Questions about Ionych's story. Test tasks for the story by A.P. Chekhov “Ionych. Test questions for the story “Ionych”

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What episode does the action of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” begin with?

with characteristics of the Rostov family

from a description of the war

From a description of the evening at A.P. Sherer's

from a description of St. Petersburg

“... a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, light trousers according to the fashion of that time, with a high frill and a brown tailcoat entered.”

Andrey Bolkonsky

Anatol Kuragin

Vladimir Dolokhov

Pierre Bezukhov

Remember, A. Bolkonsky (the hero of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”) was sincerely convinced, “…he doesn’t need to start anything, ... he must live out his life without doing evil, without worrying and without wanting anything.”. But suddenly something happens that seems to awaken him from sleep. What?

Nature, meetings with Pierre and Natasha

meeting with Speransky

economic activity

help father

What event was the decisive factor for Raskolnikov (F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”), after which the crime plan was drawn up?

writing an article about a crime

Raskolnikov overheard a conversation between a student and an officer about the old money-lender

job loss

Letter from sister in which she announces that she is getting married

meeting with Sonya Marmeladova

Which of the heroes of the novel by F.M. Did Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” help the children of Katerina Ivanovna by placing them in boarding houses and orphanages?







What insult did Svidrigailov inflict on Dunya (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

did not pay for time worked in his house

publicly called her a thief

He imposed his love on Dunya when she served as a governess in his house, until Svidrigailov’s wife kicked Dunya out

in the presence of his mother and Raskolnikov, he insulted Dunya

What accusation did Luzhin bring against Sonya at Marmeladov’s wake (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

claimed that Sonya stole his gold watch

claimed that Sonya begged him for 10 rubles

said that Sonya insulted him

He said that Sonya stole 100 rubles from him

How did Marmeladov die (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

died after a long illness

Was crushed by the crew on the pavement

threw himself off a bridge into the Neva

died in prison, unable to withstand the harsh living conditions

What dear thing did Raskolnikov pawn to the old pawnbroker (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

Mother's medallion

mother's brooch

the only suit

ring - sister's gift

What common (tragic) did Raskolnikov see in the fate of Sonya Marmeladova and the future of his sister Dunya (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

both of them are sensitive, romantic natures, who modern society cannot be appreciated

Sonya and Dunya both loved Raskolnikov

Both sold themselves for the sake of the family’s material well-being

both girls were poor and had no chance of getting married successfully

What request did Raskolnikov make to Porfiry Petrovich during their first meeting (F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

find the old woman's killer

read Raskolnikov's article about the crime

Return the things pawned to the old pawnbroker that he was ready to redeem

help Raskolnikov get a job

To what general idea, according to L.N. Tolstoy, is the entire action of the novel “War and Peace” subordinated?

L. N. Tolstoy did not have a general idea

+ “folk thought”

historical event

"family thoughts"

What question did Raskolnikov want to answer when killing the old woman, what did he test himself in (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

can he save the world by destroying the harmful, useless old woman?

can he survive in a world of injustice

Does he belong to the category of exceptional people who have the right to blood according to their conscience?

How was Sonya found innocent when Luzhin accused her of stealing one hundred rubles (F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”)?

They called the police, conducted an immediate investigation and caught Luzhin in a lie.

Raskolnikov forced Luzhin to tell the truth

Lebezyatnikov witnessed Luzhin’s forgery and acquitted Sonya

Luzhin himself, feeling sorry for Sonya, retracted his words

What military campaign is described in volume 1 of War and Peace?

1812 -1825

1817 - 1821

1805 - 1807

Find out the hero of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”:

“The dark-eyed, big-mouthed, ugly, but lively girl, with her childish shoulders that had popped out of her bodice from a fast run, with her black curls bunched back, thin bare arms and small legs in lace pantaloons and open shoes, was at that sweet age when the girl is no longer a child, and the child is not yet a girl”.

Natasha Rostova

Princess Marya


Helen Kuragina

What future might await the hero of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” Pierre Bezukhov?

will become a prominent political figure

Will become a Decembrist

will become a big landowner

Which of the following works was not written by L. N. Tolstoy?

