How to start the production of bone and meat and bone meal. Method for non-waste processing of bone Bone is a secondary product methods of disposal

Answered by Valentina Malofeeva expert

Disposal food waste in medical institutions, including bones, is carried out in accordance with the provisions that determine the requirements for catering, the operating hours of the institution, and epidemiological requirements.

Today, it is mandatory for any institution to availability of a valid contract for the export of solid household waste(MSW) . At the same time, sanitary legislation indicates the need for separate collection of solid waste and food residues. For this, special containers should be provided on the territory of the institution, which will provide secure storage waste prior to their removal from the territory. The contract for the export of solid waste should provide for the drawing up of an act for the disposal of food waste, the act is drawn up in any form.

Disposal of food waste is always the subject of close attention of sanitary and epidemiological control, as it often causes a violation of the hygienic regime. That is why the timely removal of food residues and spoiled products is especially important when concluding a contract for such services.



Sanitary rules for the maintenance of territories of populated areas SanPiN 42-128-4690-88

1. General Provisions

1.1. The organization of a rational system for the collection, temporary storage, regular removal of solid and liquid household waste and cleaning of territories must meet the requirements of these "Sanitary rules for the maintenance of territories of populated areas".

1.2. The system of sanitary cleaning and cleaning of the territories of populated areas should provide for the rational collection, quick removal, reliable disposal and economically viable disposal of household waste (household waste, including food waste from residential and public buildings, trade, public catering and cultural and household waste; liquid from non-sewered buildings; street garbage and estimates and other household waste, accumulating on the territory locality) in accordance with the General scheme for cleaning up the settlement, approved by the decision of the Executive Committee local council people's deputies.

2.4. Collection of food waste

2.4.1. Collect and use food waste in accordance with the "Veterinary and Sanitary Rules on the Procedure for Collecting Food Waste and Using It for Livestock Feed".

2.4.2. Collection, storage and removal of food waste should be carried out in accordance with the guidelines for organizing the collection and removal of food waste, approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service.

2.4.4. Food waste is allowed to be collected only in collections specially designed for this purpose (tanks, buckets, etc.), painted inside and out with paint, closed with lids (it is forbidden to use galvanized containers without painting).

2.4.5. Collections intended for food waste must not be used for any other purpose. Collectors should be thoroughly washed daily with water using detergents and periodically disinfected with a 2% solution of soda ash or caustic soda or a bleach solution containing 2% active chlorine. After disinfection, the collections must be rinsed with water. Responsibility for the use and correct content of the collections lies with the company collecting food waste.

2.4.7. It is forbidden to collect food waste in the canteens of dermatovenerological, infectious and tuberculosis hospitals, as well as in special sanatoriums for the recovery of those who have been ill infectious diseases, in restaurants and cafes of airports, trains and steamboats serving long-distance lines.

2.4.9. The collection of food waste is carried out under a separate system and only if there is a stable sale of them to specialized fattening farms. Disposal of waste to private individuals is prohibited!

2.4.10. Temporary storage of food waste prior to its removal should not exceed one day to prevent its decomposition and negative impact on living conditions.

2.4.11. Temporary storage of food waste in trade and public catering facilities, regardless of their subordination, should be carried out only in refrigerated premises.

Meat and bone meal is a valuable product that is used in animal husbandry and poultry farming. It contains protein, which is simply necessary for a balanced diet for poultry and livestock. Not a single poultry farm or livestock farm can do without this product. That is why the production of high-quality meat and bone meal deserves the attention of investors and businessmen.

  • Technology for the production of meat and bone meal
  • What equipment to choose for the production of meat and bone meal?
  • Distribution channels and profitability

A mixture of meat and bone meal is a homogeneous powder of dark brown color. The size of the granules should not exceed 12 mm. The bone mixture for dogs and animals has a specific smell, but it should not give off rottenness or mustiness. One of the important characteristics of meat and bone meal is fat content. According to its degree, the product is divided into classes.

The raw materials from which bone meal is made are the remains after the slaughter of livestock, veterinary confiscated goods, waste from meat processing plants and dead livestock. Raw materials may contain fat and non-fat components. Before processing, it undergoes veterinary and sanitary control.

Technology for the production of meat and bone meal

Today, a method is known that consists in grinding raw materials, its heat treatment with heated steam. It always goes through the stages of degreasing and drying.

Bone mixture for dogs and animals is made in this way:

1 The raw material enters the grinder. All bones and cartilage are crushed there.
2 Material on the conveyor gets to the dryer. There it is cooked.
3 After that, the mixture of future meat and bone meal goes through the screw conveyor to another grinder. The raw material after it becomes like minced meat.
4 In the centrifuge, the bone mixture for dogs and animals is dehydrated and defatted. The liquid that is formed after this operation enters special sedimentation tanks. There the fat is separated from the water. Water is again involved in the technological process.
5 The substance again enters the drying area. There, the moisture is finally released from it.
6 After the secondary drying, the mixture for dogs and other animals is crushed again. After that, the stages of sterilization and packaging begin.

