Secrets of the pineal gland: the third eye and brain sand. Pineal gland - a quantum computer in the brain Brain sand of the human pineal gland

The pineal gland is one of the most mysterious human organs and all the functions and capabilities of this organ have not been fully explored. For a long time, some considered it to be the rudiments of the body, in the likeness of the coccyx. However, in esoteric practices, the pineal gland occupies one of the very first places, because it acts as a kind of connecting element of our mind with its secret capabilities and, if you like, the higher mind.

Secrets of the pineal gland

The pineal gland remains not fully understood, but it is known that it is associated with the pituitary gland and occupies not the last place in supporting a variety of life processes. The pineal gland is located in the very center of the brain, but its study began only in the middle of the 20th century.

At the moment, it has been found out that it is engaged in the production of the most important hormones - serotonin and melatonin. The first is responsible for energy and tone, therefore it is secreted during the daytime. Melatonin, which is produced at night, has a calming effect. Also, without this hormone, the balance of sexual development in different years of a person is impossible.

Particular attention of scientists was given to melatonin, since it turned out that it has excellent antioxidant and rejuvenating properties.

But at the moment, the pineal gland is increasingly being studied in an esoteric aspect, because it is believed that it is a special element in the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. It is believed that it is with the help of it that extrasensory abilities develop.

The esoteric secrets associated with the pineal gland are numerous. In accordance with a variety of practices, it is customary to attribute a variety of names and properties to it. For example:

  • "Stargate", which implies a biological connection with higher dimensions.
  • The third eye (not literally, but ephemeral), that is, it is the eye of the spirit. Since the real eyes of a person are also associated with the pineal gland, they are also associated with esotericism. Thus, the left represents the personality itself, and the right represents the soul.
  • signature cell. For example, after some misfortune happens, it is necessary to meditate on this cell, trying to revive it. Activation will allow you to recover faster and get rid of the problem.
  • Mediator of advanced knowledge. There is work with the pituitary gland, which allows you to coordinate the spiritual and physical levels.
  • "Day and night center" is engaged in the preparation and adaptation of a person to changing environmental conditions, helping not to lose self-identity.
  • A calcite crystal is a special screen that acts as a kind of filter, not allowing negativity into the thought process. All thoughts that include fear, irritation, shame, resentment are considered negative.

"Third Eye"

Many people are familiar with the third eye from the art and religion of the East, because it is there that it is customary to draw it between the eyebrows. This tradition has esoteric roots, because it is believed that the clairvoyant receives his visions straight from the pineal gland. There is no real third eye in the parietal region, so our eyes are used to get a picture from the outside.

The image comes from within, passing through the hypothalamus, so clairvoyants may not see what is happening, but know about it in great detail, as if the action is happening right in front of them.

It is more convenient to use the third eye when ordinary eyes are closed, which allows you to focus on the mental image. If you regularly engage in the development of the third eye, then over time you can debug the ideal connection with the higher mind, logical thinking, as well as developed intuition. This effect can be achieved through meditation. It is believed that the third eye is most developed in people of art, clairvoyants, as well as successful and happy people.

Its activation can only be achieved independently, but it is especially important to feel the area of ​​the pineal gland. For this, a special exercise is used: while meditating, they concentrate on the area between the eyebrows. Characteristically, the feeling of “the wrong place”, namely the center of the head, will gradually come.

Many practitioners advise to develop the third eye on a daily basis, because it can take more than a dozen years.

Properties of "brain sand"

"Brain sand" - this is the name of the small spherical bodies that are located in the epiphysis. They are impregnated with phosphates, potassium and magnesium, have a colloidal basis.

According to the hypothesis, it is thanks to brain sand that a person is able to think, since he captures cosmic radiation, and psychons (a stream of ultralight particles) already transform them into formed thoughts and emotional impulses.

X-ray diffraction studies allowed scientists to learn that sand particles have a crystalline structure and contain silicon. And empirically it was found that it has excellent informational properties.

Some suggest that these microcrystals contain information about almost the entire body in the form of holography. Based on this, a hypothesis was put forward that the pineal gland with its “brain sand” is the center of a person and sets its rhythm of life.

Scientists Gulkov and Panichev suggest that particles are not just information storage, but also a control center. This feature is characteristic not only for the person himself, but also for animals with a high organization.

The effect of yoga asanas on the pineal gland

Asanas occupy a special position not only in spiritual practice and meditation, but also in achieving success in the practice of developing and activating the pineal gland. One of the best asanas is considered to be the hare pose, which helps to stimulate the upper chakra and additionally puts pressure on the head. It will help the development of concentration and thinking, as well as the production of melatonin.

