General operating expenses in housing and communal services. Planning of workshop and general operating costs

Moscow, 2006

This collection is intended to determine the standard method of general operating expenses: administrative and economic, maintenance of production workers, organization of work, other general operating expenses included in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building.

The collection was developed by the Center for Municipal Economics and Law.


1.1. The recommended standards for general operating expenses in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building are designed to determine general operating expenses, regardless of their actual amount, for contractors involved in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building.

1.2. The recommended standards are the basis for the development and approval by local governments of regulatory and methodological documents on pricing issues, the formation of a “transparent” and reasonable structure for the cost of maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building.

1.3. The recommended standards can be used by owners of premises in apartment buildings; contractor organizations engaged in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, regardless of organizational and legal forms; managing organizations.

1.4. General operating expenses include the following groups of expenses:

Administrative and economic expenses;

Expenses for servicing production workers;

Expenses for the organization of work;

Other general operating expenses.

1.6. When determining the cost of maintaining and repairing common property in an apartment building, the contractor organization and the customer also have the right to determine the amount of general operating costs by the calculation method based on statistical and financial reporting data, taking into account their dynamics over a number of years and changes planned in the planned period.

1.7. The list of costs included in standard general operating costs is given in Appendix 1.

1.8. Appendix 2 provides an example of calculating the amount of general operating costs using the normative method.

1.9. An approximate list of documents for determining general operating costs by the calculation method is given in Appendix 3.

1.10. As an auxiliary material for calculating the normative need for a tool in Appendix 4, according to SNiP 5.02.02-86 "Normals for the need for construction tools", the norms for the need for tools for workers engaged in the repair of structural elements of the building and in-house engineering equipment are given.


2.1.1. The normative value of general operating expenses is determined as a percentage of the wage fund for workers involved in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, and depends on the total area of ​​serviced apartment buildings.

Administrative and economic expenses from 53 to 76%;

Costs for servicing production workers from 5 to 10%;

Costs for organizing work from 5 to 9%;

Other general operating expenses from 2 to 5%.

At the same time, the payroll fund for workers includes all types of accruals of an incentive and compensatory nature, paid at the expense of cost in accordance with applicable law.

2.1.3. In table 2.1.3. the standard of general operating expenses is given depending on the total area of ​​serviced apartment buildings.

Moscow, 2006

This collection is intended to determine the standard method of general operating expenses: administrative and economic, maintenance of production workers, organization of work, other general operating expenses included in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building. The collection was developed by the Center for Municipal Economics and Law.


1.1. The recommended standards for general operating expenses in the payment for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building are designed to determine general operating expenses, regardless of their actual amount, for contractors involved in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building. 1.2. The recommended standards are the basis for the development and approval by local governments of regulatory and methodological documents on pricing issues, the formation of a “transparent” and reasonable structure for the cost of maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building. 1.3. The recommended standards can be used by owners of premises in apartment buildings; contractor organizations engaged in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, regardless of organizational and legal forms; managing organizations. 1.4. General operating expenses include the following groups of expenses: - administrative and business expenses; - expenses for servicing production workers; - expenses for the organization of work; - other general operating expenses. 1.5. The recommended standards are based on the average industry values ​​of general operating costs of enterprises involved in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building. 1.6. When determining the cost of maintaining and repairing common property in an apartment building, the contractor organization and the customer also have the right to determine the amount of general operating costs by the calculation method based on statistical and financial reporting data, taking into account their dynamics over a number of years and changes planned in the planned period. 1.7. The list of costs included in standard general operating costs is given in Appendix 1. 1.8. Appendix 2 provides an example of calculating the amount of general operating costs using the normative method. 1.9. An indicative list of documents for determining general operating costs by the calculation method is given in Appendix 3. 1.10. As an auxiliary material for calculating the normative need for a tool in Appendix 4, according to SNiP 5.02.02-86 "Normals for the need for construction tools", the norms for the need for tools for workers engaged in the repair of structural elements of the building and in-house engineering equipment are given.


2.1.1. The normative value of general operating expenses is determined as a percentage of the wage fund for workers involved in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, and depends on the total area of ​​serviced apartment buildings. 2.1.2. The recommended value of the standard for general operating expenses is from 65 to 100% of the planned payroll fund for workers, including for the main groups of expenses: - administrative and business expenses from 53 to 76%; - expenses for servicing production workers from 5 to 10%; - expenses for the organization of work from 5 to 9%; - other general operating expenses from 2 to 5%. At the same time, the payroll fund for workers includes all types of accruals of an incentive and compensatory nature, paid at the expense of cost in accordance with applicable law. 2.1.3. In table 2.1.3. the standard of general operating expenses is given depending on the total area of ​​serviced apartment buildings.

Table 2.1.3.

The total area of ​​serviced apartment buildings, thousand m 2

Standard for general operating expenses, as a percentage of the wage fund of workers

administrative expenses

maintenance costs for production workers

organization costs

other general operating expenses

Note: When determining the standard for general operating expenses, the total area of ​​​​an apartment building includes the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidential premises, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bcommon areas (interfloor staircases, stairs, corridors), the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bnon-residential premises (shopping, storage, industrial, office, cultural and amenity premises ). In this case, the total area of ​​common areas and non-residential premises is taken into account with a coefficient of 0.5.

