Social services law. Free and preferential social assistance

Social services are regulated by the basics legal norms current Federal Law. Additionally, other legal acts of the Russian Federation are included, as well as laws of local constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Latest changes made to Law 442 “On Social Services”

The new legislation states that institutions that provide social services to citizens become service providers. However, now they do not check citizens who need service. Now this is controlled by an authorized body consisting of a commission of experts.

Changes in the law also affect the method of individual approach. For example, social support is new element in the service system. It allows us to provide citizens with the necessary services in the following areas:

  • Medical;
  • Legal;
  • Psychological;
  • Pedagogical;
  • Social assistance, if it is not related to service.

The grounds by which citizens are recognized as in need of services are also identified. Changes in the following articles of the law are discussed below:

Article 7

It supplements Part 1 of the law. To determine the assessment of the quality of services provided, special conditions are created in service delivery organizations.

Article 8

It describes clause 24.1 of the law. It's about on conducting an independent assessment after services provided by social security institutions.

St. 13 442-FZ

This article has been updated with paragraph 2 in a new edition. It talks about conducting an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by employees in the social sector. Indicators are determined by the Federal executive body.

Part 4 of the law has also been supplemented. It states that, regardless of the body that provides the service, it must provide the opportunity for written expression of opinion on the World Wide Web. People who have used the service can write a comment or review after the service has been successfully provided.

Article 15 FZ-442

The criteria of the law are described on the basis of which a citizen is recognized as needing social security. To recognize it as such, it is necessary to analyze the circumstances that contribute to the deterioration of normal living conditions. He must also be declared legally incompetent. A citizen cannot:

  • Impossible independent movement of disabled people (more about social protection of disabled people in);
  • Maintained;
  • Provide yourself with life's needs.

Describes methods for creating an individual program. An individual program is a document that specifies:

  • Types of services;
  • Periodicity;
  • Volume;
  • Conditions;
  • Deadlines.

The document is created based on the citizen’s needs for social services. The list of needs is reviewed once every 36 months. But only on the basis of an already created individual program. No changes were made in the latest version of the law.

A list of services that are provided urgently is listed.

In accordance with the law, the range of services is as follows:

  • Necessary set of products or provision of free hot food;
  • Citizens are provided with shoes, clothing or other basic necessities;
  • Assistance in obtaining housing;
  • Other urgent services.

No changes were made to the article in the latest edition.

St 31 442

Persons who can receive social services for free are listed. This list includes:

  • Minor children;
  • Persons who suffered as a result of an emergency or military (international) conflict.

To analyze the law, changes and additions, download it from the link above.

2. Social services in the form social services at home and in a semi-stationary form of social services are provided free of charge, if on the date of application the average per capita income of the recipient of social services, calculated in accordance with regulatory standards legal acts of the Russian Federation, below the maximum value or equal to the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge, established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

3. Regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may provide for other categories of citizens to whom social services are provided free of charge.

4. The procedure for determining the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge for the purposes of this Federal Law is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The size of the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge is established by the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and cannot be lower than one and a half times the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the main socio-demographic groups of the population.

Judicial practice under Article 31 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ

    Decision No. 2-2231/2018 2-2231/2018~M-1992/2018 M-1992/2018 dated July 18, 2018 in case No. 2-2231/2018

    Its provision in accordance with this Federal Law cannot be higher than the amount of payment for the provision of relevant social services to these persons established as of December 31, 2014, and the conditions for the provision of relevant social services cannot be worsened compared to the conditions established as of December 31, 2014. Article 19...

    Decision No. 2-1568/2018 2-1568/2018~M-919/2018 M-919/2018 dated July 11, 2018 in case No. 2-1568/2018

    Central District Court of Togliatti (Samara Region) - Civil and administrative

    Social services are provided to their recipients in the form of social services at home, or in a semi-stationary form, or in a stationary form. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 31 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ, social services in the form of social services at home, in semi-stationary and stationary forms of social services are provided free of charge: 1) ...

    Decision No. 2-1061/2018 2-1061/2018 ~ M-438/2018 M-438/2018 dated June 19, 2018 in case No. 2-1061/2018

    Bezhitsky District Court of Bryansk (Bryansk Region) - Civil and administrative

    Bryansk boarding home for the elderly and disabled,” the previously established legal relationship for the provision of social services to the defendant by the plaintiff terminated, since the agreement on the provision of social services became invalid 31 . 12.2017. In addition, during his stay at the boarding school, the defendant systematically violated internal rules, was rude and insulted employees and residents. Based on the provisions of Articles 309, 310, ...

    Decision No. 2-664/2018 2-664/2018 ~ M-586/2018 M-586/2018 dated June 5, 2018 in case No. 2-664/2018

    Decision No. 2-1381/2018 2-1381/2018 ~ M-1085/2018 M-1085/2018 dated May 30, 2018 in case No. 2-1381/2018

    Leninsky District Court of Omsk ( Omsk region) - Civil and administrative

    Decision No. 2-687/2018 2-687/2018 ~ M-624/2018 M-624/2018 dated May 30, 2018 in case No. 2-687/2018

    Leningradsky District Court ( Krasnodar region) - Civil and administrative

    The amount of which is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services and cannot exceed seventy-five percent of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services. In part 4 art. 31 of Law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 states that the procedure for determining the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the rules...

    Decision No. 2-1359/2018 2-1359/2018 ~ M-1072/2018 M-1072/2018 dated May 29, 2018 in case No. 2-1359/2018

    Leninsky District Court of Omsk (Omsk Region) - Civil and administrative

    Decision No. 2-1360/2018 2-1360/2018 ~ M-1073/2018 M-1073/2018 dated May 29, 2018 in case No. 2-1360/2018

    Leninsky District Court of Omsk (Omsk Region) - Civil and administrative

    In the inpatient form, social services are provided to their recipients for a fee or partial payment, with the exception of recipients of social services specified in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 31 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, namely: 1) minor children; 2) persons injured as a result emergency situations, armed interethnic (interethnic) conflicts. The monthly fee for the provision of social services...

    Decision No. 2-1402/2018 2-1402/2018 ~ M-1080/2018 M-1080/2018 dated May 29, 2018 in case No. 2-1402/2018

    Leninsky District Court of Omsk (Omsk Region) - Civil and administrative

    Its provision in accordance with this Federal Law cannot be higher than the amount of payment for the provision of relevant social services to these persons established as of December 31, 2014, and the conditions for the provision of relevant social services cannot be worsened compared to the conditions established as of December 31, 2014. According...

    Decision No. 2-1354/2018 2-1354/2018 ~ M-1083/2018 M-1083/2018 dated May 29, 2018 in case No. 2-1354/2018

    Leninsky District Court of Omsk (Omsk Region) - Civil and administrative

    In the inpatient form, social services are provided to their recipients for a fee or partial payment, with the exception of recipients of social services specified in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 31 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, namely: 1) minor children; 2) persons affected by emergency situations and armed interethnic conflicts. The monthly fee for the provision of social services...



