Why can’t I log into SEOsprint? Seosprint is not working. What to do if your email address is entered incorrectly on Seosprint

Books... they are the ones recommended for those who want to make extra money online, but don’t know where to start and don’t have any skills. It offers simple and easy tasks for a small fee that anyone can do. But I wonder how much money a person who is just taking his first steps in making money online can expect? I decided to check how much you can earn on Seosprint - the largest and most famous bookstore in RuNet.

What are axle boxes

Boxes, also known as “mailers,” belong to the backend systems of active advertising and are intermediaries between customers and performers. On such services, simple tasks of various types are given, for which they pay a certain amount. The amount of payment depends on the complexity of the task, its type, requirements and can range from a few kopecks to tens or even hundreds of rubles.

Seosprint is one of the oldest and most popular axleboxes in the CIS. It is the one that is most often recommended to those who want to start making money on the Internet, since there are a huge number of tasks of various types, and besides, it has a good reputation.

What tasks can you do on Seosprint?

Earning money on Seosprint is based on the following actions:

How I made money on Seosprint

Naturally, before I started working, I had to register for Seosprint. It was necessary not only to register an email and link a phone number to an account, but also to pass a short test. The test is easy - on knowledge of the rules of the service. It didn’t cause any problems, but what surprised me was what I read in these rules: if you don’t log into your account for 60 days, you will be banned.

This caused a terrible negative reaction for me, since 2 months is still not such a long period of time to judge the user’s activity. You never know, I changed my mind about working here, and then I wanted to again. And so the rating, reviews, and referrals, if any, are lost. For example, I have more than once had a situation where I logged into some services years later. And here... only 2 months, and “get out of here if you forgot about us.” Armed with optimism, I decided that there was still something good in this. Since all inactive and inactive users are so ardently removed, then the figure of 280 thousand participants on the site is clearly not a fiction. And since there are so many people here, there must be something worth hiding. Cheering myself up, I got to work.

First, I completed more than a dozen actions of surfing and reading letters, but earned less than 1 ruble. Spent about 15 minutes. Not at all interesting. Even though it took quite a bit of time, the earnings were too cheap, and the tasks ended quickly ((((I was completely upset. However, when I went to the list of tasks, I was stunned... More than 12 thousand different tasks, more than 600 pages with them in the feed. Where to start? Naturally, with sorting by price. Seeing a task at the top for which they pay 1001 rubles, I almost changed my opinion about axle boxes and thought: “maybe they’re lying on the Internet about low pay for axle boxes.” True, when I opened it, I understood why they pay so much for it. The customer wants to catch a very rare bird as a referral. A person must not have a referrer, work for Seosprint for at least 2 years and on average complete 60 tasks a day! And EVERY day! Really? Are there any of these here?

While studying high-paying jobs, I came to the conclusion that they were not at all for me. Yes, they are willing to pay 50-400 rubles for axle boxes, but what kind of tasks are these! Judge for yourself:

Entering into HYIPs, money pseudo-games, with significant investments of $20-100, making real purchases in stores - this is what people are willing to pay “a lot” for. Only a lot compared to the prices for other tasks. Are you ready to lose $50 by investing it in hype in order to earn only 250 rubles? Personally, I don't.

Another separate category of highly paid tasks is to become a referral on another booking site or on the Seosprint website itself. But here you either need to work on this service for several months and have excellent activity statistics, completing 30-60 tasks daily, or complete a couple of hundred tasks on another axlebox. This prospect didn’t appeal to me much, so I persistently scrolled through the order feed, hoping to find something suitable.

Alas, something suitable was found only when I reached prices of 1-3 rubles. Now I was able to start working. Basically my tasks were of the following type:

In total I completed 35 different tasks. The most expensive of them cost 8 rubles, but the main part was paid within 1-2 rubles.

So what is the salary?

