Solid waste incineration equipment. Waste incineration is incompatible with the concept of sustainable development. Proper course of action

In the conditions of a suburban area, the question of waste disposal often arises. It is quite expensive to take out waste, so most owners of such real estate prefer the traditional way of getting rid of rubbish - burning. Light fires on open area unsafe, it will be more efficient to burn waste in containers or makeshift stoves. Such a design can also be purchased in a store, but home-made is cheaper, and sometimes free.

Types of ovens

If you need a garden stove for that, then you can use a barrel that is installed on bricks. To do this, holes should be punched or drilled in the bottom of the container. The same holes must be made in the lower part of the barrel, they should reach the middle of its height.

Next, you need to prepare a base of bricks, between them you should leave gaps for air. The barrel is installed on a pedestal, and then garbage is placed in it, a fire is kindled inside. Such a homemade incinerator can last longer if the walls are reinforced with metal sheets or a smaller container is placed inside. After burning these parts, they can be replaced with new ones.

Alternative solution: heater stove

If you have a sauna stove that you already wanted to scrap, then you can turn it into a waste disposal unit. Even if the design is out of order, with the help of improvised tools it will be possible to rid the oven of internal parts. Leave only the grate and the body.

The inner part is reinforced with sheet metal, which should be welded to the base. You can load this for burning garbage from above. However, before large parts are placed inside, the flame should be kindled with dry branches or paper. During the burning of garbage, the structure should be covered with a metal sheet, placing a stone so that the smoke can escape.

brick oven

If you want to make a structure that would last longer, then brick should be used for manufacturing. Appearance such a design will not spoil the exterior of the site. You can build a small garden incinerator using about 115 bricks. If necessary, the parameters of the structure can be increased.

To begin with, it is worth preparing the foundation. To do this, it is necessary to clear the area, the dimensions of which are 70 x 100 cm. The surface is covered with a layer of sand 5 cm thick. The first row is laid without mortar. Between the bricks located along the perimeter of the future structure, gaps of 15 mm should be left. They are needed for traction.

In the first row there will be 8 bricks, one at a time should be placed on the beams, three at the top and bottom. When making an incinerator in the country, at the next stage you can start laying grates or strong bars, the latter of which are pre-welded together or connected with wire.

For a design that will have the proposed size, three transverse and 14 equity bars are sufficient. The ashpit can be formed from brick, made from steel sheet, or filled with a mortar of cement and sand. The second row will consist of 8 bricks, however, two more products should be laid on each side, observing the dressing. Subsequent rows will be with small gaps.

The last row should be made solid, a metal cover is installed on top. The square oven can be replaced by a cylindrical one. It is important to provide air gaps for traction. The master will have to lay the grate, it will be a strong metal mesh or steel reinforcement.

Metal barrel oven

An unnecessary metal barrel will be an ideal product for the manufacture of a recycling furnace. By following simple steps, you can turn such a container into a waste incinerator. Although this design is considered safe, certain rules must be observed during its operation.

To date, there are many options for how to turn a barrel into an incinerator. One of them is the removal of the bottom with a chisel or grinder. Several holes are drilled in the lower part, then a shallow hole is dug, the length of which will be 1 m. Its width should be approximately 20 cm. You should go deeper by one shovel bayonet.

Before disposal, a fire should be kindled in the pit from paper or dry branches, a barrel is installed on top so that air freely enters the lower holes. Waste in such an incinerator should be placed gradually. Cutting long branches is not necessary, because they will turn into ashes due to good traction.

Improvement of the furnace in the form of a barrel

As practice shows, the most the best option the manufacture of the furnace will be the use of an unnecessary barrel. If it is no longer suitable for water storage and operation, then it should not be thrown away immediately. In this case, the upper part of the barrel is cut off by a grinder, but not completely. Hinges should be welded to this element and fixed back.

A chimney is welded onto the hole, and small holes will be needed to install the stop and handle so that the lid does not fall through. At the bottom, cuts should be made and the material bent. Next, you need to make a valve from a sheet of iron and install it in curved sheets.

The barrel for burning garbage is very convenient, divorced inside, it will be safe. It will only be important to monitor it and upload garbage from time to time. You can extinguish the flame quite quickly, it will be enough to cover the ditch with earth on both sides, and lay a sheet of iron on the barrel itself.

