Waste recycling in Russia: features, requirements and interesting facts. Waste disposal and recycling. Technologies, methods, methods of waste processing. Recycling of municipal solid waste How waste is processed

Eco-technoparks are designed to replace traditional places for storing waste - that is, well-known landfills and landfills. In the 21st century, simply throwing away broken things, packaging and other rubbish is almost criminal - caring for nature and recycling glass, plastic, metal are in trend... This is exactly what eco-technoparks are needed for, in which waste delivered by regional operators will be sorted and processed, producing something from it something necessary and useful. And only components that are completely non-recyclable will be sent for disposal to repositories that are reliably isolated from the environment.

According to the official “Strategy for the development of industry for the processing, recycling and disposal of production and consumption waste for the period until 2030”, the eco-technopark is an interconnected complex of facilities and equipment for processing, recycling and disposal of waste. It ensures their continuous processing and production of industrial products based on them, as well as scientific, research or educational activities.

According to the authorities’ plans, by 2030 in the territory Russian Federation 70 eco-technoparks will appear. They will accept waste, sort it, extract recyclable components and thus return them to economic circulation. “Kaluga” is the first-born and, one might say, the flagship of the line of eco-technoparks; using its example, it is convenient to get acquainted with their structure and operating technologies.

The waste treatment process begins at the entrance to the eco-technopark, where trucks with waste undergo mandatory radiometric control. If, when measuring the radiation dose, it turns out that there are dangerous isotopes in the body, the car will be immediately isolated and the decontamination service will be called. Well, if everything is in order, they will unload it and send it for a new portion of waste.

The first device into which waste received by the eco-technopark falls is a bag opener. It frees waste from packaging, making it available for sorting on a special automatic line. Here, electronic scrap and glass, as well as bulky waste, are removed from the total mass.

The next stage of sorting is a drum separator, which separates waste into fractions ranging in size from 0 to 150, from 150 to 300 and over 300 mm. The largest fraction is supplied via a conveyor line to an industrial shredder, in which it is crushed to sizes of 150−200 mm and is also sent via conveyor lines to a receiving hopper.

The 150-300 mm fraction is meanwhile sent to optical scanners, which identify and separate cardboard, paper and plastic. Glass and metal are also extracted from the total mass. The organic fraction - food waste - is redirected to the composting sector, where they are turned into fertile compost or inert soil. - The garbage enters the conveyor, a special infrared sensor detects plastic from the total volume of garbage and gives a command to special nozzles that know when and where to apply the flow air, shoot. And thus the plastic goes into the right chamber,” said Alexey Cherepanov, development director of the Kaluga Plant of Municipal Machines company.

Sorted recyclables will become the basis for the technological chain of eco-technopark residents engaged in the production of consumer goods. In Kaluga, for example, it is planned to produce plastic hatches, pipes, fences, benches, goods for gardeners and even nylon tights. As the project develops, a plant for RDF fuel – briquettes pressed from recycled materials used in industrial enterprises – will be added to these production facilities.

All technological processes occurring in the eco-technopark are under the vigilant control of an automated monitoring system. It records the noise level and air composition, authorizes incoming garbage trucks by license plate, studies the composition of groundwater and many other factors. The system is so advanced that if deviations from the specified parameters are detected, it will not only send an alarm to the control panel, but will also offer the operator options for action based on the algorithms embedded in it.

This is what a modern replacement for landfills, which have become an eyesore for Russians, looks like. Instead of leachate and smoke from burning garbage - new goods, fuel and clean water suitable for use in agriculture. Scientific and technological progress does not stand still, and the main task facing Russians today is to keep up with it even in such a trivial area as waste processing and waste management.

“Money doesn’t smell” is a completely accurate expression that describes making money from recycling waste.

Perhaps, high profitability This kind of business is due to the fact that for most people, garbage is a completely useless thing, from which you certainly won’t earn anything.

Therefore, these days, when rapidly infrastructure is developing, technology, production of products and materials, waste recycling business seems irrelevant and not profitable.

Believe me, this is a big misconception. Let's take a closer look at how the waste recycling business works.

Russia has accumulated about 3 billion tons of waste that requires urgent disposal. Every year another 60 million tons are added to this number. The prospect of its processing is more relevant today than ever.

Let's look at the situation in more detail: about 95%-96% solid waste are thrown into landfills.

Of these, approximately 60% is the most valuable material for processing:

  • glass,
  • cardboard,
  • metal,
  • plastic.