There are many asanas in the practice of yoga, and all of them are suitable for activating the pineal gland. The most important thing is not to rush and gradually move from easy to complicated exercises. Despite the fact that the development of the third eye is a purely individual occupation, the help of the Master in mastering the practice of yoga will not hurt, especially at first.

It has been proven that at the moment the production of melatonin by the pineal gland is reduced. It is still not worth taking artificial medicines invented to replenish it, because the negative effects of a synthetic hormone have not been identified. Practitioners recommend following a few simple tips to increase the natural secretion of melatonin:

  • Follow your daily rhythms. No need to stay in bed for a long time or stay up late. During the daytime period, it is also necessary to receive as much light as possible.
  • You can't cut carbs. A small amount of them should be consumed closer to bedtime.
  • The diet should contain food with melatonin: legumes, tomatoes, bananas, grain products.
  • Vitamin therapy should be carried out regularly. The lack of trace elements of group B has a particularly negative effect on the concentration of the hormone.
  • You have to give up bad habits.
  • You need to limit your intake of fatty foods.
  • Dance Kirtan.
  • Try to regularly engage in meditation, as well as perform yogic asanas.

The pineal gland in many practices is considered the center of our personality, but it is impossible to develop it until it is cleared of all negative sensations.

Many have probably heard that in the brain there is a small organ - the pineal gland, or the pineal gland. It is believed that this is the "Third Eye".

The pineal gland has many names: the Third Eye, the Ajna Chakra, the Eye of Eternity, the All-Seeing Eye, the Eye of Shiva, the Eye of Wisdom, the Seat of the Soul (Descartes), the Dreaming Eye (Schopenhauer), and the Pineal Gland. It got its name because of the shape resembling a pine cone.

Oriental occultists assert that the pineal gland, with its special arrangement of nerve cells and small grains of brain sand, is closely connected with the volitional transmission and reception of mental vibration.

The pineal gland is a mass of nervous tissue found in the brain near the center of the skull and just above the top end of the spine. It has the shape of a small cone and is reddish-gray in color. It lies in front of the cerebellum and is attached to the third ventricle of the brain. It contains a large amount of hard particles, similar to grains of sand, known as brain sand.

Studies have shown that this substance is not present in children up to about 7 years of age, in demented people and in those who suffer from certain disorders of the mental organization. Occultists know that this sand is the key to the spiritual consciousness of man. It serves as a link between the mind and the body.

Scientists have also repeatedly suggested that brain sand crystals are capable of receiving radiation of a non-electromagnetic nature. So, back in the early 70s of the twentieth century, the famous Soviet physical chemist, professor of Moscow University Nikolai Ivanovich Kobozev, analyzing the phenomenon of consciousness, came to the conclusion that the molecular matter of the brain itself is not capable of providing thinking, this requires an external source of ultralight flows particles - psychons.

According to this hypothesis, a person does not think of his own free will, but because he has an epiphysis with brain sand that captures cosmic radiation. And psychons are the main carriers and carriers of mental and emotional impulses.

A hypothesis is put forward, according to which the brain sand in the pineal gland is the control center and carrier of the information hologram in the human body and other highly organized animals. This is very close to the concept of a quantum computer.

In the process of vital activity, living crystals are gradually overgrown with organo-phosphorus-calcium shells, that is, inside the pineal gland, in an environment supersaturated with calcium and phosphorus salts, they are gradually transformed into aggregates of brain sand. Unusual informational properties of the brain sand, observed during the experiments, indicate, according to the authors, that all information about a person remains recorded in them.

Currently, histochemists have found out what is the structure of brain sand. Sand grains range in size from 5 microns to 2 mm, in shape they often resemble mulberries, that is, they have scalloped edges. They consist of an organic base - a colloid, which is considered the secret of pinealocytes and is impregnated with calcium and magnesium salts, mainly phosphates. X-ray crystallographic analysis showed that calcium salts on the diffraction patterns of the pineal gland are similar to hydroxyapatite crystals. Brain grains in polarized light show double refraction with the formation of a Maltese cross. (!)

Due to the presence of calcium phosphate, grains of sand primarily fluoresce in ultraviolet rays, like droplets of colloid with a bluish-white glow. A similar blue fluorescence is produced by the myelin sheaths of the nerve trunks.