Annex 1
List of expenses included in general operating expenses

1. Administrative and economic expenses: 1.1. Labor costs, accruals of a stimulating and compensatory nature, including bonuses for production results, bonuses to tariff rates and salaries for professional skills, high achievements in work, and work at night, for combining professions, etc., employees of administrative economic personnel: 1.1.1. Employees of the administrative apparatus (managers, specialists and other employees); 1.1.2. Employees who carry out operational management of the operation and maintenance of the housing stock (site managers, engineers, craftsmen, technicians); 1.1.3. Workers providing services to employees of the administrative apparatus and employees exercising operational management of the operation and maintenance of the housing stock (cleaners of industrial and office premises, cloakroom attendants, etc.). 1.2. Contributions for social needs in accordance with the norms established by law from the costs of wages for the specified categories of employees (contributions to the pension fund, to the mandatory medical insurance fund, to the social insurance fund, etc.); 1.3. Expenses for ensuring the uninterrupted activity of administrative and economic personnel: 1.3.1. Expenses for postal, telegraph, telephone and other similar services, payment for communication services, including expenses for the maintenance and operation of telephone exchanges, switches, control room installations, radio, as well as facsimile, satellite and other types of communication, e-mail and other information systems, used to manage the organization, the cost of renting these means of communication or paying for relevant services provided by other organizations under contracts; 1.3.2. Expenses for the operation of computer equipment used for management and being on the balance sheet of the organization, as well as expenses for payment for the relevant work, services performed under contracts; 1.3.3. Printing costs; 1.3.4. Expenses for stationery, accounting forms, reporting and other documents, periodicals necessary to achieve production goals and enterprise management, for the purchase of technical literature, bookbinding; 1.3.5. Expenses for the maintenance of official vehicles, expenses for compensation for the use of personal cars for business trips in accordance with the norms established by law; 1.3.6. Expenses for business trips of employees, in accordance with the norms established by law (expenses for the travel of an employee in both directions, renting a dwelling, daily allowances, registration, issuance of visas, etc.) ); 1.3.7. Expenses for payment of legal, informational, consulting and other similar services in accordance with the concluded agreements; 1.3.8. Expenses for payment of audit services related to the verification of the accuracy of accounting (financial) statements, in accordance with applicable law; 1.3.9. Representation expenses related to the official reception and servicing of representatives of other organizations participating in negotiations in order to establish and maintain mutual cooperation, as well as participants who arrived at a meeting of the board of directors (management board) or governing body, regardless of the venue of the said event, as well as expenses for holding an official reception (breakfast, lunch, or other similar event) for the specified persons, transport support for the delivery of these persons to the venue of the representative event and (or) meeting of the governing body and back, buffet service during negotiations, payment for the services of translators who are not in the staff of the organization, to provide translation during representative events; 1.3.10. Expenses for the maintenance of fixed assets and general business equipment (buildings, structures, transmission devices, yard areas, warehouses of the organization (without warehouses of divisions), including lifting equipment, loading and unloading machines and equipment for warehouse maintenance, etc.): - expenses for lubricants, cleaning and other materials, inventory and equipment for cleaning premises, for water supply, sewerage and waste disposal, electricity for lighting the premises and territory of the organization, as well as materials, equipment and devices for lighting; - expenses for heating and ventilation (air conditioning) of premises; - Expenses for reimbursement of depreciation and repair of general business equipment. 1.4. Depreciation deductions for the full restoration of fixed assets for general economic purposes in accordance with applicable law; 1.5. The cost of maintenance and repair of fixed assets for general business purposes. 2. Employee service costs: 2.1. The costs associated with the training and retraining of personnel (including advanced training of personnel) on a contractual basis with educational institutions. 2.2. Labor protection and safety expenses: 2.2.1. Depreciation and expenses for the repair and washing of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment issued free of charge; 2. 2.2. Expenses associated with the purchase of first-aid kits and medicines; 2.2.3. The cost of neutralizing substances, fats, milk, etc., issued free of charge in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation; 2.2.4. Expenses for the acquisition of the necessary manuals and posters on safety, prevention of accidents and diseases, as well as the improvement of working conditions; 2.2.5. Expenses for training workers in safe working methods and for equipping safety cabinets; 2.2.6. Other expenses provided for by the nomenclature of labor protection and safety measures. 2.3. Expenses for the maintenance of office premises, including sanitary facilities and equipment provided to employees. 3. Costs for the organization of work: 3.1. Expenses for property protection services, maintenance of fire and security alarms, fire protection services and other security services, as well as expenses for maintaining their own security service, in cases where the organization has been duly granted the right to have a security service, maintenance costs and deterioration of fire-fighting equipment, equipment, overalls, etc. 3.2. Expenses for the maintenance and repair of production workshops (in terms of maintenance and repair of the housing stock): labor costs and deductions for social needs of employees of production workshops, depreciation, expenses for repairing equipment and inventory of the workshop. 4. Other general operating expenses: 4.1. Expenses for compulsory and voluntary insurance of property of enterprises and organizations in accordance with the procedure established by law and in other insured events permitted by law; 4.2. Payments on bank loans (except for loans related to the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets), as well as on budget loans, except for loans issued for investments; 4.3. Expenses associated with acquiring the right to use computer programs, databases under agreements with the right holder, as well as expenses for updating computer programs and databases, expenses for obtaining licenses, etc.; 4.4. Expenditure on advertising of manufactured (purchased) and (or) sold goods (works, services), trademark and service mark, including participation in exhibitions and fairs.

Appendix 2
An example of calculating the standard value of general operating costs

Initial data

1. The total area of ​​serviced apartment buildings - 776.4 thousand m 2. 2. The planned wage fund for workers involved in the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building - 2,201.6 thousand rubles.

Groups of general operating expenses

Standard for general operating expenses, % of the planned wage fund for workers

General operating expenses, thousand rubles

Administrative and economic expenses Employee service costs Work organization costs Other general operating expenses


1 607,2

Annex 3
An indicative list of documents for determining the amount of general operating expenses

Cost item

Name of the document, by whom and when approved (developed)

