How a girl from an intelligent “Soviet family” turned into a major Mara. Mara Baghdasaryan permanently deprived of driving license Mara Baghdasaryan burns after coma

Mara Baghdasaryan is a well-known odious person of Moscow socialites and the main character of popular talk shows. The daughter of a wealthy father, she cuts through the streets of Moscow in expensive cars, neglecting both the rules of the road and elementary safety. Let's take a closer look at her biography and personal life.

Biography of Mary Baghdasaryan: whose daughter is she?

Mara Baghdasaryan is a Russian citizen, Armenian by nationality. Today the girl is 23 years old. Who are her parents? Almost nothing is known about the mother. Father is a big businessman.

Mara Baghdasaryan's parents

The girl's father and mother moved to Russia from Azerbaijan because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. When the girl was a teenager, her parents began to live separately. There are various rumors about what is really happening in the girl's family. There is information that the mother was forced to leave Moscow due to the serious illness of her brother. Elmar Baghdasaryan himself declares that they have a close-knit family.

Mary Baghdasaryan's father, photo

Meat King's Daughter

For some time, Mara Baghdasaryan, a scandalous street racer, declared that she was the daughter of a prosecutor. Information about this was found on the girl's social media page. However, the journalists found out that Mary's father, Elmar Baghdasaryan, is the owner of the Nuchar company, which is engaged in the production, processing and wholesale trade meat products. The daughter of the meat king has already collected more than a hundred traffic police fines, most of which were paid by her father. Expensive cars were gifts from my father. According to observers, Elmar Baghdasaryan is already tired of his daughter's antics.

Mary's dad

Elmar Baghdasaryan will be able to influence the decision of the court

Elmar became a candidate for the jury. This fact gave impetus to speculation and criticism directed towards the Baghdasaryan family. According to observers, a series of detentions and trials against Mara Baghdasaryan could form a biased negative attitude of her father towards law enforcement officers.

Street racer Mara Baghdasaryan: photo and video of racing

Driving around in luxury cars, primarily Mercedes, Mara Mersovodova, aka Bagdasaryan, almost does not limit herself to anything. Traffic in the opposite direction, sharp changes on the road and speed ... 240-250 km / h. Playing checkers on a heavy Gelendvagen is easy for Mary. Even though it poses a threat to others. The girl has been karting since childhood. Maybe that's where the passion for racing comes from.

Accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and races on Gelendvagen in Moscow, video

On October 3, 2015, a BMW X5, which was driving at high speed, skidded, hitting two cars moving along the way. One of them caught fire. As a result of the accident, 3 people died.

It turned out that Mara Baghdasaryan was in the passenger seat of the car that provoked the accident. As a result of the accident, the girl was badly injured and was in a coma for 3 weeks. Subsequently, the street racer will take the wheel and begin to briskly cut through the Moscow streets on her own. In another high-profile auto-deal, Mara also turned out to be a prominent figure. It's about about chasing the VP's son's car oil company Lukoil Ruslan Shamsuarov. Then in the Mercedes Gelendvagen there were not only young men, but also Mara. The chase, insults to the police were broadcast online. Mara was arrested for 10 days. But this case did not teach the girl anything. Hundreds of fines followed again.

Accident on Kutuzovsky with Mara Baghdasaryan, video

Racing on Gelendvagen in Moscow, video

Racing and deprivation of the rights of Mary Baghdasaryan

A video posted on Instagram caused a wide public outcry, where Mara rushes at great speed along the median strip. This is not the only video. In another video, a racer is driving in a passing stream, but, twice the speed limit, allows dangerous lane changes.

Mary's lawyer defense in the courts presented a number of medical certificates designed to save the girl from responsibility for these violations. Law enforcement used the information provided to deprive Baghdasaryan of the right to drive a motor vehicle for life on the basis of medical contraindications. Under the sights of cameras in public shooting, a street racer hides her face. The lawyer's defense for the girl was organized by a family friend, David Kemularia.

Racer fights for driver's license

Mara passed examination in a multitude medical institutions Moscow, as a result of which it was announced that the racer had no contraindications to driving. But Baghdasaryan still has not received the right. The girl even tried to write a letter to the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin, but to no avail. However, the lack of rights does not mean the absence of a car and the desire to drive. Mara continues to drive without a license. She was recently arrested again. Moreover, from scandals on the roads, the girl moved to scandals on the Web.