"Sevastopol Stories"

+"Song of the Falcon"



What battle helped Andrei Bolkonsky (the hero of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”) come to the idea that he needed to live differently?




Which of the heroes of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” belongs to this characteristic:

“...He was a short, very handsome young man with certain dry features... with a tired, bored look”?

Andrey Bolkonsky

Anatoly Kuragin

Pierre Bezukhov

Boris Drubetsky

What is the climax of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and World”

death of Prince Andrei

Patriotic War of 1812

Natasha Rostova's first ball

council in Fili

What was Startsev’s name (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)?

Dmitry Ionych

Mikhail Ionych

Valentin Ionych

Where did Kotik (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”) make a date with Startsev?

in the garden

in the gazebo

in the park

At the cemetery

What was the name of the fourteen-year-old footman in the Turkins’ house, who portrayed a tragic figure and exclaimed: “Die, unfortunate one!” (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)?





Who in his speech used the words “not bad”, “he has no Roman law”, “hello please”, “die, Denis, you can’t write better” (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)?

Dmitry Ionych

Dmitry Petrovich

Vasily Ivanovich

Ivan Petrovich

What was the name of the coachman Startsev (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)?





What was Startsev’s coachman (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”) wearing?





Velvet vest

What was the name of Kitty (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)?

Ekaterina Ivanovna

Vera Iosifovna

Maria Ivanovna

Margarita Ivanovna

For what purpose did Kitty go to Moscow (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)?

annoy Ionych

go shopping

Enter the conservatory

to the ball

How many houses does Ionych have in the city? (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)





Where does Kitty and his mother go every fall for treatment (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)?

to Moscow

to Pyatigorsk

To Crimea

Literature lesson for 10th grade.

Subject : Mental degradation of a person in A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych”.

Target : to reveal the tragedy of everyday everyday existence and the spiritual impoverishment of the individual in the story.

And a person could stoop to such insignificance, pettiness, and disgustingness!

N.V. Gogol.

During the classes:

I . a) Warm-up. One student writes on the board the names of Chekhov's stories, another - the main characters, the third - Chekhov's pseudonyms.

1. Stories

1. “Not in a good mood”

2. “Belated flowers”

3. “House with mezzanine”

4. “Lady with a dog”

5. "Jumper"

6. “Darling”

7. “Man in a Case”

8. "Gooseberry"

9. “About love”

10. “Ionych”

2. Heroes


Egorushka, Toporkov

Artist, Misyus, Lydia

Gurov, Anna Sergeevna

Olga Ivanovna

Olga Semenovna


Nikolay Ivanovich

Alekhin, Anna Alekseevna

Startsev, Ekaterina Ivanovna

3. Nicknames

Antosha Ch., An. Ch.,

A. Chekhonte,

A. Chekhonte, Nte, -nte,

Anche, Kochkarev, Laertes,

Ulysses, Doctor without Patients,

Nut No. 6, Akaki Tarantulov,

Kislyaev, Baldastov,


B.B.S (Man Without a Spleen) My Brother's Brother,

Someone, Schiller Shakespeareovich Goethe,

b) 5 minutes of poetry (at the same time expressive reading lines by heart).

II . Statement of the topic of the lesson and reference to the epigraph of the lesson.

III . Teacher's word . The story “Ionych” was written in 1898 and is associated with the problems of the development of capitalism and capitalist relations in Russia, when material interest becomes the main priority. A person as a person, a person’s self-worth become unnecessary and fade into the background. The problems of poverty and humiliating poverty are combined with the need to strive to accumulate money, which often gives rise to dependence on them and, as a consequence, leads to lack of spirituality, mental degradation and devastation. The story also raises questions of interaction between a person and his surrounding social environment. Chekhov shows the degradation of Ionych's soul through subtext, through artistic details and intonations.

The story has 5 parts. These are the stages life path Dmitry Ionych Startsev, steps of the stairs leading down.

1 V . Working with words from the story:

Zemstvo - a body of local rural self-government with a predominance of the nobility.

Passage - a fragment of a musical work, usually of a virtuoso (technically perfect) nature.

Vovan (obsolete) - rendered fat of marine animals and some fish. Lafite - a variety of red grape wine.

degrade - gradually worsening, come to degeneration.