A small example: in 2014 in Moscow, out of 3 million tons of waste to be disposed of, just over 1% was recycled.

Why is the waste recycling business so relevant today? After all, the same situation in the waste disposal market existed before. The distinctive factors that are most suitable for the implementation of projects of such a business right now are the following positions:

  • The emergence of inexpensive domestic equipment small and medium-sized waste processing facilities.
  • Filling the sales market with many new small organizations engaged in production related to the processing of recyclable materials.
  • So far, the government has not in any way prevented this type of disposal, such as waste incineration, but it is planned to do so soon. passing a law banning waste burning. Thus, a waste recycling business becomes a win-win option.

Turning trash into money

Of course, digging through someone else's trash can is not very pleasant, but let's analyze its contents in theory:

  • to 10% waste paper;
  • 15%-20% metal, rubber, textiles etc.;
  • up to 25% food waste;
  • 4.45%-50% polymers.

Eventually, minimum 60% the contents of the average person's trash can can be processed and marketed for good money.

But, of course, this is just a theory. In practice separate collection We don’t even smell of waste. In this regard, we are far from Japan and many European countries.

Yes, of course, in some cities various containers are installed for sorting waste, but in this moment they don't bring much benefit.

Of the actual 60% of good waste, after sorting, a little less than 30% of recyclables actually turns out. However, there is a way out of the situation - the acquisition of special sorting plants.

While foreign companies are making fortunes from waste, in Russia this area is almost completely free. So why not start turning trash into money today?

Selection of plant specialization

Of course, the best option is to purchase a complete chain of production for processing solid waste, but let’s be realistic, who of those who want to open a waste business has a spare $20 million?

Therefore, it is best to start developing a business by recycling a certain type of waste.

Car tires

There are three types of tire recycling:

  • grinding,
  • burning,
  • pyrolysis

The last method is the most profitable and promising.

This is a method of decomposing rubber into:

  • carbon,
  • raw materials for metallurgy,
  • synthetic oil.

There is probably no need to say how in demand the above-mentioned raw materials are.

Also, a very common method tire shredding.

From crumb rubber make:

  • floor coverings for sports grounds and halls,
  • produce rubber tiles,
  • used as a filler for sports equipment,
  • component in new road surfaces,
  • finishing material for construction, etc.

Construction waste

In this area, it is impossible to do without special sorting plants, since construction garbage may contain completely different materials:

  • metal,
  • concrete,
  • brick.

An example of recycled material from such a production line is crushed stone. The high profitability of this segment of the waste waste market is due to the increased number of construction projects being implemented, as well as an increase in the cost of removing construction waste.

Thanks to mobile crushing and screening stations, waste from collapsed buildings can be processed right on site.


Finding material for recycling is quite easy:

  • you can take cullet from glass factories,
  • from our own organized collection point for glass containers,
  • from waste collected using a sorting line.

With an inexpensive equipment price, demand The cost of the resulting raw materials is very large, the costs of organizing production instantly pay off.

Paper and cardboard

Currently, 50% of the recycled material in the world is cardboard and paper.

But, despite the fact that the number of new production organizations in this area is growing rapidly, the platform for business in it is still not very competitive.

75% of recycled content goes to production and production of packaging, the remaining 25% is attributed to the production of roofing materials. Therefore, the demand for the resulting raw materials is unshakably high.

Plastic bottles (PET)

There are plenty of products for disposal in landfills. You yourself can become a supplier of raw materials for your plant by equipping your plant with a sorting line. Also, you can purchase mobile installation, which recycles bottles on site.

It pays for itself in a maximum of one and a half years.

Documents receiving

The main document, without which there can be no talk of legally organizing a waste business, is license, giving the right to engage in the processing of solid waste. They receive it from the Ministry of Ecology. The official cost of the document is about $7,500. But to obtain it, you often have to fill out various additional documents, and the total amount can increase by 2-3 times.

To fully register a waste recycling plant, one license from the Ministry of Environment is not enough. It will also be necessary to register the organization in the form of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

To create and register your LLC, in addition to the license, you will need to prepare a number of documents:

  • Registration card of a private person (owner).
  • Permission to use the plant's leased or own land plot, building, premises.
  • Extract from the tax office.
  • Permission from SES, electrical and fire supervision.

Search for raw materials for processing

It is most profitable to take garbage from the housing stock. After all, it is the urban population that throws out the most garbage, which requires disposal. Here it is very important to encourage residents to throw garbage into your “container”. Of course, people pay pennies for garbage removal, but you need to convince them to spend these pennies on the services of your company.