Ready ovens from manufacturers

You can also purchase a ready-made waste incinerator in the country. If you do not want to clutter up the site with unsightly barrels or do brickwork, then such devices will be the best solution for you. They consist of a combustion chamber, a box for the accumulation of ash, and a firebox with a grate.

Recycling furnaces can have a different shape:

  • square;
  • round;
  • rectangular.

Outwardly, they resemble sealed containers. The body is usually made of durable steel, which is covered with fire-resistant enamel. The manufacturer's waste incinerator may have additional features, such as the ability to heat water. When choosing such a device, you should pay attention to the volume of the combustion chamber. This parameter should be correlated with the amount of accumulated waste. Models with a chimney are considered the safest and most efficient, as the chimney will remove smoke and increase combustion.

Safety regulations

The incinerator must be used in accordance with safety regulations. The installation of the stove and the disposal of waste must be carried out away from vegetation and houses. Kindling is prohibited during extreme heat or wind. Do not install the stove on dry grass, as it can catch fire and spread the fire throughout the area. Access to the incinerator must be limited if there are animals or small children in the country house. During the burning of garbage, it is recommended to be near the stove, not leaving it unattended.


It is recommended to install a leaky barrel for burning garbage on bricks. For these purposes, a site is selected from which it will be most convenient to collect ash. As a result, it will be possible to get a kind of blower. The holes made in the bottom of the container will act as a grate. As a result, you will receive a finished design that can be used for waste disposal.

Waste incineration plant is a company that uses the principle of thermal decomposition in its work. Waste incinerators burn MSW at very high temperatures.

The destruction of garbage in such plants helps to reduce the amount of stockpiled, which helps to reduce the amount of land occupied by landfills. Great amount household waste and the problem of their placement today is quite acute, one of the ways to solve it is the construction and commissioning of waste incineration plants. Destruction of garbage in these factories has more advantages. For example, the energy obtained from the combustion of waste can be used as energy for heat supply and electricity supply. To date, all methods of waste processing at such plants are safe for the environment, but only if they are used latest methods gas cleaning, since the combustion of garbage produces a huge amount of smoke and harmful substances.

So what waste processing technologies are used today at waste incinerators:

1. Layer combustion of waste in the furnace occurs by supplying hot air streams to the garbage located on the grate. Layer combustion is also divided into varieties. This disposal method household waste implies good system gas cleaning, which will clean large volumes of gas released during combustion from harmful substances.

2. Fluidized bed technology - waste is divided into homogeneous fractions, which are burned in waste incinerators using an absorbent having a high thermal conductivity, such as sand. At this method destruction of garbage, the total amount of harmful substances in the emitted gas is much less.

3. Pyrolysis and gasification - household waste is heated at high pressure and in the complete absence of oxygen, as a result of exposure to temperatures, liquids and gases are formed. The released gas can be used as an energy source. This method is currently considered the safest for the environment.

Today, only 7 waste incineration plants operate in Russia, 4 of them are located in Moscow and the Moscow region. The first waste incineration plant was built in Moscow in 1975 (Spetszavod No. 2). It existed unchanged until 1995, when it was closed for the replacement of technical equipment, due to changes in the standards for the incineration of municipal solid waste and the quality of purification of emitted gases, which the previously operating equipment and technologies used no longer corresponded. In 2000, Waste Incineration Plant No. 2 resumed its work with completely updated equipment. New lines for waste processing and modern system gas cleaning systems with an automated monitoring system make waste disposal safe for environment. To date, this waste incineration plant complies with both Russian and European standards for the amount of harmful substances entering the atmosphere.

waste incineration is an old tradition. Since ancient times, people sent to the oven what was not useful for livestock feed or fertilizing the land. The inhabitants of Austria, at the beginning of the 19th century, learned to burn garbage, because they had to pay a tax, the size of which was proportional to the volume of garbage removed.

In most European private houses in the 20th century, incinerators were installed. But, despite the effective reduction of waste, the method turned out to be not safe - leaks of harmful gases quite often occurred.

England was the first to burn garbage in factories in 1870. The workers simply threw it into the stove, and removed the ashes from there.

