The most beautiful Russian women (18 photos). The most beautiful women in Russia Luxurious Russian women

Every year, popular online publications such as Maxim, People, Forbes and the independent agency TC Candler delight all aesthetes of the world with their ratings of the most charming and sexy beauties.

While fans fight fierce online battles to find out whose ladies of the heart are the most charming and attractive, we'll see who the experts say is worthy of the title. "The most beautiful girls in Russia".

Russian singer, songwriter and poetess, soloist of the female pop group Serebro. In 2017, she became No. 5 in the list of the 100 most sexy women countries according to Maxim. Olga quite often posts beautiful selfies on Instagram, on this moment she has 2.3 million subscribers.

Agnia received her calm and noble beauty from her mother - famous actress Tatyana Lutaeva. Ditkovskite is one of the few participants in the rating of beauties who does not want to participate in candid photo shoots. Only once Agnia made an exception for Playboy magazine.

This American fashion model was born in the small Russian town of Bataysk. Today Galkina is a sought-after model, actress and active participant in charitable activities.

As the great ones said, beauty will save the world. And if it is in excess, even more so. Our homeland is very lucky, because it is believed that the most beautiful Russian girls and representatives of no other nation can be compared with them. This confirms our rating of beauties who were born in Russia.

15th place - Ekaterina Plekhova (model)

Ekaterina was born in St. Petersburg on August 15, 1990. She won the Miss St. Petersburg beauty pageant in 2011 and has since become a very popular model.

A significant achievement in her life is the first place in international competition beauty Miss Intercontinental in 2013. Then the jury of the competition Katya said that in her life the main thing is spiritual beauty, and not external. But it seems to us that in her case they are interconnected.

During the Olympic Games in 2014, Ekaterina worked in the Olympic Committee. Now she is writing a dissertation and is successfully building a career as a model.

14th place - Maria Sharapova (athlete)

The most famous tennis player in the world was born in Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region Tyumen region April 19, 1987 She has the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. And it's not in vain. Indeed, in her arsenal there are dozens of victories in prestigious tennis competitions.

IN different years Maria has won Grand Slam tournaments, so she is one of 10 women in the history of sports who has a "career slam". Her whole life is devoted to tennis, she constantly takes part in world and domestic tournaments and championships. But Russian men first of all appreciate not her merits, but her charming appearance.

13th place - Natalia Poklonskaya (prosecutor and deputy)

This woman is considered the most beautiful not only in the Crimea, but throughout Russia. She was born in the Donetsk region on March 18, 1980. In 2002, she began working in the Crimean Prosecutor's Office, and after the Crimean Spring in 2014, she took the position of the Chief Prosecutor of the peninsula.

Natalia began to recognize and admire her appearance thanks to publications on the Web, where she was a comic book heroine in Japanese style, her photos were not discussed except by the lazy. Perhaps due to PR for popularization in political circles, but undoubtedly her appearance hooked many. Therefore, this great and beautiful girl got into our rating. And today she is a deputy of the State Duma and the chairman of the commission for the study of the income of deputies.

12th place - Natalia Polevshchikova (model)

The girl was born in Perm on July 12, 1985. Abroad, the Russian top model is known under a pseudonym as Natasha Poly.

A significant event in her life was the enchanting Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Moreover, she demonstrated chic lingerie not at one show, but at two - in 2005 and in 2006.

In 2011, the girl took part in a photo shoot for the Pirelli calendar, where she posed nude. She was photographed by Karl Lagerfeld himself.

Today, Natasha is considered one of the world's most sought-after models and receives the highest fees in the fashion industry. According to Vogue magazine, she is one of the 30 most best models 2000s

11th place - Kristina Pimenova (model)

Around the age of 4, she took part in her first modeling show and starred in a photo shoot. Today Christina boasts collaborations with the world's most prestigious brands such as Roberto Cavalli and Armani.

