Which musician is considered the patron saint of ani lorak. Ani Lorak personal life and family: latest news. Fast track to glory

Karolina was born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman, Chernivtsi region in Ukraine. The desire to become a singer in the biography of Ani Lorak manifested itself in childhood. While studying at school, the girl participated in various competitions. The first step to fame was the victory at the Primrose contest. This event is also significant due to Lorak's acquaintance with producer Y. Falyosa.

In 1995, Carolina first became known under the pseudonym "Ani Lorak". Then, in her biography, Lorak took part in the Morning Star program. In the same year she moved to Kyiv.

Ani Lorak's first album was released in 1996 ("I want to fly"). In 1995, and then in 1996, the singer received the Golden Firebird at the Tavria Games. Ani Lorak also participated in competitions outside her homeland: in 1996 she won the New York Big Apple Music competition. The next album "I'll be back" in the biography of Ani Lorak was released in 1998. And since 2000 he has been collaborating with Igor Krutoy. The singer's albums "There, de ti e" (2001), "Ani Lorak" (2004) became gold. Also among the singer's albums: "Smile" (2005), "Tell" (2006), "15" (2007), "Shady Lady" (2008).

The songs of Ani Lorak were repeatedly recognized as the best ("Golden Firebird", "Golden Gramophone").

And Ani herself became the best singer of the year several times, and is also considered the most beautiful woman in Ukraine (according to Viva magazine).

In 2008, Ani Lorak took part in Eurovision. Performing with Philip Kirkorov's song "Shady Lady", Lorak won second place. Lorak received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine in 1999. And she became a People's Artist in 2008. Ani Lorak's album "The Sun" was released in 2009, and the audience managed to fall in love with it very much.

In addition to studying music, Carolina proved to be an outstanding actress. She starred in several musical films (for example, "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", "Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro", "Little Red Riding Hood"). Karolina also voiced the characters of several cartoons. Owns a restaurant in Kyiv.

Lorak is the UN Goodwill Ambassador in Ukraine on HIV issues. He has many titles, awards, prizes not only in the musical fields.

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Ukrainian singer won the hearts of a huge number of male and female hearts, not only with her appearance, but also with her strong and melodious voice. Lorak, in September 2018, will celebrate her jubilee, she will turn 40 years old.

For her age, she looks just perfect. Her height of 163 cm and weight of 52 kg allow her to demonstrate to numerous fans what kind of body women at her age can have. Biography, personal life, children, husband and photos of the singer Ani Lorak were main theme for discussions among fans, journalists and just fans of her work.



Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek is the real name of Ani Lorak. She was born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman, in the Bukovina region. Despite the early separation of her parents, her mother left her father's surname, and chose the name based on her sympathy for the heroine of her favorite TV show. Due to lack of money and poverty, Lorak's mother had to spend a lot of time at work.

IN early age Ani ends up in the Sadgorsk boarding school. During her studies, she took part in numerous vocal competitions. In 1992, a young girl won the Primrose festival. Yuri Falyosa saw the girl's talent and became her first producer. She signed her first contract with him.

Ani Lorak in childhood and youth


"Morning Star" - one of the most popular Russian TV shows, has made changes to the singer Ani Lorak in her biography and personal life. Note! It was this program that created the stage name by reading her name backwards.

Lorak's career grew rapidly. In 1995, her first album was recorded, and already in early 1996 a CD was released by an English company. This year has been a triumphant one for her. She won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition.

Boundless talent and desire allowed her to record such albums as:

  • Shady Lady;
  • "Ships";
  • "Caroline";
  • "Without you";
  • "Don't give up";
  • "Autumn Love";
  • "The New Ex".

Ani Lorak on the set of the video "Ships"

These albums include 7 of the most popular songs that we all love so much:

  • Shady Lady;
  • Sun;
  • At first sight;
  • For you;
  • Give back my love;
  • Take away;
  • Mirrors.

Ani Lorak and Valery Meladze on stage

Each composition gives us the opportunity to return to past memories. I have no doubt that every girl has at least one favorite song that she associates with a certain passage from her life.

