Bank collection service. The cost of collection services for legal entities. Specialized equipment is a guarantee of safety

The Legis Group of Companies provides a range of cash collection services (professional support of material assets). Our specialists have been working in this direction for more than twenty years. During such a solid period, special skills have been developed and rich experience has been accumulated. At the same time, we regularly monitor modern market security services, thanks to which our service for the protection and maintenance of material assets continues to develop in better side. Let's consider what the services of collection and transportation of material assets are, what areas of application they cover, and what determines the cost of accompanying material assets. In addition, here you will learn about the key advantages that our service has for accompanying material assets in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar.

Cash collection services for legal entities and individuals: general description

The escort of valuable cargo, which can be cash, material assets or securities, is the most responsible and risk-prone service in its category. Any transportation of goods of high interest to intruders is associated with a maximum degree of danger. The task of the guards is not just the delivery of goods to their destination safe and sound. Professional escort of inventory items also means ensuring the protection of people nearby. Therefore, cash collection support services are among the highest paid.

It is known that breaking into a well-protected building is much more difficult than attacking a car in the city or outside. locality. Therefore, the likelihood of danger during transportation is much higher. Thus, the organization of collection support (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar) requires a deep vocational training. Accompanying persons have to take into account many factors aimed at ensuring your personal safety and protecting your property, as well as preventing possible emergencies. To this end, the following activities are carried out before the direct escort of collection cargoes:

  • conducting a preliminary analysis of the traffic situation and possible risks;
  • planning the route of movement taking into account the received data;
  • development of a cash collection service project for individuals or legal entities;
  • coordination of the project and estimates with the customer, and the signing of an agreement for the maintenance of material assets.

Particular attention should be paid to the level of training of our specialists who provide support for material assets in Krasnodar, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The security staff of the PSC Legis includes experienced and highly qualified specialists who have passed special training and possessing the skills of power confrontations in various conditions. The professionalism of our employees is confirmed by appropriate diplomas and permits. At the same time, the protection and escort of goods and valuables is carried out in full uniform, including bulletproof vests, special equipment and weapons of the latest model.

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Where professional security and escort of valuable cargo is used

Encashment security is in demand in a wide variety of industries and fields of activity modern society. Therefore, in the arsenal of our private security company specialists in escorting valuable cargo there are effective collection projects, both for legal entities and for individuals. If in the first category we are most often talking about the protection of cash collection Money And valuable papers, then in the case of individuals, it is often necessary to provide services for accompanying valuables when moving. Therefore, among our clients you can meet official and commercial organizations(banks, trading companies), as well as representatives of show business, politicians and businessmen.

Escort cost of material values: main factors of formation

As already noted, the cost of services for the collection of funds and material assets is the highest among similar support services. Among the key factors that form this indicator, one can note the following:

  • the value of transported goods and/or money and documents;
  • the number of guards and other employees involved;
  • used equipment and technical means.

One way or another, but the company Legis offers quite reasonable prices, corresponding to the average market value of escorting valuable cargo for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar.

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Cash collection services in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Krasnodar from PSC Legis: our advantages

The Legis group of companies is one of the leaders in the security business in Russia. Choosing our cash collection services in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Krasnodar, you are guaranteed to receive such important benefits of the service as:

  • increased level of security;
  • guarantee of complete confidentiality;
  • fast delivery of material values ​​to the destination;
  • full responsibility for the transported goods;
  • wide geography of work, including international transportation;
  • the possibility of concluding a contract for cash collection services on a permanent basis;
  • affordable prices, flexible schedule.

We hope that our services of maintenance of material assets will fully satisfy your interests and needs!

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Director of the branch of SDM-Bank in Voronezh


In 1997 she graduated from the Voronezh State University majoring in Accounting and Auditing. Fluent in English.

Career at SDM-BANK

The story of Alla Vladimirovna and SDM-Bank is more than just a story successful career top manager. According to Alla Vladimirovna, the branch in Voronezh is not just a job, a service, a career. This is part of life, part of the family, the second home. And now it is already possible to speak with confidence about the labor dynasty: Alla Vladimirovna became the director of the branch after her father, Vladimir Andreevich Voronov. It was he who was the first head of the branch, who created it in 1995 and provided sustainable development business until 2012.

By the time she was appointed to the position of director, Alla Vladimirovna had worked at SDM-Bank for more than 15 years. She started, as befits a yesterday's student, from the position of an economist.