On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation *O)

(as amended as of July 21, 2014)

Lost force on January 1, 2015 on the basis
Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ

Document with changes made:
Federal Law of July 10, 2002 N 87-FZ ( Russian newspaper, N 127, 07/13/2002);
Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 140, 07/31/2002);
Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 5, 01/15/2003);
Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 188, 08/31/2004) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 155 of the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ);
Federal Law of July 23, 2008 N 160-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 158, 07/25/2008) (came into force on January 1, 2009);
Federal Law of November 25, 2013 N 317-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, November 25, 2013) (for the entry procedure see Article 64 of the Federal Law of November 25, 2013 N 317-FZ) ;
Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 256-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, July 22, 2014) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 8 of Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 256- Federal Law).

This Federal Law, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, establishes the foundations legal regulation in the field of social services for the population in the Russian Federation.


Article 1. Social services

Social services are the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.

Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on social services

The legislation of the Russian Federation on social services consists of this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 3. Basic concepts

The following basic concepts apply in this Federal Law:

1) social services - enterprises and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity;

2) social service client - a citizen who is in a difficult life situation, who is provided with social services in connection with this;

3) social services - actions to provide certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the client of a social service with assistance provided for by this Federal Law;

4) difficult life situation - a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen (disability, inability to self-care due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a specific place of residence, conflicts and cruel treatment in the family, loneliness and the like), which he cannot overcome on his own.

Article 4. Social service systems

1. State system of social services - a system consisting of state enterprises and social service institutions that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

See previous edition.

3. Social services are also provided by enterprises and institutions of other forms of ownership and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity.

4. The state supports and encourages the development of social services regardless of the form of ownership.

Article 5. Principles of social services

Social services are based on the principles:

1) targeting;

2) accessibility;

3) voluntariness;

4) humanity;

5) priority of providing social services to minors in difficult life situations;

6) confidentiality;

7) preventive orientation.

Article 6. State standards of social services *6)

1. Social services must comply with state standards, which establish basic requirements for the volume and quality of social services, the procedure and conditions for their provision.

2. The establishment of state standards of social services is carried out in the manner determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause as amended by the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 87-FZ; as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ - see .previous edition).

3. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2005 - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ . - See previous edition.


Article 7. The right of citizens to social services

1. The state guarantees citizens the right to social services in the state system of social services according to the main types defined by this Federal Law in the manner and under the conditions established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause supplemented on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition). *7.1)

2. Social services are provided on the basis of an application from a citizen, his guardian, trustee, other legal representative, government body, local government body, public association.

3. Every citizen has the right to receive free information from the state system of social services about the opportunities, types, procedures and conditions of social services. *7.3)

4. Foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation have equal rights to social services with citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by an international treaty of the Russian Federation (clause as amended, put into effect on October 31, 2002 by Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ - see previous edition). *7.4)

Article 8. Financial assistance

1. Material assistance is provided to citizens in difficult life situations in the form of Money, food, sanitation and hygiene products, child care products, clothing, shoes and other essential items, fuel, as well as special vehicles, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people and people in need of care. *8.1)

2. The grounds and procedure for providing financial assistance are established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 9. Social services at home

1. Social services at home are provided by providing social services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary social services. *9.1)

2. Single citizens and citizens who have partially lost the ability to self-care due to old age, illness, or disability are provided with assistance at home in the form of social, social, medical services and other assistance.

Article 10. Social services in inpatient institutions

Social services in inpatient social service institutions are carried out by providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need constant outside care, and ensure the creation of living conditions appropriate to their age and health status, carrying out medical, psychological, social activities, nutrition and care, as well as the organization of feasible work activities, rest and leisure. *10)

Article 11. Provision of temporary shelter *11)

Temporary shelter in a specialized social service institution is provided to orphans, children without parental care, neglected minors, children in difficult life situations, citizens without a fixed place of residence and specific occupation, citizens affected by physical or mental violence, natural disasters , as a result of armed and interethnic conflicts, to other social service clients in need of temporary shelter.

Article 12. Organization of day stay in social service institutions

In social service institutions in daytime social, social, medical and other services are provided to elderly and disabled citizens who have retained the ability for self-care and active movement, as well as other persons, including minors, who are in difficult life situations.

Article 13. Advisory assistance

In social service institutions, social service clients are provided with consultations on issues of social, social and medical support for life, psychological and pedagogical assistance, and social and legal protection.

Article 14. Rehabilitation services

Social services provide assistance in professional, social, psychological rehabilitation to people with disabilities, persons with disabilities, juvenile offenders, and other citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations and need rehabilitation services.

Article 15. Payment for social services

1. Social services are provided by social services free of charge and for a fee. *15.1)

2. Free social services in the state system of social services are provided on the grounds provided for in Article 16 of this Federal Law. The procedure for providing free social services is determined by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition).

3. Paid social services in the state system of social services are provided in the manner established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition).

4. The conditions and procedure for payment of social services in social services of other forms of ownership are established by them independently.

Article 16. Grounds for free social services in the state system of social services

1. Free social services in the state system of social services in the amounts determined by state standards of social services are provided:

1) citizens who are not capable of self-care due to old age, illness, disability, who do not have relatives who can provide them with help and care - if the average per capita income of these citizens is below the subsistence level established for the subject of the Russian Federation in which they live ; *16.1.1)

2) citizens who are in a difficult life situation due to unemployment, natural disasters, catastrophes, victims of armed and interethnic conflicts;

3) minor children in difficult life situations.

2. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2005 - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ . - See previous edition.


Article 17. Social service institutions and enterprises

1. Social service institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, are:

1) comprehensive centers for social services for the population;

2) territorial centers for social assistance to families and children;

3) social service centers;

4) social rehabilitation centers for minors; *17.1.4)

5) assistance centers for children left without parental care; *17.1.5)

6) social shelters for children and adolescents; *17.1.6)

7) centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

8) centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone; *17.1.8)

9) social assistance centers (departments) at home; *17.1.9)

10) night stay homes; *17.1.10)

11) special homes for lonely elderly people; *17.1.11)

12) stationary social service institutions (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities); *17.1.12)

13) gerontological centers;

14) other institutions providing social services. *17.1.14)

2. Social service enterprises include enterprises that provide social services to the population.

3. The procedure for the creation, operation, reorganization and liquidation of social service institutions and enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, is regulated by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. *17.3)

Article 17_1. Independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises

1. An independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises is one of the forms of public control and is carried out in order to provide recipients of social services with information about the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises, as well as in order to improve the quality of their activities.

