Descriptions of external manifestations of emotions

Let us give a description of the external manifestations of some experiences, especially emotions and feelings.

1. Confusion (confusion):

  • the head turns away from the observer;
  • the gaze is directed downward, it shifts to the side;
  • a smile with pursed lips - "a restrained smile";
  • hand touching the face.


  • eyebrows and forehead are calm;
  • the lower eyelids and cheeks are raised, the eyes are squinted, there are wrinkles under the lower eyelids;
  • "crow's feet" - light wrinkles, rays diverging from internal corners eye;
  • the mouth is closed, the corners of the lips are drawn to the sides and raised.

Expressions of joy are already visible in babies. They react to their mother with a smile, in which the large zygomatic muscle and the circular muscle of the eye participate - Dagen's smile. In a smile to a stranger, only the large zygomatic muscle is activated. Generally speaking, smiles different type enough. I.E. Repin presented the following types of laughter: a thin smile, a vulgar smile, a simple-hearted laugh, a cheerful laugh, a snarky laugh, healthy laughter (of a fat man), hefty laughter (ready to turn into a hefty brawl), stupid laughter (a degenerate with a small head and protruding ears), rustic laughter (of a narrow-minded, stout subject), good-natured laughter, a sarcastic smile, a subtly ironic smile, a malicious smile (a person has “on his own mind”), a wide smile (14 in total).

L.N. Tolstoy, as you know, described 97 shades of a smile, expressing not only joy, but also other feelings (he also knew about the existence of 85 different expressions of the eyes). At the height of manifestation, joy reaches the degree of exultation, while motor and speech animation occurs, sometimes with speech iterations of joy. Like, for example, A.S. Pushkin, who, extremely pleased creative luck, suddenly quickly went back and forth, every now and then saying: “Ah yes Pushkin, ah yes son of a bitch!”.

3. Attention to something sudden, unexpected:

  • horizontal folds across the entire width of the forehead;
  • eyebrow raising;
  • raising the eyelids - "make big eyes."

4.Mental stress:

  • two vertical pleats at the bridge of the nose. Pythagoras, knowing this from his own experience, said: “Do not consult with those who have a smooth forehead - they do not think”;
  • eyebrows hanging over the eyes;
  • arched eyebrows are made horizontal.
  • tight compression of the lips;
  • tension of the muscles of the body, hence the liveliness of movements.

6. Sadness:

  • eyebrows are drawn in a straight line, their inner corners are raised, the outer ones are lowered;
  • several transverse wrinkles form on the middle third of the forehead;
  • several vertical folds appear on the bridge of the nose (a sign of focus on problems);
  • the eyes are slightly narrowed, become dull ("extinct gaze");
  • the corners of the mouth are lowered;
  • the pace of movements and speech is slowed down (a sign of "weak will").

7. Malice:

  • eyebrows are elongated in a horizontal line, their inner corners are lowered, the outer ones - in contrast to sadness, raised - the face of Mephistopheles;
  • transverse folds are formed on the bridge of the nose.


  • transverse wrinkles on the forehead, in the center of the forehead they are deeper than along the edges;
  • wide eyes (“look wide-eyed” so as not to miss anything);
  • raising the eyelids so that the white of the eye is exposed between the upper eyelid and the iris;
  • eyebrows rise, become arched and come down to the bridge of the nose (an expression of helplessness);
  • mouth open ("jaw dropped");
  • the corners of the mouth are sharply drawn (expression of a delayed cry for help);
  • transverse wrinkles of the anterior region of the neck (rudiment of shrinking - “would curl into a ball”);
  • freezing in place or erratic throwing (paralysis of the will or movement of flight);
  • dry mouth, pallor of the face (the first is a sign taken into account by ancient lie detectors; the second has long been known to generals - A. Macedonian, according to legend, did not take into his army people who turned pale in moments of danger). Bowlby adds to the external signs of fear a wary and intense look directed towards the source of the threat, as well as trembling in the legs, arms and body.

External manifestations of fear are close to those of surprise, this confirms the related nature of fear and surprise. Their difference, they believe, lies in the fact that fear is focused on the consequences of a threatening situation, and surprise is focused on its causes. In manifestations of bewilderment and confusion, such a characteristic gesture as spreading the arms to the sides is often added - a sign of the impossibility of acting or understanding something.

9. Anger or "starting to fight" (Darwin):

  • the head is thrown back and half-turned to the object of anger;
  • the palpebral fissures are narrowed, angular or, on the contrary, exophthalmos appears;
  • the eyebrows are lowered, they take a horizontal position and are reduced to the nose so that vertical folds appear between the eyebrows;
  • an inseparable look at the object of anger (L.N. Tolstoy);
  • noisy breathing;
  • clenched fists;
  • exposure of fangs;
  • hyperemia of the sclera ("eyes filled with blood");
  • clenched teeth, gnashing of teeth, lips tightly compressed.

Anger is one of the elements of the triad of hostility, which also includes disgust and contempt. This affect is much more likely than others to transform into a pathological one.

10. Suspicion:

  • fixed gaze fixed on the object of suspicion;
  • sidelong glance (expression of the desire to distance oneself from the object of threat);
  • weak closing of the lips (expression of uncertainty);
  • the body is oriented away from the object of threat (an expression of the desire to leave, move away from danger);
  • signs of malice.

I.A. Sikorsky points to a completely realistic artistic depiction of suspicion - a portrait of the Bavarian king Ludwig XI, who suffered from paranoia. The king committed suicide - he drowned himself, drowning at the same time, as happens in cases of extended suicide, and Professor W.A. Goodden (who described the eye syndrome with his name in alcoholic encephalopathy and severe alcoholic delirium: miosis, anisocoria, absence and weakening of photoreaction, convergence failure). Realist artists generally pay a lot of attention to the depiction of acts of expression, thereby penetrating into the inner world of the prototypes of the characters in the paintings, in contrast to the artists of the formalist trend in art. In the paintings of the latter, it is not always possible to determine even the gender or age of the character, not to mention his psychology.

