Why are memories needed? Statuses and saying about memories

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Memories are an integral part of our life. We often remember how good moments, and sad. This helps us to cheer ourselves up in difficult periods of life or draw conclusions and not make new mistakes. The main thing is not to live only memories, but to create new ones every day :).

Quotes About Memories

Memories are like islands in an ocean of emptiness. Mikhail Shishkin "Venus Hair"

When our pain has already passed, the memory of it is already fascinated by memories. Jane Austen "Reason"

In the life of every person, probably, there are moments with memories of which he does not want to part. Wilkie Collins "Moonstone"

Memories are so ridiculous. Some of them are quite vague, others are absolutely clear, others are too painful, and you try not to think about them, and some are so painful that you will never forget them. Anna McPartlin "Wrap Me the Moon"

I love my memories. That is all I have. This is the only true value... Clifford Simak "All the Traps of the Earth"

Memories are magical garments that do not wear out from use. R. Stevenson

We all need memories to know who we are... From To foreign film "Remember" (Memento)

Remembrance is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. J.-P. Richter

After all, memories are not as embarrassing as Living being, although sometimes memories torment the soul! Alexandre Dumas "Three Musketeers"

What is it like to live when you have nothing, not even memories to haunt you in the middle of the night? From the cartoon "Lilo and Stitch"

It is useless to remember the past if these memories cannot help in the present. Charles Dickens "David Copperfield"

Memories are not yellowed letters, not old age, not dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry... K.G. Paustovsky

You can't live on memories alone. From the movie "Forbidden Love" (The Edge of Love)

The memory of experienced happiness is no longer happiness, the memory of experienced pain is still pain. J. Byron

You should not try to get rid of memories, you must learn to live with them. From the movie "1408"

Getting rid of memories is like stealing from yourself. Sometimes memories are all we have, and they taste sweeter than any fruit. Margaret Brenton "Pearl of the Damned"

Human memory is a unique storage , which contains our memories of the soul, our experience, our past impressions. Sometimes it's so nice to get some past event out of your memory and plunge into it again with your head. Then our feelings come to life, the heart begins to beat faster and we seem to return again to those days that have long sunk into the past. Our memories are a unique opportunity to live some moments of our lives again, experiencing the same feelings and emotions.

Those people who have a good memory can only be envied, because they are able to remember everything to the smallest detail and often simply amaze others with their ability to remember details. But sometimes such abilities are not at all beneficial to the person himself. Admit it, at least once in your life you had to deal with people who remember only negative events and completely refuse to keep in their memory positive moments, good memories of the soul. At every opportunity they get negative memories from the depths of memory, and each time they mentally return to past unpleasant situations, again and again experiencing negative emotions. Such people always have some horror stories heard on TV or from friends. It seems that they purposefully remember only what can upset or make you suffer again.

If you ask such a person what good things he remembers from his life, he will only wrinkle his forehead, but he will hardly be able to extract at least a few good memories from his memory. But, really in their life there was nothing good? It just can't be. The life of every person is made up of diverse events.. It contains both pleasant and not so pleasant memories. They are woven into our lives and form its fabric. However, is it really necessary to keep bad memories in mind? Is this burden so important that you can drag it on yourself throughout your life, periodically taking it out, blowing dust off it and reliving negative emotions again and again?

What happens to us when we remember a past event that hurt us? A person is able to experience the past so vividly that all feelings and emotions come to life. and it turns out that a person is again involved in a situation of many years ago. If at the same time he experienced negative emotions, then, each time, returning to his memories, he will experience them again and again. Again and again destructive changes will occur in his body, caused by the feelings that he experiences. This can eventually lead to serious health problems, and, most importantly, a deterioration in overall vitality. Let in ordinary life everything goes as it should, but a person, being in the power of the past, suffers and experiences heartache. Can you imagine what it's like to be in constant pain? A person becomes gloomy, he ceases to distinguish the colors of life.

On the contrary, if a person is able to remember only the good, he looks at life with optimism and believes that everything will work out in the best way. You need to learn how to keep in your memory only pleasant, positive, good memories of the soul.. They are able to charge us positive emotions, give us joy, inspire for future deeds. Good soul memories are a constant source of energy within you. from which you can recharge at any time. Such memories are needed, they decorate our life and make it richer. People who have made it a rule to remember only the good and not to keep the bad in mind are doing absolutely the right thing, because they do not dwell on the negative, but look boldly and optimistically into the future. Good memories of the soul allow you to fill your consciousness with light, and, most importantly, keep positive impressions about your life that will allow you to say to yourself in old age: “I have lived happy life. She was so good!"

Do not fill your memory with garbage, do not store in it what needs to be disposed of. If you find yourself tending to remember only the bad things, be sure to rebuild yourself. Do not harbor resentment or anger at someone. Just let go of those memories. Something good is definitely happening to you. Focus on it. Concentrate on positive events and consciously store them in your memory.