Now Alla Vladimirovna recalls with a smile that she had to do almost everything, not limited only to her direct duties, “except that I didn’t work as a driver or an IT specialist - otherwise I was everywhere in the wings.” The attitude towards the branch was formed precisely by the father's leadership: never approach tasks formally, live at work, treat the branch as if it were your brainchild - these are the basic principles on which Alla Vladimirovna's work was built throughout her career.

The list of Alla Vladimirovna's positions eloquently confirms that it is precisely this attitude that is the key to the success of both business and the person in it.

  • 1997 - economist;
  • In 2000, she was transferred to the position of Internal Control Inspector;
  • In 2003 she was appointed to the position of a loan officer;
  • In 2004, she was transferred to the position of head of the credit department;
  • In 2008, she was appointed to the position of Deputy Director of the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh;
  • In 2012, she became a branch manager.

Personal qualities

Even before Alla Vladimirovna became " right hand» her father in the bank, her personal achievements were impressive. She graduated from a mathematical school, with honors and without a single four, graduated from the University, was one of the best students of the course. Alla Vladimirovna admits that not only does mathematics and numbers not frighten her, on the contrary, in this area her “soul sings”. Therefore, he remembers his work in the credit department with special warmth. “Of all the departments, it is the credit department that is the most beloved, - this is mine,” Alla Vladimirovna admits.

The secret of a successful career

It is always worthy of admiration when it is clear that a person is in his place and does what he likes and what he does well. Alla Vladimirovna admits that she was invited to work in other banks many times, but she could not leave her native bank.

Now the SDM-Bank branch in Voronezh employs 28 people, and Alla Vladimirovna makes every effort to ensure that all employees in the bank are interested and that work, no matter how much it is, is a pleasure. “Our branch has very little staff turnover. And we are very proud of this. I try to convey my positive attitude and a responsible attitude to business to all its employees,” notes Alla Vladimirovna.

The core team of the branch has been working together for more than 10 years. Moreover, everyone, both employees and, which is very important, customers, really like our microclimate and atmosphere. Hence and a large number of regular customers who have been served by us for about 19 years. Customers remain loyal to the bank, and the branch team is also very proud of this.

Every day in Russia, the number of entrepreneurs using non-cash payments is growing. But until now, a huge percentage of the daily proceeds of various supermarkets, shops and other enterprises that provide services to Russians go to the bank in cash. Therefore, business owners are faced with the issue of safe transportation of cash and valuables: it is unlikely that any of them will come up with the idea of ​​doing it on their own. In order not to risk, small businesses turn to cash collection services. One of the few banks that have their own collection service is Sberbank.

The main situations when you should definitely connect to the help of professional collectors

Collection for individuals and legal entities of Sberbank provides the following services:

  1. acceptance, transportation of cash with automatic accrual to any bank account;
  2. transportation of valuables, precious metals and cash of the company from one structural unit to another;
  3. delivery of money to the cash desk of the enterprise for various payments (salaries to employees, etc.);
  4. transportation of valuable documents of the company together with the collected proceeds;
  5. transportation of bank securities;
  6. delivery and exchange of banknotes for exchange for banknotes of another denomination;
  7. maintenance of ATMs and payment terminals;
  8. acceptance and crediting to the account of money collected by another carrier.

Service Delivery Mechanism

This is the main list regulated by the standard contract, but additional services:

  • delivery of cash for the initial opening of a trade organization;
  • exchange of money for transfer to another carrier;
  • crediting the proceeds from one safe package not to a common account, but to several separate ones;
  • urgent cash collection phone call;
  • video recording of the client's cash recalculation procedure;
  • providing recalculation results;
  • provision of an automatic safe;
  • consultations to the client's employees on determining the authenticity of banknotes.

Along with the service, customers get some more features

By entrusting collection to Sberbank, individuals and legal entities receive a number of advantages:

  1. the transported amount has no volume restrictions;
  2. the bank bears liability for transportation;
  3. the client can order the service at a convenient time;
  4. high level professionalism of service employees, availability of combat small arms, equipping with specialized armored vehicles;
  5. transportation escort and control using high-level communications;
  6. own settlement system allows you to automatically credit funds to the client's account;
  7. individual tariffs are provided at the conclusion of contracts;
  8. when delivering money for the issuance of salaries, it is possible to split the delivered amount into banknotes of a certain denomination;
  9. additional benefits when concluding a centralized contract.

Centralized contract gives customers additional opportunities

The most favorable conditions for cooperation are for network companies located both in the same city and in different regions. The peculiarity of such companies is that each division represents a separate link in the business that needs banking service, including in the daily delivery of proceeds. In this case, the network company was forced to conclude a separate contract for collection for each of its divisions and spend additional material resources on this.