V . Work with text.

Analysis of the first chapter.

    Read the beginning of the text (1 paragraph)

    What do we learn about the main character from the beginning of the story? (“just appointed as a zemstvo doctor and settled in Dyalizh” “... to him, as an intelligent person” ..)

    Pay attention to the last sentence of paragraph 3 (“... he didn’t have his own horses yet”)


It is very important to learn to “feel” the author, to see his point of view on the events described. In order for the reader to feel more deeply the personality of Startsev, Chekhov reveals to us not only his inner world, but also, as it were, the very birth of the hero’s thought: “Vera Iosifovna read about how the young, beautiful countess set up schools, hospitals, libraries in her village and how she fell in love with a traveling artist - she read about what never happens in life , and yet it was pleasant, comfortable to listen to, and all such good, calm thoughts came into my head - I didn’t want to get up.”

    What assessment do the author and hero give to the content of Vera Iosifovna’s novel? What important detail is highlighted? (the author says “what is described does not happen in life,” the hero does not believe what Vera Iosifovna reads).

    How is Ekaterina Ivanovna’s playing the piano presented in the story? (“stones are falling”, “the game is noisy, annoying, but still cultural sounds”)

Conclusion from the first chapter:

Startsev is pleased with the evening spent with the Turkins.

V 1.Analysis of the second chapter.

Teacher: More than a year passes between the events of chapters 1 and 2.

    What has changed this year? (Nothing)

    How did the author and his hero see Ekaterina Ivanovna? (hero - “she delighted him with her freshness”, author - “And what a funny name Pisemsky was: Alexey Feofilaktych”)

Teacher: With this detail, the author shows the frivolity of the heroine (No wonder he calls her Kitty), the inability to see the main thing both in literature and in life.

It is love that gives Startsev another chance to remain human. At the cemetery, his soul responded to the beauty of nature. It seemed that he had to think about the eternal problems of life and death.

VII .Analysis of the third chapter.

Chapter 3 tells about Startsev’s unsuccessful visit with an official proposal. (“Startsev’s heart has stopped beating restlessly.”)

VIII. Analysis of the fourth chapter.

    Read the first paragraph.

    What changes have occurred in the Turkin family? (None)

    Has Dmitry Ionych's attitude towards them changed? (Yes. “We should have stopped by, but he never stopped by.”)

So, cut off last way to love, nothing delays degradation, the loss of human personality.

    5 head - the result of the entire life of Startsev, the Turkins, the cityWITH. (The first paragraph is read out). At the end, Startsev is already his own, the same as all the residents.

    Conclusion (write in notebook): A careful reading of the text convinces us that the fact that Chekhov’s artistic thought moves in the story from the particular to the general: the fate of Startsev, who turned into Ionych, is a manifestation of general disorder. The writer shows that solving personal problems is impossible without solving public problems. The author masterfully depicts the moral fall of man. And it beganeverything seemed would, with minor character flaws hero: aspiration to the benefit of love , lack of sensitivity to people , irritability, inconsistency in one’s beliefs, inability to defend them, laziness and unwillingness to fight vulgarity.

The soulless life to which Startsev deliberately doomed himself excluded him from the ranks of living people, depriving him of the ability to think and feel. The conclusion follows from the story: if the ability to resist gradually fades in a person, necrosis occurs human soul- the most terrible retribution that life pays for opportunism. Protecting yourself from active life turns into a disaster for Startsev: he retreated before reality, he grows into evil with his whole being, comes to those from whom he initially leaves and whom he hates. At the end of the story, Startsev and the Turkins are frankly placed side by side, equated with each other as people,at whose lives were equally unsuccessful: the idle undertakings of the Turkins are senseless and immoral, Ionych’s soulless acquisitiveness is immoral and disgusting.

Degradation of Startsev in the story “Ionych”

    “I read about something that never happens in life , and yet it was nice to listen , comfortable..."

    "...listen to these noisy , annoying , but still cultural sounds - it was so pleasant..."

    « - Wonderful! - said Startsev , giving in to a common passion."

    “Not bad,” he remembered, falling asleep , and laughed.

    «... . could complain to her about life , of people..."

