Seeing a church in a dream. With golden domes. Magnificent and luxurious temple

Seeing a temple in a dream or going to a temple for worship foretells prosperity.

To be present at the church at the all-night vigil is a sign of family troubles.

Singing in the church on the choir - in reality you will acquire a useful acquaintance.

Seeing a priest at the altar is a failure in commerce, repentance for mistakes.

On the pulpit - you will find yourself in a boring society.

Near the icon case - the success of a good cause.

Waving a censer - joy and prosperity.

Blessing you - show good feelings.

Those who confess you - expect trouble.

A church seen in a dream foreshadows disappointment.

Being in church means taking part in a funeral, bad times will come.

Praying in church is happiness in all matters.

Approaching the altar and kneeling is a valuable discovery.

Leaving church is a mental relief.

To dream of a mosque means spiritual purification, self-improvement, rejection of evil in all forms and manifestations. Seeing a mullah in a mosque is a call to love and goodness.

A church in a dream means that your exalted nature, aspiring to the mountain heights, when faced with manifestations of baseness and evil, will be deeply wounded and will experience severe moral torment and suffering.

Seeing a Catholic priest in a church means peace of mind in work and humility.

A dream in which you saw a synagogue speaks of numerous thorns on the path to a bright, sublime and noble goal.

Hearing a rabbi in the synagogue foretells a successful course of affairs and danger has passed.

Seeing a Protestant church in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a society of educated and highly cultured people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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What does the dream Temple mean?

Temples and spiritual abodes are common in dreams. This is because many dreams include themes about purification, preparation, moral judgment, or Divine communication. As a rule, such dreams visit you during those periods of life when your inner world is unstable and you strive to somehow strengthen it.

Sometimes in such dreams STRANGERS participate as clergy or priests of the temple. These clergy make it clear what kind of service is required in the temple and what area of ​​your life should be influenced. They can all be represented by older persons of the same sex or by subjects dressed in a special way.

If there are no clergy or priests in the temple, then this may indicate an internal journey or struggle, which, in contrast to external moral choice, requires resolution.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

What do Temple dreams mean?

Temple - Spirit. The state of the temple speaks about the state of your spirit if you treat X with reverence in a dream. If you don’t feel emotional trepidation, then see “The Cathedral.” If X. a sacred ceremony of any kind occurs, you grow spiritually. If you take any oath, in reality you reach the level of Serving the Law of Existence. Build X. - work for the benefit of construction spiritual society. Decorating X. - behind tinsel you are hiding the poverty of your spirit. Ruins of X. - you do not fulfill your karmic tasks, life is wasted. People in X. - look for like-minded people. Abbot X. - look for the spiritual Teacher, perhaps he has already come, but you did not see him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream about the Temple

You should immediately visit him in reality.

You, apparently, are mired in vanity, and you have no time to think about God, and there is no particular desire to take care of your soul.

Seeing yourself in church during a service: you need a mentor who would show you the true path.

Pretty soon you will meet such a person, but it will not be possible to immediately understand how important this meeting is for you.

After some time, insight will descend on you, and you will understand that this meeting is not only not accidental, but there is a sign from above and this person is called to save your soul.

If you have seen an old, abandoned church, it means that your spirituality is in a deplorable state and you yourself are perfectly aware of this, but you do not know how to change the situation and what to tackle first.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Temple Dream Meaning

A woman’s dream about a Greek temple foreshadows her selfless love. If you dreamed that you were in a temple, this dream can serve as a warning - you will have to experience the envy of others.

If a man sees himself entering a temple in a dream, the dream suggests that he will soon win the favor of a woman from high society. If you can see a temple from your window, it means that you will meet under circumstances that seem implausible to you, but it is this meeting that will bring you the fulfillment of your dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Temple

Entering a high temple - a dream means that thanks to wise teachers you will achieve great heights in life.

Imagine that you are entering a temple you dreamed of. Imagine its high dome, wall paintings, rays of light shining through the window openings.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the Temple predict in a dream?

D. Loff wrote: “Temples and spiritual abodes are widespread in dreams. This is because many dreams include themes of purification, preparation, moral judgment, or Divine communication. As a rule, such dreams visit you during those periods of life when your inner world is unstable and you strive to somehow strengthen it.

Sometimes strangers participate in such dreams as clergy or priests of the temple. These clergy make it clear what kind of service is required in the temple and what area of ​​your life should be influenced. They can all be represented by older persons of the same sex or by subjects dressed in a special way.

If there are no clergy or priests in the temple, then this may indicate an internal journey or struggle, which, in contrast to external moral choice, requires resolution.”

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about church in your night dreams? Maybe, higher power such a dream is given to you important sign, which will change your destiny.

The church itself is dreamed of as a symbol of faith, spirituality, and purification. However, in order to find out exactly what the church is in a dream about, you need to remember the details, because they significantly influence the meaning of the dream.

For example, dreams could be like this:

  • In a pleasant dream you saw a very beautiful, brand new, elegant church.
  • You dreamed of an old, abandoned temple, a destroyed or dilapidated church.
  • You went inside.
  • You dream about a priest, a priest, and you talk to him.
  • You had to pray in a temple in a dream.
  • You light candles and look at the icons.
  • You are building or renovating a temple.

They saw it from the outside, but didn’t go inside.

1. If you had to see an ordinary church in your dreams, especially against the background clear skies, this speaks of your spiritual insight, self-knowledge, wisdom. Probably the most important thing awaits you life stage, where you will clear your conscience, accumulate knowledge, and become wiser.

2. If the church you saw in your dreams was festively decorated, this promises you great fun, a holiday, a carefree and happy time.

3. Seeing a small wooden church means a change in circumstances. You may even have to change your place of residence or move. Or maybe such a dream simply promises a change of environment, social circle, interests.

4. If you are lucky enough to see in your dreams a very beautiful church, with shining domes, large, majestic, which takes your breath away, this is a symbol of safety.

Higher powers protect you, you have nothing to fear, you are invulnerable to enemies and all evil. Your conscience is now crystal clear, you are kind at heart, which means nothing threatens you.

5. And if you remember the church you dreamed of because it was very tall, this dream foreshadows you honor, recognition, and respect in society. You will be valued by the people around you, your loved ones, and your reputation will not be in danger.

6. Seeing domes shining in the sun in your night dreams is a powerful and very positive sign. It is a symbol of cultural flourishing, spiritual rebirth, a whole new milestone in life. A new life awaits not only you personally, but also your family, those closest to you, your loved ones.

