Environmental monitoring at waste disposal sites. Monitoring of hazardous waste at the enterprise Scheduled monitoring of landfills in the table

On the Procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal facilities by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities...



In accordance with subclause 5.2.62 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2015 N 1219 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 47, Art. 6586; 2016, N 2, Art. 325),

I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of waste disposal facilities by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities. environment on the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment.

2. Clause 8 of the attached Procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment, comes into force from January 1, 2018.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
June 10, 2016,
registration N 42512

The procedure for the owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, to monitor the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment

I. General provisions

1. The procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as the Monitoring Procedure) is established requirements for the organization and implementation of observations of the state and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment, assessment and forecast of changes in its condition, as well as requirements for the registration and presentation of the results obtained.

2. Monitoring the state and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment is part of the system of monitoring the state and pollution of the environment, assessing and forecasting changes in its condition under the influence of waste disposal sites and is carried out in order to prevent, reduction and elimination (reduction) of negative changes in environmental quality, informing authorities state power, organs local government, legal entities and individuals about the condition and pollution of the environment in the areas where waste disposal facilities are located.

The territory within the environmental impact of waste disposal facilities is determined on the basis of standards for permissible environmental impact approved in the established manner.

3. The Monitoring Procedure does not apply to monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment at the following facilities:

waste disposal facilities decommissioned (including reclaimed or mothballed) in accordance with the established procedure;

waste disposal facilities located in territories the use of which for waste disposal is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

special radioactive waste disposal facilities;

cattle burial grounds;

medical waste disposal facilities.

4. The monitoring procedure is intended for use by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (hereinafter referred to as Rosprirodnadzor) and its territorial bodies, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring environment and its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations, other government bodies, local government bodies, legal and individuals interested in obtaining data on the state and pollution of the environment in the areas where waste disposal facilities are located.

Monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment is carried out by the owners, owners of waste disposal facilities, if they directly operate such facilities, or by persons in whose use and operation the waste disposal facilities are located (hereinafter - persons operating waste disposal facilities) in accordance with the requirements in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields.

5. To organize work to monitor the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment, to assess and predict changes in its condition by persons operating waste disposal facilities, a program for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory is being developed waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as the monitoring program).

The monitoring program is approved by the person operating the waste disposal facility and sent by notification on paper to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility or sent by post with a description of the contents and a notification of delivery.

The monitoring program can be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature in accordance with the requirements (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 15, Art. 2036; 2011, N 27, Art. 3880; 2012, N 29, Art. 3988; 2013, N 14, Art. 1668; N 27, Art. .3463; Art. 3477; 2014, N 11, Art. 1098, N 26, Art. 3390; 2016, N 1, Art. 65).

6. The results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment are drawn up in the form of reports, which are compiled by persons operating these waste disposal facilities, and are submitted in a notification procedure to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the facility waste disposal annually until January 15 of the year following the reporting year. A report on the results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of their impact on the environment (hereinafter referred to as the report on the monitoring results) is drawn up in two copies, one copy of which is kept by the person operating this waste disposal facility, and the second copy, along with electronic version report on magnetic media, in a notification procedure is sent by mail to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility.

A report on the monitoring results can be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 04/06/2011 N 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature”.

7. In the cases provided for by paragraph 7 of Article 23 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 26, Art. 3009; 2001, N 1, Art. 21 ; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2005, N 19, art. 1752; 2006, N 1, art. 10; N 52, art. 5498; 2007, N 46, art. .5554; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616; N 45, Art. 5142; 2009, N 1, Art. 17; 2011, N 30, Art. 4590, Art. 4596, N 45, Art. 6333, N 48 , Art.6732; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446, N 27, Art. 3587, N 31, Art. 4317; 2013, N 30, Art. 4059, N 43, Art. 5448, N 48, Art. 6165 ; 2014, N 30, Art. 4220, Art. 4262; 2015, N 1, Art. 11, Art. 38, N 27, Art. 3994, N 29, Art. 4350, 2016, N 1, Art. 12, Article 24), reports on the results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment are used to confirm the elimination of the negative impact of waste disposal sites on the environment.

8. In relation to waste disposal facilities equipped with automatic means of measuring and recording the volume or mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges of pollutants and concentrations of pollutants, as well as technical means of recording and transmitting information on the volume and (or) mass of emissions of pollutants, discharges pollutants and the concentration of pollutants in the state data fund of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) in accordance with the requirements of Article 67 of the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 2, Art. 133; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 1, Art. 25; N 19, Art. 1752; 2006, N 1, Art. 10; N 52, Art. 5498; 2007, N 7, Art. 834; N 27, Art. 3213; 2008, N 26, Art. 3012; N 29, Art. 3418; N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 1, Art. 17; N 11, Art. .1261; N 52, art. 6450; 2011, N 1, art. 54; N 29, art. 4281; N 30, art. 4590, art. 4591, art. 4596; N 48, art. 6732; N 50, art. 7359; 2012, N 26, art. 3446; 2013, N 11, art. 1164; N 27, art. 3477; N 30, art. 4059; N 52, art. 6971, art. 6974; 2014, N 11, art. 1092; N 30, art. 4220; N 48, art. 6642; 2015, N 27, art. 3994; N 29, art. 4359; N 48, art. 6723; 2016, No. 1, Art. 24), by the person operating the waste disposal facility, in the section “Information on indicators characterizing the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment” of the report on the monitoring results, the data indicated in paragraphs 2 and 3 of clause 25 of this Monitoring Procedure are not included.

9. If, based on the results of monitoring, negative changes in the quality of the environment that have arisen in connection with the operation of waste disposal facilities are identified, persons operating these waste disposal facilities, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, immediately provide this information to the authorized state authorities, bodies local government and measures are taken to prevent, reduce and eliminate such changes in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Development of a program for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment

10. The monitoring program is developed on the basis of available data on the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal site and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

In this case, at the discretion of persons operating waste disposal facilities, the following may be used:

data from the section "List of environmental protection measures", which is part of the design documentation of the facility associated with the placement waste I-V hazard class, and materials on assessing the impact of a waste disposal facility on the environment;

stock observation data on the state and pollution of the environment in the area where the waste disposal facility is located and within the limits of their impact on the environment;

data on the background state of the environment in the area where the waste disposal facility is located;

observation data available to persons operating waste disposal facilities on the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;

materials, previously conducted environmental surveys on the territory of the waste disposal site and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

11. When developing a monitoring program, the following are taken into account:

design characteristics (technical features) of the waste disposal facility;

origin, types, quantity and hazard classes of disposed waste;

physical and geographical conditions in the area where the waste disposal facility is located;

geological and hydrogeological conditions in the area where the waste disposal facility is located.

III. Composition and content of the program for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment

12. The monitoring program includes the following sections:

general information about the waste disposal facility;

goals and objectives of monitoring the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;

information about the sources of information used in developing the monitoring program;

justification for the selection of components to be monitored natural environment and natural objects on the territory of the waste disposal site and within the limits of its impact on the environment;

justification for the selection of observed indicators of components of the natural environment and natural objects characterizing the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal site and within the limits of its impact on the environment, the frequency of observations;

justification for the choice of sampling sites, points for instrumental measurements, definitions and observations;

composition of the report on the results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;


13. In the section " General information about the waste disposal facility" contains the details of the letter, which sent the characteristics of the waste disposal facility to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor, compiled based on the results of an inventory of waste disposal facilities in accordance with approved (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 06/08/2010, registration N 17520), with amendments, introduced by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 9, 2010 N 541 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2011, registration N 19685).

14. The section “Goals and objectives of monitoring the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of a waste disposal facility and within its environmental impact” provides the goals and objectives of monitoring the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of a given waste disposal facility and within its limits environmental impact.

15. The section “Information on sources of information used in the development of the monitoring program” indicates the sources of information (in accordance with paragraph 10 of this Procedure) used in the development of the monitoring program, and also provides data from these sources of information necessary for organizing and carrying out work to monitor the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

16. In the section “Justification for the selection of components of the natural environment and natural objects to be observed on the territory of the waste disposal site and within the limits of its impact on the environment” the following is given:

background and contamination data atmospheric air, superficial and groundwater, soils, flora and fauna (if necessary), as well as natural objects in the area where the waste disposal facility is located;

data characterizing the potential and direct impact of waste disposal facilities on atmospheric air, surface and ground water, soil, vegetation and animal world(if necessary), as well as separate ecological systems and natural landscapes in the area where the waste disposal facility is located.

Based on a comparative assessment of the above data, a conclusion is made about conducting observations of specific components of the natural environment and natural objects on the territory of the waste disposal site and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

The decision on the need to conduct observations of flora objects is made based on the results of the analysis of geochemical data on the state of groundwater and/or soil cover if there is evidence of their contamination.

The decision on the need to conduct observations of fauna objects is made based on the results of the analysis of geochemical data on the state of the vegetation cover in the presence of evidence of its pollution and/or on the results of the analysis of physiognomic data on the state of the vegetation cover in the presence of evidence of its oppression.

17. In the section “Justification for the selection of observed indicators of components of the natural environment and natural objects characterizing the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment, the frequency of observations” the following indicators are indicated (physical, chemical, biological, other) conditions and pollution of the environment, the change of which is possible as a result of waste disposal at a given facility, and the frequency of their observation is justified depending on the properties of the components of the natural environment and the accuracy of measurements (determinations).

Herbs, shrubs, trees and other plants can be used as test samples of plant objects characterizing the impact of a waste disposal facility on a given component of the natural environment. Observations of the state of the vegetation cover are carried out during the growing season.

Fish, amphibians, and mammals (rodents) can be used as test samples of animal objects characterizing the impact of a waste disposal facility on a given component of the natural environment.

18. The section “Justification for the selection of sampling sites, points for instrumental measurements, determinations and observations” provides data that allows one to draw a conclusion about the optimal location and sufficiency of sampling sites, points for instrumental measurements, determinations and observations of atmospheric air, surface and groundwater , soils, flora and fauna (if necessary).

