Palmistry where is the line of life. Read the sign below. The life line bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left palms: what does this mean

Having begun to study all the "roads", everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life on our hands. Each stroke and branch means something and can tell a lot to the owner of the hand. It is especially difficult for beginners to cope with additional features. What is palmistry, lines on the hand, deciphering each detail, we will try to parse it in part and help the novice palmist gain simple knowledge in this matter.

As a rule, fortune-telling takes place on the dominant palm: for a left-hander - the left one, for a right-hander, respectively, the right one. First you need to focus on 4 main strips:

  1. Love or heart.
  2. Mind or head.
  3. Fate.
  4. Life road.

Road of heart or love

What are the roads of the heart and how do they characterize the personality, deciphering the lines in the palm of your hand:

Long Talks about an idealistic personality.
short Characteristic of an egocentric person.
Pronounced Characterizes a person prone to stress.
Poorly expressed It can mean a weak heart or a very delicate fortuneteller.
Simple straight line Represents a person with a strong sensitive character.
He says that a fortuneteller often has difficult relationships with people in life.
Dotted or jagged line In life, a fortuneteller will encounter an interweaving of relationships.
curved dash Propensity for intellectual development.
In the form of a chain Divorces and disappointments in relationships.
There is no heart line at all. Before you is a cruel, sensible person. Guided by strictly logical thinking.
The line goes to the index finger Personal life is going well, the fortuneteller is happy with everything. Before you is an affectionate and tactful person.
The heart road goes to the middle finger selfish person, family life everything for him.
End of line between middle and ring fingers Describes a loving person.
straight and short He speaks of a non-romantic personality, everything is simple in a relationship.
Heart road close to fingers Very passionate and jealous personality.
Heart and life bars intersect Warning signal, it's easy to break your heart.
The line of the head and heart are parallel A person knows how to control his emotions.
wavy road Talks about a lot of contacts.

You can learn more and clearly about combinations with a stripe by watching the video in the article and get acquainted with all the nuances in detail.

mental road

The mental strip is one of the main positions on the palm. You can learn a lot about a person from it. The roads are different on them, you can say a lot about the intellectual level and character of a fortuneteller.

How to decipher the lines on the hand and what they mean, let's take a closer look:

The line is clear and pronounced The fortuneteller has an excellent memory, the fortuneteller is guided by reason.
A weak trait indicates a bad memory Man lives in some kind of illusions.
Straight, clear line Characterizes the person who pursues wealth. Realistic outlook on life.
The road of the mind has a broken structure Before you sits a person who often has disappointments in his life.
The fortuneteller is waiting for a career change.
double dash Talented personality.
In the form of a chain Blurred, confused mind.
Hands where there is a lack of mental road Characterizes a lazy, slow personality. Laziness and complete imbalance in the psychological aspect.
Mental streak is short The personality is practical, does not like foreplay and goes straight to the point. The intellectual level is on top and intuition is well developed.
Long road Here we will talk about a successful and concentrated person, but egoism and ambition are not alien to him.
In the form of a wave There is anxiety, there is no concentration on the plan.
The line goes down You are a creative person.
The path of the mind begins from the line of life Volitional personality.
Mind and vital trait separated from each other An adventurous character, a fortuneteller loves adventure.
broken line There are no sequences in thoughts.
Road with crossings Depending on the additional bands, it means important decisions that will affect fate.
Islets and chains They characterize emotional conflicts within the personality itself.

You can learn more about what the mental road will tell us by watching the video:

Looking down the road of life

This trait determines the general physical condition, including the state of health, as well as various vital decisions of the client:

  1. Change of residence.
  2. Physical injury.
  3. Various cataclysms.

What is the road of life, palmistry, deciphering the line on the hand and what kind of palms are found, let's take a closer look:

Long Predicts excellent vitality and excellent health.
short Vulnerable health and Vital energy.
Clear, well defined Characterizes a person who has a calm measured life.
fuzzy line The person has little energy.
broken line This suggests that the fortuneteller will have a struggle and tangible losses all his life.
bifurcates The personality is very scattered and a division of energy is envisaged.
two lines Next to the man is his Guardian Angel.
Complete lack of life path A very disturbing life with experiences, guessing all the time on the nerves.

