Zodiac sign Capricorn: dates of birth. Zodiac sign Capricorn: from what date to what date? What is Capricorn's lucky number?

Numerology is a mysterious esoteric science that, despite numerous prohibitions, has passed on its basics to modern scientists since ancient times. The theoretical works of Kabbalists connected ordinary numbers with the past, present and future, creating a way to display the surrounding World. Pythagoras gave numerology a mathematical character. Today, this science is appreciated as an important integral part of astrology. According to experts, all zodiac signs have their own numbers, which determine the destinies of the people born. Lucky numbers for Capricorn deserve special attention.

Influence of Saturn

Capricornus (from Latin Capricorn) is the tenth sign of the zodiac. The element is earth, and the main influence on it is Saturn. The power of this planet over the sign of Capricorn is tied to the number 8. Eight, as a symbol of infinity, accompanies all its signs from the most extreme heights solar system. Saturn is full of dominating energy, strong and merciless. Saturn confidently bypasses the “houses” (from the moon), leaving a different influence on Taurus, Aries, Gemini and other signs. Like a sage, this planet knows how to punish and reward mischievous students, which are ordinary people, born on the tiny planet Earth.

Many zodiac signs find it difficult to find " mutual language"with Capricorns. This is due to the influence of Saturn. This planet has its allies and enemies. Likewise, people know how to be friends only with those who were born under the influence of Mercury and Venus. There is only one ardent enemy - Mars. Jupiter, like Saturn, distinguishes between the interests of the present and the future and does not consider the planet as a friend or foe.

Characteristics of Capricorn people

Capricorn is ambitious and practical. In his life there is no haste, laziness and hope for help from others. The attitude towards other signs is positive. But in complete peace and agree, such people do not live with everyone. Capricorns especially do not like those who try to dominate them. By nature, such people are rebels and easily extricate themselves from any pressure. They do not adapt to conditions, they adapt them to themselves. The main feature of Capricorn is the ability to organize work and implement it. Such people are irreplaceable in a team; they easily cope with assigned tasks and manage to help others.

Despite the gifts of fate in the form large quantity numbers that bring good luck, Capricorns are confident only in themselves and do not rely on the magical aspects of numerology. But there are times when the onset of the “white streak” occurs on its own, without the participation of Capricorn himself. And when the tendency of this sign to always look for reliable explanations for everything does not bring results, you can ask astrologers about the exciting issue. Sometimes you need to trust your horoscope to understand why the past day brought so much happiness to a person. Delving into the study of a large number of numbers and their meanings, you can find out that important role For Capricorns, their luck is played by 3 and 9, as well as their combinations:

  • 39 and 93;
  • 9-3=6;
  • 9*3=27.
  • 3 9=12.

Each of these numbers can manifest itself in the life of Capricorns in different ways. For some people, on the 27th of the 3rd month of the year they managed to meet their happiness, a reliable loved one. Others - 12 allowed to win a large amount money in the casino. There are a lot of options. The main thing is to learn to analyze them correctly. Only after your own experience in learning numbers reaches high level, you can think about what will happen tomorrow and how to do it better tomorrow.

People under the sign of Capricorn and the influence of numbers on them

There is a theory that the whole World is built on numbers. Even the history of the emergence of mankind, in the Biblical and scientific theories confirms this theory. “God created the Earth in 7 days”, a case of “trinity”, threefold glorification of the holiness of God. There are many such examples. Even today's digital technologies are built on codes (zeros and ones). So why do many people not perceive the real influence of numbers on people?

Since ancient times, numerology has not been recognized by various rulers European countries, but ordinary people never refused bright new impressions, good luck and happiness. Moreover, many famous people According to the horoscope of their time, they were Capricorns:

  • Isaac Newton;
  • Rudyard Kipling;
  • Elvis Presley;
  • Henri Matisse.

Not many people know that one of the greatest scientists, Isaac Newton, was a Capricorn. The influence of the Eight of Saturn gave him endless success in physics, mathematics and philosophy. Particularly important was his discovery of the three laws of mechanics. It is the number “3” that brings good luck to Capricorns. Compared to the absurd and rather vague attempts to create a technical miracle by other scientists of the past, Newton became the first and only one in the 16th century who was able to bring clarity to the study of the exact mathematical sciences.

Happiness of Capricorns in numbers

Lucky numbers for Capricorn most often depend on the birthday of a certain person born under this sign. Most often, good luck is brought by:

Numerologists consider the following to be no less important:

Most people consider many happy moments in life to be a matter of chance. The daily series of ups and downs creates confusion that is difficult to sort out on your own. All zodiac signs have their own characteristics of character, determination, efficiency, etc. A person who has received a “gift of fate” in the form of finding a desired book, receiving a financial bonus, or the chance to go on vacation abroad, sets up a “shield” around himself of the strictly surrounding reality. Such people have one thought - all success is just a matter of chance or their own merits.

Why not pay attention to the details? The many numbers surrounding each of us bring us both pleasant and bad emotions every day. Often, supporters of numerology prefer to “play big” and prove their theories in lotteries. But before delving into the topic of what numerological combinations will help each person get rich, you need to understand that every detail matters.

