Rods new. Flying rods. Revelation. Incredible theory about flying rods

flying rods

skyfish(from the English "sky" - "sky" and "fish" - "fish"), they are also often called "rods"(eng. "rods") - image artifacts in the form of elongated thin objects with a longitudinal flickering "fringe", created by fast-flying insects falling into the video frame.

For the first time, the American ufologist Jose Escamilla, who conducted amateur video filming, drew attention to this phenomenon (USA, New Mexico, 1994). He was the first to start targeted searches and surveys of skyfish. According to Escamilla, these objects exhibit complex behavior, and may possess the rudiments of reason. Following Escamilla, a lot of people around the globe took up the search for "rods". A huge amount of video and photographic materials of different quality has accumulated, and even unsubstantiated statements about the capture of these creatures.


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  • Summer II de Macon
  • flying pancake

See what "Flying Rods" is in other dictionaries:

    FLYING LIZARDS- (Pterosauria) Suborder Ramphorhynchus (Ramphorhynchoidei) Genus Ramphorhyncus RAMPHORHYNCH Genus Dimorphodon DIMORPHODON Suborder Pterodactyls (Pterodactyloidei) a detachment of extinct Mesozoic reptiles flying lizards whose wings were formed by leather ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

    Unidentified Flying Objects

    Unidentified flying objects- For an article on sports equipment, see Flying disc. A UFO allegedly observed in New Jersey in 1952 (from the archives of the CIA) UFO (unidentified flying object, eng. unidentified flying object) “the perception of an object or light visible in the sky or over ... Wikipedia

    John Dies at the End (novel)- John dies at the end of John Dies at the End

    Unknown flying object- UFO allegedly sighted in New Jersey in 1952 (proven fake) (from CIA archives) "UFO" redirects here; perhaps you were looking for an article about fil ... Wikipedia

    UFO- For an article on sports equipment, see Flying disc. A UFO allegedly observed in New Jersey in 1952 (from the archives of the CIA) UFO (unidentified flying object, eng. unidentified flying object) “the perception of an object or light visible in the sky or over ... Wikipedia

    Unknown flying object- For an article on sports equipment, see Flying disc. A UFO allegedly observed in New Jersey in 1952 (from the archives of the CIA) UFO (unidentified flying object, eng. unidentified flying object) “the perception of an object or light visible in the sky or over ... Wikipedia

    UFO- For an article on sports equipment, see Flying disc. A UFO allegedly observed in New Jersey in 1952 (from the archives of the CIA) UFO (unidentified flying object, eng. unidentified flying object) “the perception of an object or light visible in the sky or over ... Wikipedia

    Plover family (Charadriidae)- This is the central family of shorebirds, to which the vast majority of species of the order belong. The characterization of this family largely coincides with the characterization of the order as a whole, already given above. All related to the family ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

    tinamaceae family- The body of birds of this family, due to the strongly developed pectoral muscles, is thick; the neck, on the contrary, is thin and long, and the head is small and flat; the beak is long, thin and curved, without a horny outgrowth at the end, rather covered with a horny mass, ... ... Animal life

Flying rods.


Chapter 1 - We live in a very strange world. Page 2

Chapter 2 - Facts without comment. Page 3

Chapter 3 - Let's try to combine the facts. Page 7

Chapter 4 - Now the word to science. Page 12

Chapter 5 - How do we communicate? Page 19

Chapter 6 - Civilizations of the past. Page 23

Chapter 7 - About the end of the world and about the new cycle. Page 33

“The eras that have gone into eternity also created beings who reached perfection,

how the beings of our matter reach it... Can't we find them somehow? There are facts that we do not believe until we ourselves fall under their influence. They speak for the existence of some kind of forces that recognize our thoughts, interfere in our affairs, and so on. It would not make sense to dissolve your imagination in this way if it were not required by the presence of phenomena to which I personally was exposed, like some others.

1 chapter. We live in a very strange world.

In the media, there are more and more reports of various phenomena that go beyond the usual understanding of our world. This publication combines and analyzes the accumulated information about such phenomena, and on their basis, an attempt is made to come to a certain denominator. I think that this attempt was successful.
To a sophisticated reader, almost all the examples given will seem familiar and even well-known, since he has already read or heard about them. At the same time, widely known facts, are presented in the light of a new understanding of the surrounding reality, and may seem fantastic. But facts are stubborn things.
So, here is a list of published phenomena: unidentified flying objects (UFOs), flying rods of various sizes (skyfish), SHONGs (spherical formations of unknown genesis) and how their varieties are well known Ball lightning. Also, at first glance, not related to them, poltergeist, drummers, brownies, ghosts, and the like.



It turns out that on a par with the listed phenomena, it is necessary to put unusual archaeological finds. For example, "Chandar Stone" or "Dashkin Stone" Photo.1, miniature springs made of metal of an unusual alloy, found in river bottom sediments 14 thousand years old. Photo.2.

Also, minor events in general, but obvious to each of the witnesses, are entitled to their place in the list. For example, the "post-mortem experience", described in detail in the book "Life after Life" by the author Raymond Moody and published in Russia in the 90s. The founder of Russian cosmonautics spoke about such phenomena, publishing the article “The Beast of Space”, in which the same topic is touched upon, either aliens or aliens, which for many does not make a significant difference.

It turns out that, at first glance, completely different phenomena successfully fit into a single concept, which will be proposed in this publication.
A special place is occupied by UFOs. Their various modifications have been observed and continue to be observed by numerous witnesses. Their solo and group flights, filmed various photos and film cameras and their reality is beyond doubt.

