When a man truly loves. How to understand whether a man truly loves - Psychology. Signs that a man doesn't love you: inattention to business

If a man loves a woman, then he never humiliates her.

If a man loves, then a girl doesn’t need to win his love, respect, she doesn’t need to prove absolutely anything - all the evidence already lives in his heart and you can’t burn it out with hot metal.

If a man experiences true love for a woman, and does not suffer himself and does not torment his beloved with neurotic illusions, then he will never hit her under any pretext: he does not hit her, which means he loves her. And this applies not only to physical, but also to moral, mental, and psychological blows. A loving man does not wound his lady with a dagger in the very heart - he leaves it for her and his enemies.

A loving man always wants a child from the woman he loves.

If a man truly loves, and does not adore himself in his love for a woman, he will take off the last thing from himself, sell his beloved car, work three jobs from dawn to dusk, but will make sure that his beloved is happy and opportunity did not need anything.

If a man loves a woman, then he makes many sacrifices for her sake - from refusing to be friends with certain people to agreeing to spend the entire weekend with his dearest and beloved wife on a tiring run through shopping centers.

If real love lives in a man’s heart, then a man forgives his chosen one for any shortcomings, regardless of the degree of their number, significance and originality.

If a man loves a woman, he calls her to marry, he wants her to become his official, legal wife, to be together in sorrow and in joy.

If a man really loves a woman, then he strives to spend ALL his free time with her.

When a man feels love for a certain woman, he is not afraid to humiliate himself, to look funny in the eyes of his beloved and the people around him, he is ready to do anything to achieve her reciprocity.

If a man loves, he calls first, and does not harass his beloved by not communicating with her for days.

A loving man does not show off in front of his beloved - next to her he is more humble than the humblest lamb.

It is difficult to say why a particular man loves a particular woman, but usually this love is based on his love for his mother, if this is true love, or on the unavailability of a certain girl for him, if this is not real love, but only a neurotic dependence, called not inherent in her feeling of love.

If a man loves, he is ready to wait at least a year for the first intimacy with his beloved - as long as she is nearby, in his life, and does not reject his advances.

When a man loves, he often gives a woman small or large gifts and gifts - depending on the level of his material income and social status.

If a guy loves, he will spend his only 100 rubles, but he will be perverted and take the girl to a cafe, wanting to surprise her, please her and please her.

When love lives in a man’s heart, it doesn’t stare around at other people’s women in search of new love adventures - he already has everything and doesn’t need anyone else, no one’s size ten tits, and no one’s oversized butts a la Jennifer Popes.

If a man loves, for the sake of his beloved he will move mountains, make a career, open a business, and become famous throughout the world.

When a man loves, he says tender words to his beloved, even if he doesn’t know how. Or, at least, he tries to do this, learns the art of beautiful words and compliments, expresses his feelings, if not with words, then with gestures, actions, gifts, help and support.

A woman can ALWAYS rely on a truly loving man - without exceptions or reservations.

In any difficult or dubious situation, a truly loving man will ALWAYS take the side of his beloved, even if she is wrong.

If a man’s love for a woman is real, there is no calculation and conditions in it according to the principle “If you don’t do this or that, I will stop loving you,” and according to any other principles, true love also completely lacks calculation and conditions, unless they are aimed at making the woman you love even happier.

A man's real love does not stoop to blackmail and bribes.

If a successful man loves a woman, then he does not buy her mutual love, but only tries to make his beloved happy.

If a married man truly, and not in words, fell in love with a woman, then he will do everything to be with her not only in fact, but also officially, that is, he will go for an unpleasant divorce and a scandalous division of property, just not to reduce the beloved to the status of a powerless mistress.

If a man loves his woman, he will not humiliate, insult, or scold her in the presence of other people.

When a man loves, he doesn’t care whether his beloved is a bitch or not.

If a man loves and does not suffer from a passionate neurotic, but temporary, mental-heart disorder-insanity, he will never cheat on the woman he loves under any pretext: if necessary, he will fight off fans, refuse 1000 and 1 lovely chick, but will remain faithful for the beloved in all her virgin chastity.

If a man loves, he is not interested in his wife's friends, even if they flirt with him.

