Sergei Bodrov that was found next to the body. Sergei Bodrov Jr.: were the remains found? She has a lover on the course

Close relatives of Bodrov Jr. - father Sergei Vladimirovich, mother Valentina Nikolaevna and widow Svetlana - have not yet contacted the Republican Biological Laboratory of North Ossetia. According to “Your Day”, in the near future the human remains found in the Karmadon Gorge will be sent to the center forensics Rostov-on-Don. Russia hasn’t made anything sensible better than Brother).. I’ve already watched it 10 times every time, but they don’t get boring and constantly remind me of Bodrov! It’s a pity that Bodrov was an excellent actor, but he wasn’t the only one who died there, and they talk about him a little shamelessly, like a celebrity. P.S.

Seggei Bodrov Found? Myth or reality?

On the morning of September 20, 2002, the Moscow film crew of Sergei Bodrov went to the Karmadon Gorge Caucasus mountains for the location shooting of the new film “Svyaznoy”. Brothers" by actor Sergei Bodrov Jr. - from these searches. The team worked fruitfully on the set in the gorge all day long; the actors, cameramen, lighting technicians and seven horsemen of the Vladikavkaz Theater completed the program in full towards evening. But no one knew where exactly to look for the film crew. Then they connected the scientists, modern means detection of human bodies and machines and even psychics.

Someone’s remains were found, and rumors began to circulate that it was someone from Sergei Bodrov’s group. What nonsense? Someone's remains were found, but there was no official confirmation that these were Bodrov's remains. There is not even information about the examination of the remains. To date, there is no reliable information about whether the body of Sergei Bodrov has been found. After the tragedy that occurred in the Karmadon Gorge, remains and fragments of human bodies were repeatedly found, but it was not possible to establish for certain whether any of them belonged to Sergei Bodrov. The mysterious death of Sergei Bodrov still haunts many. The tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge occurred back in 2002. The body of Sergei and members of his film crew were never found.

The river washed a car with human remains out of the mudflow in the Genaldon Gorge... Let us recall that on September 20, exactly 10 years ago, the famous film actor and aspiring director Sergei Bodrov Jr. went with the film crew to film several episodes for the new film “The Messenger.” Most likely, he is carrying out some kind of assignment, preparing the ground for the transition of the astral body of Bodrov Jr. into a new body of our world. So, we will wait for Sergei. In the near future, unless something mystically negative happens, another BROTHER will appear nearby. Brother 3 will come to this world to continue his mission.

Why did this happen

After work, I went to a cafe, which was located just at the bottom of the Karmadon Gorge. According to an experienced rescuer, the speed of the glacier was at least 220 kilometers per hour. The people who got in his way had practically no chance. I remember how he looked at these blocks of ice and said: “Everything is clear.” As the rescuer says, it is almost impossible to find the remains of the body of Sergei and other victims, even though that same glacier has already melted for the most part. For some time, while the search was going on, rescuers had hope that people could have survived, for example, by taking refuge in a car tunnel. The bodies of Bodrov and 105 other people have still not been found.

In connection with the fact of the death of the film crew, the press often raises the topic of why a multi-ton ice block then it began to move. According to some observers, the Kolka glacier melted at the end of summer and therefore disappeared on September 20. A glacier that has been formed for many thousands, or even millions, of years cannot just melt and suddenly begin to move.

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Officially, the search for those killed during the collapse of the Kolka glacier was stopped more than a year ago. Relatives of the missing carried out excavations themselves for a long time, but last spring they too came to terms with the loss of their loved ones. But we immediately thought - could it really be Brother?.. In such a meat grinder only small parts could be preserved. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the body was most likely brought to the surface by the waters of the glacier, which began to melt especially actively this summer. According to neighbors, some urgently went to the glacier to look at the place where the body was found - what if someone else was found?

