What do the granddaughters of the last president of the USSR, M. Gorbachev, look like and where do they live now? Irina Virganskaya-Gorbacheva: About parents and family values ​​Where does Gorbachev live and his children

Mikhail GORBACHEV's son-in-law has not yet given an interview. From official biographies former President The USSR only knows that the husband of his daughter Irina, Anatoly VIRGANSKII, is a doctor by profession and lives in Moscow.

From the interview of Irina herself after the divorce, we can conclude that she was very unlucky with her husband. So much so that Mikhail Sergeevich himself had to lead his eldest granddaughter Xenia down the aisle instead of his own father. Anatoly Virgansky was not even invited to this wedding. And a few years earlier, a rumor had spread around Moscow that Gorbachev’s son-in-law was drinking and keeping him at work, supposedly only because of famous relative. Express Gazeta managed to talk to Anatoly. The famous surgeon turned out to be a very nice person.


After lying in wait for Anatoly Virgansky at the office in the First City Hospital, where he works as a surgeon, I immediately went on the offensive. And she began to “whip” the ex-wife of Irina with statements thrown by Gorbachev’s daughter at ex-husband in her interview.

“When you grow up in a relationship of love, friendship and trust, it seems that this is the norm. And then you get married, and for love, and everything turns out differently ... "And it's all about you," I blurted out in Anatoly's face. - Listen again: “I am absolutely independent and self-sufficient ... Only a rare person can tolerate such a woman nearby. I have never met such courage…”

open wide on me blue eyes looking tired man. He just got out of the operating room. I said unpleasant things to him, but for some reason he did not get angry, but only spread his hands in bewilderment, and a coating of disinfectant solutions turned white on his fingers. He apologized - he was in a hurry to the airport for the arrival of fellow doctors from Stavropol in order to return the endoscope repaired at their request in Moscow. He made an appointment for me the next day, got into his Rover and sped away. As agreed, I came, and he was called for an operation. The same thing happened on the second and fifth day. I stubbornly came to the hospital, called on the phone. And every time he saved someone again. I realized how difficult it must be for a wife to live with such a husband. And then he finally found time for an interview - early Sunday morning.

Mother-in-law was unhappy

So, Irina is independent and self-sufficient, - Anatoly smiles. - This is a myth and another pipe dream of Irina Mikhailovna.

- Examples, please.

To do this, you have to grind her bones. We will not. But to adjust our relationship to parental is simply wrong. Everyone has their own life. Irina focuses entirely on the family. She has no idea what it means to work in surgery. I could not sit next to her on a leash. Both at night and during the day I go on the first call of my colleagues to their patients. It is impossible otherwise: today my colleagues need me, tomorrow my wards will need their emergency help. - Knowledgeable people they said that your mother-in-law tried to re-educate you.- With Raisa Maksimovna, we had differences in relations: from the warmest to complete rejection. Remember the terrible time when everyone gave cards. And she reproached me: you have all the work and work, and if you, like others, had to stand in lines to feed your family? And indeed, probably, many people envied me then, especially when Mikhail Sergeyevich was elected General Secretary. Like, he married well. But this is an erroneous opinion. Being the son-in-law of the head of state is a big responsibility for me. I was afraid to set him up and tried to work in such a way that no one could say to me that I was being kept here only because I was married to Gorbachev's daughter. But my wife and mother-in-law did not always put up with my service zeal. Hence the clashes. Small at first, and then the abyss formed.

- But Mikhail Sergeevich also worked a lot. And Raisa Maksimovna treated this with understanding.- There is no need for comparisons ... I was always surprised where his strength came from. - Irina or did you initiate a divorce?- I thought for a long time that I had to endure, endure. In addition, I did not want to create unnecessary problems for my father-in-law. I thought our divorce would play into the hands of his detractors. Now I do not regret that everything turned out the way it did. Although, of course, I was not absolutely right about everything.

The surgeon worked hard in a car service

Virgansky has been working at the First City Hospital for almost 27 years. Ever since, when in 1978 the secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev, was transferred to Moscow. A year before moving to the capital, Irina and Anatoly, while studying in the 4th year of medical school, got married.

- Why Irina, and not another girl?

We met after the entrance exams at agricultural work: we harvested grapes near Budyonnovsk. Then they ended up in the same group. Together they prepared for classes, rested. And somehow imperceptibly grew together, fell in love with each other. My parents are simple people - my mother is a neuropathologist, my father is a geophysicist, explored oil fields. But the Gorbachevs also turned out to be ordinary - earthly, without pretensions. They accepted me well into the family. The wedding was played in a restaurant. They settled us separately in a renovated house. But after moving to Moscow, I had to live with my parents in the country for a long time. Separated when the eldest daughter went to the 1st grade. At first I drove her to school and home.

