Climate zones of the Pacific Ocean briefly. Climatic zones of the oceans. Climatic zones of the Indian Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water in the world. It stretches from the very north of the planet to its south, reaching the shores of Antarctica. It reaches its greatest width at the equator, in the tropical and subtropical zones. Because the climate Pacific Ocean is more defined as warm, because most of it falls in the tropics. This ocean has both warm and cold currents. This depends on which continent the bay is adjacent to in a particular place and what atmospheric flows are formed above it.

Video: 213 Climate of the Pacific

Atmospheric circulation

The climate of the Pacific Ocean largely depends on atmospheric pressure, which is formed above it. In this section, geographers identify five main areas. Among them there are zones of both high and low pressure. In the subtropics in both hemispheres of the planet, two regions form above the ocean high pressure. They are called the North Pacific or Hawaiian High and the South Pacific High. The closer to the equator, the lower the pressure becomes. We also note that the atmospheric dynamics are lower in the east than in the east. In the north and south of the ocean, dynamic lows are formed - the Aleutian and Antarctic, respectively. Northern exists only in winter time year, and the southern one is stable in its atmospheric characteristics all year round.


Factors such as trade winds largely influence the climate of the Pacific Ocean. Briefly speaking, such wind currents are formed in the tropics and subtropics in both hemispheres. A system of trade winds has been established there for centuries, which determine warm currents and stable hot air temperature. They are separated by a strip of equatorial calm. This area is mostly calm, but there are occasional light winds. In the northwestern part of the ocean, the most frequent guests are the monsoons. In winter, the wind blows from the Asian continent, bringing with it cold and dry air. In summer, the oceanic wind blows, which increases the humidity and temperature of the air. The temperate climate zone, as well as the entire southern hemisphere, is subject to strong winds. The climate of the Pacific Ocean in these areas is characterized by typhoons, hurricanes, and gusty winds.

Air temperature

In order to clearly understand what temperatures the Pacific Ocean is characterized by, the map will come to our aid. We see that this body of water is located in all climatic zones, starting from the northern, icy, passing through the equator and ending with the southern, also icy. Above the surface of the entire body of water, the climate is subordinate latitudinal zonality and winds that bring hot or cold temperatures to certain regions. In equatorial latitudes, the thermometer shows from 20 to 28 degrees in August, approximately the same figures are observed in February. IN temperate latitudes February temperatures reach -25 Celsius, and in August the thermometer rises to +20.

Video: Pacific Ocean

Characteristics of currents, their influence on temperature

The peculiarities of the climate of the Pacific Ocean are that in the same latitudes at the same time different weather can be observed. This is how everything works out because the ocean consists of various currents that bring warm or cold cyclones here from the continents. So, first, let's look at the Northern Hemisphere. In the tropical zone, the western part of the reservoir is always warmer than the eastern. This is due to the fact that in the west the waters are warmed by the East Australian trade winds. In the east, the waters are cooled by the Peruvian and California currents. In the strip temperate climate On the contrary, the east is warmer than the west. Here the western part is cooled by the Kuril Current, and the eastern part is heated by the Alaskan Current. If we consider the Southern Hemisphere, we will not find a significant difference between the West and the East. Here everything happens naturally, since trade winds and high latitude winds distribute the temperature over the surface of the water equally.

Clouds and pressure

Also, the climate of the Pacific Ocean depends on atmospheric phenomena, which are formed over one or another of its areas. Rising air flows are observed in low pressure areas, as well as in coastal areas where there is mountainous terrain. The closer to the equator, the fewer clouds gather over the waters. In temperate latitudes they are contained in 80-70 percent, in the subtropics - 60-70%, in the tropics - 40-50%, and at the equator only 10 percent.


Now let's look at what weather conceals the Pacific Ocean. A map of climatic zones shows that the highest humidity here is in the tropical and subtropical zone, which are located north of the equator. Here the amount of precipitation is equal to 3000 mm. In temperate latitudes this figure is reduced to 1000-2000 mm. We also note that in the West the climate is always drier than in the East. The driest region of the ocean is considered to be the coastal zone near and off the coast of Peru. Here, due to problems with condensation, the amount of precipitation is reduced to 300-200 mm. In some areas it is extremely low and is only 30 mm.