The experiment lasted almost a week, I worked for Seosprint for about an hour every day, catching those tasks that I liked, did not take much time and were paid more or less normally. It took me about 6 hours to complete this experiment, I earned 67.29 rubles, that is, about 11.2 rubles per hour. Of this, about 67 rubles is earnings from tasks. As you can see, you shouldn’t count on surfing and reading emails.

I must admit that a little more than half of this amount was earned in the last 2 hours, when I got the hang of it a little and figured out which tasks were profitable for me to do in terms of time/money ratio. As it turned out, these were actions on social media. networks (reposts, likes, comments, inviting friends to groups) and writing comments on websites. Even though they usually pay only 1-1.5 rubles for them, 2-5 minutes are enough to complete them.

I spent a lot of time on tasks related to YouTube. Although I only took a few of them, it took me about 1.5-2 hours. You need to watch a video, or even more than one, all the way to the end, subscribe, and write a few comments. Most of the time was spent watching videos. In total, the payment is only 1.5-2.5 rubles, but 20-30 minutes of time were wasted. If I had not done them, but had initially concentrated on other tasks, then my earnings of 11.2 rubles per hour could have easily increased to 17-20 rubles, and this is almost 2 times more.

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Comparison with Toloka

In previous articles, I looked at one interesting service for making money, a little similar to axleboxes - Yandex.Toloka. This site also presents simple tasks with low pay - $0.01-0.03 (0.6-1.8 rubles). I earned $2.03 (120 rubles) on it and spent about 10-11 hours. My earnings rate was 11-12 rubles per hour.

On Seosprint I earned 67.29 rubles in 6 hours or the same 11.2 rubles per hour. But at the same time, due to inexperience and ignorance of some points, the final amount turned out to be much less than it could have been. As I said earlier, here you can easily earn 17-20 rubles per hour, which is much more than at Toloka. In addition, Seosprint does not require training for each type of task, which takes up about a third of the total time spent. And there are a huge number of tasks on the axle box - several thousand. You can always find something you like, and you will never find yourself without work. Another advantage of axlebox over Toloka is the absence of problems with withdrawing money. In Seosprint, you can withdraw money to any of 5 payment systems, easily and quickly.

Summing up: is it worth considering making money on Seosprint?

Honestly, if you already know how to do something, for example, write articles, layout, draw designs, administer groups on social networks or anything else, then you definitely shouldn’t go to Seosprint and other axle boxes. The earnings here are not the same. You can get much more for your knowledge and skills.

But if you are a completely green beginner who dreams of earning a pretty penny on the Internet, then axle boxes are quite suitable for this. You can earn money and understand how many processes are built on the Internet, which will be useful in the future. I seem to have been making money online for several years now and know a lot of things, but I picked up a couple of ideas for myself on Seosprint, and I also added a few interesting sites to my collection. My earnings were 11.2 rubles per hour, which is very, very little. At the same time, I lost a lot of time due to the fact that I decided to do tasks related to YouTube, and because I still had trouble distinguishing which tasks were good and which were rubbish, so I had to sort through a lot of things. With experience comes an understanding of what to do and what tasks to take on. Even a few hours was enough for me to understand that I could easily raise my income to 20 rubles per hour. And one knowledgeable person, who has been working with axle boxes for a long time, told me that 500 rubles a day for completing tasks is not the limit here, if you have experience.

If you don’t know how to do anything at all, then you can consider axleboxes as a starting point that will teach you a lot and where you can earn your first money online. But if you have some skills, it’s worth looking for more worthy ways to earn money.

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Best blogger templates, users' choice

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After a recent site update, some users have problems logging into SeoSprint. This is due to the addition of a new figurative captcha. Simply put, the site’s security system has improved, and now before logging into SeoSprint, you need to confirm that you are not a robot. In this article we will take a closer look how to login to SeoSprint.

Problems logging into the SeoSprint website

Recently I started getting asked questions about problems with Login to the SeoSprint website. Users could not understand what kind of pictures were popping up when they entered the site. Most often, this problem occurred among users who had just registered with SeoSprint.