Palmistry of the line on the hand, decoding and additional information:

long and deep Everything in life is great, including energy and health.
deep and short Such a person will overcome physical ailments with ease in life.
There is a very energetic person sitting in front of you.
Straight and close to the edge of the palm Such a palm predicts caution. Personality carefully thinks through all life plans.
Life line near the thumb This combination indicates rapid fatigue.
Half circle around the thumb Strength, enthusiasm, energy.
Two or more paths of life A person has patrons nearby, which has a great effect on vitality and energy.
Gap on life line At some point in your life, there will be major changes. If a gap is observed on both palms, this predicts injury or illness.

The life line reflects the most significant moments, which the video in this article will tell you in detail:

What will the strip of fate tell us, how to decipher the lines in the palm of your hand?

Excellent well marked road Sustainable living rules and path. Such a person has no chance to change anything in his life, his fate is predetermined. Such a line starts from the very base of the palm and reaches the middle of the middle finger.
Weak, not clear In life, a person will face disappointments and failures.
Forked fate line A person has several destinies. Depending on the auxiliary signs, it can predict frequent conflict situations.
Broken line Characterizes not decisive, all the time warlike nature.
On life path injuries and serious difficulties are possible.
The line of fate ends with a fork In life, frequent partings that occur for no apparent reason.

Detailed decoding of the lines on the hand, palmistry of a fateful trait

  1. What does the absence of a combination mean in palmistry. There is no unique personal path, goal. This situation occurs in people addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  2. Regular stroke, neither fragmentary nor long. It is present on the arm, but does not pass through the entire palm. This speaks of a person who has his own life path. And the character is determined by the clarity of the road.
  3. The fateful road is assembled from various fragmentary dashes. Predicts a distortion of fate due to the influence of some external factors: family, love, work, career. A person is subject to systematic stress, change of place of residence or work, and under the influence of information impact.
  4. Clear and deep. It symbolizes a strong self-confident personality who is able to resist everyone who disagrees with him.

What is fate?

Additional roads, without which hand reading is indispensable

In addition to the main stripes on the palm, there are auxiliary, but no less important, which cannot be ignored when reading the palm. Let us consider in more detail what palmistry is, deciphering the lines on the hand: fame, road, marriage, money and travel.

Where are auxiliary roads located?

  1. Health starts from the little finger and runs through the entire palm right to the base of the thumb.
  2. The strip of Glory goes from the base of the palm and goes up straight to the index finger, parallel to the fateful road.
  3. Marriage is characterized by small dashes under the little finger.
  4. The money line may differ in the palm of your hand in different ways. Thus, the value can be defined in different ways.
  5. The journey starts from the edge of the palm on the hill of the thumb and runs horizontally.

All about family and marriage

Well defined roads. The number of such dashes indicates marriage ties or close relationships.
If the stripes are blurry and not clear. This characterizes ordinary romantic attachments in relationships that do not have much meaning.
One line, clear and direct. Talking about one long-term relationship.
Broken combination. Divorce or separation.
Double dash. It says that a person will have a connection with two partners at once.
Fork at the beginning. Initially, relationships are extremely difficult.
Fork at the end of the road. Parting.
The absence of a marriage band. Characterizes a person who does not show interest in family life.

Note. If at the end of the marriage "path", there are additional signs that cut off the main one, this confirms the break with the partner. But if, after a break, they overlap each other, then the partners will restore their relationship.

Video, what does the line of marriage and family say?

Health line: deciphering the line of the hand

A clear, pronounced line It characterizes the rapid fatigue of the body and poor physical health and resistance.
There is a line, but it is barely visible Characterizes the complete absence of vital energy.
Curvy health bar He talks about digestive problems.
Very deep and blends together with the heart and mind trait Talk about inflammatory processes in the brain.
The health bar has splits at the end Talk about advances in medical science.
Warts were found on the line Various internal diseases.
The line of health is in contact with the path of life He talks about a disease that will become a threat to human life.
No stripe Good health and excellent physique.