In 1893, near Paris, the first garbage incineration plant was built, which caused the disapproval of agronomists - why destroy organic waste if it can be used usefully as fertilizer. At first, their opinion was listened to, but in 1906, organic waste was again allowed to be destroyed if there was no buyer for them.

At first, traditional fuels, such as coal or fuel oil, were added to the garbage. Over time, the equipment has been improved. In 1930, a grill oven appeared, which significantly increased efficiency (burned up to 90% of the mass) and facilitated human labor.

Waste can turn into fuel. Similar to low-grade coal. But only on condition that they remove wet organic waste, iron, glass.

The incineration plant, among other things, will need filters to purify the smoke before it is released into the atmosphere. Since it contains harmful gases and particles called "fly ash" (particles ranging in size from fractions of a micron to 0.14 mm). It is also necessary to filter out volatile compounds of heavy metals, gaseous hydrochloric acid.

The solid residues remaining after cleaning (35-50 kilograms of toxic substances per ton of waste incinerated) are chemically stabilized or pressed, and then sent to specialized storage facilities as "waste of the first hazard class".

When burned, slag remains. They can be useful in steelmaking, to obtain aluminum wires, after screening - for laying the underlying soil when laying roads designed for light loads, such as pedestrian and parking lots. True, the use of such slags is subject to strict regulations, because they may contain toxic inclusions and residues of combustible substances.

The technology of heat treatment and destruction of waste is used, first of all, the developed countries. For example, Japan, Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Denmark. The number of factories does not increase, but their sizes increase.

Disadvantages of incineration technology

  • Harmful chemical compounds and microparticles dangerous to health and the environment are released, too small for filter cleaning.
  • Furnaces require a constant load, so there is a high probability of burning raw materials that could be recycled.

The Council of the European Union at one time issued a dozen directives regulating waste management, including: limits for emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the availability of permits from enterprises, operating conditions, control and measurement of substances.

The Waste Directive of 15 July 1975 stipulates that waste must be disposed of without damage to human health and without damage to the environment. The directive of June 1989 dealt specifically with air pollution from garbage incineration.

In 2000, European Union issued even more stringent waste incineration regulations. Article 6, not much different from the conditions for the operation of recycling enterprises, described in the directive of 1989:

The gases released during combustion must be heated for at least 2 seconds, at a temperature of at least 850 °C. If burned hazardous waste containing more than 1% halogen organic compounds(e.g. chlorine), the temperature must be 1100 °C minimum. If the temperature drops, the burners should turn on automatically.

If the emission limits are exceeded, under no circumstances should the waste incineration be continued for more than four hours of continuous operation. During the year they should be recruited no more than 60 hours.

With this newer regulation, factories had to reckon with, and acquire new smoke purification equipment, the cost of which is up to two-thirds of all costs.

In Art. 6 (point 1) the need for 2 seconds of heating the smoke at a temperature of 850 ° C is prescribed, for the destruction of dioxins and furans - in total about 20 compounds of varying degrees of toxicity. Also, the surviving dioxins are absorbed by activated carbon or decomposed by means of catalysts. Despite precautions, poisoning of livestock, people and the environment still occurs. Thus, in Savoy, poisoning by dioxins contained in the fumes of an incineration plant led to the slaughter of 7,000 head of cattle in 2001.

Explosion at the chemical plant of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Hoffmann-La Roche in Seveso (Italy) in 1976.

After an explosion at a chemical plant in the city of Seveso in Italy, a cloud of high concentrations of dioxin spread over 16 square kilometers and caused mass poisoning of people and domestic animals. In fact, dioxin emissions at the plant are controlled (with the exception of emergency situations). More powerful sources are burning landfills, bonfires in which garbage and plant waste are burned, including garden plots. Their combustion temperature is relatively low - up to 600°C. In this mode, dozens of times more dioxins and furans are formed than in waste incinerators, where a high-temperature process (about 1000 ° C) is used. If the technology is followed, the amount of harmful emissions will be close to the prescribed European standards.

In France, in 2007, the Isseana plant was built, heating 79,000 dwellings and generating electricity for 50,000 apartments. Heeding environmentalists, the administration deliberately lowered production rates to encourage the people of Ile-de-France to reduce their waste by resorting to more complete pre-sorting in order to increase the amount of recycled materials. The sorting shop also contributes to the same.