Organize own collection points of one or another type of waste, advertise your company, convey to residents why it is better and more profitable than others, locate your production near a landfill or solid waste landfill, or as close as possible to accumulations of raw materials, etc.

Premises and equipment

Typically a warehouse and the production premises are located next to a landfill or solid waste landfill.

The area of ​​the first should be approximately 100 square meters. m, the area of ​​the second is at least 300 sq. m.

The premises must comply with sanitary and fire standards.

In general, their purchase and improvement will cost no less than 2 thousand dollars.

A “minimum” kit, which is suitable for implementing the first steps of a waste recycling business, will cost approximately $50,000. It includes:

  • Sorting line.
  • Crusher.
  • Press.
  • Bunker.
  • Magnet or any other additional equipment.

Perhaps it seems to you that it is best to immediately buy expensive imported equipment - we have to disappoint you. As experts say, it is much better to purchase equipment domestic production for the following three reasons:

  1. Cheaper.
  2. Very often, more reliable.
  3. It is much easier to find parts to repair.

Also, according to experts, one should not lose sight of inexpensive Chinese products: do not be biased towards the country of origin. In China, there are many internationally recognized companies engaged in the manufacture of waste recycling equipment.

To locate your production line near a landfill, you must obtain permission from the city utility service. It is issued only if there is a license for solid waste processing.


Waste processing industry cannot exist without work force. As a rule, even a relatively small plant employs up to 40 people. Typically a shift consists of 10-15 people. Wage amounts to pennies, you definitely won’t lose money on it.

There are two classes service personnel at a waste treatment plant:

  • 1.Worker.
  • 2. Specialist.

There is a difference in the monthly salaries of the two above-mentioned employees, but it is not significant.

When opening an LLC, you definitely need to hire an additional manager, an accountant and a couple of management people who control the production process at all its stages.

As a rule, they are paid the highest wages at the plant.

Where to sell the products?

Take care of searching for companies engaged in the manufacture of products from recycled materials for your type of production.

  • Glass. Look for glass factories that make abrasives, tiles, insulation, and brick products.
  • Crushed stone. Post advertisements for the sale of crushed stone, search for customers and provide them with a delivery service.
  • . A cardboard and packaging plant or a toilet paper manufacturing plant would be perfect for you as a client.
  • Flex or granules(plastic recycling). Look for a polymer plant for cooperation that produces plastic containers, films, etc., as well as small offices and enterprises.
  • Rubber crumb. This is a great success for factories producing rubber tiles, asphalt, road surfaces, sports equipment, building materials using rubber, etc.


It is clear that the cost of building a plant directly depends on the material it will process, but you are unlikely to be able to do without:

  • crushers,
  • sorting line,
  • bunker

The cost of the listed order is ~$40,000.

Also, be prepared to invest about 2 thousand dollars to purchase:

  • warehouse space,
  • premises for the production line.

Approximately $300 will be spent on monthly salary for staff(up to 40 people).

About 20% – payment for utility costs.

For a ton of recycled waste, you will receive from $500 to $1,500, and, taking into account expenses, you may have $10 thousand in net income. Thus, Your business will pay off within six months after opening, gaining 50% profitability.

Before you do anything, you need to create at least a short business plan for yourself.


Are you excited about starting your own waste recycling business? Don't put it off until later - it will be too late. Very soon, competition in this market will increase noticeably due to the factors mentioned in the article.

Having a budget of $50,000 or more, you can create and organize production for processing a certain type of waste and pay it off in 1-2 years. Receiving stable income, there is an opportunity to gradually expand production, earning more and more!

The process of sorting and recycling waste is presented in the video:

In contact with

  • About landfills
  • Recruitment
  • Processing technology
  • How much can you earn

According to statistics, up to 150 million m3 accumulates annually in our country household waste total mass more than 30 million tons. Only one person accounts for about 250 kg per year. household waste. And this is not the limit, since with the development of industry and technologies aimed at improving human life, the number of new synthetic materials is growing, and those already created are being more actively used.

About landfills

And where should all this “good” go? The decomposition period of just one plastic container is hundreds of years. Local authorities, represented by housing and communal services, simply cannot cope. Most landfills are formed illegally. What can I say, even legal landfills are created in violation of all norms and rules. Dealing with garbage using the classic method of arson is not an option. Burning garbage creates a haze of gases harmful to humans, plus mercury-containing lamps can be thrown into landfills, the arson of which is doubly dangerous.

