Morocco beach holiday in October. Holidays in Morocco in October: reviews from tourists. Water and air temperatures in Morocco in autumn. Features of autumn weather in Morocco

Morocco is one of those countries where it is especially pleasant to relax in the fall. During this period, the unbearable heat subsides on its territory, and the water in the ocean still remains suitable for swimming. Thanks to these conditions, many tourists choose this destination for their holidays in the autumn.

What is the weather like in October in Morocco?

While in European countries there is a chilly autumn in excellent conditions give you the opportunity to organize a short rest.

Air and water temperature

While the mountains are covered with caps of snow, on the coast Mediterranean Sea attracts tourists beach holiday, and at the resorts Atlantic Ocean– attractions, but in general there is the most favorable conditions for relax.

Morocco takes enough large territory- the country stretches for several climatic zones, so the weather in different parts may be a little different.

Average, throughout the country the air temperature during the day pleases vacationers with +23-25°C, which is especially pleasant for those who cannot stand extreme heat, typical for this region in summer time. At night it becomes noticeably cooler - the thermometer drops to +15-17 degrees, and in some regions - to +13°C.

Ocean water cools over time. If at the beginning of October its temperature is about +22 degrees, then by the end of the month it becomes unsuitable for swimming, since its temperature drops to +18°C. Things are different on the coast - here there is water ideal for swimming, attracting tourists with a temperature of +24 degrees.

In contrast, in October in Morocco there is little more precipitation, but the rains don’t last long, and after a couple of hours there’s no trace left of them. The wind is practically not felt in resort towns, only in mountainous areas.

Differences in weather conditions in different cities

To choose a holiday resort in Morocco, where your stay would be quite comfortable, it is important to take into account the difference in weather conditions. While in the south of the country there are observed changes in weather– day and night temperatures have a noticeable difference, in its central part it is quite humid, and in the west the most Better conditions for beach and excursion tourism.

The most pleasant autumn climate at the resort Casablanca– during the day the air temperature warms up to +26°C, and at night it cools down to +17 degrees, the temperature sea ​​water is +19°C.

A little cooler in Agadir– the most popular resort in Morocco – during the day the temperature reaches +24°C, and at night the air cools down to +15 degrees. The water temperature at this resort is slightly warmer - +21 degrees.

Other resorts in Morocco experience the following weather in October:

  • Rabat– +29°C during the day, +17°C at night, water temperature +22 degrees;
  • Tangier– +26°C during the day, +16°C at night, water temperature +20 degrees;
  • Fes– +24°C during the day, +12°C at night;
  • Marrakesh– during the day +26°C, at night +15°C;
  • Mohammedia– during the day +28°C, at night +17°C, water – +21 degrees;
  • El Jadida– during the day +28 °C, at night +16°C, water +22 degrees.

Thanks to such conditions, tourists heading to Morocco on vacation in October do not have to worry about it - it will pass very quickly.

October holiday

Traveling to Morocco in October brings with it many benefits, as well as opportunities for an unforgettable vacation.

Advantages and disadvantages

October is definitely one of the best months for holidays in the resorts of Morocco. Pleasant weather, almost complete absence of precipitation and a sea conducive to swimming accompany tourists during this period. Such conditions allow diversify your vacation, relaxing on the country's beaches or attending exciting excursions.

Other positive sides holidays in Morocco this month:

  1. No mosquitoes and other insects;
  2. Price reduction for booking accommodation;
  3. Big choice water activities;
  4. Abundance fresh vegetables and fruits.

Even if the weather turns bad in Morocco, there is always the opportunity to spend time in the heated pool.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting that, despite the closure of the tourist season, people are heading to Morocco this month thousands of surfers from and, so it is better to book tickets and accommodation in advance.

What clothes to take?

If during the daytime the October weather in Morocco is pleasantly warm, then with the onset of evening it becomes quite cold. For this reason, for a comfortable stay in the country, you should take with you not only light summer clothes, but also something that will keep you warm outside in the dark.

Where is the best place to vacation this month?

The best holiday resorts in autumn period are considered:

  • Casablanca;
  • El Jadida;
  • Mohammedia.

But tourists often focus on their own preferences. For example, best tan can be obtained at southern resorts countries, but you won’t be able to swim here because of the cool water in the ocean. If the purpose of the trip is a beach holiday, swimming and surfing, then it is better to stay at the resorts on the west coast.

Things to do?

Morocco always has a large selection of entertainment for every taste, from a traditional beach holiday on the coast to tasting unsurpassed Arab cuisine, as well as visiting the colorful markets of the country.

Beach holiday

In Morocco observed the highest waves, typical for this region, so many holidaymakers flock to the country's beaches to enjoy active recreation: surfing, windsurfing and kitesurfing.

To join fans of active water sports, you should choose the beaches of Mehdia and Anchor Point or those stretching from Safi to the north.