Personal life

Attention! Yuri Falyosa was the first actual husband from 1996 to 2004. In 2009, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchajioglu became Ani Lorak's husband.

Looking through the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak of her husband and photos of children, many try to find even more fascinating facts from life in them. Their luxurious wedding took place in her husband's homeland, in Turkey. Two years later, the couple decided to expand the family with children. In 2011, their daughter Sophia was born.

Interestingly, the couple chose the Bulgarian singer Philip Kirkorov as their godfathers, and the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Irina Berezhnaya became the godfather. The christening took place on April 7, 2012 in Kyiv.

Ani Lorak with Murat Nalchajioglu

Husband and children

Everyone is interested to know the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak, photos of children, husband and how old they are strong marriage. Who is Murat Nalchagioglu? What does their already five-year-old princess look like? Murat Nalchajioglu is a businessman from Turkey, whom Ani met on vacation in sunny Antalya. Murat was one of the owners of the hotel where the singer stayed.

He fell in love with her at first sight, Ani did not make him wait long and soon answered him mutual feelings. After the end of the vacation, Lorak flew away, but they constantly called up Murat. A year later, she returned to Turkey, where she filmed a video and settled in the same hotel. After this meeting, their real romance began.

Many are interested in the question - "How old is Murat"? The husband is only a year older than his beloved. He was born on June 12, 1977. Murat started earning very early to help his mother after the death of his father.

Anya and Murat's wedding

After the wedding in Turkey, Murat moved to his wife's homeland and began to rapidly develop in the restaurant business. He also manages several clubs and is not going to stop. The biggest achievement for the couple was the birth of their daughter Sofia. Ani Lorak and Murat no longer hide the photo of their charming baby.

Now, on the pages of Instgrama, parents proudly and with great delight for their “child” post funny pictures of their daughter. Dad's eastern roots and mom's charming smile are perfectly combined in this charming baby. Five-year-old Sonya is not intimidated by cameras, and she poses perfectly. Therefore, there is a high probability that the daughter will follow in the footsteps of the star mother.

Ani Lorak with her husband and daughter

Bullying in Ukraine

Loud statements thundered against the Ukrainian singer. Many claimed that she had betrayed her Motherland and was openly touring Russia with concerts. Singer Anastasia Prikhodko spoke sharply not only in the direction of Ani Lorak, but also of her fans. Despite the betrayal of Ukraine, they continue to applaud her work.

“The bullying that is happening now is part of the political game,” the singer believes.

Ani Lorak

Finding out their relationship, politicians set people up for negativity. But the songs and creativity of Ani Lorak will always serve Ukraine. “I made my choice to bring love to people through music. This has always been and will be my choice: to serve people with my creativity,” says Ani.

Politicians are trying to use different situations from their personal lives, biography and photos of Ani Lorak, but this will remain only on their conscience. She will always stay with her people. The singer believes that we are all "tied" by family and historical ties.

“These terrible days will soon end, and all people will forget about the suffering caused during cruel games"! - says Ani Lorak.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak now

Ani Lorak demonstrates her creativity on world stages. She performs in:

  • England;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Hungary;
  • Poland;
  • Turkey.

Ani Lorak sings on stage

Her immediate plans are to conquer the European and world public. Undoubtedly, the wide profile of her music and charming voice will help her achieve this goal.

In the last video, which they recorded together with the famous producer - Alan Badoev, the singer had to change her image. Ani Lorak turned into a femme fatale.

She “tried on” 5 vivid images:

  1. Bright red lips;
  2. Red over the knee boots;
  3. A transparent dress;
  4. Short jacket;
  5. Black lacquer coat.

Ani Lorak

Interestingly, the audience criticized the new video - "New Former". The audience noticed that it was very similar to Tina Karol's video for the song "I won't stop" and convicted the singer of plagiarism. Did Alan Badoev "borrow" someone else's idea and thereby framed Lorak?!

After intense filming of the video and the New Year's concert, the singer decided to relax with her husband and daughter. Lorac shared on Instagram a photo from hot Mexico. On the beach, the singer showed off her black bikini, which clearly highlighted her flat tummy.