Another amazing fact has received wide publicity. NASA research space stations recorded a large number of UFO giant size located directly at the surface of the Sun. These frames can be seen on several sites with the theme - "UFO in the sun."

Flying rods must be attributed to the category of UFOs. This publication is mostly devoted to this phenomenon.
For no apparent reason, poltergeist manifestations begin in the houses. Dishes begin to fall and various objects fall off their places. Sometimes, objects hit people, causing them minor but significant damage.
In the 70s, Soviet sailors observed a massive accumulation of UFOs in the Atlantic Ocean. Numerous objects in the form of discs, diameter meters, in turn went under the water, then returned to the surface and flew inside another, much larger UFO, having the shape of a huge rod. They flew out of it from the other side, and everything repeated. Everything that happens, more like loading operations involving high technology. Serious people who have military ranks and there is no doubt about the authenticity of their stories. But what was loaded on board a huge UFO in the form of a rod, and what was unloaded from it, after reading this book, the reader will understand for himself.

There are many similar messages, for example from France. Interestingly, all practically identical events were observed during the so-called Cold War. Consequently, there could not be any “agreement” between the eyewitnesses. This activity of the UFO, which is not yet clear to us, does not stop even today. IN Lately, similar UFO activity was also observed in pacific ocean.
At first glance, there is nothing in common between UFOs, poltergeists and drummers. However, careful analysis shows that this is not the case. All together, they add up to a single, coherent picture. And the conclusions drawn on the basis of these phenomena, enter into a state of shock, even a sophisticated person, and force them to take a different look at themselves and the world around them.

Chapter 2 Facts without comments.

Now, we will focus on one of the most significant problems of our life, before which any achievements in any field fade. human activity. The problem facing every person.
The problem we are talking about is called "death". This word, we call the moment of cessation of the vital activity of the organism. During life, from birth to old age, our organs wear out. The complex organic molecules that make up our body lose their properties over time. Changes occur in cells, the accumulation of which makes their further functioning impossible.
It is currently believed that the human body is able to live 160 years. This is the limit. Its further operation is impossible. Replacing old organs with young ones does not lead to a significant increase in life span. Also, without visible success, genetic experiments are being carried out. It is believed that in the foreseeable future it will be possible to isolate the gene responsible for the aging and dying of body cells, but so far, there are many ambiguities in this situation.
Although the duration human life grows, this growth is not due to direct human intervention. Life expectancy increases, as it were, by itself, along with an improvement in the quality of life. It is believed that the generation born today will live to be 100 years old. That is, children or grandchildren of those who were born today will be able to live to the age limit of 160 years. But in any case, the problem of human mortality is not removed from the agenda.
At the same time, it turned out that the solution to the problem called "death" exists! No matter how fantastic such a statement may sound, the solution is practically in sight and is waiting for when, finally, we deign to see it. What we will do now.
At the same time, it may seem that the further narrative is not related to the topic of human mortality. But let's not rush.
In 2005, the documentary “Rods!” gained popularity on the Internet. (Rods) directed by Stasi Keach. According to the plot of the film, young people, lovers of extreme sports, had to jump into a deep cave, failure earth's crust, with a parachute. At the moment of free fall, the camera shooting from above clearly recorded how over each of them, making a turn, an object flew by, shaped like a rod, about a meter long. In addition to the rod-like shape, the object has a noticeable pulsating field surrounding it. The jump was made by several people, and a rod flew by each of them. And to see the rods allowed the method of accelerated shooting, which was used when making the film.
First, about this phenomenon, in the means mass media, announced the ufologist from the USA, Jose Escamilla, who conducted amateur filming (USA. State of New Mexico, 1994). According to Escamilla, these objects exhibit complex behavior and may have the beginnings of a mind.

And if we assume that the flying rods do not have rudiments, but a full-fledged mind. And all their flights fixed various videos and photographic equipment, are not random and have a specific purpose.

Let's take a closer look at the "flying rods". Judging by the frames that are available, flying rods, for the most part, can be divided into two types.

The rods are small, about 7 to 10 centimeters long (photos 5 and 6) and the rods are larger, about 1 meter long. Of course, there are rods of large sizes, but for now, we will not talk about them.

Photo. 3.




Both of them move at great speed, for this reason, a person, with the naked eye, practically cannot see them. But the situation changes radically when video equipment is used. When viewing the video in freeze frame or in slow motion, the flying rods are clearly visible.
After analyzing a large number of footage, it turns out an interesting fact. Almost all the shots in which a person and a large rod are present at the same time were filmed under one single condition.

What is this condition? What are these rods, and why do they fly? The answers to the questions posed will be given later. But, before answering them, for the sake of completeness, let's consider some evidence and facts that at first glance have nothing to do with flying rods.
I consider it necessary to recall the stories of people who have experienced clinical death. Many such testimonies were recorded, analyzed and published by the writer and scientist, Raymond Moody. The book is called Life After Life. Here are some of the many episodes.
During complex surgical operations, it happens that the patient experiences the so-called “clinical death”. At the moment of "clinical death", many patients experienced unusual sensations. They saw that they were leaving their own body, while they saw themselves and the doctors saving them, as if from the side, most often from above. Subsequently, they could describe in detail all the actions, conversations, even hairstyles and hair color on the head of the medical staff present at that time in the ward.
All such stories, the researcher called "post-mortem experience." But in his careful and scrupulous description of the collected evidence, Moody does not touch on one circumstance. In my opinion, all the described "visions" must be linked with the appearance of the so-called "incorporeal double" at the time of death. Both real and clinical death.
If the “post-mortem experience” of researchers studying the functions of the brain, with a big stretch and reservations, can be explained as hallucinations, but people who are just far from science are taken to explain the appearance of a “disembodied double” recorded on photographic film. However, it has been observed countless times.