The real page of Mary Baghdasaryan in contact and Instagram

On the Internet, Baghdasaryan is introduced as Mara Alekperova, Mara Rakhmanova, Mara Mersovodova and other names. Mara regularly fills out her pages on social networks, primarily Vkontakte and Instagram.

The real Instagram page of Mary Baghdasaryan

Instagram of Mary Baghdasaryan

Naked street racer Mara

Scandalous photos of a young street racer appeared on the Internet. One of them depicts a completely naked lower body of a girl. In another picture, Mara barely covers her chest. And there are countless photos of Mary Baghdasaryan in swimsuits. Scandalousness only adds to the popularity of the girl. (However, it should be noted that a lot of photos of naked girls posing as Mara appeared on the Web).

Photo by Mary Baghdasaryan before and after plastic surgery

Comparing the photos of Mary Baghdasaryan, attentive netizens noticed how the girl's appearance had changed.

What did Mara do with her appearance

So, for example, abdominoplasty (removal of fatty deposits and excess skin) was performed for a flatter abdomen and narrow waist; the wings of the nose were corrected - the nostrils were significantly narrowed; Botox injections in various parts body; breast enlarged; rhinoplasty. These are just the operations that are most obvious. Using the abundance of photos on the Internet, you can compare photos before and after plastic surgery.

Photo of Mary Baghdasaryan before plastic surgery

Photo of Mary Baghdasaryan after plastic surgery

The wave of public indignation around the unlucky street racers who arranged a fun race with the police on the night from Sunday to Monday does not subside. News, talk shows, columnists, moralists of all sorts demand that hooligans be roughly punished, since they are known by name. But do you know what really happened there? Let's try to figure it out.

So, four young people: Vitya, Amir, Ruslan and Mara decided to ride around Moscow on the morning of May 23, “tease the cops”, who had allegedly thrown a police baton at them before that. Like it or not - the investigation will find out, but the fact is obvious - the race in violation of all conceivable rules took place. Mission accomplished.

So who are these desperate young people who have challenged society? Nothing is known about Victor, who was probably reporting. He was, but it was as if he was not there, and nothing even leaked from the police. Which in itself is strange, given the degree of hostility that, quite deservedly, police officers feel towards this kind of racers.

The young man Amir, aka Abduvahob Majidov, aka Machidov, a native of Tajikistan, previously convicted of forging documents, does not belong to the golden youth and, rather, is a companion-fellow of all this guard.

Actually, he has to take the rap for everyone: not only did he get quite tangible 15 days, but after serving the administrative sentence, Amir will move to a pre-trial detention center for the duration of the investigation in the criminal case initiated against him (part 1 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hooliganism, that is, a gross violation of public order, expressing a clear disrespect for society”).

His example, by the way, is a science to all those who are unreasonably drawn to reflections beautiful life in the status of hosts. Who will now fit in for the Tajik Majidov? Nobody.

The owner of the car, Ruslan Shamsualov, the son of the vice-president of Lukoil, has already received a bunch of fines and, most likely, will earn another 15 days of arrest - the maximum possible punishment for administrative offenses.

With the first three pokatushek figurants, everything is clear (or it is not possible to understand). Another thing is the fourth member of the crew - a "mysterious" lady, whose voice passionately accompanied the online report of an endless race. Who is she?

Mara Baghdasaryan is a legend of street racing, on account of which hundreds of fines and participation in the already legendary accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, in which several people died, including an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Was Mara driving on that tragic day or not? The investigation concluded that it was not. And yet there are enough “dark spots” in this story to have serious reasons to disagree with the conclusions of the detectives.

So, she called herself “the daughter of the prosecutor”, but you will not find the name of Baghdasaryan in the lists of famous prosecutors. Yes, and not a big bump - the prosecutor. But Artur Bagdasaryan is known, a member of the board of directors of Itera, a subsidiary of Rosneft, whose niece, according to some sources, is the aforementioned “queen of racing”.

Mara's role in this whole adventure is hushed up. It is hushed up so much that Ruslan Shamsuarov in his interview with LifeNews generally denies that the girl was in the car. Although the Internet videos that bypassed include Mara herself and her voice.

Yes, and other participants in the sensational race repeatedly echo: "Mara will not run." What makes Shamsuarov deny the obvious? Few people can deny the omnipotence and power of Rosneft, but still, the presence of an uncle in Rosneft is hardly enough to silence Shamsuarov, whose father holds a serious post in Lukoil. The question is why?