- For what? You must have had a car from the state garage and a driver.- There were, but we did not trust children to anyone. - You have been driving a Zhiguli for several years in a row wet asphalt. It was rumored that in fact every year you were bought new identical cars at the expense of the state treasury. - The first Zhigul was presented to me by my mother-in-law. And they issued it to Raisa Maksimovna. And then I myself, having wound the mileage, sold the old one and bought new car. Yes, the same color - I liked it. When Irina learned to drive a car, I bought her a Mitsubishi jeep. That car has already served its purpose, but she bought a new one of the same brand. I tried to do everything myself. Like everyone else, he did not receive a salary for six months, working as a teacher at a university and a doctor in a hospital. It also happened like this: after duty on Saturday, I was driving with a friend to work hard at a car service. For two days off I earned four, and sometimes five monthly salaries! - Did you not have enough money? The Gorbachevs hardly ate at a separate table.- Yes, I'm a man, and I have two children! I had to bring money into the house and I did! - Has high kinship never helped in your life?- Of course it helped. Having moved to Moscow, my wife and I transferred to the last year of the medical institute. Thanks to my kinship with the General Secretary, I knew Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov. It was he who advised me to go to work in the First Gradskaya. If I hadn’t ended up in this hospital then, I’m sure I wouldn’t have taken place as a strong professional. - I know from reliable sources: during the divorce, Irina told her friends that you owe a lot to her parents and you defended your Ph.D. thesis not without their help. - I've been divorced for ten years. But, come on, you are not lost. He defended his doctoral dissertation and became a professor. - What do you think, where did the talk come from that you drink too much?

I can only guess. Perhaps they said this to explain our separation from Irina. My wife and mother-in-law had two main complaints about me: I disappear for days at work and devote too much attention and time to my friends. But Irina has no friends. The Gorbachevs did not have them either: when Mikhail Sergeyevich began to have difficult times, the “friends” seemed to evaporate!

Saved Gorby's property

After being imprisoned in Foros and resigning, Mikhail Sergeevich, as you know, had complicated relationship with Yeltsin and his entourage. He was very worried about his archive, - Virgansky recalls. - I was often reproached by friends, but it was my fellow doctors who saved Gorbachev's valuable documents. In the autumn of 1991, in small batches, I delivered archival folders to the apartments of my friends. And in the summer he transported bales of papers to the dachas. From the close circle of Mikhail Sergeyevich, no one dared to give his apartment for shelter. Now these documents form the basis of the archive of the Gorbachev Foundation. After Gorbachev's return from Foros, the Vzglyad program showed his address, filmed on the night of August 20, when the gekacheps told the people that the president could not govern the country for health reasons. It turns out that this appeal was filmed by Virgansky.- Shortly before going on vacation, I gave my camera to a friend, - says Anatoly. - If my pedantic friend had not set the date and time, I would not have guessed to do it myself. And then no one could prove that the appeal was filmed on Foros, during the days of the coup, and not after. Filmed four takes. The tape from a large VHS cassette was cut. They wound scattered pieces on pencils for eyebrows and lips from Irina's cosmetic set - there were no other thin sticks at hand - they distributed them different people. I hid one of the takes in my underwear. Now I understand how naive it is. It's good that everything worked out.

A couple of years ago, Virgansky, as always, was asked to consult a patient. Ironically, the patient turned out to be Vladimir Kryuchkov, an old gekachepist. He did not understand well what was going on around him, and did not recognize Gorbachev's son-in-law. Anatoly didn't mention anything.- I am offended even now that Mikhail Sergeyevich ended his political career so ingloriously. I saw how it worked. Power for him was not an end in itself, but a tool to change life for the better, of course, as he imagined it. There was definitely no self-interest in his affairs! - Do you visit Gorbachev?- On birthdays, dates of memory of Raisa Maksimovna. Congratulated Mikhail Sergeevich on his 70th birthday. Gave him a good watch. - Before, when you lived together, how did you - son-in-law and father-in-law - spend time in a purely male company?- Every evening, in any weather, even if Mikhail Sergeevich came home very late, we walked several kilometers on foot.

- Did it happen that they sat together for a glass?

For the holidays, of course! Everything, like people. - Did you raise a toast for the implementation of the anti-alcohol decree?- No one knows this, but the anti-alcohol campaign began with the filing of Irina. She was writing a dissertation on the causes of death among men of working age in Moscow. The study was conducted for official use. Ira studied the protocols of conclusions in the bureau of the judicial medical expertise. And I found out that if, after drinking, a person died of a heart attack, then the statistics attributed such a case to cardiovascular diseases. And death from injuries while intoxicated was classified as an accident. That is, the death rate from alcoholism was underestimated at times. Ira told her father about this at dinner. The real numbers startled him. And so the anti-alcohol decree was born. But, as usual in our state, the officials brought it to the point of absurdity. Mikhail Sergeevich himself, of course, did not order to cut down the vineyards.

Malt benefited

Why didn't you come to your own daughter's wedding?

I was going to. I learned about the place and time of registration from friends. He even spoke harshly with Irina about my appearance at the wedding. But, unfortunately, the day before my face was operated on. I couldn't show up to a wedding with a band-aid on my forehead. If only secular chroniclers would practice causticity! - Irina knew that a candidate for her new husbands would also be at the celebration. Is that why she resisted your appearance at her daughter's wedding? Anatoly remained silent in response.- Did Irina marry her English businessman friend?- I only know that I was going to ... And the fact that I did not get to Xenia's wedding, I think it's even good.

