Who will be president after Putin: predictions and expert opinions. Predictions about the world. Holy elders about the future president

In March 2018, a very important event will take place in our country, which will affect the course of history not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. We are talking, of course, about the election of the head of our state. Many people are already wondering who will be president after Putin in 2018. There are various predictions about this.

Why elections are so important in Russia

Last years characterized by instability in the world. In many countries, coups d'état, armed conflicts and political crises are taking place. The situation in the world is changing very quickly. In such an unpredictable time, it is necessary to respond very quickly to all the challenges of our time. That is why it is very important that an experienced politician be at the helm of our state, who could respond in time to the situation that is aggravating every day.

Russia's position on many world issues is very important. This applies to both the situation around Syria, North Korea, South-East of Ukraine, and other regions. Some countries share the Russian point of view on certain issues. Others do not agree with the opinion of our state. In any case, the current situation in the world requires a balanced position. Only joint action and constructive negotiations can stop the global confrontation.

Future elections in Russia will largely determine the balance of power in the world. Perhaps that is why there is such close attention to the will of the Russians. March 2018 may become a turning point in the fate of not only our state, but of all mankind. Perhaps the new leader of Russia will be able to make a decisive contribution to the normalization of the situation in the world and help overcome the growing tension.

The fruitful cooperation of the Russian Federation with the US and the EU, as you know, has already borne fruit in Afghanistan and Syria. The whole world is waiting for the resolution of the conflict in Donbass and North Korea. The difficult economic situation in Venezuela and elsewhere calls for drastic measures. Otherwise, the world may slide into a new world crisis, which is fraught with increased tension and the emergence of a revolutionary situation in many regions of the planet. Do not forget about the terrorist threat posed by ISIS, as well as the growing instability on the European continent. The parade of sovereignties in Spain and Italy showed how unsustainable state structure old Europe.

Political Analyst Predictions

Many analysts of the political situation in Russia are sure that there will be no change of power in our state. A large part of the Russian population supports the policy of the leadership, both at home and abroad. They believe that our government is moving in the right direction and our President is adequately fulfilling his functions. Moreover, there is no worthy candidate in the political field of the country yet.

At the same time, there are experts, both in our country and abroad, who believe that the new leaders of the nation will be able to lead Russia along a new path, which will help to establish mutually beneficial relationship With Western countries both in economics and in other areas. They are confident that new forces will be able to change the economic model of the Russian Federation and reduce its dependence on world energy prices, as well as carry out structural reforms and bring the country to new horizons of universal prosperity.

There are people who do not believe in the scientific arguments of political analysts and therefore turn their eyes towards all kinds of predictors. There is a rational grain in such a choice. After all, many astrologers have more than once reliably predicted the future.

Psychic Predictions

In fact, among the media there is a different point of view regarding the outcome presidential elections. Let's get acquainted with some forecasts that were made not only at the present time, but also a very long time ago:

  • Nostradamus- most famous psychic predicted the Golden Age of Russia. It will come when a native of the northern regions of our country becomes the leader of our country.
  • Vasily Nemchin- this seer several centuries ago predicted that a person who would not look like current politicians would become the head of our state. He will have an analytical mind and esoteric abilities. It will be a person who has cured himself of dangerous disease and possesses the basics of magic. The new president will be elected at the age of 55. He will succeed in creating a great state within the borders of the Soviet Union. It is expected to flourish by 2023.
  • Edgar Cayce- the predictor is sure that a technically educated person will become the future leader of Russia. He will revive our country, and it will become the savior of civilization. The birth of a new prosperous Russia will begin in Siberia.
  • Mikhail Levin- this psychic is sure that the next president of the Russian Federation will be a person who will completely reboot the country's device. He won't belong to the current political elite. He will be able to reduce the influence of power structures in the life of society. The country will move on to a democratic path of development and achieve significant progress in all areas.
  • Maria Duval- this Frenchwoman predicted that the new leader of Russia would be a man who would lead the country out of the crisis by 2020. The Russian Federation will become one of the leading countries in the world, in which rich people will live, and there will be a strong economy and a well-armed army. Russian medicine will be able to create a tool that allows you to live long. The successful development of science will lead to a revolution in computer technology.
  • Vanga- the soothsayer predicted the triumph of V. Putin as a collector of Russian lands. Under his rule, Russia will become a strong and influential state. On the way to this, the Russians will have to go through trials and sorrows, but it will be worth it.
  • Pavel Globa- our contemporary is very pessimistic in his forecasts. He is sure that the current leader of the Russian Federation will die soon. Death will happen in 2018. This prediction is explained by the position of Saturn in the constellation Scorpio. True, it should be noted that this astrologer has already predicted the death of the president in 2012. As you know, his prediction did not come true. Maybe this time the media is wrong.

