The vice-governor of Yanao was named a possible contender for the post of head of the Murmansk region. My view of the world

Primary school teacher website

"Work is my life function. When I'm not working, I don't feel any life in me." (J. Verne)

Profession: Teacher

Professional interests: Literary reading, Russian language

Hobbies: Floriculture, cooking, travel.

Region: Saint Petersburg

Locality: Saint Petersburg

Place of work: GBOU gymnasium No. 177 of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

Title, academic degree: Honorary Worker of Education


"Who comprehends the new, cherishing the old, he can be a teacher."


Man is amazing creation(whose is it? who created it?). Born and dies in pain. And from the moment of birth to death, life passes - the greatest value of him (man).

How to help a person to be him? How to make "people" live in harmony with the world, nature and with their own "I"? How to prevent evil? How to nurture, protect, educate, develop? How? How? How?

There are many questions, doubts, even more thoughts, and there is only one answer - the life lived by every person. Let this answer be always positive and only with a plus sign.

About Me

I have been a teacher for 37 years. But interest in the work has not faded. There are many plans, ideas, issues related to the education, upbringing and development of children. I think that the most important thing in life is kindness. I hope that my pupils, both past and future, will follow the paths of kindness.

Books that shaped my inner world

D. S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness", V. A. Sukhomlinsky "I give my heart to children" and many others.

My view of the world

We all come from childhood. What does this mean for us? Wonderful memories, colorful pictures, carefree days. This is a resource for a lifetime. And life...

The Governor of YNAO has already begun to prepare for the upcoming elections with might and main. And he started quite correctly - with the strengthening of the apparatus of the government of the district. Not so long ago, Dmitry Kobylkin signed a decree on the appointment of Irina Sokolova as vice-governor of the YNAO.

It cannot be said that the figure of Sokolova is new for the Yamal region. Rather, her story is reminiscent of the return of the prodigal daughter, who was temporarily sent on a “friendly” business trip to “support the pants” of Stavropol Governor Vladimir Vladimirov, who, by the way, also began his political career in Yamal.

The biography of Irina Borisovna Sokolova is rich and rich. So, there are two officials in the piggy bank higher education, work in construction and, of course, oil industry. But Sokolov's managerial career began only in 1997, having entered the service in the administration of the Purovsky district as a leading specialist - system administrator organizational department. Over the next 13 years, it was there that the official moved along career ladder taking one leadership position after another. During this time, she has been in the position of head of the organizational department, head of the records management department, organizational work and personnel service, managing affairs; deputy head of the district administration. In 2010, Sokolova's work was appreciated "at the top" and appointed Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, as well as the head of the apparatus of the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Sokolov would have worked without interruption from Yamal to this day, but in the ill-fated 2013, the ineffective Vladimir Vladimirov (then deputy governor of the YaNAO) was appointed to the post of acting governor of the Stavropol Territory, and the successful official was "tied" to the newly-made head as a mother- patronesses. But now, exactly one year later, the long-awaited freedom - Sokolova got rid of a rather successful, but not as profitable job as in Yamal, and was appointed to the post of vice-governor of the YNAO.

Interesting fact: In 2012, Sokolova earned a little more than 19 million rubles in Yamal. At that time, the official owned three apartments and shared ownership of common property in an apartment building. In addition, she had at her disposal a residential building, issued under a commercial lease agreement. The husband of Ms. Sokolova earned only 1 million 523 thousand rubles in 2012, but at the same time he registered two cars - a Peugeot 4007 and a Ford Focus crossover.

In general, this kind of “moving” is a completely normal and often used practice in our government, experts say, illustrating their words with the story of Sergei Sobyanin, when, following his appointment, the head of the governor’s office moved to Moscow Tyumen region. Only in our case, such a business trip was rather forced, since the decision on the new appointment of Sokolova in the Stavropol Territory was made by the leadership of our country.

But what has now brought Sokolova to her "native land"? Countless Yamal riches or unobtrusive request of the "Captain of the Arctic"?