Video: 211 History of Pacific Ocean Exploration

Climate of the Pacific seas

IN classic version It is generally accepted that this water reservoir has three seas - the Japanese, Bering and Okhotsk. These bodies of water are separated from the main reservoir by islands or peninsulas, they are adjacent to continents and belong to countries, in this case Russia. Their climate is determined by the interaction of ocean and land. In the above water surface in February it is about 15-20 below zero, in the coastal zone - 4 below zero. The Sea of ​​Japan is the warmest, so the temperature there remains within +5 degrees. Most harsh winters pass in the north. Here the thermometer can show below -30 degrees. In summer, the seas heat up to an average of 16-20 above zero. Naturally, Okhotsk in this case will be cold - +13-16, and Japanese can heat up to +30 or more.

Video: Pacific Ocean nature pacific ocean USA


The Pacific Ocean, which is, in fact, the largest geographical object planet, is characterized by very varied climate. Regardless of the time of year, a certain atmospheric influence, which generates low or high temperatures, strong winds or complete calm.

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The Pacific Ocean, stretching out almost across all latitudinal climatic zones, it reaches its greatest width in the tropics and subtropics, which determines the predominance of tropical and subtropical climates here. Deviations in the location of climatic zones and local differences within their limits are caused by the characteristics of the underlying surface (warm and cold currents) and the degree of influence of adjacent continents with the atmospheric circulation developing above them.

Main features of atmospheric circulation over the Pacific Ocean are determined five areas of high and low pressure. On Saturday tropical latitudes In both hemispheres, two dynamic areas of high pressure are constant over the Pacific Ocean - the North Pacific, or Hawaiian, and South Pacific highs, the centers of which are located in the eastern part of the ocean. At equatorial latitudes, these regions are separated by a constant dynamic region reduced pressure, developed more strongly in the west. To the north and south of the subtropical highs at higher latitudes there are two lows - the Aleutian, centered over the Aleutian Islands, and the Antarctic, elongated from the east. on west, in the Antarctic zone. The first exists only in winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the second - throughout the year.

Subtropical maxima determine the existence of a stable system of trade winds in the tropical and subtropical latitudes of the Pacific Ocean, which consists of the northeast trade wind in the Northern Hemisphere and south-eastern in South. The trade wind zones are separated by an equatorial calm zone, in which weak and unstable winds predominate with a high frequency of calms.

The Northwest Pacific is a pronounced monsoon region. In winter, the northwest monsoon dominates here, bringing cold and dry air from the Asian mainland, in summer - the southeast monsoon, bringing warm and wet air from the ocean. Monsoons disrupt the trade wind circulation and lead to air flowing out of the Northern hemisphere to the South, in the summer - in the opposite direction.

The greatest strength constant winds have in temperate latitudes and especially in South hemispheres. The frequency of storms in the Northern Hemisphere is at temperate latitudes from 5% in summer to 30% in winter. In tropical latitudes, constant winds of storm force are extremely rare, but from time to time tropical hurricanes - typhoons - pass through here. Most often they occur in the warm half of the year V western part of the Pacific Ocean. In the Northern Hemisphere, typhoons are directed mainly from the area lying east and north-west of the Philippines, towards Japan, in the Southern Hemisphere - from the area of ​​the New Hebrides and Samoa islands towards Australia. In the eastern part of the ocean, typhoons are rare and occur only in the Northern Hemisphere.

The distribution of air temperature is subject to general latitudinal zonality. The average February temperature decreases from + 26 -I- 28 “C in the equatorial region to - 20 ° C in the Bering Strait. The average temperature in August varies from + 26 - + 28 “ WITH in the equatorial zone up to + 5 °C in the Bering Strait.