15 years ago, together with a film crew in North Ossetia, he died under a collapsed glacier. famous actor and director Sergei Bodrov. " TVNZ“I talked with the head of the search operation, rescuer Sergei Shchetinin, who told how they were looking for Bodrov and why he and the bodies of the other victims had not yet been found.

This is one of the most serious operations ever carried out in North Ossetia-Alania. At that time, I led a rescue team in this republic, so I found myself at the epicenter of events. I myself could have become a victim of that disaster. It was in the evening. After work, I went to a cafe, which was located just at the bottom of the Karmadon Gorge. I didn’t reach my destination by just five minutes...

Shchetinin said that he was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy precisely because he was nearby.

It was dark, but I could see a pile of stones, rubble, and dirt. There was equipment in the trunk, I quickly changed clothes and got out of the car. I remember hearing screams, someone crying, and it was very cold, just like in a freezer. I started moving, lighting the way with a flashlight. And then something flashed under the rays of light. It turned out to be ice.

According to the rescuer, similar glacier collapses have already occurred in these places, although they were not a very frequent occurrence. The rescue operation began almost immediately after the emergency services learned about the incident.

In the first hours, the operation took place at great risk to the lives of the rescuers themselves: the ice-mud-stone mass was still moving, crackling and creaking disgustingly. We moved with difficulty, almost swimming. Moreover, nothing is visible... The volume of the descended glacier was about 125 million cubic meters, and the height in several places reached three hundred meters. It was almost impossible to work! But we appreciated the full scale of the disaster when we flew around the gorge in a helicopter. The mass was enormous, terrifying.

According to an experienced rescuer, the speed of the glacier was at least 220 kilometers per hour. The people who got in his way had practically no chance. None of the rescuers thought at that moment that a famous actor could be among the victims.

An artist, a politician, an athlete, a mere mortal - for us, rescuers, this does not matter while performing our duty. The life of any person is priceless. And we are doing everything to save her. A professional differs from an amateur in that he can hide his emotions and not think about unnecessary things. It was enough for us that old people, women, and children were trapped under the rubble.

Some time after the incident, Sergei’s father, director Bodrov, the eldest, arrived at the scene. Shchetinin accompanied him while he inspected the site of his son’s death.

We flew over the gorge with him several times. I remember how he looked at these blocks of ice and said: “Everything is clear.” It was clear that it was difficult to find anyone here. It is very difficult to evaluate the behavior of a person whose child is in such a state - he is neither among the living nor among the dead. But Sergei Bodrov, the eldest, behaved courageously and with dignity, although he loved his son very much. The situation as a whole was nervous; no one believed that this could happen...

As the rescuer says, it is almost impossible to find the remains of the body of Sergei and other victims, even though that same glacier has already melted for the most part.

Everything happens in life, but the probability is small. We found fragments of heavy equipment - bulldozers, cranes, KamAZ trucks. They were pieces of metal, torn to shreds. Can you imagine what could have happened to human bodies?.. Unfortunately, the glacier collapse caused a ball mill effect. This is a unit that grinds rock into powder. The pin destroyed everything that came in its way.

To the question of whether Bodrov’s group had a chance to survive, the rescuer cannot give a definite answer.

It's hard to talk about this. Professionals understood: there could be no survivors in the gorge. But we couldn’t kill hope, because there were someone’s parents and children, brothers and sisters. Therefore, we were close to the relatives of the missing. Moreover, it was impossible to leave people alone in such a state.

The Karmadon Gorge tragedy occurred on September 20, 2002. More than a hundred people became victims of the collapse of the Kolka glacier, including Sergei Bodrov Jr. and members of his film crew, who were there filming an episode of the film “The Messenger.” At about seven o'clock in the evening, filming stopped due to poor light, the group collected equipment and moved to the city. At this time, around 20:15 local time, the glacier began to melt. The bodies of Bodrov and 105 other people have still not been found. Officially, 19 people were recognized as victims of the emergency.
Sergei Bodrov Jr. is a popular Russian actor and film director. He became widely known for the films “Brother”, “Brother-2”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and others. He was also known as a television presenter and film scriptwriter. Repeatedly received various awards in the field of cinema.