Ani Lorak on vacation in Mexico

Lorak takes sunbaths and prepares for the upcoming concerts and the main event of the year in the Diva show. Let's hope that rested and tanned Ani Lorak will continue to delight the eyes of the audience not only with her gorgeous photos, but also with new creative discoveries.


Ani Lorak (real name - Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek). She was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitsman, Chernivtsi region (Ukraine). Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of Ukraine (2008).

Carolina Kuek, who later became known as Ani Lorak, was born on September 27, 1978 in the small town of Kitsman in the north of the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine.

Grandfather and grandmother on the father's side - Ivan Kuek and Olga Kuek - lived to see the golden wedding. Grandmother Olya baptized Karolina in the local church in the city of Kitsman, and took a great part in raising her granddaughter. Grandfather Ivan Kuek was a pilot during the war, was taken prisoner, lived in Germany, learned German and taught her granddaughter to speak German.

Grandfather and grandmother on the mother's side - Vasily Dmitrienko and Yanina Yulianovna Dmitrienko (maiden Kokosha). Grandmother Yanina is Polish, worked in a pharmacy, was a Catholic.

Father- Miroslav Ivanovich Kuek (born January 2, 1947), Honored Journalist of Ukraine, Graduated from the Chernivtsi Music College as a choir conductor, as well as the Faculty of Philology of Chernivtsi University. Works in the regional newspaper "Vilne Zhittya", a poet. Since 1998, he has been married to the poetess Sylvia Zayets, a distant relative of the writer Olga Kobylyanska. Lives in the city of Kitsman.

Mother- Zhanna Vasilievna Linkova (maiden Dmitrienko) (born November 7, 1946). She worked as an announcer on the regional radio and television, lives in Chernivtsi.

Carolina had three brothers. Sergey Anatolievich Linkov(one womb; born 1968), died in Afghanistan in 1987. Sergey was the first to see the talent of the singer in little Carolina and insisted that she not give up her hobby and develop in this direction.

Igor Miroslavovich Kuek(born April 26, 1976), was the director of the Angel lounge restaurant, works in advertising business, was a journalist and editor-in-chief of the magazine "Insurance Club", worked in the tourism business, graduated from the Faculty of History of the Chernivtsi National University named after Y. Fedkovych and the courses "School of Advertising and PR" at the Kiev national university named after Taras Shevchenko.

Andrey Vasilyevich Perepichka(one-womb; born December 19, 1985), foreman in Chernivtsi.

The girl's parents separated before she was born. But in spite of this, mother future singer, Zhanna Vasilyevna, gave the girl the surname of her father, and chose her daughter's name in honor of one of her favorite heroines of the TV show Zucchini "13 Chairs" - Pani Karolinka (performed by actress Victoria Lepko).

Caroline's childhood passed in poverty. Mom devoted herself completely to work in order to feed her children, so at the age of six she was forced to send her daughter to the Sadgorsk boarding school No. 4 in Chernivtsi, where the girl, along with her brothers, was brought up to the 7th grade.

The desire to become a singer from Carolina appeared at the age of four. The girl often performed at various school competitions vocals.

In 1992, she took part in the Chernivtsi festival "Primrose" and won. It was here that Karolina met producer Yuri Falyosa and signed her first professional contract.

The fame of the young singer was brought by the Russian television program "Morning Star", which was released on screens in March 1995. At the same time, Karolina became known as Ani Lorak: a Russian singer under the name Karolina had already been entered in this competition, and the Ukrainian Carolina had to get out of this situation by performing under a pseudonym, which is a reverse reading of the name Karolina. Then, according to the results of the survey "New Stars of the Old Year", she was recognized as the "Discovery" of 1994 and was awarded the "Golden Firebird" of the Tauride Games. At the Chervona Ruta festival held in Crimea, Ani Lorak took second place.

In the fall of 1995, the recording of the album “I Want to Fly” was completed, in the style of jazz-rock. The CD was released at the beginning of 1996 by the English company Holy Music with a circulation of 6,000 copies and did not reach the singer's homeland. In the summer, Ani Lorak, accompanied by the Blues Brothers, again performed at the Tavria Games-VI and was nominated for the best singer in the Golden Firebird award. In the same year, she won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition held in New York.