And here the most interesting begins. Artur Baghdasaryan is not only a member of the board of directors of Itera. He is also the chairman of "Orinats Yerkir" (Land of Law) - a centrist political party in Armenia and former Speaker of the Armenian Parliament.

Armenian sources believe that the “hand of Moscow” is visible behind the activities of Baghdas-ryan, and here big politics begins. This may explain why almost nothing is known about Mara, and her participation in the race is hushed up in every possible way. Why in an accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt was Marik Galperin, and not Mara, driving?

Why is Ruslan confused in his testimony? Why is the legitimately irritated Ministry of Internal Affairs ready to deal with the rest of the participants as harshly as possible, but does not touch Mara? Or, where the FSB gets involved, does the Ministry of Internal Affairs modestly keep quiet?

Today's youth often try to realize their ambitions through scandalous life. Especially if it concerns representatives of the "golden youth", whose parents have achieved something in life and have become successful people. This is how Mara Baghdasaryan is - in fact, she does not represent anything, but "coolness" blows from her!

However, how did she become so popular?

The girl received the nickname "Mara 049", due to her unhealthy love of racing. You ask: what's so bad about that? There is nothing wrong with racing as such, if you drive in specially designated places for this - on special tracks, and not on a busy street big city. Plus, even without rights. from the age of 15 until she comes of age, she "reckless" through the streets of her hometown - Nizhny Tagil, and a little later, when she entered the institute, also in Moscow. By the way, she is now 22 years old.

Impunity rules - and it's sad

It's a little insulting that people like Mara feel their impunity and take advantage of it. Just think, a fine... Daddy will pay! By the way, a tidy sum of fines in the amount of 1 million rubles (think about the number!) Was paid by her father during the trial in the case of a terrible accident with fatal. Then, on October 3, 2015, student Mark Golperin died in an accident due to the fault of the girl. True, Mara escaped punishment, the blame was shifted to the deceased Mark - of course, it's easier this way - to hush up the case and that's it.

Mary's father - Elmar Baghdasaryan, - successful entrepreneur, the owner of a meat processing company is quite high level, presumably, if he has the opportunity to pay for the "pranks" of his daughter. The girl's parents, apparently, are not up to her, they are more interested in personal relationships (they are divorced), and as a result, a typical representative of the "golden youth" has grown up.

It is pointless to list all the recklessness of Mary Baghdasaryan, and I don’t see much point. I do not support her actions, however, I doubt that among adequate people there are those who will take her side.

Hi all! My name is Max and in my article, I will tell you about who Mara Baghdasaryan is. I must say that this person does not need special introductions: she is well known to everyone for organizing endless races on the highways of Moscow. A video with Mary's detention, her photo is available on the Internet on a variety of resources. I will tell you other interesting details about the infamous race girl.

Mara Baghdasaryan: who is she and what is she known for?

Mara Elmarovna Baghdasaryan is only 22 years old, and meanwhile her name is well known to the metropolitan police.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies have repeatedly detained a girl on the streets of Moscow for violating traffic rules and speeding.

The general public became aware of Baghdasaryan's art on the roads after the girl and her friends tried to escape from traffic police in an SUV in May of this year. The number of violations when trying to escape exceeded 20 episodes and more, the company broadcast this entire race online on the Internet, generously watering the police officers foul language. As a result, the bespredelschik racers managed to be detained, and a large fine was issued to the entire company. Also, violators were sentenced to 10 days of arrest as punishment.

About Mary's parents and other personal information about the offender

Mary's date of birth is November 3, 1993. She is not a native Muscovite, a girl was born in the city of Nizhny Tagil. Who are her parents? This question cannot be answered in detail, since information on the network is only about the father. Mary's father's name is Elmar Elmirovich Baghdasaryan. He is the owner of Nuchar LLC, a meat wholesaler. There is also information that Mary's parents are divorced.

Does Mary have a license and driving experience? It should be noted that Baghdasaryan has no problems with this. She drives a car like a professional racer, since she has been karting since she was a teenager. However, the girl hates the rules of the road and, when she gets behind the wheel, she simply ignores them. Hence the constant trouble with traffic police and fines for crazy amounts. Totally agree last year Mara was fined a total of one million rubles.

Mara also got into serious accidents. As the girl herself states in an interview, she never caused an accident. The girl miraculously survived after a car collision on Kutuzovsky Prospekt: ​​two people died in this terrible accident, six were seriously injured. Mara herself was in a coma for more than a month. However, after leaving the hospital, the girl again returned to her extreme hobby.