"Double", most often located above the body, or in the upper corner of the room. It is not visible to the naked eye, but through the lens of a movie camera, and with accelerated shooting, it is fixed very well (a familiar circumstance). The disembodied double has been repeatedly filmed by various researchers and surprisingly resembles the “flying rod” from the film of the same name.
With numerous observations, it turned out that at the moment of death, the head of a deceased person was connected to the “incorporeal double” hovering over him with a kind of beam, the so-called “light cord”. This "cord" was repeatedly fixed by researchers and even received a number of exotic names: "light spiral", "smoky thread", "silver cord".
For some reason, the "light cord" did not receive a single epithet associated with a direct light beam. AND THIS IS NOT RANDOM. In the following chapters, we will be forced to call this phenomenon by another term. At present, in Quantum physics, the described "light cord" has a name - Quantum Teleportation. Its principle and purpose will be described later.
If the doctors managed to save the patient's life, managed to bring him out of the state of clinical death, then instead of the ward, the victim saw a tunnel, after which consciousness returned, and the "light cord" and "disembodied double" disappeared. I consider it necessary to link the appearance of a "disembodied double" over the body of a deceased person with his "post-mortem experience".

I want to note that in this publication, the author uses purely scientific calculations and testimonies of people who cause maximum confidence. It categorically excludes the use of mysticism or fantasy, as well as various near-scientific theories. At the same time, realizing that our civilization had to face phenomena that do not fit into the framework of the usual worldview, the author insists on a scientific approach to explaining them. For example, to a medieval person, our familiar cell phone will seem like the height of magic. In a similar way, today, we perceive the "incorporeal double" and its "light cord", although in reality, they are a product of high technology, and there is no need to talk about any supernatural phenomena.
In addition to the numerous testimonies described by Researcher Moody, there are other testimonies of witnesses, some of which are suggestive of interesting reflections.

This time, the witness did not have a clinical death. He was in a technological room filled with dangerous fumes. The gas mask, at the right moment, did not work, and there was a real threat to his life. With difficulty, getting out of the danger zone, he lost consciousness. Being in an unconscious state, a person experienced unusual sensations. At first, terrible roaring sounds hit the brain. He was terrified. But, after a couple of seconds, the horror and sounds disappeared, after which, a feeling of peace appeared. Someone, very kind, turned to him and kindly encouraged him. The words, in the sense that we perceive them, were not spoken, but the meaning of the address was clear. Then began, so to speak, the standard procedure. The man was shown a semblance of a tunnel, but the tunnel is not round, as usual, but rectangular. To be more precise, a rectangular cutout on a black background. After which he woke up.

There is a strong impression that the victim did not hear the “terrible roar” by chance. The conclusion suggests itself that the feeling of fear is caused artificially, for some purpose, which is not yet clear to us. Like testing. And this check, this test was carried out by Someone, with a “kind voice”. This reveals an interesting fact. It turns out that all people who have had a similar experience, invariably, in one way or another, receive their portion of fear. Later, well-known examples will be given, and we will understand why this is done.
In this chapter, the most characteristic examples of, so far, incomprehensible phenomena are given. There are many such cases and it makes no sense to list them. But, after analyzing all the above events, it turns out that they are not so “inexplicable”. Having made one single assumption, it turns out that the results of the analysis lead to their logical explanation and turn out to be simply incredible.

Chapter 3 Let's try to combine the facts.

After careful study of the footage of the flying rods, it became clear that the impenetrable halo of mystery that they had been surrounded by until now was gradually dissipating. And oddly enough, the solution is not at all where, until now, the attention of researchers has been directed. That is, the search for their habitats and the study of the method of movement.

It turned out that the topic of flying rods requires a separate study, and the availability of additional scientific knowledge. And only today, the possibility of a scientific explanation of the phenomenon has appeared. Now we will understand what is at stake.

Let's look at the frames on which the rods are captured. It turned out that all images obey a certain pattern. With rare exceptions, all frames can be divided into two groups.

In the first group of shots, the rods are shown in the sky, in flight. Photo.

In some pictures, you can see that next to the larger rods (about 1 meter long), there is a group of several, much smaller rods. Moreover, each small rod is surrounded by a kind of translucent shell. And next to one of them, a small object in the form of a ball or a small sphere is visible (bottom in the side row). Photo.7. Photo.8." width="559 height=413" height="413">

And in the second group of pictures, a certain pattern is clearly traced. The rods appear next to a person, directly at the moment when he is in a critical situation and experiences a feeling of fear or stress.

Photo.9. "Rod" flies next to the parachutist in a "long" jump. Naturally, a person in free fall experiences stress.

Photo.10. This photo shows how two young people got into a difficult situation. Hanging over the abyss, they experience a feeling of fear and right there, next to them, two rods fly by at once. One for each.

Photo.11. The rod flies next to the fire. As you know, the fire element always causes a sense of danger and natural fear.

Photo.12. At the air show in Ukraine, the fighter, during a demonstration flight, lost control and began to fall. A flying rod, almost immediately, appeared next to the falling plane. It is safe to say that the plane itself does not interest him. The rod is interested in pilots who, having got into critical situation are experiencing stress.