2. An independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises involves assessing the conditions for the provision of services according to such general criteria as openness and accessibility of information about the institution and the social service enterprise; the comfort of the conditions for the provision of social services and the availability of information about the institution and the social service enterprise; comfortable conditions for the provision of social services and accessibility of their receipt; waiting time for the provision of social services; friendliness, politeness, competence of employees of social service institutions and enterprises; satisfaction with the quality of service provision.

3. An independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises is carried out in accordance with the provisions of this article. When conducting an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises, publicly available information about institutions and social service enterprises is used, including in the form of open data.

4. An independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises is carried out in relation to state enterprises and social service institutions that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other institutions and social service enterprises, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity in the aggregate exceeds fifty percent, as well as in relation to other non-state institutions and social service enterprises that provide state and municipal social services.

5. In order to create conditions for organizing an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises:

1) the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing public policy and legal regulation in the field of social services (hereinafter referred to as the authorized federal executive body), with the participation of public organizations, public associations consumers (their associations, unions) (hereinafter referred to as public organizations) forms a public council to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises and approves the regulations on it;

2) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the participation of public organizations, form public councils to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises located on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and approve regulations on them;

3) local government bodies with the participation of public organizations have the right to form public councils to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises located in the territories of municipalities, and approve regulations on them.

6. Indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises specified in part four of this article are established by the authorized federal executive body with preliminary discussion at the public council.

7. By decision of the authorized federal executive body, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government bodies, the functions of public councils for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises may be assigned to the public councils existing under these bodies. In such cases, public councils for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises are not created.

8. The public council for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by social service institutions and enterprises is formed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of a conflict of interest. The composition of the public council is formed from among representatives of public organizations. The number of members of the public council cannot be less than five people. Members of the public council carry out their activities on public principles. Information about the activities of the public council is posted by the state authority or local government body under which it was created on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the Internet).

9. An independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises, organized by public councils for its implementation, is carried out no more than once a year and no less than once every three years.

10. Public councils to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises:

1) determine the lists of social service institutions and enterprises in respect of which an independent assessment is carried out;

2) formulate proposals for the development of technical specifications for an organization that collects, summarizes and analyzes information on the quality of services provided by social service institutions and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the operator), take part in the consideration of draft documentation on the procurement of works, services, as well as government projects , municipal contracts concluded by an authorized federal executive body, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government bodies with the operator;

3) establish, if necessary, criteria for assessing the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises (in addition to the general criteria established by this article);

4) carry out an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises;

5) submit, respectively, to the authorized federal executive body, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies the results of an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises, as well as proposals for improving the quality of their activities.

11. The conclusion of state and municipal contracts for the performance of work, the provision of services for the collection, compilation and analysis of information on the quality of services by social service institutions and enterprises is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure public and municipal needs. The authorized federal executive body, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, based on the results of concluding state and municipal contracts, formalize a decision to determine the operator responsible for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises, and also, if necessary, provide the operator with a publicly available information about the activities of these institutions and enterprises, generated in accordance with state and departmental statistical reporting (if it is not posted on the official website of the institution or enterprise).

12. Information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises received by the authorized federal executive body, state government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local self-government bodies is subject to mandatory consideration by the said bodies in month period and is taken into account by them when developing measures to improve the work of social service institutions and enterprises.

13. Information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises is posted accordingly:

1) by the authorized federal executive body on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet;

2) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments on their official websites and the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet.

14. The composition of information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by social service institutions and enterprises and the procedure for posting it on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet are determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

15. Monitoring of compliance with the procedures for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 17_2. Information openness of social service institutions and enterprises

1. Social service institutions and enterprises ensure openness and accessibility of the following information:

1) the date of creation of the institution, social service enterprise, their founder, founders, location of the institution or social service enterprise and their branches (if any), mode, work schedule, contact numbers and email addresses;

2) the structure and governing bodies of social service institutions and enterprises;

3) types of social services provided by the social service institution and enterprise;

4) logistics for the provision of social services;

5) a copy of the charter of the social service institution or enterprise;

6) a copy of the plan of financial and economic activities of a social service institution or enterprise, approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or the budget estimate (information on the volume of social services provided);

7) a copy of the document on the procedure for providing social services for a fee;

8) information that is posted, published by decision of a social service institution or enterprise, as well as information, the placement and publication of which are mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

9) other information determined by the authorized federal executive body necessary for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises.

2. The information specified in paragraph 1 of this article is posted on the official websites of the authorized federal executive body, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, institutions and social service enterprises on the Internet in accordance with the requirements for its content and form of provision established by the authorized federal executive body.

3. The authorized federal executive body, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, institutions and social service enterprises provide on their official websites on the Internet the technical ability for recipients of social services to express opinions on the quality of services provided by social service institutions and enterprises .
(The article was additionally included from October 21, 2014 by Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 256-FZ)

Article 18. Licensing in the field of social services

(article deleted from January 15, 2003 by Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ . - See previous edition)

Article 19. Management of social services

1. Management of the state system of social services is carried out by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with their powers (clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition).

2. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2005 - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ . - See previous edition.

3. Management of social services of other forms of ownership is carried out in the manner determined by their charters or other constituent documents.

4. Scientific and methodological support of social services is carried out in the manner determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation (clause as amended by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ; as amended by Federal Law of July 23, 2008 No. 160-FZ - see .previous edition).


Article 20. Powers federal bodies state authorities in the field of social services

The powers of federal government bodies include:

1) establishing the basics federal policy in the field of social services;

2) adoption of federal laws in the field of social services and monitoring their implementation;

3) subparagraph became invalid on January 1, 2005 - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition;

4) the subparagraph became invalid on January 1, 2005 - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition;

5) establishment of methodological support for social services (subparagraph as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition);

6) subparagraph was deleted from January 15, 2003 by Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ . - See previous edition;
Subparagraphs 7-11 of the previous edition from January 15, 2003 are considered, respectively, subparagraphs 6-10 of this edition - Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ.

6) subparagraph became invalid on January 1, 2005 - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition;

7) establishment of a unified federal system of statistical accounting and reporting in the field of social services;

8) subparagraph became invalid on January 1, 2005 - Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition;

9) organization and coordination of scientific research in the field of social services;

10) development of international cooperation in the field of social services;

11) creation of conditions for organizing an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises.
(The subparagraph was additionally included from October 21, 2014 by Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 256-FZ)

Article 21. Powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social services

State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, outside the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation provided for by this Federal Law, carry out their own legal regulation of social services to the population.

The powers of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation include:

Ensuring the implementation of this Federal Law;

Development, financing and implementation regional programs social services;

Determining the structure of governing bodies of the state social service system and organizing their activities;

Establishing a procedure for coordinating the activities of social services;

Creation, management and maintenance of the activities of social service institutions;

Creating conditions for organizing an independent assessment of the quality of service provision by social service institutions and enterprises;
(Paragraph additionally included from October 21, 2014 by Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 256-FZ)
From October 21, 2014, paragraph seven of part two of the previous edition is considered paragraph eight of part two of this edition - Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 256-FZ.

