Fresh announcements I will accept a family from the Donbass. Where to apply for help to refugees in Russia? Headquarters in the Rostov region

According to statistics provided by the Migration Service of the Russian Federation, in 2016, 265,000 foreigners received Russian citizenship. Of these, 38% are residents of neighboring Ukraine. The difficult political situation and hostilities on Ukrainian territory became the reason for the mass migration of the population of the regions that were at the epicenter of events. And although today this flow has significantly decreased, refugees from the Donbass in Russia are looking for a place in their new homeland.

Who are called refugees

The term “refugee” itself is very often confused with other similar concepts. First, let's clarify the question:

  • - persons belonging to Russian citizenship who are forced to change their place of residence within their country for reasons beyond their control.
  • - a status given to applicants who have grounds for requesting asylum or who cannot be expelled from the country due to humanitarian reasons (for example, due to a serious illness or military operations in their homeland).
  • Refugee - this status can be obtained by persons hiding from the threat to which they are personally exposed in their home state. At the same time, the danger hanging over them may have different grounds: religious beliefs, political views, nationality, and others.

The most difficult thing is to become the owner of a refugee certificate. To do this, you will have to document that your life is really threatened. deadly danger. Yes, and from the side of the Russian authorized bodies of all such candidates, a rigorous check awaits.

To be as accurate as possible about the type of application you intend to make, please review all of the steps in obtaining it carefully.

Ukrainian refugees

The situation with Ukrainian migrants in the Russian Federation causes concern, first of all, on the Ukrainian side. The first two years of the conflict Russian authorities provided all possible assistance to all those who fled from the combat zone. Moreover, Ukrainians were given certain preferences in compliance with migration rules. In particular, the period of permissible stay in the Russian Federation was extended for an indefinite period (in normal conditions it is 180 days in each semester). In 2015, such an indulgence was canceled for all Ukrainians, with the exception of those who could confirm their Donetsk or Lugansk registration.

The main issue for Ukrainian migrants when trying to cross Russian border it remains to choose the status to be requested. The most acceptable is the request for temporary asylum in Russia for residents of Donbass. This status is issued for 3 years with the right to further extension and the ability to return home at any appropriate time.

For those who receive a refugee certificate, the chances of returning are very small. On the other hand, getting refugee status is not easy.

For comparison: since the beginning of the events in Ukraine in 2014, about 300,000 Ukrainians have been granted temporary asylum, while only 275 candidates have been granted refugee status.

Obtaining refugee status by residents of Donbass

Particular attention should be paid to how to obtain refugee status in Russia from Donbass. To become the owner of the certificate you need, you need to submit an application to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is important to remember that the applicant has exactly one day after crossing the Russian border for this. Only those who had good reasons to postpone a visit to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can count on certain concessions.

It is also possible to submit an application on the territory of your state: you should contact the representatives of the embassy or consulate of the Russian Federation.

At the time of submission of the application, it is expected to fill out a questionnaire and pass an interview. It is fundamentally important in the column "Purpose of the visit" to designate "refugee". An application is submitted immediately for all family members. It is very important to convince the service officer that you have compelling circumstances to escape. All available documentary evidence will help in this.

Given the conditions under which many Ukrainians leave their homes, the Russian government has taken the decision to accept as proof of identity any document held by the refugees. After a photo is taken, a medical examination is passed and taken, the applicant receives a certificate stating that his case has been sent for preliminary consideration. Takes this process 5 days.

If the documents are accepted, the candidate will receive a certificate confirming that the package of his documents has been submitted for examination and a decision on granting him refugee status. This may take up to 6 months.

What is a refugee certificate

A mandatory procedure in this entire process is the seizure of Ukrainian-style documents. After the approval of the application, the applicant will no longer be able to use his passport. Instead, he will be issued a certificate that will not only confirm the granted refugee status, but also certify his identity on Russian territory.

The document is a special form in hardcover, on the cover of which it is indicated that it is a refugee certificate. Inside you can find information about the owner of the document, his place and date of birth, the authority that issued the certificate, and the validity period.

