Statuses about winter for a good mood. The best statuses about winter and love Statuses about love in winter

Winter is a great reason to start over... 17

Winter... The snow thought - it's time to fall! 14

Cold is when you open the refrigerator, and warmth comes out. 11

I don't want winter. I just want to touch the snow, breathe the frosty air, take a walk in winter clothes. And then clean it up. Enough. 13

He fell to his knees in front of me and said: Damn, it's slippery! 4

In our minds, winter is beautiful, white, snowy, with the smell of tangerines and New Year, with bluish sparkling snow. But she is only like that in our imaginations... 13 - Statuses about winter

You dress like a cabbage, you look like a penguin, but you’re still freezing... 10

Winter... Snowflakes are coming to kiss... =* 11

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Winter without snot is like a wedding without a bride. 8

A good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a wonderful husband decorates his wife! 8

In winter, a guy is a must. It's slippery. 8

While there is snow on the streets, sweets are the best medicine. 10

The most long relationship those who met in winter. If he liked you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love! 13

Winter smells like tangerines, vanilla and hot chocolate. 14

Winter fitness - longitudinal splits, cross splits, bending from side to side, squats, obstacle course... 8

Survive three months of winter and receive the fourth, fifth and sixth months as a gift! 9

Winter... You can start life with a blank slate. 16

Girls who wear leather jackets, miniskirts and nylon tights in winter drink anti-freeze. 11

Winter... The roads are icy, icy and rough. On the streets there is obscenity covering two or three floors high. 9

Last night the thermometer knocked on the window and asked to warm up. 12

In winter, one believes more in miracles, and in the most a beautiful fairy tale- about love. 14

The perfect winter is when you walk under bright sun, By white snow, you listen to your favorite music and see all this New Year’s fuss. 12

Somehow I felt cold, I was looking for someone with whom and the whole world was not enough. 10

Winter hardens the water falling from the sky and hardens the hearts of people. 10

On a cold winter day, true happiness will knock on your door. And your heart will melt with love. 8

The Chinese came up with the Year of the Dragon and the Dragon Style... The Russians came up with the Breath of the Dragon on January 1st. 5

May each of us have a person on these magical winter days who will warm our hands, heart and soul. 4

When it's winter, you want summer. And when it’s autumn, you don’t want anything at all! 10

Winter is when you come home and put on the kettle before you turn on the computer. 9

Winter... Give me wings! I want to go where it’s summer! 6

Men fall at my feet... It's winter and ice. 6

Smile! It will be warmer. 10

Winter is cold for those who do not have warm memories. 14

There are still “damn, nothing bought or done” days left until the New Year. 10

Winter without tangerines is like summer without ice cream. 10

And briefly about the weather - today people applauded the minibus that arrived... 11

I want something unusual this winter. Snow, for example. 5

There is ice and trenches on the street again... People, take care of your cars and butts. 11

The snow fell treacherously, without declaring winter... 9

Jumping in fresh snow improves mood, improves vision, drives away negativity, and adds positivity. 7