If you have a computer, then you absolutely clearly follow what is stored in its memory. Unnecessary files you delete from hard drive so they don't take up space. Do the same with your negative memories. Just delete them from your memory. Don't go back to them, stop bringing them into the light of day. You have many other, pleasant and useful things that should be kept.

Do you remember bad things? Does it need to be done? How do you think? Are there good soul memories in your memory? Share your opinion with us, we will post it on the site.



noun, With., use often

Morphology: (no) what? memories, what? recollection, (see) what? memory, how? memory, about what? about remembrance; pl. What? memories, (no) what? memories, what? memories, (see) what? memories, how? memories, about what? about memories

1. Memories you name the images that arise in your mind when you think about someone or something related to your past.

Childhood memories washed over him. | Sitting by the fire, grandfather could reminisce for hours. | In my memories, she will forever remain young.

2. If from someone, something one memory left, then it disappeared from your life, leaving behind nothing but vague (usually pleasant) impressions.

From this beautiful youthful love there was only one memory.

3. Memories you name notes or stories about the past containing the facts of your or someone else's life; memoirs.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War spoke at the evening. | The memoirs of contemporaries contain a lot of information about the personal life of the poet. | I'm going to retire and sit down to write my memoirs.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitrieva. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "memory" is in other dictionaries:

    Mystery of feelings * Remembrance * Desire * Dream * Pleasure * Loneliness * Expectation * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    MEMORY, memories, cf. 1. What is preserved in memory; mental reproduction of it. Memories of childhood. Childhood memory. Old people live in memories. pleasant memory. 2. only pl. The type of literary work, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    memory- extraction from long-term memory (see long-term memory) of images of the past, mentally localized in time and space. V. can be arbitrary (remembering) and involuntary ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    memory- pale (Balmont); vague (Karenin); foggy (Balmont); obliging (Pushkin) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the printing press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. recollection About the degree ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    MEMORY, I, cf. 1. Mental reproduction of what n. preserved in memory. V. childhood. There is one left in from what n. (nothing left; joke.). 2. pl. Notes or stories about the past. Literary Memories. Evening of memories. Explanatory … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    An involuntarily arose or voluntarily re-evoked content of consciousness that is more or less similar to the original experience or seems to be similar (the reliability of the memory and its delusions). The ability to accurately reproduce, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Exist., number of synonyms: 3 memoir (1) remembrance (2) mention (8) ASIS synonym dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

    MEMORY- MEMORY. Retrieval from long-term memory previously learned material. V. can be arbitrary (remembering) and involuntary (when images spontaneously arise in the mind). Reconstruction, or restoration, of past experience ... ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    MEMORY- REMEMBER, one of the processes of memory, which boils down to the reproduction of previous experience, the revival of traces left by previous irritations. Memory is based, as some authors think, on the plasticity of living matter; every irritation leaves ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    Memory- 1. a mental image (of an object, idea, conclusions), intentionally extracted or spontaneously appearing in the mind from memory storages. Usually memories are localized in the space and time to which they relate, and are associated with one or another ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy


  • Remembrance, Jude Devereux. The main character of the novel MEMORY - Hayden Lane, having got into the 16th century with the help of hypnosis, is embodied in her prototypes. She manages not only to understand the prehistory of the tragedies of past lives, ...

Memories are the only paradise from which no one can kick us out.

A minute of memories is the longest, because years fit in it ...

It's good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

Remember everything, but never look back when you leave...

When you want to grow up faster - you're still a child! But when you miss your childhood - you have already grown up!

If the wound itches, then it is healing. It's the same with memories: don't scratch.

We don't listen to old songs just because there are too many memories associated with them. And we do not delete them for the same reason.

It is useless to remember the past if these memories cannot help in the present.

However, sooner or later, any person in your life turns into a memory, and the saddest thing is that it is inevitable.

It's good when memories warm the soul, and do not disturb the conscience !!!

All our troubles are that we live in memories - we mentally shovel and rebuild the past, which would be more reasonable to level with an excavator and roll it into asphalt ...

Next stop is autumn! Please don't forget your summer memories!

My memories of you are much better than your own.

It is said that memories are the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. But sometimes they are the only hell we can't get rid of.

Phrase: "Do you remember?" - the only thing that binds us now ...

To find such a button in the heart, which would erase in memory what has lost its meaning. To forget... and live without hard memories.

It's amazing how just one scent of perfume can evoke wonderful memories from the past...! :)

We broke up a long time ago and you did not love, but I feel that you miss me at this very moment ... right now.

Don't try to get rid of the memories...
We must learn to live with them...

