Victoria Lopyreva who is she and where did she come from. Victoria Lopyreva: biography, personal life. Great success and successful career

My creative career Victoria Lopyreva began by participating in various beauty contests, and now she is actively hosting television projects, sports and music programs. But besides this, an attractive blonde manages to appear at social events and do charity work. However, Lopyreva herself does not consider her beauty the main criterion for success - for this you still need to have a strong character and the ability to achieve goals. After breaking up with ex-husband the TV presenter stopped covering her personal life, but judging by her vacation pictures, she has not yet met a new lover who would become the father of her future children.

Vika was born in 1983 in Rostov-on-Don. Her parents were creative people: father is an artist, and mother at that time worked in the House of Models, and then was engaged in journalism and business. Looking at her mother, the girl loved to experiment with her appearance and choose outfits. After school, the future model decided to get a more serious specialty, so she entered the University of Economics. However, the desire for beauty and external perfection took over, and Lopyreva took up a modeling career. Several times the girl became the winner of beauty contests, and in 2003 she got the Miss Russia crown. After the victory, she moved to Moscow, where she was able to expand her creative activity. First, Victoria tried her hand, and then established herself as a TV presenter, while winning various awards and popularity among viewers.

In the personal life of the beauty, there were many rich men who made her a marriage proposal, also offering luxurious gifts in the form of a private jet or huge apartments. But Lopyreva did not agree to marry, as she was not ready to live with an unloved person. However, even after giving her consent to her beloved, she ran away from her own wedding, as if feeling that she was not yet ready to start a family. For a long time Victoria met with singer Vlad Topalov, who presented her with a gold ring made according to his design. The girl also starred in his video for the romantic composition "You will come." But this relationship did not end with a wedding, and the lovers broke up.

At the end of 2012, the beauty began an affair with football player Fedor Smolov, and a year later a joyful event took place in their personal life: a wedding took place on the island of Bali. But happiness and harmony in the family did not reign for long: already in the spring of 2015, there were rumors about the separation of the spouses. According to the model herself, her ex-husband was more interested in social networks and beautiful cars than his beloved wife. Lopyreva concluded that Smolov was not yet ready for family life, so she decided to leave.

In the photo, Victoria Lopyreva with her ex-husband, football player Fedor Smolov

The TV presenter has not yet had children, but she has a goddaughter. Victoria often spends time with a 10-year-old girl, delighting her with gifts. The ether star also has stepsister her father is Emilia Kruse, but she does not communicate with her. This was largely facilitated by the scandal that occurred in the fall of 2015. Relatives of Lopyreva accused her of unwillingness to help her sister, who suffered from oncology, informing reporters about this. But Vika herself said that she did not know about this diagnosis, since her father did not communicate with her for many years. The model ended this conflict by finding the strength to forgive everyone who hurt her.

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Published on 06/11/2016

Model Date of birth July 26 (Leo) 1983 (36) Place of birth Rostov-on-Don Instagram @lopyrevavika

Named "Miss Russia-2003", Victoria Lopyreva is one of the most popular models in national history. Victoria is incredibly beautiful, she made a dizzying career in the capital. But impeccable appearance is not the only advantage of the model: the girl graduated from MBA, which speaks of remarkable intelligence. On this moment Victoria is an ambassador for the upcoming 21st FIFA World Cup 2018. It will be held in Russia. Victoria is now enviable bride She is not officially married to anyone.

Biography of Victoria Lopyreva

Beauty was born on July 26, 1983 in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don. As a child, little Vika attended a music school, learned to play the piano. The girl was always very shy, so she did not participate in school competitions beauty. It seemed to her that she did not reach the level of school beauties.

Before high school graduation, Vika was not interested in the modeling business and did not even think about getting there. After school, the girl went to study at the Rostov State Economic University. There she received her management education.

Mom Victoria wanted her daughter to make a modeling career. In 1999, she secretly submitted photographs of Vika to the local beauty contest Dona's Photo Model. When the girl arrived to find out the results of the competition, she did not even hope that she would become the winner. Victoria was surrounded by the press and began to ask her questions, but she ran away from them, never tasting her newfound popularity. In fact, the winner of the competition was late for the tutor and she did not even have time to enjoy her finest hour.