    « ... What they will say comrades , When will they know?

    “And they must give a lot of dowry,” thought Startsev, listening absentmindedly.

    “They’ll give me a dowry, we’ll set things up...”

    “Startsev’s heart stopped beating restlessly”

10."... he calmed down and healed as before.”

11.“...stretched lazily and said:

“How much trouble, however!”

    "...felt irritation, worried, but silent..."

    “...another entertainment... - in the evenings, taking out from your pockets pieces of paper obtained through practice...”

    “... something was already preventing him from feeling as before.”

    “...The mediocre... is not the one who does not know how to write stories, but the one who Who writes them and doesn’t know how to hide it.”

    "Day profit, A in the evening club, society of gamblers , alcoholics , Khripunov ...»

    “... the light in my soul went out.”

    “... greed has overcome, I want to keep up both here and there.”

    "...nothing interests him."

Bottom line.

Let’s add to the list of stories (“Ionych”,Startsev, Ekaterina Ivanovna).

How did you guys understand the epigraph?

Living for money, not being interested in anything, communicating with gamblers, alcoholics, wheezing people - this is degrading.

    Test based on the story “Ionych” by A.P. Chekhov.

Beginning of the form

1. Where did Startsev live after his appointment?

1) In Moscow
2) in the provincial town of N.
3) in the provincial town of S.
4) in Dyalizh

2. Which family in the city was considered the most “educated and talented”?

1) Belikov family
2) Alekhine family
3) Burkin family
4) Turkin family

3. Who was Startsev appointed by?

1) employees
2) zemstvo doctor
3) governor
4) teacher

4. Name favorite hobby Ekaterina Ivanovna Turkina.

1) played in plays
2) wrote stories and novels
3) read books
4) played the piano

5. Recognize the hero by description.

“A plump, handsome brunette with sideburns, he staged amateur performances for charity...”

1) Ivan Petrovich Turkin
2) Startsev
3) Pisemsky
4) Panteleimon

6. When did Startsev come to the Turkins for the second time?

1) every other day
2) in three days
3) in a week
4) in a year

7. Where did Ekaterina Ivanovna make an appointment with Startsev?

1) in the theater
2) at the dacha
3) at the cemetery
4) in the city garden

8. What does Startsev think about before the explanation with Katerina Ivanovna?

1) about her beauty
2) about musical abilities
3) o future life with my girlfriend
4) about dowry

9. Why didn’t Ekaterina Ivanovna accept Startsev’s offer?

1) she hates him
2) she strives for fame, success, freedom, because she does not know real life, like her mother
3) she dreams of city life
4) she does not strive for marriage at all

10. For what purpose did Ekaterina Ivanovna go to Moscow?

1) shopping
2) annoy Ionych
3) enter the conservatory
4) to the ball

11. What nickname did Dmitry Ionych Startsev have?

1) Cat
2) The Pole is inflated
3) Fat man
4) Coachman

12. What nickname did Ekaterina Ivanovna have?

1) there was no nickname
2) Cat
3) Musician
4) Bunny

13. What was the name of the coachman Startsev?

1) Fedor
2) Valentine
3) Ibrahim
4) Panteleimon

14. What was the name of the fourteen-year-old footman in the Turkins’ house, who portrayed a tragic figure and exclaimed: “Die, unfortunate one!”?

1) Ibrahim
2) Pava
3) Vanyushka
4) Proshka

15. Who is to blame for the fact that from an active, energetic young man Doctor Startsev turns into Ionych - a “pagan deity”?

1) “the environment is stuck”
2) this is his own fault
3) the unhurried, unstoppable passage of time
4) Ekaterina Ivanovna



































1.Swipe comparative analysis two episodes: the first and last meeting of Ekaterina Ivanovna and Startsev. Based on the analysis, prove that Ekaterina Ivanovna’s development was ascending, and Startsev’s development was descending.