Excursions and entertainment

Morocco is a country ideal not only for a beach holiday, but also for visits which this kingdom is rich in. There are no fewer iconic places here than in Egypt or Turkey, and to start getting acquainted with this country, just walk through its ancient narrow streets decorated with colorful houses and ancient mosques.

Among the main entertainments in Morocco it is worth noting:

  • Jeep trip to Safari;
  • A trip to the Berber village of Tassili;
  • Camel riding.

To get acquainted with the most ancient sights, it is worth visiting Fes, Rabat, Marrakesh And Meknes. In these cities, some of which served as the capitals of the country, many interesting artifacts, palaces, fortresses, squares and museums have been preserved.

Fans can head to Fez, where there are a huge number of ancient workshops where amazingly beautiful leather and copper products are made. The secrets of this art are passed down from generation to generation.

Holidays and festivals

There are many interesting events taking place in Morocco, among which it is worth noting date harvest festival. This holiday is accompanied by folk festivities in Erfoud and food.

In Tissa during this period it is held equestrian festival, during which you can see how former nomads in national costumes deftly handle thoroughbred Arabian horses.

The Kingdom of Morocco in October is perfect for any type of holiday, so this destination has many positive feedback from tourists.

Watch in this video what beauty will greet you in Morocco in October:

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October in is a time that is still suitable for beach holidays, but at the same time other types of entertainment become possible. The heat is subsiding, and this makes travel to different regions Morocco, including the Sahara Desert, which, by the way, has a significant impact on the local climate.

So, in October the air begins to cool. The average air temperature across the country fluctuates within the range +24°С V daytime. At night it becomes noticeably cooler, and the thermometer drops to +15°C. During the day - about +22°С, in Fez average monthly temperature equal to +24°С, and in the warmest part - approximately +26°С.

Ocean coastal Morocco continues to cool. If in September it average temperature was +22°С, then in October it is +21°С in Agadir, +20°С in Rabat and +19°С in Casablanca. All this does not prevent tourists who come to Morocco in October from swimming, sunbathing and taking part in water activities.

If in September precipitation in Morocco is more a rarity than a common occurrence, then in October rains They're already starting to get a little boring. Rabat receives about 48 mm, Fez - 46 mm, Agadir - 30 mm, and Casablanca - 34 mm. It practically never rains in Marrakech.

To all of the above, we must add that October closes tourist season in Morocco, and the country's popularity is noticeably declining.

Quite long in an African country swimming season. It may last until the last autumn month. However, there are some caveats as different parts of Morocco have significantly different weather in October. The most warm city, if we take the coast into account, is Tangier. It is located on Strait of Gibraltar, where the air temperature during the day reaches 25 degrees, and at night about 16°C. Although the water temperature in this city is not the maximum - 22 degrees, it allows swimming.

It’s just as warm in the daytime in Agadir, only at night it’s a little cooler here - up to fifteen degrees. In addition, the water of the Atlantic Ocean is relatively cold; on average, its temperature in this area does not exceed 21 degrees. However, in other coastal cities of Morocco it is even colder in October. So in both Casablanca and Rabat the air temperature during the day is about 23°C, and at night it does not exceed fifteen. The water in these cities cools down to twenty degrees within a month.

In Morocco there is light rain, mainly in the northern regions, which are influenced by the Mediterranean climate, but still the weather here cannot be called very damp. For example, in Tangier, the amount of precipitation is 65 mm, and in Rabat - forty-four millimeters. Therefore, when going on vacation, you need to take into account such features and take with you not only light clothing and sunscreen, as well as warmer things, an umbrella is also not superfluous. It will be uncomfortable without warm clothing in Marrakesh. In the center of the country at night the temperature is no higher than fifteen degrees, and in Fez the air cools down to 12. True, you also cannot do without light clothing, because in these cities the days are quite warm - from 24° in Feta (rain is also possible there) and twenty-eight in Marrakech.

By mid-autumn, the number of tourists coming to relax on the beach is significantly reduced. But there are more and more surfers and lovers of excursion trips, since the weather in Morocco in October (as well as in the next four months) is excellent for riding the waves. It should be taken into account that for the sake of practicing your favorite sport in African country Many Europeans come, most of whom are from Spain and France. Therefore, we cannot exclude the fact that on weekends it will be quite problematic to book a free hotel room (especially in the capital of Essaouira, which is considered the Moroccan capital of surfing).

The holidays that are celebrated in October and generally in the autumn months are mainly associated with the harvest. One of these is the Date Festival, which takes place in Erfoud, a city located almost on the border with the desert. For its distance from popular tourist routes, travelers who know the value of authenticity love to come here.

Among other things, Erfoud is famous for its date palms, which is why the International Date Exhibition is held here. This event brings together manufacturers of the most different countries. Tourists are interested in this holiday for folklore events, fairs and tastings that accompany the exhibition.

“Off-season” vacations have become increasingly popular among our compatriots. There is even a saying among the people: “You don’t need to wait for summer, because when you have money, you can go in summer in any month.” Where to go on vacation in the fall? There may be many options, but not all of them are equally good. Will you be able to have a quality holiday in Morocco in October? Detailed information about the climate and tourist attractions in autumn in given state especially for our readers in this article.

