The magic of numbers. Reverse position of the Nine of Cups card

"Dreams come true".

A card of deep satisfaction, harmony, fulfillment of desires, complete satisfaction with events and the result of actions. This is success in matters that are described by other cards in the layout. And even if there are unfavorable cards in the layout, they will create only temporary obstacles and troubles, but will not cancel the final success.

This is a very strong card, which has long been called the “card of desires” - it promises their fulfillment! Everything that the questioner hoped for has happened or will soon happen. Everything will be almost better than he dreamed. This card brings gifts of fate.

In a simpler sense, the card brings the opportunity to relax, have a great time, have a good time without worrying about the future, and pamper yourself. If anxiety is present, then the card says that everything will be fine and foreshadows a favorable ending. This card brings pleasant events. A day of joy, no time for work. This is a card of holiday and idleness. Parties, get-togethers and parties take place along it, and as a rule there is no shortage of drinks.

This is very strong sign joy and prosperity, happy times. In any case, now all the suffering and worries are behind us, a new, bright period begins in life. The Nine of Cups symbolizes protection from the vicissitudes of fate.

As the basis of the question, it speaks of the need for restoration, the search for the most pleasant and useful time spent, the greatest emotional satisfaction.

Deeply satisfied and optimistic. “You can’t forbid living beautifully.” The Nine of Cups signifies a period when we experience true joy and bathe in it. True, such a period can also result in excesses. This card describes the emotional reward we receive when we feel good about ourselves.

The Nine of Cups person is often a big rake and a playmaker who likes drinking parties, hanging out with friends, carefree and easy pastime, and who feels disgusted in any serious work. In fact, he is able to color his life with bright colors and enjoy every hour he lives.

The Man of the Nine of Cups is favored by fate. He is handsome, he has everything in abundance, and one cannot say that he values ​​all of this very much - this is true, rather, in relation to the person of the Nine of Pentacles. The life of the latter is orderly and measured; this cannot be said about the Nine of Cups. Here, a champagne breakfast may well take place at five in the evening.

This card is traversed by talented and sophisticated people, leading a bohemian lifestyle and prone to dizziness from success. In the worst sense, the Nine of Cups person is lazy and prone to overeating and excessive drinking. Usually this is a hospitable and hospitable nature, knowing well how to have fun (but not always knowing where to stop).

Nine intoxicating bowls form a blank wall, sheltering the consciousness from the vicissitudes of fate. In this sense, the Nine of Cups is characterized by escapism, life in one’s reality, which often distinguishes creative people.

The card depicts a man in rich clothes, sitting with his arms crossed over his chest. There are nine full cups above his head: he has achieved everything he wanted. The wealth of feelings has become the foundation of inner satisfaction and material wealth. The person remains motionless in his place, passively accepting the gift from above and using it for good.

Emotional fullness was transformed into faith, which became the basis for compliance with the objective life process and therefore the guarantee of good luck, happiness and prosperity. Nine carries the Neptunian, Jupiterian number, and the influence of Sagittarius is noticeable in it. It occasionally means flashes of intuition, premonitions, prophetic dreams, signs, symbolic situations. This is a very psychological card. At the level of Nine, the final test of emotion occurs on the path of origin (Ace) to the final form (Ten). Here's the emotion in last time tested for strength, for truth.

The map symbolizes a certain sphericity. Finding ourselves in the situation of the Nine of Cups, we can feel like a prisoner in this sphere (astrologically it corresponds to the aspect of nonagon). The decision whether to destroy or not to destroy the integrity of this “situational sphere” rests with the questioner; however, it is very difficult to destroy the space of Nine. It “feeds” us happiness that comes from the very depths of a peaceful soul, and in this sense it represents a very significant spiritual experience.

The second decade of Pisces symbolizes the achievement of fullness of feelings in merging with cosmic rhythms and is therefore called “happiness”. A well-developed mental nature makes it possible to fully participate in the life process and be a conductor of the objective influences of the Cosmos on the Earth.

Representatives of this decade, consciously or unconsciously, become exponents of those feelings and ideas that correspond at this moment. This decade is ruled according to the Chaldean system by Jupiter, and according to the Indian system by the Moon, and it is not only highly susceptible to the influences of the environment, but also knows how to influence it itself. Its representatives are often characterized by a desire for moral leadership, teaching abilities and authority. The role of a mediator between the real and the ideal, who is not able to fully surrender to either one or the other, but only to both together, creates fluctuations from a leadership position to passive religiosity and leads to real life to impracticality and irresponsibility. So that transitions from merging with the unity of the world to alienation from specific life were not a betrayal either in relation to the highest ideals or in relation to real needs, it is important to determine your place in life and not leave your chosen position.

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, and this planet always brings with it some chaos and confusion. Therefore, there is an opinion that this card in the layout can be likened to a piece of fog; no matter how closely you look, there will still be some uncertainty. Spiritually, the Arcanum is related to the mystery of Communion. In an esoteric sense, the Nine of Cups corresponds to a blessing. An index of prophetic dreams, flashes of intuition, which is well reflected in a number of decks.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: open up to harmony and joy, look confidently into the future. The card says: “Now everything is done correctly, people and events are in your favor, everything is working for you, this is your time.”