What days are favorable for Capricorns?

Starting new promising businesses and completing old ones, success in career, study or love affairs“Events are not random. Women and men who are Capricorns according to their horoscope, in addition to numbers, also have favorable days of the week. Greatest success Capricorns are waiting for you on Saturday. This is due to the protection of the sign of the planet Saturn. The most significant day for a woman will be when this day of the week coincides with one of the luck numbers ( calendar days). An example of this could be a lucky day according to the horoscope - Saturday March 3 or Saturday September 9. There are many options. According to experts, such a theory has the right to life.

How can Capricorns become happier and richer?

The variety of numbers surrounding Capricorns can tell a person what to expect from upcoming events and how to take advantage of them.

Purposeful signs like Capricorn tend to think through planned moves down to the smallest detail. And this plays into the hands of such people. Examples of ideal calculations of lucky numbers for Capricorns are dozens of winners of various national lotteries. Some of them, after winning, admitted that before purchasing a lottery ticket they analyzed the astrological characteristics of their own sign. And faith in their own strengths and confidence in the correctness of their actions made them winners.

But what are the chances ordinary person who does not understand the intricacies of numerology? Many women and men who believe previously calculated data that is available on the Internet, in newspapers and on television and radio broadcasting. Usually in the astrology column there are footnotes for “favorable” and “unfavorable” days. Those who are interested in such a forecast need to pay attention to whether such information corresponds to reality.

Compatibility horoscope: Capricorn zodiac sign date from what date is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

What are the principles of happiness for Capricorn? Characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn.

Secrets of Capricorn's happiness.

Capricorns are not the world's greatest love partners. They are more breadwinners, seeking a calm, safe existence for themselves and being able to provide it for their spouses. You really aren't very keen on showering people with favorable attention. You are conscientious, but a little too dry for lyrical emotions. Much better is “what you can touch” - for example, a house, money, comfort, position, children - in fact, all the blessings of life, but you need at least a little romance, a little more tender heartfelt care. Learn to give. Your innate tightness requires some emotional release. Learn to live more life to the fullest. Give your neighbors attention, friendly support and love. Honesty alone is not enough. Get more involved in life!

Astrological characteristics of Capricorn

Ruling planet of Capricorn: Saturn.

Characteristics of the sign: earthly-cardinal-negative.

Sign of a priest, administrator.

The character of a typical “Capricorn”: sober, stubborn and practical, ambitious, suspicious, touchy, diplomatic, reserved, selfish, orthodox, decisive, sometimes not very picky about his means.

Positive qualities of Capricorn: practicality and efficiency, perseverance, dexterity, strength of character, rationality, self-control and restraint, hard work.

Negative qualities of Capricorn: coldness and suspicion, selfishness, excessive restraint, pessimism, stubbornness and touchiness, excessive earthiness.

Your personality is Capricorn

Extraordinary ambition, significant organizational skills and tremendous energy and assertiveness - these are the main characteristics of “Capricorns”. Your planet, Saturn, which gives you these traits, is known as a stern teacher, which makes you a little heartless. Let us also note a pronounced tendency to become self-absorbed - this makes it somewhat more difficult life together with you.

Few signs are as strongly influenced by their ruling planets as Capricorn is by their planet Saturn. He tests those born under this sign at various stages of life, he disciplines and educates. However, this allows “Capricorns” to successfully overcome difficulties and reap wonderful - albeit not early - fruits.

This is largely what makes you suffer from many obstacles, making you orthodox and conservative in your views. You never allow yourself to be completely given to anything; sometimes you become overly prudent and suspicious when concluding agreements. All this deprives you of many of the joys of life.

Your sign is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing effort, energy, power, hard work - thanks to all of this, money comes to you easily. You spare no effort in achieving your goals, but can be unscrupulous and insensitive in your attempts to achieve power and wealth. You have a calm, melancholy temperament, you are not very sociable and not a big fan of meetings and gatherings. Your attitude towards work and play may be quite indifferent.

Capricorn as a friend

You will be a loyal and reliable comrade if people manage to overcome the barriers that protect you. You are not very refined or very tactful, and may have an unfortunate tendency towards arrogance, which you must try to overcome.

Capricorn as a father

You are ambitious not only in relation to yourself but, even more, in relation to your children, helping them in every possible way in their life path. At times you can be very strict and overly demanding. You should learn to be more understanding and forgiving, enjoying the company of your children and offering them, above all, the warmth of your soul and friendly support.

Capricorn as a mother

You should give your children more affection without being ashamed to show it.

As reserved as you may be, you should nevertheless try to understand and meet your children's emotional needs. You do your best to give them the best, but you expect them to work hard and achieve great achievements - sometimes even beyond their reach.

A look at the decades:

If you were born between December 22 and January 1 (first decade), then your ruling planet is Saturn, a very powerful planet that shows almost the maximum of its influence. This is an ideal decade for engineers, industrialists, suppliers, founders of empires and politicians. Everything related to land and houses is ultimately for your financial benefit. Let us also note the selfless, stoic attitude towards life.