The most interesting thing is that it turns out that sand contains calcium hydroxyapatite in its composition. It was about him that it was discussed as one of the most suitable candidates for the role of the physical basis of a quantum computer! An amazing coincidence, and probably not accidental.

Combining data on the elemental base of a quantum computer with biological data on the pineal gland and the structure of brain sand, we can make a very interesting assumption: the pineal gland of the brain is an integral part of the quantum computer in our head, and brain sand is the physical basis of the quantum processor.

After the birth of a child, his quantum computer is still clean, it is not loaded with any programs that allow you to navigate in our dense world.

And the computer itself, as a device that can be used, is not yet ready for work - the final “assembly” has not yet been completed. It's like in the physics of quantum information: what's the point in the fact that any interacting systems are connected by non-local correlations - from this they do not become quantum computers for us. To get a quantum computer, you need to organize qubits that can be selectively manipulated, perform logical operations and get a result.

It is the same with a child - at first he is closer to the Subtle World, in his epiphysis there are still no qubits on which he could perform logical operations. Brain sand and hydroxyapatite crystals as physical carriers of qubits are formed gradually as the child grows up, when he begins to master mental constructions and logical operations.

A person has the opportunity to use the "magic" non-local properties of the entangled states of the qubits of his quantum computer. It turns out that all esoteric practices essentially mean that a person is trying to switch his brain from the classical mode of functioning to the quantum mode. Engaged in mystical practice, he is trying to use the non-local resource of entangled states and manage them, doing almost the same thing that physicists are striving for now, working on the technical implementation of a quantum computer!

It follows from the theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics that the presence of classical interactions is necessary for the appearance of additional quantum correlations. That is, in order for our soul to have the opportunity to realize itself and develop further, it must have a material basis, a guide in the objective world. Such a conductor may well be hydroxyapatite crystals in brain sand, which act as the physical basis of a quantum computer in our brain.

By the way, with ultrasound, the pineal gland becomes visible in the human fetus on the 49th day after its conception, at about the same time when the sex of the child becomes discernible. Nature first of all begins to form the processor of our future quantum computer, on which the rest of the hardware is already “winded”.

Formation begins from subtle quantum levels, and if reincarnation takes place, then it is at this time that the quantum astrosome is captured for the next incarnation. According to Buddhist ideas, the life force of the deceased needs just 49 days to enter the next incarnation.

It turns out that the opinion of the occultists is to some extent true that brain sand is a deposit of psychic energy, and the point of view according to which the pineal gland is the link between the body and consciousness (the seat of the soul) also seems quite reasonable.

This conclusion is confirmed by a quotation from M.P. Hall: “A small child lives mainly in invisible worlds. His physical organism is still difficult to manage, but in those worlds with which he is connected through the open gates of the pineal gland, the child is aware of himself and actively acts. Gradually, certain manifestations of his higher consciousness are absorbed into the physical organism and crystallize in the form of the finest sand found in this gland. But until consciousness enters the body, there is no sand in this gland.”

And what happens to a person whose pineal gland is removed?

After the removal of the epiphysis, people experience the so-called "bi-placement". Here is one such description:

I have seen many neurosurgical patients who had their pineal removed due to a tumor. They classically exhibit a virtual bi-location where they exist both in ghostly reality and in the present. They exist in a vivid dream state while they are conscious, and can alternate between these two states of their consciousness.

When testing these patients, it is revealed that their orientation in this reality differs from the norm and may seem strange to a casual observer.

Curiously, these patients demonstrate fully fixed gaze with little discernible eye movement.

And even more curious is that when they move in this reality, they move the same distance in another reality. One gentleman, whom I helped to get to the bathroom, stopped halfway and for some time could not go further due to the fact that in his other reality he was at the races, and the place where we were in the corridor of the hospital was simultaneously perceived by him as the border of the track. We did not move until the path was clear of horses that could knock it down ...

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The pineal gland of the brain is an integral part of the quantum computer in our head.

Many have probably heard that in the brain there is a small organ - the pineal gland, or the pineal gland. It is believed that this is the "Third Eye". The pineal gland has many names: the Third Eye, the Ajna Chakra, the Eye of Eternity, the All-Seeing Eye, the Eye of Shiva, the Eye of Wisdom, the Seat of the Soul (Descartes), the Dreaming Eye (Schopenhauer), and the Pineal Gland. It got its name because of the shape resembling a pine cone.
Oriental occultists assert that the pineal gland, with its special arrangement of nerve cells and small grains of brain sand, is closely connected with the volitional transmission and reception of mental vibration.

