"Life-Giving Spring" miraculous icon of the Mother of God - Shrines of Russia

Honor Days - every year on Friday bright week (Easter week).

All those who are physically sick pray, and through their prayers they receive healing from the most serious illnesses. Prayers before this image also heal from passions, often overwhelmed human soul that deprive us of vitality and from mental illness. They pray to correct moral vices that lead to the spiritual death of a person.

Not far from the "Golden Gate" in the famous city of Constantinople in the 5th century there was a grove dedicated to Holy Mother of God. In this grove there was a spring, to which many miracles are attributed. Over time, the water was covered with mud, and bushes grew in its place.

The history of the icon is very interesting. Once the warrior Leo Markell, who soon became emperor, met a blind man here. He was a helpless traveler who had lost his way. The lion took the man and helped him find a path, then seated him in the shade so that he could take a break from the difficult road, and he went in search of water. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice appeared, which told the man that there was no need to look far for water, because it was close. Surprised by this phenomenon, Leo began to look for water, but it did not work out. I was disappointed, there was already a man, when the voice sounded again. This time he received more detailed instructions on what and how to do. Leo heard that it was necessary to put mud on the blind man's eyes, and give him water to drink from the source. A voice told him that a man would soon build a temple here in honor of him, and many believers, coming here with prayers, would be able to get rid of their ailments. Leo fulfilled everything commanded, after which the blind man was healed instantly, and he found the way to Constantinople on his own, while glorifying the Mother of God. This miracle happened back in those days when Marcian was the emperor (391-457).

Emperor Marcian was replaced by Leo Markell (457-473). By his order, the source was cleaned and enclosed in a stone circle, over which a church was soon erected in honor of the Virgin. Since grace appeared in the source Mother of God, working miracles, ordered the emperor Leo to name the spring as the "Life-Giving Spring".

Another miracle happened, but this time with Emperor Justinian the Great (527-565). He was deeply religious and suffering from water sickness. Once, when midnight covered his land, an unknown voice appeared. He said that for healing the king needs to drink water from a sacred source. The man did not know where that source was, and fell from this in despondency. Then the Mother of God appeared to him, telling the king to get up and go to the source, which would restore him to his former health. The patient could not leave the words of the Lady unnoticed, and recovery did not make him wait. The emperor was so grateful for his healing that near the temple erected by Leo, he built a new one, in which, after a while, a crowded monastery was created.

In the 15th century, the walls of the temple of the "Life-Giving Spring" were destroyed by Muslims. A guard, who was a Turk, was posted at the entrance to the ruins. He did not allow anyone to approach the fallen temple. Gradually, the strict rules were softened, and Christians were allowed to build a church on that site. However, an unfortunate lot awaited this shrine, in 1821 the church was destroyed, and the source that worked miracles was covered up. Christians could not leave everything like that, they cleared the source and continued to draw water from it. Once, among the wreckage, people found a half-rotten leaf, which contained information about 10 miracles created from the Life-Giving Spring, which occurred in the period from 1824 to 1829. When Sultan Mahmud became the ruler of these lands, the Orthodox received more freedom and did not could not use it. The temple was built again Life-giving source. In 1835 the church was consecrated by Patriarch Konstantin. The temple housed a hospital and an almshouse.

On April 4 of each year, as well as on Friday of Bright Week, it is customary to celebrate the renewal of the Church of Constantinople in honor of the Life-Giving Spring. The charter of the Orthodox Church states that on this day the rite of consecration of water should be performed with the Easter procession.
The Mother of God, together with the Divine Infant, is depicted on the icon above a huge bowl, which stands in a pond. People came to this reservoir suffering from terrible physical and mental ailments. They all want to drink life-giving water and receive healing.