The pattern of temperature decrease from the equator to high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere is disrupted by the influence of warm and cold currents and winds. In this regard, there are large differences between temperatures on east and west at the same latitudes. With the exception of the area adjacent to Asia (mainly the region of marginal seas), in almost the entire zone of the tropics and subtropics, that is, within most of the ocean, the west is several degrees warmer than the east. This difference is due to the fact that in the indicated belt the western part Quiet The ocean is warmed by trade winds (Kuroshio and East Australian) and their winds, while the eastern part is cooled by the California and Peruvian currents. In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, on the contrary, the west is colder than the east in all seasons. The difference reaches 10-12° and is mainly caused by the fact that here the western part of the Pacific Ocean is cooled by the cold Kuril Current, and the eastern part is heated by the warm Alaskan Current. In the moderate and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, under the influence of westerly winds and the predominance in all seasons of winds with a westerly component, temperature changes occur naturally and there is no significant difference between east and west.

Cloudiness and precipitation throughout the year are greatest in areas with low atmospheric pressure and near mountain coasts, since in both areas there is a significant increase in air flows. In temperate latitudes, cloudiness is 70-90, in the equatorial zone 60-70%, in trade wind zones and in subtropical high pressure areas it decreases to 30-50, and in some areas in the Southern Hemisphere - to 10 %.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the zone where the trade winds meet, which lies north of the equator (between 2-4 and 9 ~ 18° N), where intense rising air moisture develops. In this zone the precipitation amount is more than 3000 mm. In temperate latitudes, the amount of precipitation increases from 1000 mm in the west to 2000-3000 mm or more in the east.

The least amount of precipitation occurs on the eastern edges of subtropical high pressure areas, where prevailing downdrafts and cold sea currents are unfavorable for moisture condensation. In these areas, the amount of precipitation is: in the Northern Hemisphere west of the California Peninsula - less than 200, in the Southern Hemisphere west of Peru - less than 100, and at some points even less than 30 mm. In the western parts of the subtropical regions, the amount of precipitation increases to 1500-2000 mm. In the high latitudes of both hemispheres, due to weak evaporation at low temperatures, the amount of precipitation decreases to 500-300 mm or less.

In the Pacific Ocean, fogs form mainly in temperate latitudes. Most common They in the area adjacent to the Kuril and Aleutian Islands, in the summer season, when the water is colder than the air. The frequency of fog here is 30-40% in summer, 5-10% in winter And less. In the Southern Hemisphere V in temperate latitudes, the frequency of fogs during the year is 5-10%.

Date of: 01.04.2017

Climatic conditions

- The average air temperature over the Pacific Ocean in winter is from + 26 ° C at the equator to - 20 ° C over the Bering Strait; in summer according to +8 ° С... +27 ° С
- The average water temperature in the Pacific Ocean is 2 ° C higher than in the Indian and Atlantic, which is explained by the placement of most of the ocean in a hot thermal zone;
- A smaller part is located in the temperate and subarctic climatic zones;

- Average rainfall at the equator 3000 mm, in temperate zones- from 1000 mm in the west to 2000-3000 mm in the east;

Atmospheric circulation
- Atmospheric pressure areas affecting atmospheric circulation: Aleutian Low; North Pacific, South Pacific, Antarctic highs;
- Atmospheric circulation: trade winds (tropical, subtropical latitudes), which causes typhoons; western (temperate latitudes), in temperate latitudes in the northeast, pronounced monsoon circulation.

Properties of water masses

All types of water masses are represented in the Pacific Ocean.
So, according to latitude, they are divided into equatorial, tropical, temperate and polar.
By depth - bottom, deep, intermediate and surface.
The main properties of water masses are their temperature and salinity.

So, average temperature surface water in February is + 26 ° ... + 28 ° C at the equator and -0.5 ° ... - 1 ° C at the Kuril Islands; in August the water temperature is 25 ° ... + 29 ° C at the equator and + 5 ° ... +8 ° C in the Bering Strait.

The highest salinity of waters is in subtropical latitudes (35.5-36.5%o), and in temperate latitudes it decreases (33.5-30%o).

Ice forms in the north and south of the ocean, on most of the coast of Antarctica. In winter, icebergs reach 61°-64°S. latitude, in summer - up to 46 ° -48 ° S. w.

Ocean currents

The circulation of the atmosphere forms a powerful circulation of surface currents in the Pacific Ocean. So, in the tropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. And under the influence of an area of ​​​​constant high atmospheric pressure over Hawaii, water masses (as well as air masses) move clockwise, bringing warm water from the equator. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, air and water circulate counterclockwise due to an area of ​​​​constant high atmospheric pressure in the east tropical zone. The circulation of air and water masses in the Southern Hemisphere causes different temperatures waters in the east and west of the ocean.