  • Winter is not so important. It matters with whom.
  • Winter makes words of love warmer, hugs stronger, and meetings more pleasant.
  • In a snowstorm, you are afraid to lose faith in eternal salvation... (Elchin Safarli)
  • Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter.
  • Beautiful statuses about winter - Winter is a time of year when nature creeps up very close to a person. (Olga Lucas)
  • Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow... It’s as if you’re entering some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery, the first contact with something pure, untouched, undefiled, permeates you all. (John Steinbeck)
  • I don’t like winter nights - not because they are so long, but because only on winter nights do you clearly feel how time rustles. (Pavel Amnuel)
  • We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what has passed.
  • If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable. (Anna Bradstreet)
  • Laughter is the sun that drives winter away from a person’s face.
  • May everyone have a fabulously beautiful winter in the arms of a loved one!
  • Winter has come to the city, severe cold, how can I find someone who I really need in this world?
  • Winter is a slow time of year, busy with sitting by the fire, reading and poetry. (Jessica Brockmole)
  • Winter.. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable.. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love.. Love does not depend on the season...
  • Winter makes a sheet out of trolleybus glass that you can write on. Everyone seems to want to leave their thoughts on this sheet. To be read. So that it doesn't disappear.
  • Winter - best season, but only next to you.
  • A wonderful time - winter. Frosty, cruel, but magical. (Olga Gromyko)
  • Winter is the coldest and most beautiful time of the year and beautiful statuses about winter there is evidence of this.
  • Winter has come! But in my soul it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!
  • ....and in winter I met his gaze, now every winter is a fairy tale for me...
  • And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness...
  • My ideal winter is a lot of snow and lips kissed by my loved one))
  • Snow, snow, snow... flies from the sky without melting, you want to be near me - I know...
  • Her perfect winter. A lot of snow. Chapped lips. He.
  • Winter is a time to make plans and see perspectives. Time to sleep under the snow and other blankets. (Malin Kivelya)
  • Who likes to look at the falling snow from the window when there is a snowstorm outside, but it’s warm in the house?))
  • It was the most unforgettable summer... the most sad autumn... I hope this will be the happiest winter...
  • The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. (Heinrich Heine)
  • Beautiful statuses about winter - I will pour raspberry syrup on your velvet heart, leaving on it the silky taste of sugar winter...
  • Winter is the best season, but only near you.

IN modern times It's hard to imagine life without social networks. It is even more difficult to imagine that pages of different resources may not have statuses. Sayings fill profiles with meaning and help convey emotions. Statuses about winter are very appropriate during this period of time. They will saturate the pages with mood and convey the emotions of the profile owner.

What should be the statuses about winter?

The most important thing is that the sayings are appropriate. Of course, statuses about winter are relevant precisely at this magical time of year. It is worth pouring the following emotions into these phrases:

  • Experiences.
  • Magic.
  • Juiciness.
  • Full of meaning.
  • Winter mood.

All these experiences will fill with frosty air and winter's tale the imagination of those who read profile statuses about winter. It’s worth considering how interesting the phrase is before posting it on the page.

Beautiful statuses about winter

You can use the following sayings about winter:

Covered the houses in snow,

The magical time of the year is winter.

The frost stings the cheeks,

Very short days

Long nights.

Creaking with magic under your feet,

Winter covered the paths with snow.

Even though it's cold outside,

It's cold in the heart

I can't get warm at all.

Winter froze

Everything that happened until she came.

The frosty air has chilled my soul,

And you forgot those you loved.

White snow cleansed my heart,

So that it can warm up again.

The magical forest greets me

Invites you to its snowy beauty.

How wonderful it is to go deep into the snow

And find yourself in childhood again for a moment.

It's snowing outside again

Helps to let go of sadness forever.

The fluffs are circling above us,

In my soul there is a struggle between winter and the tsunami.

Let the snowy path carry away sadness,

Winter will cover with a canvas everything that does not allow life.

The snow glitters silver underfoot,

Somewhere my friend is sad from the cold.

I couldn't cope with the sadness

It's cold again and snowing.

Winter has frozen my feelings,

And in such cold weather I have no time for love.

Like a fairy tale trill

Soon the drops will ring.

And while winter is around,

Full of white snow.

Even in the dead of winter

Flowers grow under the snow.

They make my soul very happy,

They don't give me peace.

The snow will melt, the warmth will come,

Everything will become clear and beautiful.

Feelings and love will awaken,

Which previously seemed in vain.

For those who want magic

Winter was given as a gift.

Winter cold,

And someone needs me.

Even with a cold white blanket,

I was outside yesterday with a cold.

The snow is spinning like my feelings,

Beautiful and airy.

I know for sure that today,

Your loved one needs it.

Such statuses about winter will fill you with inspiration and anticipation for the new season. All seasons are beautiful, the most important thing is to convey all the colors of the current period.

Short sayings

Winter, winter - full of magic.

Snowball, like a friend,

Makes us a little happy.

There is no need to show winter that it is tired of it. Winter is her, and this will give her the impetus to be with us longer.

It's good in winter, but better without it.

White snow is like a blank slate. It is from this period that I want to start all over again.