Located in the Temple in the name of the Prophet of God Elijah (Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord) in Cherkizovo, Moscow

History of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring"

In the 5th century, not far from Constantinople (now Istanbul), there was a grove of plane trees and cypresses, dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos, in the middle of which there was a source. However, no one looked after the grove, and this place gradually overgrown, and the source became clogged. Once, the warrior Leo Markell, a kind and humble man, helping a lost blind man to get on the path, found himself in this place. By the providence of God, the blind old man felt a strong thirst and began to beg the merciful warrior to give him something to drink. The lion searched for water for a long time, but in vain, and he began to mourn, when suddenly he heard a voice: “Do not be discouraged, O king Leo, the water you are looking for is close here, just turn to it. Build me a temple in this place: in it I will listen to prayers and give what I want to everyone who comes here with zeal and faith. Nothing will strongly oppose My power: be it a demon, or an incurable disease, or something else, if only they would ask Me reverently. The lion looked around, but he himself could not see the source, but found it only thanks to the indication of a mysterious voice. By order from above, he gave the blind man a drink of the found water and put mud from the source on his eyes, after which the old man regained his sight. And then the Lion knew who spoke to him.

Having become, according to the prediction of the Blessed Virgin, emperor in 457, Leo Markell ordered to clean the source and erected over it magnificent temple, dedicated to the Mother of God, which he called the "Life-Giving Spring". Holes were made in the huge gilded dome of the temple, through which the rays of the sun illuminated the source lined with white marble and, reflected from the marble walls and the vault decorated with gold, shone like lightning. Two marble staircases of twenty-five steps led to the spring, located in the middle of the temple. In the dome there was a mosaic image of the Mother of God with the Child, which was reflected in the source. At the top of the spring there was a round recess in the marble, into which water flowed directly from the source, and then it poured into the marble pool, so that it was convenient to draw water from all sides. At the same time, an image was also painted, as if depicting the structure of the temple and its grace-filled essence. Many miracles and healings from a miraculous source occurred, according to legend, daily.

Mother of God, as loving mother of all people, is unusually close to everyone and quickly responds to any prayer addressed to Her. Therefore, miracles are so numerous and varied. Holy Mother of God.

Almost a hundred years after the first miracle at the Life-Giving Spring, Emperor Justinian, who suffered from severe prolonged illness, in a dream he heard the voice of the Mother of God, Who commanded him to go to His source. Having fulfilled the commanded, he found healing here. In gratitude to the Mother of God, he rebuilt the temple at the Life-Giving Spring and richly decorated it, and here he built a monastery for the monks. It was in the VI century.

Since then, many emperors and their loved ones have found healing at the miraculous source and reverently revered St. spring, and a temple named after him. In the second half of the 9th and at the beginning of the 10th century, the temple was carefully restored and decorated under the emperors Basil the Macedonian and his son Leo the Philosopher, who also received healing from the source, in addition, his first wife Theophan and brother Stefan were healed of various diseases. .

Tsarina Zoya, whom he married after the death of Theophan, was healed of infertility after the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was placed on her and became the mother of Constantine Porphyrogenitus.

The common people with strong faith flowed to the Life-Giving Source, to the grace-filled help of the Mother of God. Here the possessed, lepers, bleeding, barren, consumptive, dumb and deaf, sick with cancer and other incurable diseases were healed.

In the XV century, the famous temple of the "Life-Giving Spring" was destroyed by Muslims. A Turkish guard was assigned to the ruins of the temple, who did not allow anyone to approach this place. Gradually, the severity of the ban softened, and the Christians built a small church there. But it was also destroyed in 1821, and the source was filled up. The Christians again cleared the ruins, opened the source and still drew water from it. Sultan Bayezid was tired of this and he personally decided to desecrate the source of the Virgin, for which he threw half-rotted goldfish into the sacred water, which died in his pool. To his horror, he witnessed a miracle: the fish came to life in the water! The shocked Sultan in 1830 allowed the Christians to use the Life-Giving Spring again and even allocated money for the construction of the temple. Subsequently, in one window, among the wreckage, a sheet half-rotten from time and dampness was found with a record of ten miracles from the Life-Giving Spring, which took place from 1824 to 1829. Thus, for example, the case resurrection of the dead. One seriously ill man named Fettal sailed here on a ship from the city of Thessaly specifically to pray for healing, but died on the way to the source. However, before his death, he bequeathed to his companions to take his body to the temple at the Life-Giving Spring and pour it three times with water from the source, and then bury it. When they began to pour water from the miraculous source on the deceased, he came to life and then remained until the end of his days as a monk in the monastery at the temple. His coffin was found in 1830 during excavations to restore the ancient church, which was destroyed to the ground by the Turks during the capture of Constantinople in the 15th century.