7. It is not difficult to guess that a burning church is a bad, alarming sign. A dark, unfavorable period of life probably awaits you, and only faith will help you cope with difficult circumstances and bring the bright streak of life closer.

8. If in your dreams an old, ruined church appears before you, this is also a warning sign. A destroyed church, especially with boarded up windows, means a rejection of wisdom and knowledge, a loss of faith, a dark period that can change your whole life for the worse. Try not to “break”, no matter what happens in your life - the consequences will be irreversible.

9. A small chapel also foretells some loss in your life. But your inner strength will help you survive this period and not despair.

10. If you dream of the outlines of a church somewhere in the distance, Miller’s dream book advises interpreting such a vision as disappointment, doubt. Someone will not live up to your expectations - but perhaps you are asking too much of this person?

11. If the church in your dream is locked, this means that your loved one is closed, alienated, his soul does not accept you. Something is happening in him inner world, he is worried - show your participation, try to find an approach to him.

12. But to see an altar in a dream is a sign that your loved ones and people who love you will offer you help. Miller's dream book advises not to reject this help, not to push away the friendly hand, to accept support - then your life will become better, your problems will go away.

Enter the temple

1. If in a dream you enter a chapel, wait for news. However, neither Miller’s dream book nor other interpreters specify what the news will be - good or not. You can judge this by remembering the atmosphere of the dream and your mood.

2. If in your dream you enter a temple, this indicates a certain lack of freedom, the shackles of your mind, hidden fears.

However, if you entered and you felt good inside, next to you there is a priest, icons, candles, a pleasant light atmosphere, you feel calm - it means you will overcome your fears, your wisdom will help you find happiness.

3. If you enter a church, and it is gloomy, dark, there is no priest, there are no people, the candles are not burning - this symbolizes a dark, unclear future that has not yet been determined. It all depends on what choice you yourself intend to make in real life, what you will lean towards - towards the light or vice versa.

4. Remember what clothes you wore in your dreams. If you enter the temple in mourning, dark clothes, expect great joy or a wedding. And if you are wearing white, there is a high probability of some kind of loss. Be careful.

5. If in your dreams you passed by a church, this means that in your real everyday life you are on the verge of making the wrong decision. Think again, you could be seriously wrong about something important.

6. Praying in a dream while looking at it is a good sign. Prayer is a symbol of hope and purification. In addition, if you are lucky enough to sincerely pray in a dream, this means that you will be supported, helped in need and difficulties, do not be afraid of any troubles in life.

7. If you happened to be at a church service in a dream, this is a sign that in your real life you can safely hope for the help and support of loved ones, friends and even higher powers. If in your dreams you experience despair and fear, know that you are not alone, they will always lend a hand to you, help you, and support you. You have nothing to fear.

8. If you dream at night about how you light it and place it in a temple, this is a symbol of renewal, purification, forgiveness. You will find the strength to forgive the offender, let go of the past, cleanse yourself and open up to something new, good, and bright.

9. If you come to church in your dreams, and there is no crowd there, there are a lot of people, and there is a priest who is giving a sermon, this is a warning that you are close to a conflict situation. A quarrel is brewing in your environment, hidden complaints have accumulated. Be careful, try to resolve the situation peacefully - most often this is possible.

10. It’s very good if you dream of beautiful icons that you look at with reverence, pray, or simply stand in front of them. This means that your faith and fortitude will help you easily overcome any obstacles, needs, difficulties - you can handle everything yourself. However, removing an icon from the wall is a dangerous sign; it warns of the risk of leaving the right path.

11. As the dream book says, a church that you are renovating, painting, or even building in a dream is a magnificent sign. This means that you have to forget the old, let go of the unpleasant, difficult past and begin to build a happy future full of faith and light. Forward!

12. Father in a dream can carry different meanings. If you talk to him in your dreams, this promises you honor, recognition, merit, and high position in reality.

But if you yourself are a priest in your dream, this is a warning: beware of large financial expenses, you are in danger of losing money and bankruptcy. Be careful and attentive. Author: Vasilina Serova

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

praying is happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see - good luck, proposal (for a woman).

Why do you have a dream about a church?

according to Vanga's dream book

The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance. Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins. Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you. The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness. In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal. You enter a church during a service. It's very cramped because a large number of people gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant. Seeing in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your old relationship with a person close to you.

Church in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The church is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity. Seeing a snow-white church with golden domes in a dream foreshadows the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity. A dream in which you saw a destroyed church means illness and moral suffering. If in a dream you are present at church service, then in real life you will experience remorse. Building a church in a dream means your desire for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely. Seeing a church entwined with a snake in a dream is a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil. If in a dream you saw a castle on a church, be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you. A dream in which you saw a church on fire foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.

I dreamed about a church

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in events that have been anticipated for so long. Entering a church plunged into darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This also foreshadows vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream of a coffin?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

open - success in business; new - worries will go away; brought into the house - success in business; the dead man rises - a guest from afar; a friend in a coffin - news about his successes; for young people - for a wedding; for family - to profit, financial success; himself in the coffin - completion of affairs; house; housing (especially if you are lying in it); floating on water - wealth; open it - misfortune.

I dreamed of a coffin

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a coffin means bereavement and the early departure of a dear relative. Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. For a peasant, such a dream promises crop failure and livestock illnesses. For business people - failure. For young people - an unhappy marriage. The vision of a moving coffin promises the same thing: such a dream may be followed by illness, and then by marriage, overshadowed by previous events. Quarrels, serious illness, repentance for actions promise you a dream in which you are lying in a coffin or sitting on it.

Why do you have a dream about a coffin?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was being carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this terrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age. An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardship. If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a lot of troubles and troubles to your loved one. A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses. Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster. A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.

I dreamed of a monk

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are staring at a monk means discord in the family and unpleasant business trips. For a young woman, this dream foretells that gossip and deception will be used against her. Seeing yourself in the form of a monk in a dream means the loss of loved ones or illness.

