Larisa Chaliapin: biography, personal life. The wife is older than her husband: the most scandalous couples Personal life of Larisa Kopenkina

Russian businesswoman, owner of a luxury real estate company, ex-wife of musician Prokhor Chaliapin.

Larisa Shalyapina (Kopenkina) / Larisa Shalyapina (Kopenkina). Biography

Larisa Kopenkina was born in Moscow. A few years ago, few people knew her name, and her biography was not advertised in the media. mass media. Fame brought her a novel and a high-profile wedding with Prokhor Chaliapin - a graduate of the sixth season of the television show "Star Factory", who was almost a quarter of a century younger than her. The guy, however, is not the first affair with ladies much older than him. So, he already had a relationship with the legendary domestic actress Svetlana Svetlichnayawho crossed the 70-year mark.

After marriage Larisa Kopenkina took her husband's surname and became Larisa Chaliapina.

It is known that Larisa has made a career as a successful businesswoman. Chaliapin has been making money selling luxury real estate for quite some time now. She works in the agency "On Petrovka", on the woman's account the selection of housing for many celebrities.

Larisa Chalyapina is an active user of social networks, in which she publishes without hesitation private photos with men, snapshots in swimsuits and even selfies from the hospital where he does plastic surgery. She does not hide the fact that she used many methods of rejuvenation: rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, lifting and changing the shape of the eyelids and the shape of the eyes. Subscribers have long been accustomed to the fact that Larisa Chaliapin (Kopenkina)- a woman liberated.

In 2014, she underwent another plastic surgery, this time to rejuvenate the eye area. During the rehabilitation, the famous presenter Dana Borisova sat at her bedside, who chronicled Chaliapina's recovery. Then, with an updated appearance, Larisa appeared in public and talked about the methods of rejuvenation she used, and then visited the program Gennady Malakhov.

By the way, Chaliapin "lit up" as a participant in fashion shows, as well as TV shows, including "Let them talk" with Andrey Malakhov, "Let's get married" with Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova, "Male / female" with Alexander Gordon and Yulia Baranovskaya, " Word for word"and others.

And at the end of autumn 2015, Larisa herself broke into television, but as a guest, but as a star on the air. Businesswoman became the host of the scandalous show " Shpili-Vili on the Humor TV channel. It is noteworthy that Larisa is not alone in the frame: she was accompanied by Milena Deinega And Anatoly Goncharov, and the guest of the first issue was the well-known ex-participant of "House-2" Stepan Menshchikov.

In 2016, it became known that Chaliapin, as a true connoisseur of male beauty, decided to start making money on what she is well versed in: together with her girlfriend, TV presenter Milena Deinega, a shocking lady decided to open a strip club in Moscow.

Deinega (interview with StarHit magazine): “There are a number of such establishments in the capital, Lara and I are quite frequent guests in them, but we have not yet been able to find a club that would completely satisfy us in every sense. So we decided to open our own restaurant. It will be completely focused on recreation for women and will become a kind of temple of the male body.

At the beginning of November 2017, it became known that Prokhor Chaliapin recorded a new song in a duet with his ex-wife Larisa Kopenkina. According to Prokhor, Larisa has a future in the music industry. The duet performed the song “We are not like everyone else” on the air of the reality show “Dom 2”. Netizens noted that Larisa really has a musical talent.

“We have with Larisa karmic connection, we are mated, just born in different years. All grievances in the past, we all survived, I am very happy and satisfied. We just have a very good relationship now, we recorded a song. We found a music producer, now everyone is singing, and we decided. Larisa, of course, is not a singer, but in our show business this is not necessary. She is full vital energy to perform on stage, people love her, ”admitted Prokhor in an interview with StarHit magazine.

Larisa Shalyapina (Kopenkina) / Larisa Shalyapina (Kopenkina). Personal life

Larisa Chaliapin in the past she was officially married twice, she has an adult son named Yuri Bezzubov, was a member of civil marriages. Acquaintance Kopenkina And Chaliapin took place in the winter of 2012 in Jamaica. The new union became a real tragedy for close lovers. Mother Prokhor, who found out about her son's fiancée through the Internet, refused to bless him for marriage, she accused Larisa in witchcraft and declared that this union would deprive her of hope for the appearance of grandchildren. The son of an elderly bride also did not want to communicate with the newly-made young dad. In honor of the engagement, the young man gave the bride a chic wedding ring of white gold, and she, in turn, presented Prokhor apartment in the center of Moscow cost 18 million rubles. True, later the husband refused a chic gift so as not to be considered a gigolo.