In the same year, the girl decided to try her hand at the modeling business and turned to the Image-Elite modeling agency. For this decision big influence provided by the mother: she believed in her daughter. Victoria herself doubted her success on the podium, but in 2001 the future star won the second Rostov Beauty contest. Subsequently, the fashion model became the winner in several more competitions. Such success prompted her to move to Moscow.

In 2003, Victoria, along with her mother, went to conquer the Moscow beauty contest. At that time, Victoria Petrovna Lopyreva had a good, settled life in her hometown: a loving family, a loving young man. Although before the trip he threatened the girl with parting, this did not stop her.

After moving to the capital, Vika began a completely different life. She participated in filming, conferences, gave interviews. The preparation schedule for the Miss Russia contest was very busy: the events lasted until 7-8 pm and took a lot of energy. The future model did not like the new mode, she wanted to quickly pass the competition and go to her favorite city. But life decreed otherwise. Victoria was offered to become the host, she could not refuse such an offer.

At first, the newly-made presenter was very worried. It was unusual for her to perform in front of a large audience. The first popularity came to Vika after the release of the program “Question! Another question" on the NTV channel. The girl gained real fame after the Football Night program on the same channel. Vika hosted the TV show together with Tash Sargsyan and Georgy Cherdantsev. "Football Night" had the highest rating in the history of sports broadcasts.

The girl was constantly invited to shoot the best glossy magazines. The TV presenter was in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad. She once hosted the Miss Europe pageant. After that, the beauty was noticed abroad, and she received several tempting offers. From 2005 to 2006, Lopyreva acted as a host at the Miss Russia contest. This role turned out to be closer to the girl, so in 2009 she decided to end her career as a fashion model. Knowledge modeling business useful to Victoria Lopyreva and in television career. Subsequently, she hosted several programs related to fashion.

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Personal life of Victoria Lopyreva

The girl met with Vlad Topalov. This relationship did not last long and was very bright for both young people. After that, the football player Fedor Smolov appeared in the life of the girl. He took good care of the model. She admits that they had a crazy love story. Behind beautiful couple the whole country rejoiced, journalists called this marriage a Russian answer to the Beckhams. After meeting with Fedor, the girl became the real first lady of football. She went to all the matches and supported her husband's team.

During this period, Victoria was literally snapped up. The higher the girl climbed career ladder, the less time she devoted to family and football. At some point, the presenter felt that she had outgrown her husband and that they were no longer on the way. Vika believes that one of the reasons for the separation of their couple is publicity.

After the breakup, the fashion model said that she would no longer talk about her personal life. At the moment, the girl does not comment on the current relationship. He posts only his own photos on social networks.

In June 2017, they started talking about Victoria again. The TV presenter was noticed by journalists on vacation with Nikolai Baskov. The couple was vacationing in a Turkish resort. Both came there for work, but this did not prevent them from combining business with pleasure. Both stars posted in their in social networks provocative joint photos with hot comments.

Name: Victoria Lopyreva (Viktoriya Lopyreva)

Age: 32 years

Place of Birth: Rostov-on-Don

Height: 177 cm

Weight: 64 kg

Activity: fashion model, TV presenter, blogger.

Family status: Single

Victoria Lopyreva - biography

Victoria Lopyreva is a popular TV presenter model. In 2003, she took the place of the winner of the Miss Russia contest. Actively maintains a blog where he talks about health, female beauty and personal life.

Victoria starred for such popular publications as "Cosmopolitan", "Beauty without Borders", "Worker", "Household", "Maxim" and others.

Victoria Lopyreva - childhood

Victoria Lopyreva was born on July 26, 1983 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Her mother was a fashion journalist and her father was a famous artist in her hometown. The childhood biography of Victoria Lopyreva took place in a creative atmosphere. Her mother had a special influence on her. Victoria already from a young age knew what beauty was, and actively strove for it. She was constantly spinning at the mirror, working on her figure, studying all the intricacies of applying makeup and other feminine tricks.