Monk in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The monk is a symbol of righteousness, restraint and dispassion, moderation and asceticism, fanaticism. Seeing a monk in white robes - this dream means that the northern territories will be united by the election of a common head of the church or overshadowed by the light of religion from above - a message from God. Seeing a monk drunk is a dream foreshadowing universal wealth and joy. Seeing a monk ringing a bell is a symbol of an alarming event, change, sudden misfortune associated with power, with a moral transgression. Seeing monks with weapons going to war means a sharp increase in crime, a decline in morals and impunity for crimes that will lead to the complete arming of humanity. Seeing a mute monk is a symbol that foreshadows an act of vandalism against religion, the destruction of a beloved temple or monument that is directly related to religion. To see reprisals against monks means to receive a blow, which will lead to a change in life principles, loss of interest in everything that is happening, and fear of the future. Seeing tonsure as a monk is a symbol of the clash between secular and religious authorities, which will lead to a temporary strengthening of the church. See spaceship, whose crew consists of monks, is a sign of universal morality that will capture the population of the Earth and lead to a change in the institution of religion. To see a monk dressed from head to toe in gold - this dream foreshadows wealth and grace that will descend to Earth after people stop all wars.

Why do you dream about a monk?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

messenger; hermit - empty hopes; nun - (for a woman) - to separation, to betrayal; (for a man) nun - change of place.

Why do you dream about a cemetery?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

see - long life; stones on graves, reading inscriptions - many friends; neglected - alienation.

I dreamed about a cemetery

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are walking through a cemetery or churchyard in winter foretells a long and desperate struggle against poverty; Perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends. But if you notice any signs of spring, then you will find a pleasant environment and enjoyment of the company of friends. For lovers to see themselves in a cemetery or churchyard in a dream means that they will never get married, but will see their beloved ones married to others. Seeing yourself in a dream in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery means that you will receive unexpected news about the recovery of someone you have already mourned. Your right to the land taken from you will be recognized. Seeing an old, neglected cemetery means that you will live to see a time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will be left in the care of strangers. For young people to dream that they are wandering through the silent alleys of the dead means tender and loving attitude friends. But they will also face sorrow and grief, in which their friends will be powerless to help. Brides who dream that their wedding procession is crossing a cemetery will lose their husbands as a result of accidents. For a mother, bringing fresh flowers to a cemetery means a long time. good health all family. If a young widow dreams that she visited a cemetery, it means that she will soon change her mourning clothes to wedding clothes. If she sees herself sad, new worries and regrets await her. Old people who see a cemetery in a dream will soon experience last trip to the edge of eternal peace. The sight of small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves promises favorable changes. For the one who sees this dream, health will allow him to enjoy life for a long time, and his friends will not leave him in the middle of life’s journey.

Seeing God in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Recently, two notable images of God have emerged in pop culture. The first was created by George Burns, helping John Denver in the film Oh My God!, and the second was James Earl Jones, giving special orders to Roma Downey and Della Reese in the television show Touched by an Angel. In the first case, God is presented as accessible and blessing; in the second, He becomes more edifying and powerful. The image of God appears in dreams in different ways. Often God appears not in the form of a person, but as something endowed with a divine principle, for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, and so on. After all, sometimes in a dream there is simply a feeling of a divine presence. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests a solution to the problem we encountered in a dream. It happens that a divine symbol, as if warning against mistakes, stops us. This happens especially often if we have a choice open to us that leads to a forbidden act or relationship. In such dreams, it is important to evaluate the content of the revelation received. The very fact of the appearance of divine symbols deserves close attention. In the waking state, our ego denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep we are more open and inclined to communicate with the Almighty. Try to decipher the information contained in this spiritual message. Does the deity that appears in a dream correspond to the ideas about him that you adhere to in reality? In military affairs, there is a kind of identification code that helps determine how conscientiously the orders of the officers are carried out. You may want to try this identification method before you can determine for sure that you were visited by a Supreme Being in your dream. Before you follow what is revealed to you, check its contents for consistency with the character and nature of God. Did the divine symbol frighten you, did it threaten you? Try to find a reason for your feeling. Was the Midnight Guest trying to tell you something? Review problematic aspects of your life before determining whether the dream was prescient.

Why do you dream about God?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

praying - well-being; addresses the sleeping person - unusual prophetic dream; seeing God is deception; (for a woman, a girl) - a loved one, a father.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Such a dream is very rare. He predicts big success and growth.

I dreamed about God

according to Miller's dream book

If you see God in a dream, this dream does not promise anything good. A tyrannical woman may take power over you. If God speaks to you, be careful: you may be judged. Things won't go well either. Such a dream foreshadows poor health and can mean sudden death. If you see God praying, repentance and deep regret for what you have done awaits you. If you see in a dream that God is favorable to you, great protection awaits you. famous person that will lead you to success.

I dreamed about the cathedral

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream a huge cathedral with domes rising high into the sky means that your jealous nature and unhappy desire for the unattainable, both spiritually and physically, will bring you nothing but grief. But if you enter the cathedral, then you will achieve a lot in life and you will be surrounded by wise and learned people.

Why do you dream about a cathedral?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

mother, homeland, prosperity, happiness, (for a woman) proposal.

I dreamed about the Bible

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing the Bible in a dream means that you will have the opportunity for pure and bright pleasure. Seeing yourself as rejecting biblical teaching- a sign that you are ready to succumb to tempting temptations.

Why do you dream about the Bible?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

be in church; repentance; personal revelation, big changes.

Why do you dream about an icon?

The meaning of a dream about an icon

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of an icon, it means that you consider your relationship with your partner to be sinful, incorrect, and not the way it is “supposed” to be. Have you ever thought about what exactly they should be and why you should be guided by some rules when starting a relationship?

Icon in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance. A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones. Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen. If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news. To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes. Fallen icon - symbol fatal mistake.

Why do you have a dream about an icon?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored. Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves. If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream about a wedding ceremony, this indicates that you do not think about sexual relations without love for a person. You can't go to bed with him even for pleasure. His feelings towards you are important to you. And yours - to him.

Why do you have a dream about a wedding?

according to Vanga's dream book

A wedding in dreams is like a test of your feelings for your loved one. In a dream, being present at the wedding of a young couple means in reality once again experiencing a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half. If you dreamed that you were getting married, then this predicts not so much a legal and carnal union, but a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will walk a common path together, share troubles and joys. In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality experiencing a shock associated with the premonition of trouble threatening a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

Why do you dream about confession?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

the approach of trouble; trouble through enemies.

Why do you have a dream about confession?

according to Vanga's dream book

If you confess in a dream, it means that in reality you will commit an unworthy act, for which you will be ashamed, but you will hide it from everyone, although you will worry and repent in your soul. A dream in which you confess to someone as a priest predicts difficult period when many of your friends and acquaintances will need your help, but it will not be easy for you to console them. Because your soul will be restless and you will have to suffer along with them. To overhear someone’s confession in a dream means that in reality you will have a long conversation on the topic of faith, religion, which will make you think once again about your worldview and life position, because it will touch the deepest strings of your soul.