11. Envy (from Ovid's description):

  • slow pace;
  • pale face;
  • an oblique look (hidden from the object of envy, which is why M.Yu. Lermontov calls the latter a secret feeling);
  • the lack of a smile, except when the envious sees the suffering of other people.

Envy combines elements of hostility and sadness. The Bible already speaks of bodily disorders that envy causes. W. Shakespeare calls her green-eyed, perhaps because envy can also lead to pigment metabolism disorders;

12. Doubt(according to A.A. Ivanov’s painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People”, an image of a group of six people doubting the appearance of Christ):

  • weak tension of the muscles of the body and the circular muscles of the mouth;
  • lowered head;
  • lowered gaze;
  • hands are pressed to the body, they are folded, stuffed into the sleeves (an expression of the lack of motivation for action);
  • raised shoulders (this is like a question mark: why be surprised here).

13. Resentment:

  • eyebrows are lowered and located horizontally (a sign of tension of thought, which is not present with anger, when the individual seems to have nothing to think about);
  • hands are raised and palms up (“scales of justice”, in this case only the creator of the world is accepted as the supreme arbiter of justice);
  • expression of dispassion on the face (in any case, there are no signs of anger, anger). Indignation, as confirmed by its external manifestations, is a noble, righteous anger, it is impersonal and applies only to actions, but not to a person, it is caused not by a personal insult or a threat to one's well-being, but by reasons that give rise to injustice.

14. Shame:

  • the face is hidden, it is covered with hands, taken aside, lowered down, as it happens in someone's presence, even in an imaginary one;
  • the gaze is turned to the side, lowered down or moving restlessly (a sign indicating that the ashamed person does not want to meet the eyes of those whom he caused trouble - C. Darwin); - eyelids cover their eyes, eyes are sometimes closed (something appears here childish: I don’t see, so it doesn’t exist);
  • silence of speech (a sign of understanding that excuses are inappropriate, they can only increase the anger or indignation of the victim. The Bible says so directly: “So that you can no longer open your mouth with shame”);
  • stealthy actions, they are quiet, silent, as imperceptible as possible (an indication that the ashamed person tries to remain unnoticed, he behaves as if like a thief. This is consistent with the accuracy of the biblical observation: “People who are ashamed steal”);
  • the body shrinks, shrinks into a kind of lump (so that they don’t see, notice and shame);
  • shallow breathing with deep sighs (as if the rudiments of weeping);
  • sudden stops in breathing (probably associated with memories of the deed and tides of anticipation of something terribly terrible);
  • stuttering (in this case, as a sign of excitement or evidence of timidity of character);
  • paint of shame. There is an expression “covered with shame, dishonor”, ​​it clearly indicates this sign of shame, which, fortunately, leaves hope for the correction of the culprit. Ch. Darwin considered the “shameful blush” to be the most human of all manifestations of emotions.

15. Overconfidence:

  • lack of facial gestures (covering the mouth, scratching the nose, head, etc., which says: “I am not hiding anything, I am sure that I am right”);
  • a proud, upright pose (thereby, as it were, it says: “I already know exactly what I do and say”);
  • fingers are connected, sometimes in a dome - "my opinion of myself is above petty suspicions." The higher the hands are, the more superior the individual feels over others. The boss can emphasize it by looking at the subordinate through the joined fingers of his hands);
  • hands can be connected behind the back (this, as it were, emphasizes the readiness to command not by physical force, but by right on one’s side);
  • chin held high ("look down"). The last two signs form an authoritarian posture, which is often seen in high authorities, sergeants in front of recruits, a novice teacher in front of students, in other patients with excessive conceit, etc.;
  • leisurely movements, mean gestures and movements of the head and eyes. This creates the impression of their significance, as well as the conviction of their infallibility and the power of power;
  • choosing a location somewhere on an elevation, as if on a throne or on a pedestal;
  • the location of the legs on objects (table, back of a chair), as well as the posture, casually leaning on something (she says: “Here is my territory, here I am the master of the situation”).

16. Boredom:

  • half-closed eyes (“I wouldn’t look at all this, I’m so tired”);
  • the head lies on the palm of your hand (“oh, a pillow would be, I really want to fall asleep”);
  • mechanical drawing on paper (“this is much more interesting than what I now hear and see”);
  • empty, expressing nothing and not riveted to anything, “day dream” (“there is nothing to look at, I have seen it thousands of times” or “I look, but I don’t want to see or hear anything”).

17. Disposition to someone:

  • inclination of the head, body towards the interlocutor ("I'm interested, I don't want to lose your attention")
  • hand on the chest or “on the heart” (a gesture of honesty and openness). The gesture of a Roman legionnaire is one hand “on the heart”, the other is extended towards the partner. It is believed that this is a male gesture;
  • eye contact ("I'm glad to see you");
  • shaking his head in agreement with what they say (“speak, speak more, I am ready to listen to you as much as you like”);
  • touching a partner - “tactile contact” (a gesture expressing trust, sympathy, warmth of relationship);
  • approaching the partner to the limits of the intimate zone or even closer (indicates special character attitude towards him and at the same time shows other people that “the place is occupied, the third one is superfluous here”);
  • closed position of partners: they look into each other's eyes, their feet are parallel.

18. Courtship (for women):

  • smoothing, straightening clothes, hair (“I’m still anywhere, just look”);
  • looking at yourself in the mirror (“well, how can it be that someone doesn’t like me, you can’t take your eyes off me”);
  • swaying hips (“no, just look at me, where else have you seen this”);
  • slow crossing and straightening of the legs (a sign, probably resembling a hug);
  • stroking oneself on the calves, knees, hips (“look, admire, there is something to look at” or “I don’t mind being stroked like that”);
  • balancing the shoes on the tips of the toes (“I would love to stay without it” or “do not be shy, you have absolutely nothing left for what you want”);
  • sitting, bending your legs under you (“I’m not going to leave” or “I’ll wait for my own”);
  • direct, continuous eye contact. Psychologists say: if a person looks into the eyes of a partner for more than 60% of the conversation, he is interested not only in talking with him.