In this regard, the issue of disposal and processing of municipal solid waste (MSW) is of enormous importance. And it seems that only business representatives can cope with such a task. Recycling waste should bring good income and only then the problem will go away. dead center. Take Europe too. There, recycling waste is so profitable that politicians and the mafia are ready to fight for it. There this business is considered a “gold mine”. Plastic, glass, paper, metal - all this can be recycled and sold profitably industrial enterprises. And if in European countries Waste recycling is an overfilled niche, but in Russia this business is just emerging.

Step-by-step opening plan, business profitability

According to experts, the profitability of a solid waste processing enterprise can be 50% or more.

However, it is not so easy to recycle waste. To organize a large industrial complex Tens of millions of rubles will be needed to transport, receive, and process all types of household waste, mainly for the purchase of equipment and lines. Also required large areas production premises (more than 500m2) and a warehouse. If it is not possible to rent them, then additional construction costs will be required. Plus, it is necessary to establish all communications, obtain permits, licenses, and so on.

State support is important here. Subsidies, grants, loans, whatever, just to give the business “financial support” for the development of a completely new business for Russian realities. Recycling of solid waste is an issue that is in the interests of local authorities. Therefore, they must take care of providing appropriate areas (land or building) for entrepreneurs who want to engage in this area.

Investments in this business may not be so “cosmic”. For example, you can avoid transporting waste, but organize only the reception of solid waste at the site of its processing. Waste paper is purchased for 50 kopecks, depending on the quality of the paper, and sorted plastic raw materials from 2 rubles per kilogram. Moreover, it is not necessary to recycle all waste. To begin with, you can start recycling only certain types of solid waste, for example, glass or polymers. In this case, you will not need to purchase a dozen different units and lines. It will be enough to purchase a certain type of press for the preparation of a specific type of secondary raw material.

Of all the varieties of household waste, the most in demand in the field of processing and production of secondary raw materials are:

  • steel, aluminum - up to 100%;
  • textiles - up to 50%;
  • waste paper - up to 35%;
  • glass - up to 35%.

Creating an enterprise for processing solid waste is especially beneficial in large cities, since a lot of “raw materials” are generated there.

How much can you earn from recycling solid waste?

The cost of one ton of processed and compressed secondary raw materials is approximately the following: plastic recycling- up to 15,000 rubles, aluminum can - up to 50,000 rubles, crumb rubber - up to 16,000 rubles, pressed cardboard - up to 12,000 rubles. In one shift, a small enterprise is capable of processing and receiving up to ten tons of secondary raw materials. Hence the monthly turnover of several million rubles.

An important point is that solid waste belongs to hazard class 4-5, therefore actions related to the collection, use, disposal and processing of solid waste are subject to licensing. The license is issued by the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for federal district. The premises for processing solid waste must meet all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, and also be located at a distance of at least 600 meters from residential complexes. Therefore, the ideal location of such an enterprise is somewhere on the outskirts of the city.


A separate issue is personnel selection. Garbage recycling is mostly manual labor. Therefore, even a small enterprise will require a staff of 25-30 people. At the same time, not everyone wants to deal with solid waste for a long time, hence the high staff turnover. The manager’s task in this case is to establish optimal piecework wages, increase employee motivation and pay bonuses. The main monthly costs of such an enterprise are the payment of wages to employees.

What equipment to choose for solid waste processing

There are a number of offers from a variety of manufacturers on the solid waste processing equipment market. As they say Russian businessmen, you should not spend money on purchasing expensive foreign lines. And in our country there is budget options equipment that is not inferior in quality to foreign analogues, and is easier to repair.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the line for processing solid waste - the MSK 50 waste sorting complex. This line unites the entire waste processing chain, starting from waste reception and ending with its compaction and storage. The line is operated by 12 workers, 6 people on each side.

Processing technology

Wherein processing technology as follows:

The waste chute carries the waste to a receiving area, where large-sized waste is sifted out: televisions, furniture, tape recorders, etc. From the receiving area, using a loader, the sifted waste is fed into a pit and then onto a feeding inclined conveyor. From the inclined conveyor, the waste is transferred to a horizontal sorting conveyor, where it is sorted into fractions. Each conveyor is equipped with a frequency converter to adjust the speed. Selected waste fractions (paper, PET bottles, cardboard, aluminum cans, etc.) enter mobile carts through hatches in the overpass, on which they are delivered to the presses. Next, each fraction is pressed on the appropriate press, tied, stored and sent to purchasing enterprises (customers).

