UFO flights after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Mystery of Chernobyl: frightening events associated with the disaster. The phenomenon of long-range action, the principles of information transfer

Mars is one of the closest planets located in relative proximity to the Earth. The close location of the planet to earthlings and the special characteristics of Mars aroused the interest of astronomers several centuries ago. The red planet is easy to distinguish in the starry sky among other luminaries due to its specific red brilliance. Among other planets of our solar system Mars is perhaps the only one that still holds many mysteries and unexplored mysteries. In particular, scientists suggest that Mars is habitable.

The red planet is surrounded on all sides myths and rumors. Filmed about Mars movies and write books about extraterrestrial life. Mars is being studied by many scientific communities and institutions, hoping one day to meet with other representatives of life.

What is a planet?

The red planet is much smaller than the Earth, or to be more precise, exactly half in volume, and in mass it is only 1/10 of the Earth. The planet owes its color to the high content of iron oxide in the crust of Mars, which gives the soil a reddish-rusty hue. Mars is in fourth place in terms of distance from the Sun, and in terms of size it occupies the seventh step in the solar system.

In terms of its physical characteristics, Mars is very similar to the Earth, and this has become the main factor for the presence of life on the planet. For example, the seasons on Mars are almost identical to the calendar year on Earth. Gravity on Mars is significantly inferior to Earth. When studying the planet, a relief was revealed with a large number of mountains and gorges. Also found on Mars ice accumulation, glaciers are located under top layer bark. Recently, American scientists have discovered traces of lakes and even streams on the red planet. Large water reserves confirm the assumption that life existed or exists on Mars.

However, the atmosphere of Mars is significantly different from ours, and this casts doubt on life on the planet. Here, the air is mostly carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon, and only a small part is oxygen.

Reality or myth

The question of the presence or absence of life on Mars continues to torment the minds of people, forcing scientists to put forward the most incredible assumptions. The scientific community has split into two parts. Some believe that life on Mars was and disappeared due to climate change and the planet's topography. Others suggest that life on Mars is still only emerging in the form of single-celled non-intelligent creatures. It is possible that both groups of scientists are right, or it is possible that science community wrong on both guesses. In any case, now there is no exact confirmation of any of the hypotheses, as well as refutation. During the long studies of the red planet, it was possible to find out many interesting facts, but not a single satellite or group of astronauts detected living organism or real traces of his activities .

Here is the information that scientists managed to obtain in the course of many tests and on which conjectures about the existence of life on Mars were built:

  1. We have previously talked about the low oxygen content on the planet. In addition, the temperature fluctuations of Mars are also unsuitable for life. At night, the temperature here drops to -80 degrees Celsius, and during the day it rises to +30 and this is in the center of the planet, closer to the poles the differences are even more noticeable. However, there are suggestions that there might be another life form, which can do without oxygen and is accustomed to surviving in low temperatures.
  2. The high content of iron oxide in the crust of Mars suggests that the planet's atmosphere was previously filled with oxygen and more suitable for life. This factor also gave scientists a reason to assume the future of the Earth, based on the similarities of the two planets.
  3. The surface of Mars is churning a large number crevices and canyons, mountain embankments. There are suggestions that once in these places there were huge reserves of water.
  4. The low temperature of Mars indicates that the planet is experiencing glacial period, which once overtook the Earth. Images from a satellite sent to Mars show the outlines of former settlements and cities. However, scientists have not yet succeeded in proving that these are really traces of buildings, and not natural disasters.
  5. Modern achievements of science
    • Water

To imagine the landscape of Mars, just remember the picture of the sensational movie "The Martian". Mars is a rolling red desert. Happens quite often here. sandstorms and hurricanes that sweep away everything in their path. Modern equipment allowed scientists to establish that under the earth's crust there are large pools of water. liquid water, discovered on Mars, has become an occasion for new discussions and hypotheses in scientific circles. We all know the old truth: where there is water, there is life, because water is one of the key components of the human body. Although life on Mars has not yet been discovered, scientists do not lose hope.

  • Methane

The second key discovery in the study of the red planet was the discovery of methane deposits. scientific instruments showed the content of a small amount of hydrocarbon in the atmosphere. Methane or swamp gas is associated with life on the planet, with the presence of living beings and life itself. This natural gas contributes to the processes of decay and fermentation; under anaerobic conditions, methane is formed as a result of the vital activity of protozoa and bacteria. Scientists also found that the amount of methane on Mars is regulated by impulsive emissions and generally increases under the influence of solar activity.