The shadow is the pursuit of happiness, understood simply as three kopecks (well, or nine!), attempts to drink yourself to death from grief or joy.

IN upright position the card symbolizes success, further advancement, prosperity, victory. Traditionally: luck, triumph, almost satiety. Celebration, satisfaction. Availability competitive advantages. As a rule, this card means individual success, the completion of some other large and important undertaking. This is a Holiday card. A satisfied, smiling man sits at a table on which nine cups are placed - he has just completed the most difficult work, achieved recognition, success and profit.

The map shows the influence of Sagittarius: the desire for inclusiveness, leadership, entertainment, showing off, an intolerant attitude towards any restriction of freedom, being placed within some framework and boundaries. Sagittarius translates the action of this card into the social plane, good deals and successful business contacts.

Bartenders, sommeliers, people in one way or another related to the production or sale of alcohol. Restaurateurs. Owners of nightclubs. Organizers of presentations and banquets. This map goes through all the places where “tables are full” (well, sometimes beds too).

Professional assistance to people. Beauty and relaxation specialists, healers, bioenergetics “from excess”. This card also covers arts and philanthropic activities, charity events, and professions that involve extensive contact with people and compassion for victims.

This card is strong in matters of material well-being and freedom from want. She says that difficulties have been overcome, brings abundance and prosperity, material goods. You don’t have to worry about the future, you are protected. Material acquisitions can be made through it. This is a map for successfully resolving financial and business issues.

The Nine of Cups is also responsible for selflessness and charitable activities.

An inverted card means significant financial damage.

A time of outstanding sensual joys, intoxicating sexual experiences. All delights, ecstasies and trips to seventh heaven are successfully described by this card. According to the internal dynamics, the Nine of Cups corresponds to the saturation of sensual hunger, and what is called “to satiety”. In a less erotic sense, it simply speaks of the opportunity to enjoy a deeply prosperous life, enjoying every day of being together. Sometimes it serves as an indication not only of living in grand style, but also of hospitality, hospitality, and openness.

Traditional meanings are love passion, deep satisfaction, bliss, harmony and agreement, heartfelt affection, good atmosphere in the family, completeness and stability of feelings.

Nines of Cups are wonderful lovers who know a lot about sensual pleasures. They give more than they take, and sex with them is, to some extent, an event that fills and restores energy. They are quite capable of intuitively doing something truly healing, sometimes without knowing it. This is a card of complete and intense surrender in love.

At the same time, a blank wall topped with cups in the traditional image of the Arcana sometimes successfully protects a person from the vicissitudes of love, turning him into a narcissistic egoist, convinced that the whole world exists solely to provide him with flowers of pleasure in a vase of prosperity.

The map of physical health, peace, speaks of hedonism, optimism, cheerfulness. “Health allows,” as they say, and quite a lot! This is not at all the case when after sleepless night gets a prick in the heart, and in the assortment of drinks the leading role is played by mineral water without gas.

As an indicator of illness, it indicates indigestion, hangover, poisoning, or an overdose of something. “Various excesses are not good.” Some ancient interpreters consider the card to be very controversial, including indicating illness. As a significator, the card can talk about alcoholism, gluttony, and self-indulgence.

May herald recovery from illness.

When inverted, it indicates a hidden health problem, with external well-being and absence of symptoms.

Arthur Waite believed that the reversed Nine of Cups symbolizes a person's ability to give up superficial pleasures for the sake of what constitutes satisfaction and well-being on a deeper level - fidelity and simplicity. But more often this card indicates satiety and dissatisfaction with life (in common parlance - “getting mad”). Gluttony, spoiledness. The themes of greed and financial harm are combined here.

Among the traditional meanings are “false freedom” and “inappropriate truth”, “darkened joy”.

Many modern interpretations emphasize the terry egoism of the inverted Nine of Cups - isolation exclusively on one’s own own affairs and lack of interest in people, treating oneself with pity, selfishness and burdening others with one’s problems.

There is an opinion that in an inverted position the card reflects Negative influence Neptune: mistakes and severe disappointments. “What we fought for, we ran into” - the card marks cases when a person got what he dreamed of (be it a position, money, relationship or something else) and discovered that he was not happy with it. A painful attitude towards all kinds of imperfection, confusion of Good and Evil, false wisdom. One of the meanings is confession, the complete nakedness of the soul (“Thoughts in the heart are deep waters, but a reasonable person draws them out”). Here there is a loss of reputation.

One of the meanings is bath, spa, cleansing water procedures, in general, “washing the body”, getting rid of unnecessary things.

With the Empress, Lovers - sensual joys, sexual pleasure

With the Hermit - distancing from feelings, the card weakens the influence

With the Devil - “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” Alcoholism and other forms of euphoric addictions.