Other powers.
(Article as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition)


Article 22. Property support for social services

Social services, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are provided with land plots and property necessary to fulfill their statutory tasks.

Article 23. Financial support for social services and social service institutions

Social services to the population, carried out in accordance with the standards established by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and financial support of social service institutions are expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (article as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition).

Article 24. Entrepreneurial activity of social service institutions

1. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, social service institutions have the right to conduct business activities only insofar as this serves the achievement of the goals for which they were created.

2. Entrepreneurial activities of social service institutions are subject to preferential taxation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 25. Staffing of social services

1. The effectiveness of the activities of social services is ensured by specialists who have a professional education that meets the requirements and nature of the work performed, experience in the field of social services and who, due to their personal qualities, are inclined to provide social services.

2. Measures of social support for employees of the state social service system are determined by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with their powers (clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition).

3. Medical workers of the state system of social services directly involved in social and medical services may be provided with social support measures in the manner and under the conditions that are provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for medical workers medical organizations state health care system. *25.3)
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition)

4. Employees of social service institutions of the state system of social services who directly carry out social rehabilitation of minors may be provided with measures of social support in the manner and under the conditions that are provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for teaching staff educational institutions for orphans, children without parental care, and special educational institutions for minors (clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition). *25.4)

5. Social support measures for social service workers of other forms of ownership are established by their founders independently on a contractual basis (clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2005 by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ - see previous edition).


Article 26. Liability for violation of this Federal Law

The liability of persons engaged in the field of social services, if their actions (inaction) entail consequences dangerous to the life and health of a social service client or other violation of his rights, occurs in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 27. Appeal against actions (inaction) of social services

Actions (inaction) of social services can be appealed by a citizen, his guardian, trustee, or other legal representative to state authorities, local governments or to court.

Article 28. Entry into force of this Federal Law

This Federal Law comes into force on the date of its official publication.

The president
Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

The new law gives the green light and opens up enormous opportunities for social entrepreneurship. The previous law, adopted in 1995, determined that public social services should be provided by state and municipal authorities. From 2015, the state will only set social standards and finance the provision of such services. The orders for social services themselves will be distributed on a competitive basis; their suppliers can be commercial and non-profit organizations and individual entrepreneurs. If you open a social service center now and organize its work, starting next year you will be able to participate in government procurement of these services.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the fundamentals of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation"

(the text is provided for review and comment, in relation to the format of the portal. The official text is at the link)

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law establishes:

  1. legal, organizational and economic foundations of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation;
  2. powers of federal government bodies and powers of government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social services for citizens;
  3. rights and obligations of recipients of social services;
  4. rights and obligations of social service providers.

2. This Federal Law applies to citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, refugees (hereinafter referred to as citizens), as well as legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form and individual entrepreneurs providing social services to citizens.

Article 2. Legal regulation of social services for citizens

Legal regulation of social services for citizens is carried out on the basis of this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

  1. social services for citizens (hereinafter referred to as social services) - activities to provide social services to citizens;
  2. social service - an action or actions in the field of social services to provide constant, periodic, one-time assistance, including urgent assistance, to a citizen in order to improve his living conditions and (or) expand his ability to independently provide for his basic life needs;
  3. recipient of social services - a citizen who is recognized as in need of social services and to whom a social service or social services are provided;
  4. provider of social services - a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form, and (or) an individual entrepreneur providing social services;
  5. social service standard - basic requirements for the volume, frequency and quality of provision of social services to the recipient of social services, established by type of social services;
  6. prevention of circumstances that determine the need for social services is a system of measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes that served as the basis for the deterioration of citizens’ living conditions, reducing their ability to independently provide for their basic life needs.

Article 4. Principles of social service

1. Social services are based on the observance of human rights and respect for the dignity of the individual, are humane in nature and do not allow humiliation of a person’s honor and dignity.

2. Social services are also provided on the following principles:

  1. equal, free access of citizens to social services, regardless of their gender, race, age, nationality, language, origin, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs and membership of public associations;
  2. targeting of social services;
  3. proximity of social service providers to the place of residence of recipients of social services, sufficiency of the number of social service providers to meet the needs of citizens for social services, sufficiency of financial, material, technical, human and information resources of social service providers;
  4. maintaining the citizen’s stay in a familiar favorable environment;
  5. voluntariness;
  6. confidentiality.

Article 5. Social service system

The social service system includes:

  1. the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of social services (hereinafter referred to as the authorized federal executive body);
  2. a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to exercise the powers provided for by this Federal Law in the field of social services (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation);
  3. social service organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive authorities;
  4. social service organizations under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as social service organizations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation);
  5. non-governmental (commercial and non-profit) social service organizations, including socially oriented non-profit organizations providing social services;
  6. individual entrepreneurs providing social services.

Article 6. Confidentiality of information about the recipient of social services

1. Disclosure of information classified by the legislation of the Russian Federation as information of a confidential nature or proprietary information about recipients of social services by persons to whom this information became known in connection with the performance of professional, official and (or) other duties is not permitted. Disclosure of information about recipients of social services entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. With the consent of the recipient of social services or his legal representative, given in writing, it is permitted to transfer information about the recipient of social services to other persons, including officials, in the interests of the recipient of social services or his legal representative, including funds mass media and the official website of the social service provider on the information and telecommunications network “Internet” (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet”).

3. Providing information about a recipient of social services without his consent or without the consent of his legal representative is permitted:

  1. at the request of the bodies of inquiry and investigation, the court in connection with the investigation or legal proceedings or at the request of the prosecutor's office in connection with their exercise of prosecutorial supervision;
  2. at the request of other bodies empowered to exercise state control (supervision) in the field of social services;
  3. when processing personal data within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction, as well as when registering the subject of personal data on a single portal of state and municipal services and (or) regional portals of state and municipal services in accordance with the legislation on the organization of the provision of state and municipal services;
  4. in other cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. Powers of federal government bodies and government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social services

Article 7. Powers of federal government bodies in the field of social services

1. The powers of federal government bodies in the field of social services include:

  1. establishing the foundations of state policy and the foundations of legal regulation in the field of social services;
  2. statement methodological recommendations for calculating per capita standards for financing social services;
  3. approval of an approximate list of social services by type of social services;
  4. approval of the procedure for posting and updating information about the social service provider, including requirements for the content and form of providing this information, on the official website of the social service provider on the Internet;
  5. management of federal property used in the field of social services;
  6. maintaining a unified federal system of statistical accounting and reporting in the field of social services;
  7. federal state control(supervision) in the field of social services;
  8. international cooperation of the Russian Federation and the conclusion of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of social services;
  9. other powers related to the field of social services and established by federal laws.