Conclusions: is there life on Mars

Based on these facts, it is absolutely certain that there are the makings of life on Mars. Scientists put forward the most incredible theories. The first hypothesis is that about 12-15 thousand years ago Mars was destroyed by the impacts of giant asteroids, or the onset of the ice age made life on the planet impossible. Then the intelligent Martians decided to move to the nearest planet to them with similar conditions - the Earth. That is, the Martians gave impetus to the development of mankind.

The second theory is that Mars was attacked by a hostile UFO invasion and life on Mars was completely destroyed.

Each of these hypotheses seems incredible and has no scientific confirmation, as it leaves behind a lot of incomparable facts. Lack of information does not allow us to accurately judge whether there is life on Mars.

"Plates" over the Kremlin Nepomniachtchi Nikolay Nikolayevich

UFO over Chernobyl?

UFO over Chernobyl?

On April 26, 1986, guessing 1 hour 22 minutes 30 seconds, the operator of a nuclear power plant saw numbers on a printout that clearly indicated that the reactor should be shut down immediately. But similar situations have happened before, so no one paid attention to given signal no attention. The tests have begun. However, an emergency situation arose: a growing rumble was heard in the hall with some deaf blows reverberating throughout the building; in the central hall of the reactor, as in the strongest earthquake, two thousand 30-kilogram pigs jumped on the floor.

Suddenly, the building was shaken by a blow: the floor and walls shook violently, the station employees were thrown at each other, suspended ceiling slabs, dust and small crumbs fell from the ceiling. The fluorescent lighting went out, all the equipment turned off, and for a few terrible seconds, the nuclear scientists were left in silence and emptiness, saturated with dust and overheated water vapor.

A few seconds later, the emergency lighting lamps dimly lit up, the instruments began to work, and the shift supervisor at the unit gave the command to press the emergency protection button AZ-5. At 1 hour 22 minutes 40 seconds, the emergency protection control rods went down, but it was too late ...

An uncontrolled chain reaction in the Unit 4 reactor has already caused local overheating of the cooling water. When the pressure became too high, the zirconium pipes of the technological channels could not stand it and burst. A huge mass of water, instantly turning into steam, hit the 2500-ton reactor cover with a giant fist, throwing it up. The lid, turning into a huge ram, tore the rest of the technological channels, the water from which also turned into steam, aggravating the destruction.

Having broken through the roof of the block, the lid of the reactor on a jet of steam, debris and graphite masonry flew up almost 15 meters high, rolled over on its edge and collapsed down. During the fall, the entire upper part of the core was crushed and crushed, which caused an additional release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere.

In parallel with this, various chemical reactions, in particular - exothermic steam-zirconium reaction. Due to it, within three seconds, about 5000 m 3 of hydrogen was formed at the accident site, which reacted with air and exploded like vacuum bomb. A light purple fire torch shot up half a kilometer, and the resulting shock wave shattered the roof, the central hall and other rooms of the fourth block to smithereens.

So on the night of April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and with it the whole world shuddered from an explosion, which, in fact, was a nuclear one ...

Despite the fact that in environment it turned out that 20 thousand times more radioactivity was thrown out than as a result of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the worst thing was not that. Only in the reactor of the fourth unit there were about 180 tons of enriched uranium, and if the explosion for some reason were truly atomic, and not thermal, then the entire nuclear power plant would explode. In this case, half of Europe would turn into a kind of lunar surface, and very radioactive ...

But why didn't a full-scale explosion happen? Perhaps eyewitnesses who arrived at the crash site will be able to answer this question.

M.A. Varitsky, senior dosimetrist of the Chernobyl Dosimetric Control Department, was alerted that night and sent at the head of the group to the Chernobyl area. The task of the group included dosimetric control using the device DP 2 "b".

At 04:15 GAZ-51 of the group was in the line of sight of the fourth block. Seeing how the reactor of the power unit torn apart by the explosion was blazing, and feeling the "burning of the face", the dosimetrists decided to refuse to immediately complete the task and return to the base for protective equipment: the dosimeter went off scale when turned on.

The car with the group was already turning around, when suddenly ... Here is what M. Varitsky says: “We saw a bright brass color slowly floating in the sky fire ball. It was 6–8 meters in diameter. We again took measurements by switching the scale of the device to a different range. The device showed 3000 milliroentgens per hour. Suddenly, two bright crimson searchlights (two beams) flashed from the ball ... These two beams were directed at the reactor of the fourth block. The object was located at a distance of approximately 300 meters from the reactor. All this lasted about three minutes ... The searchlights suddenly went out, and the ball slowly sailed to the northwest. Here we again turned our attention to the device. He showed already 800 milliroentgens per hour! We ourselves could not explain what happened, and therefore sinned against the device. However, when we returned to the base and checked it, the device turned out to be serviceable.”