Winter will help cleanse your soul and free you from difficulties. She will sweep away all sorrows with white snow so that we will no longer know them.

Winter, snowball, come for tea, my friend.

Winter will cool my heart again. I want to immediately warm myself up with mulled wine.

The winter cold will show who we really need.

In winter, it’s good to have a warm, soft, warming, gentle… blanket nearby.

I want to go to him all the time, especially when it's cold. I want to lie on him, become one with him. Yes, this is my favorite sofa.

You need to choose a status that will fully convey your mood and state of mind.

Poetic sayings about winter

You can simply convey your emotions in poetry.

Winter-winter, snowy paths.

It's cold everywhere, even the cats are hiding.

The rowan tree turns red on its branches,

Reminding us of spring.

I want to wrap myself in a blanket,

Looking at the snow, dreaming.

The paths are strewn with silver,

Snow shines in the sun.

And yet, this is a magical time,

You gotta love winter, man.

By selecting good status, you can inspire your comrades who have been added to your profile, and at the same time lift your own mood by setting the desired rhythm of actions for the current day.

We offer statuses about winter and snow that are beautiful, meaningful, short, funny and very different.

With the arrival of winter, it's time to change your status in social network to more relevant.

As the old song says: “Summer is a little life...”

And winter in many regions is a big life, no matter how sad it may be. And she needs her own, separate status.

A strange time of year has come... In the morning it is night, in the evening it is night. And during the day I... work!

Morning is the most disgusting time of the day. I hate him. Especially in winter. I don’t know where old man Pushkin got these rays of the sun, the refreshing frost and the singing of winter birds. It is possible that he started drinking in the morning...

“Hurray! Winter!” – knees and teeth chattered joyfully...

In Surgut, in forty-degree frost, a boy, using a water pistol, inflicted 20 stab wounds on a gopnik who had accosted him.

In Siberia they play dress-up cards.

Phone sex in Siberia: I slowly take off my felt boots...

Russian winter is when even thermometers ask to come into the house.

The time has come when girls don’t have thongs sticking out of their jeans, but warm black tights.

It's so cold here that the goosebumps on women's legs are tearing their tights.

One day, in the cold winter time, I left the house... And immediately came in!

A session for a student is like the first snow for utility workers - it seems like there is a forecast with dates, but still “The city’s utility services were not ready...”

Let's have your December already. November, of course, didn’t work out.

And the beginning of winter makes me terribly angry! Everyone was waiting for it to get colder. But no! The price has gone up again!

You have jeeps, yachts, airplanes there... And in our village the authority is the one whose water does not freeze.

Winter... The birds have flown away...

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

According to statistics, 30% of women love winter very much, the remaining 70% do not like it very much. The next question showed that 30% simply have a fur coat, while the rest do not.

Tomorrow I won’t go outside, it’s already slippery there, and here I am with my stunningness.

Winter fitness! By the time I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... Side bends... Squats... Steeplechase... Eh, my body is invigorated!

It got colder yesterday. My nose is stuffy. It's getting colder again today. Ears blocked. What the hell is this, is my head being insulated?!

Briefly about the weather. Yesterday I washed a T-shirt. Today it broke!

The polar bear is invisible in the snow. Until he gets scared.

I would like something different in January. Snow, damn it, for example...

That's it, I looked at the snow, you can remove it.

Everyone who whined and snotted: “I want snow, where is the snow,” listen here - so that they devour it completely before the morning!

Nothing, nothing. Winter is coming and then hardly anyone will understand whether I’m drunk or slippery.

In winter, the number of cultured people on the slippery stairs decreases sharply.

One day I decided to remember my childhood. He fell face first into a snowdrift. Who knew there was a shop there?

Russian children are harsh. They are waiting for the temperature to be minus 40, when school is canceled and they can go for a walk outside...

About the weather. It was the first time I saw people applauding when a minibus arrived.

Judging by the weather, the scarecrow of Maslenitsa survived and began to take revenge.

If winter jokes until April, I want summer to take revenge until December!

From the balcony window, in woolen socks, with a tangerine in hand, winter seems beautiful.