How much can you earn

This type of business has a profitability of 50%, which allows you to recoup the investment within a few months. Profit from the sale of processed raw materials can be up to 50,000 rubles per month, even from a small workshop.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To organize from scratch a full-fledged plant for processing all types of waste (paper, food, rubber, glass, etc.) you will need about $20 million. To organize a workshop designed for 1 type, the investment will be 50-200 thousand dollars.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

For this business activity, we select code 38, which includes all processing of any type of waste, as well as their disposal.

What documents are needed to open

In this case, in order to avoid problems with the tax office, it is advisable to immediately register a limited liability company, taking into account significant financial flows. The following documents will be required:

  • company charter;
  • memorandum of association;
  • minutes of the meeting of owners or the decision of the founder;
  • Application for registration on Form 11001.

Which taxation system to choose for registering a waste recycling business?

Given the large volumes of income and expenses, you will have to stop at common system- BASIC. It involves paying an income tax of 20%, as well as VAT at a rate of 18%. This mode will be applied by default, so there is no need to switch to it. But such a system is not subject to numerous restrictions such as the number of personnel, the cost of property, etc.

Do I need permissions to open?

It is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Ecology giving the right to collect and process solid household waste. For this purpose, an environmental assessment will be carried out and an appropriate conclusion will be issued. After this, it is necessary to obtain permits from the sanitary service, water and municipal services of the city, and “fire departments.” Receipt process permitting documentation may take 3-4 months.

Food waste are sure to appear in households and usually end up in landfills. After all, few people think about the fact that they can be recycled and how they can dispose of waste at home. In particular, you can turn spoiled food or its remains into fertilizer or into healthy animal feed.

Knowing how to properly recycle leftover food can save money and have less of a negative impact on environment.

The problem of food waste disposal

The population of the Earth is constantly increasing, and therefore the amount of food is increasing, and with it the amount of garbage thrown away.

Garbage of organic origin quickly decomposes, turning into a good environment for the emergence and reproduction of harmful microbes, as well as larger living organisms: insects and rodents.

This type of waste is not dangerous in itself. But if too much accumulates, it begins to rot. This may lead to the development of an infection.

Methods for recycling food waste

Recycling waste at home can be done in many ways. The more of them involved, the more effective this effort will be in saving money and protecting the environment.

One of the ways to positively influence the environment is not even by recycling garbage in a private home, but by reducing its amount. Usually food is bought and brought home in a plastic container and a plastic bag, which in itself is already garbage. Such actions are not justified, not only from an environmental point of view, but also from an economic one. After all, a plastic bag is, at best, disposable (although often it may not be enough even for one time). Therefore, for each new portion of products purchased in the store, if not every day, then every other day, you have to purchase a new package. It is much more practical to purchase a fabric bag once and constantly bring groceries in it.

And if you don’t even have a bag at hand when you need to go to the store urgently, you can buy paper bag.

And as for plastic containers, in which products are usually sold, then their quantity can also be reduced, trying to always purchase food with the least amount of packaging.

One of the most profitable and most effective options for getting rid of unnecessary food scraps is recycling food waste into fertilizers. And most quick way– composting using worms.

To do this, you first need to find a box that will be used as a home for the worms. Here they will process substances. You can buy such a box at a farm store. But it’s more profitable to make it yourself from wood, rubber, zinc. Plastic buckets can also serve as boxes.

It is important to ensure that worms do not enter the house a large number of air. To do this, the box must be provided with holes. large diameter.

The soil must be laid so that the thickness of its layer does not exceed 60 cm. For each square meter area requires 0.5 kg of worms.

The box must have a lid and be located in a cool place where there is not a lot of light.

As for the worms themselves, most often they choose one of two species: Eisenia fetida or Eisenia hortensis. They eat a lot, quickly increase their numbers and even destroy paper products.

The smaller the garbage, the faster the worms will turn it into compost and the more efficient it will be to process food waste at home.

The composting toilet is equipped with a special tank into which food waste is placed. This technique is best used on personal plot. These toilets are cleaned once a year. Some models run on electricity.

Let's list the most common operating principles.

1. Separation of waste into solid and liquid.

2. Peat toilets, into which waste is filled with granules, which prevents the spread of odor.

3. Toilets with a powerful filter, in which unnecessary substances are burned either directly on the fire or through a filament.