Palmistry, lines on the hand, additional decoding of the health bar:

  1. A combination of layering some fragments. Such a "scheme" means a serious fight against attacks of the disease. But at the same time, we can say that the struggle will be successful and the fortuneteller will cope with the disease.
  2. If the line is present in the palm of your hand, but disappears between the lines of the heart and head, then this sign indicates liberation from the disease in a certain life period. Then it should clearly go under the little finger.
  3. The road of health does not come into contact with the life line, but passes separately. This indicates a high resistance of the body against various diseases.

Advice. The line of health should be interpreted together with the line of life, only in this way can all signs and real details about health be corrected.

When studying a health trait, you need to pay attention to its pattern and color. For example, a road with a red chain characterizes a nervous, easily excitable person. You can learn more about the health line by watching the video:

What does the road of glory or success mean?

Such a trait determines for the most part success and life achievements. If we talk about the correct line, then it starts from the wrist and goes through the entire palm to the ring finger.

Details that a novice palmist should know about:

  1. The absence of a stripe does not mean something terrible. Either it should be sought in other features, or a person can be successful simply without attracting wide public attention to himself.
  2. If the line has taken its correct position, but is interrupted in several places, then this indicates some ups and downs.
  3. There are hands where the line of Glory departs from the index finger, this indicates that a person can become famous in the field of art.
  4. The hand where the road departs from the mind and passes through the line of the heart speaks of a lot of work that will bear fruit only in adulthood.

Video about signs of success:

Money line

The wealth bar does not indicate a financial situation, it only directs to certain abilities of a person to earn a fortune or tells how this can be done.

Banknotes are determined by the map of the palm

People who are fond of palmistry claim that the number of years allotted specific person, can be recognized by the line of life on the hand. It is believed that fate is written in the palm of your hand, and marks in the form of veins are signs of the past, present and future. There are several ways, thanks to which you can not only find out how many years of a person’s life are measured, but also under what circumstances his life will end.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

    life line

    There are many lines on the human palm - both large and small. Most of them matter. It is possible to determine exactly how much a person has left to live only on the basis of all the results obtained.

    Finding a life trait in the palm of your hand is not difficult, it is one of the most prominent on it:

  1. 1. Attach a ruler to the middle of the index finger vertically, and then mentally draw an even strip to the line of life.
  2. 2. Put a dot where these two lines touched - the age of 10 years is marked here.
  3. 3. Mark the second point at the intersection of the life line with a line drawn to it from the gap between the index and middle fingers. This mark indicates the age of 20 years.
  4. 4. Measure the length of the segment between 10 and 20 years.
  5. 5. Calculate how many such segments will fit on a given life line. Each of them represents one ten years.

For example, if about 7 such marks fit on this line, a person will live 70 years. When, after the distribution of full 10-year segments along the line, it has not yet ended, you need to figure out how many years it could be: about half of the segment is 5, a third is 3–4 years.

Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with the fact that there are gaps in the palm of your hand or the line is tripled. This is considered a symbol of the fact that a person is protected by a strong guardian angel who will prevent all his misfortunes and troubles.

fate line

Unlike the line of life, not everyone has a trait of fate. In palmistry, this is considered a bad sign. This means that fate is not yet destined, and there is a high probability that a person will die in a young or childhood.

The line of fate is straight, weakly expressed, runs vertically across the entire palm - from the fingers to the wrist.

If there is one, then you can find out the approximate life span of a person from it. The point of 18 years is located at the very beginning of the line, 35 - at the intersection of the lines of the mind and fate, and 50 - at the point of contact between the lines of fate and the heart. If it goes beyond the last mark, that is, 50 years, then a person's life will be long, and he will die in old age.

The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

mind line

The line of the mind is clearly visible in the palm of your hand. This is the middle longitudinal line on it. It is located between the lines of the heart and life. Thanks to this label, you can also calculate how many years a person is allotted. To do this, it is necessary to divide the trait of the mind into three approximately identical parts:

  • from 0 to 20 years;
  • from 20 to 40 years;
  • from 40 to 60 years old.