A sure sign: if a man loves you, expect touching SMS from him.

A sure sign: if a man loves, he will take on some of the responsibilities around the house, including sometimes washing the dishes at the request of his beloved or even without her, sometimes he will clean the house himself, take out the trash, and do shopping.

A sure sign: if a man feels true love for a woman, he will never be embarrassed by her, even if she talks complete nonsense in public.

If a man loves a woman, he will earn money in one way or another, work, look for an opportunity to provide his beloved with everything she needs, and will never calmly and shamelessly sit on her neck and support.

When a man loves, he does not hesitate to appear with his woman in public, openly go with her to the movies, restaurants, official events, take her to his home, introduce her to his mother, to his friends... He is not shy and does not look for stupid prepositions.

If a man loves, then he loves not with his eyes, but with his heart and with all his soul, so the appearance of his beloved is not really important to him - in his heart she will always be the most beautiful and sexy, wonderful lady in the world. Even though she is now running around the house in a cucumber mask and a greasy robe, she is still his beloved woman.

If a man loves, he will never jokingly tell her that “You are the only one - you were, you are and you don’t need to eat anymore.”

If a man loves a woman, then he loves her alone. There are really no options here, so that swingers and proponents of free love don’t talk about it.

If you don’t know how to understand that a man loves you or not, then during a fire or other danger, pay attention that he will be the first to rush to save you or his junk. If you are, then he really loves you, if it is junk, then you are just a stage in his life. If there are no extreme situations in your life, then just ask him what he would do first if your house caught fire.

When there is true love between a man and a woman, the man doesn’t care what zodiac sign his beloved is and how well she is compatible with him.

If a man loves not in words, but in his soul and heart, he doesn’t care what his beloved wears, whether she’s wearing real Louis Vuitton or a fake. But if the woman he loves doesn't care what she's wearing, he'll do whatever it takes to buy her the clothes she wants. And not someday, but now, if, of course, there is a not very risky financial opportunity to do this.

When a man feels love for a woman, he is ready to overcome any obstacles just to be with her.

If a man loves, then during intimate lovemaking he will first of all think about the pleasure and comfort of the woman he loves, and not just worry about his own pleasures.

For a loving man, the opinion of his beloved woman is always important and always has weight, he always considers her and takes her thoughts into account, even if he does not directly say so - this should be evidenced by his actions, not words.

If a man loves, he does not part with his beloved for a long time (for two, three or more months, years), but always finds the opportunity either to adapt to her living conditions himself, or to create conditions for her next to him.

When a man loves a woman, he eats food from her hands that even he doesn’t like, he praises her cooking, even if it is far from perfect.

When love reigns in a man’s soul, he tries not to miss even the slightest opportunity to please his beloved: he gives her a massage, bathes her in the bath, helps her around the house, listens to stories about work, buys sweets and prepares original, but pleasant surprises for her.

If a man loves a woman, he meets her from work and even sees her off to work, if there is even the slightest opportunity to do so.

When a man loves, he is the first to get up at night to feed or change the child if he cries.

If a man loves, he will never be late for a date and will never keep his beloved waiting, because the one who is late demonstrates his importance and asserts himself at the expense of the person waiting. But in love there is no calculation.

If a man loves, he will come on a date in advance.

A loving man sees nothing wrong with giving in to his beloved in an argument, recognizing her primacy in the family and relationships - after all, the main prize - she herself - is already in his hands, and he doesn’t need more.

A loving man does not criticize the appearance of his beloved lady.

On public transport, a young man in love will always give way to the lady of his heart.

If a man loves, he will never offer a woman a threesome or swinging.

If a man loves a woman, he will not disappear from her life for a long time without good, compelling reasons. And if he disappears, he will later explain without any problems or tension why exactly he was missing. A loving guy will generally warn his beloved in advance if he has business and needs to go away on business, he will not languish her in vague hopelessness and obscurity.

When a man loves, he takes care of his beloved even when she is unwell in life or during illness; for him, illness and failure are not a reason for separation, but another opportunity to prove his love.