19. Courtship (in men):

  • preening: correcting a tie, jacket, cufflinks (“I, of course, am so good, but these are such trifles”);
  • pulling up socks (“if something doesn’t suit me, I can leave” or “I am a person with taste and decency, I know my worth, but I’m fine even without socks”);
  • straightening the body (“I am slender as a cypress” or “I have plenty of energy”);
  • the chin rises and falls (“I am proud, but I allow myself weaknesses” or “I am not so inaccessible”).


  • open hands turned towards the partner (“here I am, all in your sight”);
  • frequent raising of the shoulders (“doubts about my disposition are unnecessary”);
  • an unbuttoned jacket or jacket (“I’m not hiding anything, see for yourself that my intentions are the kindest”). Comparative psychologist Smith did this experiment more than once: he, while lying down, offered his unprotected stomach to the wolf. The wolf scared Smith to death, but never bit him;
  • tilt towards partner.

21. Closeness:

  • crossing arms with clenched fists or so that one hand squeezes the other (“I don’t expect anything good, I’m on the defensive”);
  • sitting on a chair turned back forward (demonstration of strength and readiness for retaliatory aggression);
  • legs are located on top of a table, armchair, chair (a pose of arrogance, swagger; she seems to be saying: “I have nothing to be afraid of here, a mutt is bold in my house”);
  • crossing the legs or cross-knee posture (“I am ready for a confrontation and I understand that I can’t wait for anything else”). If at the same time the arms are crossed, then this is a clear sign to the interlocutor: "There is an enemy in front of you."

22. Attention (to the interlocutor):

  • the hand is located at the cheek, the head rests on the hand, and forefinger at the same time, it can be extended along the temple (“I am all attention”);
  • the head is tilted to one side (“I listen to you with interest” - Ch. Darwin). When interest in the interlocutor weakens, the shoulders first rise, then fall (doubt whether the interlocutor is as interesting as it was at the beginning, or the request “enough, enough, I can’t wait to finish this conversation”), the look begins to wander around (“I’ll look for something more interesting"), and the body assumes a pose turned away from the partner ("I want to leave, I'm tired, as much as possible").

23. Disgust:

  • lapel of the head ("disgusting to look"). In the psalms of the biblical David, there is often a request addressed to God not to turn away the face, not to turn away the look;
  • furrowed brows (“eyes would not look at this abomination”);
  • wrinkled nose, as happens with an unpleasant smell;
  • a raised upper lip and a lowered lower lip (“I would have spit it out if it were in my mouth”);
  • angular shape of the mouth (“like some kind of muck in the mouth”);
  • the tongue is slightly protruding, as if pushing something unpleasant out of the mouth or preventing it from entering the mouth;
  • the body takes a pose with a lapel, it seems to be moving away from something;
  • the fingers of the hands are “spread out” (“I won’t take anything out of a feeling of disgust”). In Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Last Supper, Christ's right hand is straightened when he says the words "one of you will betray me", which expresses disgust for the act of betrayal. The apostles in the picture are depicted in such a way that it skillfully conveys the complex range of feelings that each of them is experiencing at this time. A person who disgusts with his vile behavior is therefore called an outcast, an outcast, whom it is impossible to approach, let alone touch.

24. Annoyance:

  • expression of anger;
  • expression of intense thought;
  • lack of general muscle tension.

The painting by Klodt “The Beginning of the Reforms of Peter I” depicts a boyar who has just had his beard cut. The boyar is annoyed, he is absorbed in an evil thought, but at the same time it is clear that he is not inclined to respond to this violence against himself in the same way.

25. Affection:

  • exaggerated, deliberately slowed down, and at times delayed movements. For example, a lady looks eagerly at her counterpart, then, sharply squinting her eyes, remains in this position for a long time. Thus, she, as it were, gives a sign: “I would look again, but, really, I am very ashamed, because I am so chaste”;
  • slowing down, speeding up and exaggerating expressive acts, as well as their diversity, which should draw the attention of someone present.

Pretentiousness (from “zhmen”, that is, a handful of something) is breaking, mannerisms, lack of simplicity and naturalness. It is a particular variant of coquetry - behavior in which they want to please, flaunting their attractive qualities. Coquettes, and these are more often women, intensely demonstrate the charms of their body, “make eyes” (the eyes are turned in one direction, and the head and body in the other direction), show their cheerfulness, sniff a scarf, a flower (depict a tendency to sensual joys) and at the same time they try to hide all this, as it were, by which they show that they are flirting involuntarily, being unable to restrain impulses of passion. Signs of coquetry are also found by gays with effeminate tendencies.

26. Remorse:

an expression of sadness, a dead look (up to the disfigurement of one's appearance - a rudiment of tearing clothes and sprinkling ashes on one's head);

expression of supplication higher powers in the form of hands raised to heaven (requests for forgiveness, pardon). Repentance may take the form of prayerful ecstasy;

clenching fists (annoyance, anger towards oneself and one's unworthy behavior);

crying with eyes closed, moving away from other people (feeling of shame). different forms repentance (with a predominance of one of its signs) is presented with high accuracy in the painting by A.A. Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to the People”, which depicts a group of people repenting of their sin.

27. Subservience- deceit by imitating pleasant manners in order to make a favorable impression. It is carried out by an exaggerated image of external manifestations of respect, affection for someone, which sometimes achieves the effect of servility, groveling and cringing. At the same time, the body of the sing-along is tilted forward to the limit, the face copies the facial expressions of the object of serving or depicts tenderness, the ingratiating look does not leave the important person, expressing readiness to guess and fulfill any of her desires. At the same time, in the guise of a lackey, there are imperceptible signs of tension of mind and will, which makes it clear that under other circumstances he will not even think about a person who at the moment he needs only out of motives of self-interest. An excellent image of servility is presented by V.E. Makovsky’s painting “Business Visit”.