Then you need to use a ruler and a felt-tip pen. From the middle of the little finger, an even and clear line is drawn down. If it intersects with the first segment, a person will die at a young age, if the line intersects with the second, then he will die before the age of 40, with the third he will live to old age.

Palmistry is a way to learn about favorable and negative events in fate. She won't predict the exact date death, but will give possible answers to questions: what does the line of Life on the hand mean and how to determine how long a person will live.

Location of the Life Line

Guessing by hand begins with the line of Life. It starts on the edge of the hand between the index and thumb, passes through the palm around the hill of Venus. These two elements in palmistry are read together. The tubercle means the potential inherent in fate. Band - the degree of its implementation. It ends at the base of the thumb or reaches the ring of the wrist. It can reach the middle of the palm and stop.

The furrow is often located differently on the right and left hands. A favorable option is considered a long, curved, continuous strip on both palms.

The appearance of a sister line indicates the presence of a guardian angel.

The active hand shows the realization of possibilities in the future. By passive one can determine the past, present and potential inherent in a person.

Characteristics of the line of Life

The beginning on the hill of Jupiter is noted by independent, sociable people. Near the thumb - in closed, lonely and distant.

  • The connection of the strip with the line of the head indicates the influence of parents, such people will always come to the aid of relatives. A joint passage to the middle of the palm is found in a dependent person who separates from the family when he reaches maturity.
  • The length of the thread helps to know the energy level. A long line means liveliness, vigor, an internal supply of energy. A short thread to the middle of the palm is found in depressed, weak people. Such a strip is also read in most children, but the length increases as they grow older.
  • Width is responsible for activity: the more spacious the furrow, the slower, more passive the owner. He has few events, he lives according to a plan and avoids drastic actions. A thin thread that is difficult to read on the hand symbolizes an emotional approach to solving issues.
  • Depth means the degree of solidity in character. Frivolous people have a weak and superficial streak, they do not bring things to the end. A deep thread that is well felt is found in thoughtful people who are stable and know how to prioritize correctly.
  • The bend determines the attitude to events, problems in life. A convex line widely envelops the hillock of Venus, reaches the middle of the palm - this predicts optimism for the owner. A tendency to depression, a negative attitude can be determined by a branch close to the hillock.

  • An even straight line betrays an indifferent, prudent person, unable to understand others.
  • Breaks symbolize change. On this segment, a period of a black strip passes with a successful solution to the problem: healing from an illness, a new place of residence, new job after being fired.
  • Several overlapping breaks along its length predict internal inconsistency. The dotted line is poor health, a tendency to chronic diseases.
  • With external cuts, the furrow shifts, continuing nearby: in such cases, a person renounces his views, changes his faith, worldview, moves to another country. A broken line on both hands predicts a fatal accident or a long illness to the owner.

Signs on the strip warn of adverse events:

There is no relationship between the length of the strip and the years lived.

How to calculate life expectancy

Important is the distance from the end of the line to the crease at the base of the thumb. It is calculated relative to the middle and ring fingers.

On both hands, 2 lines are drawn parallel to the edge of the palm: the main one comes from the middle of the fold under the middle finger, the additional one is drawn in the same way from the fold of the ring finger. They end at the wrist ring.

If there is a distance between the line and the main axis, then it is measured in millimeters. Subtract the resulting number from 80 - this is the duration.

Touching the line of Life with the main axis means 80 years. The intersection at 2 points is equal to 95 years.

A person will live 100 years when the strip reaches the additional axis. The intersection with it means a life expectancy of up to 115 years.

The numbers on the right and left hands are added, divided by 2. The value shows a more accurate duration of existence.

You can find out the time of a particular event in palmistry using dating systems:

  1. 35-year-old method: draw a vertical line from the center of the crease under the middle finger. The place of intersection of the line with the axis - 35 years.
  2. 70-year-old method: 70 mark is placed where the stripe reaches the base of the thumb, but does not turn to the right. The strip is divided into equal parts of 10 years.
  3. 7-year method: the line is cut into 10 segments with an interval of 7 years.
  4. 3 pieces: the thread continues to the wrist ring. The dot means 100. From the beginning, the whole line is divided into 3 parts of 33 years.