Russian critics believe that in such young age can't start modeling career, after all, the child will not have a childhood at all. But all the comments are made by the girl’s mother and part-time her agent Glykeria reports that Christina’s modeling career takes very little time. Most of all, she spends it on rhythmic gymnastics, where she even won the championship in the competition in her age group.

10th place - Chulpan Khamatova (actress and public figure)

A woman was born in Kazan on October 1, 1975. After graduating from GITIS, she began to play in Sovremennik, and she also participates in performances that take place in other Russian theaters.

For the first time, Chulpan played a big role in cinema in the film "Country of the Deaf", and after that they began to recognize her on the streets. In 2012, she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. She also received State Prize and a dozen more various awards in the field of cinema and theater.

The public especially notes her participation in charitable foundation"Gift a life". As part of the project, she helps children with cancer. Chulpan visits hospitals and helps financially. In this case, beauty is combined with kindness, and talent with genius.

9th place - Agniya Ditkovskite (actress)

Agnia was born in Vilnius on May 11, 1988. This is the most charming Lithuanian and Russian actress, who has long been loved by viewers.

She gained popularity the main role in the film of the comedy genre "Heat", which was released in 2006. After that, invitations to participate in television programs began to come from all sides of Agnia and theatrical performances, filming a movie.

She became so famous for her western looks and light accent. Today, the woman continues to successfully win the hearts of millions of fans. And at the same time she is a happy wife and mother of two children.

8th place - Elena Letuchaya (TV presenter)

Elena was born in Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978. After studying at the Faculty of Economics, she worked at Gazprom and at Russian Railways in different years.

In 2008, the woman decided to radically change her career and began her studies at the Ostankino Television School. After graduating from the School, she devoted her life to television as a host of radio and television programs, and also became a television producer.

general public Elena is known for the Revizzoro program, which she produces and stars as an auditor of hotels, restaurants and shops. It was her role that made the woman one of the most beautiful in our country.

7th place - Anastasia Kostenko (model)

Anastasia was born in Rostov region in the city of Salsk on March 29, 1994. She received her education in the specialty "The Art of Ballet". Therefore, before her modeling career, she was engaged in this type of theatrical dance.

In 2014, the jury of the Miss Russia contest considered her one of the most beautiful participants, awarding the Second Vice Miss with an honorary place. In the same year, according to the rules of the competition, she went to defend her homeland at the Miss World beauty contest. Despite her stunning appearance, she entered only the top 25.

In her free time, the girl plays the piano, goes to choreography, successfully maintains her figure in the gym and draws. Now she is studying at the Faculty of Journalism of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

6th place - Svetlana Khodchenkova (actress)

This talented Russian actress was born in Moscow on January 21, 1983. Her brilliant career in cinema began in 2003, when she played the lead role in a film directed by Stanislav Govorukhin called Bless the Woman. Only after that they began to notice her and take on the main roles in various films and television series.

In 2005, she received a diploma as a professional actress from the Theater Institute. Boris Schukin.

Svetlana's appearance is associated with true Russian beauty - rounded features, long wavy hair, a thin physique. All these characteristics make her a symbol not only of cinema, but of all Russian femininity.

5th place - Yulia Lipnitskaya (athlete)

The figure skater, who became famous at the Sochi Olympics in 2014, was born in Yekaterinburg on June 5, 1998. In 2014, she won the team competition category. But even before that, the list of her merits is simply amazing - it consists of many victories in world, European and domestic figure skating competitions.

The girl began to go in for sports at the age of 4. By nature, she has extraordinary flexibility, so all her performances simply captivate the audience. It is also worth noting that she is a very sincere and cheerful person. A worthy competitor to many eminent participants in our rating!

4th place - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (actress)

In the Russian theater and cinema there is one unique actress who fell in love with many thanks to the main role in the television sitcom My Fair Nanny. Anastasia began acting in it at the dawn of her television career in 2004, although before that she had already had film roles.

The woman was born in Astrakhan on April 3, 1971. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, and in 1989 she entered the Moscow Art Theater School. After graduation, she worked in the theater of Oleg Tabakov.