The decision on the location and number of sampling sites, points for instrumental measurements of atmospheric air, soils is made taking into account the directions of prevailing winds and taking into account the types of permitted land use in areas adjacent to waste disposal sites.

The decision on the location of sampling sites and points for instrumental measurements of groundwater is made taking into account:

the prevalence and conditions of occurrence of aquifers and impermeable rocks;

location of the boundaries of aquifer recharge areas (within the territory of the waste disposal facility) and the boundaries of their discharge areas (within the territory of the waste disposal facility or within its impact on groundwater).

Observations of the condition and contamination of groundwater in the zone affected by waste disposal facilities are carried out on the first earth's surface aquifer. If contamination of the first aquifer from the earth's surface is detected and there is a high probability of this contamination spreading further inland, observations are carried out on the underlying aquifer. If contamination of the second aquifer from the earth's surface is detected and there is a high probability of this contamination spreading further inland, observations are carried out on the underlying aquifer.

19. In the section “Composition of the report on the results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of their impact on the environment”:

provides requirements for the composition, completeness and detail of information that must be contained in the report on the results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment, including taking into account the provisions of Chapter IV of this Monitoring Procedure;

Based on the generalization of information presented in the previous sections of the monitoring program, minimum appropriate time intervals for conducting observations of the state and pollution of the environment are proposed.

20. The section “List of sources used” indicates a list of regulatory legal acts, regulatory technical and instructional documents, publications used in the preparation of the monitoring program, indicating their authors, names, sources, publishers and publication dates.

21. The “Applications” section includes:

diagram of the territory of the waste disposal facility and adjacent areas;

layout diagrams of sampling sites, points of instrumental measurements, determinations and observations;

IV. Composition and content of the report on the results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of accommodation facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment

22. The report on the monitoring results must correspond to the approved monitoring program and include the following sections:

information about the waste disposal facility;

information on ensuring monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;

information on indicators (physical, chemical, biological, other) characterizing the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;

processing and documentation of observation data on the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;

assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment;

list of sources used;


23. In the section "Information about the waste disposal facility" details are provided last letter, which sent the characteristics of the waste disposal facility to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor, compiled based on the results of an inventory of waste disposal facilities in accordance with the Rules for Inventory of Waste Disposal Facilities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated February 25, 2010 N 49.

24. The section “Information on ensuring observations of the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment” provides information:

on organizations involved in monitoring the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;

about the means of sampling, instrumental measurements, determinations and observations used and their compliance with legal requirements;

about the techniques (methods) used for sampling, instrumental measurements, definitions and their compliance with legal requirements;

copies of documents on accreditation of the testing laboratory (center) and the scope of its (his) accreditation in accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 412-FZ “On accreditation in the national accreditation system” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 52, Art. 6977, 2014, N 26, Art. 3366), which carried out instrumental measurements certified by the seal and signature of an authorized official of the testing laboratory (center);

copies of sampling reports.

25. The section “Information on indicators characterizing the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment” provides the results of observations of the state of physical, chemical, biological and other indicators:

atmospheric air;

surface waters;


soils (in the year of work to assess the condition of soils);

flora and fauna (if necessary).

26. In the section “Processing and documentation of observation data on the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment” the following is given:

results of assessment and dynamics of environmental changes under the influence of a waste disposal facility (compared to background data on the state and pollution of the environment in the area where the waste disposal facility is located and data from previous observations) and data on the forecast of such changes;

ongoing and planned measures to prevent, reduce and eliminate negative changes in environmental quality;

information on informing state authorities, local governments, legal entities and individuals about the condition and pollution of the environment in the area where the waste disposal facility is located.

27. The section “Assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment” provides comparative data on the indicators of components of the natural environment and natural objects characterizing the state and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment, for the reporting period and for previous reporting periods, as well as data on the expected values ​​of indicators of components of the natural environment and natural objects for the upcoming reporting period.

When submitting the first report on monitoring results, environmental changes are assessed in comparison with the background values ​​of indicators of components of the natural environment and natural objects in the area where the waste disposal site is located.

28. The section “List of sources used” indicates a list of regulatory legal acts, regulatory technical and instructional documents, publications used in preparing the report on the results of environmental monitoring, indicating their authors, names, sources, publishers and publication dates.

29. The “Applications” section includes:

calendar plan for carrying out work to monitor the condition and pollution of components of the natural environment and natural objects;

copies of documents and materials on the compliance of the sampling means used, instrumental measurements, definitions with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

copies of documents and materials on the compliance of the sampling techniques (methods) used, instrumental measurements, definitions with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

other materials at the discretion of the person operating the waste disposal facility.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information
www.pravo.gov.ru, 06.15.2016,
N 0001201606150049

On the Procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment

Document's name: On the Procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment
Document Number: 66
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation)
Receiving authority: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation)
Status: Active
Published: Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 06.15.2016, N 0001201606150049

Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, N 30, 07.25.2016

Acceptance date: March 04, 2016
Start date: June 26, 2016


Department of Rosprirodnadzor General Director

for Central Federal JSC "__________"


_____________________ __________ ________________ ___________

"______"______________201__ "______"______________201__

The procedure for carrying out production control in the field of waste management

_________ Moscow city, _____________________

JSC "_____________________"

INN/KPP ____________/___________

  1. General provisions.
  2. Goals and objectives production control in the field of waste management
  3. General information about the enterprise.
  4. Data on the organizational structure of a legal entity.
  5. Data on officials responsible for environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in an economic entity, for allowing employees to work with waste.
  6. Objects of production control in the field of waste management:
  • Characteristics of production processes;
  • Temporary storage of production and consumption waste.
  • Waste disposal systems
  • Characteristics of waste storage facilities, justification for the maximum accumulation of waste. Table No. 9.1
  1. Composition of production control in the field of waste management:
  • Monitoring compliance with legal requirements for activities in the field of waste management (inspection control) and plans and schedules for its implementation.
  • Monitoring compliance with impact restrictions (eco-analytical control) and schedules for its implementation.
  • Monitoring the functioning of environmental protection devices and schedules for its implementation.
  • Monitoring compliance with prevention and elimination requirements emergency situations arising when handling waste:
  1. Measures to eliminate emergency situations in the field of waste management.
  1. Involvement of third-party accredited organizations to carry out production control in the field of waste management.
  2. Responsibility for the proper organization of production control in the field of waste management and non-compliance with environmental protection requirements.
  3. Requirements for maintaining and storing production control documentation.
  4. Production control measures carried out at JSC "__________" in the field of waste management for the period 201__-201__.
  5. Applications:
  • Agreement LLC "__________"
  • license LLC "_________"
  • Agreement LLC "_________"
  • License LLC "________"
  • IP agreement ___________
  • IP license __________
  • Agreement LLC "_______________"
  • License LLC "_______________"
  • Agreement LLC "____________"
  • Certificate of LLC "_____________"
  • FKKO passports
  • Document on approval of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal
  • Waste test reports
  • Laboratory accreditation certificate
  • OGRN certificate
  • Certificate of registration
  • Statistics codes
  • Order on the appointment of responsible persons
  • Qualification certificate
  • 2-TP waste (for 201__)

1. General provisions of the PPK

This procedure for implementing production control in the field of waste management (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed in accordance with:

  1. Federal Law dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection”
  2. Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste”.
  3. Letter of Rosprirodnadzor No. VK-03-03-36/9781 dated July 25, 2012
  4. Administrative regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision
    in the field of environmental management to perform the state function of coordinating the procedure for production control in the field of waste management, determined by legal entities operating in the field of waste management, for objects subject to federal state environmental control.
  5. “Federal classification catalog of waste”, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Order No. 786 dated December 2, 2002, as amended. Order No. 663 of July 30, 2003
  6. Sanitary rules “Procedure for accumulation, transportation, neutralization and burial industrial waste».
  • Goals and objectives of production control in the field of waste management.

The goals of the production control procedure (hereinafter referred to as PPK) in the field of waste management are to ensure:

  • compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management;
  • implementation of corporate programs in the field of environmental protection;
  • compliance with technological standards for waste generation in the process of production and other activities;
  • compliance in the process economic activity principles rational use and restoration of natural resources;
  • implementation of environmental action plans;
  • compliance with environmental requirements in the field of production and consumption waste management established by permitting documentation;
  • timely and prompt elimination of the causes of possible emergency situations associated with negative excess (exceeding the limit) impact on the environment;
  • obtaining data on current environmental impacts to fill out primary reporting forms;
  • promptly informing management and personnel about cases of violation of environmental requirements, as well as the reasons for the identified violations;
  • compliance with the requirements for the completeness and reliability of information in the field of environmental protection used in calculating fees for negative impacts on the environment submitted to the executive body exercising state environmental control and statistical monitoring bodies;
  • obtaining primary information for planning work on adjustment and modernization of process equipment.

The main objectives of production control in the field of waste management are:

  • checking compliance with requirements, conditions, restrictions established by laws and other regulations legal acts in the field of the environment, permitting documents in the field of environmental protection and use of natural resources;
  • control over compliance with standards and limits on environmental impact established by relevant permits, agreements, licenses, etc.;
  • confirmation of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety based on own evidence;
  • prevention of harm caused to the environment as a result of the enterprise’s activities;
  • control over the implementation of instructions of officials exercising state environmental control;
  • checking the implementation of action plans to reduce the amount of waste and involve waste in economic circulation as additional sources of raw materials;
  • prompt and timely submission of the necessary information provided for by the environmental management system at the enterprise;
  • timely provision of reliable information provided for by the system of state statistical monitoring of information exchange with government authorities in the field of environmental protection.
  1. General information about the company

CEO ______________

Chief Accountant _____________________

Full name: Public corporation _____________.

Company card

Business name
Checking account
Correspondent account
Name of the bank
Legal address
Actual address
Phone fax

Main activity and environmental documentation for waste

The main activity of JSC "___________" is loading and unloading activities, transportation on inland water transport and comprehensive maintenance of the cargo and passenger fleet of third-party organizations.