One of the first and fruitful researchers of the appearance of UFOs over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the Ukrainian ufologist from Gostomel Valery Kratokhvil, who collected and analyzed eyewitness accounts in his book "UFO - a time machine" and many publications in the press. The material for publications was the impressions of eyewitnesses whom Kratochvil saw personally, as well as their drawings and photographs.

Here is what he writes about this: “Of course, the estimates of M. Varitsky and M. Samoilenko (M. Varitsky’s partner) of the size of the object and the distance from it to the reactor are subjective, since here we can only talk about angular dimensions, and not about linear . However, the readings of a serviceable device and clock are an objective thing, and we can fully rely on them as documented evidence that on the night of the accident an unidentified flying object, appearing in the sky almost three hours after the explosion, practically extinguished the “smeared” nuclear explosion, knocking down radiation from 3000 to 800 milliroentgens per hour, and the rest was done with difficulty and human casualties by Kyiv firefighters.

However, UFOs appeared over Chernobyl after April 26, 1986. For example, three years later, on September 16, 1989, another malfunction was noted at the fourth power unit, accompanied by emissions of large radioactive masses into the atmosphere. At 8:20 a.m. (several hours after the failure), Iva Naumovna Gospina, a doctor working in Chernobyl, observed an object in the sky above the station, which she describes as “amber”, where you can distinguish between the “upper part” and the “bottom”. A year later, in October 1990, the Chernobyl nuclear scientist Alexander Krymov photographed from the window of his apartment a UFO hanging over residential buildings.

On October 11, 1991, Chernobyl again reminded of itself: at 20.09 a fire broke out at the second power unit of the nuclear power plant. During the fire, a partial collapse of the roof over the power generator occurred, but the fire was quickly extinguished.

On October 16, five days later, Vladimir Savran, a photojournalist for the Echo of Chernobyl newspaper, photographed its consequences in the damaged engine room of the generator. Here is what he says: “Just in case, I “clicked” up, trying to capture a part of the failure in the roof to the edge of the frame ... Being of sound mind and solid memory, I declare: there was no UFO in the sky either before or after. At least visible to the eye. The sky was, although autumn gray, but absolutely clear.

The fact is that after developing the film on one of the frames suddenly appeared ... a UFO hanging over the failure of the roof of the second block! With its outlines, it resembled an object that Iva Gospina had seen over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant a year before, only photographed from below. An examination conducted in Kyiv showed that there could be no question of the marriage of the film or its special processing, and even more so of photomontage - the pictures were genuine.

Thus, we can say that the UFO in 1986 saved many millions of people from a painful death. But, as you know, truly good deeds are done incognito, so the question: “Whom to thank?” - is still open...

On the night of April 26, 1986, at 1:23 am, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which almost caused the largest catastrophe in the history of mankind. In practice, it was an explosion of an atomic bomb stretched out in time.

The core of the reactor of the fourth power unit was destroyed and a huge amount of radioactive products was thrown into the atmosphere. The fire engulfed the engine room and was about to spread to the third power unit of the nuclear power plant. Only a few hours later, firefighters managed to put out the flames. Many of them received lethal doses of radiation.

A lot has been written about the Chernobyl accident, it would seem that they figured out both the physical picture of this disaster and who is directly responsible for what happened. The fourth unit was supposed to be put on a scheduled preventive maintenance, but before shutting down the reactor, the management of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant decided to conduct a series of experiments. In particular, they stopped giving steam to one of the turbogenerators in order to find out how long electricity will be generated due to the rotation of the rotor by inertia. In order to conduct an experiment, part of the emergency protection of the power unit was turned off. In parallel, the vibration of the turbine was studied.

At one in the morning on April 25, the power unit began to be reduced, and at 2 pm the emergency cooling system was turned off. By this time, the reactor itself had to be completely shut down. But at that moment there was not enough electricity in the Kievenergo system and the dispatcher from Kyiv, who did not know about the experiments being carried out, did not allow the fourth power unit to be stopped. Thus, the prerequisites for the tragedy arose, the consequences of which many thousands of people are still experiencing.