Read in more detail about what opportunities it opens up for its owners.

It would be useful to remind how to change a driver's license for refugees from Donbass. We immediately note that the order of issuance driving license Refugees are not specifically regulated by law. Persons temporarily staying on Russian territory can use their national or, if they comply with the requirements of the treaties of the Russian Federation at the international level.

Where better to go to refugees in the Russian Federation

Questions that concern everyone who seeks protection in a foreign country are housing and the choice of place of residence. Recall that since 2014, special camps have been operating on the territory of the Russian Federation for Ukrainians who left their country to escape shelling. After applying for asylum, the Russian authorities settle new arrivals in such refugee centers. In this case, the choice of place of residence does not depend on the wards of the migration service.

After certain events on the Crimean peninsula, many Ukrainians tried to seek their fortune in autonomy. And if the first flow of citizens from Ukraine still had some privileges, then in the future it became possible to legalize here on a general basis. Today, Crimea accepts refugees from Donbass only on the basis of established quotas.

A good option can be considered a state program for the resettlement of citizens with Russian roots, that is, those who were once citizens of the RSFSR and those who are recognized as native Russian speakers. A notable feature of this project is that settlers can only settle in those Russian regions that have declared their participation in it.

The “Compatriot” program for refugees from Donetsk to Russia assumes in exchange for this all kinds of support from the state, from providing housing to . Thus, the best option for refugees can be considered just not Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are overcrowded, but those cities that need specialists, which means they can provide a sufficient number of jobs. These include Transbaikalia, Kamchatka, Primorye, regions of the Amur region, Sakhalin, Irkutsk region and many others.

Study all the details and features of the move on the basis.

How people from Donbass are treated in the Russian Federation

The attitude towards immigrants from Ukraine in Russia can hardly be called unambiguous. On the one hand, the Russians reacted with great understanding to the troubles that befell Ukrainian families. Back in 2014, along with government support, numerous programs to help IDPs were launched at the regional and local levels.

Moreover, many Russian families expressed a desire to voluntarily resettle Ukrainians in their living space, who were left homeless and the slightest vision of how events would develop further. Was created a large number of a variety of charitable foundations that raise funds for immigrants. They provide advice to refugees on legal and psychological issues.

On the other hand, the attention given to the Ukrainian settlers somewhat outraged the Russians, many of whom need no less support, being Russian citizens. This has led to tougher requirements for refugees, the abolition of some preferences and strict checks on the grounds for migration.

What kind of assistance can refugees from Ukraine receive?

Help for refugees from Donbass can be obtained today at different levels both from the state and from local administrations. Already at the stage of requesting asylum, Ukrainians can receive:

  • temporary housing,
  • financial assistance
  • the opportunity to get a job,
  • the right to use the services of kindergartens and schools,
  • free public service medical institutions.

In the future, you can count on a small allowance and assistance in finding employment, especially if refugees choose the countryside as their place of residence.

To clarify all questions, there is a hotline of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for refugees from Donbass.

Job Opportunity

The main advantage of those who applied for asylum and received this status is the opportunity to work in the Russian Federation without obtaining additional permits. A refugee certificate in itself makes it possible to apply for any position, except for those related to government and law and order.

As for immigrants from Ukraine, they are of greater interest to Russia than representatives of the same Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, who also flooded into the country en masse. The reason may be the fact that Donbass is an economically developed industrial territory. And this, in turn, guarantees an influx of specialists to the Russian Federation. high level in areas such as coal mining and metallurgy.

As for the issues of registration of labor relations with the employer, this procedure is no different from the one that Russians go through when applying for a job.

Learn about the features of legislation in taxation and.

The easiest ways to obtain Russian citizenship: Video

All possible assistance to refugees provided by the Russian Federation resonates in the hearts of people. In every city you can find addresses of assistance to refugees and migrants. The most popular locations are located in major cities. Particularly active are such regions and cities as the Rostov region, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Where to go? What to do? How to formalize official stay in a foreign country? Unfortunately, not every refugee knows the answers to these questions. It is best to prepare your answers in advance.