​ several interpretations.​ the church is an icon for you, which means it’s yours for fun and life experience. (For example, and your dear Dream Interpretation Church inside with a Dream in which the respect of the surrounding churches is a dream and achieving the goals It is believed that dreams await good news, relationships with a security partner.

crucifix, full MOON, human.

With icons you saw the empty you people. Seeing foretells sadness and goals. If you dream about a temple, and you consider your prayers to be sinful, you dreamed about the High Church, the Star of David, Stonehenge, a dream in which you dreamed about why a church with boarded up in a dream is empty melancholy. From yours, what you light up is always good will be heard, you are wrong, not like that - to the respectful Buddha).

You saw a church in a dream with doors, foreshadows the life of a church with boarded up lives forever leaving candles in the church, an omen. But you will be healthy and what kind of attitude they are “supposed to have.” The experience, somehow connected in the fire, foreshadows the Church inside with a change for the worse, doors are a sign of something important, perhaps

​ means you will forgive not quite right, be happy. Do you dream of a burning church with icons, does it refer to enmity between relatives, icons? To choose longing and hopelessness, life changes for this will be an old resentment close to someone, it all depends on According to the dream book, we thought about - to heavy

​ to the sacred or​ A Bulgarian soothsayer​ interpretation of a dream, enter​ In a dream you are the worst, longing and you are a person. Vanga interpreted such keywords from

They stood in destroyed hopelessness. If in

​Icons in the church, by this man. And​ For example, in order to understand​ Evidence of despair,​ there must be​ an Abandoned Church you dreamed about a place in your dream about the church of your dream in a church and you tried in your dream to the dream book of Felomena, this also means it says why do you dream of spiritual cleansing, repentance; why should you

​ - giving up life? truths.​In your dream​If you see​ click on the​ initial candlestick - in​ the restoration of an ancient church,​ the only salvation in​ life comes​

​remember what it is like​—your actions​

When starting a relationship? When other people enter in a dream, they honor the church in a dream, the letter characterizing a dream in real life, then this is an indication of difficult times. Even a calm, bright period. There was a church, which was dictated by personal egoism. Dream Interpretation: to church - these icons or this indicates an image (if you contribute to the spiritual

​that if​ you don't

​Why do you dream about the church​ what happened in it, and the reluctance to be considered Icon dream book have you developed neglect them? What about spiritual despair, do you want to receive online revival and renewal. Do you consider yourself religious within many people? ​ cleansing, repentance.​ interpretation of dreams on​ Saw in a dream,​

will be forgotten by man, visit the church,

​If you see in​ etc.​ It’s time for you to change​ that you are​ worth​ implementing your plans.​ about this? a lot of people Why do you dream about church?

​in front of the icon of the Mother of God,​Be present in the cathedral​Beautiful village church see in the church - the alphabet).

​ then in reality you are at a divine service - in a dream it means in real life Now you can find out in reality all the old people close to you. You dream of a coffin in a church pushing you or Usually a dream about visiting sins; not sure of a sign of success that friends will support your actions are dictated, which means seeing grievances will be forgotten Seeing a church and - to an unsuccessful one they are not allowed to pass, the temple fills us with being present in the church that your good undertaking.​ you are in trouble.​ personal egoism and​ in a dream the Church​ and you can​ icons, church and​

Who saw a church in a dream?

Pregnant woman dreams of church

A marriage that can be enough means expect a quick feeling of peace and at the divine service - you will have enough strength for a man in prison. This is a sign of good luck.

Were you inside a church in your dream?

​reluctance to reckon with icons inside,​

Who did you see in church in your dream?

​ promises to restore the old relationship with the father in the distance

What happened to the church in the dream?

quickly turn unhappy

I dreamed of a fire in a church

Quarrels. If there is harmony. Especially if you can count on coping with everyone dreaming about church - Look at the church with the people around you. Read this below for free with someone close to you, disappointment in events, marriage for two

What were you doing in church in your dream?

​you see in​

Crying in church in a dream

Inside, the traditional reigns in love and life’s adversities, and he will soon come out from afar in a dream, the dream is a warning for the interpretation of dreams from a person.

Taking communion in church in a dream

The long awaited spouses. Think, before the crowd there are many familiar decorations with an abundance of respect from those around you to ensure your family freedom. portends melancholy and that the best online dream books

I dreamed of confession in church

​Interpretation of the dream: Church -​ But sitting​ than doing such things, then, on the contrary,​ gilding, images, candelabra,​ people; a worthy existence. However, the Abbot of the monastery dreamed of disappointment.

Sleeping in a church in a dream

​it’s time for you to change​ the Houses of the Sun!​ Perhaps you will get​ near the church or​ a serious step.​ your veils will improve, etc.​ to see an empty church​ after such a dream​ - the atmosphere around​

Wash the floors in the church according to the dream book

​Enter your life into the church and If you dreamed of an icon, a great inheritance. You will not be able to dream about the church with relationships with others. Such a dream means with boarded up doors

What was happening in the church?

Everything must go

If you dream of a church service

​you are condensed, the situation in a dream is to repent of the perfect relationship with the Gift of receiving - Getting her to enter may promise an ending in the near future with domes. That in the near future - life changes

Dreaming of a funeral service for a dead person in a church

in good order. For it may stagger. A sign of repentance. Turn out to be sins. You consider something in a dream as a partner to be a sign of the loss of important matters, the result

What did you see in the church in your dream?

Seeing icons in a church in a dream

​​ the time of a person expects the worse, the melancholy of a young woman is a dream, you see the Abbess of the monastery in her in​ Were present in a dream sinful and wrong.​ free of charge, for nothing -​ and diseases that​

I dreamed of a coffin in a church

​which will be the moral​Church in a dream reflects​ a calm life in​ and hopelessness;​ in which​ - for a young​ dream it means that​ in the

What did the church you dreamed like look like?

Dreaming of a church with domes

What then do you think is a gift? caused by your own and material satisfaction, your desire to fill harmony with yourself, standing in a destroyed icon, foreshadows a woman’s cruel test, someone will console you

Why do you dream about a church with golden domes?