It seems that I once loved him ... ”she thought lazily, sitting on the balcony and peering into the stars. Then she drank a glass of whiskey in one gulp and ate a lemon. "Ah, never mind"...

Life must be lived with dignity: so that there is something to remember ... I didn’t want to forget anything ... and rejoice at the frantic desire to return and repeat it all over again !!!

Every night you think of me before you go to bed. I know)

Close your eyes... I'll be there... You'll feel me... I'll be there for as long as you need... I'll be there for you...

The wind of happiness causes tears of joy...

Do you remember the hungry years? Internet by cards ...

Sitting in an empty room. I'm trying to forget the past. And it seems that everything is already forgotten. But sooner or later, you remember everything again.

Memories are a sediment that is at the bottom of our heart, the main thing is not to stir it up.

Today I lost a friend… I wish I had lost my keys, at least they can be recovered…

Years to forget, a minute to remember.

The name of your beloved, written in the snow, will not freeze as long as it is in your heart ...

Nostalgia is like a black and white movie... and the picture is blurry and the sound is not clear, BUT SO NICE...

Life is not those moments that pass, but those that are remembered.

The heart beats into pieces, the soul is torn. She wants and strives to be with you forever.

When I feel bad at heart, I remember you ... And it immediately becomes warmer ...)))

Memory is a crazy woman: she collects bright rags and throws away bread.

In my memories - You smile only for me.

And I smile, remembering our acquaintance ...

Memories... all I have left of you... it's hard for me, but it doesn't solve anything... now even the end of the world is closer to me than your palm...

The best moments are those that no one captures on camera, but you still remember them all your life!

So many years have passed, and the imprints of your kisses still warm my lips ...

My memories of him are becoming more and more muffled, feelings subside and he gradually leaves my soul.

Statuses and saying about memories

Memories are not subject to our will. When you try to get away from them and turn your ass to them, they follow you of their own accord.

We parted as friends and everything seems to be fine. Only memories continue to torment me, recreating that autumn in my memory again and again ...

Memories are precious and priceless at the same time. After all, they combine so many smells, sensations and pictures, which, unfortunately, cannot be touched, smelled and seen again in reality ...

Memories of this period of my life warm my soul ... but I will hide them in a cardboard box, seal them with tape and sign: “The past ... 2009 ...”

Best Status:
Often we love not someone in the past, but the memories associated with them, we want to return exactly that period of time when a feeling of happiness lived inside, and not the person who gave it ...

All my memories of the past days… so beautiful… I try to erase them from my memory without pain and start living again… until it works…

Become invisible ... Erase dreams, remove all your memories of him like viruses! They are too harmful for you. nervous system. It can fail and freeze for many years ...

Everyone pretends that nothing happened, but doubts torment the soul. That's the point of memories.

my bed smelled of foreign men. in my vases there are flowers from others, but only in my heart there are only memories of you ... (c)

music is always memories. and now my playlist is like a whole book of stories about you

Remembrance is a kind of meeting. (D. H. Gibran)

“Memory warms a person from the inside, and memories give a reason to turn around.”

Only memories make us think about age.

“Memory warms a person from the inside, and memories give a reason to turn around.”

Remembrance smooths out old wrinkles, time adds them.

All that's left is just memories that put a smile on your face!

Neither she nor I suspect mutual love.. A memory from the future.

memories are my cup of warm tea, in rainy weather ...

Memory, memory - a warehouse of rubbish, I feel like a watchman in a dump.

I wanted him to have good memories. Maybe because of them he will come back someday. Or at least get bored.

It is easier to love memories than a living person.

Memories are magical garments that do not wear out from use.

Memories are what we get old for. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget. (Erich Maria Remarque)

It is impossible to remember, it is impossible to forget - this is my cross.

You turn on “Lullaby” from Twilight and involuntarily memories arise in your head .. different. But the main thoughts about YOU ... and I myself do not notice how tears flowed down my cheeks ...

Well, why do you need memories that pull you back when you will go forward with me?! ..

Kinder Surprise is small world unique memories of our childhood

There is nothing bitterer in our sadness today than the memory of our yesterday's joy. (D. H. Gibran)

There is nothing more pleasant than remembering a happy time.

Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen love.

many people like songs not because of the words or music, but because of the memories that are associated with the song ...

– Music also smells… – What? - Memories..

I will leave him memories of how they leave waiters for tea - exactly so much so as not to offend, exactly so much so as not to be remembered ...

memories, they are all about that wonderful past .... I want to forget them and start everything from scratch, ... ... so, ... .. so that it would not hurt later

Sometimes only memories remain from a person, but everywhere.

You can't help remembering... Memories are your slow poison...

It seems to me that if I get into his car, then I will die ... - from what? - from memories ...

It is easier to love memories than a living person.