“Mara, boring dinner? - No, I ate Papillons and I'm leaving.

This is a post from the social network, the style and spelling are copyrighted. I don't know what Papillons are and I ask Yandex. Oysters. Special Papillon. 400 rubles a piece on average, explains (11/30/16). How many oysters do you need to eat to overeat - I have no idea. Here is a sprat in a tomato - it's easy with it. It can be measured in banks, a piece - 20 rubles.

“Causing the following bodily injuries to a passenger of a BMW M5 car: “blunt concomitant trauma to the head, cervical spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, lumbar spine ... head: open craniocerebral injury with severe brain contusion ... closed fracture of the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th right ribs ... rupture of the spleen ... rupture of the liver .. ... fracture ... fracture ... fracture ... "And this is also about Mara. The list of diagnoses is almost a page, neatly. Quote from the verdict of the Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow dated July 28, the case of an accident on Kutuzovsky on the night of October 3 last year. The same accident, where there was a “boomer” without license plates, the speed was at least 160 km / h, oncoming traffic. This "boomer" assembled two more foreign cars - "Range Rover" (completely burned out from the impact) and "Porsche Cayenne". 18-year-old Mark Galperin, the owner of the BMW, who was then sitting in the passenger seat, died almost instantly. The second passenger, 23-year-old Islam Tatarashvili, is in intensive care five days later without regaining consciousness. The third passenger was Mara Baghdasaryan. Doctors sewed up and collected it for about 20 hours: operations, blood transfusion, artificial coma. Later, the man who burned in the Range Rover would die in treatment abroad. The driver of the boomer, 22-year-old Anzor Merzhoev, will receive three years in a colony-settlement for three corpses. I don’t know how it is to drive at top speed, and then - all in rags, and get out of the other world. And think about those who didn't get out. Or not to think? Well, these are not oysters - disgust-satiation should come for sure.

And the resurrected Mara will wake up famous the next morning after the May “sales” with the police on the Gelendvagen for 7 million rubles in the company of the son of LUKOIL vice president Ruslan Shamsuarov. And another series.

- Baghdasaryan, do you plead guilty?

I admit it, your honor.

- Statements, appeals to the court - the same?

Yes, your honor. I beg you not to assign me compulsory work I'll pay for everything, I'm ashamed.

You have already seen this picture. Mara is a star again, watch on all TVs: 71 overdue traffic police fines, the courts go on for three weeks. Speeding licenses are not taken away. And on November 30, Mara left the special detention center, where she spent 24 days, and she has 595 hours of work as a janitor ahead of her. But this is not the end yet - the courts will stretch until the end of December.

“I have the opportunity to be the way I was raised”

“Yes, I act like armored, because I have a reason and an opportunity to be the way I was raised.” However, it’s not a fact that her page is Mary: “Mar Baghdasaryan” in the networks now offhand about 10 pieces. This is already a plot from comics. Someone measures the speed "in Mary". You can also count her Louis Vuitton scarves, cars and oysters... But this is not a fake. Private school, Russian State Humanities University, an apartment in an elite building, where she is registered, but does not live (and she did not see the fines that they fly to her - of course! - That's the only reason). But even Wikipedia does not know about Marina's relatives. There is a father Elmar. It seems like a businessman, the Nuchar company is, well, a very difficult sausage for not the simplest stores. You drive in “Elmar Baghdasaryan” into Yandex - Yandex adds: “sausage king”. But there are two and three versions - damn cinematic - Mary's dad is a prosecutor or a comrade from LUKOIL ...

And I called my dad.

Are you Mary's dad? The one...

Yes, I'm Mara's dad.

- You worked at LUKOIL, right?

No. All my life in meat production - in factories, then in business.

- Is it Nuchar?

- But they write that you still have relatives in LUKOIL.

I don't have anyone there. Mara is friends with the guys whose parents work there. I met them on the lookout.

Help "KP": Observation - the famous platform on the Sparrow Hills, a headache for the capital's drivers and traffic cops. People like Mara - on Mercedes, Boomers, velomoto, 160 km per hour is not the limit - before the reconstruction, more flocked there than sparrows. They scattered around Moscow at night - and they got “Kutuz”, “Gelendvagens” - and no one counted how many deaths descended from these mountains. After the “brick” was put on the Vorobyovs, the racers scattered throughout the city. They also have a virtual platform - the site is called Smotra. Founder Eric Davidich is now himself under investigation: he is accused of fraud with elite foreign cars for 10 million rubles.