When a man truly loves a woman, he does not show off his feelings in front of other people, but pours out the fullness of his love alone with his beloved. After all, the manifestation of feelings in public is nothing more than narcissism in public - only psychological reinforcement of one’s own importance. A loving heart does not need to prove anything to anyone; on the contrary, it will prefer to hide its treasure from prying eyes.

When a man loves a woman, he loves her children, even if they are not his own.

In general, when love lives in a man’s heart, a woman always feels it - she has no doubts, is not tormented by remorse, she is not manipulated, she simply knows that she is loved. When love passes, the woman also feels it first - after all, then the man ceases to be so sweet and caring in so many familiar little things that a lady spoiled by true male love simply cannot help but feel a cooling in his attitude towards her.

And if a man never loved and did not even intend to, or loved only in words, this is also always felt - a woman always knows when she is unloved, she is just ashamed to admit it to herself - to admit that she means so little to this man who means everything to her. When a man does not love, he manipulates, mocks, remains cold to the most ardent requests and suffering of the supposedly beloved woman, he demands evidence, and therefore sacrifices, of her love, without sacrificing anything himself.

I think I won’t be mistaken if I say that true love is ALWAYS the happiness of two people, it is a mutual, joint flight of two souls to nirvana.

And neurotic love addiction, called in everyday life by the bright but inherently stupid word “passion” (after all, to experience passion means to suffer, the root is the same), it is always unequal, it is always unhappy for at least one of its participants, it is always painful and is of a suffering nature, she always and constantly pulls the blanket to only one side - the side of the one who says he loves, but in fact in his soul is cold as a frog.

Be happy, because happiness is love, and love is happiness. And nothing else. Everything else, any other options that give rise to pain and doubts, are from the evil one.

And the most important thing: when a man loves you, you just know it and don’t question it. But when a guy doesn’t love, but manipulates a girl, then her suffering, tossing, searching and sobbing begins.

If a man loves, then a woman always knows it for sure.

A girl is happy only when she is loved. If a man loves, a woman is ready for any experiments for his sake, she will be well-groomed, bright and caring. Not all guys openly show feelings or talk about them, so it’s worth understanding their psychology in detail and studying the main points.

The psychology of boys and girls are two concepts that cannot be woven together. To understand the male gender, you need to understand in detail how men love, what priorities they set for themselves and what they need.

Men like romantic adventures that add variety to life, and emotional warmth. When you ask a guy what qualities attract him in a woman, he can cheat 90%. If you hear from your partner that he is attracted to your inner world, intelligence or economics, do not believe him. Male psychology forces you to initially pay attention to appearance, and only after that look deeper, studying behavior and attitude.

It happens that it is so difficult for women to accept the truth that their partner does not love them, that even with obvious signs they refuse to understand it.

At the same time, they are constantly looking for signs of love and, if they don’t find them, they invent them. The sooner you take off your rose-colored glasses and realize that love is gone or never existed, the sooner you will be happy in love, even if not with this man, then with another. But to do this, you need to look not for signs of love, but to look soberly at the signs of dislike.

So, your man doesn't love you if:

He talks about this directly or indirectly. A man may tell you: “Just don’t fall in love with me,” and this means that he himself is not in love and does not plan to have feelings for you. He can also say that he has already fallen out of love with his own and will not be able to love. He may say: “I have the most tender feelings for you.” This is not all about love, and don’t even hope that it will ever appear. If you love him and it is important for you that the love be mutual, leave him.

He's cheating on you. Most men in relationships with the woman they love are monogamous. He has no need to cheat if he loves. He doesn’t even look at others, because among others there is no second one as beloved. There are men who are addicted to sex; it is important for them to receive sex from different women. At the same time, they can love one. But such men, firstly, are few in number, and secondly, they often directly talk about their love for many women and even immediately offer an open relationship in which both partners could have relationships on the side. Then it’s up to you to decide whether you need the love of such a man. If your loved one convinces you that all men are polygamous, do not try to convince him. Leave, he doesn't love you.