- I don't understand.

I did not approve of Xenia's choice. Although Cyril was better than the previous groom. - The same diplomat, for whom Ksenia almost jumped out to marry before Cyril?- That guy from Abkhazia is a friend of the son of my good friends. But he is not a diplomat, but simply got a job in the World Organization healthcare. Seeing him for the first time, I immediately realized that he was not at all the person she needed. I immediately called Irina. So she attacked me, they say, how can you immediately judge a person. Alas, Irina, closed in the family, knows life poorly, lives in illusions. It's good that then Ksyusha changed her mind. And I was not delighted with Cyril. We met him long before the wedding. I heard how he offered his daughter to auction the car that Gorbachev received as a gift from Helmut Kohl. This phrase said a lot to me. But Xenia is extremely sorry. She didn't deserve all this.

- Are you aware of her romance with producer Viktor Drobysh?- No. But I believe she will be fine. She is a good person. - Do you often see each other, talk with your daughters?- Unfortunately, we rarely meet and talk - when we get into the same company. And I would like to see them more often. But not everything depends on me. - Are you married?- No.

Daughter Irina

On January 6, 1957, Raisa Maksimovna had a daughter. Everyone was happy with the baby and very worried. The fact is that after a rheumatic disease suffered in her student years, doctors forbade Raisa to have children. But she believed that without a child, the family would be inferior, and therefore took a chance.

Ira went to kindergarten, at the age of seven she was sent to a regular general education school. On vacation, the girl went to her grandparents - the parents of Mikhail Sergeyevich - in the village of Privolnoye. Grandmother secretly christened her granddaughter from her parents.

My daughter was often sick. In the second grade, Ira wrote an essay "Why I love my mother." It turned out that she has “a lot of books”, that “all students love their mother because they say “Hello!” to their mother, and, most importantly, for the fact that “mother is not afraid of wolves”. Ira graduated from school with a gold medal. For all ten years of study, only one four - in drawing.

In 1974 she entered the Stavropol Medical Institute. She got married in 1978. April 15 played a wedding.

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon trip on a boat trip along the Volga. They returned, full of impressions and happy, the day before the anniversary of their parents - a silver wedding.

Irina and Anatoly, as it seemed to Mikhail Sergeevich, it was easier than he and Raisa Maksimovna, parted with Stavropol. Moscow beckoned them: by whispering, impatient glances, it was clear that mentally they were already there, in the capital.

In 1985, she defended her dissertation on medical and demographic problems. First she worked as an assistant at the Department of Social Hygiene and Health Organization of the Second Medical Institute, then she took up scientific research and moved to the laboratory of medical-demographic and sociological research.

Once, in my office on Staraya Square, the government phone rang.

Nikolai Alexandrovich?

Yes. I'm hearing you.

This is Gusenkov speaking. Do you have a minute to listen?

Of course, Viktor Semyonovich.

Viktor Semyonovich Gusenkov was an assistant to the President of the USSR Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev. But I knew that Viktor Semyonovich worked exclusively for the President's wife Raisa Maksimovna. Before, I had to carry out some of his, shall we say, delicate assignments on behalf of the crowned wife.

Do you know the editor-in-chief of Medical Newspaper well? asked Gusenkov.

Konstantin Vyacheslavovich Shcheglov? Certainly. What is the question?

No questions, Viktor Semyonovich. Where to get material?

Do you want to come in now?

Yes, I'm waiting for you.

A few minutes later I was at Gusenkov's, since he was territorially located in the building of the Central Committee on Staraya Square. Viktor Semyonovich handed me several pages of text typed on a typewriter.

This is an interview with the daughter and son-in-law of Mikhail Sergeevich. You know, there are many different rumors circulating around Moscow... We need to refute them...

Let's refute, Viktor Semyonovich.

Well, I wish you success. Thank you.

The editor-in-chief of Medical Newspaper Konstantin Shcheglov was immediately invited to me and received an important confidential assignment. He completed it accurately and on time. In the issue of December 21, 1990, an interview appeared signed with the pseudonym "Andrey Semyonov". Shcheglov was a professional editor - he only asked permission to put a heading "Only for MG readers". I allowed.

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44. Daughter In 1959, several joyful events took place in the Gagarin family at once. Firstly, on April 10, Valentina Ivanovna gave birth to a daughter, Lena. Secondly, Gagarin became a candidate member of the CPSU (in those years, non-party people could not count on career). Third, he wrote

The only child of Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev was their daughter Irina. She was born in 1957 in the city of Stavropol, where at that time the family lived and worked. The biography of Irina Virganskaya is diverse and rich, and this is primarily due to the fact that she is the daughter of Mikhail Gorbachev.

Childhood and youth of Irina Virganskaya

The girl went to an ordinary Stavropol school. She always loved to read books, showed great success in her studies. She graduated from high school with honors and gold medal. Irina wanted to study in Moscow, but caring parents they did not let their only daughter go far from them. The girl chose the State Medical Institute in Stavropol for herself. In the photo of Irina Virganskaya in her youth and adulthood You can see how much she looks like her mother.

