High compatibility of zodiac signs. Karmic connection between zodiac signs

Why can we treat two different people equally well, but at the same time the relationship develops with them in completely different ways? How does the sign of the Zodiac affect the type of relationship, what laws and rules apply here? Without a complete analysis of horoscopes, it is impossible to make a detailed conclusion about the relationship between two people, but they can be given an initial assessment even by such a general indicator as the position of the Sun, namely, the Sign of the Zodiac in which it is located.

Let's start with the very first type of interaction - the location of the Sun of both partners in the same sign of the Zodiac. The most common couples with this position are Aries and Leo, and this is not surprising, because the Sun is in exaltation and abode here, so the Lionesses are attracted by the playful and imposing Leo, and the fast and sincere representatives of their sign do not leave Aries indifferent. Most often, such relationships develop when a woman projects the image of her father onto a man, sees in him a reflection of his character and type of energy. Also often successfully enter into a relationship with their zodiac sign Libra and Virgo. The rest can also be quite happy paired with their sign, but with certain indicators in the horoscope.

The next type of interaction is the union of opposite signs of the Zodiac. The type of relationship "I-Thou" or in another way - the "union of opposites" is not as common as it might seem. People can meet at a wedding, or get together after an initial quarrel. Despite the popular belief about the "attraction of opposites", in practice such unions do not develop so often due to excessive emotional and energy tension in the couple. If we talk about the tendency to compromise, then this type of relationship is most typical for mutable signs: Gemini - Sagittarius, Pisces - Virgo, as well as for the axis Aries - Libra. This type of relationship can be called 1-7, because one sign will be the seventh from the first.

The type of relationship 2-12 develops when neighboring signs of the Zodiac enter into an alliance. Such a marriage is characterized by a large number of material ties and jointly resolved financial issues. Under adverse circumstances, people can spend their whole lives figuring out who earned how much, and who owes how much to whom. In the positive version, people are united by a common cause, the desire for family prosperity. But in any case, someone will feel like a sponsor, and someone - dependent. Relationships of this type are most characteristic of the signs ruled by Mercury and Venus: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Libra, although, of course, there are other options.

The next very positive type of relationship 3-11 develops on a friendly basis: often people studied together at school, college, lived in the neighborhood, met in the company of friends. Often such unions are too frivolous, and may not withstand long tests, unless, of course, the strengthening aspects of beneficent planets and Saturn are based. This type of relationship is most typical for Gemini and Aquarius.

The most common and one of the strongest unions occurs according to the ratio of signs 4-10. It can be called a "marriage of convenience", although this is not entirely true. Acquaintance can develop under the influence of parents, marriage often fits into family values, foundations, occurs between people of the same race, nationality, faith, tradition, similar social status. Such a union is stress-resistant, within it there is a clear division into truly “female” and purely “male” duties, everyone in this union is engaged in his part of the common life. Most often in such marriages, Lunarians and Saturnians feel good - Taurus, Cancers, Capricorns, Aquarius.

The brightest, most direct and playful union is formed by the ratio of signs 5-9, counting from your zodiac sign. At the heart of this union lies the thirst for love and the desire to have children. People can meet at the institute, on a trip, on vacation, at a party in a club, in a movie or theater. How fully dreams and hopes will come true during life depends not only on the position of the Sun, but also on the horoscope as a whole. Such unions are not resistant to negative influences environment, and therefore they can disintegrate immediately, as soon as the initial emotional charge “burns out”, if there are no other bonding aspects in the horoscope. Relations in this case are established between representatives of the same element, so there are no special preferences for signs here - each partner in such an alliance equally wants to feel happy and loved.

The type of relationship 6-8 is often found in the signs of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Virgo. Such relationships can develop in a stressful situation, when one gave support to the other, and a spark flashed between people. There is also a lot of jealousy and passion in this union, so the relationship could start directly as a result of a coincidence in sexual preferences, and it could also be a marriage with the material interest of one of the partners. The union can be very long-term if the spouses maintain mutual passion at the proper level.

