The most famous Tajik beauties - a list, biographies and interesting facts. Janitor girl from Dushanbe does not hope for her fame Tajik girl janitor has become beautiful

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After the photo of 19-year-old Munira Mirzoeva became famous thanks to the Internet project of the Romanian photographer Michael Noroc The Atlas of Beauty, unexpected fame fell on the young Tajik, Channel One reports. She was included in the list of 10 most beautiful women peace.

“My girlfriend told me that my photo was on the Internet. I feel like I've been reborn," says Munira.

Michaela Noroc travels and strives to capture the natural beauty of the world around her, to show the diversity of our planet through portraits of women.

“I met Munira on the streets of Dushanbe. I tried to start a conversation with her in Russian, but she only spoke Tajik. One of her colleagues knew Russian and through her I told about my project. She was very shy, did not want to take a picture, but this is what made her image in the frame more lively and sincere, ”the author of The Atlas of Beauty project told the Russia for All Internet portal.

A portrait on the Internet turned the life of a modest Tajik girl and made her famous all over the world. However, she never learned to pose, pose for magazines, answer journalists' questions with rehearsed phrases and smile widely in Hollywood. Munira is still engaged in landscaping the city.

“I don’t want to change jobs, and my job is good. It's honest work. I worked honestly,” says Munira.

Munira describes her dreams as follows: "I have one heart, for one person. I want to become a good wife, daughter-in-law, and mother"

But it seems in vain, especially considering the fact that after the departure of her father, Munira drags 5 brothers and sisters on herself, because of which, in fact, the girl did not finish school. After all, there is an example of another Tajik Hammasa Kohistani, who conquered England, receiving the title of "Miss England"

Hammas Kohistani. Tajik woman who conquered England.

Model of Tajik origin Hammasa Kohistani

19-year-old Munira Mirzoeva, a janitor from Tajikistan, without knowing it herself, was included in the list of the most beautiful girls world according to The Atlas of Beauty project. A randomly taken photo of her dressed in a janitor's work uniform has gained more than 4,000 likes on Facebook. The girl was named the most beautiful janitor in the world, reports Day.Az with reference to PPcorn.

Munira Mirzoeva was photographed by Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc during her recent trip to Tajikistan. Two years ago, she quit her job, took a backpack, a camera and went to travel the world in search of natural beauty. She found it in women of different countries and nationalities - beautiful as they are: without cosmetics and fashionable clothes. Thus was born the project The Atlas of Beauty, in which Michaela photographs and uploads images of women from all over the world to the Internet. The photographer herself says that her task is to show the diversity of the world through these portraits. Having traveled to more than 37 countries, she concluded that beauty is everywhere and it does not depend on cosmetics or figure parameters. It's more about being yourself.

It was this quality that the photographer saw in Munira Mirzoeva when she accidentally met her on the streets of Dushanbe in the form of a janitor. It was a beauty that cannot be hidden under any clothes: naturalness, sincerity and individuality.

As it turned out later, Munira Mirzoyeva works not quite as a janitor, but in the landscaping department of the Shokhmansur district of the capital: she plants flowers and plants on the streets of her native city. She is the eldest child and after graduating from school she dreamed of going to university and becoming a doctor, but due to financial problems in the family, she went to work. At 19, she is the main breadwinner in a family of 7.

Despite the fact that the dream of becoming a doctor Munira had to be postponed, she is proud of her work, because she earns her bread by honest work. At the same time, the girl manages to wear even the uniform of a street worker with grace and elegance, as can be seen in the photographs of Mihaela Noroc.

According to Munira, she does not despair because of unfulfilled dream because the main thing for her is to have a quiet life and not depend on others. But perhaps the appearance in The list Atlas of Beauty will bring positive changes to the fate of the girl. At least that's what photographer Mihaela Noroc hopes so. She promised to follow the story of "the most beautiful janitor in the world" and share the news.

A 19-year-old flower grower from Tajikistan was completely calm about the fact that her picture, which was taken by the Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc for the Atlas of Beauty project, made a splash on the vast Central Asian segment of the Internet.

One photo was enough to transform 19-year-old Munira Mirzoyeva from an obscure Dushanbe worker in the landscaping department of the Shohmansur district into a Central Asian web sensation.

Glorified her project Atlas of Beauty hosted by Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc. She travels across different countries to capture "the natural beauty of the world around us, showing the diversity of our planet through portraits of women." Just a couple of days after the publication on August 18 of the photo of Munira Mirzoyeva on the Facebook page of Mikhaela Norok, this photo scored thousands of “likes”, accompanied by enthusiastic comments about Mirzoyeva’s natural beauty and her charming smile.

Soon, the story of Munira Mirzoyeva's photo attracted the attention of local and regional media, from the Russian-language magazine Cosmopolitan to news sites in Central Asia.

But how is this incredible story could do without the trick. In the case of Munira Mirzoyeva, it was the photographer's caption to her picture - "Handsome janitor of Dushanbe."

However, it seems that Munira Mirzoeva does not care about this mistake at all, she explains this by the fact that her bright orange vest bears a resemblance to the vests of Dushanbe janitors. She is also indifferent to her new celebrity status and high-profile headlines for her photos. The most beautiful janitor of the world" and "Beauty Queen".


My life revolves around my family, my home and my work,” says Munira Mirzoyeva in an interview with RFE/RL's Tajik edition.

She adds that even after work she always has a shovel close at hand and that she has a lot to do around the house.

My close friends are my fellow gardeners, she says.

Munira Mirzoyeva is the main breadwinner in the family and the eldest of seven children. Her wage is approximately $110 per month, plus periodic bonuses.

The salaries of public sector workers in Tajikistan are low, with teachers earning about $200 a month.

Mirzoyeva wanted to become a doctor, but she said university education was too expensive for her family, so after finishing school she had to start working as a florist.

Try on a blanket, then stretch your legs, - Munir Mirzoev quotes a Tajik proverb, which means that you need to live within your means.

According to Mirzoyeva, the fame that this photo brought her will not affect her life in any way. She doesn't see herself as a possible overseas beauty contestant, as some social media commentators suggest.

I don't think my parents would let me go anywhere. My parents are afraid to let me go somewhere far away, even for a short time. They would be worried about me. They would think, “Will she come back or not? When is she coming back? But if it were up to me, I would definitely like to take part in a beauty contest abroad, she says.

Meanwhile, Tajik Facebook users have begun raising funds to fulfill Munira Mirzoeva's dream of studying medicine.

At the time of the conversation with the Tajik edition of RFE/RL, Munira Mirzoeva was not aware of this initiative. She also, apparently, does not know that her beauty is praised in social network and that fans keep asking for her phone number on the Atlas of Beauty page.

And this is for the best. After all, according to Munira Mirzoyeva, she will soon get married.

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