After the transfer of the father of the family to Moscow to a leadership position, his wife and daughter went with him. Irina at that time was already married to Anatoly Virgansky. The girl continued medical education in the capital, eventually received the specialty of a general practitioner.

Medical and scientist career

In 1981, Irina graduated from medical school. She decided to continue her path in science, so she went to study at graduate school, graduation took place in 1985. Irina Virganskaya defended her dissertation and received the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. The woman studied the social aspects of male mortality and wrote a work on the relationship between alcohol and sudden death. She never became a practicing doctor, as she was busy with science all the time. Research activities she led in scientific


Irina Virganskaya lived with her first husband Anatoly for 16 years. He moved with the Gorbachevs from Stavropol. With his wife Irina, they transferred to the last year of medical school in Moscow. Two daughters were born in the Virgansky family - Ksenia and Anastasia. Anatoly started his professional activity at the First City Hospital as a surgeon. Over time, he defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations, became a professor. The couple divorced due to the constant employment of Anatoly.

In 2006, the woman married a second time. She avoids much publicity of personal relationships. It is known that her husband's name is Andrei Trukhachev, and he has his own business in the field of transportation.


Ksenia Virganskaya was born in 1980. From a young age, she loved to do ballet, so she graduated from a choreographic school. But due to health problems, I had to leave my favorite business. The girl studied in Moscow State Institute International Relations, which she graduated in 2003. In the same year, when she was 23 years old, Ksyusha tied the knot with businessman Kirill Solod. But the family did not last long. Ksenia and Cyril divorced.

In 2006, the girl remarried. Her chosen one was Dmitry Pyrchenkov. This young man works in show business circles. The family lives happily and raises their daughter Sasha. Ksenia herself works a lot in the field of PR, concurrently she is a correspondent for the Grace magazine. In her student years, Ksyusha had experience as a model on the famous catwalks of Paris, but now this field of activity does not attract her.

The youngest daughter of Irina Virganskaya, Anastasia, was born in 1987. Like her sister, she graduated from MGIMO with a degree in journalism. She married in 2010 a PR professional Dmitry Zangiev. The girl herself initially worked for the Grace magazine, after which she changed her job and became the chief editor of one of the online fashion sites. Nastya is keenly interested in fashion, shows of new collections. The children of Irina Virganskaya are quite public and famous, often appearing at social events.

The death of the mother and the life of the family after this tragedy

Raisa at the age of 67 in September 1999. Before her death, she was seriously ill and was treated in Germany. After tragic events Irina and her daughters moved to her father outside the city, at that time she was already divorced. For two years, the daughter and father lived together. But as the children grow older, in order to give them more freedom, the woman decided to buy a house in Zhukovka, which is five minutes from her father.

To date, Mikhail Gorbachev has reached his 80s. He lives in the USA vigorous activity, lectures at American and Russian universities.

Management of the Gorbachev Foundation

Mikhail Gorbachev founded a foundation in 1991, the purpose of which is to study the period of perestroika from the social, political and economic sides. His daughter was named vice president of the foundation. She has never been associated with such activities. And in order to delve into the sphere of economics and business, I went to study at the Academy National economy under the Government of the Russian Federation at the age of 37 years. The photo of Irina Virganskaya shows her purposeful nature.

The organization explores perestroika from all sides, its impact on the course of history, analyzes contemporary issues of politics and economics. The fund exists on the personal funds of M. Gorbachev, donations from citizens and organizations. The fund's office is located in Moscow on Leningradsky Prospekt.

In addition, the organization is constantly involved in charity:

  • humanitarian aid for "hot" spots;
  • financial support for children with severe illnesses;
  • during the fighting in Chechnya.

Irina Virganskaya is only daughter Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev. Received a medical education, was engaged in science. She heads the Gorbachev Foundation, for which she received an education in business. Has two daughters, married for the second time.

The concept of the intelligentsia in the Russian language, in the Russian consciousness is evolving: first it is the “service of the mind”, then the “service of conscience”, then the “service of good breeding”. Mikhail Sergeevich and Raisa Maksimovna Gorbachev went through all these three services - the mind, ...

The concept of the intelligentsia in the Russian language, in the Russian consciousness is evolving: first it is the “service of the mind”, then the “service of conscience”, then the “service of good breeding”. Mikhail Sergeevich and Raisa Maksimovna Gorbachev went through all these three services - intelligence, conscience and good breeding. On the eve of the 80th birthday of the First President of the USSR, I met with Irina Virganskaya-Gorbacheva...

The interview lasted two and a half hours. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, Ira said: “You know, I am always responsible for my words and deeds. But as for other people, even the closest ones, I cannot be an interpreter. Here Raisa Maksimovna * wrote a book. Only one. I also wanted to write about the years after my resignation. Did not make it. And Mikhail Sergeevich wrote many books. And, you see, I have a cliff here ... Here dad is alive and well and let him tell everyone about his feelings, perceptions, relationships with people. And I have no right... - And - after a pause: - I am struck by the enormity of today's memories, memoirs, interviews. Each for his hero decided everything, outlined everything, thought everything ... "

So: in this interview, Ira Gorbacheva is just a daughter. No more. But no less. A close-up look. Or a summary for yourself.