Your relationship has been going on for about six months, but has not yet moved from the sex-only format to the format of a relationship without obligations. Often women think that they are in a relationship, while for him it is just sex. Even if you meet not only for sex, but regularly go to the cinema and restaurants with him, on his part it can only be a relationship without obligations. Has he declared his love for you yet? Didn't want to live with you? Doesn’t introduce him to his children from a previous marriage and doesn’t try to get to know yours? If you are not satisfied with a sex-only relationship, leave him.

Treats you carelessly. Your man may tell you how much he loves you, but he won't keep you safe when you're having anal sex. Or he might say something offensive about your favorite job. Or he talks to you about other women, especially if he compares you to them not in your favor. Or, after you have said that some of his actions are very unpleasant for you, he continues to do it, saying: “I’m sorry, I’m such a brute, you can’t change me. But I love you!” If he doesn’t love you, don’t entertain yourself with illusions.

Doesn't call you. If a man doesn’t call you when he goes on a business trip, doesn’t find time during the day to call you to say “good morning” or “good night,” or to inquire about your well-being when you told him you weren’t feeling well, don’t make excuses for him. forgetfulness due to busyness. A loving man, even when he is busy, does not forget to call.

Doesn't keep promises. If he promised to do something for you and didn’t do it, it means it doesn’t matter to him. You should not justify this deception and believe that he is busy, forgot or does not have the opportunity. If he regularly forgets or doesn't have the opportunity, it means he just doesn't love you very much. Break up with a man to whom you are not valuable enough to turn your words into actions.

Doesn't try to make your life easier. A man who loves you doesn’t even need to ask for help, he will offer it himself, as soon as you mention a problem. Love is a verb. A person who loves may not talk about love, but his actions speak about his true feelings. A loving man will definitely help you in everyday matters, with money, in work, and in raising your children.

He doesn’t propose to you, although he knows that you want to marry him. If a man responds to all your hints and says that the stamp in your passport is not the most important thing, even though you have been living together for several years, leave him. Even if he loved you at the beginning of the relationship, now his love has faded and habit is keeping him with you.

Doesn't have sex with you. If your man is not eager to see you without underwear regularly, it does not matter at all whether work consumes all his energy, or whether it is seasonal for him, or whether he has become more interested in computer games. If he loved you, he would somehow sort out this problem. Otherwise, he just doesn’t love you as much as he used to. There are men who love and want their women for many years. This, of course, is a great merit of women who are able to maintain the fire of love in relationships. But if the fire of love begins to fade, the first thing that usually happens is a man's need to have sex with his partner.

He is not your man. If you are in a love triangle, the man is married and does not leave his wife, do not believe in his love. He doesn't love you enough to sacrifice his comfort. Go away.

You need to leave men who don’t love you as soon as you realize that you are unloved. In this case, there is a chance that he will miss you and his love will flare up with its former strength or become greater if it was not enough. Continuing to be in a relationship in which you are not loved, you should not hope that a deep feeling will emerge from attachment and habit. Habit can only lead to satiety.

Hi all. I returned from vacation, went to the sea, had a good rest, swam, got burned out 🙁 got mad, got drunk, got drunk (in a good way, without alcohol, etc.), had a good time, in general, it’s a blast..

On the agenda is an interesting topic: how to understand what a man loves? That is, he is in love with a girl/woman, truly experiencing very serious feelings. Interesting? Then make yourself more comfortable.

Very often it is girls/women who ANSWER such questions and give advice. Those. whether a man loves you or not. That is, they are responsible for men. Think about it. Woman. A creature from another planet. Responsible for a man. From another planet. Ahaha. I’ll tell you from a man’s point of view :) and not from a woman’s point of view, which for the most part is on the Internet, almost everywhere. Comparing a woman's love with a man's is not correct. Not at all correct. She is sooooo different, just take my word for it.

What I mean is that all these written women’s snot, emotions, writings, etc. are worthless crap, in reality, to be honest, does not reflect the real state of affairs associated with a man.

I will talk about real things = that reflect the real situation of love in men.

Love is an instinct. That's all. Dot. And nothing else. Most people sculpt some crap in style, love is something beautiful, it is a heartfelt affection, it is a strong sympathy that simply cannot be described in words, it is something incredible, love is from above, etc. and so on. in that spirit...