A draft waste generation standards and limits on their disposal (PNOOLR) has been developed for the enterprise, Approval Document No. __________ Validity period ___________.

The Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District has agreed and approved passports and certificates for ____ waste with FKKO codes.

Every year, form No. 2-TP (waste) “Information on the generation, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste” is submitted to the Department of Roprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District.

Legal address:

Actual address:

Organizational structure of the enterprise organizing the PPC:

Production control in the field of waste management is carried out by(yet) the responsible official(s) appointed by order of the General Director.

Deputy General Director _______________

Environmental engineer ________________

Data on the organizational structure of a legal entity.

The organizational structure of the legal entity “__________” is an open joint stock company, abbreviated as OJSC “_________”. Located in Moscow, _______________ house ___, has a separate division in _______________________________.

Data on officials responsible for environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in an economic entity, for allowing employees to work with waste.

Responsibility for organizing and technical support of production control in the field of waste management lies with CEO enterprises.

Production control in the field of waste management is carried out by the responsible official(s) appointed by order of the General Director. Responsible persons for environmental protection at JSC "__________" by Order No. "On the organization of an environmental management system and the appointment of persons responsible for environmental protection" were appointed:

  • for organization and control of environmental protection - Deputy General Director ____________________,
  • for the implementation and coordination of the activities of all departments in the field of environmental protection and the admission of employees to work with waste - environmental engineer (ecologist) ____________.
  • for compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, environmental safety at work within the assigned areas - heads of departments. (see Order).

An environmental engineer has a higher environmental education and has a certificate of advanced training No. _____ for the program “Management of hazardous waste from production and consumption” issued ___________. for 5 years

  1. Objects of production control in the field of waste management.

When carrying out production control in the field of waste management, the following standardized parameters and characteristics are subject to regular observation:

  • technological processes and equipment associated with waste generation;
  • waste disposal systems;
  • waste temporary storage facilities
    on industrial sites.

Objects of production control in the field of waste management are listed in Table No. 1.

Characteristics of production processes.

The main activity of JSC "___________" is loading and unloading activities on inland water transport, which is carried out in accordance with the licenses:

  • Loading and unloading activities in inland water transport Series VVT-3 No. __________, issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • Transportation of goods by inland water transport Series VVT-1 No. ______________, issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • Transportation of goods by road across the territory of the Russian Federation Registration number No. GSS-__________, issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation,
  • License for activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of waste of hazard class 1-4 Series 077 No. _______ dated __________.

In addition, OJSC ____________ provides comprehensive services for the cargo and passenger fleet of third-party organizations:

  • collection and transportation of solids household waste;
  • collection of fecal water;
  • collection and purification of subsoil waters;
  • escort of non-self-propelled barges with cargo.

The enterprise includes the following structural divisions:

Temporary storage of production and consumption waste.

Waste disposal systems.

Table No. 1

Production control facilities and waste storage and disposal systems

Temporary waste storage facilities Name of waste Waste code according to FKKO Waste hazard class Controlled indicators Waste disposal systems
1 2 3 4 5 6
Temporary storage facility for mercury-containing lamps (metal container in TsRP-1) In a closed metal container. 353 301 00 13 01 1 1 Amount of accumulated waste, integrity of lamps, frequency of removal (For example) Agreement No. ___ dated _______201__ LLC "_____", license No. ____________ dated _________.201__, and No. __________ dated _______.201__.
Temporary waste storage facility (on a pallet indoors) 921 101 01 13 01 2 2 Amount of accumulated waste, integrity of batteries, frequency of removal
Temporary storage facility for used oils and waste containing petroleum products (closed tank) 546 002 00 06 03 3 3 The amount of accumulated waste, the tightness of the container, compliance with fire safety measures, the frequency of delivery.
Used motor oils 541 002 01 02 03 3 3
541 002 05 02 03 3 3
541 002 06 02 03 3 3
549 027 01 01 03 3 3
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (plastic bags for industrial waste in metal containers installed at repair sites) 171 302 01 04 03 3 3 The amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire safety measures, frequency of delivery.
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (plastic bags for industrial waste in metal containers in the garage) * 3 The amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire safety measures, frequency of delivery.
Sludge from PLS treatment facilities * 4
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (metal container) 314 801 02 01 03 4 4 Amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire safety measures, frequency of delivery
Temporary storage facility for oily waste (metal container at the Volna treatment facility) Spent filter media (granulated coal SKS-3, syntenite KM-1/350, KM-2/M) * 4 Amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire safety measures, frequency of delivery
Temporary storage facility for used tires (metal container) 575 002 02 13 00 4 4

Metal containers installed on a hard surface area on the territory of the enterprise

* 4

Amount of accumulated waste, frequency of delivery

313 002 02 01 00 4 4
912 004 00 01 00 4 4
* 4
314 043 04 11 00 4 4
Welding slag 314 048 00 01 99 4 4
171 105 02 13 00 5 5
314 043 02 01 99 5 5
351 216 01 01 99 5 5
581 011 08 01 99 5 5
571 029 02 01 99 5 5
187 102 02 01 00 5 5
575 001 01 13 00 5 5
187 103 00 01 00 5 5
314 008 02 01 99 5 5
Temporary storage facility for pads (metal container in garage) 351 505 00 01 99 5 5 Amount of accumulated waste, frequency of delivery.
Temporary storage facility for sawdust (container in the construction department) 171 106 01 01 00 5 5 The amount of accumulated waste, compliance with fire safety measures, frequency of delivery to the garage for reuse Own use
Temporary scrap storage facility (in bunkers in workshops) 314 301 00 01 99 5 5 Amount of accumulated waste, frequency of delivery.
Temporary storage facility for cables (on pallets on a hard surface near the cable rewinding shops) 315 201 05 01 99 5 5 Amount of accumulated waste, frequency of delivery.
Temporary storage facility, shavings (metal bin near the machine shop) 351 201 20 01 99 5 5 Amount of accumulated waste, frequency of delivery.

On the territory of the enterprise there are places for temporary storage (accumulation) of waste, from where, as they accumulate, they are transported to enterprises that process, use, neutralize or dispose of waste.

When organizing places for temporary storage (accumulation) of waste, measures were taken to ensure environmental safety. The installation of temporary storage (accumulation) sites was carried out taking into account the hazard class, physical and chemical properties, reactivity of the generated waste, as well as taking into account the requirements of the relevant GOSTs and SNiP.

Centralized places for temporary storage (accumulation) of waste on the territory of the enterprise are shown on the diagram map. There are __ places for temporary accumulation (storage) of waste on the territory of the enterprise. total weight waste generation ______ t/year, one-time accumulation __________ t/year

The location of places for temporary storage (accumulation) of waste, their arrangement (location on the leeward side, fire breaks, hard covering, separate storage), taking into account the implementation of activities, are presented in Table 9.1.

The total area of ​​temporary storage (accumulation) of waste is 243 m2.

The justification for the volumes of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste in places of their organized storage on the territory of the enterprise is shown in Table 9.1.

Shelf life: in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and the formation of a transport batch, but not more than 6 months.

The disposed waste, by its nature and according to the accepted storage methods, practically does not emit harmful substances into the atmospheric air, and does not pollute the soil, ground and surface waters. Therefore, the amount of temporary accumulation of waste before its removal or use is determined for reasons of fire safety, rules for maintaining the territory, feasibility of implementation deadlines, technological capabilities processing equipment, in the vast majority of cases, transport options.

The maximum amount of temporary storage (accumulation) of waste on the territory of the enterprise for each specific type of waste is indicated in Table 9.1.

The one-time accumulation of waste at the enterprise is ______ tons.

Based on the results of an inspection of the enterprise, the temporary storage (accumulation) site is in sanitary condition and meets the requirements.

Table 9.1.

Characteristics of waste storage facilities for up to 3 years.

Justification for the maximum waste accumulation

Characteristics of the waste disposal facility Characteristics of disposed waste
Inv No. Object type Total area of ​​the object Arrangement of the facility Capacity Name of waste FKKO code Hazard Class Waste storage method Shelf life days, months, year Basis for setting the storage period Annual standard Image. departure Waste accumulation limit
T. m3 T T m3
Stats. capacity Concrete floor Mercury lamps, fluorescent mercury-containing tubes, waste and defective 353 301 00 13 01 1 1 In a closed metallic container 6 months
Closed room Pallets on concrete floor Used batteries, undamaged, with electrolyte not drained 921 101 01 13 01 2 2 Indoors 6 months In accordance with sanitary epidemiological standards
Open area Asphalt pavement Pop-up film from oil traps (gasoline traps) 546 002 00 06 03 3 3 Closed tank 6 months In accordance with sanitary epidemiological standards
Used motor oils 541 002 01 02 03 3 3
Industrial waste oils 541 002 05 02 03 3 3
Used transmission oils 541 002 06 02 03 3 3
Open area Asphalt pavement Wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content 15% or more) 549 027 01 01 03 3 3 Metal containers, plastic bags 6 months In accordance with sanitary epidemiological standards
Wood sawdust contaminated with mineral oils (oil content 15% or more) 171 302 01 04 03 3 3
Used oil filters 920 000 00 00 00 0 3
Used air filters 920 000 00 00 00 0 4
Activated carbon contaminated with mineral oils (oil content 15% or less) 314 801 02 01 03 4 4 Closed tank 1 time a year In accordance with sanitary epidemiological standards
Used motor oils 541 002 01 02 03 3 3 2 r. year
OS "Volna" Closed OS Capacity Waste (Sludge) from mechanical and biological wastewater treatment 943 000 00 00 00 0 4 Closed tank 1 time a year In accordance with sanitary epidemiological standards
Spent carbon filters contaminated with hazardous substances (granulated carbon SKS-3, syntenite KM-1/350, KM-2/M) 314 802 00 00 00 0 4
Open area Asphalt pavement Unsorted waste from household premises (excluding bulky waste) 912 004 00 01 00 4 4 Metal container of solid waste 0.8 -19 pcs and 8.0-9 pcs. 6 times a month
Ash and slag from coal combustion (Berezovsky) 313 002 02 01 00 4 4
Waste abrasive materials in the form of dust and powder 314 043 04 11 00 4 4
Estimates from the territory of organizations that do not contain hazardous components 912 000 00 00 00 0 4
Welding slag 314 048 00 01 99 4 4
Spent abrasive wheels, scrap of used abrasive wheels 314 043 02 01 99 5 5
Wooden packaging (non-returnable containers) made of natural wood 171 105 02 13 00 5 5
Natural pure wood sawdust 171 106 01 01 00 5 5
Natural pure wood scraps 581 011 08 01 99 5 5
Waste polyethylene in the form of film 571 029 02 01 99 5 5
Uncontaminated packaging cardboard waste 187 102 02 01 00 5 5
Rubber products that are not contaminated or have lost their consumer properties 575 001 01 13 00 5 5
Waste of paper and cardboard from office activities and office work 187 103 00 01 00 5 5
Uncontaminated broken glass (excluding broken glass from cathode ray tubes and fluorescent lamps) 314 008 02 01 99 5 5
open area, Asphalt pavement Steel shavings not contaminated 351 201 20 01 99 5 5 Containers 6 months Formation of a transport party
Residues and cinders of steel welding electrodes 351 216 01 01 99 5 5
Scrap of ferrous metals, not sorted 314 301 00 01 99 5 5
Uncontaminated steel wire that has lost its consumer properties 315 201 05 01 99 5 5
Used brake pads 351 505 00 01 99 5 5
Open area Osphalt-concrete base Tires with metal cord used 575 002 02 13 00 4 4 In a container 6 months Formation of a transport party