4. Freezing, protecting against unpleasant odors.

For those who want to process leftover food, special composters are developed and produced. They can be used at home by installing them directly in the kitchen. They will constantly eliminate waste, turning it into fertilizers useful for cultivated plants. The operating principle of many of these devices is based on the use of the same worms. Such devices are called vermicomposters (here there is a connection with the English word “worm”).

And there are also models that run on electricity. There is no need to put worms in them. They are more convenient to use, but also more expensive.

And some models of composters work thanks to fermented bokashi microorganisms, which are grown on wheat bran.

Recycling waste in a private home is no less important than in the city. However, residents rural areas have some advantages, since they can use special technology to turn waste into feed for animals, for example, for pigs or cows.

Processing waste into food for livestock is no longer a new technology. It began to be practiced successfully back in the 20th century, when bone meal began to actively produce compound feed. The process begins by turning the waste into granules. Then they are kept for a long time in containers from which all the air has previously been pumped out. This food has only one significant drawback– it is poorly absorbed.

Thanks to modern technologies Spoiled food can be processed into high quality feed. The waste is subjected to intense pressure and high temperature, which leads to the destruction of harmful microbes. The result is food containing sufficient amounts of protein and fat.

Various organic waste

Food waste comes in several main types. Let's list them.

1. Appearing during the production of products;

2. Coming from enterprises Catering;

3. Food products whose expiration date has expired;

4. Defective products that have spoiled as a result of damage to the container in which they were stored or transported.

The waste that appears in our homes every day belongs to categories 3 and 4.

There are also 5 classes of waste, each of which has its own level of danger. The most dangerous is 1st class. And class 5 products are completely harmless. Food waste is in the 4th and 5th classes. The recovery period for class 4 waste is 3 years.

What waste can be recycled at home?

Many organic matter can be recycled through composting. Almost any plant waste can be used to turn into fertilizers. Composting is not only suitable for animal products and oils. Also, under no circumstances should you make compost from diseased plants, cigarettes, or paper. Only organic matter can be used for composting.

Recycling waste at home is one of the most important points for those who love and care about nature. There are always many items in our homes that can be reused or recycled. And if you ignore the fact that food manufacturers are calling for single-use packaging, then you can look at new items with a completely different perspective. Almost any old used item can be turned back into some useful item: either use it in some other way, or recycle it yourself.

For example, an item that ends up in the trash can as soon as it was purchased - a plastic bottle can be found in many worthy uses. However, when recycling a plastic bottle, you need to remember that when exposed to high temperatures, it begins to release toxic substances.

The same goes for plastic bags. Many of them can be made beautiful products. It is also not recommended to burn them.

From wooden bottle caps you can make a stand for hot dishes, small floor mats and many other useful and beautiful products.

Recycling your own waste

The majority of bags thrown into trash bins each day are organic matter. And knowing how to recycle garbage at home, you can turn it into compost and do two things at the same time useful things. Firstly, nature will be less polluted. And, secondly, a certain amount of fertilizer will appear, which can then be taken to a country plot or simply poured into a pot with a houseplant standing on the windowsill.

Under the natural conditions of a modern landfill, waste decomposes within a month, newspapers, cardboard, fallen leaves - up to 4 months, cans and old shoes - up to 10 years, and batteries, tires, plastic bottles and glass - up to 100, 140, 200 and 1000 years, respectively. Considering their annually increasing volume, humanity very soon risks drowning in the waste products of its vital activity. Moreover, it is no longer possible to combat the problem through banal arson, since large-scale flows of smog can cause irreparable harm to the health of the population. In this light, the issue of recycling becomes of great importance.

The state is taking certain steps in this direction, but business is more able to cope with the task more effectively. In Europe, waste recycling brings huge profits, which has caused high competition in this area. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the industry is still poorly developed, which gives excellent chances to eventually take a leading position, becoming one of the largest suppliers of secondary raw materials to industrial enterprises.

Industry Features

The profitability of a medium-sized waste recycling plant can reach 30% or more. However, when organizing production, an entrepreneur will face a number of difficulties.

The cost of a complex designed for the collection, delivery, reception, and processing of household solid waste (MSW) of most types (excluding hazardous ones, for which work requires obtaining separate licenses and high-tech equipment) will require more than tens of millions of dollars. Moreover, the largest part will be the cost of the installations themselves. In addition, you will have to look for a production area larger than 500 m² and corresponding warehouses. In most cases, building from scratch is more profitable than renting, despite the high costs. One of the additional items in this case will be the laying of communications, obtaining permits, licenses, approvals, and so on.