The first grinding of bones is carried out using a roller with holes, not more than 60 mm. The secondary procedure takes place in the disintegrator. There, the bone mixture for dogs and animals is brought to a pasty consistency. The diameter of the obtained particles does not exceed 1.5 mm. The secondary grinding operation is associated with heating. Steam is supplied to the plant. The temperature of the mixture is maintained at 60 degrees. Dairy industry waste is often added to the crushed bone waste at this stage. They help dissolve the particles and bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. With the help of dairy production waste, the fat content of future meat and bone meal is also regulated. To remove solids, the mixture is placed in a centrifuge. There, a solid component of the substance is released, which will be directed to drying.

The production of meat and bone meal has its own risk factors. The main ones are:

  • bacterial impact on raw materials (rotting, exposure to pathogenic bacteria);
  • oxidation of raw materials (rancidity).

The fresher the raw material, the better the final product will be. Bacteria, which are already abundant in meat production waste, multiply even faster in a warm room. After sterilization, the bacteria themselves die, while the exotoxins they secrete remain. That is why you need to pay great attention to the cleanliness of the equipment.

In the "blind zones" a lot of bacteria always accumulate. They are recommended to be filled with bran with antibacterial additives. It is practically impossible to maintain devices and installations in sterile cleanliness under such conditions. After the end of the shift, it is recommended to run a mixture of antibacterial additives and bran throughout the system. Mechanical cleaning should be carried out once a week.

What equipment to choose for the production of meat and bone meal?

To implement this technological process, you will need such equipment for the production of flour:

Usually it is a single production line. As an example, there are two configurations:

Second line:

Distribution channels and profitability

It is impossible to talk about the success of any enterprise if the sale of finished products is not established. Farms will be the main consumer of meat and bone meal. Moreover, a mixture of meat and bone meal is used as an additive to feed for birds, dogs, cats and livestock. Companies that produce food for dogs and cats buy this mixture in even larger quantities. They add it to make nutritious and healthy pet formulas.

Agricultural enterprises and private gardeners also purchase a mixture of meat and bone meal. Fertilizers are made from it for indoor flowers and open ground plants. It can be supplied to specialized shops and garden centers. All kinds of kennels for dogs and other animals buy the product in large quantities. Interesting fact, in America, bone meal is used as a fuel for industrial needs. There is no such practice in our country yet.

How much money is required to produce meat and bone meal?

The opening of a workshop that will produce bone meal for livestock and dogs will require from 3.5 to 5 million rubles. The costs include the cost of purchasing equipment, its installation, rental of premises and the initial purchase of raw materials. If we take into account that the company will produce 45 tons of meat and bone meal for dogs and animals every month, then the revenue will be 960 thousand rubles.

Bone meal on the market costs about 18 thousand rubles per ton. These are wholesale prices. The profitability of production is 25%. At stable work and the sale of all inventories, investments in the business will pay off in 2 years.

In the meat industry, in the process of processing livestock raw materials, the main products (meat and meat products) and waste (blood, bone, category II by-products, raw fat, horn-hoofed raw materials, skins, non-food raw materials, canyga) are obtained, which are secondary raw materials(Sun).

Annually, the meat industry in Russia produces about 1 million tons of secondary resources, of which about 20% is industrially processed.

In the future, schemes for the complex processing of livestock raw materials should be widely introduced, allowing them to be used more rationally, as well as to increase the volume and range of products.

A schematic diagram of the integrated use of raw materials in the meat industry is shown in fig. 1. As you can see, meat industry waste is a valuable raw material for feed production.

In the cost of production of poultry and livestock products, the cost of feed is the largest part (50 ... 75%), therefore, reducing the cost and improving the quality of products directly depend on the cost and quality of feed.

Feeds of animal origin are distinguished by a high content and usefulness of the protein required in the diets of animals.

Improving the productivity of animals and the quality of meat products is impossible without optimizing diets for the main nutrients, vitamins and other components.

Processing of bone for fodder meal

IN last years at the enterprises of the meat industry, the production of dry animal feed (meat and bone) has increased significantly. If in 2000 their production amounted to 189 thousand tons, then in 2008 it increased to 482 thousand tons. However, this is still significantly less than in 1990, when 598 thousand tons were produced at the enterprises of the meat industry of the country. meat and bone feed.

IN modern conditions it is necessary to introduce resource-saving technologies for bone processing at meat processing enterprises, taking into account their production capacity. When choosing a particular technology, it is necessary to take into account the features of the morphological and chemical composition of this raw material, depending on the type of processed meat, the availability of technical means and the possibility of using and selling the products obtained.

Offered various options bone processing for use at meat processing enterprises with a capacity of 3 ... 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and more than 30 tons of meat per shift, based on the chemical composition of specific bones of the animal skeleton, as well as the presence of cuts of fleshy tissues on them (Tables 1, 2 ).

So, beef bones with a high fat content (for example, tubular) are proposed to be defatted and made into edible bone fat. For the processing of tubular bone, the Ya8-FOB vibratory degreasing line and its modification Ya8-FOB-M are successfully used, which allows processing any types of bone to obtain bone meal with a fat content of less than 10% (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovanie LLC, Moscow). Edible fat is used in cooking and in the manufacture of canned food.