Benefits of using the services of the main bank of the country

In order to minimize costs, the financial organization offers such customers the conclusion of a centralized contract.

Thanks to this, within the framework of one agreement, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to hand over the proceeds in any branch with further crediting to the client account. Such an offer can only be provided by the largest bank, which has a very large network of branches and divisions. In addition to convenience, such a scheme is very beneficial for an entrepreneur: all funds are concentrated in one account, which allows you to control cash flow, a single tariff is set for all outlets. Additional pluses - contact with one bank employee, the conclusion of a general agreement for all departments of the company.

Integral elements of the cash collection process

Small business rates

The cost of collection of Sberbank depends on the choice of services, the amount of collected revenue and the conclusion of a centralized agreement. The tariff is set on a contractual basis, as a percentage of the collection amount and the value of securities or precious metals from each transaction.

Examples of fares in different cities countries

A detailed tariff plan can be found at the bank branch. At the same time, tariffs for legal entities are reduced. This is possible with a reduction in the arrivals of collectors, an increase in the transported money supply, and collection using an automatic safe.

How to conclude an agreement

To conclude a service agreement, an entrepreneur must contact the bank branch where he has an open account or any other unit (in the absence of an account). Then the whole procedure goes through several stages:

  • the client fills out a questionnaire or service card (the form of the document depends on the territory where the service will be provided);
  • the client sends the completed questionnaire (card) to the bank branch personally or sends it by e-mail(it can be found on the bank's website);
  • upon consideration of the application for the applied entrepreneur, an individual tariff plan, and draft contracts are being prepared;
  • an employee of the cash collection service preliminary inspects the economic facility where the collection will take place in order to assess the level of security;
  • the client finds out how much collection at the Savings Bank costs, and if he is satisfied with the tariffs and terms of service, a final agreement is concluded between him and the bank;
  • before the start of the work of the collectors, everything necessary for the collection bags (seal, seals, twine) is provided in advance, the imprints of the seals indicating the number or name of the client are provided to the banking department;
  • for collection using plastic bags the client receives cash packages from the bank or buys them on his own, observing the requirements of the bank;
  • the client is given samples of how to fill out the accompanying sheet, a sample application for the delivery of money by check and a memo to the cashier.

Scheme for concluding a collection agreement

Online service Sberbank Collection

In order to improve the comfortable servicing of medium and large trade organizations, since 2019 Sberbank has optimized the procedure for connecting cash collection services. Corporate clients now have the opportunity to send an application online, rather than wasting time visiting a bank branch. The next innovation that can be implemented using the created Sberbank Collection online service is to make additional changes to existing contracts for collection services:

  • change the number of outlets for collection;
  • change the service schedule.

Through the service, preliminary consultation on tariffs, program conditions is possible.

To send an online application for a consultation, the conclusion of an agreement is necessary:

  1. go to the Sberbank website and open the "Small Business and Individual Entrepreneur" tab, followed by "Collection";
  2. a form will open in front of you, where you need to enter the personal data of the representative of the company, the name of the city, contact number, email;
  3. then you need to specify additional information about the company, the location of outlets (with addresses).

IN in electronic format you can also sign a collection agreement. But to sign it, an authorized person of the company can use not a simple, but an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

We remind you that trade organizations with daily income less than 200 thousand rubles. instead of collection, they can connect the self-collection service at Sberbank.

Video instructions for installing cash collection software


By contacting the bank, the client, among the list of numerous service services, gets the opportunity to carry out cash collection for his company. Now the owners trade organizations and enterprises can be absolutely calm for their money. Thanks to professional staff service cash, precious metals, valuables and documents will be delivered to the bank branch or to their destination.

Collection - collection, transportation and delivery by collectors of cash, securities, settlement documents, material assets in complete safety.

Group security companies Kontur provides the following cash collection services for legal entities in Moscow:

  • regular fundraising;
  • transportation of cash, securities, accounting documents and valuables between structural divisions of the organization;
  • transportation of cash to;
  • armed escort of managers, accountants and cashiers of the enterprise.

Professional collection of funds of a legal entity allows you to quickly and as safely as possible close all financial issues - providing the cash desk of the organization with the necessary amount of cash, transporting money to the bank, loading ATMs, exchanging large bills, transportation of accounting and securities, etc.