Formed in the Pacific Ocean greatest number surface currents.

Warm: Kuroshio, North Pacific, Alaskan, South Trade Wind, North Trade Wind, East Australian.

Cold; Peruvian, Californian, Kuril, Western winds.

Over the Pacific Ocean they are formed under the influence of planetary factors covering most of the world. Just as above the Atlantic, in the subtropical latitudes of both hemispheres above the ocean there are centers of constant baric maxima, in the equatorial latitudes there is an equatorial depression, in the temperate and subpolar regions there are areas of low pressure: in the north - the seasonal (winter) Aleutian minimum, in the south - part of the permanent Antarctic (more precisely, the Antarctic) belt. The formation of climate is also influenced by pressure centers formed over the adjacent continents.

Wind systems are formed in accordance with the distribution of atmospheric pressure over the ocean. Subtropical highs and equatorial depressions determine the action of trade winds in tropical latitudes. Due to the fact that the centers of the North Pacific and South Pacific highs are shifted towards the American continents, the highest speeds and stability of trade winds are observed in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean.

South easterly winds stay here up to 80% of the time in the annual hatch, their prevailing speeds are 6-15 m/s (maximum - up to 20 m/s). Northeast winds have slightly less stability - up to 60-70%, their prevailing speeds are 6-10 m/s. Trade winds rarely reach storm force.

Maximum wind speeds (up to 50 m/s) are associated with the passage of tropical cyclones - typhoons.

Frequency of tropical cyclones in the Pacific Ocean (according to L. S. Minina and N. A. Bezrukov, 1984)

Typically typhoons occur in the summer and originate in several areas. The first area is located east of the Philippine Islands, from where tropical cyclones move in northwest and northerly directions towards East Asia and further northeast towards the Bering Sea. Every year, typhoons hit the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, the eastern coast of China and some other areas, accompanied by torrential rains, hurricane winds and storm waves up to 10-12 m high, causing significant destruction and leading to the death of thousands of people. Another area is located northeast of Australia in the New Hebrides Islands, from here typhoons move towards Australia and New Zealand. In the eastern part of the ocean, tropical cyclones rarely occur; the area of ​​their origin is the coastal areas adjacent to Central America. The paths of these hurricanes run through the coastal areas of California towards the Gulf of Alaska.

In the equatorial latitudes in the trade wind convergence zone, weak and unstable winds prevail, and calm weather is very typical. In the temperate latitudes of both hemispheres they dominate westerly winds, especially in the southern part of the ocean. It is in the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere that they are most powerful (the “roaring forties”) and persistent. Frequently occurring cyclones on the polar front determine the formation of storm winds here with a speed of more than 16 m/s and a frequency of occurrence of autumn-winter period up to 40%. Directly off the coast of Antarctica in high latitudes, easterly winds prevail. In the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, strong westerly winds in winter give way to weak ones in summer.

The northwest Pacific Ocean is an area of ​​pronounced monsoon circulation. The extremely powerful Asian High in winter generates northerly and northwesterly winds here, carrying cold and dry air from the mainland. In summer, they are replaced by southern and southeastern winds, carrying warm and humid air from the ocean to the mainland.

Air temperatures and precipitation

The large extent of the Pacific Ocean in the meridional direction determines significant interlatitudinal differences in thermal parameters at the water surface. Over the ocean waters, the latitudinal zonality of heat distribution is clearly visible.

The highest temperatures (up to 36-38°C) are observed in the northern tropic region east of the Philippine Sea and in the area of ​​the California and Mexican coasts. The lowest are in Antarctica (up to - 60°C).

The distribution of air temperature over the ocean is significantly influenced by directions prevailing winds, as well as warm and cold ocean currents. In general, at low latitudes, the western part of the Pacific Ocean is warmer than the eastern part.

The influence of the land of the continents surrounding the ocean is extremely great. The predominantly latitudinal course of isotherms of any month is usually disrupted in the contact zones of continents and the ocean, as well as under the influence of prevailing air flows and ocean currents.