28. Surprise:

  • high eyebrow raising;
  • mouth opening;
  • dilution of hands;
  • strong tension of attention;
  • strong tension of thought.

The artistic representation of surprise was especially well done by Leonardo da Vinci in The Last Supper. Almost all the apostles, each in his own way, demonstrate surprise in response to the completely unexpected words of Christ about betrayal. Only Christ's favorite Judas is not amazed.

29. Tenderness:

  • signs of joy;
  • signs of sadness;
  • tears.

To be touched, to be touched to the depths of the soul, to tears - A.A. Ivanov captured the state of mind at the end of sadness in an old man leaning on a stick, and a man standing next to a boy. We find a poetic image of tenderness in M.Yu. Lermontov:

From the soul, like a burden, will roll, Doubt is far away -

And I believe, and weep, And it's so easy, easy!

I.A. Sikorsky points out that tenderness can become a trait of character and a natural outcome of oppressive moods. Such a ratio, he concludes, is a natural feature of the Russian, and perhaps even the Slavic folk genius.

30. Perplexity:

  • freezing in one place and in one position;
  • signs of stopping thoughts;
  • dilution of hands - a sign of inability to act due to a stop of thought;
  • half-open mouth, stop vocalization.

An example of the image of bewilderment is the painting by I.B. Greus “The Broken Jug”, which depicts a girl slain by some kind of misfortune. Perplexity, A.I. Sikorsky points out, is close to surprise, but differs from it in that it is more in line with the mental state, while surprise is more within the realm of feelings and emotions.

31. Anxiety (fear, apprehension, expectation of disaster):

  • restless look:
  • fussiness, that is, stupid, aimless and hasty activity, a manifestation of increasing anxiety (rubbing hands, restlessness, walking from place to place, throwing, rearranging and rearranging objects, pulling clothes, etc.);
  • anxious verbigerations;
  • trembling of the voice, hands, whole body (accompanied by a feeling of growing internal tension);
  • screams, crying;
  • pallor of the skin.

32. Simulation of acts of expression is manifested by the concealment of genuine and artificial representation of other experiences. At the same time, external manifestations of the mind, will or emotions are deliberately depicted.

Simulation of the mind (more precisely, its dissimulation) is usually an image of indifference, inattention to what the individual really cares about. He pretends not to notice, does not listen and does not understand what is happening. Sometimes it also happens that the simulator portrays the likeness of a person of deep thought and high mind. Here at his disposal a lot of different not too understandable words, read books, general reasoning. For real clever man always very simple in words, manners and understandable even to a child. The simulation of will finds itself in the pose of Zeus. This is a pose of leaning back and a proudly raised head. But at the same time, the mouth is half open or the lips are clenching the cigarette, and the hands are holding on to something (signs of self-doubt). This is well shown in the painting by V.N. Baksheev “The Losers”.

The simulation of higher feelings is found, in particular, in such manifestations as the posture of the Pharisee. In the painting “Christ and the Sinner” (H. Hoffmann), the hypocrite is depicted with his head held high and at the same time with prayerfully folded hands, humility clearly does not fit here with an arrogant pose. To whom is the Pharisee looking in the direction of the main participants in the scene, clearly waiting for the approval of his piety. The well-fed body and elegant clothes of the actor also contradict humility; they are in no way associated with the expectation of the asceticism of a person for whom the values ​​​​of the spiritual order are above all. The painting by V.E. Makovsky “Party” depicts a simulation of pathos. The girl stands with her head proudly thrown back and her body straightened with an inclination back.

This should mean inspiration, a high impulse of spirit. But at the same time, arched eyebrows are noticeable (there is no tension of thought), and most importantly, there is no movement of the hands, they passively lie on the back of the chair and even tilt it away from themselves (a sign of uncertainty, lack of will). It can also be seen that others are not touched by what she wants to convince them of, they are bored, and some of them even feel sleepy. This is because the heroine of the picture with her pose definitely says: “I can very much talk about something sublime, but to do something the same, no, thank you.”

33. Gait can also say something important about its owner.. There are several typical types of gait.

Stealthy gait: hands resting firmly in pockets while walking, this shows secretiveness, excessive criticality towards others and a tendency to suppress them. Decisive gait: fast, with sweeping hand movements; she seems to be saying that the goal is clear and now the only thing is to go towards it without stopping. Oppressed gait: head down, legs dragging, hands in pockets; she says: everything is lost, there is no point in either talking or doing anything.

Impulsive gait (Churchill's gait): energetic walking with hands on hips, followed by lethargy, lethargy, and then another burst of vigor; it reflects the imbalance of character, and perhaps a successful combination of self-will, deceit and cynicism of an alcoholic, now and then plotting something treacherous. Dictator's gait (Mussolini's gait): with his head up, stiff legs and emphasized energetic hand movements; this is a clear game for the viewer, who should see a self-confident leader in the Duce. Thinker's gait: ritually unhurried, as if self-soothing and suppressing emotions, often with hands behind his back or busy with something long familiar, so that they do not interfere with thinking. There are other types of gait: top model, sailor, military man, etc.

34. Among the manifestations of expressiveness, one should also include some features of speech, since it expresses not only thoughts, but also personal, as well as characterological qualities. So, measured speech is characteristic of sanguine people, accelerated - choleric, slow - phlegmatic, uncertain and uneven - melancholic. Speech often manifests certain emotional states. In confirmation, we will give here only a fragment of A.I. Polezhaev’s poem “Chains”:

I'm mature: a parting ray of hope Darkened and went out in the sky,

And the funeral torch has been burning in my eyes ever since! Love for beauty, nature, young maidens and friends,

And you, sacred freedom - Everything, everything is dead for me!