Help make your start easier governmental support, loans, grants and other ways to obtain additional financing. During negotiations, remember that the introduction of modern and safe ways recycling waste is beneficial to local authorities. This can be a good argument in favor of allocating land or providing optimal premises.

Entrepreneurs who are not yet ready for such large-scale investments can carve out their niche with local projects. For example, organize the reception of already sorted waste of a certain type. Or just its processing. In this case, you will only need to purchase a complete line for working with one or another type of raw material (most often, we are talking about paper, glass or plastic).

Types of solid waste in terms of profitability

IN ideal a full-fledged plant must perform the full range of functions for sorting and processing waste:

  • reception of municipal solid waste (sorted and mixed);
  • sorting and processing of suitable resources (waste paper, polymers, broken glass, textiles, scrap metal);
  • production of structural products from recycled secondary raw materials.

However, in practice, novice entrepreneurs most often choose a narrow area of ​​activity. In this case, we can distinguish several typical “scenarios” for the operation of an enterprise, depending on the chosen type:

  • Cardboard and paper. In this case, you can organize a small enterprise that collects, presses and sells the resulting product, or open a full-fledged processing plant.
  • Polymers. Similar to the previous point. The most common companies for collecting waste and manufacturing from it secondary granules, which are then purchased by enterprises producing plastic products.
  • Glass. As a rule, entrepreneurs choose between collecting containers (cullet glass) and running a recycling business.
  • Tires. Here most often we're talking about about enterprises full cycle- from collection to processing. Work can be carried out according to one of three algorithms: collection of worn-out materials from motor transport enterprises, purchase from the population with the organization of collection points, or paid acceptance for recycling.

The priority work strategy and type of raw materials are determined based on several factors, individual for each settlement. The most important of them is the standards for accumulation of solid waste. This indicator indicates their quantity formed per unit of time under certain conditions. Knowing this, you can quite accurately calculate how much raw material can be obtained by working in a certain area.

Speaking about profitability, the following data can be given:

  • aluminum, steel, other metal - almost 100% of the resulting raw materials are processed;
  • textiles - depending on the type of fiber, up to 50% of the material can be recycled;
  • waste paper - the share of useful raw materials in unsorted waste is about 35%;
  • glass - similar to waste paper.

When considering the prospects of this business, it is also necessary to take into account the liquidity of raw materials. It could be:

  • Highly liquid- a class of secondary raw materials from which, as a result of processing under existing conditions, it is possible to obtain products in demand by customers and sell them profitably. This includes scrap metal of all types, clean waste paper and textile industries, cullet without impurities, etc.
  • Moderately liquid- Solid waste of average quality, suitable for producing in-demand products, but not highly profitable (the cost of the finished material is approximately equal to the cost on the market). This is mixed waste paper, cardboard, plastic with impurities, textile items, large wooden elements, broken glass, tires.
  • Low liquidity- requiring significant effort for disposal and unprofitable for recycling. These are moisture-resistant cardboard and paper, polymer mixtures, bird fluff, glass cullet with significant contamination. In this case, you can earn income by recycling waste at the expense of the supplier.
  • Illiquid - hazardous waste, not subject to disposal. For example, multilayer polymer packaging and laminated paper are not suitable for obtaining secondary raw materials, so they are processed at the expense of the customer or special sources of funding - municipalities, etc.

Currently, about 93% of garbage in the Russian Federation is disposed of in landfills and landfills. Considering the volumes, many entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy a worthy niche in a developing business.

Where to get raw materials?

The simplest, but also the most labor-intensive way is to negotiate with the management of landfills or the municipality about the opportunity to independently select the necessary waste. As a rule, at this stage it is beneficial to involve an “asocial element” in the work.

A “cleaner” technology is to conclude agreements with markets, institutions, and enterprises for the removal of sorted waste of the category you need. In this case, “they” reduce the cost of waste removal, the entrepreneur receives necessary materials. True, this does not work with all types of garbage.

Where to sell recycled waste?

One ton of processed and compressed polymer waste on the market costs about 15 thousand rubles, aluminum cans - about 50 thousand rubles, crumb rubber - about 16 thousand rubles, cardboard - about 12 thousand rubles. The daily productivity of the average capacity of a waste processing line is 8-10 tons of recyclable materials. Accordingly, the monthly turnover will be several million rubles, depending on other initial data.