In the summer of 1997, at the next Tavria Games, Ani Lorak announced the release of the self-titled album, which was released in December 1997, with the video clip “I'll be back”. In early 1999, Ani Lorak went on a tour of the United States, France, Germany, Hungary, as well as most major cities Ukraine.

In 1999, Ani Lorak became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine. In the same year, the singer personally met the famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy, in collaboration with whom the composition "Mirrors" appears. A contract is signed between Igor Krutoy and Ani Lorak, which comes into force in the spring of 2000. In 2002, the singer entered the top 100 most sexy women world, and in 2008 FHM magazine included the singer in the top 100 sexiest women in the world.

In the summer of 2002, Ani Lorak, recognized as the best singer in Ukraine, received the Golden Firebird pen and the Golden Disc (according to the results of the sale of the album Where You Are...).

In 2002, Ani Lorak starred as Oksana in a comedy musical based on the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". Filming of the scenes taking place in St. Petersburg took place in the Mariininsky Palace in Kyiv.

The album of 2004 called "Ani Lorak" also received the status of "gold", and one of his songs "Tri zvichnye slova" ("Three habitual words") - the status of the best song of 2004. Ani Lorak herself became the best singer of 2004.

In 2005, the English-language album "Smіle" was released with the song "Smile" of the same name, which the singer was going to present at Eurovision. This album also went gold.

She was considered the favorite of the national selection for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005, which was to be held in Kyiv. However, at the insistence of Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Tomenko, the Ivano-Frankivsk group "Grinjoly" was introduced to the final part of the national selection without participating in the preliminary selections through which the rest of the participants went through.

In 2006, the seventh album "Tell" ("Tell") was released, and it became "gold".

In 2007, the album "15" was released, which again became "gold", and a year later reached the "platinum" status.

In 2008, the single "Shady Lady" was released and with this song the singer went to Eurovision 2008 and took 2nd place.

In 2008, at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008, she took second place with the song Shady Lady representing Ukraine.

Ani Lorak at Eurovision 2008

In September 2009, Ani Lorak agreed to participate in the tour "With Ukraine in the heart!" in support of Yulia Tymoshenko.

In 2009, the album "The Sun" was released, which brought the singer immense popularity not only in Ukraine, but also in the CIS countries. The album received a "platinum status", and the song "The Sun" was awarded the Golden Gramophone award. In the same year, the singer was awarded the "Person of the Year" award in the "Idol of Ukrainians" nomination and was nominated for the Muz-TV award.

In 2010, a collection of the best songs "The Best" was released. Ani Lorak received the Golden Gramophone for the song "At First Sight" and was nominated for the Muz-TV award. She was repeatedly recognized as the most talented and popular singer in Ukraine.

In 2010, Ani Lorak officially becomes the advertising face of Oriflame. With her participation, several catalogs were published on different months. At the end of November, Ani Lorak took part in the Musical Ring project on NTV, where her opponent was Dima Bilan. This musical duel caused a lot of scandals both in the press and on television. Many fans and critics who participated in the show itself praised the spectacle as "Eurovision 2008" or "the struggle between Russia and Ukraine".

In 2011, the singles “For You” and “Ask” were released, which became real hits. The singer releases the collection "Favorites", and also receives the "Person of the Year" award in the "Star Solo" nomination. She was nominated for the Muz-TV award. The song "Do not share love" is released. For the song "For You" she received the "Song of the Year" and "Twenty Best Songs" awards.

A tour of Russia was planned for 2012, but the only concert was held in a half-empty hall in Yekaterinburg, and the rest were canceled.

Ani Lorak - Orange dreams

In October 2013, Ani Lorak presented the concert show "Carolina". Later, the singer went on a concert tour of the cities of Ukraine, Russia and other CIS and Baltic countries, which will last throughout 2014. This year, Ani Lorak became the voice of the adoption program "No to orphanhood!" charitable foundation"Development of Ukraine".