Without a sense of life, without desires, Like a disgusting shadow, I drag the chain of my suffering - And I die night and day!

In these lines, there is obvious evidence of an almost painful sadness, an oppressive and paralyzing longing for the will to live. In any case, we can definitely talk about the poet's readiness for a real depression.

35. Of some importance as acts of expression are tattoos. For example, the “Serun” tattoo indicates that the individual once identified himself with a certain ideology. The tattoo stands for: "Stalinism is the emancipation of the oppressed peoples." Another - "IzaIda" - sounds like this: "Follow Ilyich, baby." But these are just examples of fanaticism that can discredit even the brightest idea. Much more often, tattoos express more prosaic, base and vulgar identifications.

36. Mimic signs of deception (Izard, 1999):

  • micro-expressions are expressive acts that mask the true manifestations of feelings. For example, an expression of sadness is hidden behind an artificial smile, an ironic shrug of the shoulders;
  • "blurred expressions" - attempts to "remove" or erase the original facial expression;
  • “honest look” directly into the eyes of a partner;
  • frequent blinking, as well as tears;
  • asymmetry of the face, the expression of which is associated with a certain emotion - when deceived, one half of the face is bent more than the other;
  • duration of facial expression - maintaining a facial expression for more than 10 seconds usually indicates a lie;
  • facial expression lags behind other acts of expression - hitting the table with a fist, for example, occurs before the image of anger on the face.

In conclusion, it should be said that the recognition of emotions and, in general, human experiences is often associated with considerable difficulties. This is due to the fact that, firstly, information about experiences comes to the observer through many channels at the same time (words, voice, facial expressions, gestures, postures, etc.), to perceive and evaluate such a stream of heterogeneous impressions It's hard enough. Secondly, it rarely happens that a person experiences only one kind of experience, even only one emotion. Usually there are several emotions at once. For example, an individual not only feels fear, he reacts to this fear in one way or another, he may be ashamed at this time, he is dissatisfied with himself or feels guilty, anxious, etc.

Thirdly, in the external manifestations of experiences there is a lot of individual and culturally determined, but, probably, even more insincere or feigned, since a person's reactions are very often calculated on others. People react differently when they are alone than when they are in the presence of others. Nevertheless, everything said here about acts of expression can, we believe, be useful to the clinician in terms of identifying the mental states of the patient, as well as for a more accurate and specific description of his observations.

It is far from always possible to use lie detectors in clinical practice, with their help you can only learn about relatively simple things (“is the individual lying” at the moment or not). Many people find it difficult to differentiate their emotions, because it can be quite difficult to do this, or even not fully aware of them, as is characteristic of alexithymia and especially mental anesthesia. Therefore, observation of expression acts is often the main or even the only source of information about the mental states of patients.

In the last article, I touched on the topic. Today we will talk about joy how about manifestation of happiness.

A person's life fully depends on his personal worldview and tends to develop exactly the way he thinks, and not otherwise. A sure sign of a happy person is the truth of his outlook on life. And this manifests itself when a person endlessly moves towards himself, that is, he constantly works on his inner "I".

And all people, without exception, want to be happy, enjoy life, the sun, all living things. At least that's what they say... But how does everything really happen?

Many themselves close, with their own hands, the ability rejoice, which means be happy. They can portray joy but there is no spark in the heart. Where is the sincerity? It just doesn't exist, and that's no longer a joy. Few people know how to rejoice in themselves and their successes, even the smallest ones, and they have completely forgotten how to rejoice in the successes of others.

I think so, if a truly happy person turned out to be next to me, radiating joy, showing his inner happiness - this is a sign to me. I am glad that the Universe sends me such people, it means that joy lives in my heart, happiness flows through my veins like a sparkling stream that gives a lot of positive emotions.

Well, if there is a gloomy, sad or irritated person nearby, then I think - what is happening to my inner world? In connection with what these emotions and feelings were sent to me, probably they hid in my soul and treacherously sit there, ready to jump out at the wrong moment? We all have something to work on. The main thing is not to leave yourself, listen ...

Many of us have forgotten why we came into this life. Yes, that's right, for to be joyful showing happiness. But people are not ready for this, inventing crises and problems for themselves. On my husband and I talked about the so-called crises family life. I am a psychologist and I can say with certainty that life without crisis possible! And it is not necessary to grow through crises, you can grow without them. With all my heart I wish you to believe in it.

What is the manifestation of a person's willingness to be happy?

Maybe it's a paradox, but the number one willingness is to take on yourself for your misfortune, because some people are happy in their misery, they just cherish and cherish it.

Next step- to understand that a person keeps himself in a state of unhappiness and despondency and can independently get out of it.

Third step– see how many resources are around for happiness, to understand that the person himself, limiting himself in joy to be happy, happy by nature. Find support in this and grow,.

In no case do not limit yourself in meeting material needs. Such happiness just leads to crises. deepest understanding joy, How manifestations happiness lies in the enjoyment of life, which just helps to easily get out of the state of despondency, which is an artificial feeling, I believe, not inherent in man by nature.

Happiness shines from the inside when we know how, neighbors, all living things around and to be loved.

But the definition of happiness should not be limited to any definition. It is different, it has different shades for each of us, it sparkles with different lights. But only one thing can be said - happiness is an endless road to yourself. And the more often we will be aware of our every action and reaction, we will definitely remember the well-forgotten action - to radiate inner Light joy - feeling in which appears happiness.

These were my reflections on what I read in Anatoly Nekrasov's book Origins.

Circumstances have developed in such a way that it is precisely the article about joy as a manifestation of happiness I wrote the day before Baptism. Congratulations on this Magic Mystery! And remember, they live in our soul and they have the properties to materialize!

Joy and happiness to you, my dear readers!

Our new webinar is coming up very soon. I will inform you about the topic and the date of its holding later.