If your birthday fell between January 2 and January 11 (second decade), then your ruling planet is Venus; in your life you successfully combine practicality and beauty, which brings you both pleasure and material benefit. Often those born in this decade experience emotional or family problems, but, perhaps, of all three decades, this is the most balanced.

If you were born between January 12 and 20 (third decanate), then you are ruled by the planet Mercury, which helps you establish contact with people.

Try to use your connections and influence for good. News and media mass communication are not just interesting to you: they component your life - your thoughts, the choice of your profession, and your success are closely related to them; this is a reliable and sure path.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between December 20-30, then your birth date fell on the Sagittarius/Capricorn transition.

Desires and restrictions, the desire for freedom and rigid rules wage war in your heart, mind, soul and body. This constant struggle could mark the beginning of a new world order. Like those born between September 21-24, you strive for balance and harmony in the most various areas life. All this is directly related to either complete control or absolute freedom. Shiny mental capacity, and often luck, help you achieve your goals. You will have money when you need it. Like those born on November 21-24, you will acquire real estate and other property. You could become an excellent organizer, a methodologist, perhaps a great reformer, perhaps a rebel.

The body's weak points are the legs, stomach acidity, teeth, bones, hips, stomach, heart and, of course, knees.

Entrepreneurship naturally takes its place in your life. You need to recognize your foresight and even the gift of foresight. The rare ability you possess is the ability to simultaneously live in the worlds of thought and action, worldly and spiritual, generally known and understood only by the initiates; this sets you apart from other people born on the days of changing signs. You are capable of amazing performance as a leader, politician, architect, musician, entrepreneur, director, animal trainer, aircraft designer, pilot, computer specialist, builder and contractor.

The most important years of Capricorn- 3, 8, 12, 21, 26, 30, 35, 39, 44, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66, 71, 75, 80, 84, 89, 93, 98. And in other cases the numbers are 1, 17, 12, 21, 26, 35, 48 and 98 may have meanings that are not easily understood or explained.

Your lucky colors- purple, black, brown, gray, indigo, violet, green, ash. If God is merciful, you will achieve the greatest success.

A discerning, inventive, paradoxically organized mind. Those born during this period excel as leaders, methodologists, computer programmers, publishers, electronics dealers, industrialists, speakers, inventors, and lawyers.

Health problems - due to knees and feet, acidity and possibly back.

Certain changes in life are possible around the 30th and 36th years. Also important years are 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44, 49, 53, 58, 62, 67, 71, 76, 80.

Know what's good for you:

– Capricorn's lucky number: 1, 10, 19, 28, 4, 13, 22, 40, 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, etc. (series of ones, fours, eights).

– Capricorn’s lucky color: gray with a blue tint, black, brown (all shades of dark).

– Happy Capricorn day: Saturday.

– Capricorn's lucky flowers and herbs: ivy, pansy, hemlock, hops, honeysuckle.

– Capricorn's lucky stones: dark sapphire.

Zodiac sign Capricorn: from what date to what date? What is Capricorn's lucky number?


  1. The most favorable day of the week for them is Saturday.
  2. The most successful number is 3 (three).
  3. Colors that bring success: black and green.
  4. Flower that brings happiness: poppy.
  5. Scents to give preference to: bergamot, incense, cedar, sandalwood, cypress, juniper.
  6. The element of these people is Earth.
  7. The main planet in their lives, which mostly controls them, is Saturn.

Talisman stones

About the character of such people


Negative character traits

Capricorn Man

Capricorn Woman

Work and career

About achieving success

About love and marriage


  1. Ideal partners: Taurus ( common feature– practicality and hard work), Virgo (people will be brought together by the desire for a simple life, healthy food and great sex); Capricorns will also have a harmonious life with Libra.

Zodiac sign Capricorn: from what date to what date? What is Capricorn's lucky number?

All their lives people try to understand themselves and their human nature at all. For this there are many in various ways and directions. One of them is a horoscope. This article will talk about such a zodiac sign as Capricorn. From what date to what date does he dominate, what can be said about such people and what are the characteristics of their character - read about all this below.

What should you talk about at the very beginning when considering the zodiac sign Capricorn? From what date to what date does he rule? So, he starts work on December 22 and continues to “work” until January 20. People born at this time can consider themselves representatives of this zodiac sign.


However, this is not all. Having figured out when Capricorn dominates (from what date to what date), it is also worth saying that representatives of this zodiac sign are divided into three large subgroups:

  1. Born in the first third, from December 22 to January 2. These people were born under the influence of the planet Saturn, therefore they are calm. However, they are also very calculating. Throughout their life they can experience several ups and downs. Lucky years of life: 30 and 57.
  2. Those born in the second third: from January 3 to 13. These representatives are under the influence of militant Mars, but in themselves such people are domestic and, to some extent, even boring. They can also be poor role models. Important years in their lives: 16, 24, 30 and 33.
  3. Born in the last third: January 14 to 20. These people were born under the auspices of the Sun. They are hardworking, endowed with great inner strength, and always find a way out of difficult life problems. Important years of life: 21, 30, 31, 41, as well as 50 and 57.