Administrative and economic expenses

Labor costs for employees of administrative and economic personnel Sectoral tariff agreement on housing and communal services in the Russian Federation. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1994 No. 210 "On the conditions of remuneration for the heads of state-owned enterprises when concluding labor agreements (contracts) with them." Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 28, 1994 No. 727-RB “On the procedure for applying the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 1994 No. 210 “On the conditions for remuneration of heads of state-owned enterprises when concluding employment agreements (contracts) with them.” “Methodological recommendations on the organization of wages in the housing and communal services (practical guide), approved by the order of the Gosstroy of Russia dated March 31, 1999 No. 81 and the resolution of the Central Committee of the Trade Union dated May 05, 1999 No. 16. "Recommendations on the rationing of the work of workers engaged in the maintenance and repair of the housing stock", approved by order of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 09, 1999 No. 139. Expenses for remuneration of employees of the administrative apparatus, employees who carry out operational management of the operation and maintenance of the housing stock Expenses for wages of workers engaged in maintenance of administrative premises Deductions for social needs of employees of administrative and economic personnel Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 2, chapter 24 "Unified social tax (contribution)". Expenses for ensuring the uninterrupted activity of administrative and economic personnel Based on specific conditions, taking into account current norms, prices, tariffs and concluded contracts according to accounting data. Expenses for postal, telegraph, telephone and other similar services, payment for communication services Computer equipment operating expenses Printing costs Office supplies, etc. Expenses for the maintenance of company vehicles, expenses for compensation for the use of personal cars for business trips Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 4, 2000 No. 16n “On changing the maximum compensation rates for the use of personal cars and motorcycles for business trips”. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2002 No. 92 (as amended on February 9, 2004) “On establishing the norms for the expenses of organizations for the payment of compensation for the use of personal cars and motorcycles for business trips, within which, when determining the tax base for corporate income tax, such expenses are included in other expenses related to production and sales” Employee travel expenses Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.10.2002 No. 729 “On the amount of reimbursement of expenses associated with business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation to employees of organizations financed from the federal budget” Payment for legal, informational, consulting and other similar services Payment for audit services On the basis of concluded contracts, according to accounting data. Representation expenses Costs for the maintenance of fixed assets and general business equipment Based on specific conditions, taking into account current norms, prices, tariffs and concluded contracts, according to accounting data. depreciation charges, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, Chapter 25 "Corporate Income Tax", Articles 256-259. Costs for maintenance and repair of fixed assets for general business purposes

Employee service costs

Costs associated with training and retraining of personnel Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, Chapter 25 "Corporate Income Tax", Article 264. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1992 No. 315 (as amended by the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2000 No. GKPI 00-1168) "On the system of professional training, advanced training and retraining of laid-off workers and unemployed personnel." Health and safety costs Federal Law No. 181-FZ of July 17, 1999 (as amended on May 9, 2005, as amended on December 26, 2005) “On labor protection in the Russian Federation”. "Typical industry norms for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of housing and communal services", approved by the resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 12/29/1997 No. 68, dated 12/30/1997 No. 69 and dated 12/31/1997 No. 70. The cost of maintaining office space provided to employees According to accounting data.

Work organization costs

Expenses for payment for property protection services, maintenance of fire and security alarms, fire protection services and other security services On the basis of concluded contracts according to accounting data. Expenses for the maintenance and repair of production workshops "Recommendations on the rationing of material resources for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock", approved by order of the Gosstroy of Russia dated August 22, 2000 No. 191.

Other general operating expenses

Expenses for compulsory and voluntary property insurance Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, Chapter 25 "Corporate Income Tax", Article 263. Payments on bank loans Federal Law No. 395-1 of December 2, 1990 (as amended on July 31, 1998, July 8, 1999, June 19, 2001, August 7, 2001, March 21, 2002, February 2, 2006) ) “On banks and banking activity” Expenses associated with the acquisition of the right to use computer programs, databases under agreements with the right holder, expenses for obtaining licenses, etc. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 16, 2000 No. 91n “On approval of the accounting regulation “Accounting for intangible assets” PBU 14/2000”. Advertising expenses Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, Chapter 25 "Corporate Income Tax", Article 264.

Appendix 4
Standards for the need for tools for workers engaged in the repair of structural elements of the building and in-house engineering equipment


Service life, months

Norm for the tool, pcs. for 1 worker


Based on tool life per year

concrete workers

2. Building ax assembly type A2 3. Carpenter's hammer type MPL 4. Tape trowels with tapered end types GLK-1, GLK-2, GLK-3, GLK-4 5. The same with rounded end types GLZ-1, GLZ-2, GLZ-3, GLZ-4 6. Trapezoidal trowels with a conical end types GTK-1, GTK-2, GTK-3, GTK-4 7. The same with rounded end types GTZ-1, GTZ-2, GTZ-3, GTZ-4 8. Rectangular trowel types GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, GP-4 9. Ironer for skirting boards IR-421A 10. Comb for concrete work IR-758 11. Blade for xylolithic work type LK 12. Metal scraper 13. Solution shovel type LR 14. Trowel for concrete and stone work type KB 15. Panel brush type KFK8 16. Scrap ordinary types LO24, LO28 17. Shovels digging rectangular types LKP-1, LKP-2, LKP-3 18. Shovels soviet types LS-1, LS-2, LS-3 19. Locksmith chisels 20. End cutters 21. Sledgehammers forging longitudinal sharp-nosed types K3, K4 23. Roulette in a closed case 24. Marking cord - plumb 25. Construction steel plumb line 26. Building level 27. Level building flexible (water)

gas welders

1. Locksmith chisels 2. Locksmith's hammer with a square striker weighing 0.6 kg 3. Screwdrivers for metalwork and assembly 5. Files 7. Locksmiths 8. Burner 9. Injection cutter for manual oxygen cutting 10. Adjustable wrench 12. Compasses marking with an arc


1. Scarpels for stone and concrete works IR-561, IR-581 2. Pickaxe type MKI 3. Hammer-cam type MKU 4. Metal scraper 5. Solution shovel type LR 6. Trowel for concrete and stone work type KB 7. Trowel for furnace and stone work type KP 8. Steel caulking types K-40, K-50 9. Steel joint types P1, P2 10. Mounting crowbars types LM20, LM24A 13. Marking cord - plumb 14. Plumb steel construction types OT600, OT 1000 15. Wooden square 16. Building type level 17.Flexible level (water)

Roofers, roll roofers and waterproofers

1. Hacksaws for wood 2. Knife for cutting linoleum 3. Building ax assembly type A2 4. Carpenter's hammer type MPL 5. Comb for roofing IR-757 6. Metal scraper 7. Spatula-scraper 8. Ladles for pouring mastics types KM 1, KM 2.5 9. Chopping shovel type LP-2 11. Roulette in a closed case 12. Technical thermometer 13. Plumb steel building type OT400 14. Building level type US2

Roofers for roofing from piece materials

1. Hacksaws for wood 2. Construction ax assembly type A1 3. Carpenter's hammer type MST-2 5. Trowel for concrete and stone work type KB 6. Manual scissors for cutting metal types 1, 2 7. Files 8. Rasps are different 9. Folding metal meter 10. Roulette in a closed case 11. Marking cord - plumb