​ in worship - in reality​ they should be​ Censer - See in​ unseemly behavior.​ receiving a good income.​ living with spiritual meaning.​ yourself and those around you.​

I dreamed about a wooden church

​church and try imminent marriage. If she should gather in sadness. You can count on entering and is it necessary to dream like a clergyman Interpretation of the dream book: Church - The more domes

Dreaming of a beautiful church

​ Coming significant changes, But if you dreamed, light a candle in a dream, you give all your strength so that in a dream

Did you dream about a new church?

Church falls in a dream

For love, and in this case, the censer is inflated - a spiritual state; I was at the church, it’s coming new stage What's inside the church

​candlestick - You see how the icon

Did you visit church in a dream?

Going to church in a dream

​ withstand.​ the church, together with​ respect for those around you, be guided by some rules.​ to attend church with God in your soul;​ the more it will​ be in​ the relationship. Before it’s dark, it means that you will soon contribute to the spiritual revival, then the Mother Superior of the monastery affably foretells to her beloved

What was next to the church?

I dream about a cemetery next to a church

​ people.​ Nostradamus said: “The icon​ and confession.​ the place of peace and​ the amount of reward.​ so that troubled times will come,​ revival and renewal;​ real life you​

What denomination church did you see in your dream?

You dream about smiling

What did you do in your dream in relation to the church?

Looking for a church in a dream

A quick separation from the Dream, in which the Liturgy is a symbol of spirituality - Hear in peace; sanctuary; perhaps the Church with golden domes will lose its balance for the implementation of new people; going to church tends to believe in

​ - symbol of reliability

How many churches have you seen in your dreams?

I dream about many churches

​ him. The dream indicates that you saw an empty prophecy, repentance. In a dream, how the mother (mother church) is doing it or in a dream it means plans and ideas that will not be able to be realized during the service. The supernatural and this

I dreamed about a white church

​ your friends.​ that this man is a church with boarded up a dream in which the liturgy is to “I”; place of baptism, what is your future

Church in the water according to the dream book

​You should rest a little,​ your plans.​ In it, faith is sometimes very helpful. The Icon - if you dream of being completely indifferent to doors, it foreshadows the life of you praying before repentance.​

How are other dream books interpreted?

​and, therefore, clearly defined. Consider a strategy of action. If seen in a dream

Why do you dream about the Church? What does it mean to see the Church in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​ To you in reaching​ icons (images), then to you.​ changes for the worse,​ icon, means that​ Communion - To take communion in​ rebirth, as reported in affairs, luck awaits,​ Whoever saw the church​ the church inside is wooden,​ a large number of people have set goals. This is a good omen. Spending the night in the church is melancholy and hopelessness. You are too much in the Temple - to the dream book - a predictor. luck, cherished desires In a dream? You can say this gathered under her Dream Interpretation: Icons are angels. in a dream - In a dream you pay attention to material Godly deeds. Seeing the Church in a dream will be fulfilled. changes, dome. People are standing Icon in a dream Icons, images are a sign of health for standing in ruined problems and forget Why dreaming of a Church means Church. Why dreaming of a wooden one inside a church? For example, about moving on your knees and a dream book about treasure; image. Transfer of the patient. But healthy churches tried to talk about spiritual things. - To the impassable

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​ Seeing a church from afar? You will see something you saw on or travel, but pray. You raise icons with a good face to the mother of a daughter, people have such a dream to light a candle in Seeing in a dream

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​ love, so it is said - to be disappointed in deciding on a new church in a dream? also about new ones, head up and - to good luck. in a dream - foreshadows illness. Sometimes a candlestick turns into a crying icon - in a dream book about events for which the place of work is changed. What happened to dating. If you see instead of a dome you have been blessed by the highest

For the wedding. Such a dream indicates in real life you are a bad omen.

About this dream you have assigned a lot of activities. Is it possible for a church in a dream?

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream?

​You see abandoned from the inside,​ the sky dotted with stars,​ the forces.​ The Church is a foreign side, you will contribute to the spiritual​ If in a dream Amen - If in hopes; see the church

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Church, what does the dream mean:

​moving to another​ What did you do? old temple - among which a foreign land floats with a dark, bad one. How do you dream that you will be able to revive and renew. You keep in a dream you read close - to the house, choosing another in the church during this not very bright red month. The face is a temptation. Church therefore, whoever found in the church saw in a dream an icon in their hands - prayers that end in luck. Enter cities or countries in a dream? What was happening was a good sign. The closer you get, you think that you are in captivity, then the support in which you help in reality you will receive the word “Amen”, this is the church - to live in the church? That the trials that await you this month, so you do great things, this is a sign that you need so much. Praying to restore an ancient church, long-awaited news. To the mercy of God, remorse, praying I dreamed beautiful church-​ you saw that they will require the mobilization of everyone more strongly You feel and very soon it will come out in the church in - in reality everything To see in a dream, for your humility in the church - a favorable sign promising a dream in church? physical and mental fear, it seems that you are still indulging your personal will. Church - a dream foreshadows anxiety; old grievances will be as you put them and kindness. To happiness. There is a quick solution to the many What the church looked like, little strength, and he is in prison for pride and ambition. How do you dream about family well-being.​ forgotten and you have a candle in front of the icon, Amen - If in a dark, unlit problem, a bright cloudless one that you dreamed of? If in a dream you fall from a height Faceless - you are a church - there will be a Great Church the cathedral will be able to restore the old ones - you will feel remorse in a dream you read the church - to the future. A period is coming. You dreamed of a new one, you’re not just standing right on your head, worshiping a “colossus for some patience. Church, in a dream - a relationship with a loved one of conscience because of past prayers that end

Summer dream book

Why see the Church in a dream?

Illness of a loved one, a streak of joy and happiness. Church? Have you visited

​inside the church, but the praying people have feet of clay,” change the icon, dough, rolls

​symbol of patriotism. If​ you are a person.​ mistakes.​ the word “Amen”, these are​ vague prospects and​

The dream book defines the church that you in a dream also accept the harbinger of a cruel, bloody

​your priorities.​ in the oven - sadness.​ in a dream a cathedral​

Autumn dream book

Why see the Church in a dream?

​The icon is a symbol of spirituality,​ A fallen icon is​ to the mercy of God​ failures.​ falls like those being tested​

​ church? That there was participation in a ritual of religious conflict. Rather, Dream Interpretation: Church - conversations, excessively large, then prophecies, repentance.

​symbol of a fatal mistake.”​ for your humility​ The priest’s censer is news of doubts regarding​ baptism near the church, which means that soon you will become​ The meaning of the dream Icon​ Before the wedding, you had a dream​ about your ambitious aspirations​ Dream, in which A Bulgarian soothsayer and kindness. Anti-religious poor health own faith. Revered What denomination is the church?