And let's also remember: what is not said is part of what has been said, and not vice versa.

About childhood

“My parents always behaved very reservedly around me, without this, you know, external manifestation love. But there was this: interpenetration. This is when dad comes home from work, and the whole family listens about all the sheep and about where it burned down and where he went and with whom he spoke ... Mom returned from the department and begins: such a student, such a student ... And I - to myself ... Everything they lived one life, although, of course, something separate, personal happened with dad and mom in their professions.

I remember the constant silence in the house. Everything is in books. And I'm parallel to my parents - too. She started reading at the age of four. No one taught specifically. She asked something, explained some letters ... We had a huge library, and I was chained to it at the age of four, and I read continuously.

From living conditions I remember life in a communal apartment. I don't remember the neighbors' names, but I remember their faces and the number of doors - eight families lived there besides us. I remember the kitchen gas stoves, I remember swearing, and something good. I was then three or four years old.

My parents, out of conviction, did not send me to a special school for the children of the party nomenklatura. I went to the most ordinary school. But as soon as Mikhail Sergeevich took office as the first secretary of the Stavropol City Party Committee, I, a ten-year-old child, became a public figure. And the children's teenage environment, it's not easy anyway. There, and so they develop - inside and with the world - their tough relations, and if this is also superimposed on the fact that your dad is a party leader ... Then relations are canalized in different directions. First: dislike. Second: the desire to suck up or get used to, or something. Did I feel it? And felt, and burned. Then I did not have such developed instincts as now. (Laughs.) Well, now they want to suck up less. Thank you Lord, I got rid of this a long time ago.

In short, over time, my relationship with classmates leveled off. No, they didn't poison them in an organized manner. I think that in order to be persecuted in an organized way, you need to be a victim. The inner feeling of the victim should be. The crowd feels it. Even school. Since childhood, I have not been among the people-victims. ”

About the "Kremlin family"

“After school I went to medical school. The choice was mine. But dictated by circumstances. I really wanted to go to Moscow, to enter the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. But my parents... no, they didn't say we forbid you. But unobtrusively they said many times: how is it that you are alone with us ... and you will leave? .. And in Stavropol I didn’t have much to choose from. But the doctor good profession, and I was internally ready for it.

And my 4th course in honey had just begun - Mikhail Sergeevich was taken to work in Moscow. I was happy. But from the first reaction of my mother, I did not understand whether she was glad. Mom left with dad immediately, with one suitcase, and my husband and I a little later. And when I saw her a month and a half later, she was already some kind of updated.

My mother loved Moscow very much. Memories of student years and so on. Although I loved Stavropol. Not so much the city itself… But this opportunity to go outside the city and go, go, go, and around mountains and fields, meadows and steppes… She loved all this beauty very much. They collected grass high in the mountains with dad.

And when we became a “Kremlin family”, absolutely nothing in our internal relations has changed.”

Here Ira falls silent and thoughtfully, slowly, carefully choosing her words: “But we have such a country ... You see, if I now say that we all came home the same way and told everything to each other, then again there will be talk that the decisions of the Politburo were accepted in the family by Raisa Maksimovna or else, God forbid, they will drag me in ... But this is an anecdote! Those decisions that were political were not discussed in the family. Emotions, reactions, sensations, experiences were discussed. Here at the level: tired - not tired, it torments, then it worries ... A person always needs to talk to someone, he needs an interlocutor.

But everything can be taken out of context and immediately vulgarized. So they vulgarized and made it a myth - and he, this myth, is still alive, still walks - about Raisa Maksimovna. She decided! She ruled! She was in command! But my mother didn't have it.

Here I have, yes, the command voice is already appearing. However, when? When dad eats the fifth bun. Well, you know, you can't give up here. Here's what to do if dad drinks coffee and eats the fifth bun ... I say: dad, this is the fifth bun! He: What do you think? And proves that the first ... "

Raisa Maksimovna's grandfather was an honest hardworking peasant. He was arrested as an "enemy of the people". And the grandmother was expelled by the neighbors. In front of the eyes of the entire village, she was dying of hunger and grief, and no one helped her.

Grandfather was shot on August 20, 1937. And exactly fifty-four years later, on August 20, 1991, on August 20, 1991, as Olga Zdravomyslova** recalls, Raisa Maksimovna was struck and frightened by the coincidence of these dates. At night, there, in Foros, she could not fall asleep in any way, and when the doctor offered her sleeping pills, she refused: “I am afraid that I will fall asleep, then I will wake up somewhere else, far from here, and everyone is killed - and the girls too.”

The grandfather of Mikhail Sergeevich was also repressed. From the memoirs of Raisa Maksimovna it is clear that the Gorbachevs were formed in the years Khrushchev thaw” and belonged to the generation of “children of the 20th Congress”, to the “sixties”, who fought against the legacy of Stalinism. For them, Stalin was a tyrant. All! Dot. Solid point. No commas or "buts". There are things where even grammar protests. And not just grammar. (See above - about the service of conscience.)