2. The powers of the authorized federal executive body include:

  1. development and implementation of state policy in the field of social services, as well as the development of measures to improve social services;
  2. coordination of activities in the field of social services carried out by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, all-Russian public organizations and other organizations operating in the field of social services;
  3. methodological support for social services, including those related to the prevention of circumstances that determine the need for social services;
  4. approval of an approximate nomenclature of social service organizations;
  5. approval of methodological recommendations for calculating the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of a network of social service organizations;
  6. 6) approval of the rules for organizing the activities of social service organizations, their structural divisions, which include recommended staffing standards, a list necessary equipment to equip social service organizations and their structural divisions;
  7. approval of recommended nutritional standards and standards for the provision of soft equipment to recipients of social services according to forms of social services;
  8. approval of an approximate procedure for the provision of social services;
  9. approval of the procedure for monitoring social services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the forms of documents required for such monitoring;
  10. approval of recommendations for the formation and maintenance of a register of providers of social services and a register of recipients of social services;
  11. approval of recommendations for organization interdepartmental interaction executive bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the provision of social services, as well as in assistance in the provision of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social assistance not related to social services (social support) (hereinafter also referred to as social support);
  12. approval of recommendations for determining the individual need for social services of recipients of social services;
  13. approval of an application form for the provision of social services, a sample form of an agreement for the provision of social services, as well as the form of an individual program for the provision of social services (hereinafter referred to as the individual program);
  14. approval of the procedure for referring citizens to inpatient social service organizations with special social services;
  15. approval of approximate regulations on the board of trustees of a social service organization;
  16. approval of the procedure for the provision of social services, as well as the procedure for approval of the list of social services by type of social services by social service organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body;
  17. other powers provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Article 8. Powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social services

The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social services include:

  1. legal regulation and organization of social services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the powers established by this Federal Law;
  2. determination of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including the recognition of citizens in need of social services, as well as the drawing up of an individual program;
  3. coordination of the activities of social service providers, public organizations and other organizations operating in the field of social services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  4. approval of the regulations for interdepartmental interaction of public authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of the powers of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of social services;
  5. approval of standards for the staffing level of social service organizations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, standards for the provision of soft equipment and the area of ​​residential premises when providing social services by these organizations;
  6. approval of nutrition standards in social service organizations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  7. formation and maintenance of a register of providers of social services and a register of recipients of social services;
  8. development, financial support and implementation of regional social service programs;
  9. approval by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of a list of social services provided by social service providers, taking into account the approximate list of social services by type of social services, approved in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 7 of this Federal Law;
  10. approval of the procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers;
  11. establishing a procedure for approving tariffs for social services based on per capita standards for financing social services;
  12. approval of the procedure for organizing the implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of social services, indicating the body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to exercise such control;
  13. establishing a maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge;
  14. approval of the amount of fees for the provision of social services and the procedure for collecting them;
  15. security free access to information about providers of social services, the social services they provide, types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, tariffs for these services, including through the media, including posting information on official websites on the Internet ;
  16. establishing measures of social support and incentives for employees of social service organizations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  17. organization vocational training, vocational education and additional professional education of employees of social service providers;
  18. maintaining records and reporting in the field of social services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  19. establishing a procedure for implementing programs in the field of social services, including investment programs;
  20. organization of support for socially oriented people commercial organizations, philanthropists and volunteers carrying out activities in the field of social services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  21. development and implementation of measures for the formation and development of the social services market, including the development of non-governmental social service organizations;
  22. development and testing of methods and technologies in the field of social services;
  23. approval of the procedure for interdepartmental interaction between government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the provision of social services and social support;
  24. approval of the nomenclature of social service organizations in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  25. other powers provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws.

Chapter 3. Rights and obligations of recipients of social services

Article 9. Rights of recipients of social services

Recipients of social services have the right to:

  1. respectful and humane treatment;
  2. receiving free information in an accessible form about your rights and obligations, types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, tariffs for these services and their cost for the recipient of social services, the possibility of receiving these services for free, as well as about providers social services;
  3. selection of social service provider or providers;
  4. refusal to provide social services;
  5. protection of your rights and legitimate interests in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  6. participation in the development of individual programs;
  7. ensuring conditions of stay in social service organizations that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as proper care;
  8. free visits by legal representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergy, as well as relatives and other persons during the day and evening;
  9. social support in accordance with Article 22 of this Federal Law.

Article 10. Responsibilities of recipients of social services

Recipients of social services are obliged to:

  1. provide, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, information and documents necessary for the provision of social services;
  2. promptly inform social service providers about changes in circumstances that determine the need for the provision of social services;
  3. comply with the terms of the contract for the provision of social services concluded with the provider of social services, including promptly and in full paying the cost of the social services provided when they are provided for a fee or partial payment.

Chapter 4. Rights, obligations and information transparency of social service providers

Article 11. Rights of social service providers

1. Social service providers have the right:

  1. request the relevant government authorities, as well as local authorities, and receive from these authorities the information necessary for organizing social services;
  2. refuse to provide a social service to a recipient of social services if he violates the terms of the contract for the provision of social services concluded with the recipient of social services or his legal representative, as well as in the case provided for in Part 3 of Article 18 of this Federal Law;
  3. be included in the register of social service providers of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  4. receive information within two working days about their inclusion in the list of recommended social service providers.

2. Social service providers have the right to provide citizens, at their request, expressed in writing or electronically, with additional social services for a fee.

Article 12. Responsibilities of social service providers

1. Social service providers are obliged to:

  1. carry out its activities in accordance with this Federal Law, other federal laws, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  2. provide social services to recipients of social services in accordance with individual programs and terms of agreements concluded with recipients of social services or their legal representatives, based on the requirements of this Federal Law;
  3. provide urgent social services in accordance with Article 21 of this Federal Law;
  4. provide, free of charge, in an accessible form, to recipients of social services or their legal representatives information about their rights and obligations, types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, tariffs for these services and their cost for the recipient of social services or the opportunity to receive them for free;
  5. use information about recipients of social services in accordance with the requirements for the protection of personal data established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data;
  6. provide the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with information for the formation of a register of recipients of social services;
  7. provide social support in accordance with Article 22 of this Federal Law;
  8. provide recipients of social services with assistance in passing a medical and social examination carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation by federal institutions of medical and social examination;
  9. provide recipients of social services with the opportunity to use communication services, including the Internet and postal services, when receiving services from social service organizations;
  10. provide spouses living in a social service organization with isolated living quarters for living together;
  11. provide recipients of social services with the opportunity to freely visit their legal representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergy, as well as relatives and other persons during the day and evening;
  12. ensure the safety of personal belongings and valuables of recipients of social services;
  13. perform other duties related to the implementation of the rights of recipients of social services to social services.