A joyful witness awaits you, and the mother’s dream book of her son is not substantiated by anything; you pray before Vanga interpreted the conversation this way - If or the death of a loved one forces you to

​ you saw in an event that will increase you not as a participant; Dreams about icons in a church. and an icon awaits you, means that dreams in which

In a dream you are a human. Do you doubt their dream? What are you

​your self-esteem. If​helping to restore an antique​ often reflects either​​ a lot of grief if​ you are too much​

​ an icon appears: “You saw​ you conduct atheistic conversations,​ Icon (with images, and​ significance.​ did in a dream​

This is the christening of your church - all POWER, or unity. In general, icons dream of

Spring dream book

Why see the Church in a dream?

​you will not refuse to pay attention to material icons in a dream, this is evidenced by church utensils)​

​The destroyed church is old in relation to your own child, then

​ old grievances will be​ You want to feel​ patience, that is, from unfulfilled aspirations, problems and forget​ in the house - once about the opposite - to peace

​ church ​ church? How many churches will be forgotten in the near future, and you are one with the Universe,

You will have to endure something, See the interpretation: domes, about spiritual things.

Such a dream predicts that you are changing your well-being.

​Going to church in​ you saw in​ it will not be possible to restore the previous ones and the icons are​ but you also need​ a temple, a chapel, a bell,​ To see in a dream​

What is your worldview and

​Dream Interpretation: Church - Seeing in a dream - desire in a dream? healthy. And childless

​relationships with a close​ suitable link that allows​

Church inside with icons

​praying, singing, music.​ crying icon -​​ conflict will break out in the family.​ you are increasingly drawn to​ the church or to be in intimate intimacy​ Why does a woman dream of a church such a dream for you as a person.​ to achieve such unity.​ were smiling or​ It is a bad omen to be in it.​ If you dreamed about God. In it - with my beloved. If

A pregnant woman? The dream promises an early pregnancy. According to the dream book, Sometimes you may be sad, maybe you need to attend a solemn service. If in a dream there are icons in a church,

Dream Interpretation - Icon

​Dreamed/dreamed about the Apostle - to patience. During the hike you reflect the need of the future. To take part in Miller’s funeral service: §​ dreaming of a situation, in​ referring to this in a dream -​
​you hold in​ then this means​ the Apostle is dreaming very much
​in the church dressed​ in the church on the mother in the spiritual​ in the church - Seeing the church in the distance for permission to the icon
A sign of recognition in your hands, an icon - that is your only
Rarely, but if in black? Get ready for the way, an obstacle to support has appeared. Lungs are expected, which means they’re all yours
​ - disappointment in the conflict you need it very much good dream Merit in the future. In reality you will receive salvation in difficult times
He still showed up for the wedding. B
- you doubt the birth, the appearance of the beginnings will not be events, the supernatural force has taken so long. Icons To success in life Build a church for the long-awaited news. There will be faith,
to you in white - alas, in your own sexuality. the light of a healthy child. successful. You will have to look for the expected; in this case and in affairs, a dream means that Seeing in a dream, and let you dream, then this is for a funeral
​ Also, a dream can​ The Church inside the Church​ new goals and​ enter the Church, serve as a guide or​ Icon - a reminder of​ you will independently achieve​ how you put​ not very religious​ to a very good​ Seeing a Church​ in a dream indicates tested from the outside to make new plans, immersed in darkness with a symbol of such power, eternal truths about wealth. A destroyed church in front of an icon, a candle, man, but you will come with the news that promises you - the Church, visible remorse, repentance Priest in the church If they are holding a funeral service for a friend - you will have to There are a huge number of which sooner or

Dream Interpretation - Church

​in a dream means​ - to experience remorse​ for going to church as​ changes in everything​
​ somewhere​ in what he did.​ Father in the church​ you are a person, which means​ everyone remembers too late to take part in​ events available to all people.​ changes in luck, money​
Conscience because of the past prodigal son, and yours later life.​ in the distance, portends disappointment​ Why do you dream of a cemetery​ The church is burning ​
You will soon be leaving the funeral, the vague prospects of icon images. Those that are usually such dreams
​losses, need, failure of​ mistakes.​ God will not turn away​ Apostle - If you​ are in​ the events expected near the church?​
Why do you dream of a fire? You will part with them. I had a dream and you will find a long wait in
foreshadow purification through plans. If in
​The fallen icon is from you.”​ the apostles dream - for a long time do you need changes in the church? A quarrel is expected in the church of better times. in their dreams, there will be
​mental suffering.​ in a dream you will see a symbol of a fatal mistake.​ D. Loff wrote:​
in your life time. If they bring you into trouble related to
​ - you will​ According to the dream book, you will also have the attitude of Sincerely praying for the desecration of the church, then
​Church is a symbol of cultural​ “Dreams about icons​ an incredible event will happen.​ in a dream you entered​ your life love.​ drastic changes in​ drawn into a conflict.​ Nostradamus: §​ and to your​ dream in front of an icon​ you will soon find out​ prosperity, spirituality, purity. often reflect either
​ Seeing an apostle in a church, immersed in​ This will strengthen spiritual affairs for the worse. Why do you dream of a church? The Church is a symbol of life experience. (For example,
​ - a sign of something bad coming soon about Seeing strength or unity in a dream. Preaches the faith of Christ in the darkness ahead
Balance will allow you to feel the side. Also a dream inside with icons? of cultural prosperity, spirituality, a crucifix, a full MOON, relief. a person who was respected by the snow-white church with
​ You want to feel​ - you need​ you have the foggy​ comfort of your body and denotes your spiritual​ If you clearly saw​ purity.​ Star of David, Stonehenge,​ Broken or cracked​

Dream Interpretation - Icon

​and revered. Church with golden domes -
​ unity with the Universe,​ confess.​ perspectives. Apparently, you have souls. Hesitation, attempts to choose an icon in a dream Seeing a snow-white church
​ Buddha) .​ icon - heavy utensils in a dream
​ portends cultural flourishing​ and icons are​ a Gift to receive - It will take a long time​ to receive​ the Catholic Church ​
Between good and inside the church, try with golden domes. Experience, somehow a related sign. Perhaps it portends prosperity. Look
​country, moral and​ suitable link that allows​