What should you definitely talk about when considering a horoscope sign such as Capricorn? Temperament, character, stones, numbers - these are the things that must be mentioned. What important things should Capricorns know?

Video: 19 NUMBER-Horoscope by date of birth. Numerological horoscope

Talisman stones

So, the zodiac sign is Capricorn. A characteristic, a talisman, a stone - this is what you need to talk about. What stones should be preferred by representatives of this sign of the zodiac circle?

  1. Turquoise is the very first and main mascot for Capricorn. It is ideal to wear a stone in a lead frame, put it on your little finger, and do not take it off on Fridays. This stone is able to tame anger and kill evil thoughts. It is also worth remembering that turquoise should accompany Capricorn throughout his life (blue - in youth, green - in old age).
  2. Another Capricorn talisman is aventurine. It should only be worn for one lunar phase, since further it will change its energy. This stone helps to maintain good spirits, a joyful mood, and also have clarity in thoughts and judgments.
  3. And another very important talisman for Capricorn is the “tiger eye” stone. He is able to tame the strict temperament of Capricorns, and also bring good luck good people. Indispensable for those who are too jealous - it helps to cope with this negative feeling.

Having figured out when Capricorn rules, from what date to what date, it is also worth talking a little about what the children - representatives of this horoscope sign - will be like. So, if in the circle of strangers such a baby is shy and gloomy, then at home he is a lively manager. It is very interesting to watch such children, because according to their own specific, and not always understandable, system, they master the world and gain valuable life experience. Such guys take life very seriously and simply do not accept their mistakes. It is very important for parents to be close to their children during difficult situations and difficult periods; at this time, little Capricorns are capable of “breaking down”. It is also necessary to remember that children of this sign are warned of dangers more often than usual. They are especially associated with stairs and heights. Children have few friends - one or two friends, and this is quite enough for them. These kids are smart, but very lazy. Failure in school occurs only for this reason. Growing up, Capricorns become more and more confident in themselves and their abilities, therefore at a young age their ability to work blossoms. Such children want to prove to everyone that they are better than those around them. And at the same time they do not shun all possible ways to achieve their goals.

About the character of such people

Let's continue the description of the Capricorn sign. What can be said about the character of such people? So, these are individuals who live their quiet lives. You can often see information that astrologers advise dividing these people into two large subtypes:

  1. Workaholics who will invariably achieve their goals and achieve fairly high results.
  2. Homebodies whose ambitions are not too high. Such individuals are very difficult to lift; almost no one can move them.

However, despite all this, Capricorns are distinguished by great patience and the ability to wait. With strangers, such people are most often cold and unfriendly. But in their usual circle, they relax and can support the company without any problems. Concerning personal qualities, then Capricorns are good at subordinating emotions to reason, so they never commit frivolous acts. Also, representatives of this sign are practical and calculating, which helps them always stay afloat (even in the most difficult situations).


Having told you from what date Capricorn comes into its own, I would also like to tell you about the characteristics of people born during this period. Such individuals often look very distant, as if they are floating in the clouds, not noticing anyone. However, this is only external manifestation. Thus, representatives of this sign simply make it clear to others that they do not want to come into contact with them. Also, these people are very secretive, they do not accept open behavior, they never tell anything unnecessary about themselves and their family. All quarrels and troubles remain within the walls of the Capricorn house. Well, as a result, such people have very few friends, but also few enemies.

Video: 13 NUMBER-Horoscope by date of birth. Numerological horoscope

Negative character traits

What negative traits nature endowed such people? They are selfish. There are often very stubborn and even callous representatives of this sign. Among Capricorns there are also hardened materialists who are so entrenched in their views that they simply cannot look at the world from a different point of view. Quite often such people are stingy.

Capricorn Man

  1. This is a very pleasant person to talk to. Such people can be called gentlemen.
  2. The Capricorn man is a patron and protector. He will always be a support for his family and close friends.
  3. These are reliable men who will never let you down or betray you. However, they will not arrange surprises and sing serenades under the window.
  4. Such men are always responsible for their words. Their actions do not differ from their speeches.

Capricorn Woman

Having figured out the date at which Capricorn comes into its own, I would also like to know a little about the characteristics of women - representatives of this zodiac sector.

  1. These are amorous and very erotic personalities.
  2. Outwardly, such ladies can be called ladies without any problems. They are strict and unshakable. However, under this external coldness there is always a hot temper and a volcano of passions.
  3. Capricorn women are very reserved, so sometimes it is impossible to understand how they relate to a person.
  4. It is important to say that such ladies lack coquetry and feminine softness.
  5. Their style is discreet classic. They do not accept experiments with their appearance.
  6. Representatives of this zodiac sign strive to be an authority for others. This is very important to them.

Work and career

We continue to study the description of the sign. Capricorn - what can you say about the career and work of such people? Thanks to their diligence, representatives of this sign often achieve all kinds of heights. These people can work in hard and dirty jobs if they know for sure that this will bring them some bonuses in the future. Features of Capricorns are to find a way out of any situation, even the most difficult situations. Therefore, they are excellent team players who are highly valued by employees. It is also important to say that such people can occupy leadership positions without any problems: they know how to organize work and set priorities correctly.