2. Social service providers, when providing social services, do not have the right to:

  1. limit the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of recipients of social services, including when using medicines for medical use;
  2. use physical or psychological violence against recipients of social services, insult them, abuse them;
  3. place disabled children who do not suffer from mental disorders in inpatient social service organizations intended for disabled children who suffer from mental disorders, and vice versa.

Article 13. Information transparency of social service providers

1. Social service providers create publicly accessible informational resources, containing information about the activities of these providers, and provide access to these resources by posting them on information stands in the premises of social service providers, in the media, on the Internet, including on the official website of the social service organization.

2. Social service providers ensure openness and accessibility of information:

  1. about the date of state registration, about the founder (founders), location, branches (if any), mode, work schedule, contact numbers and email addresses;
  2. on the structure and governing bodies of social service organizations;
  3. about the form of social services, types of social services, the procedure and conditions for their provision, about tariffs for social services;
  4. on the number of recipients of social services by forms of social services and types of social services at the expense of budgetary allocations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in accordance with agreements at the expense of funds individuals and (or) legal entities;
  5. about the manager, his deputies, heads of branches (if any), about the personnel of employees (indicating, with their consent, the level of education, qualifications and work experience);
  6. on material and technical support for the provision of social services (availability of equipped premises for the provision of social services, including libraries, sports facilities, availability of training and education facilities, nutritional conditions and provision of health care for recipients of social services, access to information systems in the field of social services and Internet networks);
  7. on the number of available places for receiving recipients of social services in forms of social services financed from budgetary allocations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as paid in accordance with contracts from the funds of individuals and (or) legal entities;
  8. on the volume of social services provided at the expense of budgetary allocations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in accordance with agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;
  9. on the availability of licenses to carry out activities subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  10. on financial and economic activities;
  11. on internal regulations for recipients of social services, internal rules labor regulations, collective agreement;
  12. on the availability of instructions from bodies exercising state control in the field of social services, and reports on the implementation of these instructions;
  13. about other information that is posted, published by decision of the social service provider and (or) placement, publication of which is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The information and documents specified in Part 2 of this article must be posted on the official website of the social service provider on the Internet and updated within ten working days from the date of their creation, receipt or appropriate changes. The procedure for posting on the official website of a social service provider on the Internet and updating information about this provider (including the content of this information and the form of its provision) is approved by the authorized federal executive body.

Chapter 5. Provision of social services

Article 14. Application for social services

The basis for consideration of the issue of providing social services is an application submitted in writing or electronic form by a citizen or his legal representative for the provision of social services or an appeal in his interests from other citizens, an appeal government agencies, local government bodies, public associations directly to the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or submitted an application or appeal within the framework of interdepartmental interaction.

Article 15. Recognition of a citizen as needing social services

1. A citizen is recognized as in need of social services if the following circumstances exist that worsen or may worsen his living conditions:

  1. complete or partial loss of the ability or ability to provide self-care, move independently, or provide basic life needs due to illness, injury, age or disability;
  2. the presence of a disabled person or disabled people in the family, including a disabled child or disabled children who need constant outside care;
  3. the presence of a child or children (including those under guardianship or guardianship) experiencing difficulties in social adaptation;
  4. lack of opportunity to provide care (including temporary care) for a disabled person, child, children, as well as lack of care for them;
  5. the presence of intra-family conflict, including with persons with drug or alcohol addiction, persons addicted to gambling, persons suffering from mental disorders, presence of domestic violence;
  6. lack of a specific place of residence, including for a person who has not reached the age of twenty-three and has completed his stay in an organization for orphans and children without parental care;
  7. lack of work and livelihood;
  8. the presence of other circumstances that are recognized by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation as worsening or capable of worsening the living conditions of citizens.

2. The authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision to recognize a citizen as in need of social services or to refuse social services within five working days from the date of filing the application. The applicant is informed about the decision made in writing or electronically. The decision to provide urgent social services is made immediately.

3. The decision to refuse social services may be appealed in court.

Article 16. Individual program

1. An individual program is a document that specifies the form of social services, types, volume, frequency, conditions, terms for the provision of social services, a list of recommended providers of social services, as well as social support measures carried out in accordance with Article 22 of this Federal Law.

2. An individual program is drawn up based on the citizen’s need for social services, and is revised depending on changes in this need, but at least once every three years. The revision of the individual program is carried out taking into account the results of the implemented individual program.

3. An individual program for a citizen or his legal representative is advisory in nature, and mandatory for a social service provider.

4. The individual program is drawn up in two copies. A copy of the individual program, signed by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, is transferred to the citizen or his legal representative within no more than ten working days from the date of submission of the citizen’s application for the provision of social services. The second copy of the individual program remains with the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5. In the event of a change in the place of residence of the recipient of social services, the individual program drawn up at the previous place of residence remains valid within the scope of the list of social services established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the new place of residence, until the individual program is drawn up at the new place of residence within the time frame and in in the manner established by this article.

Article 17. Agreement on the provision of social services

1. Social services are provided to a citizen on the basis of an agreement on the provision of social services concluded between the social service provider and the citizen or his legal representative, within 24 hours from the date of submission of the individual program to the social service provider.

2. The essential terms of the contract for the provision of social services are the provisions defined individual program, as well as the cost of social services if they are provided for a fee or partial payment.

3. Relations related to the execution of an agreement on the provision of social services are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 18. Refusal of social services, social services

1. A citizen or his legal representative has the right to refuse social services or social services. The refusal must be made in writing and entered into the individual program.

2. The refusal of the recipient of social services or his legal representative from social services, social services releases the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and providers of social services from responsibility for the provision of social services, social services.

3. A citizen or recipient of social services may be denied, including temporarily, the provision of social services in an inpatient setting due to the presence of medical contraindications, the list of which is approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulations. regulation in the healthcare sector. Such a refusal is possible only if there is a corresponding conclusion from an authorized medical organization.

Chapter 6. Forms of social services, types of social services

Article 19. Forms of social services

1. Social services are provided to their recipients in the form of social services at home, or in a semi-stationary form, or in a stationary form.

2. Social services in a semi-stationary form are provided to their recipients by a social service organization at a certain time of the day.

3. Social services in a stationary form are provided to their recipients with permanent, temporary (for a period determined by an individual program) or five-day (per week) round-the-clock residence in a social service organization. Recipients of social services in a stationary form are provided with residential premises, as well as premises for the provision of the types of social services provided for in paragraphs 1 - 7 of Article 20 of this Federal Law.