Holy elders about the future president

It is believed that Orthodox saints receive their knowledge from God, so many trust them more than psychics. Some believers are sure that astrologers who are helped by demons cannot be trusted. Among the elders there different opinions about the future of Russia. However, they are unanimous in their opinion that a bright future awaits our country:

Seraphim of Sarov The Antichrist will conquer all countries, except for Russia, which will unite all Orthodox lands into the Russian kingdom.
Lavrentiy Chernigovskiy At the head of Russia will be an Orthodox tsar, who will be feared by all countries that have submitted to the Antichrist. The second coming of Christ will grant all who fight evil eternal life.
Paisios Athos The future leader of Russia will be able to unite all the Slavic peoples, which will make her invincible.

“Everything that really exists exists within the framework of the present” - these words belong to Boris Pasternak. However, history knows people who are endowed with a special gift, who see future events that are tens or even hundreds of years away from the date of prediction.


There are legends that the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred on April 26, 1986 and became the largest man-made disaster in the history of mankind, was predicted by many clairvoyants. But the earliest prediction, perhaps, refers to biblical times. In "The Revelation of St. John the Theologian" there are the following words: "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of this star is Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter.” Common wormwood has popular names - Chernobyl, Chernobyl.


German philosopher and theologian of the 13th century. Albert the Great von Bolstedt predicted that "Three times Germany will be on the verge of victory in a period equal to 700 years, she will almost take over the world three times." For the first time, Germany tried to fight for world domination back in the 16th century. Then Charles V of Habsburg took the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, at the same time he was the Spanish king. The second futile attempt was made by the Hohenzollern dynasty at the beginning of the 20th century, the third by the Nazis at the end of the first half of the 20th century. Thus, in 700 years, Germany was indeed on the verge of a coveted victory three times.


In 1558, the first part of Nostradamus' book "Predictions" dedicated to King Henry II was published. It was written: "The young lion will overcome the old one on the battlefield in a single duel, he will gouge out his eyes in a golden cage." On April 13, 1559, at a feast dedicated to the signing of peace between France and Spain, Henry II was seriously wounded in a knightly duel with the captain of the Scottish Guard, Count Gabriel Montgomery. A sharp piece of Montgomery's wooden spear fell into the slit of the king's helmet and pierced his eye, causing Henry II to fall from his horse. Ten days later he died.


In 1794, Josephine de Beauharnais and her friend looked into the salon of a young but already very popular fortune teller, Marie Lenormand. Josephine laughed at the news that she would become empress. Lenormand's next visitor was a short man in military uniform. The soothsayer predicted six high posts and the title of emperor to him, saying that fate would be favorable to him only up to 40 years, until he leaves his life partner sent by providence. Two years later, Napoleon and Josephine got married, in 1804 Bonaparte proclaimed himself emperor, and five years later he divorced her... The 1812 campaign ended in a fiasco with Napoleon's previously invincible army.


An old German fortune-teller who lived in St. Petersburg, in front of witnesses, told the young Alexander Pushkin “an early receipt of money, an unexpected offer, fame and reverence for his compatriots, two exiles” and that “he will live a long time, if at the age of 37 he does not happen to no harm to him from a white horse, or from a white head, or white man". Upon returning home, Alexander found a letter with money (an old debt of a lyceum comrade). A few days later, he received an offer from General Orlov regarding a promotion. Almost two decades later, when Pushkin was 37 years old, he was mortally wounded in a duel with Georges Dantes, who had a white horse.


The St. Petersburg archives contain a record dated 1913, made by a certain Anna Vrubova, a student of the clairvoyant and miracle worker Grigory Rasputin: . And then he turned to me and said: “I know, I know, Petersburg will be surrounded, they will starve! Lord, how many people will die, and all because of this little thing! But they will not see Petersburg! Nakos, we’ll lie down starving to death, but we won’t let go! ” Then he calmed down and asked for tea, and when asked when everything would happen, he answered: “From my death - the 25th year.”
Rasputin died in 1916, and a quarter of a century later Nazi Germany invaded the USSR and encircled the blockade of Leningrad.