Vika devoted her personal time not only to beauty, she loved to read books and draw. But her beauty took its toll.

Career of Victoria Lopyreva

The first proposals from photographers in the biography of Vika Lopyreva began to arrive as a teenager. However, for some time she refused to appear and take part in shows. Only at the age of 17, Victoria finally decided to send her photos to the Rostov-on-Don Photo Model contest. And she did the right thing, because it was Vika who became the most beautiful girl of his hometown.

The victory did not bring "star fever" to Lopyreva, on the contrary, Victoria perceived model shooting as a hobby. But, despite this, she has achieved significant heights. In 2001 she won the competitions " Best Model in the South of Russia”, “Face of the City”, “Furor of the City” and “Rostov Beauty”.

A new stage in the biography of Victoria Lopyreva began after winning an award in the Miss Russia contest. Vika becomes an important guest on various talk shows, her photos are everywhere. And two years later, she already takes the place of a jury member in a competition in which, it would seem, she recently won a victory.

In 2007, Lopyreva hosted the Football Night TV program on the NTV channel. On her account, the leading work on famous Russian TV channels: MUZ-TV, Channel One, PostTV and others.

Today Victoria leads her own program “Happiness! Video version" on TV channel "Yu".

Victoria Lopyreva - Personal life

Victoria leaves her personal life behind the scenes and generally refuses to comment. It is only known that she had serious relationship with Fedor Smolov, they were even going to get married. However, for unknown reasons, the wedding in 2013 fell through.

The first thing Victoria decided to change about herself was her nose. But, unfortunately, the first rhinoplasty was unsuccessful, the girl had to undergo another operation. The beauty was definitely lucky with the surgeon - today Victoria's nose looks very elegant and aristocratic.

Lumps of Bish

Bish's lumps are fatty lumps in the lower part of the face, giving him a "childish puffiness", which has completely gone out of fashion in last years. To make the oval of the face more refined and clear, the cheekbones - expressive, and the cheeks - sunken, Victoria Lopyreva got rid of Bish's lumps.


As for such a burning issue as the correction of the shape of the breast, then it is difficult to say something unequivocally. In some old photos, Victoria's bust size is approaching a confident four, and now she wears the usual deuce. Probably, Lopyreva corrected the shape of her breasts, but she did not like the result, and she removed the implants.

Contour plastic of the cheekbones

However, Victoria did not stop there: for greater expressiveness, she increased the volume of her cheekbones with the help of fillers. Unfortunately, this effect is not very durable, because over time, traces of the use of fillers become very noticeable. This is especially striking in daylight - in some photos taken during the day, Lopyreva's face no longer looks as even, smooth and chiseled as before surgery. Seals from the use of fillers became noticeable.

Lip contouring

Like all modern glamorous beauties, Victoria increased the volume of her lips, although the girl's "native" lips were quite plump. For this, Lopyreva, most likely, resorted to lip contouring with fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Contour plastic of the chin

In my opinion, Victoria has not ignored the chin. I can assume that she "lengthened" it with the help of the same fillers.

Installation of veneers

Victoria's Hollywood smile is not at all a generous gift of nature, but the result of the hard work of competent dentists. I think that Lopyreva changed the shape and shade of her teeth by installing veneers.

beauty injections

Victoria intends to stay young and attractive as long as possible, so her mandatory diet includes injections of hyaluronic acid and Botox injections. Look at the absolutely smooth forehead of the girl - the Greek statues are "resting"!

And now we pass to the most interesting! How much did Victoria Lopyreva cost her new appearance?

Rhinoplasty depending on the category of complexity, it will cost from 200,000 to 400,000 rubles.

The average cost of the operation removal of Bish's lumps — 50,000 rubles.

Increasing price mammoplasty — from 250,000 rubles. Remove implants - about the same.

Price for cheekbone contouring starts from 30,000 rubles. Important: filling with fillers will have to be repeated about twice a year.