Fortunately, powerful explosion turned out to be thermal, i.e. the fourth block was destroyed primarily by superheated steam. The nuclear explosion itself did not occur, although there were about 180 tons of enriched uranium in this reactor alone. Happen full blown nuclear explosion and half of Europe would cease to exist, and people in the other half would be stricken with radiation sickness. Eyewitness accounts suggest that UFOs intervened.

When abnormal events began to occur at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a flying saucer appeared over the fourth unit. She hung there for six hours and was seen by hundreds of people, but they began to write about it only two years after the disaster.

There is an affidavit from Mikhail Andreevich Varitsky, senior dosimetrist at the UDC (Dosimetric Control Department) of Chernobyl. On the night of April 26, 1986, Varitsky, together with his partner, UDC dosimetrist Mikhail Samoylenko, was alerted and sent as the group's senior dosimetrist to the Chernobyl area. Their task included dosimetric control in the NUPe of government communications and the replacement of oxygen cylinders. The group left in a GAZ-51 car, state number 24-28KITs. With them was a dosimetric device DP-11 "b". In the line of sight of the fourth block, they were at 4 hours 15 minutes. Seeing how the reactor of the power unit torn apart by the explosion was blazing (the explosion extended in time was still going on), and feeling the "burning of the face" (they had no protective equipment with them, and the device went off scale), professional dosimetrists, realizing the threat of exposure, decided to refuse to immediately perform assignments and return to base for protective equipment.

They had already begun to turn the car around when (here we will quote the written testimony of M. A. Varitsky): “We saw a fireball slowly floating in the sky of a bright brass color. It was 6-8 meters in diameter. We again made measurements by switching the instrument scale to another range. The device showed 3000 milliroentgen / hour. Suddenly, two bright crimson spotlights (two beams) flashed from the ball. These two beams were directed at the reactor of the fourth block. The object was located at a distance of approximately 300 meters from the reactor. All this lasted where - something 3 minutes.

The searchlights suddenly went out, and the balloon slowly sailed northwest, towards Belarus. Here we again turned our attention to the device. He showed already 800 milliroentgen / hour! We ourselves could not explain what happened and therefore “sinned” the device. However, when we returned to the base and checked it, the device turned out to be serviceable.”

It turns out that the UFO that appeared on the night of the accident knocked down the level of radiation by almost four times, preventing a nuclear explosion.

On September 16, 1989, problems were again noted at the fourth power unit, accompanied by emissions of large radioactive masses into the atmosphere. A few hours later, at 8:20 am, a Chernobyl doctor, Iva Naumovna Gospina, observed and photographed an object in the sky above the station, which she describes as "amber", where you can distinguish the "top" and "bottom".

A year later, in October 1990, Chernobyl nuclear scientist Alexander Krymov photographed from the window of his apartment a UFO hanging over the residential buildings of nuclear scientists. The photograph clearly shows the landing legs of the apparatus, which, apparently, has just taken off.

October 11, 1991 at 20:09 a fire broke out at the second power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. During the fire, a partial collapse of the roof over the power generator occurred. On October 16, five days later, Vladimir Savran, a photojournalist for the Echo of Chernobyl newspaper, who had worked in Chernobyl since 1986 and had never before been fond of ufology, was filming in the damaged engine room of the generator. Here is what he says: “Just in case, I clicked up, trying to capture a part of the hole in the roof at the edge of the frame ...”, - and further, “being of sound mind and firm memory, I declare: in the sky neither before nor there was no UFO after. At least visible to the eye. The sky was, although autumn gray, but absolutely clear. However, when Vladimir developed the footage, it showed a UFO hanging over the failure of the roof of the second unit, resembling an object that Iva Gospina had seen over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant a year earlier, only photographed from below.

The November issue of the newspaper "Echo of Chernobyl" for 1991 (where this picture was first published) contains the following editorial comment: "... the property of a UFO to be invisible to the human eye and" appear "only on photographic and film more than once. Apparently, V. Savran "caught" such an object. Specialists, who, at the request of the editors, have already carefully studied the negative, do not allow any falsification."

In September 1988, a resident of Kiev, Vadim Vasilievich Shevchuk, observed two luminous objects hanging above the nuclear reactor pipe of the Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research, located near the Exhibition of Achievements National economy Ukraine. According to his description, these objects looked the same as the object observed by M. Varitsky and M. Samoilenko over the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the night of the accident.