On the morning of September 20, 2002, the Moscow film crew of Sergei Bodrov went to the Karmadon Gorge of the Caucasus Mountains for location shooting of the new film “Svyaznoy”. A day earlier, filming took place in the Zelenokumsk women's colony. In the future film, Sergei worked, in his words, “like a bag of coffee “3 in one”: director, scriptwriter and leading actor.”

Alas, the “mix” did not help the candidate of art history gain recognition from film experts in yet another of his endeavors. The film died in the literal sense of the word. But more on that below.

Today many people remember who Sergei Bodrov is. Fifteen year old son talented Soviet director Sergei Bodrov Sr. played several episodic roles in his films. But later he literally burst onto the movie screens with his charm and at the same time toughness, and sometimes even cruelty, of the characters of his heroes.

Viewers in the mid-nineties of the last century and at the beginning of the 2000s experienced admiration from watching feature films“Brother” and “Brother-2”, in which the actor played the main roles.

These years were confused by their ideology, soaked in the blood of criminal showdowns and Chechen wars. When the previously calm subjects of the Federation, intoxicated by the democracy that had fallen upon them, wanted to break ties with it. Neither the scriptwriters nor the directors knew what cinema should be like at such a socio-political crossroads. According to their own inspiration, everyone from this creative sphere followed their own path of trial and error. "Brothers" by actor Sergei Bodrov Jr. - from these searches.

Something similar to them was conceived in Svyaznoy, but with a philosophical and mystical slant. Later, mysticism manifested itself in practice. Bodrov, how main character, according to the script he dies. Sergei Jr. wrote the script for himself. We were waiting for the film.

...The whole day the team worked fruitfully on the set in the gorge; the actors, cameramen, lighting technicians and seven horsemen of the Vladikavkaz Theater completed the program in full towards evening. We gathered for the capital of North Ossetia. We left, anticipating tomorrow's nature. But there was no continuation.

At eight o'clock in the evening local time, a rumble and crackling sound was heard in the mountains. Almost no one paid attention to this noise: they say, mountains! But the group was immediately, in an instant, overtaken by a terrible ice avalanche almost a hundred meters high.

Later, experts will say: the broken hanging glacier, mixing along the way with huge boulders and trees, rushed into the valley at a speed of up to two hundred kilometers per hour.

Imagine on the asphalt a car at such a speed, and it’s getting scary! People, horses, cars - everything was captured by the avalanche. She stopped somewhere.

But no one knew where exactly to look for the film crew. They searched long and hard, for months digging out huge stone boulders by hand, and later with excavators. They drilled at 10, 20, 50 meters - and all in vain.

Then they connected scientists, modern means of detecting human bodies and machines, and even psychics. Specialists, volunteers, and relatives of the victims worked until 2004. But they didn’t find anyone!

More than a hundred people were listed as missing. And the remains of the Kolka glacier above them became a mass grave, even though they lie a hundred meters from each other, and perhaps nearby.

In 2004, a group of scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences came to this gorge to study dangerous natural processes. And they discovered the remains of people, but the actor was not among them.

Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov (known as Sergei Bodrov - Jr.) (December 27, 1971, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR - September 20, 2002, Karmadon Gorge, North Ossetia) - Soviet and Russian actor, film director, screenwriter and television presenter. Ph.D. in History of Arts.

Performer of leading roles in the films “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Brother”, “Stringer”, “East-West”, “Brother 2” and “Bear Kiss”, host of the television programs “Marathon-15”, “Vzglyad” and the first season of the project “ Last Hero".

Officially considered missing along with the film crew during the collapse of the Kolka glacier in the Karmadon Gorge, where the filming of the film “The Messenger” took place.