2. Read Shukshin’s story “Step wider, maestro!”

Test on the works of A.P. Chekhov

1. Indicate the years of life of A.P. Chekhov:

a) 1824 – 1890 b) 1860 – 1904 c) 1854 – 1902 d) 1814 -1841

2. In what city was A.P. Chekhov born:

a) St. Petersburg b) Moscow c) Kyiv d) Taganrog

3. To what class did A.P. belong? Chekhov:

a) nobles b) commoners c) merchants d) peasants

4. Who was A.P. Chekhov by profession?
a) Engineer b) Doctor c) Teacher d) Biologist e) Chemist

5. Name the magazine that was the first to publish Chekhov’s stories:

a) “Dragonfly” b) “Contemporary” c) “Notes of the Fatherland”

d) "Fragments"

6. The first works of A.P. Chekhov published under pseudonyms. In total, about 50 Chekhov pseudonyms are known. Which of the following pseudonyms does not belong to A.P. Chekhov?

a) A person without a spleen

b) My brother's brother

c) Baldastov

d) Alov

7. In 1890 A.P. Chekhov travels to Sakhalin, carries out enormous work on the census and survey of the convict population. The results of the trip were a book about Sakhalin. What was it called?

a) “The Story of an Unknown Man”

b) “Sakhalin Island”

d) "Murder"

8. Which stories by A.P. Chekhov make up the “little trilogy”?
a) “Ionych”, “Darling”, “Jumping”
b) “Thick and Thin”, “Death of an Official”, “Melancholy”
c) “Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”
d) “Ionych”, “Gooseberry”, “Lady with a Dog”

9. What a hero A.P. Chekhov “was remarkable in that he always, even in very good autumn weather, went out in galoshes and with an umbrella and certainly in a warm coat with cotton wool”?
a) Startsev (“Ionych”) b) Alekhine (“About Love”)
c) Belikov (“Man in a Case”) d) Ivan Ivanovich (“Gooseberry”)

10. “Look, our teachers are all-thinking people, brought up on Turgenev and Shchedrin, but this man, who always wore galoshes and an umbrella, held the entire gymnasium in his hands for 15 years! What about high school? The whole city!" What is the name of this hero of the story by A.P. Chekhov?
a) Kovalenko (“Man in a Case”) b) Startsev (“Ionych”)
c) Burkin (“Man in a Case”) d) Belikov (“Man in a Case”)

11. Belikov from the storyA.P. Chekhov's "Man in a Case" was a teacher
A) Greek language b) Latin language

c) Mathematics d) Russian language and literature

12. In what storyA.P. Chekhov reminds that behind the door of every contented, happy person there should be someone with a hammer and constantly remind them by knocking that there is misfortune:

A) “Gooseberry” b) “Darling”

c) “Man in a Case” d) “House with a Mezzanine”

13. Which of the heroes of the storyA.P. Chekhov “aged, flabby, cheeks, nose and lips stretch forward - just look, he will grunt into the blanket”?
c) Burkin (“Man in a Case”) d) Alekhine (“About Love”)

14. “I didn’t eat enough, didn’t drink enough, dressed God knows how, like a beggar, and saved everything and put it in the bank.” Who is this hero of A.P. Chekhov?
a) Ivan Ivanovich (“Gooseberry”) b) Nikolai Ivanovich (“Gooseberry”)
c) Alekhine (“About Love”) d) Belikov (“Man in a Case”)

15. What is it calledthe story of A.P. Chekhov, whose hero turns from a young, energetic, promising doctor into a fat, greedy philistine and money-grubber?
a) “Gooseberry” b) “Man in a Case”
c) “Jumper” d) “Ionych”

16. What do you think “Belikovism” means in social terms? Mark what you disagree with or think is incorrect:

1) general fear 2) general cowardice 3) decency

4) modesty 5) a brake on progress 6) the everyday swamp that drags on

17. Give the correct definition of humor:

  1. one of the ways of depicting life, characterized by sharp exaggeration, a combination of the real and the fantastic
  2. one of the ways of depicting life, characterized by a sharp rejection of what is depicted, expressed in evil ridicule
  3. one of the ways of depicting life that does not reject its comic aspects. It talks about serious things with a smile.

18. Test questions for the story “Ionych”

1. What was Startsev’s name?

2. Where did Startsev live after his appointment?

3. Which family in the city was considered the most “educated and talented”?

4. What was Kitty's name?

5. What was the name of the fourteen-year-old footman in the Turkins’ house, who portrayed a tragic figure and exclaimed: “Die, unfortunate one!”?