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In order to answer the question of how photons appear in the human body that are capable of interacting or “sticking” with electrons, we need to immediately turn to two, at first glance, little contiguous sciences. To the anatomy of the human body and quantum physics.

The experiment with "two slits" proves that there is such a connection, and now we will try to find it.

In the geometric center of the head, in the lower part of the cerebral hemispheres, there is an unusual organ called the pineal gland. And because of his unusual shape, it has a second name - the pineal body. Photo.14. For many years, researchers considered the pineal gland to be an unnecessary organ, like the appendix. But recent studies have shown that the pineal gland functions as an endocrine gland, the activity of which depends on the illumination and affects the production of the hormone melatonin.

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Studies have shown that grains of "brain sand" consist of deposits of hydroxyapatite crystals (1) as well as calcium hydrophosphate crystals (2) Photo.16.

Both compositions, in grains of "brain sand", are arranged in layers and each of them has unusual, if not unique, properties. Upper layer(1), composed of hydroxyapatite crystals, has a strength comparable to that of steel or diamond.

The second layer consists of calcium hydrophosphate crystals (2). And perhaps this chemical composition would not have raised questions if it were not for one amazing coincidence. It turns out that calcium hydrophosphate crystals are today considered one of the main contenders for the role of the substance, on the basis of which it is supposed to create a certain device called the Quantum Computer. Today, in the media, a lot is said about this device.

What is this device? Why is there so much noise around him?

Currently, many scientific teams around the world are actively working on the creation of such a device. But for this, many technological problems must be overcome. The first samples have already been created, with minimal capabilities. It is believed that if successful, the fastest computers physically possible will be created. At the same time, such a device will have unique properties.

On the one hand, the device is digital, on the other hand, it has an analog nature, that is, it can have intelligence.

During recent years, the active development of a new scientific direction called "Stochastics". Stochastic systems have unusual abilities, for example, the ability to self-develop and self-learn. At the same time, "stochastic systems" have another amazing property. They are fully compatible with quantum technologies. Technologies quantum computers.

But that's not all.

I want to say that such quantum computers are based on physical laws, which, from the point of view of the usual laws of classical physics, can be considered unnatural and contrary to “common sense”.

Such contradictions have brought more than one generation of physicists to despair.

For example, from the point of view of quantum physics, it is considered normal that a quantum particle (or their system) can be located at several points in space, while simultaneously having opposite spin states.

On the one hand, the phenomenon, which has received experimental confirmation, on the other hand, there is no logical explanation for it yet. Nevertheless, such a state of the particle is called “superposition”.

Another amazing phenomenon is called "quantum entanglement". It's unusual physical phenomenon, at which the quantum states of two objects (particles) turn out to be interdependent. This interdependence is preserved even if the objects (particles) are separated in space by a considerable distance.

If you measure an intricate system in superposition, that is, try to find out how it works, then one part of it will collapse, and the other part will acquire its classical indicators.

There is no need to ask what these phenomena are connected with. modern science, learned about the existence of strange laws of the microcosm, exclusively by experiment.

Their theoretical substantiation, still no.

But the lack of such a justification did not prevent us from starting to try to apply these amazing laws on practice.

I can say that such a circumstance has already taken place in history. For example, using electricity or radio communications. Their theory was not finally formed, but humanity has already actively used electric lighting, electric motors and radio communications.

Now, let's get back to our glowing brain sand. In order to understand what processes cause the glow and what is its purpose, I propose a version that can explain a lot. Including, the influence of the observer in the experiment with two slits.

So, the atoms of sodium hydrogen phosphate crystals emit photons. But how can such a process take place? At the same time, as it becomes clear, the glow of "brain sand" occurs throughout a person's life, perhaps for hundreds of years.

Let's remember that "brain sand" appears on the surface of the epiphysis in one day, without a gradual increase. So, there is a possibility of its installation. Its layered structure and amazing chemical composition make it possible to draw such a seemingly crazy conclusion. If, nevertheless, "brain sand" is of artificial origin, then the question arises. How could he get the properties he possesses?

Let us assume that the molecules of crystals of sodium hydrogen phosphate, before getting on the surface of the pineal gland, in the form of "brain sand", undergo preliminary preparation. The preparation process should proceed as follows.

Atoms of crystals of sodium hydrogen phosphate are forcibly irradiated. At the moment of FORCED irradiation, the electrons absorb the corresponding photons. At the moment of absorption, the electrons move to the upper orbital position. But their new position is unstable. Electrons tend to spontaneously emit a photon and return back to their original orbital state.

Spontaneous emission of photons occurs according to certain rules. With forced irradiation, the electrons moved to the upper orbitals in stages, so to speak, strictly in order of priority and within a certain time. After the cessation of forced irradiation, the electrons begin spontaneous (reverse) emission of photons, and the corresponding step-by-step, "return" to their original orbital positions. The process takes the same time as when moving to the upper orbital positions.

Now let's recall the experiment with two slits. We are faced with the fact that the observer emits photons that differ from photons from the surrounding space.

The fact is that in the process of forced transition of electrons to the upper orbitals, under certain conditions, an amazing interaction appears between them and the absorbed photons. It's called "quantum entanglement". The fact is that after the separation, between electrons and photons, the relationship, or “entanglement”, of which there is no final scientific explanation, is somehow preserved. And, as it turns out, this relationship can persist over long distances.