Waste incineration plants have been renamed "enterprises for the use of waste as energy raw materials." Simply destroying waste by incineration is inefficient and unprofitable; it is necessary to pre-sort the waste and reuse it. And burn the remains using the resulting heat. At the government level, in Germany, in the Netherlands, in the Scandinavian countries, they decided to reduce the amount of waste through sorting, processing and recycling.

This is a widespread method for the destruction of municipal solid waste, which has been widely used since the end of the 19th century. The complexity of the direct disposal of MSW is due, on the one hand, to their exceptional multicomponent nature, on the other hand, to increased sanitary requirements for the process of their processing. In this regard, incineration is still the most common method of primary treatment of household waste. Incineration of household waste, in addition to reducing the volume and weight, allows you to get additional energy resources that can be used for district heating and electricity generation. The disadvantages of this method include the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, as well as the destruction of valuable organic and other components contained in household waste. Combustion can be divided into two types: direct combustion, which produces only heat and energy, and pyrolysis, which produces liquid and gaseous fuels. Currently, the level of incineration of household waste in individual countries is different. Thus, from the total volume of household waste, the share of incineration varies in countries such as Austria, Italy, France, Germany, from 20 to 40%; Belgium, Sweden - 48-50%; Japan -- 70%; Denmark, Switzerland 80%; England and the USA - 10%. In Russia, only about 2% of household waste is incinerated, and in Moscow - about 10%. To improve environmental safety necessary condition when incinerating garbage is to comply with a number of principles. The main ones are the combustion temperature, which depends on the type of substances burned; the duration of high-temperature combustion, which also depends on the type of waste burned; creation of turbulent air flows for the completeness of waste incineration. The difference in waste by sources of formation and physical and chemical properties predetermines the variety of technical means and equipment for incineration. IN last years research is underway to improve combustion processes, which is associated with a change in the composition of household waste, tightening environmental standards. Modernized waste incineration methods include replacing the air supplied to the incineration site to speed up the process with oxygen. This makes it possible to reduce the volume of combustible waste, change its composition, obtain glassy slag, and completely exclude filter dust subject to underground storage. This also includes the method of burning garbage in a fluidized bed. At the same time, high combustion efficiency is achieved with a minimum of harmful substances. According to foreign data, it is advisable to use waste incineration in cities with a population of at least 15 thousand inhabitants with a furnace capacity of about 100 tons / day. About 300-400 kWh of electricity can be generated from each ton of waste. Currently, fuel from household waste is obtained in a crushed state, in the form of granules and briquettes. Preference is given to granular fuel, since the combustion of crushed fuel is accompanied by a large dust emission, and the use of briquettes creates difficulties when loading into the furnace and maintaining stable combustion. In addition, when burning granular fuel, the efficiency of the boiler is much higher. Waste incineration ensures the minimum content of decomposing substances in the slag and ash, however, it is a source of emissions into the atmosphere. Waste incineration plants (WIP) emit hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, sulfur dioxide, as well as solid particles of various metals: lead, zinc, iron, manganese, antimony, cobalt, copper, nickel, silver, cadmium, chromium, tin, mercury and etc. It has been established that the content of cadmium, lead, zinc and tin in the soot and dust emitted during the combustion of solid combustible waste varies in proportion to the content of plastic waste in the garbage. Mercury emissions are due to the presence of thermometers, dry galvanic cells and fluorescent lamps. The largest number cadmium is found in synthetic materials, as well as in glass, leather, and rubber. US studies have revealed that during the direct combustion of municipal solid waste, most of the antimony, cobalt, mercury, nickel and some other metals enter the exhaust gases from non-combustible components, i.e., the removal of the non-combustible fraction from municipal waste reduces the concentration of these metals in the atmosphere. Sources of air pollution with cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, tin, zinc are equally combustible and non-combustible fractions of municipal solid waste. A significant reduction in air pollution by cadmium and copper is possible due to the separation of polymeric materials from the combustible fraction.

Table 2 Data from waste incineration plants in Moscow

Figure 2 Incineration of MSW in processing plants.

biothermal composting.