Roofers on steel roofs

1. Hacksaws for wood 2. Rectangular mallet 3. Hammers roofing types MKR-1.MKR-2, MKR-3 4. Construction pliers type KS-250 5. Locksmith barbs 6. Step hole punch brand STD-937/1 7. Manual scissors for cutting metal types 1, 2, 3 8. "small-sized manual type HMP-180 9. Combination pliers 10. Steel wire brush 11. Folding metal meter 12. Roulette in a closed case 13. Compass marking with an arc 14. Scribers


1. Grater-cleaning with a semicircular handle 24 2. Same with extended handle 3. Spatula types ShP45, ShP95, ShP150, ShP180 4. Spatula with rubber sheet and plastic handle type ShRP 5. Spatula-scraper 6. Device for mixing putty 7. Paint rollers types VP100, VP200, VP250 8. Same types BM100, BM200, BM250 9. Corner paint roller type VMU 10. « « paneled 11. Flute brushes types KF25, KF50, KF60, KF75, KF100 12. Handbrake types KR25, KRZO, KR35, KR40, KR45, KR50, KR55 13. Panel brushes of types KFK8, KFK10, KFK14, KFK18 14. Fly brushes types KM60, KM65 15. Brush-brush types KMA135, KMA165, KMA195 16. Knurling drukh-roll type nd 17. Trimming brush type SHT2 18. Steel wire brush 19. Roulette in a closed case 20. Marking cord - plumb 21. Steel plumb lines OT 100, OT200 22. Trays with mesh 23. Brushes made of vegetable fibers, hair and a mixture of hair with nylon bristles


1. Carpentry chisels with a blade width of 16, 18, 20, 25 mm 2. KT type ratchet 3. Hacksaws for wood 4. Two-handed cross saws for wood 5. Wiring for saws 6. Rack gage 7. Planer with a single knife or metal planer with a single knife 8. Planer-sherhebel or planer-sherhebel metal 9. Planer with a double knife or metal plane with a double knife 10. Flat chisels with a blade width of 6, 8, 10, 12, 16.20.25 mm 11. Feather drills for a brace with a diameter of 6, 8, 10 mm 12. "twisted to the brace with a diameter of 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 mm 13. Countersinks for a brace with a diameter of 20, 25, 32 mm 14. Center drills for a brace with a diameter of 12, 16.20, 25, 32, 40 mm 15. Assembly axes of types B1, B2 16. Steel parquet finisher 17. Carpenter's hammer type MPL 18. Construction pliers types KS-250, KS-225.KS-180 19. Crowbar-nail pullers of types LG16, LG20, LG24 20. Bolts types Sh-14, Sh-22 21. Metal scraper 22. Steel caulking types K-40, K-50 23. End cutters 24. Sledgehammers forging longitudinal sharp-nosed types KZ, K4 25. Wrenches with an open end, double-sided 26. "Square and hexagonal sockets to the brace 27. Mounting crowbars types LM20, LM24, LM24A, LM32 28. Screwdrivers for metalwork and assembly 29. Combination pliers 30. Files 31. Steel wire brush 32. Adjustable wrenches 33. Folding wooden meter 34. Roulette in a closed case 35. Marking cord - plumb 36. Plumb steel construction type OT400 37. Grinding bars types BP-40×20×200, BP-20×15×150 38. Metal square 39. Building levels of types US2, USb-1, US6-2 40. Level flexible (water)

HVAC repair and maintenance technicians

1. Step hole punch brand STD 937/1 2. Manual scissors for cutting metal types 1, 2, 3 3. Small hand scissors type HMP-180 4. Round dies for metric threads 5. The same for cylindrical pipe threads 6. Hacksaw blades 7. Hand hacksaw frames 8. Bench hammer with a round head weighing 0.8 kg 9. Locksmith barbs 10. Double-ended wrenches with an open end 11. Adjustable wrenches 12. Screwdrivers for metalwork and assembly 13. Scrap assembly 14. Manual pipe cutter TRS-50 15. Manual pipe cutter brand TM 16. Roofing hammer 17. Combination pliers 18. Roulette in a closed case 19. Building level type US2 20. Construction steel plumb line 21. Compasses marking with an arc 22. Steel wire brush 23. Locksmith chisels 24. Longitudinal sharp-nosed blacksmith's sledgehammer 25. Pipe clamps 26. Collars for round dies 27. Manual drill


1. Scarpels for stone and concrete works IR-561, IR-581 2. Bolts types Sh-14, Sh-22 3. Steel caulking types K-40, K-50 4. Locksmith barbs 5. Locksmith chisels 6. Pipe clamps 7. Manual scissors for cutting metal types 1, 3 8. Round dies for metric threads 9. The same for cylindrical pipe threads 10. Hacksaw blades 11. Hand hacksaw frames 12. Manual pipe cutter brand TM 13. Manual pipe cutter TRS-50 14. Socket wrenches with an internal hexagon, one-sided 15. Sledgehammer forging longitudinal sharp-nosed type KZ 16. Bench hammer with a round head weighing 0.8 kg 17. Double-ended wrenches with an open end 18. Lever pipe wrenches N1,2,3 19. The same cap 20. Keys radiator nipple types K-1, K-2 21. Screwdrivers for metalwork and assembly 22. Combination pliers 23. Files 24. Steel wire brush 25. Adjustable wrenches 26. Folding metal meter 27. Roulette in a closed case 28. Plumb steel building type OT400 29. Metal square 30. Construction level type US2 31. "flexible (water) 32. Caliper type ШЦ-1 33. Collars for round dies 34. Socket wrenches for parts with an internal hexagon "turnkey"


1. Bolts types Sh-14, Sh-22 2. Locksmith barbs 3. Locksmith chisels 4. Manual scissors for cutting metal type 1 5. End cutters with insulating handles 6. Hacksaw blades 7. Side cutters with insulating handles 8. Hand hacksaw frames 9. Locksmith's hammer with a round striker weighing 0.8 kg 10. Center punches 11. Double-ended wrenches with an open end 12. Dielectric screwdrivers 13. Combination pliers 14. Files 15. Pliers with insulated handles 16. Metal ruler 17. Roulette in a closed case 18. Compasses marking without arc 19. Scribblers 20. Electric soldering iron type EPSN-40/220 21. Metal square 22. Calipers types ShTs-1, ShTs-2