Not so long ago I watched a movie about "flying rods", at least that's what they are called. I want to briefly talk about the "rods" (for those who have not seen the film, or have not encountered similar phenomena. If you have not seen the film, you can watch it)

In general, there are certain creatures in the world, or better to say phenomena that different people, in different time, V different parts the world was captured on a photo, or film. To see this phenomenon live, as practice has shown, is impossible (although some claim to have seen it). This phenomenon was popularly called "flying rods" because of its shape.

Later this was filmed, which brought popularity to this phenomenon. After the release of the film, more photos and videos appeared. There are several hypotheses about what it is. Modern science, as always, does not want to deal with such "nonsense", therefore, mostly amateurs are engaged in the study of the phenomenon.

Some say that the "rods" are insects in flight, accidentally caught in the frame. But this assumption cannot be called correct, since it was possible to photograph the “rods” in such places where it is quite difficult for an insect to climb, if at all possible. And the shape of the "rods" in the photo is unlike any insects. It was also possible to photograph the "rods" of very large sizes, which insects cannot be.

For example, in this photo, the "rod" is simply gigantic in size

There are also supporters of the theory that these are "aliens". Dear ufologists, with all due respect, but still you can’t blame the aliens for everything. Although some of the photographed "rods" may well be some kind of aircraft (perhaps not terrestrial), but not all.

To date, the network has accumulated a huge amount of photos and materials about the "rods", some of which I publish in this article.
From all these materials follows:
- "rods" move in the air at great speed.
- you can see them only in a photo or video, you can’t see them with the naked eye.
- they can fly through solids (it seems ... in some movie I saw that one flew through a board or plywood, I don’t remember exactly).
- they are everywhere, when you carefully watch any TV channel or movie (for example, in slow motion), you can see them, which is confirmed by practice.
- the principle by which they move in the air is not clear.
- no one has managed to catch them so far ... (a funny phrase came out) ... as well as UFOs :)

... In general, several months have passed since I learned about the "rods" (and already managed to forget about them), when I came across an article on the Internet about a certain Grebennikov and his "gravitolpan". Grebennikov tells about his gravitoplane in the book “My World”, which I immediately downloaded and began to look for “interesting” things there. Later he began to "dig", to analyze, and as a result, "scribbled" his own article about it. And here, while writing this article, I remembered the “flying rods”. There is already a lot in common between the "gravitoplane", the mysterious insects that helped Grebennikov in his discovery, and the "flying rods".
Well, for example, Grebennikov claimed that during the flight he, along with the “graviplane”, became invisible, or the visibility was distorted, he also said that he could develop very high speed (and this despite the fact that his miracle gravitation plane beat homemade, made of boards and the remains of an old bicycle).

The rods also have high speed flight and are invisible to the “naked” eye, and in the photo they turn out to be strikingly similar to each other (despite the large difference in size). It seems to me (I think so :)), the similarity between the photographed “rods” of such different sizes is due to not by the structure of their “body” (or what they have there instead of it), but by the peculiarities of their movement. Take a look at the photos below.

These are quite "standard", similar to each other. Moreover, the “rods” themselves are transparent, but their “wings” are not, this is very clearly visible in the photo. In simple insects, it is usually the other way around, in the photo the wings are seen worse (which is natural).

And this one is more like an insect located at two points in the photo at once. Here the "rod body" is not transparent. (The usual smeared image of an insect, the fact that this insect is clearly visible, you can distinguish the wings and body. It looks like a beetle, or a huge fly. The photo itself looks like those when an object moving at high speed enters the frame - the object turns out to be smeared) Perhaps because he was flying at a slower speed, or due to other (unknown) reasons.

And here is where it gets really interesting. The pictures show that the "rods" are, as it were, "cut" into two parts. How can he (the rod) fly in one direction in two parts? :). Of course, maybe that part of the “rod” that is in the middle of the film was not fixed, but why? Could one part of the "body" fly faster :), or be more transparent than the rest? Although it may just be an optical effect. But on the first photo (out of these three) it is clearly seen that all the rods have "bodies" "cut". Those. the cut “rod bodies” can be fixed on film at a certain point in time.

It would be more logical to conclude that in fact the film captures not the “rod body”, but some kind of space curvature (matter, air, ether - I don’t know what, but this is not the “rod” body) that it produces during the flight, and you can see this curvature is only on film. Like, for example, with glowing balls in photographs, or when people notice ghosts in photos that were not seen live (a bit of an unfortunate comparison, but I can't do better). This assumption to some extent also explains the transparency of the “rod body”. It can also explain the "breaks" in the "rod bodies" - perhaps sometimes, under certain, unknown circumstances, or (most likely) at a certain point in time, the object simply "jumps" a part of space and then, at this place, a "gap" is formed.

And with the help of such a simple “station”, the author took pictures. For some reason, they look better this way. You can also try. The author assures that this way they can be fixed very often. I haven't tried it yet, but I definitely will.

But here's what's interesting, in the book Grebennikov says that the success of flights was influenced by weather and in particular, flights were impossible in winter when there was snow. I also haven't seen any photos where you could observe "rods" in winter (insects don't fly in winter - 100%), if anyone has one please send.

Never in my life will I believe that these are small UFOs. Throw a stone at me if this is not a cluster of those same insects, or others with the same capabilities.

Click on the photo and when you zoom in you will see insects and "rods" together in the photo. It can be assumed that the "rods" in this photo are insects. They just fly differently, or with different speed Or are they different insects? Let's not rule out the possibility that this is a UFO :)

True, some photographs (and especially video) do not really testify in favor of insects, which implies:
- or there are other types of creatures (larger) with the same capabilities (hardly of course).
- or large "rods" - these are aircraft (or rather, the trace of their flight recorded on film), which fly according to the same principle.