4. When providing social services in a semi-stationary form or in a stationary form, the following must be provided:

  1. the possibility of accompanying the recipient of social services when moving around the territory of a social service organization, as well as when using the services provided by such an organization;
  2. the ability to independently move around the territory of a social service organization, enter, exit and move within such an organization (including for movement in wheelchairs), for rest in a sitting position, as well as accessible placement of equipment and storage media;
  3. duplicating text messages with voice messages, equipping a social service organization with signs made in embossed dotted Braille, familiarizing them with inscriptions, signs and other text and graphic information on the territory of such an organization, as well as the admission of a sign language interpreter, the admission of guide dogs;
  4. duplication of voice information with text information, inscriptions and (or) light signals, informing about provided social services using Russian sign language(sign language interpreter), permission of a sign language interpreter;
  5. providing other types of outside assistance.

5. Citizens from among those released from places of deprivation of liberty, for whom administrative supervision has been established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care, in the absence of medical contraindications and upon their personal application, are accepted for social services in inpatient organizations social services with special social services in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. Issues of admission to inpatient social service organizations and discharge from such organizations of persons suffering from mental disorders are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on psychiatric care.

Article 20. Types of social services

Recipients of social services, taking into account their individual needs, are provided with the following types of social services:

  1. social and domestic, aimed at maintaining the life of recipients of social services in everyday life;
  2. social and medical, aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of recipients of social services by organizing care, providing assistance in carrying out health-improving activities, systematically monitoring recipients of social services to identify deviations in their health;
  3. socio-psychological, providing assistance in correcting the psychological state of recipients of social services for adaptation in the social environment, including the provision of psychological assistance anonymously using a helpline;
  4. socio-pedagogical, aimed at preventing deviations in behavior and personality development of recipients of social services, developing their positive interests (including in the field of leisure), organizing their leisure time, providing assistance to families in raising children;
  5. social and labor, aimed at providing assistance in finding employment and solving other problems related to labor adaptation;
  6. social and legal, aimed at providing assistance in obtaining legal services, including free of charge, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;
  7. services to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children;
  8. urgent social services.

Article 21. Urgent social services

1. Urgent social services include:

  1. providing free hot meals or food packages;
  2. provision of clothing, shoes and other basic necessities;
  3. assistance in obtaining temporary housing;
  4. assistance in obtaining legal assistance in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;
  5. assistance in obtaining emergency psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy in this work;
  6. other urgent social services.

2. Provision of urgent social services in order to provide emergency care carried out within the time frame determined by the need of the recipient of social services, without drawing up an individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services. The basis for the provision of urgent social services is the application of the recipient of social services, as well as the receipt from medical, educational or other organizations not included in the social service system, information about citizens in need of urgent social services. Confirmation of the provision of urgent social services is an act on the provision of urgent social services, containing information about the recipient and provider of these services, the types of urgent social services provided, the terms, date and conditions of their provision. The act of providing urgent social services is confirmed by the signature of their recipient.

Article 22. Assistance in the provision of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social assistance not related to social services (social support)

1. If necessary, citizens, including parents, guardians, trustees, and other legal representatives of minor children, are provided with assistance in providing medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, and social assistance not related to social services (social support).

2. Social support is carried out by attracting organizations providing such assistance on the basis of interdepartmental interaction in accordance with Article 28 of this Federal Law. Social support activities are reflected in the individual program.

Chapter 7. Organization of the provision of social services

Article 23. Social service organizations

1. Social service organizations are organizations providing social services at home, semi-stationary social services, and stationary social services.

2. Social service organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are created and operate taking into account methodological recommendations for calculating the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of a network of social service organizations and in accordance with the rules for organizing the activities of social service organizations and their structural divisions.

3. Boards of trustees are created in state social service organizations.

4. The structure, procedure for formation, term of office, competence of the board of trustees and the procedure for making decisions by it are determined by the charter of the social service organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of the approximate regulations on the board of trustees of the social service organization.

Article 24. Information systems in the field of social services

1. Information systems in the field of social services (hereinafter referred to as information systems) collect, store, process and provide information about providers of social services (register of providers of social services) and recipients of social services (register of recipients of social services) based on data provided by providers social services.

2. Operators of information systems are the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and organizations with which the said body has concluded agreements on the operation of information systems.

3. Information contained in information systems, is used for the purposes of monitoring social services, exercising state control (supervision) in the field of social services in accordance with Article 33 of this Federal Law and for other purposes determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 25. Register of social service providers

1. The register of social service providers is formed in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. The inclusion of social service organizations in the register of social service providers is carried out on a voluntary basis.

3. The register of social service providers contains the following information:

  1. full and (if available) abbreviated name of the social service provider;
  2. date of state registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur who is a provider of social services;
  3. organizational and legal form of the social service provider (for legal entities);
  4. address (location, place of provision of social services), contact telephone number, email address of the social service provider;
  5. last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the social service provider;
  6. information about licenses held by the social service provider (if necessary);
  7. information about forms of social services;
  8. list of social services provided by forms of social services and types of social services;
  9. tariffs for provided social services by forms of social services and types of social services;
  10. information about total number places intended for the provision of social services, the availability of free places, including forms of social services;
  11. information about the conditions for the provision of social services;
  12. information on the results of inspections performed;
  13. information about the work experience of the social service provider over the past five years;

4. The register of social service providers in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is posted on the official website of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the Internet in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The social service provider, from the moment of its inclusion in the register of social service providers, is responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the information contained in this register.

Article 26. Register of Social Services Recipients

1. A register of recipients of social services is formed in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of data provided by providers of social services.

2. The register of recipients of social services contains the following information about the recipient of social services:

  1. account registration number;
  2. Full Name;
  3. Date of Birth;
  4. address (place of residence), contact telephone number;
  5. insurance number of an individual personal account;
  6. series, passport number or data of another identification document, date of issue of these documents and the name of the issuing authority;
  7. date of application for social services;
  8. date of registration and number of the individual program;
  9. name of the provider or names of social service providers implementing the individual program;
  10. a list of social services provided and provided to the recipient of social services in accordance with the concluded agreement on the provision of social services, indicating tariffs, the cost of social services for the recipient of social services, sources of financing, frequency and results of their provision;
  11. other information determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 27. Requirements for the procedure for providing social services

1. The procedure for the provision of social services is mandatory for implementation by providers of social services.

2. The procedure for the provision of social services is established according to the forms of social services, types of social services and includes:

  1. name of the social service;
  2. social service standard;
  3. rules for providing social services free of charge or for a fee or partial payment;
  4. requirements for the activities of a social service provider in the field of social services;
  5. a list of documents required for the provision of social services, indicating the documents and information that the recipient of the social service must submit, and documents that are subject to submission within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction or are submitted by the recipient of the social service on his own initiative;

6) other provisions depending on the form of social services and types of social services.