Cash collection service of Kontur Group

This is a large fleet of armored cash-in-transit vehicles. Our armored vehicles are a multifunctional vehicle with secure storage, modern systems monitoring, signaling, fixing and remote monitoring. The more perfect the armored car, the more reliable the protection.

This is a team of professionals providing cash collection services for legal entities, individuals and private entrepreneurs. In ensuring security, the human factor plays a significant role. All our employees undergo military training, are fluent in all types of weapons, instantly orient themselves in situations, are mentally stable and adequate.

Why it is beneficial to turn to professionals

Collection of money and material values ​​requires certain training, qualifications and an arsenal of technical means. Involving a third-party organization for collection allows you to save work time employees, optimize costs and minimize risks. When concluding a cash collection agreement, the Kontur Group assumes liability for safety and security.

By signing the agreement, you get a comprehensive consultation on the rules for collecting revenue and its delivery, as well as the required number of collection bags.

Working with us is convenient and profitable. Please note that when ordering cash collection services for legal entities, the cost will depend on the frequency (one-time or regular service).

Accompanying during collection

  • Cover of collectors - from 4 000 rubles for 1 armed guard (up to 8 hours of work).

    More about the service by the staff of the private security company.

Cargo escort in Moscow and the Moscow region

  • From 3 500 rubles for 8 hours of armed and unarmed security in Moscow and the Moscow region. The travel of the security officer to the place of acceptance of the cargo under protection and from the place of delivery of the cargo under protection (price of tickets) is additionally paid.

Cargo escort in Russia

  • from 6 000 rubles per day in the Russian Federation from the moment the private security guard arrives at the point of departure and accepts the cargo under protection.

In cases where a private security company transport is used with the Customer, the costs of the private security company for paying for gasoline at the rate of 8-20 liters per 100 km of run (depending on the brand of car), for depreciation of the vehicle at the rate of 2,000 to 4,000 rubles per day and accounting payment for the services of a driver-security guard at the above price.

These prices are indicated taking into account the simplified tax system of 6%.

Our advantages:

Reliable staff. Only experienced security guards who know their business will take over your object. The best security equipment. We install only certified equipment from leading manufacturers.
Low prices. We offer comprehensive security services, so we make good discounts and great deals. High professionalism. To protect the facility, a project is being developed to protect the most vulnerable places.

Call us and our consultants will answer all your questions!

Collection is the collection of money and securities by a group of trained employees who are responsible for the safety of valuables and transfer funds to the bank's cash desk with subsequent transfer to the client's current account. Security Agency"LEVAR" offers professional cash collection services to legal entities on favorable terms.

Services for legal entities

The main tasks performed by our employees are as follows:

Delivery of client funds to the bank;

Collection of proceeds at the outlets of the enterprise and transportation of money to the company's office;

Transportation of valuables from a banking organization to the central office of a legal entity;

Transportation of assets to the place of purchase and sale transactions - purchase of goods;

Transferring savings to an exchange office for the purpose of conducting foreign exchange transactions;

Collection and escort of cash held in branches to the bank cash desk;

Provision of armed guards to employees of the company involved in the transportation of valuables.

Collection procedure

Cash collection is carried out according to a unified procedure that allows to ensure a high level of personnel safety and guaranteed safety of funds. The work is carried out according to the following algorithm:

arrival of collectors at the facility - the cashier checks the identity card, security card and accompanies the agency employee to the room prepared for the transfer of money with the doors locked. The partners of the collector remain outside and carry out a visual inspection of the perimeter;

the collector accepts money and documents, checking the following aspects: the integrity of the bags, the clarity of the printed impressions, the authenticity of the license plates of the bags and the presence of the cashier's signatures. The collector certifies the accompanying statements with waybills;

transfer of documents to the cashier: security card, shipping slips, receipt receipt, empty bags in the required quantity;

the inspector reports to the senior employee of the group on the completion of the money transfer procedure and receives permission to exit the closed, guarded premises;

transportation of funds to the place agreed with the client on a specialized armored vehicle.

Specialized equipment is a guarantee of safety

Our company uses professional machines with a full range of equipment:

Armored module - deaf bulletproof partitions separating individual compartments;

Swing, vestibule, sliding side doors;

Protection of the battery from the fuel system;

3 - 5 loopholes - allow you to fire back at attacking intruders at an angle of 60 - 120 °;

Flat glazing.

Case for the transport of valuable goods

The vehicles correspond to the 3rd class, which falls under the norms of GOST R 50963-96, which provide protection against all-round fire with different types weapons: PM, AKM, TT. The basic equipment of the vehicle includes the following elements:

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