Ask relatives, friends or acquaintances to meet you at the border, and in the absence of such, you can count on the help of volunteers from charitable foundations. After arriving in Russia, you must fill out one of the standard forms at the Federal Migration Service. The type of application depends on various factors: plans for further stay in the country, the need for material support, decisions housing issue etc.

Intermediate status gives the right to stay in a state accommodation facility. Employees of the temporary accommodation center for refugees cannot accept people bypassing the Federal Migration Service (in case of difficulties, you can contact a private fund). However, there are exceptions to any rule. For example, when a huge flow of refugees poured into Russia, special visiting groups of the FMS were created. Authorized employees collected applications directly at the points of temporary stay of refugees.

Every year, an item of expenditure is included in the federal budget to support persons who have received refugee status. How much pay? This question is of interest to both refugees and Russian citizens with an active life position. At the moment, the allowance for refugees is 800 rubles per day (including 250 rubles per day for food). All payments to refugees are temporary. Cash are credited only to settlement accounts specially opened in Russian banks.

Low-income families can count on additional payments. To do this, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence of the status of those in special need in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. In addition, copies of passports of family members, birth certificates of all minor children, a certificate of family composition, pension certificates, and a certificate of disability (if any) must be attached to the submitted documents.

The legislation also provides for the possibility of one-time payments. Emigrants who applied for this will receive 100 rubles (per person). Those in special need can count on an increased payment of 150 rubles.

Due to the huge influx of residents of Donbass and other regions of the south-east of Ukraine, a lot of speculation and gossip appeared regarding the privileges of this category of people. However, these rumors are unfounded. Therefore, it is worth considering separately the payments and benefits provided by the Russian Federation to Ukrainian refugees. Forced emigrants receive compensation on general terms (FZ No. 4528-1). To receive material support for refugees in Russia, it is necessary:

  • register with the FMS in the selected locality;
  • present documentary evidence of refugee status;
  • not have a criminal record for especially serious crimes;
  • start looking for housing and work.

However, many refugees from the Donbass and eastern Ukraine chose to apply for Russian citizenship. This is probably due to the historical warmth of relations between friendly peoples. Not surprisingly, many Ukrainians have relatives in Moscow and other Russian cities.

Charitable foundations provide support

How many funds charitable assistance on the territory of a vast country, it is difficult to count. Only on the territory of Moscow there are more than two hundred funds. But each organization is ready to support forced emigrants and migrants and all those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. An important fact: a state-organized refugee camp is strikingly different from private charitable organizations.

The foundations do not request data on refugee status. But there is no need to demand any guarantees. The work of volunteers is to provide all possible assistance to those in need. They accept internally displaced persons and refugees in their apartments, houses, dachas. They work at collection points for essential items. In addition, some cash payments to the poor are possible. How much pay charitable foundations, depends solely on their financial capabilities.

Since everything charity organisations exist at the expense of donations, each fund has organized points for receiving donations for internally displaced persons and refugees. Those who are not indifferent can come to specialized points located in Moscow or any other cities. They accept here:

  • non-perishable foodstuffs (for example, pasta or cereals, canned food, chocolate, sweets, tea, coffee, etc.);
  • hygiene products for adults and young children;
  • new or used clothes in good condition, warm clothes;
  • stationery for schoolchildren.

After the charitable collection, the volunteers visit temporary accommodation centers for IDPs and refugees, a refugee camp and distribute the items they have collected.

Solving the housing issue of refugees and internally displaced persons

The housing issue for refugees and internally displaced persons is a priority issue to be resolved. Temporary accommodation centers operating on the territory of the Russian Federation do not imply long-term residence. Therefore, persons who have received the status are interested in acquiring their own housing.

Forced migrants are entitled to some benefits when buying real estate. The benefit is presented in the form of a housing certificate. The state usually pays a fixed amount. Therefore, how much the amount of the payment will be depends solely on the selected region.