The types of contacts described above are “outlined” very schematically, one might even say superficially, and therefore, if you recognize yourself or your friends in them, do not rush to loud conclusions until you get full review relationship horoscope, and these characteristics will not be harmoniously woven into the overall picture of your interactions. But, one way or another, in any pair you will definitely find the features of the characteristics presented here.

Nata Karlin August 24, 2018, 21:51

Any person is born under the influence of one or another sign of the zodiac. constellation originally endows it with certain qualities and character traits, influencing later life. When people of different signs of the zodiac interact, new features and shades of personality of each of them can appear. Therefore, the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs with other 12 signs in love can help people understand themselves and understand the hidden thoughts and origins of their partner’s actions, explain how to do the right thing to build relationships.

Boy and girl holding hands

However, it is worth remembering that the horoscope of compatibility of men and women by date of birth will not give you an accurate guide to action. Compatibility cannot be absolute and relative, the stars show people the way, and to walk it hand in hand or leave this venture is everyone's decision. In the absence of a desire to understand a partner, to compromise and delve into the essence of each problem that has arisen, even zodiac signs that are completely suitable for each other will not coexist together for a long time.

What zodiac signs are suitable for each other in astrology: tables and percentages

The following compatibility table will show who suits whom according to the zodiac sign as a percentage:

Compatibility in %He
AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish
SheAries45 73 46 47 59 48 66 59 67 43 89 43
Taurus85 89 72 79 54 76 67 89 79 79 63 91
Twins51 63 75 57 48 56 73 60 66 86 89 38
Cancer48 92 67 51 95 87 74 79 55 56 71 73
a lion49 53 43 94 45 68 69 76 88 79 68 43
Virgo39 55 54 90 76 62 62 78 78 58 38 53
Scales58 56 66 74 89 61 69 64 87 49 90 55
Scorpion53 84 58 68 92 72 54 38 96 54 52 87
Sagittarius61 49 71 61 93 53 85 95 91 66 89 88
Capricorn58 95 72 63 88 49 45 64 40 84 78 91
Aquarius72 56 78 61 78 38 89 50 75 67 76 71
Fish45 92 39 72 52 63 68 65 82 69 46 76

In some eastern countries, including India, young people before marriage ask a local astrologer calculate compatibility by year of birth according to the eastern (Chinese) horoscope. It should be noted that many couples, having received negative result refused to marry. Unfortunately, in Russia the divorce statistics are rather sad, so it would not be superfluous to learn from the experience of Eastern lovers.

The classic zodiac signs compatibility table is as follows:

Zodiac signs compatibilityHe
AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgoScalesScorpionSagittariusCapricornAquariusFish
a lion

Alone believe in compatibility zodiac constellations , others do not, others themselves ascertained this fact. However, this dependence has been proven by numerous surveys and studies.

If you are worried about a relationship of a different plan, take a free online test for the compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship. This will help you find mutual understanding with friends, work colleagues and superiors.

Compatibility of zodiac signs by elements: fire, water, air, earth

Each zodiac sign of the western horoscope refers to a specific element:

  1. Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  2. Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  3. Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  4. Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.


Not necessarily people born under the signs of the zodiac of the same element will fit each other perfectly. They are similar in characters, worldview, habits, but this is precisely what becomes a stumbling block. Compatibility of zodiac signs in bed, love, sex will be so violent that it will interfere with building harmonious relationships.

burning heart


Very rarely people born in these elements are suitable for each other. Fire is able to burn the earth, and the latter, in turn, extinguishes the flame. Opposites attract, but this does not mean that they will find complete mutual understanding.


A promising and interesting combination of two elements. Air inflates (inspires) the fire, so people of these signs have an ideal spiritual intimacy. It is easy and simple for partners to be together, but an ambitious fire can overdo it in the struggle for leadership.

Fire water

A blazing fire boils water. These people will never fully understand each other. A fire claiming leadership can suffer from a stream of water. However, it is in this combination that people experience the most vivid emotions.

Symbolic image of fire and water


This union promises to be strong, because it unites people who are moving towards the goal along the same paths under the influence of similar beliefs. Family, love and loyalty come first for them. These are stable and calm natures, solving all problems together.