On official portal government of Yamal, it is reported that Sokolova will oversee domestic policy in the district, the sphere interethnic relations and interfaith relations, interaction with public organizations And political parties, as well as the development of the media and a number of other areas. Think about what important role assigned to a guest from the south after almost a year's absence. What would it suddenly be?

Previously, Sokolova was one of the most valuable employees of the apparatus of the head of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: she dealt with finance, personnel policy and development of special projects. Moreover, Sokolova managed all the processes related to the elections, including her work was related to the development of the activities of United Russia in the region.

In fact, it is precisely such a person that Kobylkin is now so lacking in the state. And it's true, only last year the hitherto promising governor's ratings have fallen significantly,

as well as the level of public trust in him. In the media, facts compromising Kobylkin now and then appear: either they will declare excessive income, or shameless expenses.

Apparently, Sokolova should be engaged in "laundering" and "deifying" the image of the governor in mass consciousness, because she brilliantly coped with a similar task in the Stavropol Territory. Although there the task was more difficult, since the newcomer northern Varangian Vladimirov was not honored in the south, to put it mildly. It is understandable, because the beginning of his work was marked by a large-scale "cleansing" of personnel and the appointment of the people he needed to the most "tasty" places (for the most part, the Yamal "production"). Then it turned out that the Stavropol Territory became a kind of mirror image of Yamal, only very, very crooked, because this region can hardly be compared with the wealth of its northern counterpart. But here it’s a sin not to mention the fact that at that time Vladimirov was sent to the Stavropol Territory not just like that, but as a kind of “ eminence grise» NOVATEK: the Yamal company, more than ever, needed its own person in the government of Stavropol to "optimize" the work of the new gas processing plant. And Vladimirov, who had more than once justified Michelson's trust, was perfect for this role! And in order to protect the young VRIO from “wrong” actions, “heavy artillery” in the person of Sokolova was sent in addition. And not in vain: despite all the failures accompanying the election campaign, Irina Borisovna managed to achieve Vladimirov’s victory in the elections, and with a by no means modest result: a little more than 84.22% of those who voted cast their votes for the acting acting acting, and this with a turnout of 47.88% . And even if Sokolova managed to achieve such a brilliant result with very dubious variables in less than a year, it is logical to assume that there should be no problems with Kobylkin's PR at all! Although the work in Yamal will obviously be difficult due to the fact that the region's economy is weakening under the yoke of sanctions, and the rapidly falling income level of the population, which they are still trying to keep normal by cutting all social programs. So, taken together, Kobylkin's position today is no better than Vladimirov's position last year.

The young governor himself understands this, because by inviting Sokolova, he actually publicly recognized his vaunted "promising" team as bankrupt and even more so, in Once again went to budget spending - and how else to call the content of another, new position for the region - vice-governor. Although there are still a few "extra" millions with billions in profits! But, be that as it may, we will find out the exact amount of budget funds spent “for the benefit” after the “battle”: Sokolova’s income declaration as vice-governor of the YNAO will be published only in 2015. In the meantime, we will wait for active actions on the part of the “profitable investment” and prepare for a large-scale PR campaign to restore the image of the Yamal governor.


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Lieutenant Governor Irina Sokolova located next to the body of the governor Kobylkin since 2010. 17 years together, with the exception of one year - from 2013 to 2014, Sokolova was seconded to Stavropol to help organize the work of the Acting Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirov appointed by the President from the office of lieutenant governor Yamal. But a year after Vladimirov's victory in the elections, she returned to continue to patronize, groom and cherish Dmitry Kobylkin.

What needs to be done in order to steal without stealing?

Despite the numerous corruption scandals that now and then flare up in the district, formally Irina Sokolova has nothing to do with any of them. But in fact, this is not true, because this is really only a formal non-participation in theft. Like the patron, Irina Sokolova is considered one of the most effective officials. The business trip to the Stavropol Territory was not accidental, they say, this appointment was agreed with Putin. And in the “foreign” Stavropol Territory, she managed to “promote” a Yamal resident to the governorship - a man NOVATEK who needed a staff at the head of the government of Stavropol in connection with the construction of a gas processing plant there. After returning to Yamal, Kobylkin appointed Sokolova vice-governor with the functions of the head of four departments and one department in the district government at once. Sokolova heads the Administration of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Department of Internal Policy, the Department of Property Relations, and the Department for Indigenous Peoples of the North.