In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe wrote the book The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym. It features three sailors drifting on a lifeboat in South Seas, mad with hunger, they eat their friend, cabin boy Richard Parker. 46 years later, the tragedy described by Poe was repeated in life. After the schooner "Lace" was wrecked and all opportunities to satisfy hunger were exhausted, several starving sailors ate a cabin boy named Richard Parker. Parents who named their child Richard Parker, apparently, were not familiar with Poe's work, otherwise they would have thought well before giving such a name to their newborn son.


Another prophecy related to the Second World War was made by Wolf Messing, a brilliant telepath and clairvoyant, whose fame thundered all over the world. In 1937, at a speech in one of the theaters in Warsaw, he said: "If Hitler goes to war in the East, he will die." And in the winter of 1940, in the hall of the NKVD club, when asked what he thought about the Soviet-German pact, he answered: "I see tanks with red stars on the streets of Berlin." A year and a half before the invasion of the USSR by German troops, Messing foresaw the victory of the Soviet people in the bloodiest war in the history of mankind.

The Futility of the Titanic

In 1898, the London journalist Morgan Robertson published a small edition of the novel Futility, which tells about the tragic voyage of the huge transatlantic liner Titan. On a cold April night, the ship collided with an iceberg and sank, taking over a thousand lives with it. Robertson's violent fantasy turned out to be a nightmarish prophecy: on the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic, the largest and most luxurious liner of that time, perished in the Atlantic under similar circumstances. Moreover, the Titanic and its literary predecessor had nearly identical specifications.


The blind clairvoyant Vanga amazed her contemporaries with her gift. In 1989, she predicted: “The American brothers will fall, pecked by iron birds. The wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river. On September 11, 2001, after an air attack by terrorists in New York, the skyscrapers of the World shopping center called twins. The US President at that time was George W. Bush (from the English bush - a bush), and the military campaign unleashed by his administration in the Middle East, according to various estimates, claimed up to a million lives.

Larisa Budarina.

Predictions of the future are always interesting - they tell us what will happen in the future, and not always turn out to be a lie. Moreover, some of the most incredible predictions of the future, made decades, if not centuries ago, ended up being true!

Back in the 17th century, a certain Robert Boyle predicted that in the future, diseases would be treated with transplantation - and indeed, hundreds of years later, this prediction came true, and organ transplantation became a common surgical operation.

Dmitri Mendeleev as early as 1863 predicted the properties and masses of more than 40 elements in his periodic table- elements that at that time were not yet known to mankind!

More than a hundred years before Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, famed writer Jules Verne wrote in his book From the Earth to the Moon that a rocket would be sent from Florida to the Moon. He predicted the name spaceship(Apollo), the number of astronauts on board and even accurately described the feeling of weightlessness on the surface of a celestial body.

In 1898, a certain Morgan Robertson wrote a short story in which he described how the most big ship in human history collides with an iceberg and sinks. Just 14 years later, the Titanic set sail - and sank under exactly the same circumstances.

Nikola Tesla back in 1909 in an interview with the publication The New The York Times predicted the emergence of some "personal devices" with which the people of the future will exchange messages. Today it is impossible to imagine a person without a mobile phone.

In his novel The World Unchained, the legendary science fiction writer H. G. Wells predicted the advent of atomic bombs that will destroy entire cities. Eighteen years after Wells published his book, the first atomic bombs were tested as part of the Manhattan Project.

At one time, Nostradamus predicted that "fire will burn the blood of all things in London in the year 66." The prophet's prediction came true on September 5, 1966, when a fire broke out in the British capital, killing thousands of people.

In addition, Nostradamus predicted that in France the people would rise up and protest against princes and lords. And so it happened - in 1799, when the French Revolution broke out, changing the whole face of France.

One of the most incredible predictions made by Nostradamus concerned a certain "pastor" who would be "praised as a demigod." Centuries after Nostradamus made his prediction, French microbiologist and chemist Louis Pastor made some revolutionary scientific discoveries which made him one of the greatest scientists of all time.

