Humanitarian aid. Collection and distribution of humanitarian aid. Help for Palestinian refugees

The public organization "United Donbass Foundation" provides assistance to residents of Donbass living both in the territories temporarily controlled by Ukraine and in the Donetsk region. People's Republic. Assistance is allocated only to those applicants who are really in a difficult life situation, confirm it with documents and a statement.

The amount of assistance provided by the Fund is not fixed, the assistance itself is a one-time. The Commission of the Fund considers each application separately and collectively decides on the amount of payment or type of assistance. Therefore, it is mandatory to indicate the complexity of your situation in the application.

After reviewing the package of documents, the Fund Commission may make one of the following decisions:

    on refusal to provide assistance;

    on the provision by the applicant of additional documents;

    about providing assistance.

The amount of assistance is set by the Commission depending on the circumstances or the nature of the difficult life situation. Assistance can be provided in the form of a cash payment or in kind(food, medicines, etc.).

Plastic bag required documents to apply for assistance

Additional Documents for Applying for Assistance

disabled people 1, 2 groups

A document confirming the disability group (medical report of the medical and social expert commission (MSEC certificate) or a certificate to the MSEC examination certificate);

Certificate from the medical institution on the need for emergency surgical intervention;

Medical file (on the basis of which an examination of medical documents is carried out, medical examination the applicant and the clinical and functional diagnosis is determined);

Act on an accident at work;

Income statement.

extreme life situation

(a combination of several categories, oncology, destruction of housing as a result of military operations)

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

A detailed extract from the medical history issued by a medical institution;

Acts of destruction;

Conclusion of the state commission on the fact of a man-made emergency (which occurred through no fault of the applicant) and its impact on the loss of the applicant's health (medical expert opinion);

single mothers/fathers, widows/widowers with children under the age of 18

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

Birth certificate of a child, an extract from the State Register of civil status acts of citizens on birth registration in accordance with part one of Article 135 of the Family Code of Ukraine or a certificate issued by an authority social protection of the population, that the applicant is a recipient of state assistance for children to single mothers

Widows / widowers birth certificate of the child, death certificate of one of the parents;

families with three or more children under the age of 18

Statement of the established form; - certificate of income.

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary);

Passport of the second parent (if any), certificate large family, birth certificates of children;

citizens aged 65 and over

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

citizens aged 90 and over

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

Pension certificate (if any);

families with disabled children

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

passport of one of the parents / legal representatives (guardians or trustees, foster parents, parent-caregivers), birth certificate of the child, original medical report on a disabled child under the age of 18, issued by the medical advisory commission of children medical institutions(VKK reference). Legal representatives of a disabled child submit the original document on the appointment of their legal representatives; families of guardians, trustees, foster families and family-type orphanages in which orphans and children deprived of parental care are brought up - a passport of one of the legal representatives (guardians or trustees, foster parents, foster parents), birth certificates of children. The legal representatives of the child submit the original document on the appointment of their legal representatives;

families of guardians, trustees, foster families and family-type orphanages in which orphans and children deprived of parental care are brought up

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

citizens with the status of a disabled war veteran (except for persons who took part in the hostilities of 1941-1945 as part of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) or the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN); persons and members of their families who took part in armed aggression against the people Donbass as part of the armed forces and illegal formations of Ukraine, and also provided them with assistance (volunteers, activists, members public organizations nationalist)

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

War veteran's certificate

pregnant women at all stages of pregnancy, registered in accordance with the established procedure in health care institutions

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

an exchange card for a pregnant woman or outpatient card(up to 30 weeks);

children aged 0 to 3 years

Statement of the established form;

Copy of the identity document of the applicant (passport);

A copy of the taxpayer registration card / tax identification number of the applicant and his family members who need financial assistance (if necessary).

passport of one of the parents / legal representatives (guardians or trustees, foster parents, foster parents), birth certificate of the child. The legal representatives of the child submit the original document on the appointment of their legal representatives.

The applicant may submit a package of documents in in electronic format(scanned application and documents) on email address or through the branches of SE "Post of Donbass" in any branch. Residents of territories temporarily controlled by Ukraine can also apply through the Centers social assistance and administrative services located near the demarcation line: at the Aleksandrovka checkpoint, Mayorsk checkpoint, Olenovka checkpoint, Oktyabr checkpoint.

Not only the applicant personally, but also his representative can apply for assistance.