In 2015, Ani Lorak was recognized as the "Best Singer of the Year" three times - MUZ-TV Award, RU.TV Award, Fashion People Awards.

In January 2016, Ani Lorak went on a tour of America and Canada, touring with the Carolina show throughout the year. At the end of the year, the singer presented the album "Did you love."

In January 2017, Ani Lorak, together with the Black Star artist Mot, presented the duet song "Soprano", which was awarded as the "Best Duet" by various music awards at the end of the year.

In 2018, Ani Lorak presented the show "DIVA". The show made an unprecedented sensation and was noted music critics who compare it with concerts of world stars.

In the fall of 2018, Ani Lorak became a mentor in the seventh season of the Voice show on Channel One, where she was accompanied by rapper Basta, rock musician Sergey Shnurov, and composer and producer Konstantin Meladze.

With the support of Ani Lorak, 2 children's books were published: "How to become a star" ("How to become a star") and "How to become a princess" ("How to become a princess").

Ani Lorak is the face of the cosmetic company Schwarzkopf & Henkel in Ukraine, the face of the Swedish cosmetic company Oriflame and the face of the travel company TurTess Travel.

In 2014, the singer became one of the coaches in the show "Voice of the Country".

Photographed for men's magazines.

Ani Lorak in Maxim

In 2015, at the New Wave festival in Sochi, she presented the song in a duet with Grigory Leps “Leave in English”.

Ani Lorak and Grigory Leps - Leave in English

The artist is engaged social activities: She is the UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS in Ukraine.

Ani Lorak continued to perform in Russia after the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. On August 3, 2014, about a hundred protesters clashed with police near the Odessa club "Ibiza", where Ani Lorak's concert was being prepared. A similar incident occurred in Kyiv on November 26, 2014 - members of the Svoboda party arranged a corridor of shame for the audience who came to Anya's concert and tried to get into the hall of the Ukraine Palace. The riots were stopped by the police. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov commented on the incident before her concert, writing on Facebook that she "openly provokes society", and the policeman who beat Ani Lorak's opponent will be fired.

Ani Lorak's height: 162 centimeters.

Personal life of Ani Lorak:

From 1996 to 2004, Ani Lorak lived in a de facto marriage with her producer Yuri Falyosa.

Ani Lorak and Yuri Thales

On August 15, 2009, Ani Lorak married one of the owners of the tour operator Turtess Travel, Turkish citizen Murat Nalchagioglu (born June 12, 1977). The couple signed in the central registry office of Kyiv, and after that they celebrated their wedding on a grand scale in Turkey.

The singer met her future husband in 2005 in Antalya on vacation. In 2006 Murat moved to Ukraine. And two years later he made the singer an offer of marriage.

On June 9, 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. On April 7, 2012, Sophia was baptized in Kyiv, Philip Kirkorov became the godfather.

In the summer of 2018, it became known that Murat has a mistress, Yana Belyaeva. In the fall of 2018. At the same time, she did not prevent Murat from seeing her daughter. At the same time, in December 2018, information appeared that.

However, on January 31, 2019, they officially filed for divorce. In the divorce suit, the singer indicated that she had not lived with her husband for about two years, marriage Lately"was of a formal nature", while the spouses do not common views on family life. "Marriage between the parties is of a formal nature, the preservation of their family is impossible, and therefore there is every reason to dissolve the marriage, since further living together spouses and the preservation of the marriage would be contrary to their interests and the interests of their child," the court said.

Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchajioglu

In 2006, her own restaurant "Angel Lounge" was opened in Kyiv (on Shota Rustaveli Street).

Discography of Ani Lorak:

1996 - I want to fly
1998 - I'll be back
2000 - www.anilorak.com.
2001 - There, de ti є
2003 - REMIX Dream about me
2004 - Ani Lorak
2005 - Smile
2006 - Tell me
2007 - 15
2008 - Shady Lady
2009 - Sun
2013 - Light up the heart
2016 - Did you love ...