In fact, you cannot explain, from the point of view of the rational component, what this love is, do you understand? Because LOVE IS an unconscious animal instinct. These are emotions. But logic (reason) = this cannot be explained, that’s all. Why is this so difficult to understand - who knows...

What I mean is that the choice of a partner, the process of reproduction and love = it is unconscious, you may not understand why you love, why you are with her = but you are with her. This is the work of INSTINCT (love).

I talked about this in more detail in the main article: “What is love.”

But! There are certain signs, clearly expressed, always present, if you LOVE! I’ll tell you about them now, so that you can roughly understand whether you really love a girl or not. This issue will be very relevant for girls/women, so you can understand whether your chosen one has serious feelings for you, whether he loves you or “nothing serious”, love, passion, etc.

No. 1. You constantly (a lot) think about her...

If you really, truly love a girl/woman, then you will think about her a lot, almost constantly. Thoughts about her will generally arise and appear as if from nowhere.

If you don’t have that, you remember or think about her, I don’t know, rarely, or on holidays, or there only after work, when you have no one to be with/take a walk/f*ck with, etc. or there on weekends, etc., then this is not love. Believe me. If we are talking about love, real love, serious feelings, then you will think about your girlfriend/woman almost constantly.

There will be a lot of thoughts in your head, you will be curious, wondering what she is there, where she is there, who she is there with, what she is doing, how she is doing, is everything okay, is she thinking about you and a whole lot of fucking everything. You will have a lot of thoughts in your head regarding her. Important point. This will last a very long time :)

If it stayed there for a day, two, three, a week, two = then this is not love, these are not serious feelings; if you think about her for a long time, on a regular basis, this indicates the seriousness of your feelings.

There is another moment here. If you are alone - you have no other girls/women, no competition for you, then perhaps you just clung to this girl - so that you have at least some girl, it’s somehow better than fucking alone. Well, something like this. You get the point, I'm sure.

Here it is important not to deceive yourself, if you are really in demand among many girls/women, but at the same time you still think and want exactly the same one (others are not interesting) - this really indicates that you have serious feelings for her, really , don’t even doubt it for a second.

In my life I had serious feelings for only one young lady. How did I even realize that I was serious? Precisely on this point. Thoughts about her did not leave me, I woke up thinking about her, fell asleep fucking thinking about her, I even had fucking dreams, in general my head was full of her.

And this despite the fact that there were already other girls/women with whom he could easily have trouble. But, bitch, thoughts about that young lady, for some fucking incomprehensible reason, did not leave me...

When you have other options (girls), but you still think about the same one, constantly (think about her a lot), = this indicates that you have serious feelings for her (love).

Another important point. If you haven’t had sex with a young lady yet = it’s not love)). It all starts after sex. This is a priori, there is no other way 100%. Believe me. I warn you right away, young padawans who, by any means, just to get into a woman’s panties, are ready to do anything. This is not love)) when you want to fuck the young lady you want, the brain works in much the same way as when you are truly in love, that is, you think a lot only about her. But! This should not be confused with love.

No. 2. You invest resources in it (it is important/dear to you)

If the feelings are serious, if you love, really, truly, you will invest in this girl/woman. Invest your time, your strength, your energy, your money, etc., etc., do you understand?

Because I only had feelings for one - I, of course, fully invested in it.

Now it will be difficult for anyone to believe this, but at heart I’m just a bad romantic.

I used to have a lot of photos (I would have taken them off and shown them, but they are no longer there), where I had surprises, gifts, romance, a lot of strange things. I had a blast, really, I tried for her sake and did a lot of things.

I remember he took me to the roof of the building and made a surprise, flowers, I chose the wrong wine)) there were also fruits, candles like they put in a cemetery ahaha = in short, I went to school normally like that)) I remember it also rained there, it really was just that day epic fail... I didn't always succeed in everything the way I wanted.

I gave a bear, different flowers, quite often, I even remember making tulips with candies inside, I spent a lot of time creating them, and it also turned out so-so... I remember placing candles in the shape of a heart, near her door to the house, I remember how the sweat poured on these candles and thereby extinguished them, wrote something on the asphalt with a stone at night)) I also remember the phone was Sony Ericsson, without backlight, I didn’t see anything, I wrote it crookedly)) fucking romantic; I remember giving mittens in the winter, a gold pendant in the shape of a heart, but in general, I don’t remember everything, I did a lot of things, tried, invested, first of all, my inner sincere desire, my time, strength, energy and only at the very end, fucking money ( They are nothing special for me).