She ran to the minibus, dashingly rode the last five meters on her butt, stood up gracefully, and went into the salon. The man was pleased: “Let me shake off your sled?”

Statuses about winter and love:

Winter......the cold permeates every cell of my body...and at such moments...I remember you.

On a dating site: For the winter I want to find a woman who knows how to shovel snow well and push a car out of the snowdrifts. Write to me, the only one!

Men! Winter is the only opportunity to mold yourself a woman to your liking! Don't miss the opportunity!

She quietly took my hand. “He loves me,” I thought. “Ice,” she thought.

Snow is tangled in my eyelashes... I am walking along a frozen street... Somewhere there is also a man walking. My beloved... He's in a hurry, worried...

It’s scary when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw into the snow, throw snowballs at them, and then give them hot tea...

I just want to stand near the window, look at the falling snow... And for you to just come up and hug me tenderly...

How beautiful the snow was falling that evening. What a pity that you are not with me this evening. And this evening people walk back and forth. And my eyes are looking for you among them...

Look for your loved ones - the winter is too cold...

What do you associate with winter? Of course, snow, New Year, holidays, Christmas tree, Olivier salad - and why not? In winter, your deepest desires come true; this is a real time of miracles. We are so looking forward to the New Year holidays, holidays, family and friendly feasts. This time should be devoted to relaxation, family and friends. But how can you express everything that is going on in your soul during this wonderful and magical time of year? Share an extraordinary status. Which will not leave anyone indifferent. You can easily find such statuses on this very page. There are many heartfelt, funny and romantic expressions published here - everyone will find something to their liking. Feel free to express your feelings and show emotions.

Students have two signs: the snow has fallen - the session is coming, the snow has melted - the session is coming. Conclusion: the snow is to blame for everything.

I'm sick of the frost, I'm ringing, I'm not gurgling. I'm completely frozen, I'm peeing like an icicle.

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird???

Cool status about winter: When parking in a snowdrift, you must first make sure that it is not occupied!

Under New Year good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a very good one decorates his wife!

Frost and sun. It's a bad day. When you walk early in the morning, and your cheeks and nose are stiff, and the question is frozen on your lips: “Why don’t you stay at home when it suddenly became minus twenty?

Well, there's a lot of snow! This is the fourth time I’ve dug up my car, and it’s still not mine...

This winter my laptop charger will keep me warm.

In Russia, even the snow thought it was time to fall!

Cold is when you open the refrigerator and warm up.

Only snot reproduces in the cold.

Cool status about winter: First he made a snow girl, and then made her a woman...

When Napoleon came to Moscow, there was no one in the city. Hah, what did he want - it’s winter, everyone is in Egypt!

Dear Grandfather Frost, this letter is not spam, but a real opportunity to make money for the New Year..

Guys! Don't miss the moment: in the cold it's so easy to distinguish a smart girl from a fool...))) A smart girl is in a hat, a fool is with a hairstyle...)))

Winter... men are freezing in shorts, underpants and trousers (I don't mention other clothes), women are not freezing in tights, the question arises: Why... Because men's heating is crap, and women's is crap.

And winter will come up so quietly, on tiptoe, put a leaf hand on your shoulder, and whisper so insinuatingly - “How about some cognac?”

Winter... the birds have flown away...

Winter fitness :) while I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... side bends... squats... obstacle course... Eh, the body is invigorated!!!

40% of women like winter, and 60% - not so much. The same survey showed that 40% of women have a fur coat, and 60% do not.

And the snow is spinning, flying, flying, He doesn't give a damn that May is coming...

Men fall at my feet... Long live winter and ice!

Climbers are like eggs: either hard-boiled or soft-boiled...

And it’s warmer here - you don’t have to button up your down jacket in your apartment.

Winter has come - screw your hair! Head needs a comb! He took off his hat and his hair stood up, You walk into school like a fool!

Cool status about winter: Winter. People walking backwards appeared again.

Winter has been especially good this spring...

It's hard to live in a country where frosts are stronger than vodka...

Don't wait for winter to come. Start begging for a fur coat now!

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