Recently in America, the wonderful Russian poet Naum Korzhavin said this to me about perestroika and Gorbachev: “ Great importance for us it was liberation from the yoke of Stalinism. And then there was the liberation from communism. And often those people who reached the next step despised those who got stuck on the previous one. By the time Gorbachev appeared, I had already freed myself from communism. And he began to free himself and free others from the stupor of Stalinism. Therefore, some considered Gorbachev's attitude to life insufficient. And I am grateful to him. Because the country, in order to move on, had to free itself from the stupor of Stalinism. And Gorbachev's activity in this direction was very necessary.

About resignation

“After my father’s resignation, our phones went silent. Well, they fell silent and fell silent ... Some people just cut off. Relatives included. But see what's the matter? There are new people, new friends. And there are those who did not cut off. It's always like this: someone is cut off, cut off, and someone remains... No one and nothing is ever cut off until the end. And what has not been cut off is already your special value and joy ...

Although the resignation, however, was very difficult. Especially in the early nineties. All these trials, all this harassment, Foundation evictions. Mom is sick… After Foros, she had such problems… Not only did her arm go away, she also became blind.” "Can it be written?" I ask. Ira, sighing: “You can. Now everything is possible. Well, in general, there were a lot of problems, including financial ones. Mikhail Sergeevich has a pension, I don’t remember exactly, either one dollar converted into rubles, or two. What is the situation in the country? Everything is bad, and Gorbachev is to blame for everything. But! The degree of freedom that I felt after my father's resignation is incomparable with anything! Freedom from constant pressure… Be there, do this, do that… I didn’t have any positions, but this terrible moral responsibility for the fact that somewhere something exploded, something happened… and it puts pressure on you and presses , and crushes ... And here is freedom ... No matter what they do to you, no matter what they write, no matter how they destroy - you are free!

About my mother's death

“Mom’s death is a black failure. Wild dreams haunt me to this day. Terrible, incredible dreams ... I dream of my mother and the horror of these dreams, that my mother appears in my dreams alive, as if nothing had happened to her, and begins to tell me something about today's affairs ... And I can’t understand: who did we bury ? To whom do we go to the cemetery? And I have been living through this nightmare all eleven years since my mother died. Today, I have these dreams a little less often, and when it just happened, it was generally uninterrupted.

Until the death of Raisa Maksimovna, Ira lived in Moscow, in an apartment. She divorced her husband and raised her daughters on her own. The eldest must be taken to one school, the youngest to another, to work herself, in short, to live outside the city with her parents - to lose a lot of time.

After graduation, Ira defended her dissertation, worked at the Cardiology Research Center, and in 1994 Mikhail Sergeevich told his daughter: let's think about how we will work with the Foundation. Ira thought and thought and realized that she is a pure scientist and does not understand economics, business, or management at all.

She was thirty-seven years old. But she made up her mind: she left her job and sat down at a desk at the business school of the Academy of National Economy. And only after graduation she began to work in the Gorbachev Foundation.

“And in 1999, my mother ended up in Münster ***, in a clinic. And we hoped until the very end that she would get better. Let her need long-term care, rehabilitation, we believed: she will recover. And Mikhail Sergeevich then made a decision of his own free will: he appointed me vice-president of the Fund with all the powers of the president. Well, he will be inseparable from his mother and, probably, for a long time… And the Foundation is an organization, people work there, you can't interrupt it. That's how I became vice president."

About a family without a mother

When Raisa Maksimovna died, Ira one day packed up her things in her apartment, took her daughters and moved to Mikhail Sergeevich's dacha.

“Yes, it was far to travel, it took a lot of time and effort, but I understood that he should not be left alone. Just shouldn't. And you can’t think of anything else and you won’t do anything else. Either you are a family or you are not a family.

The first two years after my mother's death, my father and I lived without separation from each other. Absolutely non-stop. We worked together, on business trips together, at home together…

But two years later, when Ksyusha was already twenty-one years old, and Nastya was fourteen, it became more difficult: they could not call friends, somehow uncomfortable, they were afraid of their grandfather; at nine in the evening you have to stand at attention, grandfather is worried ...

A family is all family members without exception. And keeping a balance in the family is a whole story ...

And so I sold my apartment in Moscow and bought a small house in Zhukovka. What did it give? Relative freedom of movement for my girls because I am a loyal parent. And to dad from our house to go five minutes.

After the divorce, Ira made a promise to herself: no more men and no more marriages. But then she met with Andrei Trukhachev. And it was also very difficult. Behind each is a trail of personal problems, a trail of one's own life, it was necessary to solve a lot, understand, comprehend, both together and alone. They even parted for a year to understand everything. They understood and got married in 2006. Since then - happy.

About father's working day

“Dad's working day is different. It is relatively calm. And sometimes - lectures at American universities, and in twelve days we fly ten times from place to place in different parts of the country.

Mikhail Sergeevich is forced to give lectures because this is our main income. Audiences - from five hundred to twelve thousand people. Such public lectures are a huge physical and intellectual strain. Here, in Russia, dad also gives lectures at Moscow State University or at the Russian State Humanitarian University, but less often and for free.”

After the death of Raisa Maksimovna, Gorbachev wildly loaded himself with work. Ira believes that he does this on purpose so as not to think about his mother every second.