Until April 1986, over the territories adjacent to Chernobyl and subsequently contaminated with radiation (some regions of Belarus, Bryansk region and Kiev), UFOs were observed extremely rarely, for example, over Kiev over the previous 30 years (from 1956 to 1986), only four cases were recorded appearance of the UFO. But since the summer of 1986, observations of strange luminous objects in the sky, UFO hovering over residential areas, their patrol flights and maneuvers have become widespread. This is evidenced by the numerous testimonies of eyewitnesses received by the Commission on anomalous phenomena at the Ukrainian branch of the HTO of radio electronics and communications named after A. S. Popova.

Such evidence also includes observations of air defense radar stations of the Kyiv military district. November 12, 1989 at 7:46 p.m. command post from the radar operator ( radar station) Lieutenant Colonel V. Shavanov received a message: “There is a goal!”. A few minutes before that, he was informed that over the territory of VDNKh of the Ukrainian SSR, the people of Kiev were observing a luminous object in the evening sky.

Shavanov decided to check the equipment and called home, in the Nivok area. Daughter Irina, who picked up the phone, returned from the balcony excited: “I see a white cross, a rectangle, and it seems to be a fiery spiral in it, it seems to pulsate, it is highlighted.” And although from Nivok to the exhibition in a straight line ten kilometers, from the balcony of the 9th floor Irina clearly saw a strange object.

The pilot of the fighter-interceptor, sent to the exhibition area, did not find the object in the air. As you know, the Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) is located in the Exhibition area, over the reactor of which a UFO was observed.

On March 13, 1990, residents of houses adjacent to the Kyiv television center witnessed another UFO visit. At 2213 hours Denis Gnatyuk, Yuri Goncharenko and Dmitry Pinchuk noticed an object in the sky in the form of a "mushroom cap" with a glowing pulsating spot in the center. At the same time, the same object was observed from another point in Kyiv by Sergei Bryzgunov, who was in the area of ​​the Zolotoy Kolos hotel and followed its movements in the evening sky for half an hour.

Another witness of the maneuvers in the Kiev sky of the same UFO - Aleksey Kurganov observed it from a third point, from the Borshchagovka area. And a few days later, in the early March morning at 7:15, exactly such an object was photographed by Ruslan Tazhetdinov.

Two months later, on the evening of May 16, 1990, at 9:05 pm, a full member of the VAGO (All-Union Astronomical Geodetic Society) Sergei Ogarkov observed through a telescope in the western side of the sky the maneuvers of a lone UFO. On the same night, from May 16 to May 17, 1990, S. A. Kozinets observed the hovering of two UFOs in the form of inverted saucers over the Troyeshchina residential area. On the night of November 7-8, 1990, Yuri Novikov, a resident of Kiev, and his daughter watched a UFO over the Cherry garden giant size. Here is what he says: “My daughter and I glued wallpaper in a country house on the outskirts of the Kharkov residential area. At work, they did not notice how midnight had come.

Having finished the job, he went to the pump in the yard to wash his hands. The night was thick, dark and cool, the light of the moon barely broke through the autumn clouds. And suddenly, something made me turn around and look at the sky. What he saw seemed unreal, ghostly, unnatural. Consciousness refused to perceive what he saw, but nothing changed from this. An enormous cylindrical object of gray metallic color, framed in a faintly shimmering halo, hung from under the low clouds. Its dimensions were amazing: it was no smaller than the high-rise hotel "Moskva". No lights, no portholes or windows were visible on it.

The UFO, as if hiding, hung without a single sound or light signals. The daughter who came up, seeing this miracle in the sky, was seriously frightened. And it was from what! There was a clear feeling that we were being closely examined from this object ... "

From 1986 to 1990, more than a dozen observations of single and group flights of UFOs were carried out by professional pilot Petr Vladimirovich Voitsekhovsky. On December 20, 1989, over the village of Irpen, Kyiv region, from 18:00 to 19:00, a resident of Irpin, Ivan Kucher, observed a luminous object through a telescope, which then moved away towards Kyiv. An hour later, at 20:00, this luminous UFO was seen in the sky above the Kiev Central Stadium by Kiev photojournalist Lyubov Kalenska, who took a series of pictures over the course of forty minutes, where the transformation phases of this object are clearly visible.

On October 17, 1990, Ukrainian television in the program "Vechirniy Visnik" showed a videotape showing a UFO hanging high in the sky, observed by thousands of Kievans, above Khreshchatyk, in the area of ​​Maidan Nezalezhnosti.

From these facts, the conclusion suggests itself that on the night of April 26, 1986, not only the people who heroically walked into the deadly hell were preoccupied with the impending disaster. In the light of this evidence, it becomes clear that the elusive aliens are in fact not at all indifferent to the fate of mankind and the third planet from the Sun.