Here is another intersting image of an aircraft (the famous movie "Orion Conspiracy"). The device has a cellular structure of the bottom and it has a triangular shape. Grebennikov also argued that the best shape for his platform would be that of a triangle.

thanks to user mackay for the tip

And this is a drawing from Grebennikov's book. It seems?..

In short, my conclusion is:
- There are some insects in the world that, with the help of certain properties, mechanisms, or organs, can move at an incredibly high speed while remaining invisible (at least to the human eye) and not making any sounds during the flight. In all likelihood, they move outside of our material space, creating some kind of temporal-spatial curvature (or something like that), which can be fixed with the help of photo and video shooting. Grebennikov discovered this effect and used it on his "super stool". In addition to him, this effect was discovered and used, and is now being used by some organizations (most likely secret ones :)) to create aircraft.

Yet most of the photos of the "rods" are just photos of insects in flight, but not all. Apparently, more than one species of insects has miraculous properties, and there are many such species of insects and they live in almost all corners of the planet. It can also be assumed that these insects are known to scientists, but no one suspects their “miraculous” properties, just as Grebennikov did not know until a certain moment, although the insect that discovered this secret was known to him.

How many coincidences have been shielded.
Your comments in any case will be a compliment to my wild imagination :)

And here's one more interesting video about UFOs, which can only be seen on film, fly so fast that we simply do not notice them. Well, it is, by the way :)

Flying rods - unusual images that fall into the camera lens during photo and video shooting. They appear as shimmering fringes in an oblong shape, reminiscent of fast-flying insects. This strange phenomenon was first noticed by a ufologist from the United States, which happened back in 1994. The unusual find interested the professional very much and he began a detailed study, as a result of which he predetermined a certain behavior of flying individuals and even suggested that these creatures may have the makings of a mind.

His research activities has attracted the interest of many scientists different countries peace. Tiny creatures that are in lightning flight, not fixed in real mode, are called “flying rods”. Today, interest in them is quite high. Many photographers are rapidly circulating various photographs that clearly show such phenomena. Who are these beings? Perhaps tiny flocks of invisible insects are actually an optical illusion or an ordinary illusion?

Opinions of scientists and skeptics

So, more than 20 years ago, Jose Escamilla (an American amateur ufologist) arrived in the small town of Roswell, where, according to legendary legends, the ship of guests from outer space once crashed. This place lures many ufologists who sincerely believe in extraterrestrial civilizations and UFOs. One of these fans was our main character and the discoverer of flying rods - Jose.

The guy took numerous photographs at the site of the alleged crash and began to study the footage. He was very surprised when he found in some photographs incomprehensible creatures resembling winged rods. Due to too high speed, it was impossible to see these inexplicable creatures with the naked eye. This discovery spread all over the world in a matter of hours. Earth. Many ufologists immediately began to study flying rods. It was impossible not to believe in the veracity of this discovery, even the most popular American television channels began to broadcast a unique find, confirming the likelihood of the existence of these unusual individuals.

Soon, even many scientists agreed with this statement. As evidence, photographs recorded by the ufologist were presented. However, not all literate people accepted this news as an obvious fact. Many skeptical scientists suggest that the rods filmed on camera are just traces of ordinary insects left as a result of unforeseen contamination of the camera or the film itself during its decoding. Other scientists continued to speculate, and were even sure that unusual creatures are the real representatives of an alien civilization that arrived on our earth for a specific purpose. In their opinion, nothing living on our earth can develop such an incredible speed.

In addition to photographs showing flying rods in the town of Roswell, other evidence was soon provided to the public, which showed unresolved insects flying out of the ocean. Is it really true that these unusual individuals live on our planet and even stay comfortably in the depths sea ​​water? And how can one not believe in the existence of flying rods, if their rapid flight was even recorded in the expanses of space? These footage has also been provided as evidence for skeptics.

Incredible theory about flying rods

There are many theories about the existence of unusual flying insects that look like winged rods. The following version is the most popular: these strange creatures are nothing more than new life dead inhabitants of our planet! According to the conjectures of specialists, many millions of years ago, an incredibly developed civilization existed on our earth, which had an innovative development in the world of technology, thanks to which the inhabitants of the planet managed to create immortality.

Flying rods - and there is a new life of dead people! It differs from the usual organic existence, familiar to every person in modern world but also quite interesting.

Based on these assumptions, some inhabitants of our land began to believe in the miraculous reincarnation of dead relatives in flying insects, invisible to the naked eye. Who knows, maybe at the appointed hour each of us will become this amazing creature with intelligence and unlimited speed of movement in the air?

Of course, true skeptics do not support such a theory about the existence of flying rods, who continue to argue that these strange creatures captured on photographs are just an optical illusion ...

The connection of flying rods with a plane crash

In July 2002, an exciting aerial spectacle took place in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. Unexpectedly, one of the planes taking part in the grand show crashed and crashed to the ground. All crew members died ... After a detailed study and examination of the found parts of the aircraft, it was found that the liner's engines were functioning until the moment they hit the ground. There was an assumption that birds accidentally got into the working mechanism, but soon this version was rejected.

Since the aircraft was flying during an air show, continuous video filming was carried out on board. These shots interested the experts who investigated the cause of the disaster. After carefully reviewing the captured footage, they noticed a strange cylindrical object that flew a few seconds before the liner crashed in front of the hull. It was possible to notice this valuable frame only when watching the videotape slowly.