3. The social service standard includes:

  1. description of the social service, including its scope;
  2. terms of provision of social services;
  3. per capita standard for financing social services;
  4. quality indicators and assessment of the results of providing social services;
  5. conditions for the provision of social services, including conditions for the accessibility of the provision of social services for disabled people and other persons, taking into account the limitations of their life activities;
  6. other provisions necessary for the provision of social services.

Article 28. Interdepartmental interaction in organizing social services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

1. Interdepartmental interaction in the organization of social services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and social support is carried out on the basis of the regulations for interdepartmental interaction, which determine the content and procedure for the actions of public authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of the powers of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation established by this Federal Law.

2. The regulations for interdepartmental interaction determine:

  1. a list of government bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carry out interdepartmental interaction;
  2. types of activities carried out by government bodies of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  3. the procedure and forms of interdepartmental interaction;
  4. requirements for the content, forms and conditions of information exchange, including in electronic form;
  5. mechanism for implementing social support measures, including the procedure for involving organizations in its implementation;
  6. the procedure for implementing state control (supervision) and assessing the results of interdepartmental interaction.

Article 29. Prevention of circumstances that determine a citizen’s need for social services

1. Prevention of circumstances that determine a citizen’s need for social services is carried out by:

  1. examining the living conditions of a citizen, determining the reasons influencing the deterioration of these conditions;
  2. analysis of state statistical reporting data, conducting, if necessary, selective sociological surveys.

2. Measures to prevent circumstances that determine a citizen’s need for social services are carried out, inter alia, within the framework of regional social service programs approved by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 8. Financing of social services and terms of payment for social services

Article 30. Financial support for social services

1. The sources of financial support for social services are:

  1. funds from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
  2. charitable contributions and donations;
  3. funds of recipients of social services when providing social services for a fee or partial payment;
  4. income from business and other income-generating activities carried out by social service organizations, as well as other sources not prohibited by law.

2. Financial support for the activities of social service organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive authorities is carried out in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget, as well as at the expense of recipients of social services when providing social services for a fee or partial payment.

3. Financial support for the activities of social service organizations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as at the expense of recipients of social services when providing social services for a fee or partial payment.

4. Financial support for the provision of social services by non-governmental organizations, individual entrepreneurs carrying out social service activities, and providing social services to socially oriented non-profit organizations carried out by providing subsidies from the relevant budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, procurement of social services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, as well as account of funds of recipients of social services when providing social services for a fee or partial payment.

5. The authorized federal executive body, the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation has the right to attract other sources of financing for social services, including for the implementation of joint projects in this area.

6. The procedure for spending funds generated as a result of collecting fees for the provision of social services is established:

  1. federal executive body - for social service organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies;
  2. by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - for social service organizations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

7. The procedure for spending funds generated as a result of collecting fees for the provision of social services should provide for the possibility of using these funds for current activities, the development of a social service organization, and incentives for its employees.

8. If a citizen receives social services provided for by an individual program from a provider or providers of social services that are included in the register of providers of social services of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, but do not participate in the implementation of a state task (order), the provider or providers of social services are paid compensation in the amount and in the manner determined by the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Article 31. Providing social services free of charge

1. Social services in the form of social services at home, semi-stationary and stationary forms of social services are provided free of charge:

  1. minor children;
  2. persons affected by emergency situations and armed interethnic conflicts.

2. Social services in the form of social services at home and in the semi-stationary form of social services are provided free of charge if, on the date of application, the average per capita income of the recipient of social services, calculated in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, is below the maximum value or equal to the maximum value of the average per capita income for the provision social services free of charge, established by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3. Regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may provide for other categories of citizens to whom social services are provided free of charge.

4. The procedure for determining the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge for the purposes of this Federal Law is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The size of the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge is established by the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and cannot be lower than one and a half times the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the main socio-demographic groups of the population.

Article 32. Determining the amount of payment for the provision of social services

1. Social services in the form of social services at home and in the semi-stationary form of social services are provided for a fee or partial payment, if on the date of application the average per capita income of recipients of social services, calculated in accordance with Part 4 of Article 31 of this Federal Law, exceeds the maximum per capita income , established by Part 5 of Article 31 of this Federal Law.

2. The amount of the monthly fee for the provision of social services in the form of social services at home and in the semi-stationary form of social services is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed fifty percent of the difference between the average per capita income of the recipient of the social service and the maximum per capita income established Part 5 of Article 31 of this Federal Law.

3. Social services in the stationary form of social services are provided to their recipients for a fee or partial payment, with the exception of recipients of social services specified in parts 1 and 3 of Article 31 of this Federal Law.

4. The amount of the monthly fee for the provision of social services in the stationary form of social services is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed seventy-five percent of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services, calculated in accordance with Part 4 of Article 31 of this Federal Law.

5. Payment for the provision of social services is made in accordance with the agreement on the provision of social services provided for in Article 17 of this Federal Law.

Chapter 9. Control in the field of social services

Article 33. State control (supervision) in the field of social services

1. The provisions of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control".

2. Regional state control in the field of social services is carried out by the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Article 34. Public control in the field of social services

Public control in the field of social services is carried out by citizens, public and other organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, within the established competence, provide assistance to citizens, public and other organizations in exercising public control in the field of social services.

Chapter 10. Final and transitional provisions

Article 35. Transitional provisions

1. The list of social services provided by social service providers in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, approved by the government body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of this Federal Law, cannot be reduced in comparison with the list of social services established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation as of December 31, 2014 services provided by social service organizations in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2. Within the framework of ongoing legal relations for recipients of social services whose right to receive social services arose in accordance with the procedure for the provision of social services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in force before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, newly established fees for the provision of social services by social service providers services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the conditions for its provision in accordance with this Federal Law cannot be higher than the fees for the provision of relevant social services to these persons established as of December 31, 2014, and the conditions for the provision of relevant social services cannot be worsened in comparison with the conditions established as of December 31, 2014.

Article 36. On the recognition as invalid of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation

Declare invalid:

  1. Federal Law of August 2, 1995 N 122-FZ “On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 32, Art. 3198);
  2. Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 195-FZ “On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 50, Art. 4872);
  3. Federal Law of July 10, 2002 N 87-FZ "On Amendments to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" and additions to Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 28, art. 2791);
  4. paragraph 4 of article 36 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ "On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 30, Art. 3032);
  5. Articles 17 and 23 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ “On introducing amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On licensing of certain types of activities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 2 , Art. 167);
  6. Articles 56 and 65 of the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognition of Invalidity of Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws "On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law "On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607);
  7. Article 29 of the Federal Law of July 23, 2008 N 160-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with Improving the Exercise of the Powers of the Government of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 30, Art. 3616);
  8. Article 2 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 326-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On free legal assistance in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 48, Art. .6727);
  9. Articles 12 and 13 of the Federal Law of November 25, 2013 N 317-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 48, Article 6165).

Article 37. Entry into force of this Federal Law

President of Russian Federation

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