Once again I would like to remind you about what date the sign Capricorn begins and what date its reign ends. So, this is the period from December 22 to January 20. What can be said about the attitude of such people towards money? So, these are very practical individuals who will not spend their income on trifles and unnecessary things. Capricorns are prone to hoarding because they simply cannot afford to depend on others.

About achieving success

I would also like to say a few words about how representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle can achieve success. Let’s say right away that it’s not that difficult for them to do this. After all, they are prone to cold-blooded calculations. A rational approach and lack of emotions is the main trump card of the representatives of this sign. It is also important to know what Capricorn's lucky number is. This is a three. Using this figure for your own purposes, you can achieve even greater success not only on the personal front, but also in the work field.

Video: 8 NUMBER-Horoscope by date of birth. Numerological horoscope

Knowing what date Capricorn (zodiac sign) begins, I also want to know what kind of health people born at this time will have. So, it is important to clarify that the spirit of such individuals is much stronger than the body. The peculiarity of Capricorn is that he eats little and sleeps relatively little. The lack of craving for physical activity, especially among homebodies, often leads to obesity and the emergence of problems against this background. The ailments that most often occur in representatives of this zodiac sign are rheumatism, osteochondrosis, and urolithiasis. And although Capricorns do not have excellent health, they often turn out to be long-lived. For such people, walks in the forest are recommended; tourism is useful. Cypress is a medicinal herb, and beneficial chemicals– calcium and magnesium. An excellent preventative against illnesses is laughter and a good mood.

About love and marriage

How do Capricorns behave in love, what do they become in marriage? As for women, they are very amorous natures, who, however, are not inclined to show their emotions in public. They are often in thought about what to choose: what the soul wants or what the norms of decency require. Therefore, Capricorn women almost always seem cold and uninteresting in appearance. A man, a representative of this sign, will always achieve the desired lady and will not let her leave. When it comes to marriage, men are faithful spouses and good fathers. Women can often cheat on their lovers, constantly tormented by doubts about whether it was worth doing this.


Let us further study the zodiac sign Capricorn. Symbols and talismans - this has already been fully considered. What has not yet been said is about the compatibility of representatives of this sign. With whom is it best for them to form alliances, and who should they avoid?

  1. Ideal partners: Taurus (the common trait is practicality and hard work), Virgo (people will be brought together by the desire for a simple life, healthy food and great sex) - with Libra, Capricorns will also have a harmonious life.
  2. Pisces and Cancer promise smooth relationships for Capricorns.
  3. Negative partners and friends for representatives of this zodiac sector will be Leo and Aquarius. These are people who are very different from Capricorns in temperament and outlook on life.
  4. The antipode of Capricorn is Gemini. Such people have no common ground at all.
  5. In all respects, Aries is not suitable for Capricorn. He is capable of incinerating representatives of this sign with his fire and unbridled energy.

Secrets of Capricorn's happiness.

Capricorns are not the world's greatest love partners. They are more breadwinners, seeking a calm, safe existence for themselves and being able to provide it for their spouses. You really aren't very keen on showering people with favorable attention. You are conscientious, but a little too dry for lyrical emotions. Much better is “what you can touch” - for example, home, money, comfort, position, children - in fact, all the blessings of life, but you need at least a little romance, a little more tender heartfelt care. Learn to give. Your innate tightness requires some emotional release. Learn to live a fuller life. Give your neighbors attention, friendly support and love. Honesty alone is not enough. Get more involved in life!

Astrological characteristics of Capricorn

Symbol: goat.

Ruling planet of Capricorn: Saturn.

Characteristics of the sign: earthly-cardinal-negative.

Sign of a priest, administrator.

The character of a typical “Capricorn”: sober, stubborn and practical, ambitious, suspicious, touchy, diplomatic, reserved, selfish, orthodox, decisive, sometimes not very picky about his means.

Positive qualities of Capricorn: practicality and efficiency, perseverance, dexterity, strength of character, rationality, self-control and restraint, hard work.

Negative qualities of Capricorn: coldness and suspicion, selfishness, excessive restraint, pessimism, stubbornness and touchiness, excessive earthiness.

Your personality is Capricorn

Extraordinary ambition, significant organizational skills and tremendous energy and assertiveness - these are the main characteristics of “Capricorns”. Your planet, Saturn, which gives you these traits, is known as a stern teacher, which makes you a little heartless. We also note a pronounced tendency towards self-absorption - this makes life together with you somewhat more difficult.

Few signs are as strongly influenced by their ruling planets as Capricorn is by their planet Saturn. He tests those born under this sign at various stages of life, he disciplines and educates. However, this allows “Capricorns” to successfully overcome difficulties and reap wonderful, albeit not early, fruits.

This is largely what makes you suffer from many obstacles, making you orthodox and conservative in your views. You never allow yourself to be completely given to anything; sometimes you become overly prudent and suspicious when concluding agreements. All this deprives you of many of the joys of life.