Palmistry defines life expectancy as a relative value. She ignores illness bad habits, accidents, and these factors shorten the resulting number. It is better to turn to a professional palmist who will consider the lines in dynamics. Then you will be informed in advance about how many years you will live.

Contrary to the opinion of many, palmistry - ancient method to learn more about the character, destiny, potential of a person, is not considered a "relic" of the past. On the contrary, now many are trying to find out more about their future, using this simple, accessible to everyone, method. In particular, along the line of life, which is in the palm of each person, one can extract data on the state of health, upcoming important events. However, palmistry is a rather hidden divination that requires careful correct interpretation. And today we will tell you how to “read” the hand correctly, taking into account the curves of the life line.

Every person unique hand, and palmistry will help interpret what was before and what the future may bring. With the help of a correctly stated explanation, you can avoid adverse events and even improve your life.

Starting to read the lines on the hand, you should pay attention to the fact that the meanings of each of them are different. So, for example, the left one will tell about innate character traits and characteristics, and the right one will open the veil of the future. If a person is left-handed, the meanings of the interpretations are mirrored. However, in all cases, the line of life remains paramount.

The line of life, unlike others (heads, hearts, etc.), has a permanent location in the palm of your hand. Its beginning can always be found in the middle of the area between the index and thumb. The line itself descends in an arc to the wrist, bending around the Mount of Venus ( see photo). By this term, palmistry means the tubercle, which is the base of the thumb.

When examining your palms, be sure to pay attention to the presence of additional marks. It can be both intersections of lines, branching at the end, and moles. It is worth noting the size of the hill of Venus, because it is the size of this area on the hand that means the life potential of the individual, which is laid down for him from birth.

Meaning and interpretation

Palmistry, as previously mentioned, fortune telling is rather difficult. The location and condition of the life line requires careful interpretation.

The initial direction should be inseparable, covering the base of the thumb in a beautiful even arc. In this case, the explanation will be more or less simple. You can easily make out everything that is laid down by fate, clearly viewing the connection with important life events and the participation of loved ones in it. In other situations, fortune telling will take more care, free time and patience.

The line of life that is laid with a clear thin thread along the hand is considered good. All kinds of marks, signs, geometric shapes (triangle, square, etc.) are indicators of significant events.

The groove of the main direction, its structure, color should be the same throughout: at the beginning, middle, end. Often the line of life is compared with a river, the course of which is life energy. If it smoothly flows around the Mount of Venus without unnecessary convolutions, then the path of a person will be even, measured. Appearance The line reflects physical stability, the level of human strength, and the length of the line is commensurate with the probable life expectancy.

If the life line on the right and left hand bifurcates at the end, or has a gap in the same place, this designation is interpreted as a "fatal" sign. Ancient palmistry previously interpreted it as inevitable death. According to modern knowledge, divination warns of serious problems with health. And in our time they can be completely avoided, given the possibilities of modern medicine and the fact that palmistry is designed to warn people.

The general picture of the events of the past, the future can be found out only if you correctly read the connection of all the marks on the hand.

Their intersections, the figures that appear as a result, require careful analysis. Therefore, it is important to look at both palms.

If on one hand the line of life is interrupted in the middle, you should not immediately think about an imminent death. It is enough to examine the palm of the other hand - if the line is only interrupted, the situation is not so critical. Looking at these lines, one can dangerous disease on the path of life that can be overcome. If, after a break in the lines, there are ambiguities in the line, it is possible that a person will face complications of the disease.

If you saw a short life line on your hand and are worried about the consequences, you can always consult an experienced specialist. Looking at your palms, he will be able to see the full picture of events. They will either refute your fears, or tell you in more detail about the reason for their appearance. But do not take short life lines as harbingers of the inevitable. Our body tends to change. This also applies to the signs inflicted by fate on the hand: the lines can lengthen, cut through, branch out, which will subsequently change fortune telling.

There are also double life lines. According to the knowledge that palmistry carries, they are called the lines of Mars (sister). They carry great vitality. As a rule, the owners of such markings on the palms, people with:

  • good health;
  • a rich supply of vitality;
  • luxurious destiny.