The influence is exclusively great importance in the distribution of air temperature over the ocean. It is colder over the southern half of the ocean than over the northern half. This is one of the manifestations of the Earth's polar asymmetry.

Distribution atmospheric precipitation is also subject to general latitudinal zonality.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the equatorial-tropical trade wind convergence zone - up to 3000 mm per year or more. They are especially abundant in its western part - in the area of ​​the Sunda Islands, the Philippines and New Guinea, where powerful convection develops in conditions of unusually fragmented land. To the east of the Caroline Islands, annual precipitation exceeds 4800 mm. In the equatorial “calm zone” there is significantly less precipitation, and in the east in the equatorial latitudes there is a relatively dry zone (less than 500 mm and even 250 mm per year). In temperate latitudes, annual precipitation amounts are significant and amount to 1000 mm or more in the west and up to 2000-3000 mm or more in the east of the ocean. The least amount of precipitation falls in areas of subtropical baric maximums, especially along their eastern periphery, where downward air flows are most stable. In addition, cold ocean currents (California and Peru) pass here, contributing to the development of inversion. Thus, to the west of the California Peninsula, less than 200 mm falls, and off the coast of Peru and northern Chile - less than 100 mm of precipitation per year, and in some areas above the Peruvian Current - 50-30 mm or less. At high latitudes of both hemispheres due to weak evaporation in conditions low temperatures air precipitation is low - up to 500-300 mm per year or less.

The distribution of precipitation in the intertropical convergence zone is generally uniform throughout the year. The same is observed in subtropical high pressure areas. In the area of ​​the Aleutian pressure minimum, they fall mainly in winter during the period greatest development cyclonic activity. The winter maximum precipitation is also typical for temperate and subpolar latitudes of the South Pacific Ocean. In the monsoon northwestern region, maximum precipitation occurs in summer.

Cloudiness over the Pacific Ocean in the annual output reaches maximum values ​​in temperate latitudes. Fogs most often form there, especially over the water area adjacent to the Kuril and Aleutian Islands, where their frequency is summer period is 30-40%. In winter, the likelihood of fog occurring sharply decreases. Fogs are common along the western coasts of continents in tropical latitudes.

The Pacific Ocean is located in all climate zones except the Arctic.

Physicochemical properties of waters

The Pacific Ocean is considered the warmest of the Earth's oceans. The average annual surface water temperature is 19.1°C (1.8°C higher than the temperature and 1.5°C - ). This is due to the huge volume water basin- heat storage device, large area water areas in the most heated equatorial-tropical regions (more than 50% of the total), isolation of the Pacific Ocean from the cold Arctic basin. The influence of Antarctica in the Pacific Ocean is also weaker compared to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans due to its huge area.

The temperature distribution of surface waters of the Pacific Ocean is determined mainly by heat exchange with the atmosphere and circulation of water masses. In the open ocean, isotherms usually have a latitudinal variation, with the exception of areas with meridional (or submeridional) transport of water by currents. Particularly strong deviations from latitudinal zonality in the temperature distribution of ocean surface waters are observed along the western and eastern coasts, where meridional (submeridional) flows close the main circulation circuits of the Pacific Ocean waters.

In equatorial-tropical latitudes the highest seasonal and annual temperatures waters - 25-29°С, and their maximum values ​​(31-32°С) belong to the western regions of equatorial latitudes. At low latitudes, the western part of the ocean is warmer than the eastern part by 2-5°C. In areas of the California and Peruvian currents, the temperature can be 12-15°C lower than in coastal waters located at the same latitudes in the western part of the ocean. In the temperate and subpolar waters of the Northern Hemisphere, the western sector of the ocean, on the contrary, is colder than the eastern one by 3-7°C throughout the year. In summer, the water temperature in the Bering Strait is 5-6°C. In winter, the zero isotherm passes through the middle part of the Bering Sea. The minimum temperature here is up to -1.7-1.8°C. In Antarctic waters in areas of distribution floating ice the water temperature rarely rises to 2-3°C. in winter negative values temperatures are observed south of 60-62° south. w. In the temperate and subpolar latitudes of the southern part of the ocean, the isotherms have a smooth sublatitudinal variation; there is no significant difference in water temperatures between the western and eastern parts of the ocean.