About charity

It was Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva, as the First Lady, who revived charity in the Soviet Union. Before her, this word in the beloved fatherland was abusive. The first project was the department she opened for the treatment of childhood leukemia at the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital No. 20. The first contribution of Raisa Maksimovna is a fee for her book "I hope ...". All Nobel Prize Gorbachev (almost one million dollars) was distributed among several hospitals, including the Republican Children's Hospital.

In 2007, with the support of the state and businessman Alexander Lebedev, the Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva Institute of Pediatric Hematology and Transplantation was opened in St. Petersburg. This institute is a state institution, but the Gorbachev family helps it very significantly. And the results are amazing: if in the 80s of the last century the five-year survival rate of children with leukemia in the USSR was 7-10%, while in European clinics more than 70% of sick children were cured completely, today the results of treatment of sick children at the Institute of Pediatric Hematology and transplantology named after Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva - at the level of the leading hematological centers in Europe.

In total, the Gorbachev Foundation spent eleven million dollars on charity. Ira says that the figure is very conditional and approximate - without taking into account two recent years and apart from that humanitarian aid that in the nineties, under the auspices of the Foundation, went to Chechnya and other "hot spots". And despite the fact that the Gorbachev Foundation is not Charitable organization, A International Foundation socio-economic and political science research. That is, they could not do charity work at all. And no one could judge.

Just as Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev was not at all obliged to make a charity event out of his birthday. But Ira offered her father exactly this idea - a charity anniversary evening ... With one single goal: once again to help children with leukemia.

About the anniversary celebration

“And just as preparations for the anniversary of the pope began, the myth jumped up again ... Either on the Internet, then on the radio, then even in the“ perestroika ”publications ... Aha !!! London!!! We have everything there now! And Gorbachev - there too!

Meanwhile, Mikhail Sergeevich's birthday has already begun. Exhibition “Mikhail Gorbachev. PERESTROIKA.

Actually Gorbachev at the exhibition is not enough. And this is understandable: the country is bigger… The main concept of the exhibition was immediately formed in my first conversation with the director of the Moscow House of Photography, Olga Sviblova. This exhibition is not only about Mikhail Sergeevich, but it is he, Mikhail Sergeevich, against the backdrop of the country. And where is this exhibition? In Moscow. On Manezhnaya Square. But no one discusses it. Everyone is talking about London.

On February 24, an exhibition opens in Berlin. Why Berlin? Because Berlin has become a symbol of the end of the Cold War.

And on March 2, on the very birthday, we walk in Moscow. With your closest ones. With the party of friends of Gorbachev. There will be both student friends and friends of his whole life ...

March 15-16 at the Gorbachev Foundation conference, which will be held with the "Memorial", - about the "sixties".

Now - about London. For the past five years, the Lebedev family has been organizing charity balls there every year. Well, we are with them. Money is collected that goes to the Raisa Gorbacheva Foundation. And this time it is a different event, organized by the Gorbachev Foundation and the Gorbi-80 company in honor of the anniversary of Mikhail Sergeyevich.

Why London? Great Britain as a country and London as a city are “sharpened” for such events. There is no need to overcome a thousand obstacles and endlessly prove something to someone. The same Albert Hall goes towards us in all directions - for example, nominal lodges. These lodges are owned by individual families and companies and have been bought out years in advance, so people are giving up their lodges that evening in our favor.”

In the British press, the amount is mentioned: five million pounds are planned to be collected at a charity ball in London in connection with Gorbachev's anniversary. The money, I repeat, will go to the treatment of children with leukemia.

About the "service of upbringing"

I read from Mikhail Gasparov: “the service of the mind” is an appeal to the whole world, to everything that could require the intervention of the mind in it. And the “service of good breeding” is the “service of sociability”, or relations between people who are aware of themselves as equals. In the old days they said: "neighbors." Probably, this is the main thing in intelligence - the ability to treat each other with respect, to feel the closeness of ordinary people from ordinary life.

At the end of the conversation, I ask Ira Gorbacheva what she admires most about her father.

“We were with him in some, I don’t remember which country, we were driving a car, he was looking out the window, and there were people walking along the street - both dark-haired, and narrow-eyed, and all sorts of different ones, and he said : “Daughter, look how much God has created ... This means that everything is needed. And everyone, therefore, must be loved ... "

He knows people. He knows their weaknesses, oddities, shortcomings, and even those shortcomings that are very negative. And still loves. And stupid, and evil, and funny people. Any!
This is what I admire most about my father: absolute unparalleled decency and absolute philanthropy.

* Ira calls her parents either her father and mother, or by her first name and patronymic, I left it in the text, did not edit.
** Olga Zdravomyslova - Executive Director of the Gorbachev Foundation.
*** Munster - in the clinic of this German city, Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva spent the last eight weeks of her life.

In 1980, a daughter was born. They named the girl Xenia.

Childhood years of the presidential granddaughter

The baby was adored by all household members, but they did not indulge. She was brought up in strictness, from childhood she was told about the rules of etiquette. Ksenia's mother developed her daughter in every possible way, tried to give her a good education knowing that all this will come in handy in the future.