With the World - the embodiment of all heart's aspirations, a wonderful combination.

With the Six of Wands - pride in oneself, achieving what you want

With the Five of Cups - regret, the card weakens its influence

With the Six of Pentacles - disappointment (according to Guggenheim)

With the Seven of Pentacles - big win

With the Nine of Pentacles - sadness (according to Guggenheim)

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”


The Moon in Taurus as a symbol of joy, pleasure, cheerful company.

Straight position:

The Nine of Cups means flashes of intuition, premonitions. The map is very ambiguous; it must be studied in context. This is success, well-being, health, victory and at the same time - difficulties and illnesses.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: mistakes, imperfection, a mixture of good and evil, at the same time - sincerity, naivety, sincerity.

Nine of Cups

Card name: Lord of material success.

Correspondences – water (without additions from the letters of the name); sephira - Form.

Explanation ( general meaning): success, expectation big holiday(just waiting), inner peace, contentment.

Event: Family celebration, anniversary, birthday (in yearly scenarios: in which month it falls, there will be a major family celebration). The table is set.

1. Successful business With big profits. Trade in liquid energy: gasoline, fuels and lubricants. Trade in food and drinks.

2. Excellent health.

3. Very happily developing, heading towards the wedding. Partners, fenced off by their happiness from others. People united by interests in the field of culture (common spiritual attachments).

4. Satisfied, calm and relaxed. Can be complacent and self-sufficient.

5. Advice: Enjoy life, tune in to the holiday, prepare for a celebration at a high level.

Caution: you do not share your joys with others, you should be more open.

6. The answer is yes. A period of wealth and contentment.

Additionally (to relationships): In this case, you should remember the saying: “Don’t be born beautiful”: according to this nine, you can have anything you want, a full cup, but remain alone.


Explanation (general meaning): disharmony, discomfort. (Sat in a puddle in front of all the people).

1. Small business remains independent, despite great competition: he may be swallowed up, but so far everything is going well.

2. Looks good outwardly, but is in poor health.

3. Preservation of the view perfect couple in public, internal disharmony. Obsessed with each other.

4. Show-off: with all his might he depicts pleasure, happiness, prosperity

Warning: You will find yourself in uncomfortable conditions.

6. You will need to keep up the brand. You will feel uncomfortable (baby in a big world)

General value:

The Nine of Cups signifies a period when we experience true joy and bathe in it. True, such a period can also result in excesses, the desire to “eat more than you can digest,” but in general the meaning of this card is positive: pleasant events, carefree, funny company, in a word, what is called “you can’t forbid living beautifully.”


During this period, work is a pleasure, and business is going better than ever. A well-knit team, a good and reliable team, also plays a big role. Emotion and good mood help to forget about the difficulties and conflicts of the past. However, we should not forget about moderation, otherwise a well-knit team will turn into a united one, and the work will turn into a hack job.


The period when our worldview is directed towards pleasure. At its most bright manifestations this is a hedonist, whose main principle is: “Live and rejoice,” or an epicurean, a lover of sensual pleasures. In moderate forms, this is a good sense of humor, a period of pure joy of being, when we have the time and desire to enjoy the beauty of the world, enjoy life and remember with pleasure every day we live.

Personal relationships:

At this level, the card represents a period of happiness and pleasure. Fantasies that were previously only possible in dreams or on a short vacation become everyday reality. However, here too, the Nine of Cups warns against excesses, which can turn the joy of life into a pursuit of pleasure or dull digestion of already boring pleasures.

Nine of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card, you can make the trip you dreamed about.

With the “Magician” card, your dream began to take concrete shape.

With the “High Priestess” card - a prophetic dream or a waking dream.

With the “Empress” card - achieving your cherished dream.

With the “Emperor” card, the dream of getting married or making a career will come true.

With the “Hierophant” card - finding a loving family.

With the “Lovers” card - achieve what you want in a relationship.

With the “Chariot” card - a dream that you have to fight for.

With the “Strength” card - overcome your shortcomings.

With the Hermit card - drink alone.

With the Wheel of Fortune card, happiness is just around the corner.

With the card “Justice” - the triumph of justice.

With the Hanged Man card - sacrifice your happiness.

With the “Death” card - gone happiness.

With the “Devil” card - overeating; excesses.

With the “Tower” card - destroyed prosperity.

With the “Star” card, there is hope that happiness is already somewhere nearby.

With the Moon card - false prosperity.

With the “Sun” card - happiness to the brim.

With the “Court” card - well-deserved happiness.

With the “Peace” card - the joy of being.


With the Ace of Wands card there is a happy opportunity.

With the “Two of Wands” card there is a thought: be content with what has been achieved or move on.

With the Three of Wands card, the dream becomes reality.

With the Four of Wands card - wedding, celebration; the house is a full cup.

With the Five of Wands card - complacency; abuse.

With the Six of Wands card - success; a dream come true; wedding.

With the Eight of Wands card - an invitation to a wedding, celebration.