People whose life line bifurcates on their hand live a long happy life they are always successful.

Signs on life lines

It often happens that all kinds of signs are located (or new ones are cut through) along the line of life. It can be both clearly defined geometric shapes (triangle, circle), and not very obvious markings (points, branches). Each of them is able to make additions and clarifications to the overall picture, as they have their own interpretation.

If the life line is crossed out with a short line, expect unexpected emotional upheavals. Such marks are called "trauma lines", but do not promise drastic changes.

Illness (coma) can be expressed as intermittent or superimposed one on one line. As for these signs, they can also predict significant changes. If there is a symbol resembling a chain, you should expect a change in mood. Usually, such marks mean bursts of energy, followed by apathy. When there is only one link in the chain, located, for example, in the middle, this can be a harbinger of an oppressed state, depression.

A triangle can also be cut along the line of life. In this case, the interpretation depends on which hand this sign will be on. The triangle on the left hand, revealing the hidden features of a person, will tell about his mental capacity. The owner of the mark is a gifted and diplomatic person who is very successful. harbinger of the future right palm if there is a similar sign along the line of life, portends big win or receiving an inheritance. This is provided that the triangle is placed with the apex towards the thumb. However, it is not at all good news that a figure that is located differently, especially if it crosses the original line, carries the news. Such a sign indicates that an event will occur that will connect a person with a fire. But in this situation, you have the opportunity to determine whether you will become a likely participant in the fire itself, or not. This is also revealed by the position of the figure:

  • if the triangle is cut straight along the line, then the person may be physically hurt;
  • if separately, it is fraught with material damage.

With regard to the square located in the direction of the life line, which first bifurcates, this good sign. It promises good consequences after a disease or other bad event. In general, like a triangle, a square is a confirmation that after an unfavorable situation, a person will gain strength, “stand on his feet”.

There are signs that are read unambiguously in any situation. These include the line of life, which bifurcates. If this is observed at its “source” or at the end, the person is distinguished by excellent health, he will not suffer from diseases.

The Life Line is the first and main of the 8 main lines. She appears the earliest at the age of 8 weeks. The accuracy of predicting positive and negative events in the fate of a person depends on how and on which hand the line of life is located.

What is the line of life

The semicircle enveloping Venus Hill is called the line of Life. It starts on the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger, runs diagonally down, and ends at the base of the thumb or wrist.

In palmistry, the hill and the thread are interpreted together. The hillock contains an energy potential, and the thread indicates the degree of disclosure of internal forces.

The strip does not show exactly how many years a person will live, does not name the date of his death. It predetermines how he will spend his life, given the opportunities available. The line is broken by age periods using dating systems.

  • 35 years. From the middle of the base of the finger of Saturn (middle) draw a vertical line down the palm. The point of intersection with the thread is 35 years.
  • 70 years old. The place where the line reaches the base of the thumb but does not yet turn to the right. Proportionately, the thread is cut into segments of 10 years.
  • 7 year cycle. The entire line from 0 to 70 is divided into 10 segments of 7 years.
  • 3 cuts. The thread is continued until it intersects with 1 groove of the wrist. This is a 100 year milestone. The whole line from the beginning is divided into 3 equal parts of 33 years.

In this matter, the opinions of palmists-specialists differ greatly. Each method has disadvantages. None guarantee an accurate result. The methods are theoretical and do not take into account diseases, accidents, and other events. They show how many people will live without troubles and hardships.

Which hand to read

Before divination along the line, they look at both hands. So the prediction will be accurate and truthful. There is a theory that the right hand describes the future and the realization of opportunities in it, and the left hand describes the present, the past and the inherent potential.

If a person has approximately the same both hands, then he and his fate have not changed much since the day of birth. In fact, he goes with the flow, does not make efforts to develop.

There is an opinion that women need to look at the left hand, for men - the right. If a person is right-handed, then his active hand is right. The left one is passive. For lefties, the opposite is true.

The difference between both hands when fortune telling is fundamental. But if a prediction is made for a specific disease, then only the active one is looked at.

The financial condition is mainly determined by the strip of the right hand. The left will reflect the ability to make money.