The pineal gland is a mass of nervous tissue found in the brain near the center of the skull and just above the top end of the spine. It has the shape of a small cone and is reddish-gray in color. It lies in front of the cerebellum and is attached to the third ventricle of the brain. It contains a large amount of hard particles, similar to grains of sand, known as brain sand.

Studies have shown that this substance is not present in children up to about 7 years of age, in demented people and in those who suffer from certain disorders of the mental organization. Occultists know that this sand is the key to the spiritual consciousness of man. It serves as a link between the mind and the body.

Scientists have also repeatedly suggested that brain sand crystals are capable of receiving radiation of a non-electromagnetic nature. So, back in the early 70s of the twentieth century, the famous Soviet physical chemist, professor of Moscow University Nikolai Ivanovich Kobozev, analyzing the phenomenon of consciousness, came to the conclusion that the molecular matter of the brain itself is not capable of providing thinking, this requires an external source of ultralight flows particles - psychons. According to this hypothesis, a person does not think of his own free will, but because he has an epiphysis with brain sand that captures cosmic radiation. And psychons are the main carriers and carriers of mental and emotional impulses.

A hypothesis is put forward, according to which the brain sand in the pineal gland is the control center and carrier of the information hologram in the human body and other highly organized animals. This is very close to the concept of a quantum computer.

In the process of vital activity, living crystals are gradually overgrown with organo-phosphorus-calcium shells, that is, inside the pineal gland, in an environment supersaturated with calcium and phosphorus salts, they are gradually transformed into aggregates of brain sand. Unusual informational properties of the brain sand, observed during the experiments, indicate, according to the authors, that all information about a person remains recorded in them.

Currently, histochemists have found out what is the structure of brain sand. Sand grains range in size from 5 microns to 2 mm, in shape they often resemble mulberries, that is, they have scalloped edges. They consist of an organic base - a colloid, which is considered the secret of pinealocytes and is impregnated with calcium and magnesium salts, mainly phosphates. X-ray crystallographic analysis showed that calcium salts on the diffraction patterns of the pineal gland are similar to hydroxyapatite crystals. Brain grains in polarized light show double refraction with the formation of a Maltese cross. (!)
Due to the presence of calcium phosphate, grains of sand primarily fluoresce in ultraviolet rays, like droplets of colloid with a bluish-white glow. A similar blue fluorescence is produced by the myelin sheaths of the nerve trunks.

The most interesting thing is that it turns out that sand contains calcium hydroxyapatite in its composition. It was about him that it was discussed as one of the most suitable candidates for the role of the physical basis of a quantum computer! An amazing coincidence, and probably not accidental.

Combining data on the elemental base of a quantum computer with biological data on the pineal gland and the structure of brain sand, we can make a very interesting assumption: the pineal gland of the brain is an integral part of the quantum computer in our head, and brain sand is the physical basis of the quantum processor.

After the birth of a child, his quantum computer is still clean, it is not loaded with any programs that allow you to navigate in our dense world.

And the computer itself, as a device that can be used, is not yet ready for work - the final “assembly” has not yet been completed. It's like in the physics of quantum information: what's the point in the fact that any interacting systems are connected by non-local correlations - from this they do not become quantum computers for us. To get a quantum computer, you need to organize qubits that can be selectively manipulated, perform logical operations and get a result.

It is the same with a child - at first he is closer to the Subtle World, in his epiphysis there are still no qubits on which he could perform logical operations. Brain sand and hydroxyapatite crystals as physical carriers of qubits are formed gradually as the child grows up, when he begins to master mental constructions and logical operations.

A person has the opportunity to use the "magic" non-local properties of the entangled states of the qubits of his quantum computer. It turns out that all esoteric practices essentially mean that a person is trying to switch his brain from the classical mode of functioning to the quantum mode. Engaged in mystical practice, he is trying to use the non-local resource of entangled states and manage them, doing almost the same thing that physicists are striving for now, working on the technical implementation of a quantum computer!

It follows from the theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics that the presence of classical interactions is necessary for the appearance of additional quantum correlations. That is, in order for our soul to have the opportunity to realize itself and develop further, it must have a material basis, a guide in the objective world. Such a conductor may well be hydroxyapatite crystals in brain sand, which act as the physical basis of a quantum computer in our brain. By the way, with ultrasound, the pineal gland becomes visible in the human fetus on the 49th day after its conception, at about the same time when the sex of the child becomes discernible. Nature first of all begins to form the processor of our future quantum computer, on which the rest of the hardware is already “winded”. Formation begins from subtle quantum levels, and if reincarnation takes place, then it is at this time that the quantum astrosome is captured for the next incarnation. According to Buddhist ideas, the life force of the deceased needs just 49 days to enter the next incarnation.