For the purpose of communication and interaction, please indicate the messengers in which it is located. (Viber, Telegram). This will allow you to quickly contact the applicants and notify them about the stage of consideration of the set of documents.

humanitarian aid

measures taken to alleviate the hardships of the civilian population in the conditions of wars, conflicts and various disasters by providing the population with vital commodities, which are carried out both as part of an operation to restore and maintain peace, and in the form of an independent program in the form of a humanitarian operation. G.p. usually carried out under the auspices of one of the international organizations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has repeatedly participated in the implementation of the G.p. on behalf of and on behalf of the authorities of the Russian Federation. G.p. pursues the main goal: to ensure the survival of the greatest number of people affected by natural disaster, man-made disaster or armed conflict, to preserve their health, as far as possible to restore the economic independence of all groups of the population and the work of life support services in the shortest possible time, paying special attention to those most in need; repair and restore damaged infrastructure and restore economic activity. Domestic and international G.p. based on three fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality. Organization humanitarian aid at emergency situations provides for: informing state and non-governmental structures, public, international humanitarian organizations about what kind of assistance is required and the mobilization of internal and international resources to meet the needs of the affected population; organization of interaction with international humanitarian organizations to provide assistance to the affected population; ensuring unimpeded access of humanitarian organizations to the affected population in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law; organization in the zone of distribution points for humanitarian aid and control over its distribution; practical provision on a humanitarian basis of material and urgent medical care for the purpose of saving and preserving human lives allowing victims to meet their basic needs for medical care, shelter, clothing, water, food; providing timely technical and material assistance to the affected party (region) in the liquidation of emergency situations.

Edwart. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010

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    Free financial assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on a sense of compassion, concern for others. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 with ... Economic dictionary

    HUMANITARIAN AID- gratuitous material assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on a sense of compassion, concern for others. Measures taken to alleviate the suffering of people, especially in circumstances where the responsible authorities … Legal Encyclopedia

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    humanitarian aid- - Telecommunication topics, basic concepts of EN humanitarian assistance ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Berliners watch the landing of the "raisin bomber" at Tempelhof Airport. 1948 Humanitarian aid is a type of gratuitous aid (assistance); funds for ... Wikipedia

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    Free financial assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on the feeling of compassion, concern for others ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    humanitarian aid- gratuitous material assistance provided for humanitarian reasons, based on a sense of compassion, concern for others ... Dictionary of economic terms

    Jarg. school Shuttle. Clue. (Recorded 2003) ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    humanitarian aid- according to the legislation of the Russian Federation gratuitously transferred to legal and individuals food, essential goods, other items sent from foreign countries to Russia to improve the living conditions and life of low-income groups ... ... Big Law Dictionary


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In the summer, while the Center was closed to visitors, life was in full swing here. So many things had to be done: think over the redevelopment of the warehouse, equip new hall self-service and a new entrance, disassemble and move all things. Even the area opposite the new porch needed urgent improvement - it had to be concreted so that cars could drive up to the porch.

“We were not sure that there would be enough money for everything, so we literally saved every penny,” says Maya Mozheeva, head of the Humanitarian Aid Center. – Thank God, there were philanthropists to whom we are infinitely grateful for their help. We bought building materials, but our volunteers carried out the repair work on their own.”

By the fall, we had time - just from the beginning of September, from the first cool days, the number of calls to the Mercy help desk has traditionally been growing. People from Moscow and not only ask for warm clothes and shoes. Someone needs help getting the kids to school. Many at this time sort out their wardrobe and are ready to give to the needy everything that they will no longer wear in the new season.

The opening of the Center was scheduled for 12:00, but already around 11:00 people were crowding on the porch. Employees and friends of the Center at that time gathered for a festive tea party on the occasion of the opening. The first visitors were also brought hot tea with various sweets.

Five minutes to 12 in the hall - the last preparations. Hang out a few more jackets - the cold is already close, lay out a few children's blouses - a lot of things will be needed for the kids today. At the exit - a basket ruddy apples and a vase of candy. Each visitor will receive both before leaving. It’s a pity that we didn’t have time to install a fitting room in the hall, so on Saturday we tried on clothes by eye. But by next weekend, the fitting room will be like a real store.

Most Saturday visitors to the Center are not the first time. There are many pensioners and disabled people - when making a “purchase”, Maya writes everyone into the database and notes who takes what. Mothers of many children can take on themselves and on children - the main thing is to have a supporting document. One woman did not find anything for her two daughters and was about to leave with nothing, but the volunteers looked for the right things in the warehouse, and as a result, a happy mother brought cute denim dresses to the girls. Another woman found a solid wooden chess set for her growing son. We checked - all the figures are in place. Men carefully selected their shoes and jackets. Volunteers only had time to run to the warehouse in search of the right thing.

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