Memories are the riches of old age. (F. Ranevskaya)

And when the former young man and I came to the memories of our kiss, he immediately left the icecue: like an advertisement, in the most interesting place!

Memories... sometimes they kill.

Everyone acts as if nothing happened, but inside they doubt. That's what memories are for.

My head is spinning from love ... Just from the thought that you are kissing her it becomes bad. Only with the phrase "I love you" I forget how to breathe ... Only when I remember you, I want to soar and cry.

Emptiness. Nothing left. Just friends, just memories.

I will dream of you in silence, and you endure while the teeth of memories bite ...

A lot of things in life can hurt... but if you live with past memories... then where can you get new ones...?

Remembrance is a kind of meeting.

All your memories, happy and sad, make you who you are.

Many things in life can hurt... but if you live with past memories... then where can you get new ones...?

Memories are beautiful, but they have no taste and smell, they cannot be touched. And over time, they inevitably weaken.

All life is divided into three periods: the anticipation of love, the action of love and the remembrance of love.

Memories...sometimes they kill.

All your memories, happy and sad, make you who you are.

how it broke me into memories ... damn it

the city turns into a desolate battlefield filled with mines of memories. You have to carefully watch where you step, otherwise you will be torn to pieces ... (c)

There is an end to everything in the world, but there is no end to memories.

I cut out this memory, carefully folded it and put it away in the fragile medallion of my heart. (Andrew Sean Greer. “Confessions of Max Tivoli”)

[…during the day, a fake smile and sparkle in the eyes, at night, tears and memories of you…]

Why should I remember her, she lives in my heart.

Memories are magical garments that do not wear out from use. (R Stevenson)

A man doesn't need a gun or a knife...Memories are enough.

Memories are willful. If you stop chasing them and turn your back on them, they often come back on their own.

someday this morning will be just a memory for me...

Now you are just my memories and nothing more ...

Everyone accumulates memories from which the pain executes the heart.

Love, of course, did not die, she left, throwing her head back, looking at the purple night sky, smiling at memories, leaving only tenderness behind.

Sometimes just one day will be remembered for a lifetime ... and sometimes a whole year will be wasted

let everything decide ... one moment, one moment ... the memory of love ... ... let everything decide ...

We don’t even suspect how many interesting things about us are known by those whose existence we don’t even know. Is it spring, or is there really something in you, don’t live in memories. you're old enough for this. make memories

The memory of my first love, which prevents me from falling in love once a week)))

The memory of the first love that prevents me from falling in love once a week)))

I cut out this memory, carefully folded it, and tucked it into the fragile locket of my heart.

My head is spinning with love ... Just the thought that you kiss her makes me feel bad. Only when I say "I love you" I forget how to breathe ... Only when I remember you I want to soar and cry

It is easier to love memories than a living person.

I lie awake until five or six in the morning. Sometimes, like now, I force myself to remember.

Never go back to where you were happy if you want everything experienced there to remain alive in your memory. (Agatha Christie)

Don't spoil your good memories - To hell with the memories! I need a future!

A person cannot move forward if the pain of memories corrodes his soul.

Fucking song, with shitty memories...

A Teddy Bear toy…for children it is an ordinary toy…and for young people it is a memory of a former or former.

Remembering youth is like visiting the grave of a friend whom we have offended and have no way to make amends.

What is it like to live when you have nothing, not even memories to haunt you in the middle of the night?

It is impossible to remember, it is impossible to forget - this is my cross. (S. Meyer. “New Moon”)

A woman is constant in love, like no one else. The first love lives in her to the end and the memory of the first person who fell in love with her disturbs her even in the arms of another ...

Tears burn not because they are salty, but because they are filled with memories.

And I'll fly away like a white cloud in the spring, And I'll run down my cheek like a drop of rain, Let nothing hide my love now, And let the memories be about you in pure puddles. (I)

It is useless to remember the past if these memories cannot help in the present.

And there's nothing ahead. Only the gray smoke of memories ..

And that is why, before falling asleep, you remember for a long time what you so want to forget.

Memories are crushing. Thoughts suffocate. Feelings kill...

Memories are beautiful, but they have no taste and smell, they cannot be touched. And over time, they inevitably weaken.

The festivities are remembered by those moments that I would like to forget.

Memories are the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.

In such an unreliable vessel as a text on paper, only unreliable memories or unreliable thoughts can be put.

* I made myself strong tea without sugar to forget our sweet memories with you ...

A person cannot move forward if the pain of memories corrodes his soul. (Margaret Mitchell)

Memories are willful. If you stop chasing them and turn your back on them, they often come back on their own. (Stephen King)

Never go back to where you were happy if you want everything experienced there to remain alive in your memory.

It is good memories that prevent people from forgetting. They tear you from the inside, make you go back. But there is no turning back.

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