Vertebral, thoracic, sacral bones of cattle, characterized by the presence of a significant number of cuts in the fleshy tissues, are recommended to be used for the production of meat and bone semi-finished products or subjected to mechanical additional deboning. It is expedient to use the resulting bone residue for the production of edible fat, dry edible broth, fodder flour or a protein-mineral component intended for the manufacture of food products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and the meat mass for the production of minced products.

For implementation efficient processing bones at enterprises with a capacity of up to 15 tons of meat per shift, lines can be recommended where, due to short-term processing and moderate temperature conditions, a high yield of high-quality edible fat and fodder meal is ensured.

The best results and environmental safety of production are achieved when using the Y8-FLK bone processing line (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovaniye LLC). It is characterized by the ability to process all types of bone and bone residue and provides almost complete elimination of losses while increasing the yield of high-quality edible fat and biologically valuable feed meal.

The need to process all waste from slaughterhouses and sausage shops for the production of meat and bone meal contributed to the creation of the Ya8-FOB-MA20 line (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovaniye LLC) with a capacity of up to 1 t / h of any raw material, except for blood, which does not have time to dry in screw dryers continuous action. But before that, the blood is perfectly coagulated in a vibroextractor (fat separator) and the coagulant is separated from the water in a centrifuge
(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Line Ya8-FOB-MA20:

1 - power chopper;

2 - auger-prepressor;

3 - pump-grinder;
4 - vibrating grease separator Vzh-0.3;

5 - pump-grinder of low power;

6 - scraper conveyor 4.2 m;

7 - three-section drying block with increased productivity;

8 - conveyor 3.2 m;

9 - hammer crusher;

10 - three-section drying block with adjustable capacity;

11 - hammer crusher;

12 - storage hopper;

13 - settling centrifuge;

14 - coarse fat separator;

15 - fine fat separator;

16 - pump AVZH-130;

1 7 - container with a coil 2 m 3;
18 - tank heated with live steam 2 m 3;

19 - table for disassembling the separator drum;

20 - capacity 0.2 m 3

Technical specifications lines Ya8-FOB-MA20

Modifications of the line with batch dryers have been developed that allow processing any raw materials, including dead animals, with guaranteed sterilization of flour and fat: Ya8-FOBMA-05P - up to 500 kg / h of raw materials and Ya8-FOB-MA06P - up to 1000 kg / h h (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovaniye LLC).

At low-power enterprises, in which the amount of waste per day does not exceed 1 ... 2 tons, mini-lines of two modifications are used - using steam and electric. So, for example, on the ML-A16 line, up to 800 kg are processed per shift of raw materials using steam, and on the ML-A16-01 line - without steam. The productivity of the ML-A16M lines (Fig. 3) and ML-A16M-01 is up to 1500 kg per shift, and the ML-A16M2 and ML-A16M2-01 lines are up to 3000 kg per shift (manufacturer - Askond-promoborudovaniye LLC) .

Rice. 3. Mini-line ML-A16M for bone processing:

1 - raw material grinder;

2 - centrifuge;

3 - screw conveyor (5 m) with a bunker;

4 - dryer SK-1.5;

5 - pump;

6 - screw conveyor (1.2 m)

To obtain fodder bone meal of higher biological value at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.M. Gorbatov, a fundamentally new waste-free technology has been developed that allows for short-term processing of bones with moderate temperatures dry way (without contact with water, hard steam). An R8-FLK technological line for processing bones has been created, on which the degreasing process takes place in two stages: first, for 11 minutes. by conductive heating to a temperature of 85...90°C with continuous removal of melted fat and formed juice vapors, and then by filtration centrifugation for 3...4 min. at a temperature of 70…80°С. Fat-free bones are subjected to continuous drying for 30…35 minutes, grinding and sieving. The resulting fodder bone meal contains on average 70% more protein than meal produced by traditional technology.

As a result of studies conducted at the VGNII of animal husbandry, the increase in live weight in experimental animals fed a diet with bone meal produced according to the new technology was 6.2% higher, and feed costs per 1 kg of weight gain were 0.3 feed lower. units than when using traditional bone meal. It has been established that the digestibility of protein, fat and fiber of bone meal produced by wasteless technology, also higher by 3.5, 26.4 and 54.3%, respectively. The advantage of the developed technology for the production of bone meal was also shown by hematological studies. Thus, the content of hemoglobin in the blood of experimental animals was higher than that of animals in the control group. The results indicate the efficiency of bone meal production using the developed waste-free technology, its possible use as a source of digestible protein, and not just phosphorus-calcium salts.

Thus, bone processing allows the most efficient use of it, taking into account market conditions and the technical capabilities of a particular enterprise. In addition to obtaining economic benefits, the recommended technologies are aimed at improving the environmental safety of production.