Composition of production control in the field of waste management

Production control includes the following types of control:

  1. Monitoring compliance with legal requirements for activities in the field of waste management (inspection control) and plans and schedules for its implementation.
  2. 2. Monitoring compliance with exposure limits (Eco-analytical control) and schedules for its implementation.
  3. Monitoring the functioning of environmental protection systems and devices and schedules for its implementation.
  4. Monitoring compliance with the requirements for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations arising during waste management.

Monitoring compliance with legal requirements for activities in the field of waste management (inspection control) and schedules for its implementation.

The procedure for carrying out inspection control activities.

The person authorized to sign instructions for conducting inspections is the general director of the enterprise.

The form of the administrative document on the conduct of inspection control is an order, memo or oral order. If an order is issued, a copy of it is transmitted personally to the person being controlled through the secretary; in the case of an oral order, it is communicated personally to the person being controlled.

Officials authorized to carry out inspection control have the right to freely visit and inspect facilities at any time of the day, get acquainted, within their competence, with documents on environmental, industrial and fire safety, present to the heads of departments and other officials mandatory orders to eliminate the identified violations, prohibit the operation of machines, mechanisms, equipment in case of detection of violations that create a threat of accidents, send proposals to the head of the enterprise to punish and reward employees.

Officials authorized to carry out inspection control are required to monitor compliance with legislation over activities in the field of waste management according to the schedule, analyze the causes of violations of legislation in the field of waste management, organize and monitor the implementation of measures to eliminate violations, and submit reports to the management of the enterprise ( acts) based on the results of checking compliance with legal requirements for activities in the field of waste management.

List of documents submitted by persons of the controlled facility for inspection control: passports of installations and other equipment, maintenance schedules, reports of completed repairs and maintenance, accounting logs, etc.

Managers (responsible employees) of the controlled object (structural divisions) are obliged to facilitate the control in every possible way. The managers of the controlled facility are responsible for opposing the inspection or refusing to document its results. If the head of the controlled facility opposes the inspection or refuses to document its results, executive The person conducting the inspection reports this to the head of the enterprise. The decision to punish the culprit is made by the head of the enterprise.

Managers (responsible employees) of the controlled facility (structural divisions) have the right to familiarize themselves with documents containing environmental requirements located in the environmental protection department, as well as consult on environmental safety issues with the enterprise’s ecologist.

Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up. The act must indicate the date, place of the inspection, composition of the commission, purpose of the inspection, identified deficiencies, instructions and deadlines for its implementation. The act is drawn up in at least three original copies, one is handed over to the head of the enterprise, the second to the environmental protection department, the third is given to the head of the controlled facility against signature.

The head of the enterprise is informed about the results of the inspection on the day of its completion by handing over one of the copies of the report to him.

The results of the inspection are announced at the meeting. Other interested parties can review the results of the audit at the Environmental Protection Department.

In the case of registration of the results of inspection control carried out simultaneously with eco-analytical control of compliance with environmental standards for impact on the environment, a note is made in the inspection report about the conduct of simultaneous eco-analytical control, and reports of sampling of the results of the research performed (or their copies indicating the services, in particular) are filed with the inspection report. where the originals are stored).

The sanctions applied to violators may include a reprimand, a severe reprimand entered into a personal file, deprivation of a bonus, removal from a position, or dismissal.

Proposals to eliminate identified violations are indicated in the effective part of the inspection report or in in some cases are issued in a separate order.

Repeated verification of the execution of issued instructions and proposals made is carried out by the official who issued it, without prior notification to the person being inspected. Compliance checks are carried out monthly, and the results are reported at a meeting. If a short term prescription is established (up to 1 month), the prescription is checked at least once a week.

Inspection control schedule .

The production base (territory) is monitored once a month in the summer (May-October) and once every two months in the winter (November-April).

Unscheduled inspection control is carried out at the request of the management of the enterprise, either in connection with the detection of violations by state regulatory authorities, or according to the report of the inspection carried out if the terms of the instructions are less than 1 month, or in case of other emergencies.

Monitoring compliance with exposure limits (eco-analytical control) and schedules for its implementation.

Eco-analytical control over compliance with environmental standards for environmental impact is carried out directly at the sources of negative environmental impact that are part of the controlled object.

The procedure for carrying out eco-analytical control activities in general view should include the following steps:

  • establishing standards for the value of a controlled indicator of environmental impact in accordance with permitting documentation;
  • initial inspection of the source of negative impact on the environment and registration of technological parameters of its work at the time of the inspection;
  • control of the correct location of sampling points;
  • carrying out direct measurements or sampling in accordance with SanPin requirements;
  • in the case of sampling - their reaction, preservation, transportation for analysis and laboratory analysis;
  • in the case of using instrumental methods, including automatic continuous instruments, recording the measurement results;
  • in the case of using calculation or calculation-analytical methods, recording the technological parameters of the source of influence necessary for carrying out calculations;
  • calculation of actual values ​​of standardized parameters of environmental impact and their comparison with the values ​​​​established in permitting documentation;
  • registration of sampling acts and (or) measurement protocols.

Carrying out environmental analytical control in the field of waste management at the OJSC "____________" enterprise is not necessary, since the principle of temporary storage (in accordance with environmental requirements) and the duration of storage (up to 6 months) of waste are designed to eliminate negative impacts on the environment.

Monitoring the functioning of environmental protection systems and devices and schedules for its implementation.

The procedure for monitoring the performance and efficiency of environmental protection systems and devices should include the following steps:

  • establishment of standardized performance indicators for environmental protection systems and devices in accordance with technical documentation and initial inspection of systems and devices;
  • control of the correct location of measurement points (sampling points) and their equipment;
  • definition technical parameters operation of environmental protection systems and devices;
  • sampling at the outlet and inlet of environmental protection systems;
  • calculation of performance indicators of systems and devices and comparison with passport values.

Due to the fact that there are no environmental systems and devices in the field of waste management at the enterprise, the control discussed in this chapter is not provided.

Monitoring compliance with the requirements for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations arising during waste management.

An emergency (emergency) situation at the OJSC "____________" enterprise that arises during waste management is waste fire, destruction of mercury lamps, destruction of batteries, spill of battery electrolyte, spill of oil products, unsanitary conditions in waste storage areas.

To analyze samples of objects selected for the consequences of emergency situations arising during waste management, third-party laboratories are involved, the scope of which includes the relevant types of measurements.

In the event of a waste fire, the employee of the enterprise who discovered the fire, managers and other officials act in accordance with instructions on the procedure for action in case of fire at the enterprise. To prevent waste ignition, those responsible for storage are guided by orders issued by the enterprise for the management of industrial and consumer waste, which contain environmental requirements for the temporary storage of waste.

Measures to eliminate emergency situations in the field of waste management

Possible emergency situations when handling waste Stages of waste management at which accidents are possible Reasons that could lead to an emergency
Waste fire At any stage of the application Waste management in violation of fire and environmental safety rules.
Destruction of the lamp housing with environmental contamination. environment with mercury and glass fragments contaminated with mercury During replacement and during loading and unloading of mercury lamps
Battery destruction and electrolyte spillage During replacement and when loading and unloading batteries Careless handling and violation of environmental requirements during temporary storage of waste.
Oil spill During collection, loading and unloading, temporary storage of petroleum products. Careless handling and violation of technical and environmental requirements during temporary storage of waste.
Unsanitary conditions in waste storage areas When storing waste Handling waste in violation of sanitary rules.

Emergency situations during temporary storage of waste can be:

  • fire,
  • violation of the integrity of fluorescent lamps,
  • oil spill.

In case of waste fire It is recommended to extinguish with foam, for which purpose temporary storage sites for toxic waste are equipped with OHP-10 fire extinguishers in quantities corresponding to the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation PPB-01-93. In case of spills and fires of waste petroleum products, the following fire extinguishing agents are used:

  • Sprayed water
  • Foam;

For volumetric extinguishing:

  • powder formulations,
  • carbon dioxide,
  • SRC compositions (liquid-bromoethyl),
  • superheated steam,
  • sand,
  • felt, etc.

The environmental service of the enterprise ensures that fires are eliminated using available fire extinguishing means and calling the fire department.