The grandmother, Raisa Maksimovna, also invested her share in the upbringing of her granddaughter. She devoted a lot of time to communicating with Ksyusha, explaining how and why to act in specific situations. Grandmother never imposed her opinion and views, but only guided the girl to choose the right decision.

Every year, Ksyusha and her family rested in the Crimea, and the girl always looked forward to these trips. She adored the sea and the Yalta coast.

Ksenia, her bright and interesting, remembers her childhood with special warmth. Many pleasant moments remained in her memory: how fairy tales were read to her every evening before going to bed, how the whole family gathered at a large table and discussed pressing problems, how grandmother and eternally busy grandfather walked with their favorite - she remembers everything to the smallest detail. Particularly vivid memories are associated with how my mother brought Ksyusha, a first-grader, to the line to school, and after 10 years she met a graduate with a certificate in her hands. She also did not forget about her first love.

Ksenia Gorbacheva studied at the Bolshoi Ballet School. For 10 years of study, she performed on stage several times, but she could not become an outstanding ballerina. The reason was frequent diseases and injuries of the joints, knees. Adult Xenia, recalling her ballet lessons, regrets that she did not have a childhood with games and communication with her peers. The girl's day was scheduled to the minute. Daily classes and workouts took a lot of time.

Debutante at the Paris Ball

In France, a charity ball is held annually, in which 23 girls from different countries peace. Debutantes are chosen very carefully. Both the nobility of origin and the amounts in parental bank accounts are taken into account. Participation in such an event for young debutantes can be the beginning of their career in the modeling business.

In 2001, she became one of the debutantes Ksenia Gorbacheva. Photos in which the granddaughter of Mikhail Sergeyevich is dressed in a chic evening dress from Dior, then decorated the pages European magazines. Noticing the beauty in a gorgeous dress, fashion designer Laura Biagiotti invited her to take part in Milan Fashion Week. She invited the girl to walk the runway to demonstrate her new collection. Gorbacheva never dreamed of becoming a model, but gladly agreed.

MGIMO student. Meeting your future spouse

Ksenia Gorbacheva wanted to study abroad. But grandfather Mikhail did not allow his granddaughter to leave the country. She entered MGIMO at the faculty of international journalism. Learned at the institute Spanish and successfully passed the state exam. In 2003, Gorbachev's eldest granddaughter received a specialist diploma.

Ksenia Gorbacheva met Kirill Solod at the institute, who also studied at the Faculty of Journalism, but was 2 years younger. The couple started dating. Gorbachev liked the chosen one of his granddaughter. And Ksenia and her mother made a good impression on Cyril's parents. In a girl, they liked modesty, unspoiltness, intelligence and the ability to behave with dignity in society.

Quiet wedding and quick divorce

In the spring of 2003, the wedding of Gorbachev's granddaughter and the son of businessman Solod took place. About 140 people were invited to the celebration. There were politicians, businessmen from different countries. The holiday was quiet and calm, which surprised the journalists very much. Each participant was assigned a role. The bride was taken to the groom by her grandfather, Mikhail Sergeevich.

After the wedding, she took her husband's surname and, with all her belongings, moved to the apartment Ksenia Gorbacheva, donated by his parents. Personal life with Cyril did not work out, their marriage lasted only a couple of years. After the divorce, she again became Gorbacheva.

Favorite work of Ksenia Gorbacheva

Ksyusha, entering MGIMO, dreamed of a career as a journalist. She liked this profession. Once, while relaxing with a group of friends, Viktor Drobysh introduced her to Joseph Prigogine. The girl was offered a job related to artists. For her, everything was new and unknown, but she agreed to try herself in this direction.

Soon, having gained experience, she began working in the production company of V. Drobysh's National Music Corporation. At the same time, she was one of the freelance correspondents for the Grace newspaper.

Wedding with Dmitry Pyrchenkov

Ksyusha met her second husband at work. Dima Pyrchenkov was a concert director in the past. In 2009, their wedding took place. Compared to the first wedding, everything this time at Ksyusha was more modest, there were fewer guests. The media were not informed about the painting. The couple did not want to be under the gun of the paparazzi. We celebrated a solemn event in one of the restaurants on Rublyovka.

Daughter of Alexander

Dmitry and Xenia Alexandru. A woman gave birth in Germany. In Berlin, she did not choose a clinic, but a doctor who helped her child be born. In one interview, Ksenia Gorbacheva admitted that she did not want and did not intend to give birth in Russia.

When the young mother heard the first cry of her baby, and then felt the touch of her little body on her chest, she burst into tears.

After the birth of her daughter, Ksenia Gorbacheva lived with her family in Germany. Sashenka studied at a Berlin school. The fact that she has famous Russian figures in her family is told to the girl by showing photographs. The family comes to Russia only for the New Year holidays.

Details about how Gorbachev's eldest granddaughter lives are carefully hidden. She rarely appears at social events, spends time with her family, devotes herself to her favorite work. Her personal life has always interested journalists. But Ksyusha Gorbacheva, like her younger sister Nastya, does not allow the public to find out more than it needs to.

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