Early in the morning of September 20, 2002, the film crew of the film “Svyaznoy”, led by Sergei Bodrov, set off from Vladikavkaz to the mountains. Filming went on all day, when it got dark, the group, including seven members of the Narty equestrian theater, moved back to the city. At 20:08, the Kolka glacier suddenly began to disappear; in a few minutes, an ice collapse covered the entire Karmadon Gorge with a 60-meter layer of ice and stones. No one managed to escape.

By official version, one of the hanging glaciers fell from a cliff on Mount Jimara. A mass of ice fell on the Kolka glacier, which broke off its bed and moved down the gorge at a speed of up to 180 km/h, taking moraine material with it. Large-scale rescue efforts lasted several months; a group of volunteers and relatives of the missing remained on the glacier until February 2004. After the tragedy, more than a hundred people were reported missing, and Bodrov’s remains were not found.

All versions of the death of Sergei Bodrov: from mystical to real

What could have led to the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge and the death of Sergei Bodrov - people have been wondering about this for 16 years.

Mountains that take souls

Now, looking back, fans of Sergei Bodrov still want to understand: was it possible to prevent the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge? They talked with the employees of the Vladikavkaz hotel, from where the film crew went to their last way. Communicated with local residents, the first to come to the rescue.

On September 20, according to the plan, only one scene had to be filmed, but everything did not work out early morning. According to the schedule, work on the site was planned to begin at nine in the morning, but the cars that were supposed to deliver the filmmakers to the gorge were very late. And the shooting was postponed to one o'clock in the afternoon. Many believe that if there had not been these four hours of downtime, the group would have managed to return to the city before the glacier disappeared. However, psychics contacted by relatives of the missing say that the tragedy would still have happened, even if the film crew had gone to the mountains the next day or a week later.

Local residents believe that the souls of the people in the gorge were taken away by the mountains, as people came to forbidden places. There is a legend that in the Greater Caucasus Mountains there are seven places where seven villages perished under glaciers 200 years ago. And the filmmakers found themselves on the territory of one of these ghost villages. They say that even now in the mountains you can unexpectedly stumble upon a settlement, find shelter and food there, talk with the local residents, and then, leaving the village, turn around and discover that there are no houses or people in this place. The mountaineers believe that the souls of people who died in the mountains live in such villages.

Guardian angel

Relatives of the victims, comparing the facts today, believe that people had a presentiment of the impending disaster. Thus, Sergei Bodrov’s widow Svetlana told reporters that she spoke with her husband on September 20. And he seemed very sad to her, somehow alarmed. His last words were parting words: “Take care of the children.”

That morning, the Muscovites were joined by actors from the Ossetian equestrian theater “Narty”. The stunt riders starred with Bodrov back in Alexei Balabanov’s film “War,” which is why Sergei invited them to his new film “Svyaznoy.” When the glacier collapsed, seven artists of this theater died, only Kazbek Bagayev survived. The man underwent baptism shortly before the tragedy. And he believes that his guardian angel saved him from death. Before filming on September 20, he decided to go home to his relatives, whom he had not seen for a long time, and as a result was late for departure. His horse also survived, but it did not allow the blacksmith to approach him and did not allow himself to be shoed, which is why the artists did not take him with them to the gorge.

Breaking point

There are also more scientific versions of what caused the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge. Before the ill-fated September 20, 2002, the Kolka Glacier had not shown itself in any way for the last hundred years. At seven o'clock in the evening of that day, Bodrov's group suspended filming and began preparations for returning to the city. At 20.15 local time the glacier began to melt. In 20 minutes, the gorge and the village of Upper Karmadon were covered with a multi-meter layer of ice, mud and stones. No one managed to survive. The avalanche moved at a speed of about 180 km/h. 127 people died, including the entire film crew. Scientists have suggested that the glacier could have been triggered by several deep faults that converged at one point. But the worst thing is that the glacier was pushed out of its place - the magma that approached this giant fault. According to scientists, nowhere on Earth have there ever been any recorded cases of a giant glacier, weighing more than 200 million tons, unexpectedly moving from its place. This could have been done by magma heated to 1000 degrees, accumulated in huge quantities in one place.