With the Nine of Wands card - serenity, tempting you to make mistakes.

With the Ten of Wands card - severe disappointment; collapse due to alcohol abuse.

With the “Page of Wands” card - enjoyment of learning; happy news.

With the Knight of Wands card - overvaluation; satiation; excessive vanity.

With the Queen of Wands card - creative pleasure.

With the card “King of Wands” - the implementation of plans.

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Ten of Cups >>

Nine of Cups

Straight position:
MEANINGS FOR DIVINATION: agreement, contentment, excellent health; also victory, success, favorable position; satisfaction for the Quirent or person for whom the consultation is arranged.

Reverse position:
REVERSE MEANINGS: truthfulness, fidelity, unceremoniousness. However, interpretations vary and contain errors, incompleteness, etc.

Description of the lasso:
IX. Nine is a pleasant character, enjoying a feeling of contentment in his heart, and an abundance of fortifying wine on the arched counter behind him

© Original meanings of the cards included with the deck.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Moon in Taurus is a symbol of joy, pleasure, cheerful company.

The Nine of Cups signifies a period when we experience true joy and bathe in it. True, such a period can also result in excesses, the desire to “eat more than you can digest,” but in general the meaning of this card is positive: pleasant events, carefreeness, cheerful company, in a word, what is called “you can’t forbid living beautifully.”

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

Second ten-day period of Pisces from March 1 to March 9.
Astrological equivalents: Jupiter, Neptune, Sun in the Ninth House.
The second decade of Pisces symbolizes the achievement of fullness of feelings in merging with cosmic rhythms and is therefore called “happiness”. A well-developed mental nature makes it possible to fully participate in the life process and be a conductor of the objective influences of the Cosmos on the Earth. Representatives of this decade, consciously or unconsciously, become the spokesman for those feelings and ideas that correspond to a given moment. This decade is ruled according to the Chaldean system by Jupiter, and according to the Indian system by the Moon, and it is not only highly susceptible to the influences of the environment, but also knows how to influence it itself. Its representatives are often characterized by a desire for moral leadership, teaching abilities and authority. The role of a mediator between the real and the ideal, who is not able to fully surrender to either one or the other, but only to both together, creates fluctuations from a leadership position to passive religiosity and leads in real life to impracticality and irresponsibility. To ensure that transitions from merging with the unity of the world to alienation from concrete life are not a betrayal of either the highest ideals or real needs, it is important to determine your place in life and not move from your chosen position.
The Tarot card depicts a man in rich clothes, sitting with his arms crossed over his chest. There are nine full CUPS above his head: he achieved everything he wanted. The wealth of feelings has become the foundation of inner satisfaction and material wealth. The person remains motionless in his place, passively accepting the gift from above and using it for good. Emotional fullness was transformed into faith, which became the basis for compliance with the objective life process and therefore the guarantee of good luck, happiness and prosperity.
NINE is a Neptunian, Jupiterian number and the influence of Sagittarius is noticeable in it. In the passive Venusian suit of CUPS, the influence of Neptune will be strengthened, therefore the NINE OF CUPS primarily means flashes of intuition, premonitions, prophetic dreams, omens, and symbolic situations. This is a very psychological card. At the NINE level, the final test of emotion occurs on the path of origin (ACE) to the final form (TEN). Here the emotion is tested for strength and truth for the last time.
The map symbolizes a certain sphericity. When you find yourself in a NINE OF CUPS situation, you may feel like a prisoner in this area; or you will find yourself outside this sphere and will be able to perceive its isolation as if from the outside. The decision whether to destroy or not to destroy the integrity of this “situational sphere” rests with you. This card is very ambiguous and should always be studied in a reading along with its context.
The trap is the pursuit of happiness.

In the upright position, the card symbolizes success, material attachment, further advancement, well-being, health, victory, difficulties, illness. Neptune always brings with it chaos and confusion, so the card in the layout can be likened to a piece of fog, no matter how closely you look, there will still be some uncertainty.
At the same time, it also shows the influence of Sagittarius: the desire for inclusiveness, leadership, entertainment, showing off, an intolerant attitude towards any restriction of freedom, placement within some framework and boundaries. Sagittarius translates the action of this card into the social plane.

In an inverted position, the card mainly reflects the negative influence of Neptune: mistakes, imperfection, a painful attitude towards any kind of imperfection, confusion of Good and Evil, false wisdom. At the same time, sincerity, naivety, simple-heartedness.