I wanted to please her, to evoke positive emotions in her, a smile, joy, happiness... that’s why I invested with all my soul, heart, sincerely, truly sincerely, without even expecting anything in return.

Now, I don’t do this anymore, because, firstly, you need to be able to do it (so that there is a so-called balance in relationships, otherwise you can play with one goal, as I did, and end badly), and secondly , simply and there is no one to do it. No one in terms of feelings. There is no person for whom I have serious feelings.

And if you don’t have feelings for anyone, if you don’t give a damn about everyone and everything, then there’s no point in investing. Well, because the fuck? Question? Meaning? If you are not going to build a relationship with anyone, you have no feelings for any of the girls = why invest anything in her/them? For what? This is not logical... I understand why men invest in women = because they don’t know how to seduce, but they want to fuck them, so they kind of buy them...

But, if we are talking about a pumped-up man, very experienced, who understands the topic with women, he will not invest in just anyone, I give an absolute 100% guarantee! An experienced man will invest only in the young lady with whom he wants to build a relationship. Dot.

Personally, I will only invest in the young lady with whom I want to build a serious relationship. But I'm in no hurry. Relationships are very serious things, I know what relationships are, who can/cannot build them, what a huge responsibility it is for a man, etc. and so on. and I take this seriously.

In general, something carried me away. What's the point? If you love a girl/woman, you will invest in her. Invest your resources. Time, money, strength, energy = everything for her dear. Because you will want to make her HAPPY. Sincere, attention, within yourself, sincere!!! Understand?

Well, come on, a few examples...

You will want to help her, if necessary, solve her problems, questions, affairs, as necessary, you will want to protect her and protect her from everything and everyone, as much as you can.

A trivial example, if you don’t live together yet, you will accompany her home because you will be worried that nothing will happen to her... you understand? I've always had this!

If something doesn’t work out for her or any problems arise, etc. = you will try to solve her problem, you will want to help, hey, if someone offends/runs into her = the same, well, in general.

The point is, a person is dear to you, important - you want her to be happy and you do everything to make her happy. That's all.

You will call, write, come, inquire, etc. and so on. you will initiate communication with her, you will want to see her, be with her, spend all your free time, etc. and so on. understand? Being interested in her and spending time together clearly indicates that you definitely have feelings for her. Serious feelings, real, love. Understand?

If all this is not there, these are not serious feelings, this is not love. If you are “interested” in her once a week, a month, for sex when there is no one else, or to do nothing = this is not love.

If she gets sick, you will come to her, yourself, she will not call, even if there is no time - at night, but you will come, buy fruit, hey, medicine, check on her, stay with her, you will want it, yourself, within yourself, well in short - I don’t know how to explain it in words, you will have a wild desire to be with her...

I had all this, so I describe exactly my examples, from my life. YOU WILL SACRIFICE YOUR INTERESTS FOR HER. You will respect her. Have this in mind.

You will invest all of yourself in her - because she is important/dear to you, she is a part of you, and you want to make her the happiest in the world, you understand? If you don’t invest anything, you don’t care about her = what serious feelings are there? If you live the way it suits you - and you don’t give a damn about it - this is not love... I give you a 100% guarantee. You will invest in it, this is a 100% guarantee.

You will sincerely worry and care about her, you will not be indifferent to how her day went, how she is doing, what she did, how she feels, etc. and so on. understand? If you think exclusively about yourself, if you don’t particularly care about her life, personal experiences, affairs, problems, etc., then this is not love.

If she is sick, for example, = and you sent a text message “GET HEALTH “D”A”RAGAYA” = what are these feelings?

If you leave her at night = you’ll end up with a show-off yourself = what serious feelings are these? Boys? Yomae.