IN short story"The Bad Solution" Robert Heinlein describes how the United States was the first to create nuclear weapon and turned into a "superpower", not allowing other nations to engage in the creation of the same weapons. This is exactly what happened a few decades later with the start of the Cold War and the arms race. And the famous science fiction writer wrote his story back in the forties - before the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeveloping nuclear weapons appeared.

Heinlein is not only a wonderful writer, but also an excellent predictor of the future: for example, he predicted not only cold war, but also the appearance of water mattresses. In his 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land, he described the waterbed in such detail that its inventor had to work hard to get a patent.

Writer Edward Bellamy predicted the advent of credit cards back in 1887 - exactly 63 years before they were invented.

In Gulliver's Travels, published in 1726, Jonathan Swift claimed that Mars had two moons - exactly 142 years before scientists found out that this was indeed the case.

Also known as the "sleeping prophet," Edgar Cayce made remarkably accurate, frighteningly realistic predictions of the future, such as predicting the start and end dates of World Wars I and II, as well as the end of the Great Depression in the United States.

The writer Mark Twain was not a predictor, but he managed to accurately predict the date own death. In one of his books, Twain wrote that he was born in 1835, when Halley's comet flew near the Earth - and predicted that he would die when this comet reappeared. And so it happened: Mark Twain died in 1910, when Halley's Comet reappeared in the night sky.

Today, something new happens in the world every day and even every second. It's no secret that many people not only want to be aware of all the real events, but also to find out what is most likely to come. What is the immediate future of Russia and what awaits its citizens in the near future? Naturally, the eyes of all those who are keenly interested in this are directed to the future elections of 2018. It is they who will key point determining the course of national history.

The next "presidential race" is just around the corner. Therefore, the question that worries many Russians is becoming more and more burning: "Who will be president after Putin?" Many are trying to unravel the tactics of Vladimir Vladimirovich himself: will the current head of the country run for election in 2018 or leave his post without entering the fight for a high seat. One thing is clear: so far, the obvious successor to the president has not shown himself in any way, and Vladimir Vladimirovich himself does not give any reason to judge his likely participation in the 2018 elections. Who will be the president of Russia after Putin?

Predictions and conjectures

It is not easy to predict who will be president after Putin, but, as it turned out, it is possible. Long before the present day, great psychics have done this. Leading political experts are not far behind the clairvoyants: they also voiced some thoughts about who will become the president of Russia after Putin after the upcoming elections in 2018.

Competition in wit

All kinds of print publications and Internet resources, trying to find an answer to the question of who will become president after Putin, arrange real competitions in wit. They put forward as bold as sometimes ridiculous figures to the post of head of the Russian state. Who will be president after Putin? Among the likely candidates who could accept the inauguration in 2018 are, for example, the boxer Nikolai Sergeevich Valuev, who became a Russian Gerard Depardieu and, no matter how strange it may sound, the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovych.

What does the opposition think?

In turn, the opposition forces are also zealously discussing the question of who will be president after Putin. Oppositionists are discussing the candidacies of either Khodorkovsky, or Navalny, and others. At the same time, they understand that each of the proposed possible successors is doomed to failure in advance. The question of who will be the next president after Putin, for different political forces, as they say, remains open. In general, no one Russian politics so far does not give a clear answer to it.

Who will be president after Putin: predictions

Psychics and visionaries of all stripes have been trying to answer this question for a long time. Who is the next president of Russia after Putin? The Carpathian molfares started talking about the departure of Vladimir Vladimirovich from his post in 2018, as well as his unwillingness to nominate his candidacy for another term. The prophecies of prominent clairvoyants contain information about the upcoming restriction of presidential powers by V.V. Putin on the eve of the elections. According to the predictions of psychics, the future president of Russia after Putin is certainly a protege of the current head of the Russian government. At the same time, he will not be connected in any way with either the FSB or the KGB.

Georgian clairvoyant Lela Kakulia, whose divinations are seriously listened to by both church hierarchs and politicians different countries and big businessmen who, to hear from her about the future, come to Georgia even from across the ocean, believed back in 2011 that the head of the Russian state after the reign of V.V. Putin would be a well-educated person who knows a lot foreign languages, quite young. The future president of the Russian Federation will not be from among the military, most likely he will have two higher education- economist and lawyer. They will take a tough stance against Muslims. The ruler of Russia will in every possible way support politicians who adhere to nationalist views. The clairvoyant also said that the future president of the Russian Federation would be a person with characteristic feature- a scar or mark on the head, but not congenital.