This method of disposal of municipal solid waste is based on natural, but accelerated reactions of waste transformation with the access of oxygen in the form of hot air at a temperature of about 60°C. The biomass of MSW as a result of these reactions in a biothermal installation (drum) turns into compost. However, in order to implement this technological scheme, the initial garbage must be cleaned of large items, as well as metals, glass, ceramics, plastics, and rubber. The resulting waste fraction is loaded into biothermal drums, where it is kept for 2 days. in order to obtain a commercial product. After that, the compostable waste is again cleaned from ferrous and non-ferrous metals, crushed and then stored for storage. further use as compost in agriculture or biofuels in fuel energy. Biothermal composting is usually carried out in plants for the mechanical processing of household waste and is an integral part of the technological chain of these plants. However modern technologies composting does not make it possible to get rid of salts of heavy metals, so MSW compost is actually of little use for agricultural use. In addition, most of these plants are unprofitable. Therefore, the development of concepts for the production of synthetic gaseous and liquid fuel for vehicles from composting products isolated at waste processing plants. For example, it is planned to sell the resulting compost as a semi-finished product for its further processing into gas.

The method of disposal of household waste by pyrolysis is little known, especially in our country, because of its high cost. It can become a cheap and non-polluting method of waste decontamination. Pyrolysis technology consists in the irreversible chemical change of garbage under the influence of temperature without oxygen. According to the degree of temperature impact on the waste substance, pyrolysis as a process is conditionally divided into low-temperature (up to 900 ° C) and high-temperature (over 900 ° C).

Low temperature pyrolysis is a process in which pulverized trash material is thermally decomposed. At the same time, the process of pyrolysis of household waste has several options: pyrolysis of the organic part of the waste under the influence of temperature in the absence of air; pyrolysis in the presence of air, providing incomplete combustion of waste at a temperature of 760°C; pyrolysis using oxygen instead of air to obtain a higher calorific value of the gas; pyrolysis without separation of waste into organic and inorganic fractions at a temperature of 850°C, etc. An increase in temperature leads to an increase in the gas yield and a decrease in the yield of liquid and solid products. The advantage of pyrolysis compared to direct incineration of waste lies primarily in its effectiveness in terms of preventing environmental pollution. With the help of pyrolysis, it is possible to recycle waste components that cannot be disposed of, such as tires, plastics, used oils, and sludge. After pyrolysis, no biologically active substances remain, so underground storage of pyrolysis waste does not harm natural environment. The resulting ash has a high density, which drastically reduces the amount of waste that is stored underground. During pyrolysis, there is no recovery (smelting) of heavy metals. The advantages of pyrolysis include the ease of storage and transportation of the resulting products, as well as the fact that the equipment has a low power. In general, the process requires less capital investment. Installations or plants for the processing of municipal solid waste by pyrolysis operate in Denmark, the USA, Germany, Japan and other countries. Activation scientific research and practical developments in this area began in the 70s of the twentieth century, during the "oil boom". Since that time, the production of energy and heat from plastic, rubber and other combustible waste products by pyrolysis has been considered as one of the sources for the generation of energy resources. Especially great importance attached to this process in Japan.

high temperature pyrolysis. This method of disposal of solid waste, in essence, is nothing more than gasification of garbage. Technology system this method involves obtaining secondary synthesis gas from the biological component (biomass) in order to use it to produce steam, hot water, electricity. Integral part high-temperature pyrolysis processes are solid products in the form of slag, i.e., non-pyrolyzable residues. The technological chain of this recycling method consists of four successive stages: selection of large-sized objects, non-ferrous and ferrous metals from garbage using an electromagnet and by induction separation; processing of prepared waste in a gasifier to obtain synthesis gas and by-products chemical compounds- chlorine, nitrogen, fluorine, as well as a scale for melting metals, glass, ceramics; purification of synthesis gas in order to improve its environmental properties and energy intensity, cooling and entering it into a scrubber for cleaning with an alkaline solution from pollutants of chlorine, fluorine, sulfur, cyanide compounds; combustion of purified synthesis gas in waste heat boilers to produce steam, hot water or electricity. Research and production company "Thermoecology" joint-stock company"VNIIETO" (Moscow) proposed a combined technology for processing slag and ash dumps of thermal power plants with the addition of part of solid waste. This method of high-temperature pyrolysis of waste processing is based on a combination of processes in the chain: drying - pyrolysis - incineration electroslag processing. As the main unit, it is planned to use an ore-thermal electric furnace in a sealed version, in which the supplied slag and ash will be melted, carbon residues will be burned out of them, and metal inclusions will be deposited. The electric furnace must have a separate release of metal, which is further processed, and slag, from which building blocks are supposed to be produced or granulated for subsequent use in the construction industry. In parallel, MSW will be fed into the electric furnace, where they are gasified under the action of high temperature molten slag. The amount of air supplied to the molten slag must be sufficient for the oxidation of carbon raw materials and MSW. The research and production enterprise "Sibekotherm" (Novosibirsk) has developed an environmentally friendly technology for high-temperature (plasma) processing of MSW. The technological scheme of this production does not impose strict requirements on the moisture content of the feedstock - household waste in the process of preliminary preparation, morphological and chemical composition and state of aggregation. The design of the equipment and technological support makes it possible to obtain secondary energy in the form of hot water or superheated steam with their supply to the consumer, as well as secondary products in the form of ceramic tiles or granulated slag and metal. Essentially, this is an option. complex processing MSW, their complete environmentally friendly disposal with obtaining useful products and thermal energy from "waste" raw materials - household waste.