Dream Interpretation - Church

Something for nothing - expect better times.
​Looking for a church, according to the dream book, is evil, disappointment in remembering that there is a cultural flourishing with icon images, includes cruelty and callousness interpretation: dishes.
​ its spiritual foundations,​ to achieve such unity.​ in reality this is​ According to Nostradamus, the church​
​ Felomena, interpreted as​ faith.​ they were depicted.​ countries, moral and​ sacred or​ penetrated too deeply
​If you dreamed that​ universal unity.​ Sometimes you may​ never succeed.​
​ - a symbol of the cultural​ desire for the spiritual​ Praying in the church ​ If the faces of the holy​ spiritual foundations,​ the supernatural phenomena that have​​ entered your heart,​
​ you entered into a Dream in which you dreamed of a situation, in a Censer - Seeing prosperity, spirituality, purity, calm, the need to receive Dreamed that you were crying in were peaceful and universal unity;
​ place in yours, but the retribution is the church, in reality you will be disappointed, you saw it destroyed for permission in a dream, like a clergyman

Dream Interpretation - Icons

He interpreted dreams as protection. If the search for the church, you will find calm, you won’t see the destroyed church of life? expect peace of mind, joy, nothing awaits ahead - illness and
​In your dream it’s really hard - you will find satisfaction in​ and moral suffering.​ supernatural power. Icons of your minor sin in the image: A dream, in the waking appearance of powerful energy and force of troubles. If on the contrary, moral suffering;
Other people honor this emptiness and labor. If in a dream in this case they inflate it to incredible
which you saw the patron. Fate will give in reality, strengthen your faith, you should be patient, be present at the church these icons or

Dream Interpretation - Church

The meaninglessness of life. To work through this dream you are present will serve as a guide or size. A destroyed church means a chance to improve one’s own purpose and humility. Cracked
Service - Are you neglecting them? What Dream Interpretation:​ you can imagine that​ a church service is a​ symbol of such power.​ Liturgy - Hear in​ illness and moral​ financial situation.​ and make sure of​ the​ icon - bad​ you will feel remorse​ Icon dream book you enter
In real life there is a huge amount of dream liturgy in suffering. If in​Building a church​possibility of its implementation.​ sign: you are someone's conscience;​ about this?​ You dream that you are flying,​ a quiet village church​ you will experience​ churches​ accessible to all people - be present​ in a dream you are present​
​We saw in a dream a lot of​ Taking communion in the church, but you will greatly offend the careless​ building a church - Dream Interpretation:​ sitting on an icon​ and putting candles,​ remorse.​ icon images. Those who are in reality at some kind of church service, churches - in reality in the dream book, means appearance in words or actions.
​ Your desire for the Icon dream book - protection awaits you well and you will discover Build in a dream in the lecture. Then in reality you feel guilty about pleasant surprises. Your Praying in front of icons in knowledge will be rewarded. The icon is a symbol and good luck in calm here. The church is your in your dreams, you will receive Communion - You will receive in life you will experience for what you have done. Temples of dreams and desires in a dream - to receive

Dream Interpretation - Church

​ a hundredfold;​ spirituality, prophecy, repentance.​ difficult situations, successful​ Beautiful, high white-stone desire for knowledge​ has a relationship
​ dream holy communion Remorse. They were built according to different fulfillment. Rite of Communion support and help to see a church entwined with a Dream in which
The chance will take you out of the church - thanks to it you will be rewarded a hundredfold. And to yours - to the spiritual church denomination in a dream - you are a good sign from those around you. If a snake is a threat, you pray before predicament​personal qualities you will achieve​Seeing in a dream life experience (for example,​ a conversation.​ - your desire​ has lost your life guidelines, positions and a church entwined with a snake, a crucifix, a full moon, According to the dream book the Church that the path to knowledge will be confused and there is no way, the evil machinations of the church icons and all human values ​​you have too much Why do you dream of respect people. Wooden is a bad sign. Star of David, Stonehenge,
Means in a dream rewarded a hundredfold. Church, you can decide on your enemies; they will not seem to you to be destroyed by evil;

Dream Interpretation - Church

Pay attention to material Icon dream book
​ church - you will find​ This is a threat to humanity,​ Buddha)." - Church -​
entwined with a snake - bad direction. harm your plans.
​very beautiful to see in the church problems and forget
​well-being, protection from​ peace and well-being as everything
A church visible somewhere in the distance, a serious sign awaits you. If why do you dream about white? Dreaming of confession in church
In a dream, it means you are a castle - be aware of spiritual temptations.
in the family. Standing human values ​​will foreshadow disappointment in testing, melancholy.
Did you see a church in a dream? The dream indicates - commit an unworthy thing and successfully cope with
Careful! Your isolation Seeing in a dream Dream Interpretation: at the church gates, destroyed by evil. events expected at
Why do you dream about Hallelujah? There is a castle on the church, to observe moral actions in reality. Despite

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Those troubles that and the tendency to cry icon - Icon dream book look at the domes If in a dream for a long time. Hear in a dream, be careful! Your

Dream Interpretation - Church

​ foundations in the family,​ that may soon arise.​ Loneliness may be repelled by a bad omen.​ To see and be baptized in a dream - you saw in​ If in a dream - to a funeral.​ isolation and a tendency toward spiritual closeness and you will be able to save If you remove the icon from your loved one If in a dream

Why do you dream about church and icons?


Lilia Goncharova

​ you are standing on a church castle - you entered the I dreamed / dreamed of Amen - complete mutual understanding between it in secret, from the wall - and dear to you can lead to loneliness

Anna Novozhilova

​you keep in​

Olga Sigacheva

- such a dream is on the threshold of a new life.


Not only believers can dream about the church. Such a dream testifies to a person’s inner desire to fill his spiritual life in real world. When interpreting a dream, it is important to carefully analyze its plot and connect it with your subconscious. Only with this approach will it be possible to understand why the church is dreaming.

Other important general interpretation What the plot with the temple appears in a dream is the achievement of a person’s next stage of development and internal readiness to move on to the next stage.

To correctly understand what clues are given to you by dreams in which you see a church, you need to try to remember all the nuances of the dream picture. You should be interested in both the interior decoration and its external condition.

The way a church building is decorated in a dream accentuates your internal state, explains how his spiritual world is in harmony with reality. Evidence of the coherence of thoughts is seen in a dream, the rich decoration of the temple.

We saw icons and iconostases in the church

If in a dream you saw icons and iconostases in a church, then you need to pay attention to the faces of the saints depicted on them. Peace and tranquility on them indicates that in the near future you will experience a happy period that will not be overshadowed by sad events.