IX. Nine is a pleasant character, enjoying a feeling of contentment in his heart, and an abundance of fortifying wine on the arched counter behind him
Straight position:
MEANINGS FOR DIVINATION: agreement, contentment, excellent health; also victory, success, favorable position; satisfaction for the Quirent or person for whom the consultation is arranged.
Reverse position:
REVERSE MEANINGS: truthfulness, fidelity, unceremoniousness. However, interpretations vary and contain errors, incompleteness, etc.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Moon in Taurus is a symbol of joy, pleasure, cheerful company.
The Nine of Cups signifies a period when we experience true joy and bathe in it. True, such a period can also result in excesses, the desire to “eat more than you can digest,” but in general the meaning of this card is positive: pleasant events, carefreeness, cheerful company, in a word, what is called “you can’t forbid living beautifully.”
Second ten-day period of Pisces from March 1 to March 9.
Astrological equivalents: Jupiter, Neptune, Sun in the Ninth House.
The second decade of Pisces symbolizes the achievement of fullness of feelings in merging with cosmic rhythms and is therefore called “happiness.” A well-developed mental nature makes it possible to fully participate in the life process and be a conductor of the objective influences of the Cosmos on the Earth. Representatives of this decade, consciously or unconsciously, become the spokesman for those feelings and ideas that correspond to a given moment. This decade is ruled according to the Chaldean system by Jupiter, and according to the Indian system by the Moon, and it is not only highly susceptible to the influences of the environment, but also knows how to influence it itself. Its representatives are often characterized by a desire for moral leadership, teaching abilities and authority. The role of a mediator between the real and the ideal, who is not able to fully surrender to either one or the other, but only to both together, creates fluctuations from a leadership position to passive religiosity and leads in real life to impracticality and irresponsibility. To ensure that transitions from merging with the unity of the world to alienation from concrete life are not a betrayal of either the highest ideals or real needs, it is important to determine your place in life and not move from your chosen position.
The Tarot card depicts a man in rich clothes, sitting with his arms crossed over his chest. There are nine full CUPS above his head: he achieved everything he wanted. The wealth of feelings has become the foundation of inner satisfaction and material wealth. The person remains motionless in his place, passively accepting the gift from above and using it for good. Emotional fullness was transformed into faith, which became the basis for compliance with the objective life process and therefore the guarantee of good luck, happiness and prosperity.
NINE is a Neptunian, Jupiterian number and the influence of Sagittarius is noticeable in it. In the passive Venusian suit of CUPS, the influence of Neptune will be strengthened, therefore the NINE OF CUPS primarily means flashes of intuition, premonitions, prophetic dreams, omens, and symbolic situations. This is a very psychological card. At the NINE level, the final test of emotion occurs on the path of origin (ACE) to the final form (TEN). Here the emotion is tested for strength and truth for the last time.
The map symbolizes a certain sphericity. When you find yourself in a NINE OF CUPS situation, you may feel like a prisoner in this area; or you will find yourself outside this sphere and will be able to perceive its isolation as if from the outside. The decision whether to destroy or not to destroy the integrity of this “situational sphere” rests with you. This card is very ambiguous and should always be studied in a reading along with its context.
The trap is the pursuit of happiness.
In the upright position, the card symbolizes success, material attachment, further advancement, well-being, health, victory, difficulties, illness. Neptune always brings with it chaos and confusion, so the card in the layout can be likened to a piece of fog, no matter how closely you look, there will still be some uncertainty.
At the same time, it also shows the influence of Sagittarius: the desire for inclusiveness, leadership, entertainment, showing off, an intolerant attitude towards any restriction of freedom, placement within some framework and boundaries. Sagittarius translates the action of this card into the social plane.
In an inverted position, the card mainly reflects the negative influence of Neptune: mistakes, imperfection, a painful attitude towards any kind of imperfection, confusion of Good and Evil, false wisdom. At the same time, sincerity, naivety, simple-heartedness.

Nostalgic memories, or the moon in
Cancer as a symbol of romantic daydreaming.
This map takes us to the land of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences. Such a detached and sentimental view of things can either clarify and brighten the picture of the world, or cloud and darken it. And, since the card is, in one way or another, connected with the past, if asked appropriately, it can point to some episodes or impressions of our childhood.

Second decade of Scorpio from November 1 to 11.
Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces, Venus, Neptune, Sixth and Twelfth Houses.
The second decade of Scorpio expresses the idea of ​​deep awareness of the hidden processes of the collective unconscious, which gives power over them. Observing the mechanisms of life and mastering them through the concept of their essence makes it possible to control the situation and elevates a person above others. This decade is ruled by the Sun, which controls the heart and at the same time the self-awareness of man,
merging feeling and reason. But, sometimes, Uranus or Neptune is considered the patron of this decade, since it does not abuse power, but tends to be reasonable about feelings, which can, as a consequence, lead to a somewhat detached view of the world. But its meaning is not in leaving for the other world, but in the ability to live in the present; this requires not only depth of thought, but also childlike spontaneity.
On the Tarot card, a seller, dressed as a jester, selling flowers, gives a flower to a little girl with a smile. On the tablecloth of the counter is the St. Andrew's Cross of Sympathy. The seller sells goods - this reveals the nature of Scorpio, a passionate acquirer of wealth and human emotions. But white flowers in cups serve as a symbol of the fact that emotions are purified to the most primary and immediate manifestations: only those feelings are left that lead a person to the sources of life. Now he can bring them as a gift to someone who needs it: a passion dangerous for others has been transformed into universal love and sympathy. Participation in the passions of the world is perceived by the seller as a game - hence his clothes as a jester. But this does not prevent him from showing love: his power in the world is expressed as compassion for people.
The trap is to put your group above others, a hostile opposition between friends and strangers.
In Pamela Smith's deck, this card signifies childhood, the past, and is depicted as children playing. This symbol reflects one of the sides of the SIX OF CUPS, which takes us back to the past.
But, basically, the SIX OF CUPS is still the card of Virgo, since through it the effect of the planet Venus in the sign of Virgo is strongly manifested.
Venus in Virgo is in its fall, and therefore the card bears the imprint of some kind of powerlessness.