After receiving new information, a variety of versions began to be put forward. At first, experts speculated that the object was a small arrow or an igloo-class portable missile, but careful examination of the captured image did not confirm this version.
If you follow reasonable assumptions, you might think that the object you see is an optical illusion. But, against the background of another found evidence, it is difficult to agree with such reasoning. The flight was filmed from several cameras. Surprisingly, on other equipment, from a completely different angle, they also managed to detect an incomprehensible object. Now, many scientists who conducted research on flying rods were almost sure that this terrible aviation accident had a direct connection with unusual creatures, of unknown origin. Perhaps this version is a potential response to the event.

Flying rods - an anomalous phenomenon or an optical illusion?

Modern society is often interested in various anomalous phenomena, which of course provoked a huge interest in flying rods. These creatures have already been captured in numerous photographs. Valuable footage with flying individuals is trying to get not only professional ufologists and photographers, but also ordinary amateurs who are interested in unknown creatures.

According to some scientists who conducted research experiments, winged rods of invisible appearance are capable of reaching speeds of up to ten thousand kilometers per hour. Presumably, the length of these creatures can vary from a few centimeters to several meters.

The phenomenal shot was captured in space, a flock of inexplicable creatures flew next to the flying ship. It will not work to write off the seen object as a meteorite or other space object, since they cannot fly by in the closest proximity to the flying spacecraft! Therefore, most researchers are again trying to prove to society that the intriguing flying rods are not an optical illusion. These creatures are real and alive, invisible without special photo equipment, but appearing during the decoding of the footage.

There is another unique photograph: a flying rod passes through the roof of a house. Such a frame gives the authority to put forward another very plausible suggestion that these unusual individuals can move freely through solid objects. Against the background of newly discovered evidence, scientists have called flying rods interdimensional insects! Of course, this statement fundamentally contradicts all known laws of physics, but what to do with evidence?

Until now, not much is known about invisible insects called flying rods and even sky fish. No one can accurately prove the fact of their existence as living organisms, but also reasonably refute numerous evidence, so far not a single skeptic has succeeded. Believe it or not in these unique creations, everyone's business.

To date, flying rods have been captured in different parts of our planet - in America, in Europe, in Israel, in Ukraine, in Finland and Korea. Mankind knows almost nothing about these strange creatures, so it is impossible to predetermine them as a threat or a favorable phenomenon. Some scientists suggest that these creatures are not living organisms, but unusually advanced equipment from other worlds. In their opinion, the aliens, using these elements invisible to the human eye, read information from our planet. Perhaps there is a certain amount of truth in this assumption ...

Details Created: 05/01/2009 15:27 Views: 11814

What are Flying Rods

Many have already heard about the phenomenon of "flying rods", and the brothers Escamillo, José and Manuel introduced us to them. On March 5, 1994, they filmed a UFO in the sky of New Mexico for 16 minutes, and at the moment when one brother was passing the camera to another, an unidentified object of an elongated shape was caught in the frame, which rushed across the sky at incredible speed. He was noticed by ufologist expert Clifford Stone, to whom the Escamillo brothers, ufologists with almost thirty years of experience, brought their films with UFOs. The term flying rod belongs to Manuel - it was he who first called this mysterious object. Usually the rods look something like this: a long, elongated body, similar to a cigarette with small wings along the entire body. Presumably, with the help of these wings, the rods move, and their sizes, as mentioned above, vary from a couple of centimeters to three to five meters.

Soon, people began to notice more and more often this strange phenomenon: when watching videos taken on videotapes, instantly flying objects were found. Many people think that this is a bad recording or a defective camera or VCR. Someone seriously believes that in fact it is an unknown species of life. These are some living creatures, which were given the name - "flying rods". They fly at supersonic speeds. Agree, it's hard to believe that these creatures can reach speeds of up to 10,000 thousand km / h, and their length can be from 5 centimeters to several meters. These creatures have a wingspan of approximately 30 cm. Their color is golden brown (in some photographs this is clearly visible). It is likely that these creatures have intelligence: many eyewitnesses claim that they saw how the "rods" moved in pairs, circled around the same place, or simply moved in one direction, as if they had their own specific purpose.

One of the most famous images of darts was taken over Albany Airport, New York in 2002.

Over time, the shooting became more and more. Many are trying to understand what it really is. Some speculate that this is deliberately set up by television in order to force people to stare at their TV screen without stopping. And some believe that it is the new kind life on earth. If this is set up by television, then how to explain that these "flying rods" were seen in Maine, New York, Colorado and over forty other states, and this is good example. The clearest images and the clearest and most legible video footage ever taken in the history of the study of this phenomenon were obtained in the “swallow cave”. There, "flying rods" create the unimaginable.

During the skydiver's jump, the "rod" flies past him, at the same time making a circle past the person. At the same time, its length, width, shape and all other proportions are preserved. (When a person jumps with an unopened parachute, his speed can reach 500 km / h). Please note: when viewing records of jumps in the gorge, one could see several moments when the “rods” described an arc or made turns. At the same time, their length and straightness were preserved. A point object (insect), even with discrete lighting, will look like a straight line on the recording, but not like a flying stick. They got into a documentary filmed by National Geographic - in some frames you can see how a flying rod appears from under the surface of the ocean and soars into the sky, and you can clearly see how the water diverges when this object rises. Of course, they got there by accident, because due to the incredible speed of movement, it is impossible to spot them with the naked eye.

However, experts say that somewhere in the archives of the US Army there is a film on which a flying rod moves across the sky no faster than an ordinary bird. Moreover, the video cameras installed on one of the Shuttles managed to film the flying rods even in space!