Under Sultan Mahmud, the Orthodox received some freedom in worship. They used it to erect a temple for the third time over the Life-Giving Spring. In 1835, with great solemnity, Patriarch Konstantin, concelebrated by 20 bishops and with a large number of pilgrims, consecrated the temple; a hospital and an almshouse were set up at the temple. Gradually, a monastery was formed around the temple of the Life-Giving Spring, and the area was named Balikly, which means “red fish” in Turkish. There is a folk legend that the fish that were once found in the font of the Life-Giving Spring were unusually red in color.

The Synaxar also describes the miracle of the appearance of the Mother of God for the salvation of those praying in the temple from an earthquake. The Queen of Heaven, as it were, supported the temple until all the people left it, and thus no one was hurt.

In Rus', the icon has been known and revered since ancient times. Starting from the 16th century, the custom was established to dedicate springs located in monasteries to the icon of the Mother of God “The Life-Giving Spring”.

WITH greatest love Orthodox people all over the world refer to the Most Holy Theotokos. Some of Her images became famous among the people as miraculous, among them the icon of the Virgin "Life-Giving Spring". Many lists have been made from this Face, and prayer before him will grant Orthodox Christians healing from mental and physical ailments.

The Mother of God is the source of life for Her Son, it was from the Blessed Virgin that the milestone of the salvation of the Orthodox people began.

The history of the appearance of the face

In the 5th century in Constantinople, next to the Golden Gate, there was a grove. Under the shade of its trees, a small spring flowed, bringing coolness in the hot summer. He was glorified by many miracles. Gradually, the water was covered with mud, and the land around was overgrown with wild shrubs.

Once a warrior, the future emperor Leo Markell met a blind man at the source. This happened on April 4, 450. A helpless blind traveler has gone astray. The lion led him to the path and helped him to settle in the shade of the trees, so that he could rest from the road, and he went in search of water.

Suddenly he heard a quiet and gentle female voice from nowhere. He announced to him that the water was very close. The lion, surprised by the miracle, looked around, but found neither water nor the mysterious interlocutor.

The voice was heard a second time and ordered him to go into the grove and find water there, and put mud from its surface on the blind man's eyes. Voice promised to "reveal himself" and help build a temple in his name. Those who visit it will receive the fulfillment of their requests and be healed of illnesses. Markell did everything as he was directed. The eyes of the blind man immediately saw the light.

They both fell on their faces and offered thanksgiving prayers to the Theotokos, for they realized that it was Her voice that was heard in the grove. Soon the traveler continued his journey on his own.

In order for the church clergy to pray for people in need, you must first write a note listing their names. Each note should contain no more than 10 names, they should be indicated in Orthodox spelling and in genitive case. For example, about the health (whom?) of Euphemia, Sergius, John, Demetrius, Tatiana, Julia, Apollinaria, Euphrosyne.

Important! The Church prays only for those people over whom the Sacrament of Holy Baptism was performed.

If the priests serve a prayer service for water, then at the end of it, each parishioner can take with him the water consecrated during the prayer service. It should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach with the prayer "To receive holy water."

The feast in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-Giving Spring" was established in memory of the renovation of the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Life-Giving Spring in Constantinople, which was erected over the miraculous spring by the will of the Most Holy Theotokos by Emperor Leo I Markell - this day fell on Friday of Easter week.

Important! Now, every Bright Friday in Orthodox churches, the rite of consecration of water is performed with an Easter procession.

Watch a video about the icon *Life-giving source*

The icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Spring is a miraculous image revered by all Christians. Many lists (reviews) have been created from it. Prayer for help in front of the image of the Queen of Heaven granted many believers healing from physical illnesses, mental suffering, filling the soul with pain.