In case of destruction of fluorescent lamps their fragments must be collected in a container for transportation, and in the case of separation of mercury, its neutralization is carried out in two stages:

  • Mechanical: collect drops of mercury using a pipette attached to a bulb or water jet pump. Also, drops of mercury can be swept away with a wet brush or collected using leaves of staniol or a plate of zinc sheet; mercury balls are collected with damp paper (filter or newspaper), after which the paper is not immediately thrown away, but placed in a jar with a stopper and filled with a solution (1 liter of KmnO 4 and 5 ml of concentrated HCl) and kept for several days.
  • Chemical:
  1. the contaminated surface is sprayed or washed with a 5% solution of bleach in water, and then with a 5% aqueous solution of sodium polysulfide. After 8-10 hours, the surface contaminated with mercury is washed with water. You can also treat a surface contaminated with mercury with KMnO 4 acidified with HCl.
  2. demercurization with a solution of iron chloride (FeCl): a 20% aqueous solution of FeCl is generously moistened on the surfaces, then wiped with a brush several times and left until completely dry. After 1-2 days, the surface is thoroughly washed with soap and then clean water. The solution is prepared at the rate of 10 liters per 25-30 square meters. m of room area.

The environmental service of the enterprise ensures the elimination of the accident by calling a specialized demercurization service.

Oil spill. Spilled petroleum products (fuel, lubricants, used oil) in a vehicle parking lot or repair area must be immediately removed with sand, which after use is placed in metal boxes with lids installed in a specially equipped and fenced area.

In order to prevent the occurrence of unsanitary conditions in waste storage areas, it is necessary to ensure their timely removal from the territory of the enterprise, monitor the sanitary condition of solid waste containers, and prevent overfilling of containers and littering of the environment. Monitor separate waste collection in each division of the port.

The primary measure to prevent the consequences of emergency situations is to immediately notify the relevant services. The content of control measures during the liquidation of emergency situations arising during waste management is determined promptly immediately after receiving notification of an emergency and depends on the severity of the situation.

Assessing the consequences of emergency situations arising with waste, i.e. actual pollution of environmental components at the production site and within the zone of influence of the production facility is carried out in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents. For rapid assessment of the consequences of emergency situations arising during waste management, the use of express (indicator) analysis methods is allowed.

To analyze samples of natural objects processed to assess the consequences of emergency situations arising during waste management, third-party laboratories are involved, the scope of which includes the relevant types of measurements.

Involvement of third-party accredited organizations to carry out production control in the field of waste management.

Third-party laboratories accredited in the system of accreditation of analytical laboratories (SAAL) may be involved in the implementation of eco-analytical production control on contractual terms. Accredited testing laboratories carry out tests and measurements within their scope of accreditation.

Testing laboratory "EkOOnis" No. ROSS RU.0001.21EM22. is engaged by the enterprise to carry out chemical analysis, issue Protocols and calculate the hazard class of waste. The laboratory certificate is valid from ______ to _______.

Test reports and calculation of the waste hazard class were issued to the enterprise by the laboratory “EcOOnis-environmentally friendly technologies” in _____. When changing the production process, the enterprise contacts this laboratory for test reports and calculations of the hazard class of newly generated waste. The certificate and scope of accreditation of the testing laboratory are presented in the Appendix.

Responsibility for the proper organization of production control in the field of waste management and non-compliance with environmental protection requirements

Persons responsible for organizing and implementing production control in the field of waste management are responsible for improper execution responsibilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For improper organization of production control in the field of waste management at the enterprise, the responsible persons are subject to dismissal.

Requirements for maintaining and storing production control documentation.

Based on the results of the inspection control, an inspection report is drawn up, which indicates: the date, place of the inspection, composition of the commission, purpose of the inspection, identified deficiencies, proposals and deadlines for their elimination. If violations in the field of waste management are identified during daily routine monitoring by any of the officials authorized to exercise production control over waste management, this official is obliged to issue an order as soon as possible demanding that this violation be eliminated.

The order must indicate the date, the official to whom the order was issued, the type of violation, proposals for the extent and timing of eliminating the violation, the signature of the person who received the order, indicating the date of its receipt.

The responsibility for short-term storage (for a period of up to 5 years) of documentation related to environmental protection is assigned to the enterprise ecologist. At the end of 5 years, the documentation must be transferred to the archive.

Document flow in the production control system is carried out in accordance with the procedure approved by regulatory documents in the field of waste generation.

The following documents are available and maintained at the OJSC “_______” enterprise:

  • Waste project (PNOOLR), issued _______ reg. No.__________;
  • Document approving waste generation standards and limits on their disposal, issued dated ________.
  • Waste passports;
  • Forms of primary waste accounting - constantly;
  • Logbooks for recording the generation and movement of production waste - constantly;
  • Form No. 4-OS “Information on current costs of environmental protection and environmental payments” - annually;
  • Form No. 2-TP (waste) “Information on the generation, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste” - annually;
  • Reporting on the production control program in the field of production and consumption waste management – ​​quarterly;
  • Calculation of fees for negative environmental impact - quarterly;
  • Log books for recording the procedure for carrying out production control in the field of waste management.

Production control measures carried out at JSC "_______________" in the field of waste management for the period 201__- 201__.

Controlled Parameter Link to regulatory document Ongoing events Deadlines for the event Person directly responsible for the event Completion mark
1. Licensing of activities for the collection, use, and disposal of waste Federal Law No. 89-FZ dated 2406.1998 “On production and consumption waste” Art. 10F.Z. dated September 8, 2001 No. 128 “On licensing of certain types of activities” Article 7, paragraph 1 Article 17

P.P. R.F. dated September 26, 2006 No. 524 “On approval of the regulations on licensing activities for the collection, disposal, disposal, transportation of waste of I-IV hazard class”

1. Monitoring the completeness, timeliness of execution and submission of application documentation to the licensing authority.2. Monitoring compliance with licensing requirements and conditions for carrying out activities for the collection, disposal, disposal, transportation of waste I-IV hazard class, including:

Availability of production facilities, waste disposal facilities I-IV hazard class, specialized installations for waste disposal I-IV hazard class, specially equipped facilities that meet established requirements;

Those admitted to the activities of collecting, neutralizing, and transporting waste I-IV hazard classes have professional training, confirmed by a certificate (certificate) for the right to work with waste;

Conducting production control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management when carrying out activities for the collection, disposal, neutralization, transportation of waste I-IV hazard class;

Availability of waste passports I-IV hazard class, in relation to which collection, use, neutralization, transportation, and disposal activities are carried out;

Availability in accordance with Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance with sanitary rules of buildings, structures, premises, equipment and other property that are supposed to be used for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard class;

Availability in accordance with Federal Law “On the environmental assessment” of the state environmental assessment of design documentation for facilities related to the disposal and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard class.

Upon expiration of the license Continuously according to the deadlines.


Once every 5 years


Registration is indefinite.

From ___________

Environmental engineer

Chief Engineer

Environmental engineer

Chief Engineer

Boss ________

Environmental engineer

Environmental engineer

Environmental engineer

Series 077 No. _______ (completed) Completed





2. Waste management during the design, construction, reconstruction and liquidation of enterprises, structures and other objects during the operation of which waste is generated Federal Law of 2406.1998 No. 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste” Article 10 Federal Law of November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On environmental assessment” Articles 9, 10. 1. Development and coordination of technological and technical documentation on the use and neutralization of generated waste;2. Obtaining a positive conclusion state examination carried out in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities, state examination of design documentation for construction, reconstruction, conservation and liquidation projects;

3. Monitoring compliance with environmental requirements when handling waste, including the presence and condition of designated sites (places) for waste collection in accordance with established rules, regulations and requirements in the field of waste management.

During the construction of objects During the construction of objects


Environmental engineer



3. Waste management during the operation of enterprises, buildings, structures, structures and other objects Federal Law No. 89-FZ dated 2406.1998 “On production and consumption waste” Article 10 Order of the RTN of the Russian Federation dated October 19, 2007 No. 703 “On approval methodological instructions on the development of draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal.”F.Z. dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection” Art. 51F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”, paragraph 3, article 18. 1.Control of implementation separate collection generated waste for compliance with the requirements established by the draft standards for waste generation;

2. Monitoring compliance with accumulation limits and timely removal of generated waste for compliance with the requirements established by the draft standards for waste generation;

3. Monitoring the timeliness of the development of draft standards for waste generation and limits on their disposal and its compliance with the actual state;

4. Monitoring the territory to identify litter, unauthorized places of waste accumulation, placement of metal on open ground;

5. Consideration of emerging changes in production technology based on the latest scientific and technological achievements in order to reduce the volume of waste generation;

6. Carrying out an inventory of generated waste and its disposal facilities;

7. Monitoring the state of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites;

8. Monitoring compliance with technical and environmental requirements and instructions for waste management, in order to prevent accidents associated with waste management.



1 time 5 years compliance continuously



Once every 5 years



Head of technical departmentEcological engineer

Environmental engineer Head of administrative and economic department

Environmental engineer

Head of technical department

Environmental engineer

Head of technical department

Environmental engineer

Environmental engineer

Head of technical department

Environmental engineer

Head of technical department

Environmental engineer



Designed by


Performed when necessary




4. Compliance with hazardous waste management requirements F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”, paragraph 3, article 18. Order of the RTN of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2007. No. 570 “On the organization of work on certification of hazardous waste” 1. Registration and approval of waste passports, the hazard class of which has been confirmed (included in the FKKO);2. Conducting laboratory studies of the morphological and chemical composition of waste with subsequent calculation of the hazard class.

3. Registration and submission for approval of passports for waste, the class of which was determined as a result of laboratory research and calculations;

4. Submitting an application to Rosprirodnadzor for inclusion of waste in the FKKO.

1 time constantly

When developing waste passports

1 time permanently

1 time permanently

Environmental engineer

Accredited laboratory

Environmental engineer

Environmental engineer





5. Compliance with the requirements for professional training of persons authorized to handle waste of I-IV hazard classes. F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”, Article 15 1. Control over admission to waste management I-IV hazard class of persons who have undergone professional training confirmed by certificates for the right to work with waste I-IV hazard class.2. Conclusion of an agreement for training (retraining) of persons authorized to handle waste of I-IV hazard class. Constantly


Chief Engineer

Head of the training center.