Many psychics agree that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is own will refuse to fight. But before leaving the Russian political Olympus forever, he will issue a decree that will limit the powers of the president. Visionaries predict early elections in Russia, in which Putin's protege will be the winner. It will be surprising for many that the future president will have no connection with the KGB and the FSB. In this, the opinions of all predictors agree.

The most important, decisive in the elections, they see the position of the liberals. But this will be changed as a result of prolonged repression, after which many active oppositionists will either have to leave the country or go to jail. The current government, according to many "sorcerers", is the key to stability in the country. Therefore, they happily predict that after V.V. Putin, a person loyal to the previous government policy will take the place of the president.

What do predictors say about the future of Russia after the presidential elections in 2018?

Most predictors and clairvoyants speak positively about the future of Russia after the elections in 2018. When asked who is the next president of Russia after Putin, Pavel Globa can only confidently say that this is by no means Dmitry Medvedev. In addition, the famous astrologer is sure: no matter who comes to rule the country, no cataclysms will affect Russia, just like central cities Eurasia.

Due to the increase in prices for Natural resources the economy of our country will survive. Siberia will become the economic center of Russia. Russia will become a state that will either stop or prevent a third world war. five former Soviet republics unite again and join Russia. The strongest prophet will be born in the country. Russia will become a country in which a colossal scientific progress. She will miss a huge number of emigrants from countries in distress. The future of Russia, according to the predictions of the astrologer, is great: it will turn into one of the most civilized and prosperous countries in the world.

Lela Kakulia predicted that the state of Russia would become even more like the Soviet Union in miniature. The republics within it will renounce autonomy. Power will be concentrated in the center of the federation. Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Adygeya, Belarus will rally around Russia even more. But Ukraine will continue to strive for state independence and will not make foreign policy compromises offered by its northern neighbor. Regions will become larger in the country, ten strong economically territorial formations will appear, devastated villages will begin to recover, life will boil everywhere. The state will limit the acquisition of Russian citizenship, especially for people from Islamic countries. Many refugees from neighboring states will have to return to their homeland. But this will not affect ethnic Slavs who are forced to move to the Russian Federation from neighboring countries. The issuance of migrant visas to workers will not be stopped, foreigners will still be able to work in Russia. A stream of workers from the countries of the former European Union will pour in here, which will begin to fall apart due to the growth of internal contradictions. IN European countries the national currency will recover.


In the light of modern world upheavals, people are becoming more and more interested in the prophecies about Russia and Putin given by the great Bulgarian seer Vanga back in the distant 70s.

In those days, the future Russian president, who became one of the most popular personalities in the world, was just studying at high school KGB. Vanga predicted that Putin's glory would thunder over his country even when "everything melts like ice." According to the Bulgarian soothsayer, the time will come when the glory of Russia and Vladimir will shine with might and main, who was born then to unite the Slavs against the common enemy, to strengthen Christian traditions and glorify your country. According to Vanga's prediction, Putin's rule will bring a lot of grief to the country. But the sacrifices will not be in vain: nothing can stop Russia. Vladimir will sweep away everything on the way to achieving world domination and the well-being of Russia.

So it will be. Russia will go through difficult times, but not only retain what it had, but also increase it. This country is destined to become the world mistress, Vanga believed in the distant 70s. The Bulgarian soothsayer did not say anything about the change of power in Russia at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. She was only open information about the glory of Russia and Putin.


Currently around personality Russian President there are a lot of rumors. No one else, to the same extent as V.V. Putin, causes so many conflicting opinions and such strong polar emotions. Numerous psychics, astrologers, and other soothsayers compete to predict the outcome of Russia's presidential election. There are also those who slander, retelling rumors about the alleged "illness" of the current president and trying to "predict" not only his departure from office, but also physical death.

But the “cunning of the world mind” (a philosophical term, the author of which is Hegel) lies in the proverb well-known to every Russian: what will be, will not be avoided. If something is destined for someone, then it will happen, regardless of whether you want it or not. And vice versa.

Expert forecasts

In the Russian political information space, new names of people who can replace the current president and continue to contribute to the development of the country appear somewhat sluggishly.

One of the first candidates possible contender on the high Kremlin chair was voiced back in 2012 well-known political scientist Piontkovsky. He believes that Sergei Shoigu is likely to become the next president of the country. The experts were divided in their opinions. Some of the Russian political scientists support the forecast given by Piontkovsky, while others believe that a completely new person must certainly become president.