For the most part, consumers of recycled waste paper, tin and polymers are various industries. Such companies are present in different regions and, as practice shows, they are happy to purchase raw materials from local producers. However, it must be remembered that the consumer is already accustomed to comfort and prefers to receive high-quality purified and carefully compressed raw materials, which are easy to work with and convenient to store.

What documents are needed to register a business?

Each country and even region will have its own characteristics of registering a waste recycling enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a number of authorities and consult with specialists from each of them. When opening a business abroad, it is advisable to immediately enlist the support of a qualified lawyer.

The priority form of business registration will be or its equivalent in your country. In the Russian Federation, for this you need to provide the company's charter, articles of association, minutes of the meeting of owners and an application (form 11001).

Large financial flows in the process of operations make the OSNO taxation system optimal for the plant. In this case, income tax will be 20%, and VAT - 18%. At the same time, the entrepreneur is not subject to restrictions on the number of personnel, the value of property, etc. When registering, code 38 is indicated, which allows you to recycle and dispose of everything.

Since most types of solid waste are classified as hazard class 4-5, it is necessary to obtain a processing license, which is issued by the district Rosprirodnadzor. Specialists will conduct an environmental assessment and issue a permit. Next, permission will be required from the SES, water and municipal services of the locality, as well as fire departments. In total, registration issues take from 3 to 4 months.


Since waste sorting and recycling are “dirty” processes with low wages, there are not many people willing to fill the vacant position. However, to launch even a small plant, it is necessary to include 25-30 employees on staff. And even if they are found from the first moment, you need to be prepared for staff turnover - not everyone can withstand prolonged contact with garbage.

To retain existing staff and attract new ones, an entrepreneur needs to optimize salaries for a particular region, take care of comfortable conditions labor (uniform, disposable protective items, shower), think about ways to motivate. Salaries to employees are the main expense item, but at this stage of industry development, the enterprise simply will not function without people.

Waste recycling technology

At a universal plant, the waste recycling process includes the following stages:

  • Waste delivered from the landfill is unloaded onto a receiving site, where bulky waste - construction, Appliances, furniture items, etc.
  • Using a loader, the remaining mass is transferred to a receiving hopper, from where it is fed onto an inclined and then onto a horizontal conveyor.
  • On a horizontal conveyor, waste is sorted by type. This operation is performed manually by employees of 8-15 people.
  • Sorted waste is placed into carts through hatches in the overpass and delivered to presses (each for its own type of waste).
  • The waste is pressed into briquettes, tied and sent to a warehouse, and then to the customer, as a rule, for further processing.

Necessary equipment


The configuration of the waste processing technological line depends on the type of solid waste and the scale of activity. A classic full-cycle installation (from waste reception to compaction and storage) includes a number of units:

  • Reception bunker. This can be a container or a concrete covered area where bulky waste is removed from the mass of waste. The supply of solid waste to the conveyor can be carried out automatically or using loading equipment.
  • Receiving hopper with plate conveyor. This unit is necessary for uniform supply of waste for sorting.
  • Separator. This is where small fractions of waste are sifted out.
  • Horizontal Belt Conveyor. In most cases, it is serviced by operators who select certain fractions and dump them into separate containers. Depending on the types of waste selected for processing, the number of operators (and the containers themselves) may vary.
  • Main separator for collecting ferrous metal(usually located at the end of the conveyor).
  • Receiving hopper for waste that cannot be recycled.
  • Storage bins for sorted ones.
  • Baling presses- separate for each type of waste.
  • Storage device for bulky waste.

In addition to the equipment listed, consumables may be required for recycling. For example, to prevent delamination and scattering of finished briquettes at the pressing stage, special compounds are introduced into the mass. Another option to make transportation more comfortable is to purchase a binding line, where the briquettes are wrapped with strap tape or polyester film.

How much does the whole complex cost?

Construction from scratch of a universal plant designed to collect and process the maximum possible number of types of waste (from waste paper and plastic to rubber and glass) will cost about $20 million. A small workshop designed to work with some a certain type raw materials, can be organized for 50-200 thousand dollars.

A couple of years ago, people from RAO UES decided to get into the “garbage business”. The total investment in the Eco-System Group of Companies amounted to 16 billion rubles. The profitability of this area is estimated at 30%, which, together with the required volumes of cash injections, makes it unaffordable and uninteresting for small and medium-sized businesses. Contrary to popular belief, in Europe, the construction of solid waste recycling and processing plants is also mainly carried out by energy giants. For example, the German E. On is building a not very large plant in Cardiff.

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