Singles by Ani Lorak:

1996 - I want to fly
1998 - I'll be back
1998 - I don't care
2001 - Angel of my dreams
2003 - Heart is not the end
2003 - I told you
2003 - Dream about me
2004 - Mirrors
2004 - Half day spec
2004 - Three primary words
2005 - Car Song
2005 - Smile
2006 - Tell me
2006 - Return my love (with Valery Meladze)
2007 - At first sight
2007 - I won't be yours
2007 - I'm waiting for you
2007 - I will become the sea
2008 - Shady Lady
2008 - Sun
2009 - Bird
2009 - And then ...
2009 - Heaven-palms
2009 - From sky to sky
2009 - Passion (with Timur Rodriguez)
2010 - For you
2011 - Ask
2011 - Do not share love
2012 - I will be the sun
2012 - Hug me
2012 - Hold me tight
2013 - Light up the heart
2013 - Orange dreams
2013 - Take Paradise
2013 - Mirrors (with Grigory Leps)
2014 - I have a dream
2014 - Malvi
2014 - Slowly
2015 - Ships
2015 - Without you
2015 - Autumn love
2015 - Leave in English (with Grigory Leps)
2016 - Hold my heart
2016 - Leave in English (Solo version)
2016 - Did you love
2017 - Do you still love
2017 - New ex
2018 - Crazy

Video clips of Ani Lorak:

1996 - "My God"
1997 - "I'll be back"
1997 - Fashion Model
1998 - "Oh my love"
1999 - "Counting"
1999 - "Alien City"
2000 - "Mirrors"
2001 - Kiss
2001 - "Half-day spec"
2002 - "There, de ti e ..."
2003 - Dream about me
2003 - "My bazhannya"
2004 - "Three primary words"
2004 - "A little shot of love"
2005 - "Smile"
2005 - "Car Song"
2006 - "100 kisses" feat. Alexander Ponomarev
2006 - “Tell ...”
2006 - "Bring back my love" feat. Valeriy Meladze
2007 - "At first sight"
2007 - "I'm with you"
2008 - "I will become the sea"
2008 - "Shady Lady"
2008 - "The Sun"
2009 - "And then"
2009 - "Passion" feat. Timur Rodriguez
2010 - "Heaven-palms"
2011 - "For you"
2011 - "Ask"
2012 - "Hug Me"
2012 - "Hug Me Tight"
2012 - "Light up the heart"
2013 - Orange Dreams
2013 - "Take Paradise"
2013 - "Mirrors" feat. Grigory Leps
2014 - "I'm having a dream"
2014 - "Malvi"
2014 - "Slowly"
2015 - "Ships"
2015 - "Autumn Love"
2016 - Hold My Heart
2016 - "Leave in English" (Solo version)
2016 - "Did you love"
2017 - "Soprano" (feat. Mot)
2017 - "Do you still love"
2017 - Say Goodbye (feat. Emin)
2017 - "New Ex"
2018 - "Crazy"

Filmography of Ani Lorak:

1998 - Take an overcoat - lieutenant of the medical service
2002 - Evenings on a farm near Dikanka - Oksana
2002 - Good evening to you (Good evening to you) - cameo
2003 - Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro - Fanshetta
2005 - Merry House - cameo
2005 - New Year in the subway - cameo
2005 - On the wave of my memory - cameo
2007 - Very New Year's movie, or Night at the Museum - Assol
2008 - Little Red Riding Hood - Sleeping Beauty
2008 - Only Love - cameo
2010 - New Year's matchmakers - cameo
2010 - Morozko - oriental bride
2011 - New Adventures of Aladdin - Princess Budur
2012 - Little Red Riding Hood - tourist
2014 - Sasha - cameo

The well-known singer Ani Lorak, whose biography will be described in this article, like many other contemporary artists who have achieved success and universal love, knew from childhood what she wanted to devote her whole life to. Despite the fact that fate was not always favorable to her, she managed to realize her dream.