Almost incompatible elements, whose representatives have little understanding of each other. The main problem with signs is their inertia. In relation to each other, they experience neither passion, nor lust, nor emotions.

Air to Air

Easy and simple relationships based on romantic feelings and isolation from reality. While the partners are in the candy-bouquet period, their union is perfect. But with the transition to the stage of stability, their complete inability to deal with everyday problems manifests itself.


Very often people of these elements are drawn to each other. But from these relations one can expect continuous extremes. They threaten complete calm and indifference or a raging storm.


Signs of the zodiac elements of water very often feel their own loneliness. Even a nearby partner cannot get them out of this state. But in a pair, representatives of these elements merge into a single mighty stream that overwhelms them with a waterfall of passions. The sexual compatibility of the signs of the zodiac element of Water is the highest.

ocean wave

The love compatibility of the signs of the zodiac by months and dates of birth, depending on the elements and numerology, is based solely on statistics and observations of astrologers over the relationship of different couples.

It must be remembered that only you yourself can create an element of passion or indifference from your relationship.

Aries compatibility by zodiac sign

power-hungry, straightforward and stubborn Aries used to manage everything and everyone who is around. For him, it absolutely does not matter whether he is right in the next dispute or not, because he is sure that he will emerge victorious from it. The best combination is observed with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. With representatives of the element Water, these people do not have very high compatibility, but a completely harmonious union is possible.

Aries + Leo

Taurus compatibility by zodiac sign

Stubborn and ambitious Taurus will never give up their positions to anyone. In love, sex, marriage, these are real dominants. Taurus feel great in the company of representatives of their own elements - Virgo, Capricorn. In a combination of two Taurus, a constant struggle for superiority is possible.

Zodiac sign Taurus

Gemini compatibility by zodiac sign

Changeable and freedom-loving Gemini fickle and unpredictable, which is why it is so difficult to predict their subsequent actions. This zodiac sign is compatible with almost all elements. For example, an excellent union will be with Aquarius, Libra. However, a pair of Gemini will never find mutual understanding: their union promises to be short-lived.

Cancer compatibility by zodiac sign

Romantic and timid, emotional and suspicious, Cancers are endowed with surprisingly strong intuition. They can be calm and gentle, indomitable and energetic. Representatives of their own elements will become excellent partners for Cancers. Unions of Cancer with their own kind, Scorpions and Pisces are doomed to eternal work on their relationship, because the path will be strewn with misunderstandings and mutual distrust. However, understanding each other, they will definitely find happiness.


Compatibility Leo according to the sign of the zodiac

The most suitable partners for Leo are representatives of the elements Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. They will get along with Aries and Sagittarius, the union of the two Lions also promises to be successful, but the confrontation between the forces of Fire will haunt them all their lives. Union with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn causes boredom and hostility in Leo.

Virgo compatibility by zodiac sign

Virgo is too picky, so it is very difficult for her to choose a partner. Perfectly compatible with representatives of this zodiac sign are Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. However, in order to communicate with the water signs of the zodiac, Virgo needs to significantly reduce their requirements. Any undertaking in tandem with Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will be completed with success. However V love union both need to moderate requirements and nagging a partner.

Beautiful girl with a tiger


Compatibility of Libra by zodiac sign

With all their loftiness and airiness, these are extremely cold-blooded natures, endowed with the gift of persuasion. . Patience and inner peace Libra allows them to look down on the explosions of emotions of representatives of the elements of Fire - Aries or Sagittarius. Great for them intellectual alliances with Aquarius, Capricorn. A pair of two Libra will quickly find mutual language, but someone alone will have to unconditionally take responsibility.


Scorpio compatibility by zodiac sign

The best tandems for Scorpions are Pisces, Cancers. Two Scorpions in one family can get along with difficulty. The battles for the right of primacy and leadership in everything will never subside.

Scorpio + SagittariusScorpio+AriesScorpio+Leo

In relationships - a topic that has long been of interest to people, alive and constantly evolving. Perhaps it is dedicated to her the largest number research work eminent astrologers.