Self-tutor in psychology Obraztsova Lyudmila Nikolaevna



This emotion is familiar to us, fortunately, no less than anger, but let it scientific definition, oddly enough, much more difficult. Roughly it can be described as an active positive emotion, expressed in good mood and a sense of pleasure (Quinn V.N. Applied Psychology. St. Petersburg, 1999).

Like others basic emotions joy is a transient, temporary experience. A longer feeling of joy is usually called happiness, although it is clear to the non-specialist that happiness is much more than just “a good mood and a feeling of pleasure.”

Sometimes it may seem that psychologists pay all their attention only to problems - they investigate all kinds of deviations, violations, and look for ways to correct them. This is wrong. After all, if the goal of practical psychology is to help a person become happier, then one must not only imagine all the obstacles on the way to this goal, but also, so to speak, the destination. In other words, you need to know what it is - a happy person. So the study of happiness, the features of the mentally prosperous, harmonious people- this is very significant part psychological science.

For example, the American psychologist Friedman studied the relationship between happiness and a person's lifestyle. He proceeded from the premise that joy is a short-term emotion, and over a long period it can only be experienced by a person who feels general satisfaction with life and peace of mind.

So, if you win a million in the lottery, this does not guarantee that from now on you will happy man: the feeling of joy at the moment of winning and for some time after it will, of course, be indescribably strong, but your further reactions and mood will depend on your personal characteristics and on what kind of lifestyle you were already used to at the time of winning. If you are an anxious, constantly stressed person, then the sudden wealth after the first euphoria will probably only increase your anxiety - after all, the conflicts associated with choosing and achieving goals will remain with you.

Friedman involved in his study a huge number of respondents - about a hundred thousand people! If you believe that such large-scale research allowed him to discover the formula for happiness - alas, we have to disappoint you. The results of the study may even seem quite banal. For example, Friedman found that money does not guarantee happiness, although it does matter: once a certain level of wealth is reached, further increases in income no longer make people happier. There was no dependence of happiness on age or belonging to any particular religion, but in general it turned out that people with active religious beliefs are more satisfied with life. Friedman's study also showed the fact that, for the most part, married couples feel happier than bachelors and people living in a “civil marriage”.

So, the emotion of joy is less than happiness, but more than just a feeling of pleasure. The latter bring us simple sensory sensations - for example, gustatory or tactile. Pleasure is not necessarily accompanied by an experience of joy. Agree, a delicious dinner is a great pleasure, but we rarely say that we are happy about it.

As a rule, people have a pretty good idea of ​​what exactly can bring them pleasure (and, accordingly, what does not deliver it). The emotion of joy differs from the sensation of pleasure, in particular, in that it is much more elusive: it is far from always possible to determine what exactly will bring joy to a person, somehow “plan” a joyful experience. When we want to have fun, we buy ourselves a chocolate bar or go out of town to lie on the beach under the gentle sun, but, you see, “organizing” joy is a much more difficult task.

As some psychologists suggest, joy is usually not a direct consequence of our actions, but rather a by-product of striving for a goal.

At small child it is much easier to evoke an emotion of joy than in an adult. The first infant smile is the smile of joy that a child experiences when he sees the face of his mother (or other adults). Psychologists call this smile "social" because it appears when communicating with people, and not in response to some internal stimuli. And the fact that the first joy in the life of any person is associated with other people confirms that the most reliable source of joy for us is relationships with others.

A little later, as the child develops, he also has another source of joy: he experiences this emotion when he manages to achieve something - reach for a toy, build high tower from cubes, ride a bike for the first time and not fall, get the most leading role in a play on children's matinee… In a word, one of the main sources of joy is the joy of achievement. By the way, studies show that joy is experienced by a person sharper and brighter if it was preceded by failure. Overcoming obstacles, both real and even imagined, brings great joy.

So, positive interaction with people, good luck in achieving the goal, in overcoming obstacles - these are the main sources of joy. This emotion is closely related to the feeling of self-satisfaction, self-esteem, self-confidence. On the other hand, experiencing joy, a person spreads a good attitude towards himself and the world around him.

Joy sharpens the susceptibility to the world, allows us to admire and enjoy it. A joyful person sees the world in its beauty and harmony, perceives people at their best. He tends to enjoy the object rather than to analyze and critically reflect on it. He perceives the object as it is, without seeking to improve or change it. Joy makes a person feel his unity with the world with particular acuteness. Joy is not just a positive attitude towards the world and oneself, it is a kind of connection between a person and the world. This is a heightened sense of belonging, of own belonging to the world.

As we have already noted, joy cannot be planned and achieved intentionally, that is, one cannot set a goal - to experience joy - and achieve this goal by conscious effort. But on the other hand, we can set goals for ourselves, the achievement of which will be accompanied by an experience of joy. This distinction is important enough, though perhaps not obvious. But we need to realize it, because if we simply strive for joy, disappointment awaits us.

People work, achieve something, make efforts and overcome obstacles, learn, acquire new skills, build relationships with other people ... All this is not to “be glad”, but because they are interested in the work they are doing, or because they consider it necessary to finish what they have started, strive to improve their skills, acquire knowledge, achieve material well-being, etc.

Achieving your goals is rewarded with a sense of success, fulfillment, fulfillment of your abilities and abilities - and a very valuable by-product of this feeling is joy. Thus, not being able to intentionally evoke the emotion of joy, a person still has the power to build his life in such a way as to experience it more often.

“A truly joyful experience is not caused directly, with the help of an effort of will, it cannot be the goal human activity. However, each of us can find out for himself what exactly gives him joy. In order to experience joy, a person must first overcome those obstacles that make joyful experience impossible, must set a goal for himself and strive towards it. Achieving this goal or even the very process of achieving it can bring joy to a person ”(Izard K. E. Psychology of emotions. St. Petersburg, 1999).