Now she can often be seen on her favorite TV channels as the host of various TV shows. Anastasia also continues to act in TV shows and films, delighting fans with her talent and beauty.

3rd place - Ekaterina Guseva (actress and singer)

Ekaterina was born in Moscow on July 9, 1976. Her acting career she started in 1997 after graduating from the Shchukin Higher Theater School.

But she had few roles in the cinema, and she became a member of the musical "Nord-Ost", playing one of the main roles in it. For successful performances, she took singing lessons. Then her talent for singing was discovered.

Catherine became known to the general public after the main female role in the series "Brigade" in 2002. Today she successfully acts in films and plays on the theater stage. We wish we had more such talented and charming Russian women!

2nd place - Polina Gagarina (singer)

In 2003, the girl became the winner of the second "Star Factory", after which her musical career. But in Polina's biography there is a period when everyone was discussing not her songs, but how she successfully lost weight and changed her image to a bright blond beauty. Success in the media was confirmed by taking second place at Eurovision 2015.

All fans of Gagarina are fascinated by her voice, beauty and willpower, thanks to which she was able to radically change her body. The new figure suits her!

1st place - Liza Boyarskaya (actress)

And here she is, our winner! The most beautiful girl in Russia was born in Leningrad on December 20, 1985 in the family of the famous singer Mikhail Boyarsky.

IN early childhood the girl did not plan to become an actress, she was engaged in choreography and went to a modeling school. But already in 2007 she received a diploma from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts.

The career of the actress began with her role in the TV series "National Security Agent 3" in 2001. After that, she became famous and received multiple awards and worldwide recognition. At first, the girl was perceived only as the daughter of a famous singer, but in Lately critics praise her acting talent, and fans do not get tired of admiring her embarrassed smile.

Our country has long been famous for the beauty of the female part of the population. After all, Europe in the Middle Ages lost its beautiful girls through the "witch hunt", and we were able to see the true beauty and appreciate it. It remains only to be proud and admire our girls, because the beauty is around us - you just need to see it!

Russian women who were recognized as the most beautiful at prestigious beauty contests. The collection includes 18 beauties of Russia, who became winners of both Russian and foreign competitions. Among such competitions and reviews, in which Russians won in different years, are Miss Russia, Miss Europe, Miss Universe and others. Our compatriots were able to show their beauty and abilities here, and became the real pride of the country, girls who glorify not only the beauty of their appearance, but also the beauty of all the fair sex in Russia. Thanks to these and many other girls, the beauty of Russian women is appreciated almost all over the world.

Many can say that they have seen girls and more beautiful than those presented. And this is not surprising, because our country is rich in beautiful women. Girls who are our loved ones, friends and acquaintances, work colleagues or neighbors on the landing, sometimes have such an appearance that it is literally impossible to take your eyes off them.

It is also worth noting that participation in such competitions is often for winners and participants a real launching pad for successful career. Later they become famous models, TV presenters, actresses and so on.

You probably know some of these beautiful girls, as today they have become real celebrities in our country. In any case, it is always interesting to look at those beauties who beat all their rivals, amazed the jury and the audience, and received the coveted crown.

The most beautiful Russian women, winners of beauty contests photo

Irina Antonenko (Miss Russia 2010)

Events such as beauty contests, of course, are a very significant indicator for many, but do not forget that in every country there are many real beauties who deserve to be called the most beautiful girls year of your country or the whole world. Many people understand that these are just competitions where a certain number of girls participating in such competitions perform.

Polina Popova (Miss Russia 2017)

Such events are akin to sports or music competitions, when the best of the best are determined among those who are present or fit into this format. Therefore, one should not be categorical about such contests, and consider that the winners of such reviews are the most beautiful of all the fair sex.