High-temperature pyrolysis is one of the most promising areas for the processing of municipal solid waste in terms of both environmental safety and the production of secondary useful products of synthesis gas, slag, metals and other materials that can be widely used in national economy. High-temperature gasification makes it possible to process municipal solid waste economically, environmentally friendly and technically relatively simple without their preliminary preparation, i.e. sorting, drying, etc.

Director of Paritet LLC Gmyzin Oleg Gennadievich 8 9039134717, 8 9618915050
a unique product in the field of Environmental Protection. Waste incinerator "Ecofan 800"(standard configuration 800 kW heat output)

The unit is designed for burning municipal solid waste (MSW), medical waste, combustible industrial waste, animal husbandry waste, greenhouse waste, liquid thick hydrocarbon masses, such as oil sludge, car tires. Reduces the size of landfills.

The process is accompanied by the production of heat for heating industrial and household facilities, as well as providing hot water supply (DHW).So we win twice:Using an extremely simple, cheap and reliable technological cycle of waste incineration.We get the opportunity to use the heat of the water circuit for space heating and hot water.

The principle of MSW incineration in the plant is based on a completely new, unique, innovative technology. This is a thermochemical reaction in the boiler itself and a catalytic reaction of the exhaust gases. In the process of these reactions, we obtain a high thermal output of the plant, 2 times more than with conventional combustion, and clean flue gases at its outlet. These gases consist of a mixture of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O).

Why the unique Ecofan 800 Waste Incinerator?Because:Existing analogues require additional costs for the disposal of garbage and production waste in the form of:They require afterburning of exhaust gases with natural gas 0.1-0.2 m3 / h (for 50 kg of garbage) or diesel fuel at the rate of 0.12-0.17 l / kg of garbage;Require electricity costs over 14 kW / h;Require the use of adsorbents and filter elements (consumables);Require the use of chemical components and additives that require dosage accuracy and adherence to a clear technological cycle;Require the use of expensive both in acquisition and maintenance - computing systems process control;

These factors affect the reliability and fault tolerance of processing plants as a whole, and increase the dependence of the cycle on the human factor. Together, these factors significantly increase the costs of operating and maintaining installations, which leads to a rise in the cost of the waste disposal process at times, and often reduces the entire project to unprofitability.

The Ecofan 800 incinerator is devoid of these shortcomings, it uses new principle waste incineration. This is a thermochemical and catalytic reaction for neutralizing exhaust gases inside the furnace (dioxins, pyrenes), and with it the production of a large amount of thermal energy, and its use for the needs of the enterprise!At the exit we get a gas flow,

The tasks that we set ourselves when working on this project are:Environmental friendliness (Environmental safety);Thermal efficiency;Reliability in operation, high service life;

1. Environmental SafetyWhen burning MSW (municipal solid waste), various oils (hydrocarbons), dioxins and pyrenes can be formed. These substances are very dangerous, they can accumulate (accumulate) in the human body and affect the development of the body, causing various pathologies and diseases. Therefore, the main emphasis in the creation of the installation was the principle of environmental safety. Emission of harmful substances by the installationEcofan 800into the atmosphere is significantly below the MPC.