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Joy is one of the main positive emotions and one of the main values ​​for the child. Children, unlike adults, show their feelings and emotions more openly: if they rejoice, then with all their hearts, if they have grief, then it is real. Children do not know how to dissemble, they do not know how to hide their feelings. And it would seem that everything is clear with joy: joy is good. But… How much time in our children's lives is devoted to joy? And are violent manifestations of this joy really permitted?

What is joy for a child?

This is when he is loved and desired, when mom and dad can always find time to play with him, and not put their household chores above communication with the child. After all, you see, things can be postponed for 15-20 minutes and play with the child, read with him - give him your time. Joy is when mom and dad are always ready to help when they understand him. Joy is to see a rainbow in the sky after the rain, run through the puddles ... I think you can continue this list yourself.

What about us parents?

A child with his irrepressible energy is able to enjoy the whole day. And we get tired, we want to sit and rest a bit, finish some household chores as soon as possible. We are so exhausted that we begin to be annoyed by this restlessness, loud children's voices. And in the end, we can just be bored with what makes the child happy.

Children's world healthy child consists entirely of joy: children are always able to find an exciting activity. And if they don’t have a cool fire engine or a toy thermometer at hand, any stick, pebble, leaf can turn into them. All that is at hand. The game will still take place, because for this you need only a little, desire and joy.

The joy of a child is his energy, this is his unsatisfied curiosity, this is his development. If you "extinguish" the energy of the baby, you extinguish the joy in him. Sluggish children are sad, depressed, obedient and passive. They are physically worse developed, slow and timid, often bored and do not know what to do with themselves.

If in your child's life there is no place for joy, play, noise, fuss, screaming, walking, then this means that he did not have a childhood. This means that you will still owe your child a childhood. And in a few years it will be too late - you will never repay this debt.

Manifestation joy in children, like other feelings, occurs in different ways. Someone violently manifests it: squealing, laughing. For example, when receiving as a gift that toy, the thing that the child so wanted. With such joy, he will jump and clap his hands, jump on the neck and kiss. And another child in the same situation will just smile and say thank you. And it is not necessary demand from such a child of violent manifestations of feelings, criticize him for it. It's just that a child is like that, by virtue of his individuality, character, temperament.

But an important role is played by family atmosphere. As a rule, children from prosperous families as well as children who see example manifestations of feeling. If the baby grows up in a family where relations between parents leave much to be desired, where gifts are not a tradition, where they are accepted without much emotion (for example, when dad gives mom something as a sign of reconciliation after a quarrel, and she is ready to give this gift to him in the face smear) - here you no longer have to wait for the correct expression of joy from the child.

Therefore, dear parents, children need to be “taught” to show joy, however, like other emotions and feelings. And they need to be taught through an example, because a child is our mirror.

Let your baby be himself. Let him be a child - spontaneous, cheerful, inquisitive, restless.

The article contains information from open sources

Even with a cursory glance at the face, it becomes obvious that smile is a signal of the emotion of pleasure. Fun, fiero, naches, contentment, excitement, sensory pleasures, relief, amazement, schadenfreude (gloating), ecstasy, and perhaps elevation and gratitude - all of these emotions involve smiling. These smiles can vary in intensity, how quickly they appear, how long they remain on the face, and how quickly they disappear.

The anatomical structure of the skull of the head is different for everyone. This is what creates diversity. Some we will like, some we won't. This gives the subjective feeling that everyone smiles in their own way. This is partly true, but only partly. Regardless of gender, age, race, nationality and physical characteristics, the muscular structure of the face is the same for everyone. This, in visual calibration, should be taken into account. Those. a sincere smile, caused by the tension of the same muscles, on a person with a narrow skull will be subjectively perceived differently than on a person with a wide skull. Just like a smile, even within people of the same race and nationality, it will look different depending on age and gender. But, I will write about this in an article about how to count neutral face.

And that is why, the absence or presence of a clear smile on the face leads to an erroneous judgment about what a person is currently feeling. Those. about the emotion Joy. A smile may or may not accompany the appearance of the emotion Joy. The presence of a smile is not an obligatory attribute of emotion. A smile occurs when the intensity of the emotion Joy crosses a certain threshold level. In the meantime, the intensity has not crossed this threshold, the muscles of the face are relaxed.

What, if not a smile, most accurately indicates the presence of the emotion Joy?

Voice. No matter how unusual it may seem, but it is the voice, and not the face, that gives signals that make it possible to distinguish one pleasant emotion from another.

Face. Yes. The face is in second place. If we talk about visual signs of emotion Joy - relaxation of facial muscles and symmetry. I understand that the face does not have geometric symmetry, but visible symmetry is enough for us.

Smiles can be misleading, but not only because they arise with each of the emotions of joy and pleasure, but also because they can appear when people do not experience any pleasure, but smile, for example, only out of politeness. There is one feature that makes it possible to distinguish the sincerity of a smile of pleasure from other smiles. This is a very subtle feature and most people don't notice it. If you don't know what to look for, then you may be misled, confused, and miscalibrate emotion. I will tell you more about this feature in the chapter "Calibration of the emotion Joy".

Also, the judgment that smiles are not very reliable signals of emotions will be erroneous. This is wrong; if a smile has arisen, then the smile unequivocally, although hardly noticeable, tells us whether it is caused by the pleasure received or not.

Where, then, to look, and what to look for in the signs of a sincere, real smile?
More than a hundred years ago, the great French neuropathologist Duchenne de Boulogne discovered how a real smile of pleasure differs from all other smiles in that a real smile-pleasure is obtained by the tension of only one mimic muscle. It is called the zygomatic major, that is, the large zygomatic muscle (it goes from the cheekbone down at an angle to the corner of the lips, pulling it up diagonally when smiling).

For information. Anatomically, around the lips, there are more than 18 muscles that can change the shape of the lips. The combination of these muscles and gives the variety of smiles that you can see on the faces. Most of these muscles control the articulatory apparatus and can take part in the formation of so-called social smiles. Therefore, it is so important to distinguish a sincere smile from a social one.