The Orthodox tradition names the Mother of God with many "speaking" names that accurately characterize her essence, vocation, qualities that She reveals with her mercy. The Life-Giving Source is one of them. After all, it was the Virgin Mary who became the Source of Life for the Son of God, it began with her great story way of salvation for all Orthodox. Therefore, Christians tirelessly pray to her bright faces, seeking support, help and protection.

A special day of veneration of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" is Friday of Bright Week (Easter Week). In all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church the consecration of water is performed, and chants to the icon of the Mother of God are also heard.

Miraculous healing with spring water

With the appearance of the image of the Virgin and happy holiday the miraculous event that occurred on April 4, 450 from the birth of Christ, is inextricably linked with the then future emperor of Byzantium, Leo Markell. Not far from the Golden Gates of Constantinople, an amazing spring gushed in a green grove. People told many stories about his miracles. Walking nearby, the warrior Leo accidentally met a tired, blind old man who had gone astray. The young man helped the traveler find the right path, seated him under a tree to rest. He himself went in search of water to drink the blind man.

Suddenly, the warrior heard a disembodied female voice telling him that he should not go far, the water is here, very close. The lion was very surprised, but he never found the stream. Tired of fruitless searches, the warrior again heard a parting speech: he must find a source, draw water, give water to the thirsty. Then you should collect mud, put the blind man on the eyes. After that, Leo will be able to find out who the one who sanctifies the life-giving source is. She will also help Leo Markell to build a temple on this blessed place, so that people who come with faith and prayers receive help, healing from illnesses.

The warrior Leo Markell performed everything exactly as the wondrous voice said. A miracle happened - the blind man received his sight. Praising the praises of the Mother of God, the healed old man went to Constantinople. Seven years later, when Leo I ascended the imperial throne, replacing Marcian, he continued to fulfill the words of the Mother of God. First, the source was cleaned, surrounded by a stone circle, and then a temple was built over it. As a sign that the spring has become another embodiment of the grace of the Immaculate Virgin, it was called the Life-Giving Spring of the Virgin.

Under the subsequent rulers Justinian the Great, Basil the Macedonian, Leo the Wise, the monastery was rebuilt and decorated several times. After the fall of Constantinople (May 29, 1453), the Muslims destroyed the temple. New Orthodox church above the Life-Giving Spring appeared only thanks to Patriarch Constantius I (in 1834-1835). A nunnery was built around it.

Image of the Life-giving Source: stages of formation

When writing the first icon of the Mother of God "The Life-Giving Spring", they took as a basis the ancient Greek image of the Blessed Virgin, based on the canons of the drawing in the Blachernae Church. The Mother of God was depicted as a marble statue, from the hands of which agiasma (holy water) flows. The first icon lists do not contain images of the source itself. Later, the composition of the drawing is complemented by a bowl, then a pond or fountain. On Russian memos, images of a well, symbolizing the source, have been preserved.

  • One of the most ancient (the end of the 13th - the beginning of the 14th century) images of the Mother of God was discovered in the Crimea. The image of the Intercessor with prayerfully raised hands (like Oranta) is on an earthenware dish.
  • The icon, painted around the middle of the 14th century, is described by Nicephorus Kallistos, a church historian. He tells about the image of the Mother of God, located in the middle of the cup-font, which is installed above the source. On the chest (or bosom) of the Mother of God is the Infant Jesus. This type of icon is called Kyriotissa.
  • Already in the first half of the 15th century, the master Andronicus the Byzantine created a fresco on this theme on the wall of the Athos monastery of St. Paul. The Virgin Mary with the Christ Child are written above the chalice. Image has captions on Greek"Life-Giving Source".
  • XVI century. The tradition of consecrating springs located on the territory of monasteries in the name of the Mother of God comes from Greece to Russia. For the baths and chapels erected above them, numerous images of the Virgin were painted.
  • In the 17th century given type icons became very popular and became widespread. The images that were created on the territory of Russia became more complex in terms of composition. It should be noted that these changes in iconography had a negative impact on the strength of the symbolic meaning. Images are increasingly being supplemented with wells with water gushing out of them. The Mother of God is surrounded by saints: John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, etc. The foreground of the composition can be supplemented by people seeking healing.