The unit has passed all tests of the production cycle and measurements of exhaust gases:Measurements of gases emitted into the atmosphere were carried out by the Saratov State University them. N.G. Chernyshevsky under the guidance of Doctor of Chemical Sciences Professor Kuzmina R.I.Protocol for the analysis of industrial emissions into the atmosphere No. 197 October 23, 2013 Branch "TsLATI in the Saratov region".Environmental Certificate of Compliance No. 00002161 issued by the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation.

2. Thermal efficiencyWhen burning production waste and MSW in the complexEcofan 800, both in the combustion chamber and in the thermochemical chamber there is a large release of heat, which we select by the water circuit and can be directed to heating rooms and structures, and for hot water supply. When burning MSW, we receive heat in the combustion chamber of the order of 2000 kcal/kg of fuel, and then during the oxidative process of the gas flow in the thermochemical chamber, another 2000 kcal. In terms of heat efficiency, this is comparable to burning an equivalent amount hard coal average quality.This unit in the standard configuration produces an average of 800 kWh of heat, which allows heating about 5000-7000 m2 of space, with electricity costs in operating mode from 2 to 4 kW. The cost of electricity is about 150 rubles a day with intensive burning of garbage.

Using our incineration technology, the waste becomes a highly efficient fuel, a cheap fuel and allows the owner of the plant to make a profit.

3. Profitability and self-sufficiency. Expenses: When servicing the installation around the clock, 4 people are required, i.e. staff salary on average 1000 rubles. for each + electricity costs 150 rubles. per day. Total 4150 rubles per day.

Profit: - from the disposal of solid waste on average at the rate of 500 rubles per 1 ton, (this is how landfills are accepted)how much waste we can dispose of, with an average incineration of 500 kg / hour, with a standard installation: 0.5t * 24h = 12tons per day. This is 3 Kamaz cars per day. Total we have 6000 rubles per day

- Savings on heating when using garbage.When converted to costs natural gas when generating equivalent heat energy of 800 kW / h: 349.44 rubles per hour:800kW/h * 840kCall/kW = 672000kCall/h 672000kCall/h: 8500kCall/cub.m = 79cub.m/h natural gas 79 cubic meters / h * 4.42 rubles / cubic meters \u003d 349.44 rubles / h We get 349.44 rubles / h * 24h = 8386.56 rubles per day. The total profit from an installation of 800 kW will be. 6000+8400-4150 =10250 rubles per day 307500 rubles per month.

And if you burn hazardous waste, sleepers, medical waste, oil sludge, then the level of profit increases many times over.

Installation Ecofan can be supplied in an extended configuration with a thermal equivalent power of up to 5 MW. With a garbage loading chamber up to 7 cubic meters. And average speed incineration of MSW up to 2500 kg/h. The use of such modular installations will allow solving many issues both in the heat supply of enterprises, residential areas, and issues with waste disposal

Today, the approximate cost of the city's garbage disposal to the landfill is 5 million rubles per day. This is based on export in Tomsk 4000 tons of garbage per day. According to our calculations, 1 ton of garbage costs 1,250 rubles (500 rubles / ton - receiving garbage to the landfill, 1,000 rubles / hour for 1 Kamaz truck with a capacity of 4 tons). The plant allows to burn from 200 to 800 kg of MSW per hour, depending on the mode of combustion and composition of MSW. It is easy to calculate how much waste we can dispose of, with an average incineration of 500 kg / hour with a standard installation: 0.5t * 24h = 12tons per day. This is 3 Kamaz cars per day.

Applying 3 settings Ecofan at 5 MW will make it possible to receive up to 30 - 40 Kamaz vehicles per day, working on average 140 tons of garbage per day. This is 50400 tons per year. For comparison, an incineration plant in Moscow burns 150,000 tons per year, at a processing cost of 2,148 rubles / ton. Here we will be paid for recycling and for heating, hence the profit.

The device and principle of operation of the Ecofan 800 complex. The complex for the destruction of solid waste is an all-welded metal structure, mounted from several units, extremely simple, cheap and reliable, which allows for a stable and sustainable technological cycle. Warranty period of installation service is 10 years. Can serve up to 20 years. It does not require regular replacement of the coating of the furnace walls due to the presence of a cooling circuit. Once every 5-10 years, the catalyst is changed. The furnace is two or multi-chamber, which allows you to organize a continuous work cycle.