Emotion Calibration Joy

A smile created by the tension of the zygomatic muscles ( zygomatic major) is not the only sign of the authenticity of the emotion Joy. This sign is accompanied, even more important in verifying the authenticity of an emotion, by a sign of relaxation of the muscles that surround the eyes ( orbicularis oculi, or circular muscle of the eye). The expression of sincere joy on the face is the result of a joint contraction of the muscle zygomaticus major And orbicularis oculi. The first obeys the will, but the second is activated only by pleasant emotions.
When the intensity of the emotion is high, then the smile is wider and more pronounced, there is only one indication of the difference between the smile caused by the experienced pleasure and other smiles. A wide smile, raises the cheeks (because the muscles of the face are relaxed), folds the skin under the eyes, reduces the degree of opening of the eyes, and even causes the appearance of wrinkles called "chicken feet" - all without the help of the orbicularis oculi muscles. It is these signs that indicate the greater intensity of the emotion of Joy. If the intensity is low, then you may not see these signs.

Signs of a sincere smile. I ordered the verification of the Joy emotion according to signs, according to their significance.

  1. face in general. The muscles of the face are relaxed and the face is symmetrical.

  2. Eyes. The muscles around the eyes are relaxed and slightly drawn to the temple. From this, the eyes are shaped like tonsils.

  3. Lip corners. The corners of the mouth are pulled back and up to the cheekbones.

  4. Lips. The lips are relaxed. The mouth may be open.

  5. If the smile is wide.

  6. Cheeks. The cheeks are relaxed and raised.

  7. Eyelids: The upper eyelid is relaxed.

    The lower eyelids are raised and relaxed. Wrinkles are visible underneath. Sometimes the skin is collected in a "pouch".

  8. Eyes. Wrinkles in the form of chicken legs go from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples.

Signs of falsehood. Visible facial asymmetry. Muscle tension around the eyes. Movement / tension of the eyebrows. Tension of the cheekbones and muscles of the lower jaw.

Emotion Joy from the point of view of the NLP model

What can the signs of sincere Joy that appear on the face tell us?
Observing only facial signs, we cannot say for sure, firstly, what kind of emotion of joy a person experiences. The presence of the above signs only indicates a whole class of emotions Joy. It can be any emotion - amusement, fiero, naches, contentment, excitement, sensory pleasures, relief, amazement, schadenfreude (gloating), ecstasy, elevation, gratitude, delight, exultation, bliss, admiration, happiness, pleasure. And secondly, what exactly caused this emotion. What can we say for sure?

Structure of emotion Joy

What emotions are structured- known for a long time. We can well describe the emotion Joy by TOTE models and describe what is happening in the inner world of a person experiencing the emotion Joy.

Trigger. The main trigger of Joy is sudden satisfaction of meaningful for a person criteria.
Those. Joy arises when - unexpectedly for a person - some criterion important for him is satisfied. Careful observation of a person will allow you to determine the criterion that is really important for a person. Common mistake for salespeople or consultants is that the latter, meet the problems of customers with a joyful expression. Agree, this is not what the client would like to see. But about using the Joy emotion in an article about " Logic and Math Joy"

Operate. But only at this stage and not earlier, voice and mimic signs of Joy appear. Not earlier! Joy is a socially significant emotion, indicating - first of all - to you that "Everything is OK", and carrying a meta-message outside - "Everything is in order" and "I'm going to communicate."
Time. Joy is the emotion of the moment. Those. the emotion of Joy cannot last long. And therein lies its beauty. Joy fixes attention on the present moment. Those. fixes the time of the present, on "here and now". Those. being in the emotion of Joy, in principle, it is impossible to plan the future and analyze the past. Other emotions are more suitable for this.
Information. The emotion of Joy submodally makes the background meaningful. Those. the figure becomes indistinguishable against the background. In part, this is due to the fact that the muscles around the eyes relax and, as a result, vision is defocused. The world becomes generalized, and particulars, details on it become blurry, but colorful. Being in the emotion of Joy, it is very difficult to operate with details. But it becomes easy to operate with generalizations.
Order and organization. No order or procedure. Solid possibilities. This emotion is for creativity, for communication, for communication. Solving problems, being in the emotion of Joy, can only be creative, and then the solution will be creative. Any organization and sequence will kill Joy at once.

test. similarity. The similarity and the presence of built-in high LU. Perhaps more on this in the next edition.

exit. The stereotype of the behavior of a person who is in the emotion of Joy is relaxation and communication. Emotions serve to program certain stereotypes of behavior. We can say that emotions narrow the available choice of behavior to one. We can say that emotions dictate the logic of thinking and the logic of behavior. The logic of behavior dictated by emotion Joy - to relax and, if possible, actively communicate.

Social (learned) emotion Joy

In addition to the sincere emotion of Joy, it makes sense to learn to distinguish between the social, i.e. learned emotion "Joy". A certain emblem, a smiley face, which people learn from childhood to demonstrate to others, in the case when the criterion is not met, but the person consciously wants to communicate or show outside that "Everything is OK."

Often in business negotiations it is necessary to distinguish and see the nuances in the display of this emotion, even if it is falsified and insincere, it still carries shades of sincere emotion, commenting on how to read this facial expression.

At the moment of falsification of emotions, the face displays several signals simultaneously. The emotion that a person wants to show, and his own, sincere emotions, which he feels At the moment. At the moment of falsifying an emotion, the brain checks the truth of this emotion, for a short time, it temporarily goes into a trance state and the person experiencing natural emotion, practically does not realize it, but the brain, after checking, adds its commentary. therefore, at the moment falsifications(designing) emotions, human consciously forming a facial pattern, which he thinks is characteristic of this emotion with a few additions. After all, no one taught him how to properly display emotions. More precisely, he was taught by the society in which he was brought up.

In the next article, I will cover:

  • How does the learning of the emotion Joy take place;

  • With what other emotions does Joy enter into alliances and what comes out of it;

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