1. Carpentry chisels with a blade width of 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18.20 mm 2. Rotator with ratchet type KT 3. Hacksaws for wood 4. Screwdrivers for metalwork and assembly 5. Bow saw with a wooden machine 6. Wiring for saws 7. Rack gage 8. Semi-jointed 9. Planer with a single knife or metal planer with a single knife 10. Planer-sherhebel or planer-sherhebel metal 11. Planer with a double knife or metal planer with a double knife 12. Planer-tsinubel 13. Falzgebel planer 14. Planer-zenzubel 15. Metal planer for planing convex and concave surfaces 16. Plyatgebel planer 17. Planer-groove 18. Flat chisels with a blade width of 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18.20, 25.32.40 mm 19. The same semicircular 20. Feather drills for a brace with a diameter of 6, 8, 10 mm 21. The same twisted with a diameter of 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 mm 22. The same center diameter 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 mm 23. Countersinks for a brace with a diameter of 20, 25, 32 mm 24. Building axes types A1.A2 25. The same types B1, B2 26. Jointer 27. Cycles of types Ts2-35, Ts2-60 28. Rectangular mallet 29. Carpentry hammers types MST-1, MST-2 30. Carpenter's hammer type MPL 31. Construction pliers types KS-150, KS-180 32. Screwdrivers for metalwork and assembly 33. End cutters 34. Socket wrenches with square and hexagonal heads to the brace 35. Files 36. Folding wooden meter 37. Roulettes in a closed case types ZPKZ-2AUT / 1, ZPKZ-5AUT / 1 38. Compasses marking with an arc 39. Construction plumb lines OT 100, OT200 40. Wooden square 41. Building level type US5-1 42. Grinding bars types BP-40×20×200, BP-20×15×150


1. Trowels for plastering types KSh1, KSh2 2. Collapsible falcons 3. Plastering hammer type МШТ 4. Hacksaws for wood 5. Finishing knife 6. Scarpels for stone and concrete work 7. Wooden trowel IR-223A 8. Half graters types PT500, PT750, PT1000 9. Gear rules types PZ1200, PZ1600, PZ1800 10. Straight types PP1200, PP1600, PP1800 11. Truncated rule type PU 12. "husk type PL 13. Forged one-sided IR-170 14. Ironer for skirting boards IR-421A 15. Rustovki steel types RU55, RU75 16. Scraper IR-700 17. Wooden grater IR-671 18. "foam and foam 19. "felt 20. Solution shovel type LR 21. Fly brushes types KM60, KM65 22. Brushes made of vegetable fibers, hair and a mixture of hair with nylon bristles 23. Buckets for finishing work types KSh 0.6, KSh 0.8, KSh1 24. Cut off types OSH-1, OSH-2 25. Manual scissors for cutting metal type 1 26. End cutters 27. Roulette in a closed case type ZPKZ-5AUT / 1 28. Marking cord - plumb 29. Plumb steel building type OT200 30. Wooden square 31. Level flexible (water)

electric welders

1. Locksmith chisels 2. Locksmith's hammer with a square striker weighing 1 kg 3. Dielectric screwdrivers 4. Combination pliers 5. Files 6. Steel wire brush 7. Locksmiths 8. Folding metal meter 9. Compasses marking without arc 10. Plier-type electrode holders 11. Latch-type electrode holders

Article "General operating expenses". Under this article “general operating expenses”, the enterprise reflects the expenses for managing the organization, general business expenses, mandatory fees and deductions. The distribution of general operating expenses (net of expenses for non-regulated activities) is carried out by the enterprise in accordance with the accounting policy in proportion to the costs of wages for workers in the main production (water supply and sanitation)

According to calculations, general operating expenses in 2010 will amount to 37,561.92 thousand rubles. rub. The cost of water supply services included the amount of general operating expenses in the amount of 30,838.32 thousand rubles. (82.1%).

Labor costs were calculated by the enterprise on the basis of the staffing table according to the standard number. According to calculations, the cost of wages for managers and specialists amounted to 10,397.9 thousand rubles, general business personnel 12,240.8 thousand rubles. Deductions for social needs, respectively, 3732.85 thousand rubles. 4394.45 thousand rubles

The cost of purchasing special literature is planned by the enterprise in the amount of 18 thousand rubles. According to calculations, these expenses amount to 19.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of travel to the place of rest for administrative and managerial personnel, taking into account the consumer price index of 1.33, amounted to 310 thousand rubles, general economic personnel 125.4 thousand rubles.

Labor protection costs in the amount of 605.4 thousand rubles

The property tax in the amount of 433.3 thousand rubles was determined by the enterprise on the basis of the fact of 2003 and index 1.12. In 2004, the estimated property tax amounted to 419 thousand rubles. According to Chapter 30 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the property tax rate is established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and cannot exceed 2.2%.

Table 2.2 Distribution table of general operating costs


Labor costs

General operating expenses, thousand rubles

Water supply


Heat supply

General operating expenses amount to 66529.7 rubles (Table 2.2).

Thus, general operating expenses for water supply services amounted to 66529.7 thousand rubles.

The cost of pumping and transporting liquid:

Labor costs and deductions for social needs involved in pumping and transporting liquids, according to calculations, amount to 4613.2 thousand rubles and 1656.14 thousand rubles.

Expenses under the item "Electricity" are determined by the necessary need for electricity for pumping and transporting waste liquid. In the structure of expenses, the share of the item "Electricity" is 0.81% (234.8 thousand rubles), (Table 5).

Article "Depreciation". This article reflects depreciation deductions for fixed assets for pumping and transporting wastewater and amounted to 845 thousand rubles.

Article "Repair and maintenance". According to this article, the enterprise determines the costs of all types of repair of facilities and equipment for pumping and transporting wastewater. Under this item, expenses amounted to 9.1 thousand rubles (0.03% in the total structure of expenses).

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Having your own apartment is certainly good, but we must not forget that its maintenance costs money. And if a greedy or dishonest management company comes across, then payments can grow to insane values. It is not easy to check the correctness of the calculation of utility bills and deal with the prices for various housing maintenance services - this is what dishonest public utilities use.

This article is a reference and information material, all the information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

Nevertheless, almost every owner wants his house to have all the benefits of civilization, the landing to shine with cleanliness, and the yard to be decorated with lawns, and he is ready to pay for this, but adequate money commensurate with his income. Therefore, "" decided to find out how housing maintenance costs are formed, what they depend on and how they can be reduced without sacrificing quality.