After the story of the police races behind the Gelendvagen, they wrote that Mary had some kind of “compromising evidence” - supposedly the police hinted about “hushing up the case”, she had a video ...

Nonsense. Someone created a Facebook page on her behalf and claimed it. But it's not Mara. She even went to the police, filed a complaint to find out who did it. Useless. They say we can't: Facebook, it's in America.

- Mara is also going to work in the police?

Yes. Only now they probably won't take it...

Or maybe, on the contrary, they will accept her without exams: everyone knows her, almost relatives (dad laughs in response). What made her become a lawyer?

She decided. Although not in anyone. My mother is a teacher of Russian and literature, my father was a teacher of physics. At first they worked in an ordinary school in Baku, I also graduated from it. Then the war (the beginning of the 90s, the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. - Auth.). We have moved to Russia. Then many Armenians left Baku. Parents have taught last day. Mom is still alive, father is gone. Dad was a fan of physics, his students loved him very much. They came to him with such problems that they were embarrassed to go to their parents ...

Elmir Vagarovich Baghdasaryan

Indeed, graduates of school No. 145 in Baku still remember - a fact. "Our favorite teacher", "friend", "best". After the move, he lived in Rostov-on-Don for several years, worked at school number 60, and was on the list of candidates for prestigious teacher awards. Received in the end or not, Elmar's son does not know. He then lived in Moscow. And he worked hard. By whom? It was the 90s. The Baghdasarians were Armenian refugees.

- Who are you by education?

I didn't graduate. He began to study in the oil industry (Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Gas. - Auth.), Because of the war, he had to quit.

- Vagit Alekperov also studied there. Although he is 20 years older than you, but ... Still - oil?

I don't know Alekperov (wearily). Mara is friends with his son.

- And who is Mary's mother?

- About personal it is possible?


- Are you divorced?

No, we have a complete family. Mom visited Mara in the special detention center, brought books and magazines. Different. And about cars, and for girls there is something. But I brought up Mara more - that's true. When she was 12, her brother became seriously ill, she paid a lot of attention to him, and left for a long time. Mara grew up independently. The whole economy rested on it - I worked all day. Why meat? It happened.

What is in open bases. Accounting data of Nuchar LLC for 2012: revenue - 248 million 830 thousand rubles, net profit - 7 million 288 thousand. Next is failure. They say that the business of the Baghdasaryans was hit by the crisis, sanctions and bulldozers: supplies came from abroad.

Did Mara clean the apartment and cook?

Yes. She is absolutely at home.

- And what is cooking?

Miscellaneous can. Likes porridge, soups.

- Listen, but where does it come from in it - cars, races?

Not only her. It's so fashionable among young people now. And to shoot and then on the Internet.

- But do you buy expensive cars for her?

Doesn't answer.

In what is discussed everywhere, her guilt is at least. These are the fines, according to which the courts are now, - she is there at the most 20 percent. She drives a little now, her friends often take a car from her. Mara sold another car - something was delayed there with registration, fines came to her. I can’t imagine how she will work as a janitor. Marochka is sick, you understand? After that accident on Kutuzovsky. She then lost 85 percent of her blood. She has no spleen, eight stitches in her liver, a pin in her right leg from hip to knee, she cannot stand for more than 20 minutes. I came to court, brought all the extracts. I say: what are you doing with the child, enough of these ideas already. We are not in Ancient Rome- where there is bread and circuses ... And there they just smile.

- So, maybe marry Maru? To children, porridge.

What is marriage now? When he leaves the detention center, he must go to the operation. With a leg. She's not lying when she tells the judge about the pain.

But does she have a boyfriend?

Many friends. And with whom she meets or not - she did not say.

"Squid - Thunderstorm of the District"

- Mara, at what age do you drive a car?

Since 15 years in the city.

- yours average speed in a stream?

Did you buy the rights or rent them yourself?

I bought the theory myself, driving.

- What do you like the most?

Shash of salmon and wasabi shrimp (“shash” - shish kebab. - Auth.)

- Would you date a smart and handsome who is 19? Or just older?

The main thing is to like, and common interests.

- To love or be loved?

Probably to be loved.

- Would you date a rogue?

- Do you want children?

No-o-o. At least 25 years old (now she is 23. - Auth.)

- Your father does not mind that you drive like that? And he gets into your personal life?

He brought up, and he is confident in me.