Climatic features

The African kingdom is often called cold country c The thing is that Morocco stretches across several climatic zones. The northern regions can indeed boast snow-capped mountains at any time of the year, but the coastal resorts in summer months It’s better not to go at all for people who can’t stand the heat. When planning a vacation in Morocco in October, you should pay special attention to choosing a specific resort, taking into account your own requirements and wishes for spending time during your vacation. Not all the coast of this country can boast of the same climatic and weather conditions. The part washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea is considered suitable for recreation all year round, the swimming season here officially ends only in November. But the Atlantic coast is not an amateur resort, as the water remains cool even in the hottest summer months. Are you afraid of making a mistake when choosing a place for your autumn holiday? Book 4* and 5* hotels, check the availability of large heated swimming pools on their territory.

Water and air temperature

In Morocco in October you will definitely leave only Nice memories. air temperature during the day is +23...+25 degrees, and in the southernmost points of the state it can rise to +35. The Mediterranean Sea is also pleasing, because the water does not cool below +21...+19 degrees, which is enough for comfortable swimming. But still, if you are planning a holiday in Morocco in October, do not forget to take warm clothes with you, as it can be cool in the evenings at this time of year. More information will help you navigate choosing a tour. detailed information for specific resorts. In Casablanca in October it is +26 during the day, +17 at night, and the water warms up to +19 degrees. It’s a little cooler in Agadir, the average daytime air temperature here is +24, nighttime +15, but the sea is warmer (+21 degrees). In Marrakech, holidaymakers may experience short periods of rain, normal indicators thermometer for October: day +27, night +16, water +20 degrees.

Features of autumn weather in Morocco

October is considered one of the best months to visit this country. At this time it is always sunny here, but not too hot. You can enjoy the sun for about 10 hours a day. The weather in Morocco in October will please you with a moderate amount of precipitation; rains at this time of year are infrequent, usually short-lived and light. At the same time, it is always fresh on the coast due to the proximity of the sea or ocean. Another undeniable advantage of autumn holidays in this country is the absence of mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. Moderate temperatures and a comfortable climate allow you to thoroughly enjoy excursions. Many tourists prefer to rent cars and explore the cities and different regions of Morocco on their own. And this interesting idea for relax. Where else on the territory of one state can you see gorgeous beaches, snow-capped mountain peaks, and visit the great Sahara Desert?

Holidays on the coast

Anyone who chooses Morocco for their holiday will be able to enjoy the traditional beach experience. For swimming you should choose the Mediterranean coast. But you can sunbathe to your heart's content at all the resorts in the southern part of the state. The water temperature in Morocco in October differs by several degrees on neighboring beaches. Typically this indicator varies between +19…+21 degrees. Attention: much cooler than Atlantic waters. The beaches in Morocco stretch for several thousand kilometers. If you prefer to relax on the coast, there are plenty of options. There are enough opportunities for active recreation in this country. Many tourists come here to go surfing and windsurfing. It is in October that you can already catch the highest waves; their season lasts in many regions until spring. Surfers traditionally gather in Taghazout, and windsurfers are considered the most the best places the following: Mehdiya, Anchor Point (Agadir) and the beaches stretching north from Safi.

What to do during your autumn holidays in this country?

Holidays in Morocco in October allow you to not only enjoy sunbathing and swimming. The moderate weather allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the country and get acquainted with its culture and traditions. Choose excursions to suit your taste or go on your own trip. However, experienced tourists recommend renting transport in this country with caution. The weather in Morocco in October allows you to explore all the sights, and there are many of them. These are ancient cities, unique natural objects and landscapes. Deserves the attention of visitors local kitchen, many dishes are sure to impress Europeans. Don't forget that autumn is harvest time. Don't trust local delicacies? You can always enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables.

An autumn holiday in Morocco will also allow you to visit a lot interesting holidays and events. One of the most interesting of these is the date harvest festival held annually in Erfoud. The holiday lasts three whole days, during which you can not only try and buy ripe fruits, but also see national dances and listen to folk music. More modest events in honor of the harvest are also held in other cities. If you are traveling to Morocco in October, it will be interesting to attend the folklore show in Marrakech, held in mid-autumn. At this time of year there is an equestrian festival in Tissa, during which local residents they remember that until recently they were real nomads. Thoroughbred riders in national costumes - visiting such an event will certainly be interesting for everyone.

Benefits of autumn vacation

There are many advantages to holidaying in Morocco in the fall. Remember that the tourist season in this country officially ends with the beginning of autumn. That is why a tour to Morocco in October can be purchased on very favorable terms. Since mid-autumn, both air tickets and hotel prices have become cheaper. The cost of food and daily household goods is also reasonable. The number of vacationers is decreasing, thanks to which you can see the sights in a more comfortable environment, and you will hardly find any queues.

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