Lists of the icon of the Virgin "Life-Giving Spring" in Russia

by the most famous list from the icon "Life-Giving Spring" is a miraculous image located in the Sarov Desert. In the 18th century it was brought to the monastery by the founder of the church, Hieromonk John. The shrine is deeply revered by monks and parishioners. She was highly valued by Seraphim of Sarov. In the middle of the 19th century, the Sarov Monastery was replenished with another list of the “Life-Giving Spring” (it was brought by Hieroschemamonk Ioanniky from Constantinople). The icon shows the Appearance of the Mother of God at the Life-Giving Spring.

Today there are about a hundred temples and chapels named after the Mother of God, in which there are icons of the icon. Among them:

  • Temple of the Image of the Mother of God (Cosmodamian) in Metkino, Moscow Region. In the 17th century, the wooden church of Damian and Cosmas was burned down (1701), but many icons were saved. They were moved to a small chapel. On the site of the old one, in 1848, a new temple of God was built, dedicated to the miraculous image of the Mother of God. In 1840, the widow of a soldier (Avdotya Evdokimova) handed over a miraculous image to the village of Metkino. Since that time, people from the surrounding towns and villages have come and come to bow to the face of the Virgin.
  • In Moscow Tsaritsino there is also a temple built in the 18th century dedicated to icon Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring".
  • Cathedral with the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin (Sorrowful Church), located in Tver.
  • Zadonsky Nativity-Bogoroditsky (male) monastery (built in 1610). There is a chapel-bath dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring".
  • You can also see the miraculous image in the Church of Our Lady in Arzamas.

Miraculous healings through the prayers of the icon

Written evidence of the healings by the Mother of God of those who turned to the icon of the “Life-Giving Spring”, drank healing water, was left by Nicephorus Kallistos Xanthopulus, a monk of the St. Sophia Monastery (Constantinople), who lived in the XIV century. In his Synaxara, he described cases of miracles from water from a source. So the dead from Thessaly was resurrected, bequeathed to bring him to the holy place and wash with healing water. Healed from urolithiasis Leo the Wise. After visiting a helping source, Patriarch John of Jerusalem's hearing problems disappeared.

With what to refer to the image of the Virgin "Life-Giving Spring"

Miraculous healings from the lists of the image of the Most Holy Intercessor "Life-Giving Spring" and holy water continue to this day. They are described in the church books of temples and monasteries, strengthening the faith of the Orthodox in the power and help of the Mother of God. Turning to these records, one can single out the main themes, in which prayer to this Mother of God image helps.

The shrine should pray to people who are tormented by serious bodily ailments. Many women were able to bear and give birth healthy child praying to the miraculous image. Those who are tormented by mental anguish of conscience, unrequited feelings, oppressive thoughts need to bow their heads before the icon. The image will help to cope with bad addictions. Relatives and relatives of the sufferer can be contacted for help. But it is best that a person himself wants to solve his problems, truly believes in the omnipotence of the Mother of God. After all, as we pray, we receive such help through our prayers.

With boundless love and reverence, they treat Christian world to the Heavenly Queen - the Blessed Virgin Mary. And how can one not love our Intercessor and Prayer Book before the Throne of God! Her clear gaze is directed at us from countless icons. She showed great miracles to people through her images, which became famous as miraculous. One of the most famous among them is the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring".

Miracle in the Sacred Grove

Holy tradition tells that in ancient times, when Byzantium was still a prosperous state and the heart of world Orthodoxy, near its capital Constantinople, not far from the famous Golden Gate, there was a sacred grove. It was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Under the canopy of its branches, a spring flowed from the ground, bringing coolness in hot weather. summer days. Then there were rumors among the people that the water in it has some healing properties, but no one took them seriously, and the source, gradually forgotten by everyone, was overgrown with mud and grass.

But then one day, in 450, a certain warrior named Leo Markell, passing through a grove, met a blind man who got lost among dense trees. The warrior helped him, supported him while he got out of the thickets, and seated him in the shade. When he began to look for water to give the traveler a drink, he heard a wonderful voice telling him to find an overgrown spring nearby and wash the blind man's eyes with it.

