore of the lake, she started a conversation with an old grandmother. The latter began to confess, saying that her family did not love her at all and wanted her speedy death. The pious woman gave her a prayer book, began to talk about God’s help and said that salvation must be sought from the Creator or His eternal servants.

Grandma answered this with her story.

A week before this acquaintance, she came to the same place with the intention of committing suicide. She was saved from a terrible deed by an elder who pointed out her sins to her grandmother and ordered her to come here in seven days, because here she would learn to ask before the Lord. The elder introduced himself as Nikolai and reminded that suicide brings colossal suffering to the soul.

The miracles consisted in the fact that the woman gave the old woman a prayer book.

On a note! The monk has many names because he provides diverse assistance to all people. They called him a miracle worker because he could resurrect the dead and heal terrible illnesses. He is a saint because he devoted his entire life to asceticism and service to the Heavenly Father.

The monk is rightfully revered throughout the Christian tradition.

Miracles of St. Nicholas in the form of a cross

The story took place in 1941. The wife remained in Moscow with the children, and the husband went to the front. It was very difficult for the mother and family. She plunged into despair, seeing the suffering of her offspring, and contemplated suicide. She was not religious, did not know how to read prayers, but at home she found an old icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The doomed mother began to impulsively reproach the holy image for the fact that the Lord was not able to save her family from hunger.

She was about to put her terrible suicide idea into action, but on the way she tripped and found two ten-ruble banknotes folded in the shape of a cross. After a while, she realized that the money was given to her by the grace of the Almighty.

The incident changed her worldview, she sincerely believed, began going to churches and thanking Nicholas for his wonderful gift.

About other miracles in Orthodoxy:

  • Miracles of the Descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Other stories of miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker today

The Church claims that icons depicting the saint protect the common people, heal people from illnesses and perform pious deeds.

The power of shrines does not weaken, despite the fact that they can be purchased in different religious places.

  • One day a three-year-old boy, playing on the shore of a deep and deep river, slipped into the stream and immediately began to sink. A mother standing nearby threw herself into the water, forgetting that she couldn’t swim. At that moment, she remembered St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, his ability to perform miracles, and began to heartbreakingly ask for salvation. Within a few seconds, a strong stream picked up the unfortunate people and pulled them to safety.
  • During the restoration of the St. Nicholas Church, an elderly grandmother came to the aid of the young people and expressed a desire to take part in the construction. No one believed that she would find the strength to lift weights, but she put everyone to shame. Grandma told me that difficult work she was prompted by the holy saint who appeared in the house. The saint sincerely asked the old woman to help in the construction of the temple.
  • The woman went into premature labor, and she, being a deeply religious believer, took with her images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. The expectant mother calmed herself with the thought that the child should not die on the holiday. For a whole week, doctors worried about the life of the fetus, and the woman prayed daily in front of the shrines. The born child was breathing on his own, but the danger remained. The newborn survived many operations and began to recover, and the parents strengthened their faith and solemnly thanked the Lord.
On a note! Correct prayer in front of the icon, with pure intentions, is a guarantee of the fulfillment of the most difficult petitions. A believer should not doubt the power and miraculous desire of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

Miracles through prayers

It is difficult to convince atheistically minded people of the real functionality of the holy image.

Read about prayers to the saint:

Nowadays there is a large number of convincing evidence from the lips of people pleading for something. Some survived accidents, others regained health after for long years terrible illness, and still others found their other half and happiness until their death.

  • One day before going to bed, a woman who rarely turned to the icon of the Wonderworker, which was left by her deceased mother, heard the words “My daughter.” She did not attach much importance to this “vision,” but three days later everything happened again. The woman realized that the Monk Nicholas wanted communication. Her mind began to see clearly, her worldview turned towards religion. The woman began to join the church and ask for protection for her family and all humanity.
  • One rich family The God-fearing housekeeper worked until her old age. When the pension law came out, the owner could not find Required documents, which greatly upset the pious grandmother. She suggested humbly praying in front of the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. That same evening, the hostess discovered a paper bundle with the documents necessary for retirement.
  • U small child(2 years) something bad happened food poisoning, the temperature rose, and the condition quickly deteriorated. The father was shocked to see the open “fontanel”, and the mother passionately read a prayer in front of the shrine of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Upon the doctor’s arrival, the child’s condition improved somewhat, and the parents hastened to anoint his forehead and stomach with blessed oil, which received power from an earnest request. The boy recovered without even taking ordinary medications.

The miracles of St. Nicholas the Pleasant presented above are only a small part of the many deeds performed.

Important! The saint humbly served God and worked for the good of society, his spirit and body are so pure that they continue to help for a long time after death. Christendom has high hopes for the images of this incredible person.

Watch a video about the miracles of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

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