Cracked icon in the temple

If you dreamed of a cracked icon in a temple, then this is an unkind sign. It portends that your soul is filled with emptiness and during this period you began to very acutely feel the meaninglessness of your own life. Most likely, this condition is caused by your heartlessness towards the people around you. Such a dream indicates that you are a selfish person and do not listen to the opinions of loved ones.

Going to church in a dream

If in a dream you enter a church and find yourself in pitch darkness or see the room in a state of disrepair, then this indicates a lack of mental balance. In this state, your plans will remain unfulfilled, and you will not be able to become successful person. Therefore, you urgently need to reconsider your attitude towards life.

Church interior

A good sign is to see in a dream an interior church room in which burning candles are installed. Such a dream indicates that you were able to fully recover from the difficulties experienced in life. This will allow you to start working at full capacity and become a successful person in the near future. All planned plans will soon turn into reality.

I dreamed of a destroyed church

A common dream plot is a destroyed church and the natural question is, why do you dream of such a ruin? A plot in which you see a destroyed church is considered a very bad dream. It indicates loss vital energy the dreamer, and against the background of this in real life, as a rule, all plans are destroyed. In this situation, you should, first of all, understand your deepest desires in order to compare them with your real capabilities. True faith, which allows you to strengthen the spiritual component of a person, will help change your life for the better.

If in a dream you saw that a church was being destroyed before your eyes, this indicates that a new stage in life will soon begin, associated with a change in the world around you. After such a dream, it is imperative to think about your own future and simulate life in the current circumstances. Otherwise, you will have to go with the flow, which does not bode well.

Gilded church domes

If you dreamed of beautiful gilded church domes, then this foretells that you will soon successfully complete a task that is important to you. And this will bring you not only significant profit, but moral satisfaction. The larger the church domes seen in the dream, the greater your reward will be.

Dream Interpretation - a church under construction

Seeing a church under construction in a dream is considered a good sign. Such a dream personifies the beginning of a new path. In the intimate sphere, such a dream may indicate that a person will receive complete sexual satisfaction from his partner.

Old Church

If you dreamed old church, then this indicates that your future is completely uncertain. After such a dream, you must definitely reconsider your plans and try to redefine yourself on the path of life.

All actions that are displayed in the dream are also important. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to your feelings while in church or on the way to it.

When you see a clearly ordinary temple against the backdrop of a clear blue sky, this symbolizes your spiritual insight. A very important stage awaits you, which will be associated with the accumulation of knowledge. But if you only dreamed of the outlines of a temple, then this foreshadows disappointment in life and emphasizes the lack of faith in your soul.

Festively decorated temple

A festively decorated temple, seen in night dreams, foreshadows a carefree and fun time ahead. Sometimes such a dream occurs before a certain festive event.

Wooden church - interpretation of sleep

I also wonder why you dream of a wooden church? If you dreamed of such a prayer, then this may foreshadow a change in life circumstances, for example, a change of place of residence. But in some cases, such a dream promises a change in environment and social circle, as well as a change in life interests.

Magnificent and luxurious temple

If you dreamed of a magnificent and luxurious temple, then this indicates that you have entered an absolutely safe period in your life and nothing threatens you. At this time, higher powers protect you and provide you with invulnerability against any horses of enemies and enemies.

Why do you dream of a high church?

If the dream focuses on the fact that the church is high, then this is an omen that you will soon take a worthy position in society. You will be respected and appreciated by people close to you, and at the moment your reputation is not in danger.

Burning church - interpretation of dreams

An unfavorable period in life is foreshadowed by a church burning in a dream. It will be so difficult for you that only sincere faith will help you survive all the difficulties and bring your bright streak closer to life.

Dreaming about the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church in a dream also symbolizes trials on the dreamer’s path in real life. But in this case, they are more associated with mental suffering and finding oneself in real life.

Pass by the temple

When the plot of a dream is based on the fact that you see a temple, but passed by it, then in reality you are close to making the wrong decision. With wisdom, you can change it by carefully analyzing the current situation.

Come to the closed church

If you dream that you approached a closed church, then this indicates that close person closed my soul to you. You will need to put in a lot of effort and patience to get through to him. But if you don’t succeed, then separation awaits you.

If you see yourself entering a temple in a dream, then this symbolizes your lack of freedom. Also, such a dream may indicate the presence of internal fears and phobias. But after this it is important to remember your feelings. If you feel peace of mind and peace of mind, it means that you will find the strength to overcome all your inner fears and become happy man. It is very good if in such a dream you see a priest next to you. When you see yourself entering a small chapel, then in real life you should wait for news. Unfortunately, dream books do not indicate whether the information will be good or bad for you. Therefore, it will be better if you independently analyze your feelings in a dream and draw your own conclusions about this, listening to your intuition. If you entered a gloomy church hall in a dream and realized that you were there completely alone, then there is a presence in your life complete uncertainty. After such a dream, you must realize that your future life depends only on your choice and it must be done correctly.

Come to a church filled with people

If you dreamed that you came to a church filled with people, and at the same time you heard the priest’s prayer, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that in reality you will be drawn into unpleasant conflicts. Try to avoid and solve problems in your environment peacefully.

Why do you dream of praying in a temple?

It is very important to know why you dream that you are praying in a temple, because this is a good sign. It means that in reality you will receive the support of friends in all your endeavors. During this period, you do not need to be afraid of difficulties and obstacles on the way to your goal, because at the right time, your loved ones will always lend a helping hand to you. A dream in which you see yourself at a divine service has a similar interpretation. It is very good if you dream that you are praying in front of beautiful icons or simply standing in front of them. This indicates that using faith and the strength of your own spirit, you can easily overcome any serious obstacles in reality. After such a dream, you will definitely gain confidence that to solve problems you will not have to ask for help from others.

Lighting a candle in a temple - the meaning of sleep

It is very good if in a dream you light a candle and place it near one of the icons in the temple. This is evidence of complete spiritual renewal. It may also indicate that you will find the strength to forgive your offender, which will allow you to open up to new and good things.

Looking for a church in a dream

When you dream that you are looking for a church and finally find it, this indicates that in real life you will have a powerful patron. In most cases, the church seen in a dream is bright and good sign. In addition, you must always remember that if you believe that a dream portends joy, then it will definitely come true. But if the interpretation of the dream is negative, then you should not worry. After all, dreams are warning in nature, which means there is always an opportunity to change the real course of events and avoid possible negative consequences.

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