Cost components
Housing maintenance costs consist of two large groups - utility bills and operating costs. Utility payments are payments for electricity, gas, water, heating and other components of a communal paradise. Such expenses are determined by tariffs, which are established by law at the federal and municipal levels. Their amount is calculated either based on the actual consumption of the resource (if a meter is installed), or according to the standard. Operating expenses, on the other hand, include all the costs necessary to maintain the home, maintain infrastructure, and ensure the safety of residents.

According to Andrey Erekhinskiy, Deputy General Director of Etalon-Invest, the concept of "maintenance" includes three blocks of options:

Housing management, including the organization of operation, relationships with suppliers, work with tenants and tenants (this includes such services as, for example, the organization of document management and the issuance of various certificates, the conclusion of contracts for public services, the processing of individual meter readings, accounting records , ensuring fire safety requirements, etc.);

Maintenance as such, including monitoring the condition of the house and its engineering systems (heating, water, sewerage, electricity, ventilation) and troubleshooting, repair and depreciation of utility networks, fences and roads, outdoor lighting, etc .;

Sanitary maintenance: cleaning of common areas and adjacent territory (garbage, snow removal, washing of landings, sweeping and watering yards and sidewalks, etc.), care of green spaces.

“This is a generally accepted list of services approved by a resolution of the RF Gosstroy in 2003,” says Andrey Erekhinskiy. It is they who usually receive municipal housing tenants (under a social tenancy agreement) and apartment owners who have not made a decision on the choice of management method, moreover, at the rates established by the city or municipality. But if a management company (which is not uncommon now, especially in new buildings) or the owners themselves took over the management of housing, then any other services can be added to the above list, for example, security: organization of access control, access control to premises, video surveillance and sprinkler fire extinguishing systems, concierge service, etc.,” lists Alexander Zinov, head of the technical supervision service of the Tekhstroy management company. And of course, none of this is free.

What affects costs?
The set of services, especially additional ones, as well as their frequency, largely depend on the wishes of the residents and their financial capabilities, since they must be approved on the basis of the decision of the owners of premises in or owners of housing construction in a suburban village. And it’s hard to imagine that the residents of the most ordinary economy class house would add to their list of services, for example, grocery delivery. For economy-class projects, most often everything is limited to basic services with a minimum frequency and, accordingly, low costs.

“Usually they include payment for the maintenance and repair of in-house engineering systems of electricity, heat and water supply, sanitation, reasonable expenses for collecting debts for payment of residential premises and utilities, expenses for taking meter readings, maintenance of information systems that ensure the collection, processing and storing data on payments for residential premises and utilities, the cost of issuing payment documents, ”says Alexander Zinov (MC Tekhstroy), as well as the costs of monitoring the condition of the house, necessary repairs and cleaning the territory. “But in elite complexes there may be more interesting services, for example, security, video surveillance, concierge service, cleaning, grocery delivery, babysitting, car rental, etc.,” he assures Natalya Kartavtseva, Deputy General Director of OAO OPIN. In addition, the higher the class of the project, the greater, as a rule, the appetites of the management company and, accordingly, the higher the tariffs for the services provided, because they are set by the organization itself, and not by legislative acts, and if the tenants are, in principle, solvent, then why not not to take more from them - unfortunately, such reasoning in our realities is not rare. And, as noted Oleg Ptushkin, Deputy General Director, MIG-Nedvizhimost Group, prices for maintenance of housing vary greatly and much depends not only on literacy, but also on the decency of the management company.

“Common areas can be cleaned twice a week, or maybe seven times a week,” says Andrey Blazhko, general director of Domostroitel-South-West LLC, member of the board of the Domostroitel group of companies. - Marble tiles, for example, require different maintenance than a concrete floor. There may be an aquarium in the entrance of the house that needs maintenance and care. Or suppose the design of the building is such that the windows from the outside can only be washed using the labor of industrial climbers. And so on. The list can seriously vary depending on the desire and financial capabilities of the residents, as well as the technical equipment and decoration of the house. Thus, legally, such expenses do not depend on the class of housing, but it is indeed often necessary to spend more on the maintenance of elite and business class housing than on the maintenance of comfort and economy class houses.”

Thus, housing maintenance costs are closely related to the class of the project: “The minimum cost is observed in the economy, the middle price niche is occupied by business class projects, and in the premium segment there is virtually no upper price limit. The cost of maintenance in economy and business class projects can differ by half. The maintenance of an ordinary Moscow apartment costs the owners 4-5 thousand rubles. per month, and urban business-class housing - about 7-8 thousand rubles. per month," says Irina Mosheva, CEO, RDI & Limitless JV (developer of Zagorodny Kvartal residential complex). Natalia Kartavtseva (OJSC OPIN) also names similar figures: “Naturally, a minimum building maintenance costs less than a “full package of services” with incoming servants or round-the-clock security. Therefore, monthly expenses in the economy average up to 5 thousand rubles, in business - 5-10 thousand rubles, and in the elite - 10-20 thousand rubles. “If we consider the economy class in more detail, then the cost of maintaining a one-room apartment can be from 3 to 4 thousand rubles. per month, a two-room apartment - from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles, a three-room apartment - from 3,500 to 7 thousand rubles, ”says Oleg Ptushkin (MIG-Real Estate Group).

However, if it is rather difficult to reduce costs in the economy segment, since the range of services is already minimal, then options are possible in more expensive projects. Of course, business and premium classes require more sophisticated engineering equipment, the maintenance of which is more expensive than in budget residential complexes, and the finishing of buildings in such houses is more expensive, so repair costs are also higher. And buyers of apartments and houses, in general, cannot refuse this, therefore, choosing beauty, comfort and manufacturability, one must initially understand that they will have to pay for it. “But as for “non-technical” expenses, residents can decide for themselves to what extent they are business class or elite, determining how much they are willing to spend on access control systems, security, cleaning, landscaping the local area, etc., - explains Alexander Zinov (MC Tekhstroy). For example, if a meeting of apartment owners decides that it is not necessary to plant blue spruces, then the management company will not have the right to plant them. And then the cost of maintaining housing will be a little less.