Origins of astrology

It is authentically known that relationships according to the sign of the zodiac were studied back in the days of Mesopotamia, at the very dawn of human civilization. ABOUT this fact evidenced by cuneiform tablets found on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, between which one of the ancient countries. Despite the fact that even then there was a clear interest in the influence of the zodiac sign on a person, to a much greater extent, astrology was aimed at predicting certain events, which, by the way, had a remarkable property to come true. Thus, the roots of modern astrology date back to the second millennium BC.

What is compatibility based on?

Like any other, a theory that suggests relationships according to the sign of the zodiac must have certain foundations. In this case, astrologers rely, firstly, on a personality characteristic collected over many centuries of observation, and, secondly, on the so-called elemental compatibility - a system similar to the zodiacal one. If everything is clear enough with the first parameter, then the second case requires some explanation.

According to astrologers, people are subject to four elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Based on this subordination, the theory of compatibility is formed. Thus, the people of Water will never find a common language with the people of Fire, and the relationship between Air and Earth will not give rise to anything but dust.

Love does not love

Of course, the zodiac in relationships is far from the only factor that plays a role in the formation of new cells of society. As a basic principle, of course, one should single out the compatibility of psychological, ideological, physiological, in the end. Nevertheless astrological aspect definitely has a place.

For many years and even decades, researchers in this field of knowledge have worked to determine the combination of zodiac signs in a relationship. Long-term observations eventually led to the conclusion that representatives of some signs simply cannot get along under the same roof, while others find a common language in a matter of fractions of a second.

Promising Alliances

As mentioned earlier, there are so-called ideal combinations in which people find certain signs of the zodiac quickly and easily. Capricorns, for example, will be most comfortable with Taurus and Virgo. They have a good relationship according to the sign of the zodiac and with passionate Scorpios.

For Aquarius, the best parties are Scorpios. An alliance with Gemini can also be called promising.

Pisces most often find themselves in the company of strong and temperamental signs. Their destinies are most productive with Scorpions, stubborn Aries and quick-tempered Libra. The union with Capricorn in this case is also very appropriate.

The relationship between and Pisces can rightly be called almost ideal, since it is in this combination that there is a special harmony, correlation.

Storm-like Taurus will be most comfortable paired with calm Virgos. Relationships in which the second partner is Aries or another Taurus can be distinguished by special sensuality and passion.

Ambiguous, changeable and prone to experiments, Gemini will make a great couple for Leo, Aries, Aquarius and even Sagittarius, with due attention to the interests of the other.

The best partner for Cancers will be Leo, Aquarius and, oddly enough, Scorpio, in which he will find character traits that are missing in his own.

As one of the most exciting, most mysterious combinations, one can name the relationship between Leo and Aries, in which love, as a rule, is given without a trace.

For Virgos who are attentive to details, the best partners are people of the same sign or supple, gentle and caring Cancers. In such a combination one cannot find an all-consuming passion, but there is a calm, quivering love that can withstand many decades. One of the best partners for Virgo can be Libra.

For Scorpios, relationships with Cancers, Libra and Capricorns will be ideal. Such alliances most often turn out to be long-term and fruitful. Relationships with their own kind are simply delightful in terms of feelings, but tiresome at the everyday level - excessive similarity interferes, and charges of the same name, as you know, repel.

Things you probably won't like

If there are couples that seem to be made for each other, it is quite obvious that there are completely opposite phenomena. Sagittarius, for example, almost never find a common language with Scorpions and Pisces, which are too sensitive for them. Taurus is almost unimaginable next to Gemini, and Virgo will literally have to step over herself for the sake of a relationship with the reigning Leo. As for himself, he is practically incompatible with Capricorn - such relationships can flare up for one night and fade away almost immediately, barely starting. Gemini, on the other hand, are almost never interested in Capricorn, so this kind of relationship either does not begin at all, or ends rather quickly.