Obtaining protein feed from keratin-containing raw materials

Keratin-containing raw materials obtained at meat processing plants (horns, hooves, hair, bristles, wool) take up a relatively small amount of total generated non-food waste. However, taking into account the number of livestock processed at meat processing plants, this type of non-food waste is a significant amount, which must be considered as a raw material resource for the production of protein animal feed. The main processing method is hydrothermal treatment of horn-hoofed raw materials under pressure in autoclaves various designs. The process of obtaining the final product in dry form takes place in one apparatus - a vacuum boiler or in two - in a vertical autoclave and a vacuum boiler. In the first case, the raw material is boiled in water under pressure of 0.3 ... 0.4 MPa at a temperature of 138 ... 142 ° C for 4 ... 5 hours, then the water is drained, and the mass is dried under vacuum for 3 ... 5 hours. In the second case horn-hoofed raw materials are first treated with hard steam at a pressure of 0.25 ... 0.3 MPa for 5 ... 7 hours, and then loaded into a vacuum boiler, where short-term sterilization takes place at a pressure of 0.1 ... 0.12 MPa for 30 minutes ., after which the mass is dried for 3–4 hours. After cooling, the dried product is crushed into particles less than 3 mm in size, resulting in a feed additive that contains less than 68% protein, no more than 6% fat at 9% moisture. The product yield is 53% by weight of fresh (not stored) horn-hoofed raw materials. The results of studies at the All-Russian State Research Institute of Animal Husbandry showed that feeding pigs with compound feed, in which 7% of the used meat and bone meal was replaced with a feed additive from keratin-containing raw materials, provided the same average daily gain in live weight of animals and the quality of pork as in the control group (100% meat and bone meal) .

VNII meat industry them. V.M. Gorbatov developed a hydro-thermochemical method for processing keratin-containing raw materials, when it is subjected to hydrolysis with an alkaline reagent under a pressure of 0.2 ... 0.3 MPa for 5 ... 6 hours. pH. As a result of such treatment, the degree of hydrolysis of keratin reaches 78...79%. The hydrolyzate contains 20...25% solids, including 15...16% protein. It is also characterized by the presence of 15 trace elements and has a high emulsifying ability.

Processing of animal blood for feed purposes

One of the most valuable in terms of feed and biological properties and relatively cheap secondary raw material is the blood of slaughtered animals.

At industrial processing blood, it is divided into plasma and formed elements. Blood plasma consists of water (about 90% on average), protein (7.5 ... 8%), other organic soluble substances(1.1%) and inorganic compounds (0.9%). Plasma contains enzymes, biologically active amines and hormones, free amino acids, final breakdown products of proteins, as well as hundreds of different proteins, each of which performs its specific function.

One of the latest advances in the production of blood products is aerosol-dried plasma, upon receipt of which the biological activity of functional proteins, in particular immunoglobulins, is preserved.

Abroad, such a product as aerosol drying plasma is used in industrial scale only the last 15 years. The scheme for the production of dry plasma includes aseptic collection and cooling of blood; adding an anticoagulant; fractionation by centrifuge, reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration; aerosol drying.

Blood plasma as a protein raw material due to its high nutritional value, digestibility of basic substances and other qualities is widely used in the food, dairy, meat, bakery, confectionery, and feed industries.

The safety of aerosol-dried plasma immunoglobulin fractions in the intestines of an animal varies from 54 to 90%. According to the content of nutrients and biologically active substances, blood plasma approaches high quality fishmeal (Table 3).

Especially beneficial was the use of aerosol-dried blood plasma in the production of pre-starter feed for suckling pigs, and its inclusion (6...7%) in the feed of young animals for two weeks allows to reduce the weaning age by 7...8 days. Scientific and practical research show that with proper feeding and maintenance, early weaning (17–21 days) has a number of advantages compared to traditional weaning. This is an increase in the average daily gain in live weight by 26%, a reduction in feed costs per unit of gain by 10%, and a reduction in the time to reach slaughter conditions. Fewer veterinary preparations and medicines are spent on growing piglets.

At the breeding farm "Gulkevichsky" (Krasnodar Territory) conducted a series of experiments for a comparative study of the effectiveness fish meal and aerosol dried blood plasma as part of diets balanced for all nutrients in strict accordance with the detailed norms for feeding pigs. After that, the results obtained in the experiments were tested under production conditions on 80 animals. It was found that feeding experimental piglets with aerosol-dried blood plasma contributed to an increase in the average daily gain in live weight by 16.6% compared to the control group.

Piglets fed blood plasma with the diet reached a live weight of 100 kg 19 days earlier than their peers who were fed fishmeal.

Calculations showed that the cost of 1 kg of live weight gain of piglets in the experimental group was 3.89 rubles. less than in the control (31.68 rubles), and the level of profitability is 18% higher.

Thus, to compensate for the deficiency of biologically active substances in the diets of young pigs within two weeks after weaning, it is recommended to include 7% of blood plasma instead of high quality fishmeal.

Recycling of meat industry waste by dry extrusion

TO the latest techniques processing of biological waste include extrusion technologies. They allow you to combine and carry out quickly and continuously in one machine (extruder) a number of operations: almost simultaneously mixing, compressing, heating, sterilizing, cooking and shaping the product. In a short period of time, processes occur in the raw material that correspond to long-term heat treatment. In modern extruders, depending on the nature of the processed material, the temperature can reach 200°C, and the pressure can develop up to 4...5 MPa. At the same time, the negative effects of processing are minimized due to its high speed. The processed material is in the extruder for no more than 20 ... 30 s., Therefore, extrusion technologies are usually referred to as short-term high-temperature processes.

The development of extrusion technology has made it possible to propose new ways of recycling waste from the food industry, fur farms, pig breeding and poultry farming.