Salinity and density of waters

The distribution of salinity in the waters of the Pacific Ocean follows general patterns. In general, this indicator at all depths is lower than in others, which is explained by the size of the ocean and the significant remoteness of the central parts of the ocean from the arid regions of the continents. The water balance of the ocean is characterized by a significant excess of the amount of atmospheric precipitation together with river runoff over the amount of evaporation. In addition, in the Pacific Ocean, in contrast to the Atlantic and Indian, at intermediate depths there is no entry of especially saline waters of the Mediterranean and Red Sea types. The centers of formation of highly saline waters on the surface of the Pacific Ocean are the subtropical regions of both hemispheres, since evaporation here significantly exceeds the amount of precipitation.

Both highly saline zones (35.5% o in the north and 36.5% o in the south) are located above 20° latitude of both hemispheres. North of 40° N. w. salinity decreases especially quickly. At the top of the Gulf of Alaska it is 30-31% o. In the Southern Hemisphere, the decrease in salinity from the subtropics to the south slows down due to the influence of the current Western Winds: up to 60° south w. it remains more than 34%o, and off the coast of Antarctica it decreases to 33%o. Water desalination is also observed in equatorial-tropical regions with large amounts of precipitation. Between the centers of salinization and desalinization of waters, the distribution of salinity is strongly influenced by currents. Along the coast, currents carry desalinated waters from high latitudes to lower latitudes in the east of the ocean, and salty waters in the opposite direction in the west. Thus, on the isohaline maps, “tongues” of desalinated waters that come with the California and Peruvian currents are clearly expressed.

The most general pattern of changes in water density in the Pacific Ocean is an increase in its values ​​from equatorial-tropical zones to high latitudes. Consequently, the decrease in temperature from the equator to the poles completely covers the decrease in salinity throughout the entire space from the tropics to high latitudes.

Ice formation in the Pacific Ocean occurs in the Antarctic regions, as well as in the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas(partly in the Yellow Sea, bays east coast Kamchatka and about. Hokkaido and the Gulf of Alaska). The distribution of ice mass across the hemispheres is very uneven. Its main share falls on the Antarctic region. In the north of the ocean, the vast majority of floating ice formed in winter melts by the end of summer. Fast ice does not reach a significant thickness during the winter and also collapses in the summer. In the northern part of the ocean, the maximum age of ice is 4-6 months. During this time, it reaches a thickness of 1-1.5 m. The southernmost border of floating ice was noted off the coast of the island. Hokkaido at 40° N. sh., and off the eastern shore of the Gulf of Alaska - at 50° N. w.

The average position of the ice distribution boundary passes over the continental slope. The southern deep-sea part of the Bering Sea never freezes, although it is located significantly north of the freezing areas of the Japanese and Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Removal of ice from the Northern Arctic Ocean practically absent. On the contrary, in summer some of the ice is carried out from the Bering Sea to the Chukchi Sea. In the northern Gulf of Alaska, several coastal glaciers (Malaspina) are known to produce small icebergs. Typically, in the northern part of the ocean, ice is not a serious obstacle to ocean navigation. Only in some years, under the influence of winds and currents, ice “plugs” are created that close the navigable straits (Tatarsky, La Perouse, etc.).

In the southern part of the ocean, large masses of ice are present all year round, and all types of it extend far to the north. Even in summer, the edge of floating ice remains on average at about 70° S. latitude, and in some winters with particularly harsh conditions the ice extends to 56-60° south. w.

Floating Thickness sea ​​ice by the end of winter it reaches 1.2-1.8 m. It does not have time to grow any more, since it is carried by currents to the north to more warm waters and is destroyed. There is no multi-year pack ice in Antarctica. The powerful ice caps of Antarctica give rise to numerous icebergs that reach 46-50° S. w. They reach the farthest north in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean, where individual icebergs were found at almost 40° S. w. The average size of Antarctic icebergs is 2-3 km long and 1-1.5 km wide. Record dimensions - 400×100 km. The height of the surface part ranges from 10-15 m to 60-100 m. The main areas where icebergs appear are the Ross and Amundsen seas with their large ice shelves.