Something about vectors

Vector relations according to the signs of the zodiac are built on the principle of subordination. One of the partners is always dominant, while the other is suppressed. The chain of calculation begins with Gemini, followed by Scorpio, passing the baton to Virgo. A complete chain, if desired, can be found in any astrological manual, however, depending on the author's point of view, they may differ. The principle of definition is that the sign on the left dominates. The right must obey. Vector relationships according to the signs of the zodiac most often turn out to be quite fatal. Of course, you can’t blindly believe this, but you should be careful.

Relationships according to the sign of the zodiac is far from the only option, but it is very significant, and it is better not to lose sight of it. Of course, astrological incompatibility is far from a reason to neglect a partner, go deep underground and burn bridges. On the contrary, it is a visual aid on how to avoid mistakes.

Either love finds us or we find it ourselves. There is no escape from it and there is no point in hiding. After falling in love and long, or maybe not very, courtship, many of us enter into serious relationship. Astrology cannot give an exact answer to eternal questions, but it knows something about love and about the compatibility of zodiac signs in a relationship.


People of this sign are full of fire and desire to get everything from life. They can be great partners for those who don't like to waste time being affectionate.

Aries is always ready to take risks, he needs to try something new - including people. So among them there are often betrayals.

Often Aries have difficulty admitting their own guilt, it is unlikely that you will receive any apology from a person of this sign.


Of course, the bull is always stubborn and persistent. This is a plus for the future - from Taurus you get good parents. People of this sign are very passionate and at the same time reliable. The Taurus man will always be ready to help his beloved in everything, and the Taurus woman will moderately control the actions of her partner.

Representatives of this sign are extremely lazy, but this does not prevent them from always being at the top of their abilities. Taurus must be taken by the horns!


The duality of this sign suggests that its representatives are often misleading with their behavior. Nevertheless, the craving for variety can be useful in bed.

Gemini is just made for social life, they constantly make friends and are not afraid to be the first to speak. That is why you need to be prepared for natural flirting from the side of Gemini.

In the end, it is with this sign that there can be a vivid and memorable relationship.

People of this sign are one of the most romantic. On their own, they are very peaceful and value privacy with their partner. Cancers are one of those who, after rough sex, will gently hug. But it is very easy for them to break their hearts, because they fall in love almost instantly.

If you stay with Cancer, then all your life he will take care of you like no other and give you an ocean of love.

As the king of animals, Leo requires maximum attention. They like flattery, so they never get tired of compliments. Leos give their partner stars from heaven, islands... anything, just to be the best for you. The novel with the Lion will be similar to the plot of the movie "The Great Gatsby".


Observant and precise, Virgo will always find something to doubt. This is not the sign in which sex comes first.

Be prepared for the fact that Virgos have an analytical mindset and are most often disinterested in their actions. They will make their partner get better. Virgins are like chocolate truffles - the first bite is bitter, but inside they are very sweet. All it takes is to take the first step.


These people are perhaps the most harmonious. Even if they start to bore you with long conversations about a situation that worries them, it is only because they are trying to look at it from all possible angles.

When Libra enters a room, they want all the attention to be on them. You need to be very careful with them, because they know how to speak beautifully and turn their heads with words. Libras appreciate manners and stateliness, which is what they pay attention to in the first place.


Perhaps some mystique makes Scorpios very difficult partners in a relationship. They are jealous and like to manipulate everyone.

The cause of many conflicts can be their excessive independence - this, as a rule, repels people. However, for the same reason, Scorpios are often very successful in business and if they decide to get married, they will do everything to ensure that their marriage is the best.


By themselves, these people are very attractive and easy to communicate with. They always tell it like it is, even if it may confuse the other person.

Due to their passionate nature, Sagittarians tend to be great lovers. They may have few sexual partners, but all these experiences will be very interesting and rewarding. In addition, they feel their partner best in bed.


When it comes to relationships, Capricorns become stable and faithful in everything, but spontaneity suffers in these moments.

Experiments are not about them. People of this sign are very patient and want promising long-term relationships. Sometimes they may not notice that their partner's love is fading away.

Capricorns do not like to feel vulnerable, so sometimes they are unnecessarily tough.