Your sign is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing effort, energy, power, hard work - thanks to all of this, money comes to you easily. You spare no effort in achieving your goals, but can be unscrupulous and insensitive in your attempts to achieve power and wealth. You have a calm, melancholy temperament, you are not very sociable and not a big fan of meetings and gatherings. Your attitude towards work and play may be quite indifferent.

Capricorn as a friend

You will be a loyal and reliable comrade if people manage to overcome the barriers that protect you. You are not very refined or very tactful, and may have an unfortunate tendency towards arrogance, which you must try to overcome.

Capricorn as a father

You are ambitious not only for yourself, but even more so for your children, helping them in every possible way on their path in life. At times you can be very strict and overly demanding. You should learn to be more understanding and forgiving, enjoying the company of your children and offering them, above all, the warmth of your soul and friendly support.

Capricorn as a mother

You should give your children more affection without being ashamed to show it.

As reserved as you may be, you should nevertheless try to understand and meet your children's emotional needs. You do your best to give them the best, but you expect them to work hard and achieve great achievements—sometimes beyond their reach.

A look at the decades:

If you were born between December 22 and January 1 (first decade), then your ruling planet is Saturn, a very powerful planet that shows almost the maximum of its influence. This is an ideal decade for engineers, industrialists, suppliers, founders of empires and politicians. Everything related to land and houses is ultimately for your financial benefit. Let us also note the selfless, stoic attitude towards life.

If your birthday fell between January 2 and January 11 (second decade), then your ruling planet is Venus; in your life you successfully combine practicality and beauty, which brings you both pleasure and material benefit. Often those born in this decade experience emotional or family problems, but, perhaps, of all three decades, this is the most balanced.

If you were born between January 12 and 20 (third decanate), then you are ruled by the planet Mercury, which helps you establish contact with people.

Try to use your connections and influence for good. News and mass media are not just interesting to you: they are an integral part of your life - your thoughts, your choice of profession, and your success are closely related to them; this is a reliable and sure path.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between December 20-30, then your birth date fell on the Sagittarius/Capricorn transition.

Desires and restrictions, the desire for freedom and rigid rules wage war in your heart, mind, soul and body. This constant struggle could mark the beginning of a new world order. Like those born between September 21 and 24, you strive for balance and harmony in various areas of life. All this is directly related to either complete control or absolute freedom. Brilliant mental abilities, and often luck, help you achieve your goals. You will have money when you need it. Like those born on November 21-24, you will acquire real estate and other property. You could become an excellent organizer, a methodologist, perhaps a great reformer, perhaps a rebel.

The weak points of the body are the legs, stomach acidity, teeth, bones, hips, stomach, heart and, of course, knees.

Entrepreneurship naturally takes its place in your life. You need to recognize your foresight and even the gift of foresight. The rare ability that you possess is the ability to simultaneously live in the worlds of thought and action, worldly and spiritual, generally known and understood only by the initiated; this sets you apart from other people born on the days of changing signs. You are capable of amazing performance as a leader, politician, architect, musician, entrepreneur, director, animal trainer, aircraft designer, pilot, computer specialist, builder and contractor.

The most important years of Capricorn- 3, 8, 12, 21, 26, 30, 35, 39, 44, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66, 71, 75, 80, 84, 89, 93, 98. And in other cases the numbers are 1, 17, 12, 21, 26, 35, 48 and 98 may have meanings that are not easily understood or explained.

Your lucky colors- purple, black, brown, gray, indigo, violet, green, ash. If God is merciful, you will achieve the greatest success.

A discerning, inventive, paradoxically organized mind. Those born during this period excel as leaders, methodologists, computer programmers, publishers, electronics dealers, industrialists, speakers, inventors, and lawyers.

Health problems - due to knees and feet, acidity and possibly back.

Certain changes in life are possible around the 30th and 36th years. Also important years are 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44, 49, 53, 58, 62, 67, 71, 76, 80.

Know what's good for you:

Lucky number for Capricorn: 1, 10, 19, 28, 4, 13, 22, 40, 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, etc. (series of ones, fours, eights).

Capricorn's lucky color: gray with a blue tint, black, brown (all shades of dark).

Happy Capricorn day: Saturday.

Capricorn's lucky flowers and herbs: ivy, pansy, hemlock, hops, honeysuckle.

Capricorn's lucky stones: dark sapphire.

Capricorn talisman: plow.

In this article we will tell you exactly what date the reign of the zodiac sign begins. His patron planets are Saturn and Uranus.

Capricorns are usually intelligent, reserved and ambitious individuals. At the same time, they are critical of both themselves and others.

Outwardly, people born under the constellation Capricorn are cold and dispassionate. But in fact, most often they are understanding, emotional and generous. However, natural modesty and shyness force them to hide the sensual side of their nature.

They usually have well-developed intuition and the instinct of self-preservation (at first glance, Capricorns may seem like cowards). They rarely brag and flaunt their virtues. In addition, they rarely make comments or praise the interlocutor. But, as we have already said, representatives of this zodiac sign are very critical of people’s actions. They may, seeing an action that is wrong, in their opinion, remain silent, but draw conclusions for themselves and reduce contacts with this person to a minimum.