Are concluded

6. Fulfillment of requirements for transportation of waste of I-IV hazard classes. F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On production and consumption waste” Article 16 1. Monitoring compliance with the conditions for transporting waste I-IV hazard class, including: - availability of hazardous waste passports I-IV hazard class for transported waste;

Availability of special vehicles equipped and equipped with special signs;

Availability of documentation for the transportation and transfer of waste of I-IV hazard class, indicating their quantity, class, purpose and destination of their transportation.

During transportation Garage Manager

Environmental engineer

Head of administrative and economic department

Environmental engineer

7. Keeping records and providing reporting in the field of waste management. F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” Article 19 RTN Order No. 182 dated March 27, 2008 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated April 5, 2007 No. 204 “On approval of forms for calculating fees for negative impacts on the environment and the procedure for filling out and submitting forms for calculating fees for negative impacts on the environment” Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated July 25, 2002 No. 157 1. Concluding agreements with contingents for the transportation, use, neutralization and disposal of generated waste.2. Keeping a log of waste movement.

3. Control of the availability, completeness and authenticity of documents for the contingents’ work on transportation, use, neutralization and disposal of waste.

4. Provide in the prescribed manner necessary information in the field of waste management, including:

Information on actual waste generation and calculation of fees for negative environmental impact

Statistical report on form 2-TP-waste

Providing reporting on the invariability of technological processes and on the generation, use, neutralization and disposal of generated waste

Removal as needed.


When concluding contracts

In accordance with the deadlines




Head of administrative and economic departmentEnvironmental engineerEnvironmental engineer

Head of administrative and economic department

Environmental engineer

Environmental engineer

Are concluded


Completed on time

8. Payment for the negative impact on the environment when disposing of production and consumption waste. F.Z. dated 24.1998 “89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”, Article 23PP of the Russian Federation dated June 12, 2003, No. 344 “On payment standards for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by stationary and mobile sources, discharges of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, placement production and consumption waste" RF PP dated 07/01/2005 No. 410 "On amendments to Appendix No. 1 to RF RF PP dated 06/12/2003 No. 344".

RF PP dated August 28, 1992 No. 632 “On approval of the procedure for payment and its maximum amounts for environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects”

1. Control over the correctness of calculations and timely payment of fees for negative impacts on the environment when disposing of production and consumption waste quarterly Environmental engineer Controlled
9. Laboratory control when handling waste F.Z. dated 24.1998 No. 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”, paragraph 3 of Article 12PP of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2006 No. 254 “On approval of the regulation on licensing activities for the collection, use, transportation, disposal of waste I-IV hazard class”

Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” Article 7, paragraph 1, Article 17

Methodological recommendations on the organization and scope of laboratory tests included in the complex of measures for industrial control over the management of production and consumption waste (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on June 26, 2003, No. 17ФЦ/3329)

1. Selective laboratory control of the morphological and chemical composition of waste received from other organizations.2. Laboratory waste control

resulting from the use of technological processes that have undergone changes.

3. Laboratory environmental control (monitoring) in places of waste accumulation and disposal

Of necessity

When changing the technological process

Of necessity

Environmental engineer

Environmental engineer

Carried out if necessary

When changing technological processes

If necessary

On June 23, 2016, the Procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, came into force in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment, approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated March 4, 2016 No. 66.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ, in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment, the owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons in whose possession or use there are waste disposal facilities, are required to monitor environmental conditions in the manner established federal authorities executive power in the field of waste management in accordance with its competence.

Types of impact of a waste disposal facility on the environment

The Monitoring Procedure does not apply to monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment at the following facilities:

  • waste disposal facilities decommissioned (including reclaimed or mothballed) in accordance with the established procedure;
  • waste disposal facilities located in territories the use of which for waste disposal is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • special radioactive waste disposal facilities;
  • cattle burial grounds;
  • medical waste disposal facilities.

The monitoring procedure is intended to be used:

  • owners of waste disposal facilities;
  • persons who own or use waste disposal facilities;
  • Rosprirodnadzor and its territorial bodies;
  • other government bodies, local governments, legal entities and individuals interested in obtaining data on the state and pollution of the environment in the areas where waste disposal facilities are located.

Monitoring carried out by owners, owners of objects waste disposal, in the case of their direct operation of such facilities, or by persons in whose use and operation there are waste disposal facilities in accordance with the requirements in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas. To organize work to monitor the state and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment, to assess and predict changes in its condition by persons operating waste disposal sites, monitoring program is being developed condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

The monitoring program is approved by the person operating the waste disposal facility and is sent by notification on paper to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility or sent by mail with a list of the contents and with a return receipt.

The monitoring program can be submitted in the form of an electronic document signed with a simple electronic signature in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature”. The monitoring program is developed on the basis of available data on the state and pollution of the environment at the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

In this case, at the discretion of persons operating waste disposal facilities, the following may be used:

  • data from the section "List of Environmental Protection Measures", which is part of the design documentation of the facility associated with the disposal of waste of hazard class I-V, and materials on assessing the impact of the waste disposal facility on the environment;
  • stock observation data on the state and pollution of the environment in the area where the waste disposal facility is located and within the limits of their impact on the environment;
  • data on the background state of the environment in the area where the waste disposal facility is located;
  • observation data available to persons operating waste disposal facilities on the condition and pollution of the environment on the territory of the waste disposal facility and within the limits of its impact on the environment;
  • materials, previously conducted environmental surveys on the territory of the waste disposal site and within the limits of its impact on the environment.

When developing a monitoring program, the following are taken into account:

  • design characteristics (technical features) of the waste disposal facility;
  • origin, types, quantity and hazard classes of disposed waste;
  • physical and geographical conditions in the area where the waste disposal facility is located;
  • geological and hydrogeological conditions in the area where the waste disposal facility is located.

Requirements for the composition and content of the monitoring program:

The results of monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal sites and within the limits of their impact on the environment are compiled in the form of reports.

Reports on monitoring results are submitted in a notification manner to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility annually before January 15 of the year following the reporting year. The report on the monitoring results is drawn up in two copies. One copy is kept by the person operating the given waste disposal facility, and the second copy, together with an electronic version of the report on magnetic media, is sent by mail to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor at the location of the waste disposal facility (clause 6 of the Monitoring Procedure).

Requirements for the composition and content of the report on monitoring results:

According to clauses 6.6 - 6.8 SP "Hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of landfills for solid waste", the production control system must include devices and structures for monitoring the condition of ground and surface water, atmospheric air, soil, levels noise in the area of ​​possible influence of the landfill.

In agreement with the authorized federal executive authorities and other regulatory bodies, the state of groundwater is monitored, depending on the depth of its occurrence, pits, wells or boreholes are designed in the green zone of the landfill and outside the sanitary protection zone of the landfill. A control structure is installed upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow in order to take samples of water that is not influenced by leachate from the landfill.

Above the landfill and below the landfill, surface water sampling sites are also designed on drainage ditches.

In those selected, the content of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, calcium, chlorides, iron, sulfates, lithium, COD, BOD, organic carbon, pH, magnesium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, barium, dry residue, samples are also examined for helminthological and bacteriological indicators. If in samples taken downstream a significant increase in the concentrations of the determined substances is established compared to the control, it is necessary, in agreement with the regulatory authorities, to expand the scope of the determined indicators, and in cases where the content of the determined substances exceeds the maximum permissible concentration, it is necessary to take measures to limit the intake pollutants into groundwater up to the MPC level.

The production control system must include constant monitoring of the state of the air environment. For these purposes, it is necessary to conduct quarterly analyzes of atmospheric air samples above the waste sites of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone for the content of compounds that characterize the process of biochemical decomposition of solid waste and pose the greatest danger. The volume of indicators to be determined and the frequency of sampling are justified in the project for production control of landfills and are agreed upon with the regulatory authorities.


Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated March 4, 2016 No. 66
"On the Procedure for monitoring the condition and pollution of the environment by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment"
(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 10, 2016 No. 42512)

1. General Provisions

clause 4. The monitoring procedure is intended for use by owners of waste disposal facilities, as well as persons who own or use waste disposal facilities, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (hereinafter referred to as Rosprirodnadzor) and its territorial bodies, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and monitoring of the environment and its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations, other government bodies, local governments, legal entities and individuals interested in obtaining data on the state and pollution of the environment in the areas where waste disposal facilities are located.
Monitoring of the state and pollution of the environment in the territories of waste disposal facilities and within the limits of their impact on the environment is carried out by the owners, owners of waste disposal facilities, if they directly operate such facilities, or by persons in whose use and operation the waste disposal facilities are located (hereinafter - persons operating waste disposal facilities) in accordance with the requirements in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields.

"GOST R 56059-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Industrial environmental monitoring. General provisions"
(approved and put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated 07/09/2014 No. 708-st)

clause 4.8 Ecological and analytical measurements are included in the scope of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and state regulation in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, which determines the need to comply with the established requirements of the system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in accordance with GOST R 8.589-2001, and requirements in the field hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring.
Ecological and analytical measurements can be carried out only their own or involved laboratories, accredited to carry out the necessary measurements in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and having a license to operate in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas (with the exception of the specified activities carried out during engineering surveys carried out for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital facilities construction).

Contact us

TsLATI by Omsk region, is one of the leading analytical laboratories offering a full range of environmental monitoring services at waste disposal sites, providing fast, comprehensive, accurate, affordable research for industrial, engineering/consulting and government clients throughout Omsk and the Omsk region.