As you know, the explosion of the reactor of the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on the night of April 26, 1986 at 01:26. Awakened by the explosion, Chernobyl residents saw the glow, but among the thousands of participants in the events of that terrible night there are hundreds of witnesses who saw an unidentified flying object in the sky above the burning fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ...

Four years later, in August 1990, the author of these lines managed to track down the man who was alerted on that tragic night. This person is Mikhail Andreevich Varitsky, a senior dosimetrist of the Dosimetric Control Department (UDC) of Chernobyl, who worked and lived there from the very beginning of the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The author has written testimony from M.A. Varitsky, which tells how on the night of April 26, 1986, he was alerted and sent to the Chernobyl area with his partner, UDC dosimetrist Mikhail Samoylenko. The group was in the line of sight of the fourth block at 04:15. Seeing how the reactor of the power unit torn apart by the explosion was blazing, and feeling a burning sensation (they had no protective equipment with them, and the device "went off scale"), professional dosimetrists, realizing the threat of exposure, decided to abandon the immediate task and return to the base for protective equipment.

They had already begun to turn the car around when all of a sudden ... Further, we quote the written testimony of M.A. Varitsky "We saw a fireball of bright brass color slowly floating in the sky. It was 6-8 meters in diameter. We again took measurements by switching the scale of the device to a different range, the device showed 3000 milliroentgen / hour.

Suddenly, two spotlights flashed on the ball. Two bright crimson beams were directed at the reactor of the fourth block. The object was located at a distance of approximately 300 meters from the reactor. All this lasted about three minutes. The searchlights suddenly went out, and the balloon slowly sailed northwest, towards Belarus. Here we again turned our attention to the device. He already showed 800 milliroentgen / hour. We could not explain what happened, and therefore sinned against the device, believing that it had deteriorated. However, when we returned to the base and checked it, the device turned out to be operational. "Of course, M. Varitsky and M. Samoylenko's estimates of the size of the object and the distance from it to the reactor are subjective, since here we can only talk about angular dimensions and values, and not However, the readings of a serviceable instrument and clock are objective facts, and we have the right to rely on them as documented evidence that on the night of the accident, an unidentified flying object that appeared in the sky almost three hours after the explosion, practically extinguished the smeared atomic explosion, knocking down radiation from 3000 to 800 milliroentgens per hour.The rest, with great difficulty and loss of life, was done by Kiev firefighters.

It is scary even to imagine the scale of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, from which we were saved by an unknown object that came to the rescue in time. It is significant that until April 1986, over the territories adjacent to Chernobyl and subsequently exposed to hard radiation from radioactive dust, UFOs were observed quite rarely (only four cases were recorded over Kiev over the previous thirty years, from 1956 to 1986), but starting from the summer In 1986, the appearance in the sky of strange luminous objects of UFO hovering over residential areas, their patrol flights and maneuvers began to be massive.

On September 18, 1988, a resident of Kiev, Vadim Shevchuk, observed two luminous objects hovering over the reactor tube of the Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research. According to his description, these UFOs looked exactly the same as the object observed by M. Varnitsky and M. Samoylenko over the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the night of the accident. On September 16, 1989, malfunctions were again noted at the fourth power unit, accompanied by emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere. A few hours later, Chernobyl doctor Iva Gospina observed an object in the sky above the station, which she describes as "amber" or "golden".

A year later, in October 1990, Chernobyl nuclear scientist Alexander Krymov, who lives in the city of Slavutich, photographed from the window of his apartment a UFO hanging over the residential buildings of nuclear workers. The photograph given here was handed over to the author of these lines personally and published in the periodical press for the first time. During the fire, the roof over the power generator partially collapsed.

Five days later, on October 16, photojournalist of the newspaper "Echo of Chernobyl" Vladimir Savran was shooting. However, when Vladimir developed the footage, it showed a UFO hanging over the failure of the roof. reminiscent of the object that Iva Gospina saw over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, only photographed not from the side, but from below. In the November issue of the newspaper "Echo of Chernobyl", where this picture was first published, the following editorial commentary is given: "The property of a UFO to be invisible to the human eye and appear only in photos and film has been reported in the press more than once. Apparently, such an object was "caught" in Savran. Specialists who, at the request of the editors, have already carefully studied the negative, do not allow any falsification." The direct participation of UFOs in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as their increased interest not only in nuclear power facilities, but also in post-Chernobyl Kiev, suggests that even after April 1986, "they" continue to provide Kiev and Chernobyl with some kind of silent help unknown to us.