Relationships with people in the future look at right hand, and in the past and present - on the left.

Main characteristics of the line

The beginning of the thread shows self-sufficiency and connection with the family. If the line departs from the hillock of Jupiter (under the index finger), such individuals become independent early, quickly achieve success.

The source near the thumb is found in closed, distant, lonely people. Connection at a point with the line of the head - attachment to relatives. The owner will always come to their aid. The line of Life and heads go together for a long period, and then diverge - relatives strongly influence a person. He acquires independence in adulthood.

The length of the line symbolizes energy. A long line predicts liveliness and energy in a person's character. A short thread, especially on the right hand, shows a lack of strength, weakness of health. Such a person is passive, may be prone to depression. In children, the furrow is small. But as you get older, it increases.

The width determines the activity of the owner. A fat furrow adds to the character of passivity, slowness. A person makes decisions for a long time, controls the events that take place, which are few. He doesn't do rash things.

A thin strip runs along the arm of the active, emotional person. The narrow thread shows the swiftness of the changes taking place. It happens that the wide line narrows. This suggests that a person acquires new character traits, his behavior changes. He becomes more emotional, active.

If there is a thin thread on the left hand, then the person has inherited emotionality. On the right - he acquired quality during his life.

The depth of the thread speaks of strength. If the thread is well felt, then the person is thoughtful, correctly prioritizes, brings things to the end. A superficial weak thread betrays a frivolous personality. A person is changeable, quickly moves from one thing to another. He cannot concentrate.

The bend of the thread is responsible for the attitude to life and events. The closer the thread passes to the thumb, the more likely the appearance of depression in its owner. The farther from the hill of Venus and the more curved the line, the more optimistic the person is. A smooth, straight line speaks of indifference, composure, calculation.

The ideal thread is continuous, clear, deep on both hands. It predetermines a long happy life. The absence of marks, spots only enhances the prediction. And if this thread doubles, that is, a sister line appears, then a person is able to quickly recover from negative events.

The end of the line can end with a branch, which means:

  • poor, lonely old age;
  • stinginess, indifference;
  • loss of property due to loved ones.

Signs on the line

Symbols may appear clear geometric shapes(triangle, circle), markings (dots, branches) and spots.

The point at the source of the main line means the removal of the tonsils in childhood. deep point blue color in the same place - the child suffered pneumonia. The rest show diseases.

A star in palmistry looks like branches intersecting at one point. She is an unfavorable symbol and predicts a sudden unpleasant incident.

A star, especially a 5-pointed one, at the end of the furrow predetermines the inevitability, fatality of a particular event. It can completely break the owner.

A square, a rhombus, a rectangle with a gap inside serves to mitigate sudden changes and circumstances. He seals Negative consequences inside (after moving, divorce, material deprivation). A person recovers quickly and loses less energy. In other cases, the square predicts the limitation of the individual: imprisonment, military service, etc.

Spots, moles matter if they are on the life line and near it. A mole on the thread of the right hand means a serious test at a particular age. The disappearance of the stain indicates a solution to the problem.

If the spot is at the intersection of the lines of Life, Mind and Heart, then it predicts danger. It cannot be avoided, but you can prepare for it. Death marks birthmark at the intersection of the lines of Life and Health.

A mole on a man's right hand predicts him luck in business, luck. A woman has a calm, measured life. In right-handers (left-handers), a mark on the left (right) hand shows a hereditary disease.

Ascending branches from the strip indicate an ambitious person who strives for a better life. Descending strokes - loss of strength, weakness.

Bands crossing the main line predict intervention. It can be both external obstacles and internal discord.


The interpretation of these symbols on the thread of life is significantly different from the predictions in other places of the palm. If the sign is correct, well defined, then it is positive, and vice versa.

Depending on the location of the cross on the furrow, it is interpreted as follows:

  • at the end - natural death;
  • in the beginning - obstacles in childhood, youth;
  • in the middle - problems with the cardiovascular system.

Several marks indicate the eccentricity of a person, his craving for self-improvement. He is sincere and devoted. His intellect helps to soberly assess the actions of people.