6. What was the name of the coachman Startsev and how was he dressed?

7. Who in his speech used the words “not bad”, “he has no Roman law”, “hello, please”, “die, Denis, you can’t write better”?

8. Where did Kotik make a date with Startsev?

9. Why didn’t Ekaterina Ivanovna accept Startsev’s offer?

10. How many houses does Ionych have in the city, and what kind of house is he looking for?

11. Where does Kitty and his mother go every fall for treatment?

12. What nickname did Dmitry Ionych Startsev have?

13.Who is to blame for the fact that from an active, energetic young man, Doctor Startsev turns into Ionych - a “pagan deity”?

1) “the environment is stuck”

2) this is his own fault

3) the unhurried, unstoppable passage of time

4) Ekaterina Ivanovna

  1. Where was Chekhov born and where is he buried?
  2. Which famous Russian writer was a doctor by training?
  3. What do the names have in common: Maxim Gorky, Demyan Bedny, Anna Akhmatova, George Sand, My Brother's Brother, Stendhal?
  4. Which book by Chekhov has a geographical name?
  5. When and in which theater was The Seagull first staged?
  6. What did Chekhov call his last dramatic work?
  7. When and why did Chekhov refuse the title of academician?
  8. Whose words are these? “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts.”?
  9. Which Chekhov story aroused L. N. Tolstoy's particular delight? (According to his daughter Tatyana Lvovna, Lev Nikolaevich read it “four evenings in a row out loud and said that he had become wiser from this thing.”)
  10. Which stories by Chekhov make up the so-called little trilogy?
  11. Name last story Chekhov.
  12. People do not listen to the old cab driver when he tries to tell them about his grief. Who listened to him?
  13. The following words belong to the hero of which Chekhov story: “It is necessary that everyone is satisfied behind the door, happy person someone would stand with a hammer and would constantly remind him by knocking that there are unfortunate people, that no matter how happy he is, life will sooner or later show his claws to him, trouble will strike him - illness, poverty, loss, and no one will see or hear him how now he doesn’t see or hear others.”?
  14. Which theater has a seagull on its curtain?
  15. The hero of which Chekhov story is Ochumelov?
  16. In which of Chekhov's works are the characters named Ivan Ivanovich, Fyodor Timofeevich and Aunt? (These are not people at all, although they have human names.)

Test questions for the story “Ionych”

  1. What was Startsev's name?
  2. Where did Kotik make a date with Startsev?
  3. How did Vera Iosifovna begin her novel?
  4. What was the name of the fourteen-year-old footman in the Turkins’ house, who portrayed a tragic figure and exclaimed: “Die, unfortunate one!”?
  5. Who in their speech used the words “not bad”, “he has no Roman law”, “hello please”, “die, Denis, you can’t write better”?
  6. What was the name of the coachman Startsev and how was he dressed?
  7. What was Kitty's name?
  8. For what purpose did Kitty go to Moscow?
  9. How many houses does Ionych have in the city and what kind of house is he looking for?
  10. Where does Kitty and his mother go every fall for treatment?

Test tasks based on the play "The Cherry Orchard"