Is it possible to get housing for refugees? In Russia, there is the possibility of acquiring temporary housing on benefits. To do this, you need to visit the FMS in Moscow or another city that you have chosen to live in. Write an application, the staff will consider it within a week. After that, the decision will be sent to the applicant.

Whether the state will provide housing for temporary residence depends on the availability of free space in the housing stock of the region. In the absence of such, the refugee may be asked to move to another area. If the person agrees territorial body will issue a referral to receive temporary housing from the housing stock of another region. Then a lease agreement is signed. In case of refusal, housing will be provided to internally displaced persons or refugees standing in line.

After the refugee status is withdrawn, a person has no right to apply for previously allocated temporary housing. It is necessary to renew the refugee status every three years in the territorial department of the FMS (while maintaining the required conditions).

Aspects of refugee employment in Russia

Employers are always happy and ready to hire good specialists, regardless of status. This cannot but rejoice emigrants and internally displaced persons, who, by the will of fate, have lost not only their home, but also their source of income. Of course, the benefits and payments provided will be of some help to those who find themselves in difficult situation. But this measure is temporary, and the amounts paid are very small. What requirements must be met in order to successfully get a job? First of all, you should prepare the documents:

  • diploma confirming education (qualification must meet international standards);
  • citizen's passport;
  • certificate of no criminal record.

Refugee status gives you the opportunity to apply for a live-in job. It is not only about forced Ukrainian refugees. This right applies to every foreigner applying for a job in Russia. Every day, refugees are looking for vacancies with suitable conditions. Where to find a job, so as not to "sit on the neck" of the "sheltered" state?

Entrepreneurs and businessmen are ready to help refugees from Ukraine. Large corporations and small firms give jobs to those who come from Donbass and other regions. Many employers, understanding the complexity of the situation, provide apartments paid by the organization for accommodation.

Where is the best place to go to earn money? Of course, there is work even in the smallest settlements. But large cities are still a priority, and Moscow is a tasty morsel for those who want to find a job. There is a job even for those who do not have a diploma of education. Moscow will accept everyone who is ready to work hard.

Information about existing vacancies is freely available. They look for it on bulletin boards, in newspapers and, of course, on the Internet. At the same time, applicants are looking not only for a permanent job, but also for a part-time job with one-time payments. What vacancies are most common in Moscow and other large cities for refugees? These may be the following occupations:

And these are just some professions that do not require special skills.

Other benefits for refugees

In addition to the types of social support already mentioned, refugees are entitled to travel benefits. Unfortunately, the legislation does not provide for reimbursement of the funds spent on travel. However, you can request a benefit in the form of bus or train tickets to your place of residence. To do this, you must provide documentary evidence of status.

Refugees also have the right to transport their belongings across the border without paying customs duty(except for motor vehicles). The exemption also applies to the tax rate when levying personal income tax. For persons with refugee status, it will be 13%. Other non-residents are required to pay 30% of their income to the state treasury.

There is a tax exemption. A refugee has the right not to pay the state fee when registering at the place of residence. This type of support applies to state fees when applying to the court (if we are talking on refusal of the application).

There is a hotline in Moscow where emigrants can turn to if they encounter difficulties with moving to Russia. Refugees and IDPs call here daily asking for assistance in finding employment. These people want not just to get, but to earn money.

In addition, the public chamber has created a specialized coordination point. Everyone who wants to help those in need works here. At this point, fundraising and applications for support are collected.

Here you can find all the information about assistance to refugees from Donbass in Russia.

Think, who are the refugees? These are people like you and me who had to leave their homes, their things earned for long years hard work and flee the Donbass in search of help and housing in Russia. None of the Russians remained indifferent to this problem, and therefore today there are many portals and communities where every sufferer can find everything he needs.

Here are a few examples of all-Russian electronic portals that facilitate the issuance of material assistance to refugees from Donbass. — Let's help Refugees. RU. You can register on this portal in one of two ways. On the one hand - those who can offer their help, on the other - those who need it. Latest project is a fundraiser for wounded children and orphanages in Ukraine.