It turns out that the opinion of the occultists is to some extent true that brain sand is a deposit of psychic energy, and the point of view according to which the pineal gland is the link between the body and consciousness (the seat of the soul) also seems quite reasonable.

This conclusion is confirmed by a quotation from M.P. Hall: “A small child lives mainly in invisible worlds. His physical organism is still difficult to manage, but in those worlds with which he is connected through the open gates of the pineal gland, the child is aware of himself and actively acts. Gradually, certain manifestations of his higher consciousness are absorbed into the physical organism and crystallize in the form of the finest sand found in this gland. But until consciousness enters the body, there is no sand in this gland.”

And what happens to a person whose pineal gland is removed?

After the removal of the epiphysis, people experience the so-called "bi-placement". Here is one such description:

I have seen many neurosurgical patients who had their pineal removed due to a tumor. They classically exhibit a virtual bi-location where they exist both in ghostly reality and in the present. They exist in a vivid dream state while they are conscious, and can alternate between these two states of their consciousness.

When testing these patients, it is revealed that their orientation in this reality differs from the norm and may seem strange to a casual observer.

Curiously, these patients demonstrate fully fixed gaze with little discernible eye movement.

And even more curious is that when they move in this reality, they move the same distance in another reality. One gentleman, whom I helped to get to the bathroom, stopped halfway and for some time could not go further due to the fact that in his other reality he was at the races, and the place where we were in the corridor of the hospital was simultaneously perceived by him as the border of the track. We did not move until the path was clear of horses that could knock it down ...

Tue Nov 23 2004 Alexandr Gajvolya wrote to All
Subject: brain sand.

AG> A long time ago, studying sections of the human epiphysis under a microscope,
AG> encountered unusual formations, with the so-called. brain sand. Knows
AG> does anyone have anything about the subject?
My notebook on CNS physiology knows exactly... ;-) But I don't remember well. That's what
TSB writes:
"The endocrine nature of E.'s function has not been finally established. Its activity with
decreases with age, and it itself acquires the character of a rudiment containing
mineral deposits (carbonates, phosphates, calcium and magnesium) - the so-called
"brain sand" detected on radiographs.

AG> Where can I see information not only about the subject, but also about the epiphysis
AG> in general (Corpus pinealae)/
There is something on my screw.