- What do your friends call you?

The squid is the district's thunderstorm.

- Did you reassess your values ​​after the accident?

And how.

"You suffered 40 thousand"

Reassessment of values ​​after Kutuzovsky. But what is she? They said that her father was angry with Marochka, so angry that he even deprived her of her lawyers. Indeed, she appeared alone at the last hearings on overdue fines. My dad told me this:

- She studied to be a lawyer - she can defend herself!

But Marochka honestly confessed to the judge: the folder decided to punish ... or educate ...

Shine. Only when at the age of 23 you are chasing death not for yourself, but for others - and for show, every wave of the scythe - on the Internet - is it re-educated?

Mara has another accident in which she nearly killed four.

It was three years ago - December 15, 2013. Around three in the morning. me, my Native sister And best friend returned by taxi from karaoke. We drove along Leninsky Prospekt. An old Renault Logan, driven by a guest worker. Usually in such cases they say: everything happened in seconds. Exactly. Seconds. The squeal of brakes, as if a Lamborghini was flying at high speed, a blow ... Later I found out that the Nissan GT-R crashed into our side from behind, our taxi was thrown into the oncoming lane - into another foreign car. My friend and I flew out of the back seat onto the asphalt: she broke the glass with her head, I followed. My friend barely survived, she had plastic surgery and other operations. The coat saved me. While I was flying, she wrapped herself around her head - on this “pillow” and landed ... Half a year on antidepressants. You will laugh, but it seemed to me that death was nearby. I slept with the light, went to a psychoanalyst. He did all the tests. The numbers there doubled.

This is the story of Ekaterina Petrova. Blonde, 35, hairstyle, manicure - salon. Speaks slowly, through pauses.

I also began to stutter ... after the accident.

Behind the wheel of a sports car for 6 million sat - you guessed it - our Mara. From the "Logan" there was a slide of iron dust. "Nissan" Mary rushed further along Kaluga Square. He will return to Leninsky, from where the ambulance delivered the company of Katya Petrova to hospitals, later. When - no one will remember.

In an explanation to the traffic cops, Mara writes that her car left "by inertia", that it "won't start", that it was "completely uncontrollable".

In a statement addressed to Judge D.S. Krotkov of the Gagarin Court: “I admit my guilt. Due to the fact that earlier I was not brought to administrative responsibility, I ask you to choose a measure of punishment - a fine ”(spelling - Mary).

By the day of judgment - June 5, 2014 - for Last year Mary will have 62 of these traffic police fines. For 100 thousand 800 rubles. Counting only those with a delay.

And the judge Krotkov Maru on the same day fined again. For violation of traffic rules with victims. For 20 thousand rubles.

There was no criminal case. Papa Bagdasaryan paid a million rubles to Katya's friend, who was seriously injured, which threatened to initiate a criminal case. And she said: there are no complaints, - explains Mikhail Romanov, Petrova's lawyer. - As a result - administrative responsibility, article 12.24. Although even according to her, the court could deprive Mara of the rights for two years. But he didn't. They did not attract her for leaving the scene of the accident - "there were no grounds." We filed a civil claim for 550 thousand rubles for damages. And we have already been denied by two courts - "there are no causal relationships." Ekaterina achieved only 40 thousand rubles - so much was appreciated by all her suffering.

I have a copy of the million dollar receipt from that friend. Everything is fair. So Mara's dad says: yes, honestly. “We paid that girl, she really had a really hard time,” he said. - And another victim - I don’t remember exactly, several hundred thousand (we are talking about Katya’s sister. Petrova assures that 100 thousand. - Auth.). Still, it was our fault, we felt. And this girl (Katya. - Auth.) - she only scratched her knee and tore her fur coat. She was also offered help, she refused.”

According to Katya Petrova, she was given 100,000 rubles without an apology. She is still afraid of taxis. And she no longer has a friend.

"That which does not kill makes me stronger"

- Mara, don't you feel bad at heart because people are interested in you because of money?

There are none in my circle.

Did your parents scold you for spending a lot?

Of course, and rightly so.

- What is your life motto?

What doesn't kill makes me stronger.

“Listen,” I asked my dad, “didn’t you think about taking another Mercedes from her?” Lock in the garage - period.

So that she could end up in someone else's car again?

The educational-show trial on overdue fines of Mary should end on December 22. Then - with a broom on the street. In the meantime, place your bets: in which traffic police report will we recognize our Mara again.

Tatiana TELPIS

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