On April 26, 1986 at 1:23 a.m., the largest in the history of the last century occurred. nuclear disaster- the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl gas station exploded. Until now, this event is shrouded in secrets and legends…

Animal flight

Officially, the Chernobyl disaster was presented to the whole world as the negligence of Soviet nuclear scientists. Allegedly, due to inattention, they made some mistakes, emergency protection did not work, the reactor overheated and exploded. Soon, specific “guilty” were also named - the director, chief engineer, head of the reactor shop and other employees of a lower rank. Many were sent to jail, the case materials were classified. Only over time, when those involved in the events of those days were released, and representatives of state structures simply died, in various sources began to appear all the new details of the state of emergency.

The most interesting thing in the circumstances that are opening up is not that the authorities concealed the true number of victims, kept silent about the torment in which the soldiers thrown to eliminate the consequences, who worked without any protective equipment at all, died, and some officials from the leadership of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant bought off prison for bribes ... The mystical details of the Chernobyl events are interesting. For example, such a fact: at the time of the incident, there were practically no domestic animals left a few tens of kilometers from the outbreak.

Back in early 1986, the inhabitants of Chernobyl, Pripyat and other settlements in the vicinity they began to notice that their pets were behaving restlessly. Calm domestic cats for no reason became wild, they could start rushing around the apartment, yelling, throwing themselves at the feet of their owners. Dogs that were taken for a walk tried to break free, many chewed on their leashes and ran away. Even birds behaved strangely - parrots could beat their heads against the wall.

In February 1986, the Molod Ukraini newspaper published a small article that spoke of a strange epidemic in the city of Pripyat. It was about the unusual behavior of animals, which was explained by a mass disease and recommended that all pet owners contact veterinarians.

At the same time, as eyewitnesses note, poles in the cities were hung with announcements about the loss of dogs and cats. There is evidence that more than a thousand animals ran away from their homes. What is this, if not a premonition of trouble, which our smaller brothers are famous for?

Portal to hell

Lydia Arkhangelskaya, a representative of the Moscow branch of the Chernobyl Union, an organization that unites liquidators from all over the CIS, and in those years a participant in the events in Chernobyl, recalls that during the entire time she worked at the disaster site, she did not see a single representative of the fauna.

“There were neither living nor dead. Even the crows didn’t circle,” says Lydia. “Of course it was all terrifying. We didn't have any fear at all. For us young people, the trip to Chernobyl was an adventure, we didn’t realize that health could be harmed, we didn’t know what radiation was at all - we got to know it and its consequences only years later. And then ... I remember going to bed in the evenings in eight-bed rooms and before going to bed guessing what really happened at the nuclear power plant. Somehow no one believed that our scientists screwed something up. Versions were different, sometimes the most incredible. They said, for example, that scientists opened the entrance to hell and evil came to earth from the underworld ... Some locals said that the day after the catastrophe they seemed to see the face of the devil in heaven, who looked down and laughed ...

Many local Zhigels, in conversations with the liquidators who came to the rescue from all over the Union, also spoke about strange objects in the sky that looked like flying saucers. So, the famous Soviet ufologist Vladimir Azhazha was convinced at one time that Chernobyl could not do without aliens. That's just what they did there: whether they staged a catastrophe or, on the contrary, helped to prevent it - he never found out. In one of his recent interviews(and he passed away in 2009) Azhazha said:

“I personally interviewed more than a hundred people who saw a UFO on the eve of what happened in Chernobyl, and on the night of the disaster, and even weeks later. I can assure you that they were telling the truth, because people who did not know each other lived in different cities tens of kilometers apart, described completely identical alien ships. In total, four types of unidentified flying objects were observed in the Chernobyl zone. These are traditional disc-shaped "plates" with a dome on top, cigars, luminous and constantly changing color balls and "triangles". What their mission is is the mystery of my whole life. But I want to believe that the alien mind still came to our aid. Regardless of Azhazhi, another ufologist conducted his investigation into the participation of UFOs in the Chernobyl incident - the famous Ukrainian scientist from Gostomel Valery Kratokhvil, who collected and analyzed eyewitness testimony in the book "UFO - Time Machine".