  1. Author's designation of the genre of “The Cherry Orchard”:
    1. drama
    2. tragedy
    3. comedy
  2. Maiden name of L. A. Ranevskaya:
    1. Gaeva
    2. Ranevskaya
    3. Zarechnaya
  3. “They tease him like that here: twenty-two misfortunes...” Whom?
    1. clerk Epikhodov
    2. Firsa
    3. Simeonova-Pishchik
  4. Who owns the words: “Lord, you gave us huge forests, vast fields, the deepest horizons, and living here, we ourselves should truly be giants...”?
    1. Lopakhin
    2. Gaev
    3. Trofimov
  5. Whose words are these?“Oh, wonderful nature, you shine with eternal radiance, beautiful and indifferent, you, whom we call mother, combine being and death, you live and destroy...”?
    1. Lopakhina
    2. Gaeva
    3. Trofimova
  6. Which of the heroes of “The Cherry Orchard” was called a “shabby gentleman”?
    1. footman Yashu
    2. Gaeva
    3. Trofimova
  7. To whom does the following reference to the bookcase belong:“Dear, dear closet! I greet your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been directed towards the bright ideals of goodness and justice; your silent call to fruitful work has not weakened for a hundred years, maintaining... in generations of our family vigor, faith in a better future and nurturing in us the ideals of goodness and social self-awareness”?
    1. Gaev
    2. Lopakhin
    3. Trofimov
  8. Whose words are these?“To get around those small and illusory things that prevent you from being free and happy, this is the goal and meaning of our life. Forward! We are moving uncontrollably towards a bright star that is burning there in the distance. Forward! Don't lag behind, friends!
    1. Gaeva
    2. Trofimova
  9. Whose lineage does his spokesman say is descended from the horse that Caligula introduced into the Senate?
    1. Simeonova-Pishchik
    2. Lopakhina
    3. Gaeva
  10. Who has the gift of ventriloquism?
    1. Simeonov-Pishchik
    2. Charlotte Ivanovna
  11. Who is talking about whom:“This is how, in terms of metabolism, you need beast of prey, which eats everything that comes in its way, so you need it too”?
    1. Trofimov about Lopakhin
    2. Lopakhin about Trofimov
    3. Firs about Gaev
  12. Who owns the words:“Before the disaster it was the same: the owl was screaming, and the samovar was humming uncontrollably”?
    1. Lopakhin
    2. Gaev
    3. Firs
  13. Whose words are these?“Oh, my dear, my tender, beautiful garden!.. My life, my youth, my happiness, goodbye!.. Farewell!..”?
    1. Ranevskaya
  14. Who owns the words:“My dad was a man, an idiot, he didn’t understand anything, he didn’t teach me, he just beat me when he was drunk... In essence, I’m the same idiot and idiot. I haven’t studied anything, my handwriting is bad, I write in such a way that people are ashamed of me, like a pig”?
    1. Lopakhin
    2. Simeonov-Pishchik
    3. Epikhodov
  15. Who is the author of these words: “Dachas and summer residents - it’s so vulgar, excuse me”?
    1. Ranevskaya
    2. Charlotte Ivanovna
  16. Who owns the words: “I have become anxious, I keep worrying. I was taken to the masters as a girl, I was now unaccustomed to simple life, and now my hands are white, white, like a young lady’s. She has become tender, so delicate, noble, I’m afraid of everything... It’s so scary. And if you, Yasha, deceive me, then I don’t know what will happen to my nerves”?
    1. Charlotte Ivanovna
    2. Dunyasha
  17. Which character in the play owns the words:“And when dad and mom died, a German lady took me in and began to teach me. Fine. I grew up, then became a governess. And where I come from and who I am, I don’t know... I’m all alone, alone, I have no one and... and who I am, why I am, it’s unknown...”?
    1. Charlotte Ivanovna
    2. Dunyasha
  18. Who owns the words about the cherry orchard:“Oh my garden! After the dark, hateful autumn and cold winter again you are young, full of happiness, the heavenly angels have not left you... If only I could take the heavy stone off my chest and shoulders, if only I could forget my past”?
    1. Ranevskaya
  19. Which character in “The Cherry Orchard” wrote the following words: “Oh, if only all this would pass, if only our awkward, unhappy life would somehow change”?
    1. Ranevskaya
    2. Lopakhin
    3. Epikhodov
  20. Who says to whom:“You have to be a man, at your age you have to understand those who love. And you have to love yourself... “I am above love!” You are not above love, but simply, as our Firs says, you are a klutz”?
    1. Ranevskaya to Trofimov
    2. Varya Epikhodova
    3. Charlotte Yashe

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Read the given fragment of text and complete tasks A1 – A5; B1 – B4; C1.

Several more years passed. Startsev has gained even more weight, has become obese, is breathing heavily and is already walking with his head thrown back. When he, plump, red, rides on a troika with bells and Panteleimon, also plump and red, with a fleshy nape, sits on the box, stretching straight forward, like wooden hands, and shouts to those he meets: “Keep the law!”, then the picture is impressive, and it seems that it is not a man who is riding, but a pagan god. He has a huge practice in the city, there is no time to breathe, and he already has an estate and two houses in the city, and he takes a fancy to a third, more profitable one, and when in the “Mutual Credit Society” they tell him about some house scheduled for auction, then he goes into this house without ceremony and, passing through all the rooms, not paying attention to the undressed women and children who look at him with amazement and fear, pokes all the doors with a stick and says:

Is this an office? Is this a bedroom? What's going on here?