The wedding took place on December 4, 2013. In total, 200 people were invited to the holiday, including Sergey Zverev, Bari Alibasov, Anastasia Stotskaya, Cornelia Mango, Elena Lenina. Most Popular TV Host recent years Andrey Malakhov even made a special issue of the Let Them Talk program dedicated to this odious wedding. Magazine " 7 days» included her in the list of the 10 most high-profile star scandals 2013.

However, in December 2014 Prokhor Chaliapin on the air of the same talk show " Let them talk"officially announced that they were expecting a baby with 30-year-old singer and model Anna Kalashnikova. Their son Daniel was born in March 2015. He also said that his marriage to Kopenkina was concluded under a contract and this is the biggest mistake in his life, based on a lie, which he sincerely regrets. From my ex-wife Chaliapin demanded a public confession that he never lived at her expense, but the woman did not react to his words in any way, except that she asked the singer to leave her alone and not to weave into the intrigues he invented.

“I am an adult woman and I was happy before Prokhor, and I will be after,” says Chaliapin.

However, Larisa Chaliapin (Kopenkina) pretty quickly arranged a personal life again after parting with Chaliapin. Moreover, the business woman was planning to get married again. Her chosen one was a 25-year-old Yuri Sharapov, which for a long time sought the favor of his beloved. Nevertheless, Kopenkina refused him, and later, in January 2016, she announced that she had broken with a persistent young admirer.

Kopenkina: He threatened me: he wrote that he would kill me! What marries at any cost! He sent 30 SMS, waited at the office, persuaded him to come to the Caucasus and even called my son to find me. I don't think this is the right behavior. Our communication in the form in which it was before has ceased. I liked the lightness and ease that we had: they didn’t blow my brain, but they looked after me and made compliments. And at some point, he just messed something up. I am a good friend. Thought we were friends. But, apparently, Yura began to feel differently. I don't like it.

“He who knows how to surprise cannot lose”, “Thank you. It is so unusual, surprising and enchanting that you understand that you are a storyteller who not only composes fairy tales, but also lives in them. The cake is amazing and unreal!” the businesswoman shared on social networks.

A photo posted by Lara (@larakopenkina) on Aug 5, 2016 at 5:34am PDT

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Kopenkina's fans rejoiced for their beloved heroine and wished her all the best. Many also noted that Larisa looks amazing. “Clever girl, always so positive, there is something to learn from you”, “Sunny woman”, “Sea of ​​happiness and ocean of love”, “What a beautiful”, “God bless you good health”, “You deserve a fairy tale”, “Yes, you are together almost a year, bravo, Ilya!”, “Original declaration of love”, “May your whole life be as bright and beautiful as this surprise,” the businesswoman’s followers wrote in the comments to her photos. Some of them were intrigued by Ilya's personality and wished to see his face as soon as possible, because Larisa prefers not to show her lover to her subscribers.

A photo posted by Lara (@larakopenkina) on Aug 5, 2016 at 5:09am PDT

Larisa Chaliapin (Kopenkina) caused a real shock to the public when Chaliapin announced the upcoming wedding. The woman, who is twice as old as the famous musician, did not hide them romantic relationship and accompanied the chosen one to various events, which earned her instant popularity. Larisa said that Chaliapin gives her a chance to really feel young and the fact that Prokhor is with her for the sake of money does not bother the millionaire at all.


Russian businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina (Chaliapina) was born in Pervomaisk, Luhansk region, on July 21, 1955. About education and early years the woman's life is unknown. She does not dare to open the veil of secrecy of her past years. Larisa Chalyapina is engaged in the sale of luxury housing in the capital. Its clients include many popular personalities of domestic and foreign origin. She is a very liberated woman and maintains her own blog on Instagram, where she shares candid photos and notes with fans.