When the compassionate warrior did this, the blind man suddenly regained his sight, and both of them fell to their knees, offering up to the Blessed Virgin, as they realized that it was her voice that was heard in the grove. The Queen of Heaven predicted the imperial crown to Leo Markell, which came true seven years later.

Temples are gifts from grateful emperors

Having reached the highest power, Markell did not forget the miracle that appeared in the sacred grove, and the predictions about his so amazing rise. By his order, the source was cleaned and surrounded by a high stone border. Since then, he began to be called the Life-Giving One. A temple was erected here in honor of the Blessed Virgin, and the icon of the Mother of God “The Life-Giving Spring” was painted especially for it. Since then, the blessed spring and the icon kept in the temple have been glorified by many miracles. Thousands of pilgrims began to flock here from the farthest ends of the empire.

A hundred years later, the emperor Justinian the Great, then ruling, suffering from a serious and incurable illness, came to the sacred grove, where the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" stood. Having washed in the blessed waters and performed a prayer service before the miraculous image, he regained health and strength. As a sign of gratitude, the happy emperor ordered to build another temple nearby and, in addition, to found a monastery, designed for a large number of inhabitants. Thus, the icon of the Mother of God “The Life-Giving Spring” was glorified more and more, prayer before which was able to heal from the most serious ailments.

The fall of Byzantium and the destruction of temples

But the terrible disasters of 1453 fell upon Byzantium. The great and once prosperous empire fell under the onslaught of the Muslims. rolled up great star Orthodoxy. Unholy invaders set fire to Christian shrines. Was thrown into ruins and the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring", and all the monastery buildings that stood nearby. Much later, in 1821, an attempt was made to resume prayer services in the sacred grove, and even a small church was built, but it was soon destroyed, and the blessed spring was covered with earth.

But people in whose hearts the fire of true faith was burning could not calmly look at this sacrilege. Secretly, under the cover of night, the Orthodox cleared away their desecrated shrine. And just as secretly, risking their lives, they carried away, hiding under their clothes, the vessels filled with it. This continued until it changed. domestic politics new masters of the country, and the Orthodox were not given some relief in the performance of divine services.

Then a small church of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" was built on the site of the destroyed temple. And since Orthodoxy cannot be without mercy and compassion, an almshouse and a hospital were built at the church, in which, through prayers to our Most Pure Intercessor, many suffering and crippled people gained health.

Veneration of holy icons in Rus'

When, with the fall of Byzantium, the sun of Orthodoxy set in the East, new force it shone in holy Rus', and with it liturgical books and holy images appeared in abundance. And then life was unthinkable without the humble and wise faces of the saints of God. But a special attitude was to the images of the Savior and His Most Pure Mother. Among the most revered icons were those painted in ancient times on the banks of the Bosphorus. One of them is the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring".

It should be noted that since the 16th century it has become a practice in Russia to consecrate springs and reservoirs located on the territories of monasteries or near them, and at the same time to dedicate them to the Most Holy Theotokos. came to us from Greece. Numerous lists from the Byzantine image of the "Life-Giving Spring" also became widespread. However, compositions written in Rus' earlier than the 17th century have not yet been found.

The image of the Virgin in the Sarov desert

As an example of a special love for her, one can recall the famous glory of which the unsunset torch of Orthodoxy, Sarov, brought his name. In that monastery, a temple was specially erected, in which the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" was kept. Its significance in the eyes of believers was so great that reverend elder on especially important occasions, he sent pilgrims to pray to the Mother of God, kneeling before this miraculous icon of Her. As is clear from the memoirs of contemporaries, there was no case that a prayer remained unheeded.

An image that strengthens in the fight against sorrows

What is the power possessed by the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring"? How does she help and what can you ask her for? The most important thing that this miraculous image brings to people is deliverance from sorrows. Life, unfortunately, is full of them, and we do not always have enough mental strength to cope with them.