Crosses located next to the life line also have an influence. The presence of an element near the line at its beginning means that the owner has moved to early childhood and the financial difficulties of his family. The cross between the lines of Life and Fate at the end is read by rescuers and medical workers.

The symbol near the line on the hill of Venus is associated with family and relationships with people. The sign portends problems with friends, relatives, betrayal, divorce. It can also be interpreted as difficulties in communicating with the team at work. Three such marks side by side indicate a break in relations with all relatives and friends.


By this symbol they study financial opportunities human and potential wealth. Significant Symbols formed by the intersection of the strip of Life with other lines. They appear on both hands, but on one of them they are clearer. These are money signs.

If on the right hand the angle looks towards the hill of Venus, the thumb, then such people are lucky in any financial business. The larger the symbol, the luckier and more successful person. A similar situation on the left hand means that money and values ​​\u200b\u200bfor a person are in the first place.

Turning the top of the figure in the other direction is interpreted as a bad relationship with money. These are hereditary punishments for the sins of the ancestors. A person has periods of poor existence. But if he passes these tests, he will be rewarded by fate and deserve wealth.

If a large money figure is read on the left hand, but it is not on the right hand, then the owner has chosen the wrong path. He will not lead him to wealth and success. The symbol may appear in the palm of your hand if the correct path is found.

The symbol adjacent to the line has an unfavorable meaning. The size determines the length of the black bar. This is the time of loss of material values. The presence of another such sign nearby is interpreted as bad luck, failure in business.

The number of triangles is directly proportional to success and opportunities. Better 2 small signs than one big one.

For correct interpretation triangle, it is important what lines it consists of. If the stripes are straight, deep, clear, then the owner will not have problems with money.

It happens that the triangle is difficult to see with the naked eye, its sides are curved and intermittent. A person's money will not be delayed. He won't be able to accumulate.


Breakup doesn't necessarily mean doom. This is also a sign of change in fate.

The intermittent butt-end bar speaks of a temporary black bar, but with a favorable outcome of events:

  • getting rid of diseases;
  • solving financial problems;
  • Moving to another city.

The cut of the line, which is in the middle, is interpreted as serious contradictions in the character of a person. He needs to think about self-improvement and personal growth.

If the strip is interrupted by a dotted line, this predicts a long illness. If the solid line is continued further, the person will be successfully cured.

An internal gap with a continuation along the line of Destiny means cardinal changes: dismissal followed by a job at high paying job, divorce with the creation of a new happy family.

With an external break, the strip continues elsewhere. This predicts: a change of faith, worldview, moving to another country for permanent residence.

Discontinuity of the line on 2 hands is a sign short life, predicts the threat of death. It also happens like this: on the left, the furrow is torn, but not on the right. The owner will have a serious illness, but he will be able to recover if he reveals it in time.


Islands - small ovals of different lengths, interrupting the strip. Basically, they are elongated and rise above the lines. They weaken the characteristics of the segment on which they are located. This sign is unfavorable, it symbolizes a disease that will chain a person to bed for a long time. The longer the islands, the more of them, the weaker the health of the owner.

The quality of the strip after the sign will tell about the consequences of the disease. A thin, intermittent line indicates a chronic disease that prevents the owner from living and working normally.

One small island on the line is interpreted as a difficult birth, a dangerous operation.

If the trait begins with an island, then its owner does not know how to concentrate in childhood and adolescence. He doesn't like to study, he misses school, he may not even finish it. Such a sign is often read on the hands of foster children, orphans.

The location of the sign in the first third of the strip means congenital diseases of the spine:

  • scoliosis;
  • back injury in youth;
  • vertebral displacement.

The presence of a symbol in the middle of the line - problems with the genitourinary system, intestines. The island in the final part - diseases of the veins and joints of the legs.

Eight or a chain of islands at the beginning of the journey means prolonged illness in childhood. A string of symbols throughout the strip indicates an emotionally unbalanced person.


More often, the line of Life is present on both hands and is complemented by marks. They signal problems and events.

An exceptional case - the absence of a line - predicts a restless, nervous fate, mental illness of the owner. But timely interpretation will help to avoid troubles or mitigate them.

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