These pictures that pop up when you enter the SeoSprint website are a new captcha that more reliably protects against robots. Previously, to log into SeoSprint you had to enter several letters and numbers as a verification.

A new verification system is now used to log into SeoSprint. To do this, you will be presented with an image with an object and a description. Another group of pictures will also be presented, from which you will need to select those similar to the object in the first image. Below in the picture you can see an example of such a check in SeoSprint.

You will not always need to confirm that you are not a robot when logging into SeoSprint, but only when logging in for the first time. This is why problems with logging into the site most often arise for beginners. In the future, you need to enter a similar captcha, only after updating the browser, changing the IP address, etc.

How to log into the SeoSprint website?

Let's take it step by step, how to log in to the SeoSprint website, so that you no longer have any problems with this. To get started, go to the official website of this book. You can access it by following this link: SeoSprint.

Further on the site, on the right side you will see the “Registration” and “Login” buttons. If you are not yet a member of this project, then read here how to register on SeoSprint. If you are already registered, click on the "Login" button.

Then the system may allow you to enter a captcha as a check. The picture below shows an example of such a check. It was necessary to mark all the pictures that depict eggs.

Here's another example. In this captcha, you had to select all the images with an orange.

Having selected the correct pictures, click on the “Confirm” button. If everything is specified correctly, then a green checkmark will appear in the square next to the inscription “I am not a robot”. And in order to enter the SeoSprint website, you only have to click one button - “Login”.

If errors were made when selecting images, the security system will notify you about this. Next, you can fix everything by carefully studying the images and choosing the right ones.

As you can see, login to SeoSprint very easy. Now you should not have any difficulties logging into the site. Otherwise, describe your problem in the comments and I will try to help you.


Andrey, you need to enter the password received in SMS.

What should I enter in the password field? Your email password or the one you received in SMS?

Dear friends, do not be lazy, read this article and previous comments. I’m sure you can find the answer to why you can’t log into SeoSprint.


I can't log into the site. It's already the second day. I don’t understand the reason. Help me please.

I have already registered and received a password, but how can I log in next time to complete tasks.

I can't log into SeoSprint! I've already tried many times, but it doesn't work!

Larisa, you did not enter the captcha (you did not tick the “I am not a robot” box). Do this and then you will be able to log in to SeoSprint. Everything is described in detail in the text of the article, read it.

I can't log into Seosprint. All fields are filled out correctly, but it says that they are not filled in. Here is a screenshot: http://floomby.ru/s2/4gMc3F. Please help me log in!

There are no control words on SeoSprint. Read this article carefully. When logging into SeoSprint, you need to indicate the correct value from the image.

Same problems: I registered, received an SMS, when logging in I indicated my email, password and entered the captcha. It says either an authorization error or the user is not found. I go back to registration - they say you already exist, just log in, but it won’t let you log in. But there is a nuance: during authorization it asks for soap, a password and a security word! However, there is no input line for the control word. There is simply nowhere to enter it. What to do?

Hello Julia! In this situation, the support service can help you. In the previous message I left a link to the contact page in tech. SeoSprint support. Write to them and explain the situation. You can also register a second account using the correct number. However, this is prohibited by the rules and may lead to blocking. Therefore, it is better to take the first advice and write to the administration. They solve such mistakes that prevent you from logging into SeoSprint.

Hello! When registering, I accidentally entered my phone number incorrectly. I tried everything, please tell me what to do?

Hello! I have never encountered such a problem. Logging into SeoSprint is carried out as usual, no errors occur, so there are no problems with the site. The login problem is most likely on your side. Try writing to SeoSprint technical support, let them look at your account and figure out if your account is working properly.

Good afternoon, admin. I wrote down my login and password, I pressed the button and it said the authorization technology was violated. And there is no captcha. What to do? I requested a new password and copied it the next time I logged into SeoSprint and it still works out that way. I even logged in through explorer.