They come from the human enemy, as they are the offspring of unbelief in the providence of God. It is in these cases that the "Life-Giving Spring" - the icon of the Mother of God - brings peace to human souls. What else do they pray to our Most Pure Intercessor? About saving us from the very sources of these sorrows - the troubles and hardships of life.

Celebrations in honor of the holy icon

As another example of the special veneration of this icon, we should mention the tradition that has developed over many centuries to serve on Friday of Bright Week a prayer service for the blessing of water in front of this image. It is served in all churches immediately after the end of the liturgy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to sprinkle gardens, kitchen gardens and arable land with water consecrated at this prayer service, thereby calling for the help of the Most Holy Theotokos in granting a rich harvest.

The feast of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" is usually celebrated twice a year. Once this happens on April 4, since it was on this day in the year 450 that the Mother of God appeared to the pious warrior Leo Markell, commanding to build a temple in her honor in the holy grove and pray in it for the health and salvation of Orthodox Christians. On that day, the akathist to the icon of the Mother of God “The Life-Giving Spring” is certainly performed.

The second holiday takes place, as mentioned above, on Friday of Bright Week. On that day, the church remembers the renovated temple in honor of this icon, which was once located near Constantinople. In addition to the blessing of water, the celebration is also accompanied by the Easter procession.

Features of the iconography of the image of the Virgin

Special attention should be paid to the iconographic features this image. It is generally accepted that the icon of the Mother of God "The Life-Giving Spring" has its roots in the ancient Byzantine image of the Most Pure Virgin, called the "Mistress of the Conqueror", which, in turn, is a rendition of the Mother of God icon "The Sign". However, art historians do not have a unanimous opinion on this issue.

If you study the lists of icons that were distributed at one time, it is not difficult to notice some significant compositional changes made over the centuries. So, in the early icons there is no image of the source. Also, not immediately, but only in the process of developing the image, a bowl called a phial, a reservoir and a fountain entered its composition.

The spread of the holy image in Rus' and Athos

A number of archaeological finds testify to the spread of this image in Rus'. So, for example, in the Crimea, during the excavations, a dish with the image of the Virgin was found. Her figure with prayerfully raised hands is depicted in a bowl. The find dates back to the 13th century and is considered one of the earliest images of this kind located on the territory of our country.

A description of another image corresponding to the image of the “Life-Giving Spring” of the 14th century can be found in the work of the church historian Nicephorus Callistus. He describes the image of the Mother of God in a phial, set over a pond. On this icon Holy Virgin depicted with the Christ Child in her arms.

The fresco "Life-Giving Spring", located on Mount Athos, is also interesting. It belongs to the beginning of the 15th century. Its author, Andronicus the Byzantine, presented the Mother of God in a wide bowl with the blessing of the Eternal Child in her arms. The name of the image is written in Greek text along the edges of the fresco. Also, a similar plot is found in some icons stored in various

Help poured out through this image

But still, what is the unique appeal of this image, what is it that attracts people to the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring”? How does it help and what does it keep? First of all, this image brings healing to all those who suffer bodily and in their prayers to those who hope for the help of the Queen of Heaven. It was from this that his glorification began in ancient Byzantium. By this he won love and gratitude, finding himself among the expanses of Russia.

In addition, the icon successfully heals mental illnesses. But the main thing is that it saves those who resort to it from the harmful passions that so often overwhelm our souls. It is from their influence that the "Life-Giving Spring" - the icon of the Mother of God - saves. What do they pray before her, what do they ask the Queen of Heaven for? First of all, about giving strength to cope with all the low and vicious that is inherent in us with a damaged original sin human nature. Unfortunately, there is much that exceeds human capabilities and in which we are powerless without the help of the Lord God and His Most Pure Mother.

Source of Life and Truth

In all cases, no matter what compositional decision the author of this or that version of this image stops at, it should first of all be understood that the Life-giving source is the Most Pure Virgin herself, through whom the One who gave life to all beings on earth was incarnated into the world.

He spoke the words that became the stone on which the temple of the true faith was erected, He revealed to people the way, and the truth, and life. And that blessed Life-giving source, the jets of which washed away sin and watered the Divine field, became for all of us the Queen of Heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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