The processes of ice formation and melting are important factor hydrological regime water masses of high-latitude regions of the Pacific Ocean.

Water dynamics

The peculiarities of circulation over the water area and adjacent parts of the continents are primarily determined general scheme surface currents in the Pacific Ocean. Similar and genetically related circulation systems are formed in the atmosphere and ocean.

As in the Atlantic, northern and southern subtropical anticyclonic current circulations and a cyclonic circulation in the northern temperate latitudes are formed in the Pacific Ocean. But unlike other oceans, there is a powerful, stable Inter-trade wind countercurrent, which forms, with the North and South trade wind currents, two narrow tropical circulations in equatorial latitudes: the northern - cyclonic and the southern - anticyclonic. Off the coast of Antarctica, under the influence of winds with an eastern component blowing from the mainland, the Antarctic Current is formed. It interacts with the current of the Western Winds, and here another cyclonic circulation is formed, especially well expressed in the Ross Sea. Thus, in the Pacific Ocean, compared with other oceans, the dynamic system surface water. Zones of convergence and divergence of water masses are associated with circulations.

Off the western shores of the Northern and South America in tropical latitudes, where the flow of surface waters by the Californian and Peruvian currents is enhanced by stable winds along the coast, upwelling is most pronounced.

An important role in the circulation of the waters of the Pacific Ocean belongs to the subsurface Cromwell, which is a powerful flow moving under the South Trade Wind Current at a depth of 50-100 m or more from west to east and compensating for the loss of water driven by the trade winds in the eastern part of the ocean.

The length of the current is about 7000 km, the width is about 300 km, the speed is from 1.8 to 3.5 km/h. average speed most of the main surface currents is 1-2 km / h, Kuroshio and Peruvian - up to 3 km / h. The North and South Trade winds differ in the largest water transfer - 90-100 million m 3 / s, Kuroshio carries 40-60 million m 3 /s (for comparison, the California Current is 10-12 million m 3 /s).

The tides in most of the Pacific Ocean are irregular semidiurnal. Tides of a regular semidiurnal character prevail in the southern part of the ocean. Small areas in the equatorial and northern parts of the water area have daily tides.

The height of tidal waves averages 1-2 m, in the bays of the Gulf of Alaska - 5-7 m, in Cook Inlet - up to 12 m. Highest height tides in the Pacific Ocean were observed in Penzhina Bay (Sea of ​​Okhotsk) - more than 13 m.

The Pacific Ocean produces the highest wind waves (up to 34 m). The stormiest zones are 40-50° N. w. and 40-60°S sh., where the height of the waves with strong and prolonged winds reaches 15-20 m.

Storm activity is most intense in the area between Antarctica and New Zealand. In tropical latitudes, the prevailing waves are caused by trade winds; they are quite stable in the direction and height of the waves - up to 2-4 m. Despite the enormous wind speed in typhoons, the height of the waves in them does not exceed 10-15 m (since the radius and duration of these tropical cyclones are small ).

The islands and coasts of Eurasia in the northern and northwestern parts of the ocean, as well as the shores of South America, are often visited by tsunamis, which have repeatedly caused heavy destruction and human casualties here.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water in the world. It stretches from the very north of the planet to its south, reaching the shores of Antarctica. It reaches its greatest width at the equator, in the tropical and subtropical zones. Therefore, the climate of the Pacific Ocean is more defined as warm, because most of it is in the tropics. This ocean contains both warm and warm waters. It depends on which continent the bay is adjacent to in one place or another and what atmospheric flows are formed above it.

Atmospheric circulation

In many ways, the climate of the Pacific Ocean depends on the atmospheric pressure that forms above it. In this section, geographers identify five main areas. Among them there are zones of both high and low pressure. In the subtropics in both hemispheres of the planet, two areas of high pressure are formed above the ocean. They are called the North Pacific or Hawaiian High and the South Pacific High. The closer to the equator, the lower the pressure becomes. We also note that the atmospheric dynamics are lower in the east than in the east. In the north and south of the ocean, dynamic lows are formed - the Aleutian and the Antarctic, respectively. The northern one exists only in the winter season, while the southern one is stable all year round in terms of its atmospheric features.