But, however, sometimes there are reverse situations, the owners want to receive some services or increase their frequency, and the management company cannot provide this due to its capabilities or technical parameters of the house. For example, it’s not always easy to make parking or put a concierge. In this case, the cost of maintaining housing, of course, should be lower, even if the tenants are willing to pay more.

But if the project has a rich own infrastructure, then the operating costs will certainly be higher. “The more infrastructure, the greater the cost of maintaining and maintaining it, and thus the amount of payments per square meter of housing increases,” he says. Viktor Petrov, chairman of the housing cooperative (Saratov). If the house has underground parking, children's and sports grounds, recreation areas, stadiums, fitness centers, a swimming pool or a beach, then all this requires money, and, of course, the residents of the project pay them. The only thing is that the costs can be very insignificant if we are talking about a huge residential complex with thousands of apartments or infrastructure facilities are placed on the border of the territory and are available not only to residents, but also to third-party visitors, who cover part of the costs of their maintenance. “In addition, facilities such as kindergartens, schools, shopping centers, etc., as a rule, have their own management company that operates them, and their presence does not affect the operating costs of a residential building,” says Andrei Erekhinskiy ("Etalon-Invest"). But, it’s true, these institutions can also play a cruel joke, even if they have nothing to do with a particular residential building: “For example, a municipal kindergarten located between the houses of a residential complex requires maximum attention from the management company: it has to think what is right, without violating the regulations, to locate and organize the system of entry and exit of people, the entry of official vehicles, how to control the safety of residents, etc., - says Alexander Zinov (MC "Tekhstroy"). As a result, the organization of these processes may require more expenses.

Also, as noted by Andrey Erekhinskiy (Etalon-Invest), the costs of residents may be higher if during the construction the developer used not very high-quality materials or allowed a violation of technology. This leads to more frequent and costly repairs, so it's better to buy a home in quality projects from builders with a good reputation.

And the level of expenses for the operation of housing depends on the strategy of the management company: “There are two main options. The first option is to do the work yourself, that is, maintain your own staff of janitors, electricians, plumbers, emergency services, etc., purchase the necessary equipment, consumables. In this case, the costs of the management company consist of staff salaries, taxes, costs of inventory and necessary materials. Plus, the costs of attracting companies involved in garbage collection and servicing elevators are added, since these activities require a special license. The second option is not to maintain your own staff of workers, but to outsource work to provide services. In this case, the level of expenses is usually higher,” says Andrey Erekhinskiy (Etalon-Invest).

In addition, lower operating costs are obtained if one management company serves several facilities. “This is possible when a developer manages several projects at once, located in close proximity to each other. Then the developer creates his own management company, and savings are achieved through the use of a single fleet of equipment and staff,” says Irina Mosheva (JV RDI & Limitless).

And of course, a lot depends on the district and city, that is, in fact, on the budget of the administrative unit. Take at least Moscow and the Moscow region.

Moscow and Moscow region
It's no secret that in the suburbs housing maintenance costs can be higher than in Moscow: “First of all, because there are no subsidies provided by the city. For example, the cost of street cleaning, maintenance of adjacent territories and garbage collection for residents of the capital in the economy class segment is minimal. And in projects near Moscow, such services are provided by the management company, so their cost is calculated at different rates,” explains Irina Mosheva (JV RDI & Limitless). “In other words, Moscow allocates monthly subsidies to its residents for the improvement of courtyards. And in the Moscow region, the owners pay for cleaning the territory (paying for janitors), painting benches and curbs, caring for lawns, etc., - adds Alexander Zinov (UK Tekhstroy). “And besides, in the Moscow region, at least in new buildings, the logic of tariff formation is different from Moscow.”

The administration, as a rule, believes that since the house is new, it means that the people in it live rich and will draw any amount. Therefore, in new buildings, where residents could not approve the tariff on their own at a meeting of owners or did not hold such a meeting at all, local governments set the tariff at their discretion, usually it is not low and it is almost impossible to challenge it. For example, in Krasnogorsk, according to Andrei Erekhinskiy (Etalon-Invest), depending on the category of a residential building, the monthly fee for the maintenance and repair of housing ranges from 17.5 rubles per sq. m. m to 34.82 rubles/sq. m. But, however, the expert considers such figures quite even market and believes that private management companies need to focus on them.

And in general, it is good for residents if they are guided by municipal tariffs, but more often the prices of management companies are even higher. Here, of course, the appetites of organizations are to blame, but also technical factors. This is especially true for suburban areas. For example, it is one thing to take out garbage from the territory of a Moscow new building, and quite another thing - from the territory of a cottage village located a few kilometers from the nearest city. In addition, today, even comfort and business class settlements near Moscow are often distinguished by landscape design, expensive landscaping and an extensive set of their own infrastructure, which may include a beach, a boat station, and a swimming pool: “Therefore, in addition to standard expenses, there may be expenses for caring for lawns, flowers and trees, maintaining a cascade of ponds, playgrounds, walking alleys, gazebos, lighting, etc.,” says Oleg Ptushkin (MIG-Real Estate Group). At the same time, the number of households in the settlements, as a rule, is much less than in the new metropolitan quarter, and the living areas are quite large, so the costs of maintaining the infrastructure and territory are rather big. And then, if a city new building can do without security and, for example, without a fence, then a village without any protection is unlikely to be in demand, even though security also costs money.

As a result, it turns out that the costs of operating suburban settlements (both townhouse settlements and multi-format or cottage settlements) are, as a rule, significantly higher than in. “In protected business-class settlements, the cost of maintenance can reach up to 25-50 thousand rubles. per month,” says Oleg Ptushkin (GK MIG-Nedvizhimost), although for many objects the prices are still lower. “An example is the average cost of operating a townhouse in the Zagorodny Kvartal business class residential complex. Monthly technical expenses here are about 70 rubles. per sq. m, and for a medium-sized townhouse, the total cost reaches 9 thousand rubles. per month,” says Irina Mosheva (JV RDI & Limitless).

Naturally, operating costs largely depend on residents not only in Moscow, but also in the Moscow region. “Even in expensive projects, the owners themselves can determine the list of their needs: additional video surveillance or security, fencing, territory beautification and planting of green spaces. Residents can also control which organizations their management company cooperates with and whether the prices for their services are adequate,” explains Oleg Ptushkin (MIG-Nedvizhimost Group). As a rule, the more active the residents, the lower the operating costs.