Ani Lorak: biography - difficult childhood

The real name of the singer is Carolina, the surname is Kuek. She was born in 1978 on September 27 in a small town called Kitsman (Chernivtsi region of Ukraine). The girl's father was a journalist, her mother was a radio announcer. Even before the birth of her daughter, the couple divorced, her mother could not pay enough attention to all the children of whom there were four in the family (Karolina had three brothers, one of them died in Afghanistan), and the girl was brought up in a boarding school until the seventh grade. desire to become famous singer Carolina had it at the age of four, she recalls that she hummed something all the time. And I didn’t even imagine then that someday it would be not Carolina, but Ani Lorak.

Biography of the artist: the history of the stage name

In March 1995, it was released on television new transmission titled "Morning Star". Caroline Kuek also took part in the competition for young performers. But the organizers discovered that on their lists two contestants with the name Karolina were from Russia and wanted to perform without announcing their names). After much thought about how to be in this situation, and listing the mass of pseudonyms under which the young performer could perform, a way out of the situation was found - her name was read from right to left, and the Ukrainian Carolina became Ani Lorak.

Biography of the singer: the first success and fame

According to the results of the competition, the singer was recognized as the most amazing discovery and was awarded the Golden Firebird award. The festival "Chervona Ruta", which was held in the Crimea in the same 1995, also gave Carolina the opportunity to show her vocal abilities, and they were appreciated - the singer took second place.

The world saw the first album of Ani Lorak in 1996, the second - in 1997, after which the singer went on a tour of Europe, where she was accepted and loved.

In 1999, Ani Lorak, at the age of 19, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. At the same time, she began a collaboration with the Russian composer Igor Krutoy, which gave the audience many new hits. 2002 was a year of recognition for Anya - she became the Best Singer of Ukraine.

In 2008, under the leadership of Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak performed at Eurovision, where she took second place (first - Dima Bilan).

Charity and Ani Lorak: biography

The growth of the singer professionally, gaining crazy popularity, a busy tour schedule does not prevent her from remaining human, Ani does not allow herself to forget that there are people who need help. Ani Lorak speaks and assists in helping HIV-positive people in Ukraine. He regularly visits children in orphanages deprived of parental love, acts as a sponsor in the purchase of medical equipment, and is filmed in social networks. advertising.

Ani Lorak: biography - family

In 2003, during a vacation in Turkey, the singer met Murat Nalchajioglu (co-owner of the tour operator Turtess Travel), with whom they began an affair. In 2004, Murat moved to Anya in Ukraine, and five years later, the lovers officially got married. In June 2011, Karolina and Murat became parents - their daughter Sofia was born.

Ani Lorak is a Ukrainian pop star, a super popular singer in her homeland, who has an unusual, very strong voice. Recently, Ani is quite popular in Russia.

The story of Ani Lorak is a Cinderella story in perestroika realities. The girl Karolina (real name Anya) was born into a Ukrainian-Polish family, where both parents worked as journalists. The father is in the newspaper, and the mother is on the radio. However, the parents divorced before the birth of the girl, because of which she ended up in a boarding school in Chernivtsi, where she completed her studies until the 7th grade. What is a boarding school in the Soviet hinterland, no need to explain. And what fate would await a girl with nice name Carolina after graduation, it is better not to think. If not for the two talents that fate gave Carolina instead of parental warmth. Unearthly beauty and the same unearthly beauty voice - that's what has always been different from other pupils of the boarding school Carolina Kuek. And so she sang all the time. The boarding school, of course, did not get lost and sent the sweet-voiced pupil to various reviews, at one of which she was lucky. Once at the festival, the 12-year-old singer met a producer, and since then her life has taken on the right track.

Well, then this story takes on the features of the myth about Pygmalion and Galatea. It was the same producer Yuri Thales who made a star out of a singing pupil of a boarding school. However, for the period of "transformation", right from the age of the singer, from 1996 to 2006, young Galatea became civil wife his Pygmalion.

We must pay tribute to the producer: it was he who created that Ani Lorak, who is shining now, already reaching Europe with her rays. But we must pay tribute to Ani Lorak (by the way, this pseudonym - an inverted own name Carolina - she came up with herself). From the very beginning of her career, the girl has tirelessly improved professionally with such intensity that it is worth taking off her hat to her.