To clarify details or register Application for TsLATI services in the Omsk region, contact us at contact phone number in Omsk +7 (381-2) 23-77-86

UDC 631.47


© 2012 E.I. Kovaleva1, A.S. Yakovlev2, S.A. Yakovlev1, E.A. Duvalina2

1 ANO "Ecoterra" 2 Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Received by the editor 05/14/2012

The results of long-term monitoring of a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill are presented. The main source of contamination of soils, natural waters, and bottom sediments of the water body adjacent to the landfill is the filtrate released from the body of the landfill. Long-term monitoring in the area where the solid waste landfill is located has revealed unregulated sources of pollution that increase the burden on the environment in the area where the solid waste landfill is located. The accumulation of pollutants inherent in the composition of leachate and wastewater from unregulated sources has been established in the bottom sediments of water bodies and soils in the area where the solid waste landfill is located. Basic principles for organizing monitoring are proposed that allow obtaining representative results and identifying features of the negative impact on environmental components.

Keywords: monitoring, bottom sediments, waste disposal facilities, landfill, pollution

Irrational environmental management, pollution and degradation of environmental components as a result of economic activities make the problem of protecting soils and water bodies one of the main ones, since without preserving the quality of soils and waters it is impossible to ensure the implementation of the state strategy of the Russian Federation to ensure the sustainable development of the country. Waste disposal sites are one of the most significant factors of anthropogenic impact on the environment. Waste disposal facilities (WDF) are complex man-made formations within which substances of different genesis and composition are concentrated. Selecting the location of the OPO for a long time occurred without taking into account the environmental sustainability of the territory and the implementation of environmental measures. These objects are both objects of land litter and a source of pollutants entering the environment: atmospheric air, soil, surface and ground water, vegetation

Kovaleva Ekaterina Igorevna, candidate biological sciences, Deputy Head of Department. E-mail: katekov@mail. ru

Yakovlev Alexander Sergeevich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department land resources and soil assessments. E-mail: yakov [email protected] Yakovlev Sergey Alexandrovich, leading specialist

Duvalina Ekaterina Anatolyevna, cover specialist. The composition and volume of waste entering landfills is extremely diverse, increasing and changing from year to year. When storing waste in the body of a landfill, complex chemical and biochemical processes occur, including the formation of new substances characterized by high danger. The present and newly formed substances of stored waste under the influence of atmospheric precipitation form a filtrate, which flows out of the body of the landfill, migrates, polluting adjacent environments: surface water, groundwater, soil, vegetation. In the absence of control over environmental waste, a moment may come when negative changes in natural complexes become irreversible, which can lead to an environmental crisis. In this regard, it is relevant to organize a monitoring system in the ORO zone, assess the state of the environment and predict changes under the influence of anthropogenic factors. Monitoring the state of the environment on the territory of the ORO is carried out in pursuance of Article 12 of Chapter III of Federal Law No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste”.

OS components, thanks to the buffering and tolerance properties of biotic components, are able to withstand the negative effects while maintaining their structure.

tural and functional properties. However, certain levels of anthropogenic impact can lead to irreversible deterioration of the environmental condition of the environment. In accordance with this, the monitoring results should record the condition of the OS components and prevent the permissible anthropogenic load on the OS from exceeding when its components cannot perform their environmental functions.

The organization of monitoring the state of environmental conditions in waste disposal sites is based on scientifically based methodological approaches to the selection of a set of controlled parameters and points of their control. The choice of parameters, observation methods, methods for assessing environmental components is determined by the nature of the anthropogenic impact on adjacent territories on the part of business entities. When monitoring the state of the natural environment, a necessary step is the assessment and establishment of environmental quality standards based on the natural characteristics of the territory under study, its functional and economic purposes.

Purpose of the work: to develop principles for organizing monitoring of waste waste and to assess changes in the condition of soils and water bodies in the area where it is located (using the example of a solid waste landfill in the Moscow region).

Objects and methods. The object of the study was the solid waste landfill of the Moscow region and the adjacent territory. During the monitoring, soil cover and water bodies were studied for 6 years. The entry of pollutants into soils and water bodies comes from a point source - a solid waste landfill, which has been accepting waste of hazard classes 4-5 for disposal for more than 30 years. At the time of the survey, the thickness of the landfill body reached about 20 m. Filtration water (filtrate) is released from the landfill body, which flows into a bypass ditch around the landfill, which localizes the spread of filtrate in the radial direction. Leachate is discharged from the bypass ditch into a river originating at the border of the landfill. In the area around the landfill there is a network of drainage ditches, which serves to drain water from swampy areas into the aforementioned river. Studying the area around the landfill and assessing the monitoring results in the first years made it possible to identify unregulated sources of pollutant discharge from nearby enterprises located higher up the terrain from the solid waste landfill. In accordance with the soil zoning of the Moscow region, the studied territory is included in the district of soddy-podzolic soils of loamy mechanical composition of the Smolensk-Moscow Upland. Soil

The cover of the territory is represented by variations of sod-podzolic and sod-podzolic gleyic soils with an insignificant distribution of bog-podzolic and swamp soils.

To assess the possible impact of a solid waste landfill, control sites have been established that characterize: 1) sources of pollutants entering the environment; 2) the quality of the environment in the zone of possible influence of sources of pollutants, along the gradient of distance from it in the direction of the general slope of the area; 3) background natural objects, not affected by anthropogenic activities, near the solid waste landfill. The selection of indicators for monitoring was made taking into account the set of pollutants contained in the leachate released from the body of the landfill and wastewater from unregulated sources of pollution.

As part of long-term monitoring, a study was carried out of the composition of the leachate flowing from the body of the landfill, an assessment of the nature and level of possible contamination of soils, surface waters and bottom sediments of the stream, drainage ditches in the area of ​​​​the expected impact of the landfill. To assess the level of anthropogenic impact, background areas were examined, from which soil samples, natural waters and bottom sediments were taken. In selected samples of filtrate and natural media, the following were determined annually: pH - potentiometrically, metals - by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma in the liquid phase, by X-ray spectral method - in the solid phase; anions - by ion chromatography and spectrophotometry, petroleum products - by fluorometry on a Fluorat device with preliminary extraction into hexane.

The discussion of the results. To assess changes occurring in the state of natural environments under the influence of anthropogenic load, samples of soil, bottom sediments and natural stream water taken from a background area not subject to anthropogenic impact were examined. The results of chemical analysis of the samples showed that the content of pollutants characteristic of the composition of the filtrate did not exceed the established values ​​of maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) for these substances. The results obtained can be used as background values ​​when interpreting data obtained for soils selected at control monitoring sites. According to literature data, the anthropogenic impact on environmental components is reliably manifested when the content of pollutants (heavy metals) exceeds the background by 1.5-2 times.

The released filtrate is a source of pollution of environmental components: natural waters, bottom sediments, soils in the zone of influence of the solid waste landfill. The filtrate is a saturated multicomponent aqueous solution, the chemical composition of which, according to the results of analysis, is heterogeneous in different years and periods. The main pollutants arriving with the leachate from the solid waste landfill, according to long-term monitoring data, are chromium (24 MPC), manganese (14 MPC), copper (18 MPC), lead (6 MPC), ammonium (140 MPC), chlorides (6 MPC), nitrates (3 MPC), phosphates (3 MPC), sulfates (4 MPC). In Fig. 1-4 show histograms of changes in the content of some pollutants in the filtrate over time.

Rice. 1. Change in the concentration of chromium and manganese in the filtrate over the years

Rice. 2. Change in lead concentration in leachate over the years

Rice. 4. Change in the concentration of ammonium ion in

filtrate by year of waste in the body of the landfill with the establishment of stable temperatures below +3-5оС and a decrease in the influx of atmospheric precipitation

Analysis of data on the content of pollutants in the filtrate did not reveal any direction in the change in the concentration of pollutants over the years; there is a significant variation in the level of their content. Probably, to a greater extent, the composition of the stored waste determines the spectrum of pollutants in the leachate.

A study of the chemical composition of filtrate samples by season showed that the content of all pollutants did not exceed the MPC values ​​established for them in autumn-winter period. This confirms the hypothesis of a slowdown in biochemical transformation processes

A study of the composition of wastewater from unregulated sources of pollutants entering the environment and the routes of their migration showed that they increase the load on environmental components in the area where the solid waste landfill is located. Wastewater from unregulated sources flows through drainage ditches into a bypass ditch with filtrate, and then into the river. Consequently, the composition of wastewater from unauthorized sources to some extent determined the set of pollutants and their concentrations in the leachate and stream.

Rice. 3. Change in the concentration of chlorides in the filtrate over the years

In Fig. 5, 6, as an example, the content of typical pollutants in the filtrate and wastewater in 2010 is given. The identification of unregulated sources of pollutants with their subsequent elimination made it possible to reduce the set and level of pollutants in the filtrate and in the water body in subsequent years.

The results of the study of selected samples of natural environments at sites characterizing the quality of the environment in the area affected by the solid waste landfill showed that surface waters and bottom sediments of the stream and drainage ditches of adjacent areas are contaminated with substances characteristic of leachate and wastewater (copper, nickel, lead, manganese , zinc, chromium). The level of their content exceeds both the background values ​​and the MPC values ​​established for them. In Fig. 8, 9 show data on changes in chromium concentration in samples of water and bottom sediments from the stream, selected along the gradient of distance from the solid waste landfill over time.

The results of soil monitoring in the zone of influence of the solid waste landfill revealed the contamination of swamp soils developing in flooded areas. Possessing a high sorption capacity, these soils accumulate heavy metals, nitrates, phosphates, and sulfates in the surface peat layer, the content of which exceeds background values ​​by 10-1000 times. Soddy-podzolic soils are less susceptible to contamination. It has been established that the area of ​​contamination can reach several kilometers.