Some researchers of online publications believe that Sergei Sobyanin may become the head of state in 2018. The majority of the citizens surveyed express confidence that the 2018 elections will bring victory to no one so far. famous person. This forecast is quite worthy of attention, especially if we remember that in his time VV Putin was the same, always appearing with President Yeltsin, carrying a suitcase behind him.

V. V. Putin on the 2018 elections

Undoubtedly, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is one of the most influential figures in world politics. Some people frankly hate him for the radical methods of government used and with all the fibers of their soul wish him to leave his post as soon as possible. For others, he is the real savior of the Russian people, whom they want to stay in power longer. What you can be absolutely sure about is that none of the citizens of the Russian Federation remains indifferent to V.V. Putin. The crisis in the country did not affect the people's confidence in the president. According to experts, today the level of approval of his activities among Russians, as well as the level of electoral support, range from 80 to 90%. The current head of the country, according to experts, enjoys truly unprecedented support.

Vladimir Vladimirovich himself insists that it is too early to talk about his participation in the future presidential campaign. According to him, he "has not decided anything for himself yet." The President, as he stated in an interview, prefers to focus on working on the implementation of the plans and tasks for the development of the economy, social sphere, increasing the country's defense capability, improving the living standards of people. Depending on how these tasks are solved, it will be possible to plan the organization of the presidential elections and consider the candidates for their participants.


The question of the future head of state is certainly of interest to everyone. Many will agree: whoever new president, it is important that he consistently continue the policy of his predecessor. New head The Russian Federation will be obliged to make every effort to bring the country out of the crisis and show it the way to further prosperity.

Soothsayers or clairvoyants are people endowed with a special gift, with incredible brain abilities to see the past and the future.


At the word "fortune teller" an association immediately arises - Nostradamus, because he is considered the most famous clairvoyant. All of his predictions are very veiled, because he had to hide them from a negative environment. He saw images of the future, looking at the fire or sitting in the semi-darkness. Even without exact dates, he predicted the strange death of the king of France, then his eldest son. He described the reign of the Romanovs, the era of Stalinism and much more.


The most powerful clairvoyant of our era. The woman was blind, but she said that pictures and voices appear in her head that tell her future events or the fate of a person who came to her. She accurately determined the diseases of people, so there were always endless lines of visitors to her. The person had to bring a piece of sugar from which the Bulgarian soothsayer read information. She predicted world war 2, collapse Soviet Union and when Stalin dies.

Edgar Cayce

Another powerful visionary of the 20th century. He was called the sleeping prophet, because he predicted, being in a dream, into which he introduced himself. He is credited with a huge number of predictions, for which a scientific institute was created in America to work with. Casey's most famous predictions that came true are the collapse of communism in the USSR, the invention of the laser, and the Great Depression.

Maria Lenormand

She was strong in all methods of prediction:

Card reading;
divination by hand;
prediction using a magic ball;
making horoscopes.

Lenormand could predict the future simply by looking at the surrounding nature.


She became legendary for predicting the fall of Troy. People refused to believe in a terrible future, despite Cassandra's numerous attempts to save everyone.

Sheikh Sharif

The boy, who was discovered in 1999. When he was born, he shouted that there is no God except Allah. His mother heard this, lost consciousness and died. He lived in poor family and never attended school. But it is noteworthy that Sheikh Sharifu knew many foreign languages. He preached for Muslims, he always had something to eat and something to live on, because people often helped him. At his last performance in front of a crowd of thousands, he healed people from the wounds they received while trying to get close to the boy. No one has ever seen him since that day. There were rumors that he ascended to heaven.

Grigory Rasputin

Being the personal physician of Romanov Alexei, he predicted the death of the dynasty and that the Bolsheviks would come to power.

Vasily Nemchin

Another Russian predictor. I saw that soon the strongest ruler would be in power, who would turn the country into a strong power. And it was during the time of Prince Vladimir.


The monk accurately predicted when Catherine the Second, Paul the First would die, and when the Russian-French war would begin.


Ancient Greek clairvoyant. He said that nymphs tell him about future events. He is the first seer who compiled a collection of his visions.

All people have the ability to predict, but it is much more developed in units. But even ordinary person it is worth listening to your inner voice more often.

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