At the same time, of course, it is not a fact that they correctly assessed the person’s action. This is one of their big shortcomings - they draw conclusions about a person based on one action, taken out of the general context of actions.

The zodiac sign Capricorn begins on December 21 and reigns until January 19. This is a winter sign, so at first glance it seems cold and unsociable.

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Yuri Zubankov

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Yuri Zubankov

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The zodiac sign of Capricorn begins on December 21st, but for another seven days, overshadowed by the influence of the previous sign, does not fully come into its own until the beginning of December 28th. In the period until January 20th, Capricorn is in full strength, and at the end of the period, for seven days, it gradually loses its power due to the emergence of the strengthening sign of Aquarius. People who were born between January 20th and 27th take the influence of both Capricorn and Aquarius traits, the same rule applies to all people born within the transition periods of any zodiac signs.

These people are usually ambitious, their lives born under this sign are marked by a single-minded pursuit of their destiny and destiny. Capricorns have a clear vision of their goals and great faith in their own abilities and infallibility.

People born in the sign of Capricorn are usually self-confident and spiritually strong, but as a rule, they are generally not understood by other people. They are thinkers, intellectuals, usually successful in business, often become successful politicians, and succeed in any position of government work. Capricorn is an assertive cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of adversity.

Capricorns tend to be very independent and noble people who most hate being under the supervision of others. Capricorns are able to overcome any obstacles, often in the most destructive way, which is especially typical for them at a young age.

They must be leaders in what they do, otherwise they tend to lose all interest in what they do. These serious and reserved people, most often, are a sensitive and sympathetic party for those close to them, and are always ready to lend their strong shoulder. One of their even more striking features is their subtle sense of humor, which can cheer anyone up under the most difficult circumstances.

Capricorns have atypical views regarding love, responsibilities, and social status, and that is why they are often considered to be "ambiguous" and do not get along easily with their neighbors or colleagues.

Capricorns are often excellent speakers, not because they simply know how to speak beautifully, but because they always know what they are talking about.

Although it may seem that Capricorns stone hearts, they have the ability to suffer, and as a rule, they generously give away a lot without expecting to receive anything in return.

Capricorns must strive for some form public life. Generally these people excel in such matters, government work or responsible positions, managing other people is the best job for them.

Capricorn Partners:
Good compatibility with signs
Virgo And
Poor compatibility with signs
Scales And
This, although correct, is too general a statement. True compatibility of two
people (and not just zodiac signs) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of partners.

If you were born between December 20-30, then your birth date fell on the Sagittarius/Capricorn transition.

Desires and restrictions, the desire for freedom and rigid rules wage war in your heart, mind, soul and body. This constant struggle could mark the beginning of a new world order. Like those born between September 21 and 24, you strive for balance and harmony in various areas of life. All this is directly related to either complete control or absolute freedom. Brilliant mental abilities, and often luck, help you achieve your goals. You will have money when you need it. Like those born on November 21-24, you will acquire real estate and other property. You could become an excellent organizer, a methodologist, perhaps a great reformer, perhaps a rebel.

The body's weak points are the legs, stomach acidity, teeth, bones, hips, stomach, heart and, of course, knees.

Entrepreneurship naturally takes its place in your life. You need to recognize your foresight and even the gift of foresight. The rare ability that you possess is the ability to simultaneously live in the worlds of thought and action, worldly and spiritual, generally known and understood only by the initiated; this sets you apart from other people born on the days of changing signs. You are capable of amazing performance as a leader, politician, architect, musician, entrepreneur, director, animal trainer, aircraft designer, pilot, computer specialist, builder and contractor.

The most important years of Capricorn- 3, 8, 12, 21, 26, 30, 35, 39, 44, 48, 53, 57, 62, 66, 71, 75, 80, 84, 89, 93, 98. And in other cases the numbers are 1, 17, 12, 21, 26, 35, 48 and 98 may have meanings that are not easily understood or explained.

Diseases of Capricorns.

In youth - weakness and soreness. Health improves over the years and eventually one becomes very resilient. Predisposition to rheumatism, colds, accidents: falls, fractures, bruises, pinching. Tendency to melancholy and depression, danger during war, from weapons and fire.

Love and sex in Capricorns

IN teenage years Capricorn is very reserved regarding sex and prefers to think more about studies and profession. Like people opposite sign– Cancer, - Capricorns can be shy, but behind their calm appearance lies a strong passion. Their passion is not as open and free as Scorpio's, but restrained and disguised. Capricorn's sexual impulses are not regulated by their love object. Capricorn is an earth sign, his desires are realistic and practical.
In the second period sex life Capricorns (let's say from the age of 30) they usually achieve some success in business, and then, already more confident, they begin to experiment in the field of sex. Afraid that they might lose valuable time, they try to catch up with their astrological brothers and sisters and make up for lost time. Capricorn men rarely have the attractive manners of an Aries and the sexual dynamism of a Gemini. But they feel calm in the financial world, they know the value of money and people. And they approach their love affairs from a position of money and power.