The main government-supported portal is help-for-refugees.rf.

The State Duma has more than once considered the question of a refugee aid program. Due to the constant flow of people crossing the border, there are considerable difficulties for the employees of the Federal Migration Service. But on this moment Negotiations are still ongoing on the possibility of shortening the processing time for temporary asylum applications and the payment of supplementary benefits. But today, any refugee can become a member of the Compatriot program, which provides many benefits and opportunities for arriving families.

According to this program, it is enough just to inform the authorities public service about the desire to stay in Russia in any region, and you will be given a referral to one of the eastern cities of the country. Arriving there, they will provide you with housing for a period of 1 year, pay lifting allowances for each family member, and provide you with work. For those who are left with nothing, this is a good option start life anew.

The war in Ukraine does not stop. Statements about military conflicts on the territory of the country are different. Be that as it may, but in the current situation, all kinds of assistance is being provided to numerous refugees from Ukraine in Moscow.

For Ukrainians fleeing their country, a special attitude was once united by a large Union of countries. Those distant times are still in the memory of the older generation. Therefore, refugees from Ukraine are not strangers at all.

But in what case is there no difficulty? Surprises in obtaining refugee status in Russia, as it turned out, are many. And those of the compatriots who want to help refugees often find themselves involved in a real conflict. And at the peak of all acute moments is the problem of employment and registration of Ukrainians.

Arrival - reception points

Points of assistance to the inhabitants of Ukraine, who suffered from the civil strife that unfolded there, are scattered across the vast territory of Russia.

The most popular are those located in large cities:

  • Moscow.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Novosibirsk.
  • Yekaterinburg.
  • in Stary Oskol.

The following regions also provide support:

  • Rostov and Sverdlovsk regions.
  • Ural.

The flow of people does not dry out, military attacks with a truce for a short time and continuation lead to a sad forecast.

Throwing everything, saving the lives of their children, to run wherever they look.

Currently, two statements of the apparatus that governs the country are known:

  • Immigrants from Donbass can apply for a simplified registration.
  • Most categories of the Ukrainian population will be able to obtain citizenship in Russian Federation.

Reception of people frightened by the war for permanent residence is also taking place in the Czech Republic.

The procedure for registration of the Ukrainian people on the territory of Russia

The process of acceptance by the Russian Federation of Ukrainian residents who fled since 2015 has been put in order by legislative acts.

Persons arriving in the country are entitled to receive:

  • Refugee status.
  • Temporary registration.
  • Citizenship.

The enumeration is given in the order in which it is possible to acquire these statuses.

The first and main stage in the registration procedure immediately after crossing the border is the registration of refugees from Ukraine, in other words, the obligatory receipt of a residence permit for a certain time.

A Ukrainian who has relatives in Russia, according to the law, registers himself in the nearest Federal migration service. In the event that a resident of a given country has nowhere to stay, and he arrives at a camp specially organized for these cases, all issues with registration are decided by the camp administration staff.

Saw the light this year Government program, feature which is the simplified registration and re-registration of people who fled the bombings on the ground in the regions. For people arriving from Ukraine seeking to obtain refugee status, new rules apply - admission without confirmation of work experience and marital status.

What is the reason for such an allowance? The fact is that the situation in the DPR is not stable, constant military attacks and explosions tear people away from their habitable place with things or literally in what they were at that moment. It is not always possible to take documents with you, because they are under the ruins of houses. People in a panic forget to take even the most necessary things.

Employment under this program is based on an interview. Based on its results, the newcomers will be provided with jobs.

There is another significant plus in the simplified procedure - the reduction of the verification period. At the moment, the entire process of registration will take no more than ten working days.

Temporary registration: rules and subtleties

Currently, active assistance is being provided to refugees from Ukraine in Moscow. The term for granting refugee status in 2019 varies between: 90 days - one year. The basis is the evidence proving the establishment this provision inside the country. The whole procedure is carried out in a day.

The cost is different and depends on the time for which the registration is calculated.