And all these levers of power, one way or another, are connected with the aforementioned corruption scandals, and scandals related to the organization " luxurious life the governor himself. It turns out that you can steal without stealing directly, but only by exercising general leadership. Moreover, the process of this very leadership is legitimate from the point of view of the legislation, since the official is officially appointed official approved by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly. Let's start with them. As an experienced official, who is also responsible for internal policy in the YaNAO, Irina Borisovna cannot but understand that loyalty must be paid for. And since the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, by their status, are civil servants of regional significance, it means that the purchase of deputy loyalty should be carried out by the budget.

And he pays, and pays a lot of money. For example, an ordinary deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the YNAO Elena Kukushkina earned almost 5 million rubles in 2017. Apparently, it was not in vain that the Sverdlovsk region also moved there. The chairmen of the key committees and their deputies are even better fed. In 2017, deputies received from 7 to 9 and a half million rubles, and committee chairmen - from 10 to 16 and a half million. Even "fatter" lives the first person of the Legislative Assembly of Yamal - Sergey Yamkin last year "earned" 18 million 846 thousand rubles, which is only one and a half million less than that of Kobylkin himself. By the way, Irina Sokolova also did not become impoverished in the troublesome positions of "laundering" the image of the governor. In 2016, she declared an income of 42 million and 600 thousand rubles, two apartments, one of which she shares with her husband. The high salaries of Yamal officials have long been no news to anyone, and they do not hide their huge incomes - the salaries are all official. But they cynically hide something else - the level of income of ordinary citizens.

Officially, the average salary of an ordinary Yamal citizen is 60,000 rubles a month. However, in reality, the salaries of ordinary hard workers range from 17 to 35 thousand. And this is in a territory where winter lasts 8 months a year, and all products are imported. Moreover, in a significant part of cases, they are imported by the most expensive mode of transport - by air. As a result, food prices are high.

“So it turns out that everyone eats cabbage rolls, although, at the same time, they forget that someone eats meat, sometimes cabbage,” writes political scientist Pavel Prostorov in his blog.

Further, he argues that there is no opposition at all in the district, and the voice of the public is not heard. “Perhaps many will object to me, “Where is the opposition? Public??!". I will answer, they trampled her on the ground. Yves present time, here everyone holds on to his own workplace. Family, children, loved ones are more expensive. You can’t break a garden on a snow-covered tundra.”

So, the opposition was "trampled on the vine", and this is the direct merit of the curator of domestic politics in the district, Irina Sokolova, and even the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, who were bribed by high salaries. And the bribery, directly or indirectly, was carried out by the same Irina Borisovna, since, according to the data on the website of the district government, it is she who carries out in the YaNAO “interaction between the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and other executive bodies state power Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with political parties, regional and local national and cultural autonomies, and other public associations.

Anything is possible

Well, after the public, opposition and deputies were silenced, and the governor's inner circle were loyal corrupt officials, Irina Sokolova, the head of the Department of Affairs of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, was "finally untied." It is this department, which is first on the list of its functional duties, and is the largest customer of public services in the district. It is Irina Vorobyova who orders expensive services and controls the spending of funds for their implementation. It was she who recently ordered, under the guise of an innovative project, a toilet bowl for Governor Kobylkin for 8 million rubles, purchased through the laundering "Regional Innovation and Investment Fund" Yamal ".

As already stated by the Charter. no, there are two governor's residences in the vast Vorobyova household. These are the so-called "Near" and "Far". The "near" residence, popularly called "Neelovskoye" by the name of the former governor, is located three kilometers from Salekhard. Official name - hotel"Yamalsky", but in fact it is a closed hotel, where the governor Kobylkin and his family live. It is maintained at public expense. Tellingly, for the “economical”, luxury-loving Kobylkin, immediately after coming to power in 2010 (the first term of governorship), he started an expensive repair there.