The main problem that arises during the processing of such waste is their high humidity (up to 85%). The proposed technologies are based on the method of dry extrusion, in which the heating of the extruded material occurs due to friction both inside it and its friction against the extruder barrel. Shredded waste of animal origin (including case) is pre-mixed with vegetable filler to reduce the moisture content of the mass fed to the extruder. The resulting mixture is subjected to extrusion processing, resulting in a product suitable for feeding. Grain, grain waste, bran, meal can be used as a filler. The volume of the filler exceeds the volume of waste of animal origin by several times (3...5 times) and is determined by the humidity of the waste.

When the mixture passes through the compression diaphragms in the extruder barrel, the temperature inside it rises due to friction (over 110 ° C) and a pressure develops over 4 MPa. The time of passage of the mixture through the extruder does not exceed 30 s, and in the zone of maximum temperature it is only 6 s, so the negative effects of heat treatment are minimized.

However, during this time the mixture:

sterilized and disinfected (pathogens, fungi, mold are completely destroyed);

its volume increases (due to the rupture of the molecular chains of starch and cell walls when the mixture leaves the extruder);

homogenized (the processes of grinding and mixing of raw materials in the extruder barrel continue, the product becomes completely homogeneous);

stabilizes (the action of enzymes that cause rancidity of the product, such as lipase and lipoxygenase, is neutralized, anti-nutritional factors, aflatoxin and mycotoxin are inactivated);

dehydrated (moisture content is reduced by 50 ... 70% of the original).

The compounds present in the feedstock undergo the following changes during the extrusion process.

Squirrels The short stay of raw materials in the high temperature zone has a minimal impact on the quality of the protein. Protein digestibility reaches 90%. Amino acids become more accessible due to the destruction of secondary bonds in protein molecules. The short duration of heat treatment at relatively low temperatures does not destroy the amino acids themselves. The content of available lysine reaches 88%. At the same time, anti-nutritional compounds such as protease inhibitors, trypsin and urease are completely or significantly destroyed.

Starch Starch gelatinizes, which increases the degree of its digestibility.

Fats Fats are evenly distributed over the entire mass of the product, forming complex compounds with starch in a ratio of 1:10, which increases their availability. Fat stability is improved as enzymes that cause fat to oxidize and become rancid, such as lipase and lipoxidase, are destroyed , and lecithin and tocopherols, which are natural stabilizers, retain their full activity.

Cellulose Significant changes in the ratio of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber not found. The digestibility of dietary fibers increases after extrusion, which is associated with their chemical modification.

The rigidity of the extrusion mode of raw material processing leads to the death of pathogenic microflora (bacteria, fungi). First, it is known that most bacteria die at temperatures of 114–120°C within 5 s. Secondly, inside the extruder barrel, intracellular moisture is converted into superheated steam. When leaving the extruder, a sharp drop in pressure (decompression explosion) leads to rupture of the cell from the inside by water vapor. Therefore, it is possible to obtain high-quality feed when using substandard grain products as a filler. According to domestic research, 25% of cereals are to some extent contaminated with mycotoxins, which can cause diseases in livestock and poultry and reduce their productivity. The sterility of the resulting feed is especially important when fattening young animals. Up to 90% of the death of young animals is due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or infections introduced through the digestive system.

The first lines for the processing of biological waste by dry extrusion appeared in the United States. Workshops using the technology of the American company "Insta Pro, Inc." work in JSC PH "Lazarevskoye" of the Tula region, JSC "Vostochny" Udmurt Republic; fattening pigs achieve a weight gain of up to 750 g per day, while saving on the purchase of expensive components.

The extrusion technology for the utilization of biological waste, developed by Wenger Manufacturing, Inc. (USA), includes preliminary heat treatment of the mixture in the extruder conditioner, extrusion with steaming, and drying of the extrudate. The need for steaming and drying operations increases the cost and complicates the process, since, in addition to electricity, the use of other energy carriers (steam and gas) is required.

Technology from Insta Pro, Inc. (USA) does not require steaming, however, the moisture content of the resulting extrudate exceeds 14 ... 16%. Since the storage of the product with a moisture content of more than 14.5% is not allowed, the extrudate is also additionally dried to ensure sufficiently long shelf life.

At present, similar equipment is produced in Russia. LLC Group of Companies Agro-3. Ecology (Moscow) offers a complex for the processing of slaughter and gutting waste into a feed additive through their extrusion together with vegetable additives.

Technical characteristics of the complex

Amount of filler, t/day

Quantity of finished products, t/day

Productivity of the complex, kg/h:


by finished product

Total installed power, kW

Power consumption, kW

Voltage, V

Current frequency, Hz

Room dimensions, m

36x12x at least 6

Staff, people/shift

The main stages of the technological process: grinding meat and bone waste to fractions of 3 ... 5 mm; mixing of crushed waste with dry vegetable filler in the ratio 1:(3…4); extruding the resulting mixture; product cooling and drying; packing.

The shortcomings of the above technologies (drying of the extrudate) were overcome by the Russian specialists of CJSC "Ekorm" (Chelyabinsk), who proposed a method for forced pneumatic removal of steam from the extrudate. The method eliminates the need to use special dryers and heterogeneous energy sources. The time of temperature exposure to the product is reduced. As a result, it was possible to ensure the production of a product suitable for long-term storage (at least 6 months) even with a significant moisture content of the feedstock, without using additional drying devices.