Astrological symbol of Capricorn: goat with a fish tail, hourglass, staircase leading to heaven.
Planet ruler of Capricorn: Saturn.
Element of Capricorn: Earth.
Favorable colors for Capricorn: all dark shades of blue, brown, gray.
Stones that suit the Capricorn sign as talismans: quartz, onyx, ruby, moonstone.
Capricorn Plants: ivy, poppy, carnation.
Favorable metal of Capricorn: lead.
Talismans of the Capricorn sign: devil.
Favorable days weeks for Capricorn: Saturday and Tuesday.
Unfavorable days for the zodiac sign Capricorn: Monday Thursday.
Capricorn lucky numbers: 3, 5, 8, 14, 16.

Capricorn is an ambitious and practical zodiac sign. These people know how to plan their lives in order to achieve their goals. They are prudent and very careful. Before approaching any important task, they take a closer look and think through a plan of action.

These are good strategists with pronounced organizational skills. They are slow when making decisions, but they think everything through well. They are subject to current laws, incentive opportunities and various instructions.

All their talents can come to the fore when they occupy leadership positions. They are born organizers. Whatever Capricorn undertakes acquires a clear structure, hierarchy and deadlines.

They do not like to show off their emotions. They know how to manipulate people. Among Capricorns there are many talented businessmen, sociologists and journalists. They also try to organize their personal life according to plan, which is why they often create marriages of convenience.

In most cases, the calculation becomes accurate, and they find happiness for life. Otherwise they suffer greatly. These are real conservatives of family life: the man should run the business, and the wife should organize household chores.

Love compatibility horoscope for Capricorn

Will feel constant loneliness. Capricorn will try to re-educate Aries - this often leads to breakups and quarrels. To avoid quarrels, relationships must be strictly specific.

With Capricorn, Taurus can build the most favorable alliance. They have complete harmony in all areas.

With Capricorn they want to know all the joys family life, but he strives to direct the frivolous Gemini on the right path. This is a very complex union and rarely lasts long.

The real test awaits Cancer and Capricorn - these signs are completely opposite. Their life is like a tug of war. A favorable relationship can only exist when both are a little more compliant. Cancer needs to become more responsible and consistent in their actions, Capricorn needs to learn to enjoy the world. If such partners get used to each other and adapt, then at an older age they will not be able to separate.

Leo's relationship with Capricorn is based on the desire for new heights. For harmony in marriage, Leo must take into account Capricorn's business qualities. This kind of marriage is not easy. Leo is drawn to the heights of Capricorn's spiritual qualities, but his directness and lack of play simply become boring over time. Such relationships are more favorable for Capricorn than for Leo, as he will receive good spiritual training.

Virgo and Capricorn can create a strong business alliance. Virgo likes Capricorn's purposeful and practical approach to business, and he begins to think philosophically in her presence. IN love relationship Such people complement each other very well. Children can make such a union even stronger.

The relationship between Libra and Capricorn is based on a contractual basis. Deep down, Libras are drawn to a more reliable partner, but over time they begin to appreciate care. Capricorn will appreciate Libra's diplomacy, and will also skillfully play on the strings of his soul. The stumbling block can only be in which Libra will consider Capricorn bad lover. This can cause hostility over trifles.

Scorpios love to compete with Capricorn, but Capricorn is in the sphere of material achievements, and Scorpio is in the sphere of emotions. Scorpio expects Capricorn to show feelings and emotions, but he cannot show this, since he has both feet on the ground. In general, such relationships are strong and long-lasting. It all depends on what level spiritual development there are partners. If they common interests, then the relationship will be fruitful.

If Sagittarius gets tired of his freedom, then Capricorn can support him financially and ensure complete security. But lightness unbalances Capricorn. On a sexual level, a strong attraction arises between partners, but soon it will seem to Sagittarius that Capricorn is not very creative and sexy. Sagittarius does not need to teach Capricorn about life, it is better to show him a plan of action and then he will make Sagittarius happy.

By communicating with Capricorn, Capricorn will have the opportunity to see himself from the outside. For harmony in relationships, partners must have common goal. You need to treat your partner the way you would like to be treated. In spiritual terms, such a union will not give anything, but in material terms, they can create a real fortress. Capricorns never tell their partner. IN sexual relations They suit each other very well, but they don’t talk about their emotional experiences.

Relationships with Aquarius are full of surprises, which, however, is what Capricorn needs. These partners don't talk about their feelings. Capricorn needs to constantly amaze Aquarius, and then he will become a goldfish.

Capricorns get along very well with Pisces. With such a partner, Capricorn feels confident and reliable. Both partners are characterized by pessimism and doubts, and this can become a disadvantage in their relationship. If Capricorn can unravel the mystery of Pisces, then she will open him an ocean of understanding and love.

Horoscope for Capricorn for 2015 Blue Wood Sheep

If Capricorns can take a little break from work, they will experience all the joys of life. 2015 is the time to take stock – we need to draw conclusions and make new plans. It is absolutely important to relax and arrange holidays for your loved ones to take your mind off the hustle and bustle. In the first half of the year, there will be an opportunity for a large purchase using borrowed funds. Issues related to personal growth and education.

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