The repair itself cost the budget 95 million rubles, and the cost of the cottage equipment exceeded 100 million. Governor Kobylkin, unlike ordinary hard workers, is used to not denying himself anything. At the same time, the senselessness of expensive purchases is sometimes striking, for example, a TV for the “Near” residence costs 1 million rubles, and a music center costs about 400 thousand, a chandelier for the living room was purchased for 300 thousand rubles. The distant dacha - the recreation center "Varchato" cost the budget even more. Two large guest houses, several smaller houses, a bathhouse, which is connected to the houses by covered passages, and a shed for a seaplane, "pulled" 250 million rubles.

If you look at the documents, it becomes clear that Kobylkin likes not only large TVs, but also expensive glass. In the bar of a large house there are glasses worth 5 thousand rubles apiece. Only clothes for guests (apparently for fishing and hunting) cost 9 million rubles. Is it then thrown away?

From Salekhard to "Varchato" Dmitry Kobylkin and his "guests" prefer exclusively by air, and exclusively by helicopter. Each such flight pays state-financed organization"Hotel and transport complex" Yamal ". By the way, during Putin's last visit to the YaNAO, he was also taken there. And the performer is aviation company"Yamal". It is registered in Salekhard, the founders are the State Property Management Committee of the YNAO and several aviation enterprises of the district, including the Salekhard airport. The company participated in 149 public procurements for a total amount of 4 billion 128 million 759 thousand 293 rubles. And the largest customer is the Administration of the Government of the YNAO, headed by Irina Sokolova. It is no coincidence that the Yamal company on its website positions itself as the leader in helicopter air transportation throughout the Tyumen North.

Recall that the functional duties of the head of the Department of Affairs of the Government of the YNAO Irina Sokolova include, according to data from the government website "management, disposal, organization of accounting for state property of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug". That is, not a single public procurement in the YaNAO, the activities of numerous "investment" funds intended for laundering money, which are "ruled" by other members of the Kobylkin team, can do without her participation - Alexey Sitnikov,Dmitry Artyukhov, Tatiana Buchkova, and the richest official in YaNAO Alexander Mazharov. Thus, it is quite obvious that a significant part of all corruption schemes in the Government of the YNAO is carried out and controlled by Irina Sokolova, allegedly not involved in “any corruption scandal”. However, without the support and connections in the Prosecutor General's Office of the district prosecutor Alexandra Gerasimenko, all this brethren would have "rested on the bunk" long ago. Know how to "work".

"She will justify..."

The vice-governor of the YaNAO was named a possible contender for the post of head of the Murmansk region

Irina Sokolovasite

Irina Sokolova, vice-governor of Yamal, may be appointed to the post of head of the Murmansk region .. So, according to the hosts of one of the telegram channels, the creature of the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko - governor Marina Kovtun can be replaced by a candidate close to the Rotenberg family, who "have a number projects in the regions of the Arctic with SMP Bank.

According to observers, various figures are currently being discussed, including those from the team of Yamal Governor Dmitry Kobylkin, as well as the embassy of the North-Western federal district. Among the most likely candidates is the deputy plenipotentiary of the Northwestern Federal District for domestic politics Lyubov Sovershaev and vice-governor of the YNAO Irina Sokolov.

The logic of Arkady Rotenberg's decisions, political scientists believe, will depend on the candidates' knowledge of issues related to the Northern by sea and port infrastructure.

In the case of Sokolova, experts indicate her possible patrons - the owners of Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko.

Another likely candidate is Irina Yarovaya, who is associated with the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin.

The government of Yamal has not yet commented on these forecasts. Meanwhile, surrounded by Sokolova, they remind that she is considered a rather influential official in the region. “She is a very correct and stubborn specialist in a good way. If she was given a task, she would complete it, no matter what it cost her. If you remember, it was she who helped his former colleague Vladimir Vladimirov to gain a foothold in the Stavropol Territory. It's not an easy region. There is the Caucasus, clans, intrigues and so on. Irina Borisovna, in our opinion, coped with this. So, it seems to us that if an offer is received to head such a region as the Murmansk region, it will justify the responsibility entrusted to it. But for now, it’s strange to talk about it unambiguously, since there is a governor there who continues to work, ”a source close to the Yamal authorities shared his opinion.

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