This technological process of extrusion processing of waste consists of grinding; mixing the crushed mass in a certain proportion with vegetable filler; mixture extrusion; cooling and packaging (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Technological process of waste extrusion processing
according to the technology of CJSC "Ekorm" (Chelyabinsk)

The resulting product (protein feed additive) is characterized by the following indicators (according to ZAO Ecorm):

high digestibility (about 90%);

metabolic energy - 290 ... 310 kcal per 100 g;

bacterial purity - no more than 20 thousand units. (at a rate of 500 thousand units);

humidity - not higher than 14%;

long shelf life - at least 6 months.

The cost of the resulting protein feed additive is determined mainly by the cost of the filler. At the same time, the cost of energy consumption for processing 1 kg of biological waste does not exceed 80 kopecks, while when processing them in waste heat boilers, the cost of energy consumption is not lower than 4 rubles.

Thus, the use of extrusion technologies allows: to intensify manufacturing process; reduce energy and labor costs; increase the degree of use of raw materials and the digestibility of products; reduce the microbiological contamination of products; reduce environmental pollution (no emissions into the atmosphere, effluents and secondary waste).


In the meat industry, up to 1 million tons of secondary raw materials and waste are generated annually, of which only a small part is used in the future.

Meat industry waste is a valuable raw material for fodder production. Feeds of animal origin are distinguished by their high content and usefulness of protein.

It is advisable in the near future to increase the production of bone meal, given that it is a valuable component in the feed industry, and modern technologies can significantly improve the quality of the products. So, fodder bone meal, obtained according to the technology of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry. V.M. Gorbatov, contains an average of 70% more protein than flour produced using traditional technologies.

Processing enterprises need to organize the production of dry blood plasma by spray drying. This product in the amount of 7% it is recommended to include in the diets of young pigs within two weeks after weaning instead of fishmeal. This contributes to an increase in the average daily gain in live weight, a reduction in the cost of feed per unit of gain, and a reduction in the period for reaching slaughter conditions.

The introduction of extrusion waste processing technology at poultry and pig complexes, slaughterhouses and meat processing plants can significantly reduce the amount of biological waste generated, process them into high-quality, well-digestible feed. The advantages of this recycling method lie not only in its priority for the preservation of the environment (almost complete absence of waste, emissions and harmful odors), but also in a significant reduction in recycling costs, ensuring high degree sterilization, which makes safe waste potentially containing pathogens and pathogens. This results in a feed with improved palatability, high nutritional value and degree of digestibility.


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9. Faivishevsky M.L. Bone processing at meat processing plants [Text] // Meat industry. - 2010. - No. 1. - S. 62-65. - ISSN 0869-3528.

10. Extrusion processing of non-food waste from the slaughter and processing of animals, poultry, fish [Text]: catalog sheet: developer and manufacturer LLC GK AGRO-3. Ecology". - M.: forum "Meat industry-2010" - 3 p.

The material was prepared in the department

analysis and synthesis of information on

technical service and equipment

for the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex

Konovalenko L. Yu.

Each farm is interested in purchasing high-quality feed for their animals. And since this industry is still poorly developed in our country, various additives have to be purchased abroad, and they cost a lot. For example, bone meal, the most valuable component in compound feed, can be quite problematic to get. It turns out that there is a demand for this product, but there are very few offers. And if you buy equipment for the production of bone meal, you can own business in this area, which will be in demand among consumers not only in the local market, but also in the regional one.

Meat and bone meal is a product obtained by processing animal bones. It is actively used as a protein-rich additive in feed for pets (dogs and cats), livestock. Also, many farmers who grow fruits and vegetables for sale use bone meal to enrich the soil.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 700,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

The business idea is to launch a small bone meal plant that would sell finished products in small and large wholesale. And with a competent approach to planning activities, you can establish a profitable business, since the resulting products have an attractive price for consumers, while being characterized by excellent nutritional values.

Classification of bone meal by grade

Bone meal obtained during the processing of raw materials is a homogeneous dry powder of a grayish tint with a specific smell. And if the appearance of the product is always almost the same, then its moisture content and protein content can vary.

Therefore, the entire volume of flour produced is divided into varieties:

  • 1 grade.
  • 2 grade.
  • 3 grade.

Bone meal of the 1st grade is much better in quality than the goods of the 3rd grade, and, accordingly, its price is higher.

The sale of bone meal will bring in much more profit if the full range of products is offered to potential customers.

The process of obtaining bone and meat and bone meal

An important advantage of this direction is affordable and cheap raw materials. And as processed components can be:

And since the composition of bone meal will directly depend on the raw materials used, it must undergo strict incoming control. Each component, in order to obtain quality certificates for products, is checked by sanitary and veterinary supervisory services.

In order to avoid interruptions in the supply of raw materials during the work process, it is better to establish cooperation with several suppliers at once.

The technology for the production of bone and meat and bone meal is relatively simple and is as follows:

  • Crushing and grinding of raw materials.
  • Cooking crushed raw materials.
  • Grinding boiled raw materials.
  • Settling the mixture and separating it into minced meat and fat emulsion.
  • Complete removal of moisture from minced meat.
  • Secondary grinding of flour.
  • Packing and packaging of the finished product

The water-fat emulsion obtained in the process can be used in the technological chain again, or it can be sold as a final product to the same consumers. It turns out that it is quite possible to make production practically waste-free.