"Epithalamus, Epithalamus, consists of the epiphysis (pineal gland, upper
cerebral appendage, Epiphysis) and leash (habenular) nuclei, nucl.
The pineal gland in the evolution of vertebrates developed on the basis of the so-called parietal
eyes of lower vertebrates, which formed as a derivative of one or two
outgrowths of the dorsal wall of the diencephalon - parietal proper
(parapineal) organ, located rostrally, and the pineal organ,
occupying a caudal position. Both of these formations can be the same
developed in the same animal and contain photosensitive elements
(armored and bony fish). In other vertebrates, the predominant structure
is a pineal organ (cyclostomes) or parietal (tuatara, some
lizards). In higher vertebrates, a reduction of the parietal organ occurred, and
pineal, losing photosensitive elements, turned into a gland
internal secretion - epiphysis.
A distinctive feature of this part of the diencephalon is its
asymmetry, which was previously tried to be explained by early atrophy of the left
parapineal organ, but now it has been shown that representatives of different
groups of vertebrates, the asymmetry of the complex is different: right-sided hypertrophy in
cyclostomes and left-sided - in cartilaginous fish and amphibians.
In cyclostomes, the pineal and parapineal organs are expressed differently. Pineal
well developed in lampreys, and in Mordacia mordax, which is considered an intermediate
form between lampreys and hagfishes, is absent. As part of the leash nuclei
allocate periventricular and superficial sections. Last on the right
significantly larger than the corresponding section in the left leash
nuclei, which determines the asymmetry of the complex. Afferents suitable for leashes,
go as part of the so-called medullary strips, striae medullares, and
originate mainly from the telencephalon and partly from the hypothalamus.
Efferents form tr. habenulo-interpeduncularis, addressed
interpeduncular nucleus of the midbrain. This path is also called bent
Meinert's bundle, fasc. retroflexus Meynerti. It contains
myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.
In cartilaginous fish (such as the shark Scyliorhinus canicula), the pineal organ
represented by a long tube with a distal closed section lying on
surface of the cranium. Its proximal end is open into cavity III
ventricle in the area between the leashes and the posterior commissure. Pineal parenchyma
organ contains photoreceptors, supporting and ganglion cells. Latest
form the pineal tract, tr. pinealis, which goes to the posterior commissure and
partly to the leash complex. The exact location of the fiber endings has not been determined.
Leading nuclei make up the rostral epithalamus in cartilaginous fish, left
the nuclei of the complex are superior to the right ones. characteristic of most vertebrates
the division into medial and lateral nuclei in sharks is just beginning. Both parts
of the complex are connected along the midline by a leash commissure, which includes
some sharks have neurons similar to the cells of their own nuclei
leashes and constituting the core of Bellonci. Skates don't have it. Main
afferents come from the telencephalon (along the brain stria), tectum and
tegmentum (tecto- and tegmento-habenular tracts).
In amphibians and ray-finned fish, the epithalamus consists of a complex of dorsal and
ventral habenular nuclei, and in amphibians, as noted above,
left-sided asymmetry is observed. The efferents of the leash nuclei are sent to
interpeduncular nucleus, and some of them pass through it without switching and are addressed
deep and dorsal nuclei of the midbrain tegmentum.
In higher vertebrates, the nuclei of the leashes are not as clearly expressed as in the lower ones, but
the nature of their relationship remains the same. Afferents mainly come from
telencephalic formations, and efferents are distributed among the structures of the middle
brain: in the iaterpeduncular nucleus, the reticular formation, and also (in
mammals - from the lateral nucleus) in the region of the mesencephalic raphe nucleus.
In higher vertebrates, regressive changes in the structure of the epiphysis are traced.
They are found within each class and especially among mammals. Their
the pineal gland is attached to the leash complex and contains cells that have received
the name pinealocytes, as well as interstitial cells like glial cells.
It is believed that pinealocytes are derivatives of sensory cells (Fig. 90),
which mediated the effects of light stimuli on the endocrine system,
and thus were photoneuroendocrine elements.
Change of functions, which led to the transformation of the pineal organ into a glandular
formation - the epiphysis, determined significant changes in the structure of the main
cells. In birds and mammals, the most significant changes occurred in
outer segments of pinealocytes.
As a result, in birds and mammals, these cells were thought to have lost
ability to respond to light. But recently it has been shown that pinealocytes
birds retained the ability to synthesize specific photoreceptor proteins and
reactions to light. Pinealocytes

G HI.. 7V.
Scheme of organization of pinealocytes in anamnia (a), sauropsids (b) and mammals (c)
(Oksche, 1988):
1 ~ typical photoreceptor pinealocyte; 2 - serotonin-containing pinealocyte; 3
-modified pinealocyte; 4 - mammalian pinealocyte; 5 - neuron; 6-
secretory granules; 7 - capillary; 8 - basement membrane; 9 - pores in
endothelium; 10 - sympathetic nerve ending; 11 - specialized synapse

birds and mammals - typical secretory glandular elements that synthesize
melatonin. The final proof of the unity of the origin of photoreceptor
pinealocytes of lower vertebrates and secretory cells of the epiphysis of higher vertebrates
served as immunohistochemical data on the presence in typical photoreceptor
pinealocytes of bony fish serotonin, a precursor of melatonin, a hormone
The mechanism of the influence of the secretory cells of the pineal gland of birds and mammals on
circadian rhythm of physiological processes, since they are not directly
exposed to light stimuli, but this may be mediated
through interaction with the nuclei of the hypothalamus receiving retinal inputs
(for example, the suprachiasmatic nucleus). Breaking these bonds leads to
violation of the circadian rhythm in the work of the endocrine systems associated with the pineal gland.
In general, the structures of the epithalamus in a fairly differentiated form are presented
already in the most primitive living vertebrates and throughout evolution
characterized by the constancy of the composition and functions performed. So, pineal and
parapineal organs containing extraretinal photoreceptors in the lower ones,
provide control of the circadian rhythm of many physiological processes.
The pineal gland of mammals and birds, devoid of receptor cells, due to
hypothalamic inputs continues to play the role inherent in this department
brain. Leash nuclei in all vertebrates give rise to
habenulo-interpeduncular system of fibers. The latter is considered as
extrahypothalamic system of eating behavior, and in higher animals as an essential
part of the limbic system.

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