Rice. 7. Change in chromium concentration in water from a stream along a gradient of distance from the solid waste landfill over time

Rice. 8. Change in chromium concentration in bottom sediments from the stream along the gradient of distance from the solid waste landfill over time

Conclusions: a study of the state of the environmental components, establishing the presence (absence) of the impact of leachate released from the solid waste landfill body, showed the need for long-term environmental monitoring of waste disposal facilities using the principles of regulation and scientifically based approaches, since such objects are dynamic systems. This will allow timely identification of changes in the state of the OS, assessment, forecast and development of recommendations for preventing and eliminating the consequences of negative processes. Work on organizing monitoring of a solid waste landfill has shown that in order to obtain representative data for assessing the condition of OS components, the following requirements must be met:

Sites for sampling soil and associated media - water and bottom sediments - are laid out taking into account the landscape and terrain, the general slope of the territory, the direction of water migration of pollutants from the waste disposal site;

Sampling of background and contaminated areas should be carried out simultaneously during the same period of time, which will allow them to be correctly compared;

Sampling by year is carried out at the same time, taking into account seasonality and weather conditions;

Required element monitoring is the control of the content of pollutants in bottom sediments of water bodies, since they are an informative object of research and an indicator of the ecological state of the territory.

Science-based design and organization of monitoring makes it possible to identify the characteristics of the negative impact of hazardous waste on environmental components. This work shows the possibility of identifying unregulated sources against the background of the functioning of a point, regulated waste disposal facility - a solid waste landfill, which increases the anthropogenic load on environmental components. Properly organized monitoring in identifying unregulated sources of pollutants entering the environment makes it possible to identify them

owner by type of pollutant and economic activity of enterprises located near the identified source. This may contribute to the development of the practice of establishing and delimiting the environmental liability of enterprises for damage caused to the environment. 4.


1. Zyrin, N.G. Impact contamination of soils with metals and fluorides / N.G. Zyrin, A.I. Obukhov, 5. L.K. Sadovnikova and others - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1986. 123 p.

2. Gorlenko, A.S. Issues of assessing the negative impact of waste disposal facilities on soils

/ A.S. Gorlenko, E.I. Kovaleva, T.O. Poputnikova // Materials of the III Congress of the Society of Soil Scientists

them. V.V. Dokuchaeva. Rostov-on-Don, 2008. P. 3538.

Kovaleva, E.I. Monitoring of municipal solid waste disposal facilities / E.I. Kovaleva, T. O. Poputnikova // VIII International Ecological Forum, 2008. P. 176-178. Poputnikova, T. O. Environmental assessment of soils and individual environmental components in the area of ​​the solid waste landfill. Author's abstract. for the job application uch. Art. Ph.D. biol. Sci. 2010. 24 p.

Assessment of the ecological state of soil and land resources and the natural environment of the Moscow region / Ed. ed. G.V. Dobrovolsky, S.A. Shobs. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2000. 221 p.

Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" dated January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ


© 2012 E.I. Kovaleva1, A.S. Yakovlev2, S.A. Yakovlev1, E.A. Duvalina2

1 ANO "Ecoterra" 2 Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Results of long-term monitoring of solid household waste (SHW) polygon are presented. The main source of pollution the soils, natural waters, ground deposits of water object of the adjacent territory to the polygon is the filtrate which is allocating from the body of polygon. Long-term monitoring in a zone of placement the polygon of SHW revealed the noncontrollable polluters strengthening load on the surrounding environment in a zone of placement of SHW polygon. Accumulation of the pollutants is inherent in the structure of filtrate and sewage of noncontrollable sources, in ground deposits of water objects and soils in zone of placement of SHW polygon is established. Philosophy of the organization the monitoring are offered, allowing to receive representative results and to reveal features of negative impact on components of the surrounding environment.

Key words: monitoring, ground deposits, objects of waste placement, polygon, pollution

Ekaterina Kovaleva, Candidate of Biology, Deputy Chief of the Department. Email: [email protected] Alexander Yakovlev, Doctor of Biology, Professor, Head of the Land Resources and Soils Estimation Department. E-mail: [email protected] Sergey Yakovlev, Leading Specialist Ekaterina Duvalina, Specialist

In accordance with clause 6.4 of SP “Hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste” (hereinafter referred to as SP, a special program (plan) for production is being developed for landfills of municipal solid waste (MSW). control (monitoring), which should include information on monitoring the condition of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soil, noise levels in the area of ​​possible adverse influence of solid waste landfills.

Monitoring of solid waste landfills must be carried out taking into account the requirements of the following documents:

  • SP;
  • Instructions for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for solid household waste, approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on November 2, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions);
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects” (as amended on April 25, 2014);
  • GOST “Nature conservation. Hydrosphere. General requirements for sampling surface and sea ​​waters, ice and precipitation";
  • SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters” (as amended on 02/04/2011 and 09/25/2014);
  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality” (as amended on April 25, 2007).


According to paragraph 7 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste” (as amended on December 29, 2014) prohibited disposal of waste at solid waste landfills not included in the State Register of Waste Disposal Facilities (GRORO).
Currently, all solid waste landfills must be brought into compliance with the current environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as an inventory of these facilities must be carried out and contacted in writing to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor for registration of landfills in GRRORO .
Information on whether the solid waste landfill is included in the GRRORO can be found on the Rosprirodnadzor website in the subsection “State Register of Waste Disposal Facilities”http://rpn.gov.ru/node/853, located in the “Waste Inventory” section.

According to clause 1.30 of the Instructions special monitoring project(i.e. the previously mentioned special program (plan) of production control (monitoring)) should include the following sections:

  • monitoring the condition of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soils and plants, noise pollution in the area of ​​possible adverse influence of the landfill;
  • control system technological processes at the landfill, ensuring the prevention of pollution of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soil and plants, noise pollution above permissible limits in cases of detection of the polluting influence of landfills.

Based on clause 6.6 SP and clause 1.31 of the Instructions, the production control system must include devices and structures for monitoring the condition of ground and surface water, atmospheric air, soil and plants, as well as noise pollution in the area of ​​possible influence of the solid waste landfill.

The monitoring system serves as an information basis for determining the effectiveness of carried out environmental activities at the solid waste landfill, as well as a database for the development of technical and technological solutions to improve the operation of the landfill.

According to clause 6.5 of SP, a program (plan) for production control of the solid waste landfill is being developed landfill owner(based on clause 1.30 of the Instructions - according to the technical specifications of the landfill owner) in accordance with sanitary rules for production control over compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Paragraph 1.30 of the Instructions states that such a program should be agreed upon with the authorities authorized to do so.


The monitoring system for a solid waste landfill must include constant monitoring of the state of the air environment. For this purpose, samples of atmospheric air in the ground layer above the waste areas of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone are analyzed quarterly for the content of compounds that characterize the process of biochemical decomposition of solid waste and pose the greatest danger.

In accordance with clause 6.8 of SP and clause 1.36 of the Instructions, the volume of determined indicators and the frequency of sampling are justified in the production control program of the solid waste landfill and are agreed upon with the regulatory authorities. Typically, when analyzing atmospheric air samples, the content of methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, benzene, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chlorobenzene is determined.

When establishing the degree of atmospheric air pollution above the MPC at the border of the sanitary protection zone and above the MPC r.z. in the work area (Tables 1.3 and 1.4 of the Instructions), appropriate measures must be taken that take into account the nature and level of pollution and aimed at reducing this level.

from the Instructions

Table 1.3


Table 1.4



Industrial control of a solid waste landfill should include constant monitoring of the condition of the soil in the area of ​​possible influence of the landfill.

According to clause 6.9 of SP, soil quality is controlled by chemical (content of heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, organic carbon, pH, cyanides, lead, mercury, arsenic), microbiological (total bacterial count, coli-titer, Proteus titer, helminth eggs) and radiological indicators. The number of chemical and microbiological indicators can be expanded only at the request of the territorial center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance(hereinafter referred to as TsGSEN).

Based on clause 1.38 of the Instructions, the quality of soil and plants is controlled for the content of exogenous chemical substances (ECS), which should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration in the soil and, accordingly, not exceed the residual amounts of harmful ECS in the commercial plant mass above permissible limits. The volume of determined chemical substances and the frequency of monitoring are determined in the landfill monitoring project (i.e., in the production control program) and are agreed upon with specially authorized environmental protection authorities.


The monitoring program also includes analysis of surface and groundwater.

In accordance with clause 6.7 SP, in agreement with the territorial TsGSEN and other regulatory authorities (according to clause 1.32 of the Instruction - in agreement with the hydrogeological service, local sanitary and epidemiological supervision and nature conservation authorities), the condition is monitored groundwater— depending on the depth of their occurrence, control pits, wells or boreholes are designed in the green zone of the landfill and outside the sanitary protection zone of the landfill. A control structure is installed upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow in order to take samples of water that is not influenced by leachate from the landfill.

Based on clause 1.32 of the Instructions, water samples from control pits, wells and boreholes located upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow characterize their initial state. Below the landfill along the groundwater flow (at a distance of 50-100 m, if there is no danger of groundwater contamination from other sources), 1-2 wells (pits, boreholes) are laid to take water samples in order to identify the influence of the landfill runoff on it. Wells with a depth of 2-6 m are made of reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 700-900 mm to a level of 0.2 m below the groundwater level. The filter bottom consists of a layer of crushed stone 200 mm thick. They go down into the well using a stationary ladder. When groundwater occurs deeper, its control is carried out using wells. The design of structures should ensure the protection of groundwater from accidental contamination, the possibility of drainage and pumping, as well as the convenience of taking water samples. The volume of indicators to be determined and the frequency of sampling are justified in the landfill monitoring program.

According to clause 6.7 of SP and clause 1.34 of the Instructions, sampling sites are designed above the landfill on surface water sources and below the landfill on drainage ditches surface waters.

In the selected samples of ground and surface waters, the content of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, calcium, chlorides, iron, sulfates, lithium, COD, BOD, organic carbon, pH, magnesium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, barium, dry residue. Samples are also examined for helminthological and bacteriological indicators. If in samples taken downstream a significant increase in the concentrations of the determined substances is established compared to the control, it is necessary, in agreement with the regulatory authorities, to expand the scope of the determined indicators, and in cases where the content of the determined substances exceeds the MPC, measures should be taken to limit the entry of pollutants into groundwater up to the MPC level.

"Ecologist's Handbook" No. 2, 2015.

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