The technology for obtaining the finished product is also simplified by the fact that the main operations here are carried out by special equipment for the preparation of bone meal - manual labor is reduced to a minimum.

Technical equipment of the workshop

And since the quality of the product obtained at the output, as a whole, depends on the technical equipment of the workshop, which means that special attention should be paid to this moment when developing a business plan. On the market today there are bone meal lines that are very different in terms of power and functionality - there are separate machines, and there are entire factories. And what equipment to choose will depend on some factors - planned sales volumes and available investments.

Production Line

Almost all bone meal lines include the following machine names:

  • Bunkers for storage of raw materials and finished products.
  • Crusher.
  • Chopper.
  • Centrifuge with filter.
  • Drying complex.
  • Packing machine.

In order to get a larger volume of finished flour at the output, it is better to immediately buy an automatic line that will allow you to carry out a continuous production process.

The price of equipment for bone meal is quite high, but the final figure will depend on the power and degree of automation of the machines. For example, a line with a capacity of up to 1000 kg of finished product for an 8-hour shift will cost ≈1,500,000-1,900,000 rubles. More powerful equipment (5000 kg/day) is much more expensive - up to 6,500,000 rubles. It is necessary to spend money on cold rooms necessary for the storage of raw materials.

To accommodate a complex line, a fairly spacious workshop with an area of ​​​​50-100 m 2 will be required. When working out a business plan, do not forget about office and warehouse space. This is not a food industry, so the supervisory authorities will not impose too strict requirements on the organization and preparation of premises. But since it is necessary to work with a dusty product, good ventilation must be provided in the workshop. In warehouses, in order not to expose the finished product to quick spoilage, certain temperature and humidity indicators must be observed.

Profitability of the launched enterprise

Business in the production of bone and meat and bone meal, due to the demand for products, promises to be highly profitable. But the enterprise will only then reach the break-even point when distribution channels are established.

The use of bone meal is extensive, so it is worth trying to establish cooperation with the following potential buyers:

  • Farms.
  • Animal feed factories.
  • Animal kennels and private veterinary clinics.

Consistently high incomes will be brought only by wholesale customers, but do not forget about the private consumer, who may need bone meal to fertilize the garden and as a feed additive for poultry and animals. Given this, it will not be superfluous to organize the sale of products directly from the factory to everyone.

Investments in the business will be considerable - at least 2,500,000 rubles. The cost items include: the purchase of equipment and raw materials, the provision of a raw material base and the preparation of the premises. Capital investment can be reduced to 2,000,000 rubles if you buy equipment for bone meal from China. All funds will pay off, as practice shows, no later than in 2 years. But this is provided that the plant will operate at full capacity, and the finished products will immediately be sold to the buyer. For profit calculations, you can take the average wholesale price for bone meal at 15,000-18,000 rubles / t.




Faivishevsky M.L., Liberman S.G.

Integrated bone processing at meat processing plants, M, food industry, 1974, 89 p.

According to the classification (GOST 52428-2005 PRODUCTS OF THE MEAT INDUSTRY. Classification, M., Standartinform, 21006). Clause 4.1.2. Bone classification Depending on the type of slaughter animals: - CATTLE; -small cattle; pigs and other animal species. By production purpose: - food bone; - for the production of gelatin; - for the production of glue; - for the production of feed flour; - for the production of consumer goods (carved bone); - for feeding fur-bearing animals.

The bone obtained during the processing of meat and offal (heads, legs) is a valuable type of raw material, since the high content of fat, protein and calcium phosphorus salts in it determines the production of a wide range of food, feed and technical products.

The existing technological processes of bone degreasing do not allow efficient processing of this valuable type of raw material, as there are significant losses of fat and protein substances, as well as a deterioration in the quality of the finished product. For this reason, in most cases, the bone is stored and transported in its raw, full-fat form; at the same time, it undergoes putrefactive decay. The decline in the quality of raw materials and their loss adversely affect the production of dry animal feed, glue, gelatin and edible fat.

Dry animal feed is intended for fattening farm animals and poultry. They are rich in complete proteins and contain all the essential amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan, etc.) necessary for the intensive development and fattening of livestock, as well as mineral salts and trace elements. Along with this, the feed contains vitamins of the troupe: B (B 2, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, PP, niacin, choline and B 12), as well as fat-soluble vitamins D, E, F and carotene (provitamin A).

The most appropriate technology is the complex processing of bone, which ensures the production of dry fat-free bone and high-quality edible fat with minimal operating costs and labor costs


Bone consists of bone tissue, bone marrow and periosteum. Its most important and characteristic structural elements are bone tissue and brain, since they are of industrial importance.

Bone tissue is a complex and most differentiated type of connective tissue. It consists of cellular elements and intercellular substance, which includes an intermediate structureless substance, shaped particles - osseic(collagen) fibers and inorganic salts.

The inorganic salts that make up the intercellular substance consist mainly of calcium salts. Fresh bone tissue contains 85% Ca 3 (PO 4) 2; 10% - CaCO 3 ; 1.5% - Mg 3 (RO 4) 2; 0.2% - CaF 2 ; 0.2% - CaCl 2.