To obtain a temporary location in Moscow and the Moscow Region, you must provide:

  • High-quality and readable photocopies of the applicant's passport. Only those pages that are relevant at the moment.
  • Refugee certificate

Temporary residence: how to arrange it correctly?

Ukrainians who fled their country can temporarily reside in the territory of the Russian Federation for a period not exceeding three years.

During this time, they are entitled to:

  • employment;
  • receiving benefits;
  • provision of medical services.

There are special quotas for issuing a permit for this type of residence. The following persons can avoid this restriction and receive a document:

  • Ukrainian residents who were citizens of the USSR in the past;
  • disabled Ukrainians whose children live and work in Russia;
  • residents of the DPR whose spouse is a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the country;
  • Ukrainians who joined the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The most pressing issue is housing!

When Russia began to accept residents of the DPR in 2014, no one imagined that these would be whole mass flows that needed to live somewhere. There was a real problem with accommodation: real help units could provide. Ordinary people were allowed into temporary residence of Ukrainians Russian citizens: large families helping others like themselves.

The issue of housing has become acute. At the moment, only some regions, for example, Kuzbass, have coped with this problem. It will be able to provide about 2,000 IDPs with comfortable housing, 1,000 rooms in dormitories. Children who are in the Russian Federation without adult accompaniment will undergo rehabilitation in health centers.

In addition to housing, Kuzbass provides Ukrainians with:

  • work;
  • payments;
  • the first one-time allowance in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Employment is the second biggest problem

The issue of jobs is second on the list of problems related to the resettlement of Ukrainian residents to the territory of the Russian Federation. Assistance in finding employment for refugees from Ukraine is provided by many Russian employers. In contact with them, a job fair was launched. According to statistics, more than 400 people were employed in 2 years.

Men work:

  • drivers;
  • welders;
  • installers.

  • sellers;
  • cashiers;
  • packers;
  • nannies;
  • nurses;
  • cleaners;
  • cooks.

Kuzbass also offers vacancies for doctors and builders.

The salary for those who fled from the DPR reaches 15,000 rubles. All payments are made regularly on time.

And yet, there are many clashes and discontent.

The main ones include:

  • small payouts;
  • desire to work in the specialty;
  • difficult integration - skirmishes, conflicts.

In such conditions, active psychological assistance is provided. Rehabilitation centers ready to accept both adults and children. And high-class specialists working there will provide assistance, support with advice, and teach you how to build life anew. It is not easy in such a situation for small migrants, especially those who were left without parents, for them classes with a psychologist are an opportunity to recover from what they have experienced.

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The first thing that citizens of foreign countries rely on when fleeing from adverse conditions in his native country - protection and shelter. But the assistance of the host, as a rule, does not end there. The Russian Federation is no exception in this matter. Assistance to refugees in the country is provided not only at the state level, but also by caring citizens and organizations.

Who are refugees

To begin with, it would be useful to understand the difference between refugees and those who ask in a particular territory. In the second case, the basis for granting shelter is the following:

  • the existence of motives for requesting asylum if the applicant wishes to obtain short-term asylum;
  • impossibility to expel the petitioner from the country for humanitarian reasons. For example, a person is seriously ill and cannot receive help in the country of citizenship or flees from life-threatening events - military operations, epidemics, famine.

Refugees are people who want to avoid a threat to their lives. So, let's say, it can be witnesses of hostilities or politicians who are being persecuted by the authorities and law enforcement officers.

To date, the Russian border in search of shelter is crossed by residents of several states at once - Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan. And if the citizens of the once fraternal Ukrainian republic are met by the Russian authorities, then it is much more difficult for representatives of the other two powers to settle in the Russian Federation.

What gives refugee status

Staying in the Russian Federation as a refugee entails a number of rights and obligations for foreign citizens. First of all, in order to obtain such a status, it is necessary to prove that there is a threat to life and health. Photo and video materials, printed materials, personal correspondence can serve as arguments.

What kind of assistance can refugees expect?