At this stage, the emotion is spiritualized and turns into love for the omnipresent. The appearance of this card in a reading may indicate a situation that requires you to tolerate, rise above vanity and true spirituality. This card seems to embody Virgo in all its highest manifestations:
mercy, help, kindness, what the ancient Greeks called “therapy”.
In the upright position, the card means memories, past hobbies from whose influence you have freed yourself, disappeared people and things, past childhood, nostalgia, bringing joy to others.
Lasting community, trust that is based on experiences together, true friendship. This may also mean love for the Motherland and the Motherland itself. An old friendship that does not cause communication difficulties. Feeling of harmony.
In an inverted position, the card, on the contrary, is all directed towards the future. It signifies new opportunities ahead; future events, expansion of worldview, anticipation of the future. The card may also signal that in the near future your plans may require adjustments, without which they may collapse.

Seven of Cups
Rider White values:
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Neptune as a symbol of falsehood, illusion, escapism.
The Seven of Cups is a card of falsehood, illusion, mirage,
ghosts. It shows that we succumb to false hopes and misconceptions that we are deceived and allow ourselves to be deceived. As a rule, it acts as a harbinger of sobering up, that is, disappointment, and it should be taken as the last warning: open your eyes!
Although it also has a positive aspect: if we realize our delusions, free ourselves from illusions and really want to devote ourselves to something real, it promises us help and support from those from whom we did not expect it.
From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999
Third decade of Scorpio from November 12 to 22.
Astrological equivalents: Sun in Pisces and in the Seventh House, Sun-Neptune conjunction.
If the first decade of Scorpio reflects the power of passion, the second - the elevation of love to a universal one, then the third decade of Scorpio symbolizes the development of feelings in depth. This is the penetration and dramatization of feelings, allowing a person to access the secrets of life and death.
Intensifying to the limit and sublimating into a single message, emotions bring a person face to face with his main problem- and the potential with which feelings rush to solve the problem allows a person to free himself from it. This decade is ruled by Venus, which proclaims the triumph of life over death, and therefore, in this decade, the extremeness of feelings does not destroy a person, but is one of the natural manifestations of life. However, the freedom and emancipation of feelings achieved here leads to temptations, since feelings take precedence over reason. Accepting the world as it is and abandoning past illusions, a person is inclined to indulge himself: internal power gives him a feeling of permissiveness. The TAROT card in the seven CUPS depicts symbols of vices that arise when feelings manifest themselves over the edge: self-delusion, selfishness, pride, jealousy,
envy, laziness and stinginess. The man stopped in front of them, confused. The feeling affirms the given and seeks to tie a person to what already exists - and therefore, in order to move further into the process of cognition, it is important to be careful in attachments and not leave room for weaknesses of character. Feelings are right, but temptations are illusory: in the picture they are shown shrouded in clouds of smoke - the fog of illusion. Overcoming the inertia of feelings, human consciousness dissipates the clouds and finds itself on the threshold of new discoveries. The SEVEN OF CUPS symbolizes success in love, attractiveness, and personal charm. Love comes in many forms, sometimes the most unexpected. The card indicates an emotion
inspiring a person to do certain things. SEVEN OF CUPS is the achievement of an ideal. What's next? In Pamela Smith's interpretation, the SEVEN OF CUPS is depicted as clouds on which CUPS with symbols are located: love (woman), wisdom (snake), holiness (veiled figure),
power (castle), wealth (jewels), glory (laurel crown) and evil (dragon). It seems that all the signs and all the planets are involved at the level of this chart. The influence of Netun prevails over them, as

planet associated with ideals.
The trap is to follow the imagination without analyzing.
In the upright position, the card means illusions, deception, delight, exaltation, excessive imagination. What could be hidden behind inspiration? In professional terms: attention is an illusion. Lack of realism, fantasy, imagination, hallucinations, visionary abilities, contemplation.
In an inverted position, the card means: desire, determination, strong will, smart choice, the feeling that the goal is about to be achieved. Sometimes the SEVEN OF CUPS can mean tears, a hysterical state, because not every person is able to accept the acquisition of his ideals.