If someone offends her, hits her = but you just don’t care = what are the feelings here? If you loved, you had serious feelings, = you would stand up, defend her and, above all, your honor, because the girl is yours, with you, you understand? What kind of man are you if you cannot defend your honor, the honor of your woman?

Briefly speaking. There are a lot of examples that can be given, but that’s not the point. The point is that if a person is dear to you, very important, necessary = you will protect her, protect her, take care of her, invest in her, and make her happy. If this is not the case, then there are no serious feelings (love). That's all.

Girl / woman, here is the main criterion for you - to understand whether he loves / does not, words like that, many “men” blurt out with their tongues, worse than women from the market, just to get what they want / something else, but in reality “ Nothing". Therefore, look and evaluate his actions and actions, what he does for you and whether he does it at all, you will feel his “feelings” through his actions, actions, behavior... you understand?

No. 3. You will change and become better...

If this is LOVE (serious feelings) then you will want to be the best man for her.

You will change, largely for her sake. You will become better, pump yourself up, I don’t know, gym, take care of your figure, your body, beauty, appearance, health, you will begin to earn more, reach heights, improve, in short, you will begin to become better in many areas/industries (largely for the sake of her). Understand?

How can I explain this... you will want to be worthy of this girl, you will want her to be only next to you and no one else, you will want her to be proud of you, that next to her, the best man, you you will want to move fucking mountains for her, you will want to make her the happiest girl on planet Earth... you understand?

These are serious feelings (love). And if this is not the case, nothing has changed with her appearance, you don’t care, you were just as passive, as you were lying on the couch, doing nothing - and you’re still lying there, in general, ala style “I am who I am - I don’t like it” dates”, then this is not love...

No. 4. You will claim that she is yours!

If a man, especially, pays attention, is worthy, has a high rank and at the same time demonstrates to all the people around him, relatives, friends, acquaintances, I don’t know anyone else, that you, dear, are him, with him, you are his companion, a woman = be I'm sure this says a lot, really, a lot.

And if we are also talking about a media personality, a famous person, popular, with a high social status, then this is generally a 100% manifestation of sincere, serious feelings. Love. Because just anyone - such men will not show you off to everyone! 100% guarantee.

Just keep this in mind, pay attention to whether he introduces you to anyone or not. And what’s also important is how he does it, if he firmly declares that you are his woman, then you’ll be fine, congratulations :)

No. 5. You will want to start living “together” with her...

When a man is ready to build a serious relationship with a girl/woman, build a family with her, be with her, he is ready to live with her, in the same house/apartment. But! This does not happen immediately, but over time the relationship develops. So keep this in mind, this will not happen at the initial stage.

This will happen over time, and it will definitely happen, because if you have serious feelings, love, you will want to be with her, with this girl/woman, on a permanent basis, spend a lot of time with her, live together, incl. fall asleep and wake up together, have breakfast and dinner, etc. and so on..

You will start and plan your future with her, where you will live, how you will live, etc. and so on.

Well, of course, you will invest resources in it. In this regard, take care, provide, feed, clothe, protect, and she, in turn, will do a lot of things, well, in general, it’s all interconnected..

No. 6. Separation is a way to test...

This is also a very good way to understand whether there are serious feelings for a girl/woman or not.

If there is no point No. 1. when separated = you don’t think about her much = these are not serious feelings, not love.

With a person who was dear/important to me = this point was there, and it lasted exactly 5 months. I won’t describe anything, it’s just a 100% way that can understand whether everything is serious or so-so...

No. 7. You will be loyal (faithful) hey...

You see, when a girl/woman is dear/important to you = you love her, you have very serious real feelings for her, and you want to build a serious relationship with her (life, family, etc.) = then, without this point (fidelity) not enough. He will!

This point will be there even in the event of separation (for example, due to quarrels, scandals) and this can happen.

If this is not the case, there is no devotion (loyalty), this is not love, these are not serious feelings.

No. 8. In sex you will think not only about yourself, but also about her...

Again, if you have serious feelings for the young lady, love = you will want to make her happy (in everything). Do not forget. Including sex. You will think not only about yourself, about your satisfaction, but also about her and her sexual satisfaction.

No. 9. You share your life with her...