Registration procedure desired status begins with the submission of an application and appeal for accommodation and provision social assistance and protection. As a rule, all applicants are accommodated in a special camp, where they are provided with food and basic necessities. But in fact, other types of assistance to refugees are also envisaged.

Cash benefits

You can claim cash benefits immediately after arriving in the Russian Federation. There are several types of such payments:

  • after submitting an application for asylum, maintenance is paid in the amount of 100 rubles per day per person;
  • family members with pensioners, minor children and disabled people are provided with 150 rubles per day per person;
  • a one-time allowance after obtaining status in the amount of one minimum wages. How can its amount differ in different parts RF;
  • those who choose to live in countryside, the state will pay an additional allowance, which will be equal to the established minimum wage in this region.

Those registered with the employment center are provided with assistance in the amount of 800 rubles per day per person. Of these, 250 rubles are handed over for food, the rest of the amount covers living expenses.

All funds come from local budgets. In addition, each region develops individual programs in order to attract work force or demographic improvements.

Is it possible to get social assistance

Assistance to refugees and migrants in Russia is also provided at the social level. First of all, this is expressed in the provision of housing in temporary camps. It happens that ordinary citizens also go towards the migrants, who resettle the forced ones.

With regard to social security, there are no differences from local residents refugees do not. They are endowed with the same rights as the Russians, except for the electoral one. In medical institutions, they can receive appropriate assistance in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases. Children are free to attend schools and kindergartens.

In addition, if necessary, refugees can receive free assistance from a psychologist, improve their skills or learn a new profession at special courses.

Under what conditions can you get help

In order to receive assistance, migrants must fulfill several conditions. To begin with, they must declare their desire to obtain refugee status. This can be done immediately at the border at the time of filling. To do this, in the column "Purpose of the visit" you need to indicate "refugee".

The law allows for the filing of an application already on Russian territory within three months after arrival. But, given the inconsistencies in the law, there is no guarantee that the application will be accepted for consideration, and the foreigner will receive the requested status. Therefore, it is better not to postpone this question indefinitely.

To receive benefits and other support, you will need a certificate stating that the documents of a foreigner have been accepted for consideration. It is on the basis of the certificate that housing and cash payments are provided.

Assistance to refugees from Ukraine in Russia, as well as from other countries, is provided with the following documents:

  1. statement,
  2. passport,
  3. certificate of acceptance of the case for consideration,
  4. all children
  5. pension certificates.

There are no additional requirements for applicants.

Where to apply for assistance

All issues related to refugees are handled by the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The issue of cash benefits is also being considered. At the same time, applicants can apply both to the city branch, and at the level of the region, territory or autonomous region.

If there is no representative office of the migration service in the settlement where the migrants decided to settle, they can submit a petition to the local authorities. Their powers include not only required documents and the payment of benefits, but also an explanation of all issues that relate to the application of the current legislation.

Charitable foundations and social organizations

A large amount of work is also being done by public organizations operating on a charitable basis:

  • Orthodox public organization"Mercy". Not only migrants can get help here, but also any other person who finds himself in a difficult life situation.
  • Regional branch of the Red Cross in the Russian Federation. The organization provides targeted assistance with things, money, food. Here you can get psychological support or legal advice.
  • Hotline “Help for Refugees. RF". By calling the toll-free number 8-800-775-18-16, you can leave a request for any type of support.
  • Charitable Foundation "Fellowship of Donbass" provides psychological help, collects funds to support citizens who left Ukraine.

Even if there are no public funds in the locality, you can always contact the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or call hotline local council.

Employment opportunities for refugees

According to Russian law, in order to get a job in Russia, you must apply. Refugees, however, belong to the category of citizens for whom a certificate of refugee status is used as such a document. There are no restrictions for immigrants in terms of employment, with the exception of civil service and vacancies related to government and service in law enforcement agencies.

The big advantage is the fact that in the current conditions, many employers are ready to provide workplace along with housing. But it is worth remembering that any labor Relations must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the law on the employment of foreign citizens.

Learn all the details labor law, taxation and relations between the two parties at .

The easiest ways to obtain Russian citizenship: Video

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