Larisa does not hide that she often becomes a client of various cosmetologists and plastic surgeons to maintain youth and beauty. Friends and relatives of business women say that Larisa Chaliapin is a real optimist, she enjoys every moment of her life and is an adornment of any company. It is known that before the wedding with Prokhor Chaliapin, Larisa was married twice and from her second marriage she has an adult son. Also, the woman was in several civil marriages.

Beginning of the novel

The woman received great public fame when she appeared in public as the chosen one of the Star Factory participant - Prokhor Chaliapin. The woman openly flirted and showed signs of attention to the gentleman, who willingly reciprocated her feelings. It turned out that the crazy romance began when the millionaire gave her young lover an apartment for 18,000,000 rubles.

Long awaited event

The wedding was a real event in 2013. Prokhor Chaliapin proposed to Larisa, and she agreed. The wedding took place in Jamaica. The groom's mother was not present at the ceremony. She was horrified after the confession of her son. Prokhor's mother accused Larisa of a love spell and a lack of conscience. The bride's son also refused to come. He is sure that true love in this novel it is not and will not be that the guy is a gigolo and wants to disinherit him.

The wedding was attended by many famous representatives of show business. In honor of the wedding, Andrey Malakhov made a special edition of the Let They Talk program, and the 7 Days Magazine recognized the wedding of Larisa and Prokhor as a real scandal of 2013.


Larisa's happiness did not last long, already in 2014 Prokhor said in the program “Let them talk” that model Anna Kalashnikova was pregnant from him, and the marriage with Kopenkina was concluded under a contract and it was all a game. Chaliapin also announced that he had made the biggest mistake in his life by provoking the wedding. In order to restore the reputation of a decent person, Prokhor asked Larisa Chaliapin to confirm that the financial expenses were completely on his shoulders, and he never lived on his wife's money. Larisa Chalyapina is sure that her husband says this because he is very offended by her for her constant habit of leaving and not warning, because of this, in their happy family life there was a breakdown.

Prokhor Chaliapin's wife, Larisa Kopenkina, only smiled at the guy's face and asked him not to drag her into his new game. Larisa was not upset at all because of the divorce and her act ex-husband. Her personal life did not end there, and crowds of young fans are already gathering around her. Larisa does not hide that she loves partners many times younger than herself. This time, the woman's choice fell on 25-year-old Yuri Sharapov, who has long laid eyes on the famous elderly millionaire.

She became widely known in 2013, when a 34-year-old singer announced an alliance with her. Then, and a year later, the artist announced a break with his wife. He also said that their marriage was contracted and brought benefits to both parties: the ex-spouses often appeared on various shows. Later it turned out that Chaliapin decided to stay with Kopenkina in friendly relations, and Larisa herself twirled new novel with a man who younger than her for 13 years.

Wedding of Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina

The new relationship of Chaliapin's ex-wife became known from the words of her friends. They told that in Lately the businesswoman often flies to Astrakhan, explaining the trips as a work necessity. However, in reality, she lives there new lover is a local businessman who owns a chain of stores. It is known that the man is 50 years old and he is now married. His wife is 30 years old. Because of this, Larisa hid a new hobby for a long time. However, she does not intend to constantly be in the status of a mistress. The lover of the ex-wife of Chaliapin is now busy divorce proceedings. « In fact, Larisa took him away from the family», - Kopenkina's friends summarized the Komsomolskaya Pravda publication.

Larisa Kopenkina

Meanwhile, around Prokhor Chaliapin, rumors about an affair with ex-wife- a pianist. The couple is often seen together in in public places, for example, in a shop, a bathhouse and a swimming pool. The artists also went to a sanatorium, giving for rest, and during the holidays, the so-called friends lived in the same room. In addition, they were seen together. And recently it became known that the couple visited Prokhor's hometown of Volgograd, where.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya claims that Prokhor is a very good friend who supports her in a difficult life period. Recall that the pianist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who accused her of stealing money from his theater, as well as secretly spying on him. The actor wanted to sue the ex-wife 3 million rubles in compensation moral damage. She also faced a two-year prison sentence. However, it has recently become known that .

Prokhor Chaliapin and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

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