Sofia Rudyeva (Miss Russia 2009)
Ksenia Sukhinova (Miss World 2007)
Natalia Gantimurova (Miss Russia 2011)
Alexandra Ivanovskaya (Miss Russia 2005)
Alisa Krylova (Mrs. Globe 2011) Victoria Lopyreva (Miss Russia 2003) Tatyana Kotova (Miss Russia 2006)
Anna Botova (Miss Mediterranean 2011) Diana Zaripova (Miss Russia 2004) Elizaveta Golovanova (Miss Russia 2012) Julia Kurochkina (Miss World 1992) Yana Dobrovolskaya (Miss Russia 2016) Olga Zarubina (Miss Tourism Queen International 2007) Svetlana Koroleva (Miss Europe 2002) Yulia Alipova (Miss Russia 2014)
Oksana Fedorova (Miss Universe 2002)

If you think that in this compilation we forgot to mention one or another Russian beauty who definitely deserves to be present in this meeting, then in the comments you can leave your messages, tips and suggestions. Thanks to your participation, the selection of beauty contest winners will be more complete.

Today's rating includes the most beautiful, according to many men, Russian girls by nationality, who have become internationally famous top models, singers, actresses, TV presenters, athletes and public figures.

1: Liza Boyarskaya (actress)

One of the most beautiful Russian girls was born in Leningrad on December 20, 1985 in the family of the famous singer Mikhail Boyarsky.

In early childhood, the girl did not plan to become an actress, she was engaged in choreography and went to modeling school. But already in 2007 she received a diploma from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts.

The career of the actress began with her role in the TV series "National Security Agent 3" in 2001. After that, she became famous and received multiple awards and worldwide recognition. At first, the girl was perceived only as the daughter of a famous singer, but recently critics have praised her acting talent, and fans do not get tired of admiring her embarrassed smile.

2: Polina Gagarina (singer, actress)

Polina Gagarina also got into the rating of the most beautiful Russian girls. The owner of a chic voice and no less seductive appearance was born in Moscow on March 27, 1987. She is engaged in singing, modeling business, acts in films and writes music for songs. In 2003, the girl became the winner of the second "Star Factory", after which her musical career began. But in Polina's biography there is a period when everyone was discussing not her songs, but how she successfully lost weight and changed her image to a bright blond beauty. Success in the media was confirmed by taking second place at Eurovision 2015. All fans of Gagarina are fascinated by her voice, beauty and willpower, thanks to which she was able to radically change her body. The new figure suits her!

3: Ekaterina Guseva (actress and singer)

Ekaterina takes the third line of Russian beauties. She was born in Moscow on July 9, 1976. Katya began her acting career in 1997 after graduating from the Shchukin Higher Theater School. But she had few roles in the cinema, and she became a member of the musical "Nord-Ost", playing one of the main roles in it. For successful performances, she took singing lessons. Then her talent for singing was discovered. Ekaterina became known to the general public after the main female role in the TV series "Brigada" in 2002. Today she successfully acts in films and plays on the theater stage. There would be more such talented and charming Russian women!

4: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (actress)

In the Russian theater and cinema there is one unique actress who fell in love with many thanks to the main role in the television sitcom My Fair Nanny. Anastasia began acting in it at the dawn of her television career in 2004, although before that she had already had film roles. The woman was born in Astrakhan on April 3, 1971. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, and in 1989 she entered the Moscow Art Theater School. After graduation, she worked in the theater of Oleg Tabakov. Now she can often be seen on her favorite TV channels as the host of various TV shows. Anastasia also continues to act in TV shows and films, delighting fans with her talent and beauty.

5: Yulia Lipnitskaya (athlete)

The figure skater, who became famous at the Sochi Olympics in 2014, was born in Yekaterinburg on June 5, 1998. In 2014, she won the team competition category. But even before that, the list of her merits is simply amazing - it consists of many victories in world, European and domestic figure skating competitions. The girl began to go in for sports at the age of 4. By nature, she has extraordinary flexibility, so all her performances simply captivate the audience. It is also worth noting that she is a very sincere and cheerful person. A worthy competitor to many eminent participants of today's rating!