Kratokhvil managed to find the person raised on alarm that tragic night - Mikhail Andreevich Varitsky, senior dosimetrist of the UDC (dosimetric control department) of Chernobyl, who has been working and living there since the very beginning of the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He told the ufologist that on the night of the emergency, with a group of dosimetrists, he went on an urgent call to the fourth power unit. At the entrance, seeing how the reactor of the block torn apart by the explosion was blazing, and feeling the "burning of the face", the specialists, realizing the threat of exposure, decided to abandon the immediate task and return to the base for protective equipment. But as soon as they began to turn their car - GAZ-51, “... they saw a fireball slowly floating in the sky of a bright brass color. It was 6-8 meters in diameter and hovered at a distance of approximately 300 meters from the reactor of the fourth block. All this lasted about three minutes ... The ball suddenly turned pale, became barely noticeable, slowly sailed away to the north-west, towards Belarus. What is most interesting: when we turned around, the instruments showed radiation of 3000 milliroentgen / hour, and after the passage of a UFO - 800 milliroentgen / hour. It's impossible to explain it scientifically."

But the real UFO boom happened after 1986 - both over Chernobyl and over territories contaminated with radiation (adjacent regions of Belarus, Bryansk region and, of course, Kyiv). According to the reporting documents of the Commission on anomalous phenomena at the Ukrainian branch of the NTO of Radio Electronics and Communications. A. S. Popov from 1990, within 4 years after the incident, more than 8 thousand UFO sightings were recorded. Most of all - over the Pripyat River, over Lake Raduga (within Kiev), in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bBila Tserkva, the villages of Yablunovka and Brodyanka and over the Goloseevsky forest.

Message from Tesla

Another curious fact related to Chernobyl has been haunting mystics for many years. The thing is that exactly 25 minutes before the explosion, when nothing had happened yet, seismic stations scattered around the globe, recorded a powerful seismic wave. To date, there are records of dozens of devices installed, for example, in Germany, in Israel and even in Canada, which reported the incident before it began!

Of course, you can again pick up a rumor associated with a message from hell - something broke out of the bowels of the earth, and that shook it decently. But another version looks much more sensible. So, according to one of the researchers of the incident, scientist Piotr Voitsekhovsky, the explosion is the result of a test by the Americans secret weapon. “The explosion comes not from Satan, but from Nikola Tesla,” Voitsekhovsky suggested. - He conducted experiments on the transfer of impact force over a distance; perhaps one of his followers repeated the experiment. And why was it chosen for him nuclear power plant? Well, it's always more interesting and resonant than just arranging a clap in the taiga. In addition, radiation would hardly have reached the United States, and what will cover half of Europe, and God bless it. ”

By the way, economists say that the only country that benefited from what happened in Chernobyl was ... America. After the explosion, work on the construction of several hundred nuclear power plants was mothballed throughout Europe (only in Germany, 14 construction projects were closed). All of Europe, which began to abandon nuclear power plants, began to switch to oil, which soared in price. In one year after the disaster, the US budget increased by 37 billion (!) Dollars. So, maybe it was a planned sabotage? An undeclared war using secret weapons?

This is destiny

As you know, all significant events in history have always been predicted by someone. And this is not about homegrown psychics and clairvoyants. Historians, esotericists and scientists unanimously say that the Chernobyl events are described in the Bible, which means that it was impossible to avoid them and put the blame for them on no one but fate itself.

A fragment in the Revelation of St. John the Evangelist":
“...and a great star fell from the sky, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of waters. The name of this star is Wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter ... ”(Rev. 8; 10). The fact is that "wormwood" in Ukrainian will just be - "Chernobyl".

Of course, the great Nostradamus could not help saying about the impending catastrophe: “The face of the Sphinx will be opened on the Red Planet, which brought many troubles to the peoples. In 13 years, a comet will arrive, and five new disasters will take people away. "The Face of the Sphinx" opened the American spaceship"Viking" on the surface of Mars in 1973, and 13 years later - in 1986 - Halley's comet approached the Earth, 2 weeks after the closest approach to the Earth, an accident occurred at the 4th unit of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. Apparently, this was one of the "five new disasters" that, as Nostradamus predicted, would carry people away. However, the most amazing prophecy is Andrei Tarkovsky's film "Stalker", filmed according to the script of the Strugatsky brothers. One of the reasons for the emergence of the "Zone" according to the scenario is an accident in the fourth bunker. And this is six years before the real explosion in the fourth block of a nuclear reactor and the emergence of a 30-kilometer "exclusion zone".

There is another legend about Chernobyl associated with cinema. According to some station workers, a few days before the accident, they saw a man with giant wings in the sky. It was as if he was observed over the flame of a fire that flared up after the explosion. Impressed by these stories, director Mark Pellington made the film Mothman. According to the tape, the "mothman" warns people of impending disasters. The film's credits state that it is based on real events -according to stories eyewitnesses, survivors of Chernobyl.

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