Representatives of this sign have a very developed imagination. Probably some of them were very promiscuous in their youth. Their unconventional view of the world and their creative nature bring spice to the relationship. This is especially true for sex.

Aquarians don't judge people by the cover, they only draw conclusions after some time has passed. For this reason, you can be frank with them and not be afraid of even your strangest hobbies.


Representatives of this sign are very sensual and dedicated people. It is easy to arouse pity in them, which makes them vulnerable.

Pisces will go to any lengths to make their partner happy. Sometimes they can turn on the “caregiver” mode, but this is unlikely to interfere with their relationship.

The only and worst thing for them in a relationship is rejection. So if a partner has an idea to cut off any ties with Pisces, then you should think carefully about how to properly present such news.

The basis for building any human relationship can be a compatibility horoscope, which belongs to the field of synastrial astrology, and is compiled by professional astrologers. The compatibility horoscope, describing the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, takes into account the similarity of the astrological passports of the two different people, determines the level of comfort of their relationship.
The horoscope for compatibility of zodiac signs does not offer ready-made recipes - it helps in finding the right approach to a certain person, building strong relationships between people. love horoscopes and the compatibility horoscope are designed to help us in solving heart issues, provide some priorities for possible love relationships, and warn against relationships with one or another representative of the zodiac circle.

The easiest way to understand if there is compatibility between you and what a possible relationship will bring is to consider the pair relationship of your zodiac signs. In order to more visually represent compatibility, let's take the zodiac circle and connect your zodiac sign and your partner's zodiac sign with a line.

If in the zodiac circle we connect with straight lines the tops of the signs related to the same element, we get four triangles, which are called trigons. Each of the trigons bears the name of some element.
12 signs of the zodiac belong to 4 elements:

(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

All four elements are combined in different ways with each other and with each other, and its compatibility with other signs largely depends on which element this or that sign of the zodiac belongs to.


Relationships between the same signs of the zodiac
In a relationship with a person born under the same sign, both will somewhat exaggerate their strengths and weaknesses. All positive and negative personal qualities of character will, as it were, double. Constant efforts should be made to encourage in each other the "good" qualities of the sign to which both belong, to weaken the "bad" qualities of this sign and to be more tolerant


Compatibility of neighboring zodiac signs
In a semi-sextile relationship, one of the partners will be aware that he has many reasons to learn from the other. The one who can teach something will feel inexplicable compassion for weaknesses and mistakes, strangely understanding the motives of the partner’s behavior that are completely different from their own.


Relations between the signs of the zodiac "through one"
There are strong bonds of friendship in these relationships. There will be mutual trust and ease of communication. People tend to be very different, but these differences have very little or no effect on how they relate to one another. A sense of duty and mutual obligations unite them. It is easy for them to talk to each other, and they constantly encourage each other to change habits and existing situations.


Relations between the signs of the zodiac "in two"
Often in such combinations one feels tangible tension, disapproval. One person may become unsettled by the strict disciplinary restrictions of another. Between them by different reasons there will always be various kinds of mental and emotional limitations.


Relations between the signs of the zodiac "in three"
There are strong bonds of friendship, mutual trust, and ease of communication in whatever relationship these people are in. Even if people are very different, these differences have very little or no effect on how they relate to each other. A sense of duty and mutual obligations unite them, and will make the bond between them even stronger. It is easy for them to talk to each other, and they constantly encourage each other to change habits and existing situations.


The relationship between the signs of the zodiac "in four"
In these combinations, there may be some problems in communicating with people, but some of their mystery is always felt and intrigued. IN love relationships there may be irresistible sexual attraction. In friendship, joint business or family relationships one person attracts another by his interest in the supernatural.


Relationships between opposite zodiac signs
This pair includes two completely opposite sign. This is the most intense of the aspects - the signs are in completely opposite positions, opposing each other. Opposition symbolizes antipathy, complete unwillingness to have anything in common. On the other hand, the opposition is a constantly acting source of energy, oppositely charged poles, which creates constant anxiety and encourages action.

Relationships between zodiac signs

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