Presence in the intercellular substance a large number mineral salts gives bones a certain strength and hardness.

According to the structure and location of collagen fibers, compact bones are distinguished, consisting of a dense substance, and spongy. In both cases, the bone consists of whole systems of plates.

dense matter predominates in flat bones and diaphysis tubular bones, and spongy - in the epiphyses, the body of the vertebrae and turnip box. At the same time, in the bones, where the spongy substance predominates, outer layer consists of a compact substance, covered on top with a connective tissue sheath - periosteum.

In the intercellular substance, the largest place is occupied by ossein (collagen) fibers, which are a bundle of fibrils.

According to the structure and shape, the bone is divided into three groups. The first group includes an ornamental bone, in which the length prevails over the width and thickness; its middle part is cylindrical (diaphysis), the ends are thickened (epiphyses). These include the femoral And tibia of the hind limbs, humerus and forearm - of the forelimbs (tubular), metatarsus on the forelimbs and metatarsal on the hind limbs (tarsus). The bone of this group after degreasing is used mainly for the production of consumer goods.

The bones of the second group are wide, flat, somewhat curved. These include most of the bones of the head, pelvis, ribs, and scapula. In the industry, it is called passport. It is used to make gelatin.

The third group includes the so-called ordinary bone. It has a rounded, multifaceted shape (cervical, dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae, wrists and tarsals, fetlocks and fingers, some bones of the skull). As a rule, it is directed to the production of fodder flour and glue.

The yield of bone during deboning of meat depends on the type, fatness, sex and age of the cattle.

A significant amount of bone is obtained from the processing of heads and legs. Thus, the bone yield as a percentage of live weight when processing the heads (cranial and jaw bones) of cattle - 1.72, pigs -.2.0, small cattle - 2.65 and tarsus of cattle - 0.6% .

It should be noted that manual deboning cannot completely remove muscle and connective tissue from the bone surface due to its complex configuration.

On average, 8.5% of the fleshy tissue remains on the “awns”.

Cuts in the fleshy tissues favor the development of putrefactive processes during storage and transportation of raw bone. In addition, they are ballast substances when such a bone is used in glue-gelatin production. The most rational and timely use of such raw materials for the production of feed products and meal complex processing bones will allow enriching fodder meal with high-grade proteins of muscle tissue and obtaining meal with a minimum content of cuts. to the most important physical properties bones that have great importance when using means of grinding, transportation, thermal and mechanical processing of bones, they have physical indicators of this raw material, the most significant of which are the average bulk density, hardness, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, angle and coefficient of friction, tensile strength.

Chemical composition bone obtained as a result of deboning meat is very diverse and depends on the type, breed, sex, fatness of livestock, as well as its anatomical location.

The content of the main components of bone, especially water, fat and inorganic substances, varies greatly. In young animals, the bones are lighter (less minerals) and less fragile than in adults. In the bones of the young more water and organic substances. Minerals give a significant density of bone tissue, which in fresh cattle bones ranges from 1.38-2.06.

Currently, approximately 50% of the bone produced in meat processing plants is processed locally to produce edible fat and feed meal (meat and bone and bone). The rest of the bone in its raw form is sold to enterprises of the glue-gelatin industry, trade and other organizations, as can be seen from the data in Table. (thousand tons).

From the given data it follows that with the existing organization of obtaining, processing and shipping bone, there are significant losses in the form of natural loss, which reach 5-6.6 ° / o.

Such losses are the result of untimely processing of bone and are caused by the lack of an effective technological process and equipment that allows, as soon as this raw material is obtained, to subject it to degreasing and drying.

Along with this, the given data show that more than 30% of the resulting bone is sent in a non-fat form for the production of dry animal feed, which leads to loss of bone edible fat.

About 30% of the total amount of bone (mainly also in a non-fatted form) goes to glue-gelatin enterprises, where, as a result, the technological process for obtaining gelatin and glue is lengthened, low-grade technical fat is produced, the quality of collagen deteriorates, and a large amount of preparatory operations associated with sorting and grinding bones.

In addition to glue and bone gelatin in glue-gelatin factories
extraction method is used to obtain bone meal for mineral supplementation and a mineral semi-finished product, which, however, are chemically
stavu and fodder advantages differ significantly from the bone feed meal produced in meat processing plants V autoclaves, pulse and complex methods.

Most rich in proteins fodder meal developed by the complex technology of bone processing. In this regard, it is superior to grade III meat and bone meal containing 30% protein.

As for the mineral semi-finished product and flour for mineral feeding, they are of low biological value, since they contain a small amount of proteins, and mostly the defective protein is elastin. Only 20% of the obtained bone in the country is used for the production of edible fat, (the sale of which, even in such small volumes (about 15 thousand tons) through the cake network, encounters a number of difficulties. One of the main reasons for this is the low organoleptic characteristics of such fat, which is associated with using high temperature and long duration process when it is obtained by existing methods.

The reported data on the actual use of the bone indicate that more than 60% of it is not previously defatted, resulting in national economy great damage is done due to the loss of the bone itself and the production of low-yield technical fat from it instead of high-quality food fat.

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