1) The combustion chamber The first stage of incineration of solid waste and neutralization of harmful substances.It is a cylindrical combustion chamber, partitioned inside with a slotted grate along the longitudinal axis into two equal compartments. This allows you to conduct a continuous combustion process throughout the entire working period and provides a "cleaner" burning of waste due to preliminary heating of solid waste from the half of the chamber where combustion is already in progress, so ignition is carried out first in one half of the chamber, then the second half of the chamber is loaded and the resulting heat dries the waste in the second half, "squeezes" out of it all the substances that evaporate to a temperature of 340 0 C, this allows you to destroy up to 75-80% of all components contained in organic substances that “organize” dirty emissions into the atmosphere, after which they spontaneously ignite. Those. we produce "open" pyrolysis of newly loaded waste, using the already obtained temperature in the combustion chamber from already burning waste. This design of the combustion chamber allows you to release it from the accumulated ash, and carry out the download without stopping the operation of the device. In addition, the grate system of the combustion chamber also contributes to the cleanliness and completeness of waste combustion. It consists of hollow pipes through which atmospheric air. The intensity of its supply is regulated by a frequency converter that controls the speed of the electric motor. The air supply system implemented in the complex allows for very precise regulation of oxygen depending on the phase of combustion of the waste, which in turn contributes to a high degree of cleanliness of the combustion of waste. Ash residue after MSW combustion 1% - 3%. Atmospheric air, passing through the incandescent layers of carbon formed as a result of combustion, synthesizes generator gas and methane gas in small volumes. The combustion of these gases allows you to raise the temperature in the combustion chamber above 1200 0 C, and at such temperatures dioxins and pyrenes burn, this allows us to organize even at the initial stage of waste destruction - incineration, the first protective barrier to harmful substances (dioxins, pyrenes) before they are released into the atmosphere.

2) thermochemical chamber The second stage of neutralization of harmful substances.Designed for the neutralization of exhaust gases by carrying out thermochemical reactions. It is a vertically located all-metal cylinder, articulated with the combustion chamber by welding. Atmospheric air is forced into the column to carry out thermochemical reactions. As a result of this process, a wide range of harmful gases and suspended solids emitted into the atmosphere are neutralized. In the course of ongoing thermochemical reactions, a large amount of heat is generated that can be used, which we do by using water as a heat carrier, which can be directed to heating industrial and social facilities or hot water supply.

3) Off-gas separation system The third stage of neutralization of harmful substances in exhaust gases.Off-gas separation is carried outmulticyclone battery.In it, a deposit of incandescent soot solid particles occurs, which are the purest carbon, and mineral coking residues. The degree of gas purification in such a system reaches 99.5 - 99.8%. Purification of exhaust gases from solid impurities makes it possible to rid the gas stream of dioxides and pyrenes. The resulting solid precipitate is very a high degree carbon purity and can be further used as a raw material for sale -a decorative additive in finishing building mixtures, in concrete for grouting, in the paint and varnish, perfume and rubber industries, or as a high-calorie fuel, from which even coal-water fuel (WCF) can be made.It can also be used as a soil fertilizer, as all plants are made up of at least 50% carbon.

4) Catalyst The fourth stage of neutralization of harmful substances in exhaust gases.The catalyst has a specially treated ceramic base with a highly developed porous surface impregnated with a special catalytic composition. The composition of the catalyst was developed on the basis of available cheap metals. This made it possible to abandon precious materials such as gold, platinum and iridium in the production of catalysts. The catalyst is located in a metal cartridge on metal substrates. Their vertical arrangement forms cellular labyrinths, passing through which hot gas flows acquire turbulent motion, and great length channels, labyrinths of the catalyst, allows you to complete all the redox reactions of gases passing through it and get a high-quality purified gas stream before it is released into the environment.


Waste incineration plants of this type will help solve the global problem of disposal of solid waste, industrial combustible waste, and car tires. The use of the allocated heat for their own needs, the needs of the enterprise, the needs of the population.When burning MSW, we get a gas flow at the outlet,containing carbon dioxide and water vaporare the end products of the decay of any organic matter.

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