And at the same time he breathes heavily and wipes sweat from his forehead.

He has a lot of trouble, but still he does not give up his zemstvo position; greed has overcome, I want to keep up both here and there. In Dyalizh and in the city they call him simply Ionych. “Where is Ionych going?” or: “Should I invite Ionych to the consultation?”

Probably because his throat was swollen with fat, his voice changed, becoming thin and harsh. His character also changed: he became heavy and irritable. When receiving patients, he usually gets angry, impatiently bangs his stick on the floor and shouts in his unpleasant voice:

Please answer only questions! Don't talk!

He's lonely. His life is boring, nothing interests him.

During the entire time he lived in Dyalizh, love for Kotik was his only joy and, probably, his last. In the evenings he plays vint at the club and then sits alone at a large table and has dinner. The footman Ivan, the oldest and most respectable, serves him, they serve him Lafite No. 17, and everyone - the elders of the club, the cook, and the footman - knows what he likes and what he doesn’t like, they try their best to please him, otherwise, what the heck, he’ll suddenly get angry and start banging his stick on the floor.

While dining, he occasionally turns around and intervenes in some conversation:

What are you talking about? A? Whom?

And when, it happens, at some table next door the conversation comes up about the Turkins, he asks:

Which Turkins are you talking about? Is this about the ones where the daughter plays the piano?

That's all that can be said about him.

And the Turkins? Ivan Petrovich has not aged, has not changed at all, and still makes jokes and tells jokes; Vera Iosifovna still reads her novels to guests willingly, with heartfelt simplicity. And Kitty plays the piano every day, for four hours. She has noticeably aged, swears, and every autumn she leaves with her mother for the Crimea. Seeing them off at the station, Ivan Petrovich, when the train starts moving, wipes away his tears and shouts:

Goodbye please!

And waves his handkerchief. (A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”)

When completing tasks A1 - A5, write down the number that corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

A1. Determine the genre of the work from which the fragment is taken. 1) novel; b) parable; 3) essay; 4) story.

A2. What place does this fragment occupy in the work? 1) opens the narrative; 2) completes the story; 3) is the culmination of a love plot; 4) plays the role of an insert episode.

A3. The main topic of this fragment is 1) the theme of internal emancipation of the individual; 2) call " little man» to the philistine world; 3) the theme of human spiritual degradation; 4) the theme of the impoverishment of “noble nests”.

A4. What determines the lifestyle and behavior of the main character at this stage of plot development? 1) the desire to erase the drama from memory failed love; 2) desire for new things professional achievements; 3) caring for the poor and needy; 4) loss of spiritual guidelines and desire for enrichment.

A5. For what purpose does the author compare the hero with a pagan god? 1) reveals the lack of humanity in the hero; 2) endows him with heroic traits; 3) notes his visual attractiveness; 4) emphasizes the scale of the hero’s personality.

When completing tasks B1-B4, the answer must be given in the form of a word, phrase or numbers.

B1. Indicate the term that in literary studies refers to a means of artistic representation that helps the author describe the hero and express his attitude towards him (“subtle”, “harsh”, “heavy”, “irritable”, “unpleasant”).

Answer: ____________________.

B2. Name a means of creating the image of a hero, based on a description of his appearance (lines 1–6 of the fragment).

Answer: ____________________.

B3. From the paragraph beginning with the words “He has a lot of trouble...”, write down a combination of words that openly expresses the author’s position in relation to the hero.

Answer: ____________________.

B4. In the paragraph beginning with the words “And the Turkins?..”, find a word whose repetition indicates the immobility of the stagnant life of the Turkins family.

Answer: ____________________.

To complete task C1, give a coherent answer to the question in no more than 4-6 sentences.

C1. What does Chekhov warn about in his work and what heroes of Russian classics resemble Chekhov’s Ionych?


Answer keys for tasks A

Job No.


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