Change the shape and increase the volume of the lips with contouring it is not so expensive - from 20,000 rubles per procedure (however, it will have to be repeated a couple of times a year).

Contour plastic of the chin will cost about 30,000 rubles.

veneers, depending on the type (porcelain, zirconium, lumineers), they cost from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles per piece.

Botulinum toxin injections depending on the number of units, they will cost from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.

The famous Russian titled beauty, TV presenter and model Victoria Lopyreva is from Rostov-on-Don, where she was born on 07/26/1983. The parents of the future celebrity were representatives of the creative intelligentsia - her father was an artist, her mother worked as a journalist, eventually opened her own business. The girl grew up in a creative atmosphere, learned to play the piano, studied languages. Her children and youth were held in Rostov-on-Don.

Victoria Lopyreva as a child with her sister

In her youth, Victoria's mother was a fashion model, and her daughter inherited her model data. The beauty Victoria began to receive her first offers to try herself as a model as a teenager. But the girl rejected them, she planned to acquire a serious profession, devoted a lot of time to study and studied with tutors.

Victoria Lopyreva before plastic surgery

However, at the age of sixteen, she still gave up, starting work in one of the local modeling agencies, after which she immediately won the Don Photo Model contest. After this event, victories in local competitions rained down on Victoria, as if from a cornucopia, she collected all possible awards. And the logical result - in 2001 she took part in the beauty contest "Rostov Beauty", where she won first place.

Victoria Lopyreva, winner of the "Rostov Beauty" contest

Rapid development modeling career did not prevent Victoria Lopyreva from getting higher education, she graduated from the Faculty of Management of the local economic university.

creative way

Shortly after receiving the title of the first Rostov beauty, Victoria took part in the Golden Lightning fashion festival, where she also won first place, accepting an honorary prize from the hands of V. Yudashkin. This was followed by a victory in the contest "Donbass Open", and then - a real triumph of the Rostovite - winning the title of "Miss Russia - 2003".

Having received recognition of her beauty at the All-Russian level, Victoria Lopyreva decided to move to the capital, where she continued her modeling career, shooting for glossy magazines: Maxim, Cosmopolitan, HELLO! and many others. And since 2005, she began to appear on television, first as a co-host on the NTV channel in the program “Question! Another question ”, and then as a TV presenter of many fashion and sports programs. The wide popularity of Victoria was also facilitated by her participation in the popular reality show "The Last Hero".

Victoria Lopyreva in Maxim magazine

Having experience of participating in beauty contests, in 2005 the girl easily coped with the role of the director of the Miss Russia show, and also successfully acted as the host of Miss Europe on European TV channels.

Victoria Lopyreva during the show of Russian designers

Many people associate the name of Victoria Lopyreva with football, because she is a big fan of this game, since 2008 she has been broadcasting programs dedicated to football on central television channels. For her services in popularizing Russian football, she was even awarded the Russian Premier League Prize in 2015. And her hometown appointed Victoria as its ambassador for the 2018 World Cup.

Victoria Lopyreva Ambassador at the 2018 FIFA World Cup

Victoria Lopyreva at a public event

Victoria Lopyreva is also known for her charitable activities. She regularly organizes charity events to help children and adolescents, where she attracts famous domestic football players as sponsors. For merits in working with youth and popularization of sports, the TV presenter was awarded two medals.

Victoria Lopyreva with her mother

Personal life

The personal life of one beautiful women Russia is always under the gun of paparazzi cameras, so all Victoria's novels are widely publicized. In 2008, she was in a relationship with Russian hockey star A. Ovechkin. And in 2011, the singer Vlad Topalov conquered the heart of the beauty.

Vlad Topalov and Victoria Lopyreva

For a short time, the girl also met with the actor V. Manucharov. And in 2012, the model met her future husband, football player Fedor Smolov, with whom she married in the Maldives at the end of 2013. But family life star couple did not work out, in May 2015 a divorce took place.

Victoria Lopyreva with ex-husband, football player Fedor Smolov

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