All people's actions are explained by some reason. There is an explanation for everything, such as the desire to work on the Internet.

It’s fashionable and profitable, and you don’t have to leave the house. There are many advantages, and websites created for beginners help you take your first steps. There are many of them, but Seosprint stands out among them.

Why is it worth working with Seosprint?

The site administration constantly clears the system of inactive users, so now there are approximately 400,000 registered members. This is still a large number, but it is not surprising. Why? Because the service has been working for a long time and it is really high quality.

Its users highlight several advantages of working on Seosprint:

There is no doubt that Seosprint belongs to the category of the best and proven sites for making money. People often complain that they cannot make good profits. They do the simplest work and want to receive 50,000 rubles for it.

Active users receive 300 rubles per day through tasks, and that’s almost 10,000 rubles a month. As a part-time job, it's quite good.

Once I was asked to help solve a problem with logging into our most popular mailbox (books) “SEOSprint”. The problem was that the person could not log into his account on this box for the reason that the login button simply did not work. You click on it, and the page just seems to refresh and nothing happens. Then I advised you to simply try logging in through a different browser, thinking that the current browser might simply have incorrect settings. However, my advice did not help and at the same time it turned out that on the main page of SEOSprint no buttons work at all, except for “Forum”.

I read a little on the Internet on this topic and realized that the problem is not isolated and that this occurs in different people. I was still able to solve the problem, but not immediately, but by connecting to this person’s computer remotely. In this article I will provide recommendations for solving this problem.

After I advised the person to open SEOSprint through another browser and it did not help, I realized that the problem with the browser settings was completely ruled out. Initially I assumed that, for example, scripts (JavaScript) were disabled on sites, since this is most often one of the first causes of such problems. By the way, on the SEOSprint forum itself people are advised to change their browser or enable JavaScript, as well as reset their browser settings.

When I connected remotely to the problem computer, I first tried to press the buttons on SEOSprint myself and noticed that everything happened in such a way that the buttons seemed to be inactive. It’s as if they don’t have a function that is activated when you click on them. This got me thinking, what else could it be that is causing the buttons on the site to become inactive? I immediately checked the other sites, everything is fine on them. And if other sites had the same problem, the client would not be able to find or open anything on the Internet at all.

And then I started doing standard computer maintenance. Firstly, I noticed that a lot of, apparently, unnecessary software was installed on the computer. On the desktop there were 2 widgets of some program in Chinese. The program is called "Baidu". I opened its menu to close it, and even this resulted in a problem, since the menu is entirely in Chinese (or maybe Japanese, who knows...). In general, following the standard logic of exiting any program + at random, I managed to close the program :)

I immediately realized that such software was a virus. I launched the installed Avast antivirus, set it up for a full and most thorough scan of the computer, and launched the scanner. While the computer was being scanned, I began to remove all unnecessary software from the computer through Windows Programs and Features. In addition to the above-mentioned Chinese program, there were several more suspicious ones, as well as those that were simply unnecessary for the user and he asked me to delete them too. Unfortunately, I no longer remember the names of all the removed suspicious programs, since I demolished them in large numbers and didn’t even think much about it.

By that time, the antivirus had also finished its work and it turned out that over a dozen infected files had been found, mostly related to installed programs. I destroyed all the infection and after rebooting the computer I immediately tried to log into the master group again and HURRAY! Everything worked out!

It turns out that the cause of this problem on SEOSprint was precisely some installed program that somehow interfered, apparently, with some browser functions.

Thus, based on everything described above, I will give specific point-by-point recommendations for eliminating the problem associated with the inoperability of buttons on SEOSprint.

Now, after completing all 4 points, the SEOSprint website should work. If suddenly you have such a problem and all the recommendations I described here did not help, then write to us in the comments to this article, we will sort it out!

That's all. Have a nice day and good mood! Bye;)

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