Or, for example, let's take the fall of the Su-27 missile at the Lviv air show. Scientists have noticed objects surrounding the ship. What is it - pieces of rocket skin or an unidentified flying object. Most likely, this is a “rod”, which has only reached a huge size. Before the destruction of the WTC on September 11, seconds before the collapse of the eastern tower, one of the cameras recorded a similar object.

Most likely, these mysterious creatures have been living on our planet for many centuries, but before there was no person who would have pushed people to reveal this secret. The proof that "flying rods" were seen several centuries ago is the cave paintings of ancient people in Talampay. The stone depicts "flying rods". Looking at the picture, you can not hesitate to say that they are. But let's not jump to conclusions.

Some believe that insects or, for example, hummingbirds fly in front of the camera, and due to the high speed of the wings, a smeared image is obtained, which we take for a “flying rod”.

Here is the opinion of the master of physics: Evgeny Kornshtein: “An insect flies in front of the lens much closer than human, with a huge angular velocity, and here we get a straight blurry trace. Wing beat prints are recognizable to any insect specialist. Insects flying much closer to the camera than the high diver in the frame manage to fly straight enough distance to leave a similar trail on the film. Their angular velocity is the only thing the camera can capture. The speed of the insect turns out to be much greater than the angular velocity of a person in the frame - he is further away.

There is another version of the explanation of this phenomenon. It sounds like this: on the screen we see not a “flying rod”, but a glare from the sun. After all, all the photos were taken on a clear sunny day. But personally, it seems to me impossible that the glare from the sun creates a distinct image of the rod.

Let's get back to the facts: these mysterious rods were seen not only from the ground, but also in space. It was filmed from the spacecraft how “flying rods” fly by against the background of the “starry sky”. How can this phenomenon be explained? Scientists claim that meteorites or other foreign objects cannot fly near the spacecraft. Then what is it, if not a "rod"?

Some eyewitnesses claim that "flying rods" pass through solid objects. The proof of this is a photograph where the "rod" passes through the roof of a residential building. So these insects are interdimensional. "But how?" - you ask, - "this can not be." It's against all the laws of physics!" Yes, theoretically it is impossible, but facts are facts.

What are they?

There are a great many versions. Someone, as always, seeks to see alien interference in everything and considers the rods to be alien reconnaissance robots. For example, UFO Magazine, a very authoritative magazine in the field of paranormal research, recently published an article under the heading Flying rods - surveillance from other worlds? In favor of this approach are pictures of flying rods in low Earth orbit, taken by cameras from the NASA shuttle. Plus the amazing characteristics of the rods, the same speed that they are able to develop in the air. It is difficult to imagine that beings consisting of the same flesh and blood as the rest of the inhabitants of the Earth could do this.

However, most researchers believe that the rods are a form of earthly life unknown to science. The fact that we never encountered them before 1994 is easily explained. They are impossible to see with the naked eye! And until 1994, no one thought of carrying out the manipulations with video recordings necessary for observation. In addition, if you pay attention to the shots in which the rods fly out from under the water, it can be assumed that they live at great depths, where people have not yet reached. In other words, ten years ago, the Escamillo brothers may have committed greatest discovery over the past few hundred years, without knowing it.

But that's not all. While studying the videos, the researchers came to a surprising conclusion - it is very likely that these creatures have a mind, or at least its rudiments. Many of the recordings clearly show how gracefully the rods go around any obstacles, moreover, there have been cases of observing entire groups of flying rods, which gives grounds for the assumption that they are not alien to social activity. In Mexico, not far from the town of Sotano De Las Golondrinas, a cave was discovered, chosen by the rods - the pictures taken inside the cave clearly show that there are a great many of them in the cave. Considering that they are most often found in places that are not very accessible to humans, it is not surprising that acquaintance with the rods happened so recently. Although experts on the rods say: in fact, they are everywhere among us. You just need to be able to see


On the 10th anniversary of the discovery of flying rods, researchers received unexpected gift. Namely, the message that the Spirit rover accidentally photographed an unidentified flying object in the sky above the red planet. At first it was assumed that Spirit filmed one of the seven aircraft, sent at different times to Mars and now circling around the planet. However, after carefully studying the trajectories of these devices (four of which, by the way, are Russian-made), scientists came to the conclusion that it could not be any of them. At the moment, the question of the nature of the phenomenon filmed by the rover remains open.

Anyone can shoot a flying rod, it would be a little patience and a decent video camera. The camera should be positioned so that most of the frame is occupied by the sky, but it is absolutely necessary that there is also some other object standing on the ground, such as a tree or a pillar, in the frame. This is necessary so that, based on its dimensions in the frame, it is possible to calculate the dimensions of the filmed rod and the distance to it.

The shutter speed of the camera must be set to the minimum that the camera is capable of. And, of course, you should stock up on a fair amount of patience. However, this is far from the only way to hunt rods. A Mexican rod explorer became famous for catching a whole bunch of these mysterious creatures from the comfort of his home. How? Elementary: I watched TV, recorded programs, and then meticulously studied the materials in slow motion. He managed to find a lot of evidence of the existence of flying rods from the most diverse corners of our planet - from Mexico to Korea. So it's available to everyone. Is it possible that flying rods are swarming with our local news as well?

Many are interested in the question - does the government know about this phenomenon? Most likely, yes, since all materials about aliens and UFOs in the government were strictly classified, these materials were more difficult to access than materials about hydrogen bomb. Some air force officials say the government has a huge amount of classified UFO material and photos.

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