“As for tariffs for utilities, in the Moscow Region tariffs for electricity and gas are the same for all territories, and the cost of water, sewerage and heating is determined by the municipality, and depending on the length of communications, their condition, the distance of housing from the source of supply rates may differ by 3-5 times. And then how lucky someone is,” says Alexander Zinov (UK Tekhstroy). The only thing left is to save resources.

And how to do this, as well as how to reduce operating (maintenance) costs, the portal will tell in the continuation of this topic, in the next issues.

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ORDER of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2000 304 ON THE APPROVAL OF METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE FINANCIAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE PRICE FOR HEAT ... Relevant in 2018

2.9. Determination of general operating costs

2.9.1. The article "General operating expenses" is complex and it determines the costs of managing the enterprise, general business expenses, fees and deductions.

2.9.2. For the element "Expenses for the management of the enterprise" are determined:

Labor costs;

Deductions for social needs;

Travel and travel expenses;

Expenses for payment of consulting, information and audit services;

Representation expenses;

Other expenses.

The article "Labor costs" determines the labor costs of managers, specialists and employees who perform general management functions at the enterprise: general management, accounting and financial activities, recruitment and accounting of personnel, material and technical supply, supervision and control over capital repair and construction of production facilities, general office work, labor protection, legal services, technical and economic planning, organization of labor and wages, software and system administration of computer technology, etc.

To determine the required number of employees, the "Recommendations on the rationing of the work of workers in the energy sector. Part II. Standards for the number of managers, specialists and employees of communal heat and power enterprises" approved by Order of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 12.10.99 N 74 can be used.

Labor costs are determined on the basis of an industry-wide tariff agreement and a collective agreement (local regulations on labor remuneration).

According to this article, the reserve for vacations for managers, specialists and employees is also determined.

The article "Deductions for social needs" determines the mandatory deductions according to the norms established by law "Costs for wages" of employees of the enterprise management.

Under the article "Costs for business trips and relocations" the costs for all types of business trips of employees involved in the management of the enterprise are determined on the basis of the norms established by law for inclusion in the cost price.

According to the article "Costs for payment of consulting, information and audit services", the corresponding costs are determined on the basis of concluded contracts in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

According to the article "Representation expenses" the relevant expenses are determined on the basis of the norms established by law for inclusion in the cost price.

The article "Other expenses" determines the expenses for organizing the functioning of the enterprise as a whole: printing, postal expenses, expenses for servicing computer and organizational equipment, maintenance of administrative buildings and premises, etc.

Determination of expenses for this article is possible on the basis of an analysis of enterprise data for a number of years.

2.9.3. The following costs are determined by the element "General business expenses":

Depreciation of fixed assets;

Repair and maintenance of fixed assets for general economic purposes;

Occupational Safety and Health;


Personnel training;

Tests, experiments, rationalization and invention;

Payment of interest on loans, loans, bank services;

Other expenses.

Under the article "Maintenance of general operating personnel", labor costs are determined, as well as deductions for social needs of the general operating personnel of the enterprise: the energy sales department, the thermal inspection, the production laboratory, etc.; warehouse workers, workers involved in the maintenance and repair of office buildings and premises.

The procedure for determining costs is similar to the calculation of costs for the specified element in other articles.

Under the article "Maintenance of buildings, structures and inventory" the costs of maintaining fixed assets and inventory of general operational purposes are determined. Under this article, the costs of materials for the maintenance and repair of general operating premises, the costs of water supply, sewerage, heating, power supply of general operating premises, etc. are determined.

The procedure for determining costs for this article is similar to the calculation of costs for the corresponding elements in other articles.

The article "Depreciation of fixed assets" determines the cost of the full restoration of fixed assets for general economic purposes. The calculation under this article is made on the basis of established norms from the average annual cost of fixed assets for general economic purposes.

Under the article "Repair and maintenance of fixed assets for general economic purposes" the costs for all types of repairs of fixed assets for general economic purposes are determined. According to this article, costs are determined if the enterprise does not create a repair fund. The methodology for determining costs for this item is similar to the calculation of costs for this element as part of workshop costs.

The article "Labor protection" determines the cost of labor protection for general business purposes. The calculation for this article is similar to the element "Labor protection" as part of shop expenses.

The article "Transportation costs" determines the expenses of the enterprise for the transportation of employees to the place of work and back in directions not served by public transport.

These costs are determined in accordance with the concluded agreements with transport companies.

The article "Training of personnel" determines the costs associated with the training and retraining of personnel. These expenses are determined on the basis of agreements concluded with organizations providing professional training.

The article "Tests, experiments, rationalization and invention" determines the costs of carrying out the specified work, payment of royalties and other costs.

Under the article "Maintenance and operation of funds for environmental purposes", the costs associated with the maintenance and operation of funds for environmental purposes are determined: treatment facilities, ash collectors, filters, etc.; as well as payment for the services of enterprises for wastewater treatment and other types of current environmental costs in accordance with the concluded agreements.

Under the item "Maintenance of the fire, paramilitary and watch guards" the costs of wages and deductions for social needs are determined from the costs of wages of watchmen, watchmen, as well as wear and tear of low-value and wearing items (payment for workwear).

In the event that the functions of fire, paramilitary and watch guards are performed by third-party enterprises, then the costs are determined under this article in accordance with the concluded agreements.

This article also determines the cost of wages for workers employed in the maintenance of security, fire alarms and smoke removal and fire extinguishing equipment, as well as deductions for social needs in the event that these works are performed by employees of the enterprise. In the event that the specified works are performed by third-party enterprises, this article determines the costs in accordance with the concluded contracts.

Under the item "Payment of interest on credits, loans, bank services" the corresponding expenses are determined in accordance with the agreements concluded with financial and credit organizations in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The article "Other expenses" defines other general business expenses that are not taken into account when determining the above elements (items) of the cost as part of general operating expenses.

2.9.4. The article "Fees and deductions" determines the fees and other mandatory deductions and expenses for the enterprise, made in accordance with the procedure established by law.

2.9.5. The distribution of costs under the item "General operating expenses" between the production and transmission and distribution of energy is made according to one of the following options proportionally:

The number of conventional units for the specified technological cycles;

The wages of workers.

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