6: Svetlana Khodchenkova (actress)

She is not only the most talented Russian actress but also the most beautiful Russian girl. Born in Moscow on January 21, 1983, her brilliant film career began in 2003 when she played the lead role in the film Bless the Woman directed by Stanislav Govorukhin. Only after that they began to notice her and take on the main roles in various films and television series. In 2005, she received a diploma as a professional actress from the Theater Institute. Boris Schukin. Svetlana's appearance is associated with true Russian beauty - rounded features, long wavy hair, a thin physique. All these characteristics make her a symbol not only of cinema, but of all Russian femininity.

7: Anastasia Kostenko (model)

Anastasia was born in the Rostov region in the city of Salsk on March 29, 1994. She received an education in the specialty "The Art of Ballet". Therefore, before her modeling career, she was engaged in this type of theatrical dance. In 2014, the jury of the Miss Russia contest considered her one of the most beautiful participants, awarding the Second Vice Miss with an honorary place. In the same year, according to the rules of the competition, she went to defend her homeland at the Miss World beauty contest. Despite her stunning appearance, she entered only the top 25. In her free time, the girl plays the piano, goes to choreography, successfully maintains her figure in the gym and draws. Now she is studying at the Faculty of Journalism of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

8: Elena Letuchaya (TV presenter)

Elena was born in Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978. After studying at the Faculty of Economics, she worked at Gazprom and at Russian Railways in different years. In 2008, the woman decided to radically change her career and began her studies at the Ostankino Television School. After graduating from the School, she devoted her life to television as a host of radio and television programs, and also became a television producer. Elena is known to the general public thanks to the Revizzoro program, which she produces and stars as an auditor of hotels, restaurants and shops. It was this role that made her one of the most beautiful Russian girls.

9: Agnia Ditkovskite (actress)

Agnia was born in Vilnius on May 11, 1988. This is the most charming Lithuanian and Russian actress, who has long been loved by viewers. Popularity brought her the main role in the comedy film "Heat", which was released in 2006. After that, Agnia began to receive invitations to participate in television programs and theater productions, filming films from all sides. She became so famous for her western looks and light accent. Today, the woman continues to successfully win the hearts of millions of fans. And at the same time she is a happy wife and mother of two children.

10: Kristina Pimenova (model)

10th place in today's ranking took beautiful girl on the planet, model Kristina Pimenova. She was born in Moscow on December 27, 2005. At about the age of 4, she took part in her first modeling show and starred in a photo shoot. Today Christina boasts collaborations with the world's most prestigious brands such as Roberto Cavalli and Armani. Russian critics believe that at such a young age one should not start a modeling career, because in this way the child will not have a childhood at all. But all the comments are made by the girl’s mother and part-time her agent Glykeria reports that Christina’s modeling career takes very little time. Most of all, she spends it on rhythmic gymnastics, where she even won the championship in the competition in her age group.

11: Natalya Polevshchikova (model)

The girl was born in Perm on July 12, 1985. Abroad, the Russian top model is known under a pseudonym as Natasha Poly. A significant event in her life was the enchanting Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Moreover, she demonstrated chic lingerie not at one show, but at two - in 2005 and in 2006. In 2011, the girl took part in a photo shoot for the Pirelli calendar, where she posed naked. She was photographed by Karl Lagerfeld himself.

Today, Natasha is considered one of the world's most sought-after models and receives the highest fees in the fashion industry. According to Vogue magazine, she is one of the 30 best models of the 2000s.

12: Ekaterina Plekhova (model)

Ekaterina was born in St. Petersburg on August 15, 1990. She won the Miss St. Petersburg beauty pageant in 2011 and has since become a very popular model.
A significant achievement in her life is the first place in the international beauty contest Miss Intercontinental in 2013. Then the jury of the contest, Katya, said that the main thing in her life is spiritual beauty, not external beauty. But it seems to us that in her case they are interconnected. During the Olympic Games in 2014, Ekaterina worked in the Olympic Committee. Now she is writing a dissertation and is successfully building a career as a model.

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