Ani Lorak's first success was brought by the Morning Star contest, in which she won a decisive victory. This competition was followed by other competitions and festivals. "Tavria Games", "Chervona Ruta" and others, in which Ani invariably took first, well, or in the worst case, second places. Pretty Ani was also liked by the Western audience. In 1996, she won the New York Big Apple Music Competition. And already in 1999 she became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine.

The 2000s expand the horizons of the young singer to the scale of Russia. At the beginning of the new century, she begins to cooperate with such "whales" Russian show business like Igor Krutoy, Konstantin Meladze and Philip Kirkorov. And finally, in 2006, he leaves his Pygmalion - Ukrainian producer Yuri Thalesa.

Again, we must pay tribute to the diligence and prudence of Ani Lorak. Almost since childhood, patronized by a “serious uncle”, she did not disappear in free swimming. Vice versa. In 2008, she brought Ukraine to an honorable 2nd place in the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest. She opened her restaurant "Angel" in Kyiv. She became the "face" of several prestigious companies: the cosmetics firm Schwarzkopf and Henkel, the perfumery company Oriflame and the travel company TurTes Travel. And also the singer decided to become the UN Goodwill Ambassador on HIV and AIDS in Ukraine.

And Ani fell in love and got married in 2009. Her chosen one was a peer - a young man of Turkish origin and citizenship - Murat Nalchadzhioglu, from whom in 2011 Ani gave birth to a daughter, Sofia. Moreover, the Muslim husband was not opposed to his wife christening his daughter, and Philip Kirkorov himself became the godfather of little Sophia.


  • The pseudonym "Ani Lorak" is formed by the reverse spelling of the name Carolina.
  • Ani Lorak has a voice of 4.5 octaves.
  • Ani speaks good German, which her grandfather, who was a pilot in the war and was taken prisoner by the Germans, taught her.
  • The parents wanted to name the girl not Karolina, but Olga, however, the grandmother of the future singer insisted on the name Karolina - a Polish woman by origin.
  • Ani Lorak has two more uterine brothers. There was also an older brother who, unfortunately, died in Afghanistan in 1987.

1996 - victory in the superfinal of the television competition "Morning Star"

1996 - Winner in the "Discovery of the Year" nomination of the "Tavria Games" festival.

1996 - Winner of the Grand Prix of the World Competition for Young Performers "Big Apple Music-96" (New York).

1999 - Honored Artist of Ukraine.

2002 - "Singer of the Year" according to the results of the magazine "ELLE".

2003 - UBN Awards in the nomination "Singer of the Year 2003".

2003 - "Singer of the Year" according to the results of the magazine "ELLE".

2004 - "Golden Gramophone" for the best song "Mriy about me"

2004 - "Golden Firebird" for the best song "Three common words"

2005 - Order of "St. Stanislav" V degree with the award of the Officer's Cross "for strengthening the international prestige of Ukraine, high professionalism, high creative achievements, charitable activities and loyalty to knightly ideals."

2006 - Golden Barrel Award for the song "Tell".

2006 - Ani Lorak - the most beautiful woman Ukraine according to VIVA magazine readers.

2008 - 2nd place at Eurovision

2008 - "Best Singer of 2008" according to the results of voting by listeners of the English "Eurovision Song Contest Radio"

2008 - People's Artist of Ukraine.

2009 - Golden Gramophone Award for the song "The Sun"

2010 - Golden Gramophone Award for the song "At First Sight".

2011 - ZD Awards "Sexiest Female Singer"

2012 - Golden Gramophone Award for the song "Hug Me Tight".

1998 - "Take an overcoat"

2002 - Evenings on a farm near Dikanka

2003 - Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro

2007 - A very New Year's movie, or Night at the Museum

2008 - Little Red Riding Hood

2010 - New Year's matchmakers

2010 - Morozko

2011 - The New Adventures of Aladdin

2012 - Little Red Riding Hood

1996 - I want to fly

1998 - I'll be back

2000 - www.anilorak.com.

2001 - There, de ti e

2003 - REMIX Dream about me

2004 - Ani Lorak

2005 — Smile

2006 - Tell me

2008 - Shady Lady

2009 - Sun

2010 - The Best

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