Eight of Cups
Rider White values:
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Saturn/Moon as a symbol of sad farewell.
The Eight of Cups is one of the three cards"breakthrough"
denoting a sad farewell (along with the Chariot,
meaning the joyful "hero's performance" on the battlefield, and
The Six of Swords, symbolizing a journey into the unknown, to new shores). It shows that we must leave our familiar surroundings, part with people or things to which our hearts are attached, and set off on a long journey into an unknown future.
In any case, it testifies that we were not expelled,
It was we ourselves, of our own free will, who decided to leave (another thing is that we might not have had any other choice). "The Weaviness of Farewell"
lies in two points: we must leave what is dear to us, and we do not know what awaits us.
From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999
The first ten-day period of Pisces from February 19 to 28 (29). Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Scorpio.
The first decade of Pisces symbolizes the internal need for the highest and access to mystical spiritual sensations, to the inspiration that is born when a person gives his will to the unknown. This is a calm immersion in the waves of life and a fatal resignation to what is happening,
based on the understanding that the life process as a whole is wiser than the claims of an individual. This decade is ruled by the planet of predestination Saturn (according to modern system- Neptune, conducive to contemplation). Saturn emphasizes the departure from traditional emotional canons to one’s own sensory criteria, which cements the final emotional break with the past idea of ​​the world. People of this decade are more likely to have a subjective perception of events, and they are characterized by a fascination with the unreal and a romantic concern about things that do not exist in objective reality - but which, in all likelihood, lie at the bottom of our collective unconscious. This decade symbolizes the purely individual mystical path of a person, and therefore its representatives are sometimes distinguished by equanimity, isolation,
a tendency towards loneliness and a feeling of rejection, as well as some gloominess. Tarot card
depicts a man who has left behind all his past experiences and inner accomplishments
- eight filled CUPS - and with the traveler’s staff he goes to the dark mountains of the unknown. Over it
Sun conjunct the Moon: the new moon astrologically symbolizes peace of mind and the beginning of a new one, and a solar eclipse, on the contrary, is the danger of the depths of life, not illuminated by the bright light of reason.
The map can also be interpreted as the discovery of new possibilities of our psyche and ways of rational understanding of them.
At the level of the EIGHT OF CUPS, emotion, already fully conscious, having already taken quite specific forms, is being coordinated with logic, with reason. Therefore, the map indicates either a harmonization of mind and feelings, or their mismatch.

At the level love relationship The EIGHT OF CUPS may indicate difficulties,
which can be overcome through patience and a tactful approach. In the sphere of human relations, the card symbolizes the grinding together of two strong individuals.
The positive effect of the EIGHT is reflected in the harmonious combination of desires and passions with reason. This is a situation where love does not harm the cause, but business relationship- love.
The trap is to follow the path of least resistance. Convenience.
In the upright position, the card can indicate such qualities as shyness, modesty,
restraint, shyness, great practicality, chastity, knowledge of social ritual, the ability to be in harmony with people, while maintaining a distance. That is, Virgo is involved. The card can also symbolize confrontation with habit, rejection of inertia, inertia or success.
The lower is sacrificed in the name of the higher.
In an inverted position, the card indicates emotions that seem to be absorbed. At the same time, this card may indicate sudden gifts, quite serious ones at that (Scorpio works,
a sign that cannot be exchanged for small things). It is possible that you yourself are ripe to give someone a gift. The EIGHT OF CUPS indicates a desire that is difficult to satisfy.
The content of this card generally gravitates towards two words - satisfaction and numbness.

Nine of Cups
Rider White values:
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Moon in Taurus is a symbol of joy, pleasure, cheerful company.
The Nine of Cups signifies a period when we experience true joy and bathe in it. True, such a period can also result in excesses, the desire to “eat more than you can digest,” but in general the meaning of this card is positive: pleasant events, carefree,
a cheerful company, in a word, what is called “you can’t forbid living beautifully.”
From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999
Second ten-day period of Pisces from March 1 to March 9.
Astrological equivalents: Jupiter, Neptune, Sun in the Ninth House.
The second decade of Pisces symbolizes the achievement of fullness of feelings in merging with cosmic rhythms and is therefore called “happiness”. A well-developed mental nature makes it possible to fully participate in the life process and be a conductor of the objective influences of the Cosmos on the Earth.
Representatives of this decade, consciously or unconsciously, become the spokesman for those feelings and ideas that correspond to a given moment. This decade is governed by the Chaldean system -
Jupiter, according to Indian - the Moon, and it is not only highly susceptible to the influences of the environment, but also knows how to influence it itself. Its representatives are often characterized by a desire for moral leadership,
teaching ability and credibility. The role of a mediator between the real and the ideal,
who is not able to fully surrender to either one or the other, but only to both together,
creates fluctuations from a leadership position to passive religiosity and leads in real life to impracticality and irresponsibility. To ensure that transitions from merging with the unity of the world to alienation from concrete life are not a betrayal of either the highest ideals or real needs, it is important to determine your place in life and not move from your chosen position.
The Tarot card depicts a man in rich clothes, sitting with his arms crossed over his chest. There are nine full CUPS above his head: he achieved everything he wanted. The wealth of feelings has become the foundation of inner satisfaction and material wealth. The man remains motionless in his place,
passively accepting a gift from above and using it for good. Emotional fullness was transformed into faith, which became the basis for compliance with the objective life process and therefore the key to good luck,
happiness and prosperity.
NINE is a Neptunian, Jupiterian number and the influence of Sagittarius is noticeable in it. IN
passive Venusian suit of CUPS, the influence of Neptune will be strengthened, therefore NINE OF CUPS
primarily means flashes of intuition, premonitions, prophetic dreams, omens, symbolic situations. This is a very psychological card. At the NINE level, the final test of emotion occurs on the path of origin (ACE) to the final form (TEN). Here the emotion is tested for strength and truth for the last time.
The map symbolizes a certain sphericity. When you find yourself in a NINE OF CUPS situation, you may feel like a prisoner in this area; or you will find yourself outside this sphere and will be able to perceive its isolation as if from the outside. The decision is to destroy or not to destroy the integrity of this