When a girl is dear to you and not indifferent, important, you have serious feelings for her, then you let her into your life. I think, without further ado, everyone understands perfectly well what we are talking about.

You share your life, fragments, pieces, talk about yourself, your childhood, your family, important things, moments, etc. and so on. maybe even something that no one knew or does not know, in general, you open up to a girl, let her into your life, into yourself, you know? And all this is SINCERE from the heart.

That says a lot, take my word for it. There is no point in doing this without serious intentions.

No. 10. All. End. Item purely for women (not for men)

Girls/women are guided by FEELINGS, INTUITION, EMOTIONS.

We men have a developed left hemisphere - responsible for logic. You women have the right - emotions. What I mean is that nature has endowed you with the ability to read human states, so that you can understand your child without any words, why he is crying (for example), etc.. But also a man!

You have a unique opportunity to read men, FEEL THEM! Loves or doesn't love. He's not lying. Etc. and so on. Understand? These feelings, the feeling of true love, well, it’s simply impossible to fake and play, and there’s no reason to do it, you know? You should feel it inside yourself, and not even doubt it, because if you have doubts, and the stronger they are, the more likely it is that your man doesn’t love you. We men are much more straightforward creatures than you women, so if we love a girl, we will tell you about it in every possible way - with all these points that I described in this article. Take my word for it, darling, just believe me, you’ll feel it :)


1) You constantly think about her (think a lot)

2) You invest resources (time, effort, money, energy) into it (it is important/dear to you)

2.1. right there: provision, protection, protect, care, attention, etc. everything for her happiness


3) You change and become better (largely for her sake)

4) You declare to the whole world that she is yours, belongs to you.

5) Over time, you will want to live “together” with her... (build a life together, plans, etc.)

6) Separation - as a way to check... (during separation, there should be points No. 1 and No. 7)

7) You will be loyal (faithful) just hey... (even during separation, if any)

8) In sex, you will think not only about yourself, but also about her (and her sexual satisfaction)... (this can be attributed to point No. 2, namely 2.2. take her into account, sacrifice your interests for her sake ).

9) You will share your life with her... (open up, let in, etc.)

There is no need to confess your love to everyone, everyone you meet, etc. as many boys, teenagers, boys, men, etc. do = those who do this = very weak individuals. And they do this in order to get into a girl’s panties and fuck the naive one, to be honest, or because inexperienced guys confuse the so-called. love with infatuation/passion, etc. Do you understand?

Strong men = don’t confess their love to just anyone. And in general, strong men do not fall in love as easily as weak ones. Believe me. I've been through this and I know what I'm talking about.

For me to say these words to someone now - I love you, don’t make me laugh. And this is taking into account that I am also a monogamist... For me, this recognition is an indicator of overly serious intentions, that I am ready for a serious relationship with this young lady, that I am ready to build a family with her, prolong the family line (create children), create a life together , take on all this responsibility, etc. and so on.

I only made a confession to one young lady once in my life. No one else. At that time I was not experienced, I was completely stupid, I didn’t know anything and I couldn’t do anything, without knowledge, the correct model of behavior, etc. and so on. but the feelings really were, very strong, and everything that I described in this article came from her (was with her).

Now, I don’t confess to anyone, because I don’t have feelings for anyone, and it’s difficult for me to fall in love, and finding the right person is even more difficult, and going through fire and water with this person is even more difficult, and all this takes a lot time, a lot of time, in general, only a special chosen young lady will receive a declaration of love from me personally, and only when I am ready and confident that my feelings for her are real and real, otherwise I don’t need them pronounce…

You need to be aware that you really have serious feelings for the girl. Not love, not passion, etc., but serious feelings, for real. If this is really the case, you already CONSCIOUSLY understand that she is yours, a part of you, that you really love her and are ready to build a life, a family, everything, everything, everything with her, then go ahead, tell him about it, just a friend, advice you)) do it somehow beautifully..

I mean, it’s not pretentious there, expensive, mega-mega, restaurant, all this sh*t, but just beautiful, you know better how and what, in the end, to each his own, just understand, girls are extremely emotional creatures, emotions are important to them . If you do it beautifully, she will remember it for the rest of her life and it will be cool :) Good luck!

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