The model of the monument to Sergei Bodrov Jr. was sent for revision

Experts did not approve of the model of the monument to actor Sergei Bodrov Jr., which is proposed to be installed in Moscow, Igor Voskresensky, chairman of the capital’s commission on monumental art, told RIAMO on Tuesday.

Earlier in Moscow it was proposed to erect a monument to Sergei Bodrov Jr. According to the authors’ idea, this will be a bronze figure of the hero of the films “Brother” and “Brother-2” Danila Bagrov, played by Bodrov. In front of the sculpture it is planned to post the phrase “I think there is strength in truth.”

“It was back in November, they made the decision that the layout needed to be finalized. We do not conduct an examination, it is carried out by professionals, but they did not approve. When they finalize it, we’ll look into it,” Voskresensky said.

The news excited the whole of North Ossetia. Officially, the search for those killed during the collapse of the Kolka glacier was stopped more than a year ago. Relatives of the missing carried out excavations themselves for a long time, but last spring they too came to terms with the loss of their loved ones. All work was stopped at the site of the tunnel, where Sergei Bodrov’s film crew could presumably have taken refuge. And then - just 100 meters north of this very tunnel - they found the body of a man.

On Saturday, employees of the Institute of Geology Russian Academy Sciences, while walking around the glacier, saw rags sticking out of the mess of mud, stones and ice. They approached out of curiosity, and there were the remains of a man. There were shoes lying a little to the side.

This is not a body, but only bones. Well, what do you want - two years have passed, say geologists Anatoly Gurbanov and Stanislav Bubnov. - Only experts can say who it is. But we immediately thought - is this really Brother?..

For now, we can only say that the remains belong to a man aged 30-35 years. “Everything else will become clear after the examination,” said Georgy Thapsaev, head of the forensic department of the Prigorodny district of North Ossetia. - We will be able to give the first expert opinion only in 10 days.

Experts say that the body was preserved surprisingly well, although the speed of the glacier reached 250 km/h. In such a meat grinder only small parts could be preserved. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the body was most likely brought to the surface by the waters of the glacier, which began to melt especially actively this summer.

Since yesterday morning, the phones of the relatives of those killed in the Karmadon Gorge have not been answered. According to neighbors, some urgently went to the glacier to look at the place where the body was found - what if someone else was found? The rest are waiting for the results of the examination. They want to find out whether the man found was part of Bodrov’s group. Or maybe it’s Sergei himself.

In September 2002, immediately after the tragedy, relatives of the missing filled out special cards in which they indicated all the data - height, weight and what the relatives were wearing, whether they had injuries and what operations they had undergone. Now they are bringing up all the archives to compare the data on the cards. It was from this data that last fall the identity of 30-year-old Inga Likhovitskaya, a resident of Alagir, was determined.

True, we don’t know where these cards are now,” said Vladimir Ivanov, head of the press service of the North Ossetian Ministry of Emergency Situations. - Perhaps they have been preserved and work will be carried out on them. But it is possible that they were “buried” two years ago, along with the hope of finding someone.

Who did they find?
Male 30 - 35 years old
Hair - dark
Shoes (found next to the body) made of brown leather, size 42
Jeans dark blue
Suede jacket, steel blue color

Could the deceased be Bodrov?

1) Sergey was of average height, about 175 cm.

2) He died a little more than two months before his 31st birthday.

3) The discovered man has dark hair, like Brother.

4) Despite the fact that the body was found 150 meters from the Karmadon tunnel, where the film crew seemed to have managed to enter, there are cases when, during glaciers and avalanches, the dead were found at a great distance from the place where they were captured by the elements.


Of the 119 people who went missing during the glacier meltdown, approximately half were men between 30 and 40 years old, and most of them were 175 - 180 cm tall. According to the recollections of those who communicated with the group, many also came to the mountains in jeans ...

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