Factors such as trade winds largely influence the climate of the Pacific Ocean. Briefly speaking, such wind currents are formed in the tropics and subtropics in both hemispheres. A system of trade winds has been established there for centuries, which also determine a stable hot air temperature. They are separated by a strip of equatorial calm. This area is mostly calm, but there are occasional light winds. In the northwestern part of the ocean, the most frequent guests are the monsoons. In winter, the wind blows from the Asian continent, bringing with it cold and dry air. In summer, the oceanic wind blows, which increases the humidity and temperature of the air. The temperate climate zone, as well as the entire southern hemisphere, starting from the subtropical climate, is subject to strong winds. The climate of the Pacific Ocean in these areas is characterized by typhoons, hurricanes, and gusty winds.

Air temperature

In order to clearly understand what temperatures the Pacific Ocean is characterized by, the map will come to our aid. We see that this body of water is located in all climatic zones, starting from the northern, icy, passing through the equator and ending with the southern, also icy. Above the surface of the entire reservoir, the climate is subject to latitudinal zonality and winds, which bring hot or cold temperatures to certain regions. In equatorial latitudes, the thermometer shows from 20 to 28 degrees in August, approximately the same figures are observed in February. In temperate latitudes, February temperatures reach -25 Celsius, and in August the thermometer rises to +20.

Characteristics of currents, their influence on temperature

The peculiarities of the climate of the Pacific Ocean are that in the same latitudes at the same time different weather can be observed. This is how everything works out because the ocean consists of various currents that bring warm or cold cyclones here from the continents. So, first, let's look at In the tropics, the western part of the reservoir is always warmer than the eastern. This is due to the fact that in the west the waters are warmed by trade winds and the Kuroshio and East Australian currents. In the east, the waters are cooled by the Peruvian and California currents. In the temperate climate zone, on the contrary, the east is warmer than the west. Here the western part is cooled by the Kuril Current, and the eastern part is heated by the Alaskan Current. If we consider the Southern Hemisphere, we will not find a significant difference between the West and the East. Here everything happens naturally, since trade winds and high latitude winds distribute the temperature over the surface of the water equally.

Clouds and pressure

Also, the climate of the Pacific Ocean depends on the atmospheric phenomena that form over one or another area. Rising air flows are observed in low pressure areas, as well as in coastal areas where there is mountainous terrain. The closer to the equator, the fewer clouds gather over the waters. In temperate latitudes they are contained in 80-70 percent, in the subtropics - 60-70%, in the tropics - 40-50%, and at the equator only 10 percent.


Now consider what is fraught with the Pacific Ocean. zones shows that the highest humidity here occurs in the tropical and subtropical zones, which are located north of the equator. Here the amount of precipitation is equal to 3000 mm. In temperate latitudes this figure is reduced to 1000-2000 mm. We also note that in the West the climate is always drier than in the East. The driest region of the ocean is considered to be the coastal zone near the California Peninsula and off the coast of Peru. Here, due to problems with condensation, the amount of precipitation is reduced to 300-200 mm. In some areas it is extremely low and is only 30 mm.

Climate of the Pacific seas

In the classical version, it is generally accepted that this water reservoir has three seas - the Japanese, Bering and Okhotsk. These bodies of water are separated from the main reservoir by islands or peninsulas, they are adjacent to continents and belong to countries, in this case Russia. Their climate is determined by the interaction of ocean and land. On average, the temperature above the water surface in February is about 15-20 below zero, in the coastal zone - 4 below zero. The Sea of ​​Japan is the warmest, so the temperature there remains within +5 degrees. The most severe winters occur in the north. Here the thermometer can show below -30 degrees. In summer, the seas heat up to an average of 16-20 above zero. Naturally, Okhotsk in this case will be cold - +13-16, and Japanese can heat up to +30 or more.


The Pacific Ocean, which is essentially the largest geographical feature on the planet, is characterized by a very diverse climate. Regardless of the time of year, a certain atmospheric influence is formed over its waters, which generates low or high temperatures, strong winds or complete calms.

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