"situational sphere" is assigned to you. This card is very ambiguous and should always be studied in a reading along with its context.
The trap is the pursuit of happiness.
In the upright position, the card symbolizes success, material attachment, further advancement, well-being, health, victory, difficulties, illness. Neptune always brings with it chaos and confusion, so that the card in the layout can be likened to a piece of fog, no matter how hard you look,
there will still be some uncertainty.
At the same time, it also reflects the influence of Sagittarius: the desire for inclusiveness, leadership,
entertainment, window dressing, intolerant attitude towards any restriction of freedom, placement within some kind of framework and boundaries. Sagittarius translates the action of this card into the social plane.
In an inverted position, the card mainly reflects the negative influence of Neptune: mistakes,
imperfection, painful attitude towards all kinds of imperfection, confusion of Good and Evil,
false wisdom. At the same time, sincerity, naivety, simple-heartedness.

Ten of Cups
Rider White values:
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Jupiter/Moon as a symbol of comfort and warmth.
This card expresses the highest harmony and deepest,
beneficial love. It shows that we are confident in ourselves and in the future, that our feelings are deep and pure, and that we are free from any illusions or self-deception.
It means peace of mind, good neighborliness, love and joy in communicating with others, true happiness and a feeling of deep gratitude in family or partnerships.
From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999
Third ten-day period of Pisces from March 10 to 19. Astrological equivalents: Venus, Saturn, Moon.
The third decade of Pisces expresses the idea of ​​the completeness of the internal development of feelings and the perfection of their outward manifestation. Finding internal resonance with the ideal, feelings are formed into a single beautiful image the human soul, naturally opening up to the world and striving for self-improvement.
This decade is ruled by the decisive and brave Mars. The soul's desire for self-expression creates internal excitement and anxiety and a readiness for contact. Born in the third decade
Pisces value the external, as a necessary form of their feelings, and love art, but due to the Martian naivety and impracticality inherent in Pisces, they can become dependent on matter. They are characterized by unconscious rebellion: the desire to return to their native element and rebellion against the framework in which reality places them. But in this rebellion lies love for people and the desire for universal happiness.
On the Tarot card there are ten CUPS raised to the heavens. They form a rainbow of happiness. Near the house there are dancing children, symbolizing a return to direct emotions, and two adults. The man and woman joined hands, indicating that the emotional life had reached a higher state of consciousness. Human soul realizes itself as rational - and then consciousness goes beyond its limits. TEN OF CUPS means an emotion that has finally finally been embodied in one form or another and can now be expressed. This is where the test of the finality of the incarnation takes place. The card may indicate the possibility of testing your feelings for maturity, where, again, there may be a problem with adequate expression of these feelings. TEN is associated with Cancer and Capricorn; in both, the Moon (emotions) and Saturn (the locking planet) are significant. The ability to express your emotions is one of the components of the exam, which is symbolized by the TEN OF CUPS.
At the everyday level, the card can mean a declaration of love. Within this map your inner world as if put on display, presented to others for evaluation.
Cancer and Capricorn are strongly involved here, so the interpretation of the card cannot be done without their traditional meanings. When the desire is completely fulfilled, so that nothing remains unfulfilled, you find yourself in seventh heaven. The idyll and saturation are so beautiful that you are ready to linger in this moment forever.

Trap - deliver execution cherished desire depending on external circumstances.
In the upright position, the card has “standard Cancer” meanings, such as: home, immediate environment, happiness, joy, pleasure, peace, self-satisfaction, Motherland, good family life,
honor, respect, virtue, reputation.
IN direct meaning the card seems to have absorbed everything that the suit of CUPS can give, and everything that
what can hold a person's soul. The next stage is STAFF (Spirit). But in order to reach this stage, it is necessary to overcome the temptation of feelings, which in its extreme form embodies
In an inverted position, the card is consonant with Capricorn (Saturn): loss of friends, lack of happiness,
sorrow, discord, scandals in the family, poverty, anger, battles, suppression, contrition, overthrow,
opposition, inability to come to a common decision or opinion.

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